Insufficient sleep has been correlated to many physiological and psychoneurological disorders.Over the years,our understanding of the state of sleep has transcended from an inactive period of rest to a more active sta...Insufficient sleep has been correlated to many physiological and psychoneurological disorders.Over the years,our understanding of the state of sleep has transcended from an inactive period of rest to a more active state involving important cellular and molecular processes.In addition,during sleep,electrophysiological changes also occur in pathways in specific regions of the mammalian central nervous system(CNS).Activity mediated synaptic plasticity in the CNS can lead to long-term and sometimes permanent strengthening and/or weakening synaptic strength affecting neuronal network behaviour.Memory consolidation and learning that take place during sleep cycles,can be affected by changes in synaptic plasticity during sleep disturbances.G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs),with their versatile structural and functional attributes,can regulate synaptic plasticity in CNS and hence,may be potentially affected in sleep deprived conditions.In this review,we aim to discuss important functional changes that can take place in the CNS during sleep and sleep deprivation and how changes in GPCRs can lead to potential problems with therapeutics with pharmacological interventions.展开更多
Estrogens play important roles in the development and progression of multiple tumor types.Accumulating evidence points to the significance of estrogen action not only in tumors of hormonally regulated tissues such as ...Estrogens play important roles in the development and progression of multiple tumor types.Accumulating evidence points to the significance of estrogen action not only in tumors of hormonally regulated tissues such as the breast,endometrium and ovary,but also in the development of colorectal cancer(CRC).The effects of estrogens in physiological and pathophysiological conditions are mediated by the nuclear estrogen receptorsαandβ,as well as the membranebound G protein-coupled estrogen receptor(GPER).The roles of GPER in CRC development and progression,however,remain poorly understood.Studies on the functions of GPER in the colon have shown that this estrogen receptor regulates colonic motility as well as immune responses in CRC-associated diseases,such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.GPER is also involved in cell cycle regulation,endoplasmic reticulum stress,proliferation,apoptosis,vascularization,cell migration,and the regulation of fatty acid and estrogen metabolism in CRC cells.Thus,multiple lines of evidence suggest that GPER may play an important role in colorectal carcinogenesis.In this review,we present the current state of knowledge regarding the contribution of GPER to colon function and CRC.展开更多
Anti-microbial peptides are essential for the intestinal innate immunity that protects the intestinal epithelia from attacks by foreign pathogens. Human β-defensin (HBD) is one of the pivotal anti-microbial peptides ...Anti-microbial peptides are essential for the intestinal innate immunity that protects the intestinal epithelia from attacks by foreign pathogens. Human β-defensin (HBD) is one of the pivotal anti-microbial peptides that are expressed in the colonic epithelia. This study investigated the effect and the signaling mechanism of inducible β-defensin HBD2 by an essential amino acid, isoleucine (Ile) in colonic epithelial cells. Here we examined the expression level of HBD2 on induction of Ile in epithelial cells, and checked this pathway. HBD2 mRNA was induced by co-incubation with IL-1α and Ile in Caco2 cells, but not by Ile alone. An inhibitor of either ERK or Gi, a subunit of G-proteins, reduced the induction of HBD2 mRNA by Ile. The treatment with Ile also increased the intracellular calcium ion concentration, thus suggesting that the GPCR and ERK signaling pathway mediate the effects of Ile. These results indicate that an essential amino acid, Ile, enhances the expression of an inducible β-defensin, namely HBD2, by IL-1α through the activation of GPCRs and ERK signaling pathway. The administration of Ile may therefore represent a possible option to safely treat intestinal inflammation.展开更多
The renal handling of Na^+ balance is a major determinant of the blood pressure(BP) level. The inability of the kidney to excrete the daily load of Na+ represents the primary cause of chronic hypertension. Among the d...The renal handling of Na^+ balance is a major determinant of the blood pressure(BP) level. The inability of the kidney to excrete the daily load of Na+ represents the primary cause of chronic hypertension. Among the different segments that constitute the nephron, those present in the distal part(i.e., the cortical thick ascending limb, the distal convoluted tubule, the connecting and collecting tubules) play a central role in the fine-tuning of renal Na^+ excretion and are the target of many different regulatory processes that modulate Na^+ retention more or less efficiently. G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs) are crucially involved in this regulation and could represent efficient pharmacological targets to control BP levels. In this review, we describe both classical and novel GPCR-dependent regulatory systems that have been shown to modulate renal Na^+ absorption in the distal nephron. In addition to the multiplicity of the GPCR that regulate Na^+ excretion, this review also highlights the complexity of these different pathways, and the connections between them.展开更多
