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基于GeoProcessing方法的岷江上游流域数字水系建模 被引量:7
作者 田兵伟 范建容 +2 位作者 王道杰 张建强 佘涛 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第A01期106-111,共6页
GeoProcessing不仅提供空间数据分析的简单功能,而且支持建立非常复杂的地理处理模型来完成定制的地理处理任务和执行批处理操作。通过GeoProcessing地理处理新方法建立流域数字水系模型,是流域水文构成模拟计算、流域水土流失分析等的... GeoProcessing不仅提供空间数据分析的简单功能,而且支持建立非常复杂的地理处理模型来完成定制的地理处理任务和执行批处理操作。通过GeoProcessing地理处理新方法建立流域数字水系模型,是流域水文构成模拟计算、流域水土流失分析等的重要基础。为水文过程模拟分析提供有力支持。以岷江上游流域为研究区,首先使用GeoProcessing建模方法生成岷江上游流域30 m×30 m DEM并对其进行洼地的确定、填充和平地的抬升等预处理,采用D8法计算水流方向和汇流面积,在此基础上实现流域分水岭、河网水系和子流域等参数提取,并建立岷江上游流域数字水系模型。通过模型计算,较精确地确定了岷江上游的流域边界,其提取结果与传统的手工数字化成果吻合程度高,且细节部分更加突出;与传统的分步式操作相比,提高了水系河网提取的阈值试验条件设置次数,可批量处理,自动化程度高,人为干扰小,结果更加可信。当取汇水累计量≥600栅格单元(面积约为0.05km2)且综合长度≤500 m的水系时得到的结果与手工数字化地形图水系吻合较好。 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing 岷江上游 数字水系模型 自动提取
基于Geoprocessing的徐州市绿地可达性研究 被引量:2
作者 纪亚洲 李保杰 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期341-343,共3页
以江苏省徐州市区2008年城市航片影像数据为基础,将遥感图像解译为工业用地、仓储用地、水域、商业用地、居住用地等用地类型,并结合城市人口密度和城市绿地分布间的空间关系和阻力模型,利用Geoprocessing地理处理方法建立徐州市城市绿... 以江苏省徐州市区2008年城市航片影像数据为基础,将遥感图像解译为工业用地、仓储用地、水域、商业用地、居住用地等用地类型,并结合城市人口密度和城市绿地分布间的空间关系和阻力模型,利用Geoprocessing地理处理方法建立徐州市城市绿地空间可达性评价模型,对徐州市区的绿地可达性进行研究。结果表明,徐州城市绿地空间布局上呈现"西北低东南高""内低外高"的特点,而绿地的空间可达性则呈现"北低南高""内高外低"的空间格局。 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing 城市绿地 徐州 可达性
基于Geoprocessing Service的供水管网等压面的实现 被引量:2
作者 赵金涛 王景成 《微型电脑应用》 2011年第8期32-33,73,共3页
研究了基于Geoprocessing Service的供水管网等压面的实现方法,首先通过Model Builder进行建模,采用反距离权重方法进行插值,然后进行分类、栅格数据矢量化、剪裁等操作;接着通过ArcCatalog发布地理处理服务;最后在Flex中进行服务加载... 研究了基于Geoprocessing Service的供水管网等压面的实现方法,首先通过Model Builder进行建模,采用反距离权重方法进行插值,然后进行分类、栅格数据矢量化、剪裁等操作;接着通过ArcCatalog发布地理处理服务;最后在Flex中进行服务加载。结果证明了方法的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing Service 反距离权重插值 等压面
基于Geoprocessing的基础地理信息数据库质量工具集的开发 被引量:6
作者 冯里涛 陈艳艳 +1 位作者 李兆丰 万斐 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2013年第9期102-105,共4页
目前,基础测绘生产已从传统生产方式过渡到以地理对象数据库为存储方式的信息化测绘,其成果也多采用ArcGIS软件的Geodatabase技术进行存储。基于Geodatabase对空间数据的管理特点,如何快速高效地实现对大批量的基础地理信息数据的质量... 目前,基础测绘生产已从传统生产方式过渡到以地理对象数据库为存储方式的信息化测绘,其成果也多采用ArcGIS软件的Geodatabase技术进行存储。基于Geodatabase对空间数据的管理特点,如何快速高效地实现对大批量的基础地理信息数据的质量评价工作,是质检人员在新的基础测绘生产模式阶段面临的一个重要问题。为此,本文提出利用ArcGIS软件自带的Geoprocessing技术对基础地理信息数据库中的空间数据拓扑关系进行检查,通过介绍Geoprocessing技术的概念及其开发框架,比较Geoprocessing框架中ModelBuilder、Python、ArcObjects三种开发模式的不同特点,结合以往工作积累以及用户使用习惯,最终选择使用Python方式开发自定义的Geoprocessing Tools和使用VBA开发用户界面相结合的模式定制基础地理信息数据库的图形检查工具,最终实现空间数据拓扑关系检查工作的通用化和自动化,并以浙江省1∶10 000比例尺基础地理信息数据库的数据质量评价验收为例,说明Geoprocessing技术在空间数据库质量检查中的实际应用。 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing 空间数据 质量检查 GEODATABASE
作者 李兆丰 陈艳艳 冯里涛 《浙江测绘》 2012年第2期61-63,共3页
关键词 geoprocessing 空间数据 质量检查 GEODATABASE
Methodological Guidelines for the Use of Geoprocessing Tools:Spatial Analysis Operations—Kernel,Buffer and the Remote Sensing Image Classification
作者 Christian Nunes da Silva Joao Marcio Palheta da Silva Carlos Jorge Nogueira Castro 《Agricultural Sciences》 2015年第7期707-716,共10页
The so-called geotechnology has been used in recent years in the planning, supervision and monitoring of various human activities, both locally and regionally, nationally and internationally, either it in the rural en... The so-called geotechnology has been used in recent years in the planning, supervision and monitoring of various human activities, both locally and regionally, nationally and internationally, either it in the rural environment, as in urban áreas. This study, based on references and activities in the Geographic Information Analysis Laboratory of the Federal University of Pará (LAIG/UFPA), selects and presents the application of three tools for spatial analysis available in the Terraview [1] and Arcgis softwares, with the main objective being to demonstrate