New monazite U\|Pb geochronological data from the Everest region suggest that 20~25Ma elapsed between the initial India—Asia collision and kyanite\|sillimanite grade metamorphism. Our results indicate a two\|phase m...New monazite U\|Pb geochronological data from the Everest region suggest that 20~25Ma elapsed between the initial India—Asia collision and kyanite\|sillimanite grade metamorphism. Our results indicate a two\|phase metamorphic history, with peak Barrovian metamorphism at (32 2±0 4)Ma and a later high\|temperature, low\|pressure event (620℃, 400MPa) at (22 7±0 2)Ma.. Emplacement and crystallization of the Everest granite subsequently occurred at 20 5~21 3Ma. The monazite crystallization ages that differ by 10Ma are recorded in two structurally adjacent rocks of different lithology, which have the same post collisional p—T history.. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that the younger monazite is elaborately shaped and grew in close association with apatite at grain boundaries and triple junctions, suggesting that growth was stimulated by a change in the fluid regime. The older monazite is euhedral, is not associated with apatite, and is commonly armoured within silicate minerals. During the low\|pressure metamorphic event, the armouring protected the older monazites, and a lack of excess apatite in this sample prevented new growth. Textural relationships suggest that apatite is one of the necessary monazite\|producing reactants, and spots within monazite that are rich in Ca, Fe, Al and Si suggest that allanite acted as a preexisting rare earth element host. We propose a simplified reaction for monazite crystallization based on this evidence.展开更多
The east sector of the southern Qinling belt is, lithologically, composed mainly of metapelites, ***qüartzites, marbles and small amount of metabasites and gneisses, whose protoliths are the Silurian, Devonian an...The east sector of the southern Qinling belt is, lithologically, composed mainly of metapelites, ***qüartzites, marbles and small amount of metabasites and gneisses, whose protoliths are the Silurian, Devonian and less commonly the Sinian and Upper Palaeozoic. They have been subjected at least to two epochs of metamorphism. The early epoch belongs to progressive metamorphism which is centered on high amphibolite-granulite fades in the Fuping area and changed outwards into low amphibolite facies (staurolite-kyanite zone), epidote amphibolite facies (garnet zone) and greenschist facies (chlorite and biotite zones), the metamorphic age of which is about 220–260 Ma. This early-epoch metamorphism belongs to different pressure types: the rocks from greenschist to low amphibolite facies belong to the typical medium-pressure type which shows geothermal gradients of about 17–20 ***C/km and was probably produced by a crustal thickening process related to continental collision, and the high amphibolite-granulite facies belongs to the low-pressure type which shows geothermal gradients of about 25–38 ***C/km and was probably affected by some magmatic heats. Based on the basic characteristics of the P-T paths of the different facies calculated from the garnet zonations, it can be deduced that the metamorphism of medium-pressure facies series took place during an imbricated thickening process, rather than during the uplifting process after thickening. The late-epoch metamorphism belongs to dynamic metamorphism of greenschist facies which is overprinted on the early-epoch metamorphic rocks and is Yanshanian or Himalayan in age, probably related to intracontinental orogeny.展开更多
In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamo...In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolutional path characterized by the near-isothermal decompression. The inclusion assemblage (Hb+Ep+Bi+Pl+Qz) within garnet and other minerals has recorded a pre-peak stage (Mi) epidote amphibole fades metamorphic event. High- and ultrahigh-pressure peak metamorphism (M2) took place at T=750-860℃ and P>2.7 GPa. The symplectitic assemblages after garnet, jadeitic-clinopyroxene and rutile imply a near-isothermal decompression metamorphism (M3, M4) during the rapid exhumation. Several lines of evidence of petrography and metamorphic reactions indicate that both gneisses and eclogites have experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Donghai area. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the metamorphism and tectonic evolution in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.展开更多
Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrys...Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and isthought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely tohave occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyaniteporphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals suchas phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such asamphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with loweramphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. Theproduct of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have formed by preferentialshearing-induced pressure solution of gangue minerals at the fluid-bearing stage. The accompanyingvein rutile was precipitated from fluids of this stage after local transport and concentration, andmay hence represent proximal mobilization of titanium from the eclogite. Therefore, rutile veins canbe used as an exploration indicator for dissemination-type rutile deposits.展开更多
We used illite and chlorite crystaHinities, index minerals, mineral assemblages, polytype and domain size of white mica, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), b0 geobarometer and chlorite geothermometer to quantify t...We used illite and chlorite crystaHinities, index minerals, mineral assemblages, polytype and domain size of white mica, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), b0 geobarometer and chlorite geothermometer to quantify the diagenetic and metamorphic overprint on the Triassic flysch formations in the Songpan-Garze orogen along profile Zoige-Lushan, northwest Sichuan. Two anchizones, two epizones, one diagenetic zone and a transition belt in-between them are defined on the basis of the obtained data. lllite crystallinity correlates strongly with the best mean domain size of mica and moderately with chlorite crystallinity. 2M1 white mica polytype are observed within the epizone whilst 2M1 and 1M polytypes occur in the anchizone and diagenetic zone. Epizonal metamorphism reached maximum temperatures of 370℃±21℃ at low-to intermediate pressure conditions. Clay minerals underwent Ostwald ripening during metamorphism. Rocks from both sides of the Longmenshan fault reveal contrasting degrees of metamorphic overprint: on the northwest side of the Longmenshan fault, epimetamorphic conditions contrast with diagenetic rocks on the southeast side.展开更多
The Soursat metamorphic complex (SMC) in northwestern Iran is part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan metamorphic belt. The complex is composed of different metamorphic and plutonic rocks, but is dominated by metapelites compo...The Soursat metamorphic complex (SMC) in northwestern Iran is part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan metamorphic belt. The complex is composed of different metamorphic and plutonic rocks, but is dominated by metapelites composed of garnet, staurolite, kyanite, fibrolite, cordierite, and andalusite. Porphyroblasts in schists have the same fabric, and three stages of schistosity are present. The internal schistosity (Sn) inclusion trails are also offset by conjugate sets of extensional schistosity (Sn+l) and a second (Sn+2) that crenulates (Sn+l). Polyphase metamorphisms are present in the complex. Garnet, staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite assemblage preserves conditions during the M1 metamorphic event. This assemblage yields a P-t estimate of 645±11℃ and 6.5±0.5 kbar. Other samples of the central part of SMC contain cordierite and andalusite (M2) overgrowth that yields a P- t estimate of 532±33℃ and 2.1±1.1 kbar.展开更多
