Identification and analysis of tissue-specific (TS) genes and their regulatory activities play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of the organism, disease diagnosis and drug design. Although so far we a...Identification and analysis of tissue-specific (TS) genes and their regulatory activities play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of the organism, disease diagnosis and drug design. Although so far we are not clear about the mechanisms totally, the sequence features of TS genes are becoming an important clue. In this paper we used an integrated pipeline to discover sequences motifs for the promoter regions of TS genes. To test the significances of those motifs in a specific tissue, we used hypotheses test approaches including Bayesian hypothesis, Binomial distribution and traditional z-test. We finally got 2784, 1204 and 703 motifs respectively out of 3244 motifs obtained in discovery phase using above three tests from 3954 TS genes across 83 human tissues. 52.7% of those motifs can be found in public databases available.展开更多
The traditional method for creating a gene score to predict a given outcome is to use the most statistically significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from all SNPs which were tested. There are several disadv...The traditional method for creating a gene score to predict a given outcome is to use the most statistically significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from all SNPs which were tested. There are several disadvantages of this approach such as excluding SNPs that do not have strong single effects when tested on their own but do have strong joint effects when tested together with other SNPs. The interpretation of results from the traditional gene score may lack biological insight since the functional unit of interest is often the gene, not the single SNP. In this paper we present a new gene scoring method, which overcomes these problems as it generates a gene score for each gene, and the total gene score for all the genes available. First, we calculate a gene score for each gene and second, we test the association between this gene score and the outcome of interest (i.e. trait). Only the gene scores which are significantly associated with the outcome after multiple testing correction for the number of gene tests (not SNPs) are considered in the total gene score calculation. This method controls false positive results caused by multiple tests within genes and between genes separately, and has the advantage of identifying multi-locus genetic effects, compared with the Bonferroni correction, false discovery rate (FDR), and permutation tests for all SNPs. Another main feature of this method is that we select the SNPs, which have different effects within a gene by using adjustment in multiple regressions and then combine the information from the selected SNPs within a gene to create a gene score. A simulation study has been conducted to evaluate finite sample performance of the proposed method.展开更多
耐药结核病是2035年实现全球终结结核病流行目标的巨大障碍。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)倡导采用快速分子药物敏感性检测技术进行耐药结核病早期诊断,而覆盖全面可靠的耐药检测靶标是提高分子药物敏感性检测技术可靠...耐药结核病是2035年实现全球终结结核病流行目标的巨大障碍。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)倡导采用快速分子药物敏感性检测技术进行耐药结核病早期诊断,而覆盖全面可靠的耐药检测靶标是提高分子药物敏感性检测技术可靠性的关键。WHO于2023年11月发布《结核分枝杆菌耐药相关基因突变目录(第2版)》,目的是基于更广泛的全球数据汇总形成更为全面准确的耐药相关基因突变目录,为开发与完善基于测序或其他方法的新型分子药物敏感性检测技术提供支持。本文对第2版目录相较于第1版目录在分析流程与耐药突变等内容的更新进行了详细的解读,并对未来目录完善的方向进行了展望。展开更多
为确定黑龙江省某养殖场因呼吸道症状急性死亡病猪的致病菌,并探究其主要生物学特性,本研究采集病死猪内脏组织,通过细菌分离、革兰氏染色、生化鉴定、16S r RNA基因的PCR扩增、测序、系统进化树的构建对分离菌进行种属鉴定;通过微量肉...为确定黑龙江省某养殖场因呼吸道症状急性死亡病猪的致病菌,并探究其主要生物学特性,本研究采集病死猪内脏组织,通过细菌分离、革兰氏染色、生化鉴定、16S r RNA基因的PCR扩增、测序、系统进化树的构建对分离菌进行种属鉴定;通过微量肉汤稀释法分析该菌对8类10种抗生素的敏感性;通过Illumina PE150对细菌全基因组测序,采用ResFinder软件分析分离菌的耐药基因,并分析耐药基因与耐药表型的相关性。利用VFanalyzer软件、BLASTN比对分离菌的毒力基因。结果显示,该菌株在10%脱纤维羊血平板培养基上培养24 h后形成表面光滑具有β-溶血环的单菌落;革兰氏染色结果显示呈蓝紫色短棒状杆菌;生化鉴定结果显示该分离菌的生化特性与化脓隐秘杆菌符合。16S r RNA基因的PCR结果显示,扩增到1397 bp的目的基因序列,与GenBank中序列比对结果显示该菌株与已报道的化脓隐秘杆菌同源性高达99%。16S r RNA基因系统进化树分析结果显示分离菌与辽宁沈阳的牛源化脓隐秘杆株TZQ 01株处于同一分支,与日本的猪源分离株NIAH13531处于较近分支,以上结果可确定该分离菌为化脓隐秘杆菌,并将其命名为FY-4-Z-1。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株对头孢菌素类的头孢噻呋,青霉素类的青霉素、阿莫西林,大环内酯类的红霉素,截短侧耳素类的泰妙菌素等抗生素敏感,对四环素类的四环素,氨基糖苷类的链霉素耐药。利用组装软件SPAdes对获得的全基因组测序数据组装后获得了分离菌全基因组草图,结果显示分离菌基因组大小为2399.961 kb;耐药基因分析结果显示,该菌株基因组包含3种耐药基因,分别是氨基糖苷类的ant(6)-la、大环内脂类的erm(X)、四环素类的tet(W)耐药基因,其中在化脓隐秘杆菌中首次检测到ant(6)-la基因。该菌株对四环素和链霉素的药敏试验结果与其耐药基因检测结果相符,而红霉素敏感表型可能与其耐药基因erm(X)的移码突变有关。利用BLASTN和VFanalyzer软件进行毒力基因检测,结果显示共检测到8个已知毒力基因和24个候选毒力相关基因。本实验进一步丰富了猪源化脓隐秘杆菌的相关研究,为规模化猪场化脓隐秘杆菌病的防治提供了重要的参考依据和用药指导。展开更多
文摘Identification and analysis of tissue-specific (TS) genes and their regulatory activities play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of the organism, disease diagnosis and drug design. Although so far we are not clear about the mechanisms totally, the sequence features of TS genes are becoming an important clue. In this paper we used an integrated pipeline to discover sequences motifs for the promoter regions of TS genes. To test the significances of those motifs in a specific tissue, we used hypotheses test approaches including Bayesian hypothesis, Binomial distribution and traditional z-test. We finally got 2784, 1204 and 703 motifs respectively out of 3244 motifs obtained in discovery phase using above three tests from 3954 TS genes across 83 human tissues. 52.7% of those motifs can be found in public databases available.