how they can be applied in geographical studies, starting with the spatial information gathered by remote or Field sensors, assisting the activities of researchers who stick to working with the planning and management of natural and human resources. Geotechnologies are important tools in the analysis of geographic space and its use tends to be increased with the advancement of new software and hardware collection, manipulation and generation of new specialized information. So we will do in this manuscript a brief discussion of three spatial analysis tools that can be used in rural areas with agricultural potential. 展开更多
关键词 GEOTECHNOLOGY geoprocessing Spatial Analysis
Enhancing the OGC WPS interface with GeoPipes support for real-time geoprocessing 被引量:3
作者 Stefan Herle Jörg Blankenbach 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI 2018年第1期48-63,共16页
Real-time geospatial information is used in various applications such as risk management or alerting services.Especially,the rise of new sensing technologies also increases the demand for processing the data in real t... Real-time geospatial information is used in various applications such as risk management or alerting services.Especially,the rise of new sensing technologies also increases the demand for processing the data in real time.Today’s spatial data infrastructures,however,do not meet the requirements for real-time geoprocessing.The OpenGIS®Web Processing Service(WPS)is not designed to process real-time workflows.It has some major drawbacks in asynchronous processing and cannot handle(geo)data streams out of the box.In previous papers,we introduced the GeoPipes approach to share spatiotemporal data in real time.We implemented the concept extending the Message Queue and Telemetry Transport(MQTT)protocol by a spatial and temporal dimension,which we call GeoMQTT.In this paper,we demonstrate the integration of the GeoPipes idea in the WPS interface to expose standardized real-time geoprocessing services.The proof of the concept is illustrated in some exemplary real-time geo processes. 展开更多
关键词 Real-time geoprocessing web processing service sensor web Internet-ofthings GeoPipes
Semantic typing of linked geoprocessing workflows 被引量:1
作者 Simon Scheider Andrea Ballatore 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI 2018年第1期113-138,共26页
In Geographic Information Systems(GIS),geoprocessing workflows allow analysts to organize their methods on spatial data in complex chains.We propose a method for expressing workflows as linked data,and for semi-automa... In Geographic Information Systems(GIS),geoprocessing workflows allow analysts to organize their methods on spatial data in complex chains.We propose a method for expressing workflows as linked data,and for semi-automatically enriching them with semantics on the level of their operations and datasets.Linked workflows can be easily published on the Web and queried for types of inputs,results,or tools.Thus,GIS analysts can reuse their workflows in a modular way,selecting,adapting,and recommending resources based on compatible semantic types.Our typing approach starts from minimal annotations of workflow operations with classes of GIS tools,and then propagates data types and implicit semantic structures through the workflow using an OWL typing scheme and SPARQL rules by backtracking over GIS operations.The method is implemented in Python and is evaluated on two real-world geoprocessing workflows,generated with Esri's ArcGIS.To illustrate the potential applications of our typing method,we formulate and execute competency questions over these workflows. 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing spatial analysis WORKFLOWS semantic typing linked data