The paper deals with results of petrological observations of the Precambrian rocks in the Tiya-Olokit metamorphic belt of the Northern Balkal region. Evoluhon of mstamorphic processes from Archean through to Paleozoic...The paper deals with results of petrological observations of the Precambrian rocks in the Tiya-Olokit metamorphic belt of the Northern Balkal region. Evoluhon of mstamorphic processes from Archean through to Paleozoic is characterized. Interrelations of metamorphic and ore formation processes are shown .Various genetic types of metamorphism and their metallogeulc speianzation (pyrihc-polylnetallic, gold-sulphide and others) are established.A great number of previously published analyses of garnets, biohtes, amphiholes, pyroxenes and muscovitde from metamorphic rocks have been made use of. The evoluhon of their compositions under progressive zoned metamorphism and diaphthoresis is revealed.展开更多
The origin, age and evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of southern China provide useful insights into early crustal development. Here, we present new laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spect...The origin, age and evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of southern China provide useful insights into early crustal development. Here, we present new laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb age data for detrital zircons from five samples of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium orefield. Two of these samples, from the northern Xiangshan volcanic basin, yielded a total of 140 U-Pb ages that cluster within the Neoproterozoic (773-963 Ma; 79.3% of data points), with the rest being scattered through the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic, along with a single Archean age. These ages indicate that this basement material is associated with the Cathaysia Block. In comparison, the 172 concordant ages from the other three samples from the southern part of the Xiangshan volcanic basin cluster within the Neoproterozoic (767-944 Ma; 59.8%) as well as the Proterozoic (37.8%) and the Archean (2502-2712 Ma; 14.5%). These samples are also free of zircons with Grenvillian ages, indicating that these units are associated with the southeastern Yangtze Block. Combining these data with the geochemistry of these units, which suggests that the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks within the northern and southern parts of the Xiangshan basin have a common component from a magmatic island arc that formed during the early Neoproterozoic, we infer that the basin was located along the boundary between the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks. In addition, the zircons within the samples from the southern and northern parts of the Xiangshan basin show different pre-Neoproterozoic (963 Ma) age populations but similar post- Neoproterozoic zircon populations, indicating that the amalgamation of the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks occurred after the Neoproterozoic (960 Ma), with magmatism peaking at 830 Ma and rifting starting at -770 Ma, leading to the subsequent deposition (from bottom to top) of the Shenshan, Kuli, and Shangshi formations.展开更多
The oxidative desulphurization process of coal with different metamorphism degrees treated by an air-steam mixture has been studied.It has been shown that the pyrite present in black coal and anthracite is oxidized wi...The oxidative desulphurization process of coal with different metamorphism degrees treated by an air-steam mixture has been studied.It has been shown that the pyrite present in black coal and anthracite is oxidized with the sulphur dioxide formation,and the process chemical mechanism does not depend on the quality of organic matter.The medium-metamorphized coal,capable of turning into a plastic state and cake in the range of investigated temperatures(350~450 ℃),is desulphurized with the greatest difficulty.The chemical mechanism dealing with the transformations of pyritic sulphur present in brown coal differs from similar processes taking place in black coal and anthracite,because FeS2 is converted with hydrogen sulphide formation at desulphurization.展开更多
The Chertovo Koryto gold deposit(80 t Au at 1.84 g/t) in the Lena world-class province,Siberia,is hosted in a metamorphosed sequence of the Paleoproterozoic Mikhailovsk Formation that comprises the oldest black shal...The Chertovo Koryto gold deposit(80 t Au at 1.84 g/t) in the Lena world-class province,Siberia,is hosted in a metamorphosed sequence of the Paleoproterozoic Mikhailovsk Formation that comprises the oldest black shale strata of the Baikal-Patom region.The mineralisation is confined to the thrust zone complicated with a conjugate anticline fold,zones of shearing and dislocation.The struaural position of the mineralisation is similar to that at the giant Sukhoi Log deposit in the neighbouring Mama-Bodaibo zone.In the latter,the isotope age data suggest that Khomolkho black shales,hosts to Sukhoi Log mineralisation,are of Ediacaran age and underwent prograde metamorphism during early Paleozoic.The geochemical composition of the terrigenous rocks that host Sukhoi Log,Chertovo Koryto,and a number of other deposits at the various stratigraphic levels throughout the Proterozoic sequence have much in common.They do not show elevated metal contents above the common black shale abundances,except for Au and As,which is at variance with the accepted view on diagenetic enrichment of black shales in the Lena province.The occurrence of sagenitic rutile in quartz and chlorite pseudomorphs after biotite and other petrographic observations provide evidence on a retrograde nature of the metamorphic mineral assemblages in the Mikhailovsk rocks.The sulphides are pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite with very minor pyrite at Chertovo Koryto,whereas pyrite is the predominant sulphide in the Sukhoi Log ore.Fluid inclusion data on both deposits emphasise a high-temperature nature of the mineralisation albeit revealing great contrast in the fluid composition.Sukhoi Log mineralisation was formed at mixing between low-salinity aqueous solutions and dense gaseous carbonic fluids,which facilitated effective gold scavenging and precipitation,as demonstrated by thermodynamic simulation.The precursory devolatilisation of the Mikhailovsk sediments at the prograde stage results in the paucity of gaseous carbonic fluid during retrograde metamorphism and mineralisation.The similarity in the styles and chemical parameters of mineralisation,and the predominant structural control of ore localisation within the same Precambrian regional tectonic unit support an idea that orogenic gold mineralisation in the Lena province was produced during a single early Paleozoic event.展开更多