In the last few years, there have been important new insights into the structural biology of G-protein coupled receptors. It is now known that allosteric binding sites are involved in the affinity and selec- tivity of...In the last few years, there have been important new insights into the structural biology of G-protein coupled receptors. It is now known that allosteric binding sites are involved in the affinity and selec- tivity of ligands for G-protein coupled receptors, and that signaling by these receptors involves both G-protein dependent and independent pathways. The present review outlines the physiological and pharmacological implications of this perspective for the design of new drugs to treat disorders of the central nervous system. Specifically, new possibilities are explored in relation to allosteric and or- thosteric binding sites on dopamine receptors for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, and on muscarinic receptors for Alzheimer's disease. Future research can seek to identify ligands that can bind to more than one site on the same receptor, or simultaneously bind to two receptors and form a dimer. For example, the design of bivalent drugs that can reach homo/hetero-dimers of D2 dopa- mine receptor holds promise as a relevant therapeutic strategy for Parkinson's disease. Regarding the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, the design of dualsteric ligands for mono-oligomeric mus- carinic receptors could increase therapeutic effectiveness by generating potent compounds that could activate more than one signaling pathway.展开更多
目的探讨脑小血管病(CSVD)患者外周血G蛋白耦联雌激素受体30(GPER30)、神经元PAS结构域蛋白4(NPAS4)、FK506结合蛋白5(FKBP5)表达与认知功能障碍(CD)的相关性。方法前瞻性选取2022年1月至2023年12月郑州大学第二附属医院收治的227例CSV...目的探讨脑小血管病(CSVD)患者外周血G蛋白耦联雌激素受体30(GPER30)、神经元PAS结构域蛋白4(NPAS4)、FK506结合蛋白5(FKBP5)表达与认知功能障碍(CD)的相关性。方法前瞻性选取2022年1月至2023年12月郑州大学第二附属医院收治的227例CSVD患者,根据有无CD分为障碍组(n=66)与无障碍组(n=161)。比较两组患者的一般资料及外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平,Logistic回归分析CSVD患者CD的影响因素,比较不同程度CD患者外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平,采用Pearson法分析外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达与蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Mo CA)评分的相关性。结果障碍组患者的年龄、病程分别为(72.49±5.68)岁、(2.69±0.78)年,明显高(长)于无障碍组的(67.51±7.04)岁、(2.31±0.62)年,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);障碍组患者的外周血GPER30 m RNA表达水平为1.02±0.17,明显低于无障碍组的1.66±0.31,NPAS4m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平分别为2.79±0.60、3.88±1.12,明显高于无障碍组的1.55±0.51、2.10±0.59,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、病程、GPER30 m RNA、NPAS4 m RNA及FKBP5 m RNA均为CSVD患者CD的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。轻度组患者的外周血GPER30 m RNA表达水平为1.27±0.25,明显高于中重度组的0.70±0.12,NPAS4 m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平分别为2.31±0.58、3.19±1.07,明显低于中重度组的3.40±0.72、4.76±1.39,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Pearson法分析结果显示,外周血GPER30 m RNA表达与CSVD患者Mo CA评分呈正相关(r=0.704,P<0.05),NPAS4 m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA与Mo CA评分呈负相关(r=-0.572、-0.542,P<0.05)。结论外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5是CSVD患者CD的独立相关因素,各指标表达水平与CD病情严重程度均具有一定相关性,可为临床判断CD、评估CD病情严重程度提供参考,以指导后续临床工作。展开更多
AIM:To characterize the regeneration-associated stem cell-related phenotype of hepatocyte-derived growth factor receptor(HGFR)-expressing cells in active ulcerative colitis(UC).METHODS:On the whole 38 peripheral blood...AIM:To characterize the regeneration-associated stem cell-related phenotype of hepatocyte-derived growth factor receptor(HGFR)-expressing cells in active ulcerative colitis(UC).METHODS:On the whole 38 peripheral blood samples and 38 colonic biopsy samples from 18 patients with histologically proven active UC and 20 healthy control subjects were collected.After preparing tissue microarrays and blood smears HGFR,caudal type homeobox 2(CDX2),prominin-1(CD133) and Musashi-1conventional and double fluorescent immunolabelings were performed.Immunostained samples were digitalized using high-resolution Mirax Desk instrument,and analyzed with the Mirax TMA Module software.For semiquantitative counting of immunopositive lamina propria(LP) cells 5 fields of view were counted at magnification x 200 in each sample core,then mean ± SD were determined.In case of peripheral blood smears,30 fields of view with 100 μm diameter were evaluated in every sample and the number of immunopositive cells(mean ± SD) was determined.Using 337 nm UVA Laser MicroDissection system at least 5000 subepithelial cells from the lamina propria were collected.Gene expression analysis of HGFR,CDX2,CD133,leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 5(Lgr5),Musashi-1 and cytokeratin20(CK20) were performed in both laser-microdisscted