Coupling sensor observation services and web processing services for online geoprocessing in water dam monitoring 被引量:1
作者 C.Stasch B.Pross +3 位作者 B.Gräler C.Malewski C.Förster S.Jirka 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI 2018年第1期64-78,共15页
Novel sensor technologies are rapidly emerging.They enable a monitoring and modelling of our environment in a level of detail that was not possible a few years ago.However,while the raw data produced by these sensors ... Novel sensor technologies are rapidly emerging.They enable a monitoring and modelling of our environment in a level of detail that was not possible a few years ago.However,while the raw data produced by these sensors are useful to get a first overview,it usually needs to be post-processed and integrated with other data or models in different applications.In this paper,we present an approach for integrating several geoprocessing components in the TaMIS water dam monitoring system developed with the Wupperverband,a regional waterbody authority in Germany.The approach relies upon the OGC Web Processing Service and is tightly coupled with Sensor Observation Service instances running at the Wupperverband.Besides implementing the standardized XML-based interface,lightweight REST APIs have been developed to ease the integration with thin Web clients and other Web-based components.Using this standards-based approach,new processing facilities can be easily integrated and coupled with different observation data sources. 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing sensor web spatial data infrastructure water monitoring dam monitoring
Geoprocessing in Cloud Computing platforms-a comparative analysis
作者 Peng Yue Hongxiu Zhou +1 位作者 Jianya Gong Lei Hu 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI 2013年第4期404-425,共22页
The emergence of Cloud Computing technologies brings a new information infrastructure to users.Providing geoprocessing functions in Cloud Computing platforms can bring scalable,on-demand,and costeffective geoprocessi... The emergence of Cloud Computing technologies brings a new information infrastructure to users.Providing geoprocessing functions in Cloud Computing platforms can bring scalable,on-demand,and costeffective geoprocessing services to geospatial users.This paper provides a comparative analysis of geoprocessing in Cloud Computing platformsMicrosoft Windows Azure and Google App Engine.The analysis compares differences in the data storage,architecture model,and development environment based on the experience to develop geoprocessing services in the two Cloud Computing platforms;emphasizes the importance of virtualization;recommends applications of hybrid geoprocessing Clouds,and suggests an interoperable solution on geoprocessing Cloud services.The comparison allows one to selectively utilize Cloud Computing platforms or hybrid Cloud pattern,once it is understood that the current development of geoprocessing Cloud services is restricted to specific Cloud Computing platforms with certain kinds of technologies.The performance evaluation is also performed over geoprocessing services deployed in public Cloud platforms.The tested services are developed using geoprocessing algorithms from different vendors,GeoSurf and Java Topology Suite.The evaluation results provide a valuable reference on providing elastic and cost-effective geoprocessing Cloud services. 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing Cloud computing geospatial service GIS Microsoft Azure Google App Engine
Uses of online geoprocessing technology in analyses and case studies:a systematic analysis of literature
作者 Barbara Hofer 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第11期901-917,共17页