The most prominent feature of the extensional tectonic framework of post high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism in Dabieshan is the development of the multi layered extension detachment zones ...The most prominent feature of the extensional tectonic framework of post high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism in Dabieshan is the development of the multi layered extension detachment zones surrounding the core of the Luotian dome, and the separation of the UHP, HP and epidote blueschist units by the detachment zones, which form the vertically stacking sheet like slices of the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks. From the core outwards, exist the HP and UHP rock barren Dabie complex, UHP unit, HP unit and epidote blueschist unit. The extension tectonics of post HP and UHP metamorphic event constrain the distribution and present configuration of the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks, and the extensional tectonic framework bears some similarities to the Cordillera metamorphic core complex. It is suggested that partial melting happened in the Dabie gneiss complex (DGC) and UHP unit contemporaneously with the extrusion of UHP metamorphic rocks into the lower-middle crust. The formation and emplacement of the migmatite and granites are the response to the change in thermal state, facilitating the transfer from the compressive regime to extensional regime in the crust. The large scale crustal extension and uplift and the accompanying anatexis in Dabieshan are probably related to the delamination and magmatic underplating in the mantle and the lower crust.展开更多
Successions of FIAs(foliation inflection/intersection axes preserved within porphyroblasts) provide a relative time scale for deformation and metamorphism.In-situ dating of monazite grains preserved as inclusions wi...Successions of FIAs(foliation inflection/intersection axes preserved within porphyroblasts) provide a relative time scale for deformation and metamorphism.In-situ dating of monazite grains preserved as inclusions within garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts within the foliations defining each FIA from such successions provides a rigorous approach to grouping ages that formed over extended periods of deformation and metamorphism.Matching age and FIA progressions confirms the suitability of this approach plus provides access to lengthy histories that cannot otherwise be determined.Tectonism in the Big Thompson region of the Colorado Rocky Mountains,USA began about a SW-NE trending axis defined by FIA set 1 at around 1761±13 Ma.Subsequent periods of tectonism occurred around 1712±25 and 1672±21 Ma about W-E and NW-SE trending FIAs 2 and 3, respectively.Tectonism in the Balcooma Metamorphic Group NW of Greenvale in NE Queensland, Australia began around 470 Ma with the growth of garnet porphyroblasts about a W-E trending axis defined by FIA set 1.No monazite grains were preserved as inclusions in this mineral phase but they were in subsequently grown staurolite.Tectonism then occurred around 443.2±3.8,424±4 and 408.9±8.9 Ma about NNW-SSE,SSW-NNE and W-E trending FIAs 2,3 and 4,respectively.This test of a FIA based approach to monazite dating in tectonic regimes in different parts of the world and with dramatically different ages suggests it can be used in all orogens containing porphyroblasts preserving inclusion trails.展开更多
This study uses illite crystallinity,chlorite crystallinity,illite polytypes,the b0 cell-dimension of K-white mica,clay mineral assemblages and mineral geothermo-geobarometers to investigate the overprint of diagenesi...This study uses illite crystallinity,chlorite crystallinity,illite polytypes,the b0 cell-dimension of K-white mica,clay mineral assemblages and mineral geothermo-geobarometers to investigate the overprint of diagenesis and metamorphism on the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang in northeastern Hunan Province,China.Illite crystallinity Kbler index(KI) of the 〈2μm fractions ranges from 0.225 to 0.485°Δ2θ while chlorite crystallinity Arkai index(AI) ranges from 0.244 to 1.500°Δ2θ.This indicates that the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang were overprinted with diagenesis and anchi- to epimetamorphism.Peak metamorphic temperature is estimated with the IV site chlorite geothermometer roughly at 360℃.The b0 cell dimension values of illites(K-mica) range from 0.9002 to 0.9054 nm and,on average,at 0.9030 nm for the Meso-Neoproterozoic.Based on cumulative frequency curves of illite(K-mica) b0 cell dimension,the peak metamorphic pressure of the MesoNeoproterozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang is derived of an intermediate pressure type.Most illites occur in the 2M1 polytype and some of them in a mixture of 2M1+1M types especially those in the Paleozoic.This result partly agrees with the conclusion of the lower greenschist and greenschist facies of the Lengjiaxi and Banxi Groups.However,it is not agreed with the sedimentary cover from the Sinian to the Lower Paleozoic or from the Banxi Group to the Lower Paleozoic.Crustal thickening due to "collision" between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks led to an increase in the thickness of the Meso-Neoproterozoic to ca.14 km and resulted in a temperature increase in those rocks due to burial.The very low grade to low grade metamorphism overprinting the Meso-Neoproterozoic implies that the so called "Chiangnania or Jiangnan orogen" was no relative with the "Grenvillian orogeney;instead,it might be a continuous amalgamation product between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks.展开更多
New metamorphic petrology and geochronology from the Loe Sar dome in the Swat region of northern Pakistan place refined constraints on the pressure, temperature and timing of metamorphism and deformation in that part ...New metamorphic petrology and geochronology from the Loe Sar dome in the Swat region of northern Pakistan place refined constraints on the pressure, temperature and timing of metamorphism and deformation in that part of the Himalayan orogen. Thermodynamic modelling and monazite petrochronology indicate that metamorphism in the area followed a prograde evolution from ~525 ± 25 ℃and 6 士 0.5 kbar to ~610 ± 25 ℃ and 9 士 0.5 kbar, between ca. 39 Ma and 28 Ma. Partitioning of heavy rare earth elements between garnet rims and 30-28 Ma monazite are interpreted to indicate coeval crystallization at peak conditions. Microtextural relationships indicate that garnet rim growth post-dated the development of the main foliation in the area. The regional foliation is folded about large-scale N-S trending fold axes and overprinting E-W trending folds to form km-scale domal culminations. The textural relationships observed indicate that final dome development must be younger than the 30-28 Ma monazite that grew with garnet rims post-regional foliation development, but pre-doming-related deformation. This new timing constraint helps resolve discrepancy between previous interpretations,which have alternately suggested that N-S trending regional folds must be either pre-or post-early Oligocene. Finally, when combined with existing hornblende and white mica cooling ages, these new data indicate that the study area was exhumed rapidly following peak metamorphism.展开更多