samples and blood samples by using real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).RESULTS:By performing conventional and double fluorescent immunolabelings confirmed by RT-PCR,higher number of HGFR(blood:6.7 ± 1.22 vs 38.5 ±3.18;LP:2.25 ± 0.85 vs 9.22 ± 0.65;P < 0.05),CDX2(blood:0 vs 0.94 ± 0.64;LP:0.75 ± 0.55 vs 2.11± 0.75;P < 0.05),CD133(blood:1.1 ± 0.72 vs 8.3± 1.08;LP:11.1 ± 0.85 vs 26.28 ± 1.71;P < 0.05)and Musashi-1(blood and LP:0 vs scattered) positive cells were detected in blood and lamina propria of UC samples as compared to controls.HGFR/CDX2(blood:0 vs 1± 0.59;LP:0.8 ± 0.69 vs 2.06 ± 0.72,P < 0.05)and Musashi-1/CDX2(blood and LP:0 vs scattered) coexpressions were found in blood and lamina propria of UC samples.HGFR/CD133 and CD133/CDX2 coexpressions appeared only in UC lamina propria samples.CDX2,Lgr5 and Musashi-1 expressions in UC blood samples were not accompanied by CK20 mRNA expression.CONCLUSION:In active UC,a portion of circulating HGFR-expressing cells are committed to the epithelial lineage,and may participate in mucosal regeneration by undergoing mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition.展开更多
Fungal G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play essential roles in sensing environmental cues including host signals.The study of GPCR in mediating fungus-insect interactions is still limited.Here we report the evolutio...Fungal G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play essential roles in sensing environmental cues including host signals.The study of GPCR in mediating fungus-insect interactions is still limited.Here we report the evolution of GPCR genes encoded in the entomopathogenic Metarhizium species and found the expansion of Pth11-like GPCRs in the generalist species with a wide host range.By deletion of ten candidate genes MrGpr1–MrGpr10 selected from the six obtained subfamilies in the generalist M.robertsii,we found that each of them played a varied level of roles in mediating appressorium formation.In particular,deletion of MrGpr8 resulted in the failure of appressorium formation on different substrates and the loss of virulence during topical infection of insects but not during injection assays when compared with the wild-type(WT)strain.Further analysis revealed that disruption of MrGpr8 substantially impaired the nucleus translocation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)Mero-Fus3 but not the MAPK Mero-Slt2 during appressorium formation.We also found that the defect ofΔMrGpr8 could not be rescued with the addition of cyclic AMP for appressorium formation.Relative to the WT,differential expression of the selected genes have also been detected inΔMrGpr8.The results of this study may benefit the understanding of fungus-interactions mediated by GPCRs.展开更多
The G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play fundamental roles in the human biololgy and drug discovery.GPCRs function as signalling molecules that transduce extracellular signals into cells.The signalling transduction ...The G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play fundamental roles in the human biololgy and drug discovery.GPCRs function as signalling molecules that transduce extracellular signals into cells.The signalling transduction is generally triggered by interacting with ligands,including photons,ions,small organic compounds,peptides,proteins and lipids.In this review,we focus on interactions with diffusible ligands such as hormones and neurotransmitters.We discuss three aspects of the complexity of the GPCR-ligand interactions:functional selectivity of ligands,receptor subtype selectivity of ligands and orphan GPCRs.展开更多
Protein to protein interactions leading to homo/heteromerization of receptor is well documented in literature. These interactions leading to dimeric/oligomers formation of receptors are known to modulate their functio...Protein to protein interactions leading to homo/heteromerization of receptor is well documented in literature. These interactions leading to dimeric/oligomers formation of receptors are known to modulate their function, particularly in case of G-protein coupled receptors. The opioid receptor heteromers having changed pharmacological properties than the constituent protomers provides preferences for novel drug targets that could lead to potential analgesicactivity devoid of tolerance and physical dependence. Heterodimerization of opioid receptors appears to generate novel binding properties with improved specificity and lack of side effects. Further the molecules which can interact simultaneously to both the protomers of the heteromer, or to both the binding sites(orthosteric and allosteric) of a receptor protein could be potential therapeutic molecules. This review highlights the recent advancements in exploring the plausible role of heteromerization of opioid receptors in induction of tolerance free antinociception.展开更多