Interpreting spatial data to derive information is a core task in the field of Geographic Information Science and Technology.A logical step following the collection of data in online repositories is to provide geoproc... Interpreting spatial data to derive information is a core task in the field of Geographic Information Science and Technology.A logical step following the collection of data in online repositories is to provide geoprocessing technology for analysing data online.Online geoprocessing technology can be employed for providing a specified set of tools in a theme-specific platform,documenting a model or workflow and making it widely available,automating recurring tasks or offering simple tools to a large user group.This systematic analysis of literature evaluates how much available online geoprocessing tools are being used for answering questions in specific application contexts.An initial set of articles is derived from a keyword-based search in the database Scopus.This set of articles is manually filtered to identify applications of online geoprocessing tools.The analysis of application-related articles shows that virtually all applications require further development of tools.Experts outside the spatial information science field are still underrepresented regarding the use of this technology.The required adaptation of technology for user tasks is identified as major barrier for the wide use of online geoprocessing.Further research needs to assess user tasks and how online geoprocessing can provide the required functions in a useroriented manner. 展开更多
关键词 E-SCIENCE online geoprocessing Web service service-oriented architecture
Web环境下基于GP服务的降雨分布图全自动制图探索 被引量:7
作者 靖常峰 盛林 杜明义 《地理信息世界》 2013年第3期74-78,共5页
近年来,城市内涝突发较多,降雨量分布图为政府决策提供了信息支撑。但面对应急处置,降雨量分布图的快速自动制图,尤其是Web端制图,成为其应用的制约。文章分析了全自动制图流程并结合ArcGIS10.1 for server提供的GP新性能,探索了Web模... 近年来,城市内涝突发较多,降雨量分布图为政府决策提供了信息支撑。但面对应急处置,降雨量分布图的快速自动制图,尤其是Web端制图,成为其应用的制约。文章分析了全自动制图流程并结合ArcGIS10.1 for server提供的GP新性能,探索了Web模式下降雨分布图全自动制图技术体系,建立了自动制图的GP服务框架,特别是自动打印GP服务的探索,使得降雨量分布图的制作实现了全自动化。本文的成果在2012年7.21北京特大暴雨中得到应用,同时对其他行业制图自动化具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 降雨分布图 geoprocessing GP服务 全自动制图
基于GIS的气象服务产品后台制作系统 被引量:26
作者 唐卫 吴焕萍 +3 位作者 罗兵 刘亮 吕终亮 郑卫江 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第17期232-234,共3页
针对目前气象服务产品制作过程中存在的问题,根据具体的业务需求,采用可扩展框架技术、Remoting技术和ArcGIS GeoProcessing设计实现气象服务产品后台制作系统,系统采用客户端、数据层和服务层3层C/S架构。通过实例验证该系统具有较好... 针对目前气象服务产品制作过程中存在的问题,根据具体的业务需求,采用可扩展框架技术、Remoting技术和ArcGIS GeoProcessing设计实现气象服务产品后台制作系统,系统采用客户端、数据层和服务层3层C/S架构。通过实例验证该系统具有较好的自动性、易用性和可扩展性。 展开更多
关键词 气象 geoprocessing框架 地理信息系统 服务产品 自动
GIS实时分析及展示功能在网络访问中的实现 被引量:3
作者 严卿 苗放 叶成明 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第12期247-250,共4页
针对集成地图服务和地处理服务,实时展示GIS的空间分析结果,对这样一种在网络环境中的构建方法为主要研究对象进行研究。通过研究现有成熟和流行的关键技术,综合考虑GIS的发展方向,重点关注在服务器端的实现和开发。这种方法着眼于在网... 针对集成地图服务和地处理服务,实时展示GIS的空间分析结果,对这样一种在网络环境中的构建方法为主要研究对象进行研究。通过研究现有成熟和流行的关键技术,综合考虑GIS的发展方向,重点关注在服务器端的实现和开发。这种方法着眼于在网络中数据集成、信息共享和实时呈现分析结果,从而体现在服务器端进行服务集成的重要性和优越性。文中描述了系统的结构设计、功能开发和网络环境中部署的方法。最后,在一个省级气象中的应用得以实现,主要体现了实时分析并实时展现。 展开更多
关键词 实时geoprocessing 网络化访问 GIS服务 气象
环境影响评价数据处理系统设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 尹志恒 甄艳 +2 位作者 罗浩 周启 任东宇 《人民长江》 北大核心 2022年第9期216-221,共6页
为解决环境影响评价数据提取与集成过程中存在海量数据处理困难、生成过程繁琐、效率低下、缺乏系统化等问题,以基于ArcEngine的插件式开发以及64位GeoProcessing技术,研发并设计了环境影响评价大数据处理系统。该系统可实现环境影响评... 为解决环境影响评价数据提取与集成过程中存在海量数据处理困难、生成过程繁琐、效率低下、缺乏系统化等问题,以基于ArcEngine的插件式开发以及64位GeoProcessing技术,研发并设计了环境影响评价大数据处理系统。该系统可实现环境影响评价数据的质量检查、数据更新、标准化处理以及统计分析等主要功能,同时确定了环境影响评价数据提取与集成的生成工艺流程。该系统对进一步推动环境影响评价数据资源持续积累、集成信息化管理、共享分析利用具有较强支撑作用。 展开更多
关键词 环境影响评价 “三线一单” 海量数据 ARCENGINE 插件式开发 geoprocessing
作者 黎刚 陈年松 王勇 《江苏科技信息》 2014年第1期5-7,共3页
关键词 IDW插值算法 geoprocessing服务 “1831”项目
A Spatial Evapotranspiration Tool at Grid Scale 被引量:1
作者 Sivarajah Mylevaganam Chittaranjan Ray 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2016年第1期64-77,共14页