As one of the areas where typical late Archean crust is exposed in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, the northern Laioning Complex consists principally of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneis...As one of the areas where typical late Archean crust is exposed in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, the northern Laioning Complex consists principally of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, massive granitoids and supracrustal rocks. The supracrustal rocks, named the Qingyuan Group, consist of interbedded amphibolite, hornblende granulite, biotite granulite and BIF. Petrological evidence indicates that the amphibolites experienced the early prograde (M1), peak (M2) and post-peak (M3) metamorphism. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved as mineral inclusions, represented by actinotite + hornblende - plagioclase + epidote + quartz 4- sphene, within garnet porphyroblasts. The peak assemblage (M2) is indicated by garnet + clinopyroxene + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + ilmenite, which occur as major mineral phases in the rock. The post-peak assemblage (M3) is characterized by the garnet 4- quartz symplectite. The P-T pseudosections in the NCFMASHTO system constructed by using THERMOCALC define the P-T conditions of M1, M2 and M3 at 490-550 C+(4.5 kbar, 780 810 C/7.65- 8.40 kbar and 630-670 +C]8.15-9.40 kbar, respectively. As a result, an anticlockwise P-T path involving isobaric cooling is inferred for the metamorphic evolution of the amphibolites. Such a P-T path suggests that the late Archean metamorphism of the northern Liaoning Complex was related to the intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas. The underplating of voluminous mantle-derived magmas leading to metamorphism with an anticlockwise P-T path involving isobaric cooling may have occurred in continental magmatic arc regions, above hot spots driven by mantle plumes, or in continental rift envi- ronments. A mantle plume model is favored because this model can reasonably interpret many other geological features of late Archean basement rocks from the northern Liaoning Complex in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton as well as their anticlockwise P-T paths involving isobaric cooling.展开更多
Permo-Triassic high-pressure(HP) mafic granulites, together with the Bibong retrogressed eclogite,preserved along the central western Korean Peninsula provide important insights into the Late Permian to Triassic colli...Permo-Triassic high-pressure(HP) mafic granulites, together with the Bibong retrogressed eclogite,preserved along the central western Korean Peninsula provide important insights into the Late Permian to Triassic collisional orogeny in northeast Asia. The metamorphic pressureetemperatureetime(P-T-t)paths of these rocks, however, remain poorly constrained and even overestimated, owing to outdated geothermobarometers and inaccurate isopleth techniques. Here we evaluate the metamorphic Pe T conditions of Triassic HP mafic granulites including those in Baekdong, Sinri and Daepan and the Bibong Triassic retrogressed eclogite in the Hongseong area, and the Permo-Triassic Samgot mafic granulite in the Imjingang Belt of the central western Korean Peninsula through the application of modern phase equilibria techniques. The Baekdong and Samgot mafic granulites and the Bibong retrogressed eclogite yield a range of 12.0 -16.0 kbar and 800 -900℃, representing HP granulite facies conditions. The Sinri and Daepan granulites from the Hongseong area show relatively lower grade metamorphic conditions between HP granulite and normal granulite facies, and are characterized by sub-isothermal decompression during exhumation. The similarities in the metamorphic ages and the post-collisional igneous activity from the central western Korean Peninsula indicate that the Triassic ages represent the retrograde stage of the metamorphic Pe T paths. In contrast, the Late Permian metamorphic ages, which are older than protolith ages of the post-collisional igneous rocks, correspond to the possible prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T-t paths presented in this paper, together with the metamorphic ages and post-orogenic igneous events reported from these areas suggest trace of the subduction, accretion and exhumation history, and indicate a tectonic linkage among the northeast Asian continents during the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean closure.展开更多
Present-day along-strike heterogeneities within the Himalayan orogen are seen at many scales, from variations within the deep architecture of the lithospheric mantle, to differences in geomorphologic surface processes...Present-day along-strike heterogeneities within the Himalayan orogen are seen at many scales, from variations within the deep architecture of the lithospheric mantle, to differences in geomorphologic surface processes. Here, we present an internally consistent petrochronologic dataset from the Himalayan metamorphic core(HMC), in order to document and investigate the causes of along-strike variations in its Oligocene-Miocene tectonic history. Laser ablation split-stream analysis was used to date and characterise the geochemistry of titanite from 47 calc-silicate rocks across >2000 km along the Himalaya.This combined U-Pb-REE-Zr single mineral dataset circumvents uncertainties associated with interpretations based on data compilations from different studies, mineral systems and laboratories, and allows for direct along-strike comparisons in the timing of metamorphic processes. Titanite dates range from ~30 Ma to 12 Ma, recording(re-)crystallization between 625 ℃ and 815 ℃. Titanite T-t data overlap with previously published P-T-t paths from interleaved peltic rocks, demonstrating the usefulness of titanite petrochronology for recording the metamorphic history in lithologies not traditionally used for thermobarometry. Overall, the data indicate a broad eastward-younging trend along the orogen.Disparities in the duration and timing of metamorphism within the HMC are best explained by alongstrike variations in the position of ramps on the basal detachment controlling a two-stage process of preferential ductile accretion at depth followed by the formation of later upper-crust brittle duplexes.These processes, coupled with variable erosion, resulted in the asymmetric exhumation of a younger,thicker crystalline core in the eastern Himalaya.展开更多
Information about the protolith of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabieshan has been unavailable. The complex evolution history of the rock and its host basement must be further discussed. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating wa...Information about the protolith of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabieshan has been unavailable. The complex evolution history of the rock and its host basement must be further discussed. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was conducted on three textural domains in zircon from a high-temperature, high-pressure felsic granulite in the Huangtuling area, North Dabieshan, Central China. The metamorphic growth-derived detrital zircon domain yields a 207^ pb/206^Pb age in the range of (2 49±54 ) -- (2 500±180) Ma. The magmatic genesis-derived detrltal zircon domain gives a 207^pb/ 206^Pb age ranging from 2 628 Ma to 2 690 Ma, with an oldest 206^ pb/ 238^U age of (2 790 ± 150) Ma. The metamorphic overgrowth or metamorphic recrystallization zircon domain yields a diesordia with an upper intercept age of (2 044. 7 ± 29.3 ) Ma. Compositions of the mineral assemblage, major element geochemistry, and especially the complex interior texture of the zircon suggest that the prololith of the felsic granulite is of sedimentary origin. Results show that the protolith material of the granulite came from a provenance with a complex thermal history, i.e. -2.8 Ga magmatlsm and -2.5 Ga metamorphism, and was deposited in a basin not earlier than 2.5 Ga. The high-temperature and high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphic age was precisely constrained at (2.04±0.03) Ga, which indicates the granulite in Huangtuling area should be a relict of a Paleoproterozoic UHT (ultrahigh temperature) metamorphosed slab.展开更多