G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)compromise the largest membrane protein superfamily which play vital roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes including energy homeostasis.Moreover,they also represent ...G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)compromise the largest membrane protein superfamily which play vital roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes including energy homeostasis.Moreover,they also represent the up-to-date most successful drug target.The gut hormone GPCRs,such as glucagon receptor and GLP-1 receptor,have been intensively studied for their roles in metabolism and respective drugs have developed for the treatment of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes(T2D).Along with the advances of biomedical research,more GPCRs have been found to play important roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis from nutrient sensing,appetite control to glucose and fatty acid metabolism with various mechanisms.The investigation of their biological functions will not only improve our understanding of how our body keeps the balance of energy intake and expenditure,but also highlight the possible drug targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases.The present review summarizes GPCRs involved in the energy control with special emphasis on their pathophysiological roles in metabolic diseases and hopefully triggers more intensive and systematic investigations in the field so that a comprehensive network control of energy homeostasis will be revealed,and better drugs will be developed in the foreseeable future.展开更多
Bisphenol A(BPA) is one of the highest volume industrial products worldwide and has been widely used to make various products as the intermediates of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.Inevitably, general populat...Bisphenol A(BPA) is one of the highest volume industrial products worldwide and has been widely used to make various products as the intermediates of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.Inevitably, general population has been widely exposed to BPA due to extensive use of BPAcontaining products. BPA has similar chemical structure with the natural estrogen and has been shown to induce a variety of estrogen-like endocrine effects on organism in vivo or in vitro. High doses of BPA tend to act as antagonist of estrogen receptors(ERs) by directly regulating the genomic transcription. However, BPA at environmentally relevant low-dose always disrupt the biological function via a non-genomic manner mediated by membrane receptors, rather than ERs. Although some studies had investigated the non-genomic effects of low-dose BPA, the exact molecular mechanism still remains unclear. Recently, we found that membrane G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 and integrin αvβ3 and its relative signal pathways participate in the induction of male germ cell proliferation and thyroid transcription disruption by the low-dose BPA. A profound understanding for the mechanism of action of the environmentally relevant BPA exposure not only contributes to objectively evaluate and predict the potential influence to human health, but also provides theoretical basis and methodological support for assessing health effects trigged by other estrogen-like environmental endocrine disruptors. Based mainly on our recent findings, this review outlines the research progress of molecular mechanism on endocrine disrupting effects of environmental low-dose BPA, existing problems and some consideration for future studies.展开更多
Purpose: The role of GPER in sepsis-induced myocardial cell injury and its potential impact on the risk of death within 28 days in sepsis. Methods: An in vitro experiment was conducted to establish a sepsis-induced my...Purpose: The role of GPER in sepsis-induced myocardial cell injury and its potential impact on the risk of death within 28 days in sepsis. Methods: An in vitro experiment was conducted to establish a sepsis-induced myocardial cell model. H9C2 myocardial cells were treated with 10 μg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 24 hours. The effects of different concentrations of the GPER agonist G1 (1, 3, and 10 μmol/L) on cell viability, expression of inflammatory markers, cell apoptosis, and the NF-κB pathway were evaluated. A Mendelian randomization analysis was conducted using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) related to the GPER gene as instrumental variables to investigate the causal relationship between the GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death). Results: The results indicate that the group treated with LPS showed a significant decrease in myocardial cell viability, an increase in concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), higher apoptosis rates, and increased phosphorylation levels of NF-κB p65 (p-P65/P65) and IκB-α (p-IκB-α/IκB-α) compared to the control group (P κB pathway. However, genetic evidence did not show a causal relationship between GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death) (P κB pathway. However, genetic evidence did not show a causal relationship between GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death).展开更多
基金Supported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research Grant,No.TGS-1092194-Year Fellowship from the University of British Columbia.