The drastic decline in groundwater table and many other detrimental effects in meeting irrigation demand, and the projected population growth have force to evaluate consumptive use or evapo-transpiration (ET), the rat... The drastic decline in groundwater table and many other detrimental effects in meeting irrigation demand, and the projected population growth have force to evaluate consumptive use or evapo-transpiration (ET), the rate of liquid water transformation to vapor from open water, bare soil, and vegetation, which determines the irrigation demand. As underscored in the literature, Pen-man-Monteith method which is based on aerodynamic and energy balance method is widely used and accepted as the method of estimation of ET. However, the estimation of ET is oftentimes carried out using meteorological data from climate stations. Therefore, such estimation of ET may vary spatially and thus there exists a need to estimate ET spatially at different spatial or grid scales/resolutions. Thus, in this paper, a spatial tool that can geographically encompass all the best available climate datasets to produce ET at different spatial scales is developed. The spatial tool is developed as a Python toolbox in ArcGIS using Python, an open source programming language, and the ArcPy site-package of ArcGIS. The developed spatial tool is demonstrated using the meteorological data from Automated Weather Data Network in Nebraska in 2010. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Penman-Monteith Method Aerodynamic Method Energy Balance Method PYTHON ArcPy ArcGIS Spatial Scale geoprocessing Python Toolbox
The Trends of Geotechnology to Support Urban Planning: New Paradigms and Challenges
作者 Sheyla Santana Ana Clara Mourao Moura Camila Zyngier 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第7期484-496,共13页
This work aims at making one brief contextualization on the state of the art of the geoprocessing in urban planning to present the new paradigms and challenges of the geo technologies related to the management of the ... This work aims at making one brief contextualization on the state of the art of the geoprocessing in urban planning to present the new paradigms and challenges of the geo technologies related to the management of the cities. The visualization of planning process allowing the comprehension of the possibilities contained in public landscape planning represents the main challenge faced by this research. Another important goal is to investigate how to overcome a paradigm related to a coded urban planning system communication that hinders community understanding and participation. This state of the art of the space production justifies the current studies in the geoprocessing for the development of tools, techniques and methodologies that meet the necessities to create interpretative pictures of the urban landscapes that facilitate the dialogue among the technician, the administrators and the community. The methodology was based on the cloud of points using Lidar techniques, 3D modeling, tools of visualization and parametric modeling of urban parameters. In this direction, this work will point out the new trends of representation of the data and the decoding of the cartographic language from the geo visualizers within the values of interoperability, involvement of the actors, feedback and proposals from geo design. 展开更多
关键词 geoprocessing 3D modelling geodesign urban planning
LUCC (Land Use and Cover Change) and the Environmental-Economic Accounts System in Brazil
作者 Rodrigo de Campos Macedo Mauricio Zacharias Moreira +6 位作者 Eloisa Domingues Angela Maria Resende Couto Gama Fabio Eduardo de Giusti Sanson Felipe Wolk Teixeira Fernando Peres Dias Femando Yutaka Yamaguchi Luiz Roberto de Campos Jacintho 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第12期840-844,共5页