X-ray diffraction methods for estimating the metamorphic grade of diagenetic, anchizone and epizone in metapelites are reviewed and applied to samples from a 7000 m+ borehole in western China and surface samples from...X-ray diffraction methods for estimating the metamorphic grade of diagenetic, anchizone and epizone in metapelites are reviewed and applied to samples from a 7000 m+ borehole in western China and surface samples from the surrounding Zoige area. Kiibler's illite crystallinity (IC) measurements provide more consistent results than calculated values of percentage of illite in the I/S mixed layers and percentage of I/S mixed layers. Down-borehole IC values display a typical burial metamorphic relationship between stratigraphic level and IC. A method for preparing very low grade metamorphic maps is described, and isograds plotted on a regional geological map at selected values of IC, delineating a high temperature diagenetic zone, an anchizone, and an epizone. The map shows that IC values are controlled by stratigraphic level in the north of the study area (i.e. burial metamorphism), and proximity to an igneous intrusive body in the south (i.e. contact metamorphism).展开更多
Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-i...Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-induced veins and pockets show various microtextures, decomposition and phase transformation of minerals. The confirmed high-pressure polymorphs of silicates are ringwoodite, majorite, pyroxene glass and maskelynite. Based on the shock effects and assemblages of high-pressure minerals, shock stages of all of 93 GRV ehondrites were classified. In comparison with literature, the Grove Mountains meteorites have a higher fraction (23 out of 93 ) of heavily shocked samples (S4--S5). Most of the heavily shocked meteorites are L group (22 out of 23), except for one H chondrite. The distinct shock metamorphism between H and. L groups may indicate different surface properties of their parent bodies. In addition, there is relationship between petrologic types and shock stages, with most heavily shocked samples observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites ( especially Type 5 and 6).展开更多
文摘New monazite U\|Pb geochronological data from the Everest region suggest that 20~25Ma elapsed between the initial India—Asia collision and kyanite\|sillimanite grade metamorphism. Our results indicate a two\|phase metamorphic history, with peak Barrovian metamorphism at (32 2±0 4)Ma and a later high\|temperature, low\|pressure event (620℃, 400MPa) at (22 7±0 2)Ma.. Emplacement and crystallization of the Everest granite subsequently occurred at 20 5~21 3Ma. The monazite crystallization ages that differ by 10Ma are recorded in two structurally adjacent rocks of different lithology, which have the same post collisional p—T history.. Scanning electron microscopy reveals that the younger monazite is elaborately shaped and grew in close association with apatite at grain boundaries and triple junctions, suggesting that growth was stimulated by a change in the fluid regime. The older monazite is euhedral, is not associated with apatite, and is commonly armoured within silicate minerals. During the low\|pressure metamorphic event, the armouring protected the older monazites, and a lack of excess apatite in this sample prevented new growth. Textural relationships suggest that apatite is one of the necessary monazite\|producing reactants, and spots within monazite that are rich in Ca, Fe, Al and Si suggest that allanite acted as a preexisting rare earth element host. We propose a simplified reaction for monazite crystallization based on this evidence.
文摘The east sector of the southern Qinling belt is, lithologically, composed mainly of metapelites, ***qüartzites, marbles and small amount of metabasites and gneisses, whose protoliths are the Silurian, Devonian and less commonly the Sinian and Upper Palaeozoic. They have been subjected at least to two epochs of metamorphism. The early epoch belongs to progressive metamorphism which is centered on high amphibolite-granulite fades in the Fuping area and changed outwards into low amphibolite facies (staurolite-kyanite zone), epidote amphibolite facies (garnet zone) and greenschist facies (chlorite and biotite zones), the metamorphic age of which is about 220–260 Ma. This early-epoch metamorphism belongs to different pressure types: the rocks from greenschist to low amphibolite facies belong to the typical medium-pressure type which shows geothermal gradients of about 17–20 ***C/km and was probably produced by a crustal thickening process related to continental collision, and the high amphibolite-granulite facies belongs to the low-pressure type which shows geothermal gradients of about 25–38 ***C/km and was probably affected by some magmatic heats. Based on the basic characteristics of the P-T paths of the different facies calculated from the garnet zonations, it can be deduced that the metamorphism of medium-pressure facies series took place during an imbricated thickening process, rather than during the uplifting process after thickening. The late-epoch metamorphism belongs to dynamic metamorphism of greenschist facies which is overprinted on the early-epoch metamorphic rocks and is Yanshanian or Himalayan in age, probably related to intracontinental orogeny.
文摘In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolutional path characterized by the near-isothermal decompression. The inclusion assemblage (Hb+Ep+Bi+Pl+Qz) within garnet and other minerals has recorded a pre-peak stage (Mi) epidote amphibole fades metamorphic event. High- and ultrahigh-pressure peak metamorphism (M2) took place at T=750-860℃ and P>2.7 GPa. The symplectitic assemblages after garnet, jadeitic-clinopyroxene and rutile imply a near-isothermal decompression metamorphism (M3, M4) during the rapid exhumation. Several lines of evidence of petrography and metamorphic reactions indicate that both gneisses and eclogites have experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Donghai area. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the metamorphism and tectonic evolution in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.
文摘Based upon fluid effects, retrograde metamorphism of eclogites in the Dabieregion can be divided into the fluid-poor, fluid-bearing and fluid-rich stages. The fluid-poor stageis marked by polymorphic inversion, recrystallization and exsolution of solid solutions, and isthought to represent eclogite-facies retrograde environments. The fluid-bearing stage is likely tohave occurred at the late stage of ecologite-facies diaphthorosis and is represented by kyaniteporphyroblasts, rutile, and sodic pyroxene in association with high-pressure hydrous minerals suchas phengite and zoisite (clinozoisite) without significant amount of hydrous minerals such asamphibole, epidote and biotite. The fluid-rich stage might have commenced concomitantly with loweramphibolite-facies diaphthoresis and persisted all the way towards the near-surface environment. Theproduct of this stage is characterized by plentiful hydrous and volatile-bearing phases.The dissemination-type rutile mineralizations in eclogites might have formed by preferentialshearing-induced pressure solution of gangue minerals at the fluid-bearing stage. The accompanyingvein rutile was precipitated from fluids of this stage after local transport and concentration, andmay hence represent proximal mobilization of titanium from the eclogite. Therefore, rutile veins canbe used as an exploration indicator for dissemination-type rutile deposits.