文摘Insufficient sleep has been correlated to many physiological and psychoneurological disorders.Over the years,our understanding of the state of sleep has transcended from an inactive period of rest to a more active state involving important cellular and molecular processes.In addition,during sleep,electrophysiological changes also occur in pathways in specific regions of the mammalian central nervous system(CNS).Activity mediated synaptic plasticity in the CNS can lead to long-term and sometimes permanent strengthening and/or weakening synaptic strength affecting neuronal network behaviour.Memory consolidation and learning that take place during sleep cycles,can be affected by changes in synaptic plasticity during sleep disturbances.G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs),with their versatile structural and functional attributes,can regulate synaptic plasticity in CNS and hence,may be potentially affected in sleep deprived conditions.In this review,we aim to discuss important functional changes that can take place in the CNS during sleep and sleep deprivation and how changes in GPCRs can lead to potential problems with therapeutics with pharmacological interventions.
基金Supported by grants from the National Science Centre,Poland(2017/24/T/NZ5/00045 and2015/17/N/NZ5/00336 to Damian Jacenik)the U.S.National Institutes of Health(NIH R01CA163890 and CA194496 to Eric R.Prossnitz+3 种基金 R01 CA207051 to Ellen J.Beswick)the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center(P30 CA118100)the Autophagy,Inflammation and Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence(P20 GM121176)Dialysis Clinic,Inc.(to Eric R.Prossnitz)
文摘Estrogens play important roles in the development and progression of multiple tumor types.Accumulating evidence points to the significance of estrogen action not only in tumors of hormonally regulated tissues such as the breast,endometrium and ovary,but also in the development of colorectal cancer(CRC).The effects of estrogens in physiological and pathophysiological conditions are mediated by the nuclear estrogen receptorsαandβ,as well as the membranebound G protein-coupled estrogen receptor(GPER).The roles of GPER in CRC development and progression,however,remain poorly understood.Studies on the functions of GPER in the colon have shown that this estrogen receptor regulates colonic motility as well as immune responses in CRC-associated diseases,such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.GPER is also involved in cell cycle regulation,endoplasmic reticulum stress,proliferation,apoptosis,vascularization,cell migration,and the regulation of fatty acid and estrogen metabolism in CRC cells.Thus,multiple lines of evidence suggest that GPER may play an important role in colorectal carcinogenesis.In this review,we present the current state of knowledge regarding the contribution of GPER to colon function and CRC.
文摘Anti-microbial peptides are essential for the intestinal innate immunity that protects the intestinal epithelia from attacks by foreign pathogens. Human β-defensin (HBD) is one of the pivotal anti-microbial peptides that are expressed in the colonic epithelia. This study investigated the effect and the signaling mechanism of inducible β-defensin HBD2 by an essential amino acid, isoleucine (Ile) in colonic epithelial cells. Here we examined the expression level of HBD2 on induction of Ile in epithelial cells, and checked this pathway. HBD2 mRNA was induced by co-incubation with IL-1α and Ile in Caco2 cells, but not by Ile alone. An inhibitor of either ERK or Gi, a subunit of G-proteins, reduced the induction of HBD2 mRNA by Ile. The treatment with Ile also increased the intracellular calcium ion concentration, thus suggesting that the GPCR and ERK signaling pathway mediate the effects of Ile. These results indicate that an essential amino acid, Ile, enhances the expression of an inducible β-defensin, namely HBD2, by IL-1α through the activation of GPCRs and ERK signaling pathway. The administration of Ile may therefore represent a possible option to safely treat intestinal inflammation.