文摘The traditional method for creating a gene score to predict a given outcome is to use the most statistically significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from all SNPs which were tested. There are several disadvantages of this approach such as excluding SNPs that do not have strong single effects when tested on their own but do have strong joint effects when tested together with other SNPs. The interpretation of results from the traditional gene score may lack biological insight since the functional unit of interest is often the gene, not the single SNP. In this paper we present a new gene scoring method, which overcomes these problems as it generates a gene score for each gene, and the total gene score for all the genes available. First, we calculate a gene score for each gene and second, we test the association between this gene score and the outcome of interest (i.e. trait). Only the gene scores which are significantly associated with the outcome after multiple testing correction for the number of gene tests (not SNPs) are considered in the total gene score calculation. This method controls false positive results caused by multiple tests within genes and between genes separately, and has the advantage of identifying multi-locus genetic effects, compared with the Bonferroni correction, false discovery rate (FDR), and permutation tests for all SNPs. Another main feature of this method is that we select the SNPs, which have different effects within a gene by using adjustment in multiple regressions and then combine the information from the selected SNPs within a gene to create a gene score. A simulation study has been conducted to evaluate finite sample performance of the proposed method.
文摘耐药结核病是2035年实现全球终结结核病流行目标的巨大障碍。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)倡导采用快速分子药物敏感性检测技术进行耐药结核病早期诊断,而覆盖全面可靠的耐药检测靶标是提高分子药物敏感性检测技术可靠性的关键。WHO于2023年11月发布《结核分枝杆菌耐药相关基因突变目录(第2版)》,目的是基于更广泛的全球数据汇总形成更为全面准确的耐药相关基因突变目录,为开发与完善基于测序或其他方法的新型分子药物敏感性检测技术提供支持。本文对第2版目录相较于第1版目录在分析流程与耐药突变等内容的更新进行了详细的解读,并对未来目录完善的方向进行了展望。
文摘为确定黑龙江省某养殖场因呼吸道症状急性死亡病猪的致病菌,并探究其主要生物学特性,本研究采集病死猪内脏组织,通过细菌分离、革兰氏染色、生化鉴定、16S r RNA基因的PCR扩增、测序、系统进化树的构建对分离菌进行种属鉴定;通过微量肉汤稀释法分析该菌对8类10种抗生素的敏感性;通过Illumina PE150对细菌全基因组测序,采用ResFinder软件分析分离菌的耐药基因,并分析耐药基因与耐药表型的相关性。利用VFanalyzer软件、BLASTN比对分离菌的毒力基因。结果显示,该菌株在10%脱纤维羊血平板培养基上培养24 h后形成表面光滑具有β-溶血环的单菌落;革兰氏染色结果显示呈蓝紫色短棒状杆菌;生化鉴定结果显示该分离菌的生化特性与化脓隐秘杆菌符合。16S r RNA基因的PCR结果显示,扩增到1397 bp的目的基因序列,与GenBank中序列比对结果显示该菌株与已报道的化脓隐秘杆菌同源性高达99%。16S r RNA基因系统进化树分析结果显示分离菌与辽宁沈阳的牛源化脓隐秘杆株TZQ 01株处于同一分支,与日本的猪源分离株NIAH13531处于较近分支,以上结果可确定该分离菌为化脓隐秘杆菌,并将其命名为FY-4-Z-1。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株对头孢菌素类的头孢噻呋,青霉素类的青霉素、阿莫西林,大环内酯类的红霉素,截短侧耳素类的泰妙菌素等抗生素敏感,对四环素类的四环素,氨基糖苷类的链霉素耐药。利用组装软件SPAdes对获得的全基因组测序数据组装后获得了分离菌全基因组草图,结果显示分离菌基因组大小为2399.961 kb;耐药基因分析结果显示,该菌株基因组包含3种耐药基因,分别是氨基糖苷类的ant(6)-la、大环内脂类的erm(X)、四环素类的tet(W)耐药基因,其中在化脓隐秘杆菌中首次检测到ant(6)-la基因。该菌株对四环素和链霉素的药敏试验结果与其耐药基因检测结果相符,而红霉素敏感表型可能与其耐药基因erm(X)的移码突变有关。利用BLASTN和VFanalyzer软件进行毒力基因检测,结果显示共检测到8个已知毒力基因和24个候选毒力相关基因。本实验进一步丰富了猪源化脓隐秘杆菌的相关研究,为规模化猪场化脓隐秘杆菌病的防治提供了重要的参考依据和用药指导。