基金This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40572032);the open fund of the central laboratory of Peking University (No. 14 and 15).
文摘We used illite and chlorite crystaHinities, index minerals, mineral assemblages, polytype and domain size of white mica, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), b0 geobarometer and chlorite geothermometer to quantify the diagenetic and metamorphic overprint on the Triassic flysch formations in the Songpan-Garze orogen along profile Zoige-Lushan, northwest Sichuan. Two anchizones, two epizones, one diagenetic zone and a transition belt in-between them are defined on the basis of the obtained data. lllite crystallinity correlates strongly with the best mean domain size of mica and moderately with chlorite crystallinity. 2M1 white mica polytype are observed within the epizone whilst 2M1 and 1M polytypes occur in the anchizone and diagenetic zone. Epizonal metamorphism reached maximum temperatures of 370℃±21℃ at low-to intermediate pressure conditions. Clay minerals underwent Ostwald ripening during metamorphism. Rocks from both sides of the Longmenshan fault reveal contrasting degrees of metamorphic overprint: on the northwest side of the Longmenshan fault, epimetamorphic conditions contrast with diagenetic rocks on the southeast side.
基金supported by the Research Vice Chancellor of Tarbiat Moallem University(Tehran,I.R of Iran)
文摘The Soursat metamorphic complex (SMC) in northwestern Iran is part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan metamorphic belt. The complex is composed of different metamorphic and plutonic rocks, but is dominated by metapelites composed of garnet, staurolite, kyanite, fibrolite, cordierite, and andalusite. Porphyroblasts in schists have the same fabric, and three stages of schistosity are present. The internal schistosity (Sn) inclusion trails are also offset by conjugate sets of extensional schistosity (Sn+l) and a second (Sn+2) that crenulates (Sn+l). Polyphase metamorphisms are present in the complex. Garnet, staurolite, kyanite, and fibrolite assemblage preserves conditions during the M1 metamorphic event. This assemblage yields a P-t estimate of 645±11℃ and 6.5±0.5 kbar. Other samples of the central part of SMC contain cordierite and andalusite (M2) overgrowth that yields a P- t estimate of 532±33℃ and 2.1±1.1 kbar.
文摘The paper deals with results of petrological observations of the Precambrian rocks in the Tiya-Olokit metamorphic belt of the Northern Balkal region. Evoluhon of mstamorphic processes from Archean through to Paleozoic is characterized. Interrelations of metamorphic and ore formation processes are shown .Various genetic types of metamorphism and their metallogeulc speianzation (pyrihc-polylnetallic, gold-sulphide and others) are established.A great number of previously published analyses of garnets, biohtes, amphiholes, pyroxenes and muscovitde from metamorphic rocks have been made use of. The evoluhon of their compositions under progressive zoned metamorphism and diaphthoresis is revealed.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41602069 and 41572185)the Fundamental Science on Radioactive Geology and Exploration Technology Laboratory(Grant No.RGET1402)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(Grant No.20171BAB213026)Science and technology research projectfrom the Education Department of Jiangxi Province(Grant No.GJJ150554)
文摘The origin, age and evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of southern China provide useful insights into early crustal development. Here, we present new laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb age data for detrital zircons from five samples of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium orefield. Two of these samples, from the northern Xiangshan volcanic basin, yielded a total of 140 U-Pb ages that cluster within the Neoproterozoic (773-963 Ma; 79.3% of data points), with the rest being scattered through the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic, along with a single Archean age. These ages indicate that this basement material is associated with the Cathaysia Block. In comparison, the 172 concordant ages from the other three samples from the southern part of the Xiangshan volcanic basin cluster within the Neoproterozoic (767-944 Ma; 59.8%) as well as the Proterozoic (37.8%) and the Archean (2502-2712 Ma; 14.5%). These samples are also free of zircons with Grenvillian ages, indicating that these units are associated with the southeastern Yangtze Block. Combining these data with the geochemistry of these units, which suggests that the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks within the northern and southern parts of the Xiangshan basin have a common component from a magmatic island arc that formed during the early Neoproterozoic, we infer that the basin was located along the boundary between the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks. In addition, the zircons within the samples from the southern and northern parts of the Xiangshan basin show different pre-Neoproterozoic (963 Ma) age populations but similar post- Neoproterozoic zircon populations, indicating that the amalgamation of the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks occurred after the Neoproterozoic (960 Ma), with magmatism peaking at 830 Ma and rifting starting at -770 Ma, leading to the subsequent deposition (from bottom to top) of the Shenshan, Kuli, and Shangshi formations.
文摘The oxidative desulphurization process of coal with different metamorphism degrees treated by an air-steam mixture has been studied.It has been shown that the pyrite present in black coal and anthracite is oxidized with the sulphur dioxide formation,and the process chemical mechanism does not depend on the quality of organic matter.The medium-metamorphized coal,capable of turning into a plastic state and cake in the range of investigated temperatures(350~450 ℃),is desulphurized with the greatest difficulty.The chemical mechanism dealing with the transformations of pyritic sulphur present in brown coal differs from similar processes taking place in black coal and anthracite,because FeS2 is converted with hydrogen sulphide formation at desulphurization.