文摘The renal handling of Na^+ balance is a major determinant of the blood pressure(BP) level. The inability of the kidney to excrete the daily load of Na+ represents the primary cause of chronic hypertension. Among the different segments that constitute the nephron, those present in the distal part(i.e., the cortical thick ascending limb, the distal convoluted tubule, the connecting and collecting tubules) play a central role in the fine-tuning of renal Na^+ excretion and are the target of many different regulatory processes that modulate Na^+ retention more or less efficiently. G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs) are crucially involved in this regulation and could represent efficient pharmacological targets to control BP levels. In this review, we describe both classical and novel GPCR-dependent regulatory systems that have been shown to modulate renal Na^+ absorption in the distal nephron. In addition to the multiplicity of the GPCR that regulate Na^+ excretion, this review also highlights the complexity of these different pathways, and the connections between them.
基金supported by SIP-IPN,CONACYT (CB-168116)FIS/IMSS (FIS/IMSS/PROT/G11-2/1013)
文摘In the last few years, there have been important new insights into the structural biology of G-protein coupled receptors. It is now known that allosteric binding sites are involved in the affinity and selec- tivity of ligands for G-protein coupled receptors, and that signaling by these receptors involves both G-protein dependent and independent pathways. The present review outlines the physiological and pharmacological implications of this perspective for the design of new drugs to treat disorders of the central nervous system. Specifically, new possibilities are explored in relation to allosteric and or- thosteric binding sites on dopamine receptors for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, and on muscarinic receptors for Alzheimer's disease. Future research can seek to identify ligands that can bind to more than one site on the same receptor, or simultaneously bind to two receptors and form a dimer. For example, the design of bivalent drugs that can reach homo/hetero-dimers of D2 dopa- mine receptor holds promise as a relevant therapeutic strategy for Parkinson's disease. Regarding the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, the design of dualsteric ligands for mono-oligomeric mus- carinic receptors could increase therapeutic effectiveness by generating potent compounds that could activate more than one signaling pathway.
文摘目的探讨脑小血管病(CSVD)患者外周血G蛋白耦联雌激素受体30(GPER30)、神经元PAS结构域蛋白4(NPAS4)、FK506结合蛋白5(FKBP5)表达与认知功能障碍(CD)的相关性。方法前瞻性选取2022年1月至2023年12月郑州大学第二附属医院收治的227例CSVD患者,根据有无CD分为障碍组(n=66)与无障碍组(n=161)。比较两组患者的一般资料及外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平,Logistic回归分析CSVD患者CD的影响因素,比较不同程度CD患者外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平,采用Pearson法分析外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5 m RNA表达与蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Mo CA)评分的相关性。结果障碍组患者的年龄、病程分别为(72.49±5.68)岁、(2.69±0.78)年,明显高(长)于无障碍组的(67.51±7.04)岁、(2.31±0.62)年,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);障碍组患者的外周血GPER30 m RNA表达水平为1.02±0.17,明显低于无障碍组的1.66±0.31,NPAS4m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平分别为2.79±0.60、3.88±1.12,明显高于无障碍组的1.55±0.51、2.10±0.59,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、病程、GPER30 m RNA、NPAS4 m RNA及FKBP5 m RNA均为CSVD患者CD的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。轻度组患者的外周血GPER30 m RNA表达水平为1.27±0.25,明显高于中重度组的0.70±0.12,NPAS4 m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA表达水平分别为2.31±0.58、3.19±1.07,明显低于中重度组的3.40±0.72、4.76±1.39,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);Pearson法分析结果显示,外周血GPER30 m RNA表达与CSVD患者Mo CA评分呈正相关(r=0.704,P<0.05),NPAS4 m RNA、FKBP5 m RNA与Mo CA评分呈负相关(r=-0.572、-0.542,P<0.05)。结论外周血GPER30、NPAS4、FKBP5是CSVD患者CD的独立相关因素,各指标表达水平与CD病情严重程度均具有一定相关性,可为临床判断CD、评估CD病情严重程度提供参考,以指导后续临床工作。
基金Cell Analysis Laboratory, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, and the 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Oncology, Semmelweis University for their technical support