The objective of this work is to produce statistics that are going to show changes occurred in Brazil's ecosystems and these statistics are going to join the SEEA (Environmental-Economic Accounts System). It is bas... The objective of this work is to produce statistics that are going to show changes occurred in Brazil's ecosystems and these statistics are going to join the SEEA (Environmental-Economic Accounts System). It is based by a SEEA's methodology, diffused by UN (United Nations), which aims an approach between economic and environmental statistics, producing international comparability and conceptual uniformity to evaluate change process in land cover and land use that occurs in several countries. It is necessary to verifying the suitability of methodological procedures to Brazilian reality and the access to all information and files needed. The first step was analysing MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) as orbital instrument on the purposed classification method. The choice of this sensor was made because of the product's quality and its capacity to generate images of a large area, though the challenge is to identify accurate Land usage's categories in images with a spatial resolution of approximately 250 m. After the final classification, the next step is to make a quantification and comparison of data from these different years using a 1 km2 grids, as proposed in an already used methodology by the European Environment Agency. This procedure will allow evaluate and identify the process of changing in each grid of the land cover and land use, and provide historical series of the chosen years. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing land use and cover change environmental statistics geoprocessing.
Reshaping Tribal Road Network Using Public Information
作者 Jaesung Choi EunSu Lee David C. Roberts 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2014年第6期594-604,共11页
The area with the fastest growing Native American population in North Dakota is the Fort Berthold Reservation. State and federal road information available to the public is not identical in terms of the number of phys... The area with the fastest growing Native American population in North Dakota is the Fort Berthold Reservation. State and federal road information available to the public is not identical in terms of the number of physical road segments or in the attribute information provided for the road network. In this study we develop: 1) a navigable road network achieved by improving connectivity among road segments, updating road information, and making a comprehensive network;and 2) a standard process for integrating the state and federal local road information. The standard process broadly consists of three Parts: 1) combining road segments from each source;2) providing legitimacy to snapping distance;and 3) performing a snapping based on the result of Part 2 to connect those road segments, which remained unconnected from Part 1. The findings show that data on local roads on the Fort Berthold Reservation from the two different sources are joined through the standard process, and the process saves considerable time and resources required for fixing the road network. The standard process that has been developed here can be applied to a variety of other Indian road information integration projects to join not only physical road segments, but also plural attribute information. The process will also be useful for a variety of other projects integrating road information, which is available to the public, in order to overcome financial and time limitations. 展开更多
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