基金partly supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation(Grant 14-17-00693)
文摘The Chertovo Koryto gold deposit(80 t Au at 1.84 g/t) in the Lena world-class province,Siberia,is hosted in a metamorphosed sequence of the Paleoproterozoic Mikhailovsk Formation that comprises the oldest black shale strata of the Baikal-Patom region.The mineralisation is confined to the thrust zone complicated with a conjugate anticline fold,zones of shearing and dislocation.The struaural position of the mineralisation is similar to that at the giant Sukhoi Log deposit in the neighbouring Mama-Bodaibo zone.In the latter,the isotope age data suggest that Khomolkho black shales,hosts to Sukhoi Log mineralisation,are of Ediacaran age and underwent prograde metamorphism during early Paleozoic.The geochemical composition of the terrigenous rocks that host Sukhoi Log,Chertovo Koryto,and a number of other deposits at the various stratigraphic levels throughout the Proterozoic sequence have much in common.They do not show elevated metal contents above the common black shale abundances,except for Au and As,which is at variance with the accepted view on diagenetic enrichment of black shales in the Lena province.The occurrence of sagenitic rutile in quartz and chlorite pseudomorphs after biotite and other petrographic observations provide evidence on a retrograde nature of the metamorphic mineral assemblages in the Mikhailovsk rocks.The sulphides are pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite with very minor pyrite at Chertovo Koryto,whereas pyrite is the predominant sulphide in the Sukhoi Log ore.Fluid inclusion data on both deposits emphasise a high-temperature nature of the mineralisation albeit revealing great contrast in the fluid composition.Sukhoi Log mineralisation was formed at mixing between low-salinity aqueous solutions and dense gaseous carbonic fluids,which facilitated effective gold scavenging and precipitation,as demonstrated by thermodynamic simulation.The precursory devolatilisation of the Mikhailovsk sediments at the prograde stage results in the paucity of gaseous carbonic fluid during retrograde metamorphism and mineralisation.The similarity in the styles and chemical parameters of mineralisation,and the predominant structural control of ore localisation within the same Precambrian regional tectonic unit support an idea that orogenic gold mineralisation in the Lena province was produced during a single early Paleozoic event.
文摘The most prominent feature of the extensional tectonic framework of post high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism in Dabieshan is the development of the multi layered extension detachment zones surrounding the core of the Luotian dome, and the separation of the UHP, HP and epidote blueschist units by the detachment zones, which form the vertically stacking sheet like slices of the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks. From the core outwards, exist the HP and UHP rock barren Dabie complex, UHP unit, HP unit and epidote blueschist unit. The extension tectonics of post HP and UHP metamorphic event constrain the distribution and present configuration of the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks, and the extensional tectonic framework bears some similarities to the Cordillera metamorphic core complex. It is suggested that partial melting happened in the Dabie gneiss complex (DGC) and UHP unit contemporaneously with the extrusion of UHP metamorphic rocks into the lower-middle crust. The formation and emplacement of the migmatite and granites are the response to the change in thermal state, facilitating the transfer from the compressive regime to extensional regime in the crust. The large scale crustal extension and uplift and the accompanying anatexis in Dabieshan are probably related to the delamination and magmatic underplating in the mantle and the lower crust.
文摘Successions of FIAs(foliation inflection/intersection axes preserved within porphyroblasts) provide a relative time scale for deformation and metamorphism.In-situ dating of monazite grains preserved as inclusions within garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts within the foliations defining each FIA from such successions provides a rigorous approach to grouping ages that formed over extended periods of deformation and metamorphism.Matching age and FIA progressions confirms the suitability of this approach plus provides access to lengthy histories that cannot otherwise be determined.Tectonism in the Big Thompson region of the Colorado Rocky Mountains,USA began about a SW-NE trending axis defined by FIA set 1 at around 1761±13 Ma.Subsequent periods of tectonism occurred around 1712±25 and 1672±21 Ma about W-E and NW-SE trending FIAs 2 and 3, respectively.Tectonism in the Balcooma Metamorphic Group NW of Greenvale in NE Queensland, Australia began around 470 Ma with the growth of garnet porphyroblasts about a W-E trending axis defined by FIA set 1.No monazite grains were preserved as inclusions in this mineral phase but they were in subsequently grown staurolite.Tectonism then occurred around 443.2±3.8,424±4 and 408.9±8.9 Ma about NNW-SSE,SSW-NNE and W-E trending FIAs 2,3 and 4,respectively.This test of a FIA based approach to monazite dating in tectonic regimes in different parts of the world and with dramatically different ages suggests it can be used in all orogens containing porphyroblasts preserving inclusion trails.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No 41372061 and 40821002)
文摘This study uses illite crystallinity,chlorite crystallinity,illite polytypes,the b0 cell-dimension of K-white mica,clay mineral assemblages and mineral geothermo-geobarometers to investigate the overprint of diagenesis and metamorphism on the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang in northeastern Hunan Province,China.Illite crystallinity Kbler index(KI) of the 〈2μm fractions ranges from 0.225 to 0.485°Δ2θ while chlorite crystallinity Arkai index(AI) ranges from 0.244 to 1.500°Δ2θ.This indicates that the Meso-Neoproterozoic and the Lower Paleozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang were overprinted with diagenesis and anchi- to epimetamorphism.Peak metamorphic temperature is estimated with the IV site chlorite geothermometer roughly at 360℃.The b0 cell dimension values of illites(K-mica) range from 0.9002 to 0.9054 nm and,on average,at 0.9030 nm for the Meso-Neoproterozoic.Based on cumulative frequency curves of illite(K-mica) b0 cell dimension,the peak metamorphic pressure of the MesoNeoproterozoic along the profile Yueyang-Linxiang is derived of an intermediate pressure type.Most illites occur in the 2M1 polytype and some of them in a mixture of 2M1+1M types especially those in the Paleozoic.This result partly agrees with the conclusion of the lower greenschist and greenschist facies of the Lengjiaxi and Banxi Groups.However,it is not agreed with the sedimentary cover from the Sinian to the Lower Paleozoic or from the Banxi Group to the Lower Paleozoic.Crustal thickening due to "collision" between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks led to an increase in the thickness of the Meso-Neoproterozoic to ca.14 km and resulted in a temperature increase in those rocks due to burial.The very low grade to low grade metamorphism overprinting the Meso-Neoproterozoic implies that the so called "Chiangnania or Jiangnan orogen" was no relative with the "Grenvillian orogeney;instead,it might be a continuous amalgamation product between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks.