文摘AIM:To characterize the regeneration-associated stem cell-related phenotype of hepatocyte-derived growth factor receptor(HGFR)-expressing cells in active ulcerative colitis(UC).METHODS:On the whole 38 peripheral blood samples and 38 colonic biopsy samples from 18 patients with histologically proven active UC and 20 healthy control subjects were collected.After preparing tissue microarrays and blood smears HGFR,caudal type homeobox 2(CDX2),prominin-1(CD133) and Musashi-1conventional and double fluorescent immunolabelings were performed.Immunostained samples were digitalized using high-resolution Mirax Desk instrument,and analyzed with the Mirax TMA Module software.For semiquantitative counting of immunopositive lamina propria(LP) cells 5 fields of view were counted at magnification x 200 in each sample core,then mean ± SD were determined.In case of peripheral blood smears,30 fields of view with 100 μm diameter were evaluated in every sample and the number of immunopositive cells(mean ± SD) was determined.Using 337 nm UVA Laser MicroDissection system at least 5000 subepithelial cells from the lamina propria were collected.Gene expression analysis of HGFR,CDX2,CD133,leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 5(Lgr5),Musashi-1 and cytokeratin20(CK20) were performed in both laser-microdisscted samples and blood samples by using real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).RESULTS:By performing conventional and double fluorescent immunolabelings confirmed by RT-PCR,higher number of HGFR(blood:6.7 ± 1.22 vs 38.5 ±3.18;LP:2.25 ± 0.85 vs 9.22 ± 0.65;P < 0.05),CDX2(blood:0 vs 0.94 ± 0.64;LP:0.75 ± 0.55 vs 2.11± 0.75;P < 0.05),CD133(blood:1.1 ± 0.72 vs 8.3± 1.08;LP:11.1 ± 0.85 vs 26.28 ± 1.71;P < 0.05)and Musashi-1(blood and LP:0 vs scattered) positive cells were detected in blood and lamina propria of UC samples as compared to controls.HGFR/CDX2(blood:0 vs 1± 0.59;LP:0.8 ± 0.69 vs 2.06 ± 0.72,P < 0.05)and Musashi-1/CDX2(blood and LP:0 vs scattered) coexpressions were found in blood and lamina propria of UC samples.HGFR/CD133 and CD133/CDX2 coexpressions appeared only in UC lamina propria samples.CDX2,Lgr5 and Musashi-1 expressions in UC blood samples were not accompanied by CK20 mRNA expression.CONCLUSION:In active UC,a portion of circulating HGFR-expressing cells are committed to the epithelial lineage,and may participate in mucosal regeneration by undergoing mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition.
基金the National Key Research and Development Programs of China(2017YFD0200400 and 2017YFD0201202)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31501699).
文摘Fungal G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play essential roles in sensing environmental cues including host signals.The study of GPCR in mediating fungus-insect interactions is still limited.Here we report the evolution of GPCR genes encoded in the entomopathogenic Metarhizium species and found the expansion of Pth11-like GPCRs in the generalist species with a wide host range.By deletion of ten candidate genes MrGpr1–MrGpr10 selected from the six obtained subfamilies in the generalist M.robertsii,we found that each of them played a varied level of roles in mediating appressorium formation.In particular,deletion of MrGpr8 resulted in the failure of appressorium formation on different substrates and the loss of virulence during topical infection of insects but not during injection assays when compared with the wild-type(WT)strain.Further analysis revealed that disruption of MrGpr8 substantially impaired the nucleus translocation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)Mero-Fus3 but not the MAPK Mero-Slt2 during appressorium formation.We also found that the defect ofΔMrGpr8 could not be rescued with the addition of cyclic AMP for appressorium formation.Relative to the WT,differential expression of the selected genes have also been detected inΔMrGpr8.The results of this study may benefit the understanding of fungus-interactions mediated by GPCRs.
基金supported in part bythe National Institutes of Health(GM67168 to Dr.Yong Duan)computing resources at the National Supercomputing Center TeraGrid(MCB100132 to Dr.Ting Wang and MCA06N028 to Dr.Yong Duan)
文摘The G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)play fundamental roles in the human biololgy and drug discovery.GPCRs function as signalling molecules that transduce extracellular signals into cells.The signalling transduction is generally triggered by interacting with ligands,including photons,ions,small organic compounds,peptides,proteins and lipids.In this review,we focus on interactions with diffusible ligands such as hormones and neurotransmitters.We discuss three aspects of the complexity of the GPCR-ligand interactions:functional selectivity of ligands,receptor subtype selectivity of ligands and orphan GPCRs.
基金Supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
文摘Protein to protein interactions leading to homo/heteromerization of receptor is well documented in literature. These interactions leading to dimeric/oligomers formation of receptors are known to modulate their function, particularly in case of G-protein coupled receptors. The opioid receptor heteromers having changed pharmacological properties than the constituent protomers provides preferences for novel drug targets that could lead to potential analgesicactivity devoid of tolerance and physical dependence. Heterodimerization of opioid receptors appears to generate novel binding properties with improved specificity and lack of side effects. Further the molecules which can interact simultaneously to both the protomers of the heteromer, or to both the binding sites(orthosteric and allosteric) of a receptor protein could be potential therapeutic molecules. This review highlights the recent advancements in exploring the plausible role of heteromerization of opioid receptors in induction of tolerance free antinociception.
文摘G-protein coupled receptors(GPCRs)compromise the largest membrane protein superfamily which play vital roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes including energy homeostasis.Moreover,they also represent the up-to-date most successful drug target.The gut hormone GPCRs,such as glucagon receptor and GLP-1 receptor,have been intensively studied for their roles in metabolism and respective drugs have developed for the treatment of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes(T2D).Along with the advances of biomedical research,more GPCRs have been found to play important roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis from nutrient sensing,appetite control to glucose and fatty acid metabolism with various mechanisms.The investigation of their biological functions will not only improve our understanding of how our body keeps the balance of energy intake and expenditure,but also highlight the possible drug targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases.The present review summarizes GPCRs involved in the energy control with special emphasis on their pathophysiological roles in metabolic diseases and hopefully triggers more intensive and systematic investigations in the field so that a comprehensive network control of energy homeostasis will be revealed,and better drugs will be developed in the foreseeable future.
基金supported by Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.XDB01020300)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.21377158,21577149,21477139,21237005,21621064 and 21321004)
文摘Bisphenol A(BPA) is one of the highest volume industrial products worldwide and has been widely used to make various products as the intermediates of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.Inevitably, general population has been widely exposed to BPA due to extensive use of BPAcontaining products. BPA has similar chemical structure with the natural estrogen and has been shown to induce a variety of estrogen-like endocrine effects on organism in vivo or in vitro. High doses of BPA tend to act as antagonist of estrogen receptors(ERs) by directly regulating the genomic transcription. However, BPA at environmentally relevant low-dose always disrupt the biological function via a non-genomic manner mediated by membrane receptors, rather than ERs. Although some studies had investigated the non-genomic effects of low-dose BPA, the exact molecular mechanism still remains unclear. Recently, we found that membrane G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 and integrin αvβ3 and its relative signal pathways participate in the induction of male germ cell proliferation and thyroid transcription disruption by the low-dose BPA. A profound understanding for the mechanism of action of the environmentally relevant BPA exposure not only contributes to objectively evaluate and predict the potential influence to human health, but also provides theoretical basis and methodological support for assessing health effects trigged by other estrogen-like environmental endocrine disruptors. Based mainly on our recent findings, this review outlines the research progress of molecular mechanism on endocrine disrupting effects of environmental low-dose BPA, existing problems and some consideration for future studies.
文摘Purpose: The role of GPER in sepsis-induced myocardial cell injury and its potential impact on the risk of death within 28 days in sepsis. Methods: An in vitro experiment was conducted to establish a sepsis-induced myocardial cell model. H9C2 myocardial cells were treated with 10 μg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 24 hours. The effects of different concentrations of the GPER agonist G1 (1, 3, and 10 μmol/L) on cell viability, expression of inflammatory markers, cell apoptosis, and the NF-κB pathway were evaluated. A Mendelian randomization analysis was conducted using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) related to the GPER gene as instrumental variables to investigate the causal relationship between the GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death). Results: The results indicate that the group treated with LPS showed a significant decrease in myocardial cell viability, an increase in concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), higher apoptosis rates, and increased phosphorylation levels of NF-κB p65 (p-P65/P65) and IκB-α (p-IκB-α/IκB-α) compared to the control group (P κB pathway. However, genetic evidence did not show a causal relationship between GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death) (P κB pathway. However, genetic evidence did not show a causal relationship between GPER gene variations and sepsis (28-day death).