基金supported by a Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Post-Doctoral Scholarship to A. Ali, NSERC Discovery Grant and Canada Foundation for Innovation grants to K. Larson, and NSF grant NSF-EAR-1119380 to J. Cottle. D. Arkinstall is thanked for his assistance in the FiLTER
文摘New metamorphic petrology and geochronology from the Loe Sar dome in the Swat region of northern Pakistan place refined constraints on the pressure, temperature and timing of metamorphism and deformation in that part of the Himalayan orogen. Thermodynamic modelling and monazite petrochronology indicate that metamorphism in the area followed a prograde evolution from ~525 ± 25 ℃and 6 士 0.5 kbar to ~610 ± 25 ℃ and 9 士 0.5 kbar, between ca. 39 Ma and 28 Ma. Partitioning of heavy rare earth elements between garnet rims and 30-28 Ma monazite are interpreted to indicate coeval crystallization at peak conditions. Microtextural relationships indicate that garnet rim growth post-dated the development of the main foliation in the area. The regional foliation is folded about large-scale N-S trending fold axes and overprinting E-W trending folds to form km-scale domal culminations. The textural relationships observed indicate that final dome development must be younger than the 30-28 Ma monazite that grew with garnet rims post-regional foliation development, but pre-doming-related deformation. This new timing constraint helps resolve discrepancy between previous interpretations,which have alternately suggested that N-S trending regional folds must be either pre-or post-early Oligocene. Finally, when combined with existing hornblende and white mica cooling ages, these new data indicate that the study area was exhumed rapidly following peak metamorphism.
基金financially funded by Chinese NSFC Grants(41190075,40730315, 40872123 and 41072152)Hong Kong RGC GRF grants(7066/ 07P and 7053/08P)
文摘As one of the areas where typical late Archean crust is exposed in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, the northern Laioning Complex consists principally of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, massive granitoids and supracrustal rocks. The supracrustal rocks, named the Qingyuan Group, consist of interbedded amphibolite, hornblende granulite, biotite granulite and BIF. Petrological evidence indicates that the amphibolites experienced the early prograde (M1), peak (M2) and post-peak (M3) metamorphism. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved as mineral inclusions, represented by actinotite + hornblende - plagioclase + epidote + quartz 4- sphene, within garnet porphyroblasts. The peak assemblage (M2) is indicated by garnet + clinopyroxene + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + ilmenite, which occur as major mineral phases in the rock. The post-peak assemblage (M3) is characterized by the garnet 4- quartz symplectite. The P-T pseudosections in the NCFMASHTO system constructed by using THERMOCALC define the P-T conditions of M1, M2 and M3 at 490-550 C+(4.5 kbar, 780 810 C/7.65- 8.40 kbar and 630-670 +C]8.15-9.40 kbar, respectively. As a result, an anticlockwise P-T path involving isobaric cooling is inferred for the metamorphic evolution of the amphibolites. Such a P-T path suggests that the late Archean metamorphism of the northern Liaoning Complex was related to the intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas. The underplating of voluminous mantle-derived magmas leading to metamorphism with an anticlockwise P-T path involving isobaric cooling may have occurred in continental magmatic arc regions, above hot spots driven by mantle plumes, or in continental rift envi- ronments. A mantle plume model is favored because this model can reasonably interpret many other geological features of late Archean basement rocks from the northern Liaoning Complex in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton as well as their anticlockwise P-T paths involving isobaric cooling.
基金supported by a Basic Research Project (GP2017021 Development of integrated geological information based on digital mapping) of the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)+1 种基金funded by the Ministry of Science, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT),and Future Planning, Koreasupported partially by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT 2013R1A1A2058070, 2017R1D1A1B04028521 to H.S. Kim, and 2015R1D1A1A09058914, 2017R1A6A1A07015374 to S. Kwon
文摘Permo-Triassic high-pressure(HP) mafic granulites, together with the Bibong retrogressed eclogite,preserved along the central western Korean Peninsula provide important insights into the Late Permian to Triassic collisional orogeny in northeast Asia. The metamorphic pressureetemperatureetime(P-T-t)paths of these rocks, however, remain poorly constrained and even overestimated, owing to outdated geothermobarometers and inaccurate isopleth techniques. Here we evaluate the metamorphic Pe T conditions of Triassic HP mafic granulites including those in Baekdong, Sinri and Daepan and the Bibong Triassic retrogressed eclogite in the Hongseong area, and the Permo-Triassic Samgot mafic granulite in the Imjingang Belt of the central western Korean Peninsula through the application of modern phase equilibria techniques. The Baekdong and Samgot mafic granulites and the Bibong retrogressed eclogite yield a range of 12.0 -16.0 kbar and 800 -900℃, representing HP granulite facies conditions. The Sinri and Daepan granulites from the Hongseong area show relatively lower grade metamorphic conditions between HP granulite and normal granulite facies, and are characterized by sub-isothermal decompression during exhumation. The similarities in the metamorphic ages and the post-collisional igneous activity from the central western Korean Peninsula indicate that the Triassic ages represent the retrograde stage of the metamorphic Pe T paths. In contrast, the Late Permian metamorphic ages, which are older than protolith ages of the post-collisional igneous rocks, correspond to the possible prograde stage of metamorphism. The P-T-t paths presented in this paper, together with the metamorphic ages and post-orogenic igneous events reported from these areas suggest trace of the subduction, accretion and exhumation history, and indicate a tectonic linkage among the northeast Asian continents during the Paleo-Tethyan Ocean closure.
基金funded by a UK-US all-discipline Fulbright commission scholarship awarded to C.Mottram and UCSB funds to J. Cottle
文摘Present-day along-strike heterogeneities within the Himalayan orogen are seen at many scales, from variations within the deep architecture of the lithospheric mantle, to differences in geomorphologic surface processes. Here, we present an internally consistent petrochronologic dataset from the Himalayan metamorphic core(HMC), in order to document and investigate the causes of along-strike variations in its Oligocene-Miocene tectonic history. Laser ablation split-stream analysis was used to date and characterise the geochemistry of titanite from 47 calc-silicate rocks across >2000 km along the Himalaya.This combined U-Pb-REE-Zr single mineral dataset circumvents uncertainties associated with interpretations based on data compilations from different studies, mineral systems and laboratories, and allows for direct along-strike comparisons in the timing of metamorphic processes. Titanite dates range from ~30 Ma to 12 Ma, recording(re-)crystallization between 625 ℃ and 815 ℃. Titanite T-t data overlap with previously published P-T-t paths from interleaved peltic rocks, demonstrating the usefulness of titanite petrochronology for recording the metamorphic history in lithologies not traditionally used for thermobarometry. Overall, the data indicate a broad eastward-younging trend along the orogen.Disparities in the duration and timing of metamorphism within the HMC are best explained by alongstrike variations in the position of ramps on the basal detachment controlling a two-stage process of preferential ductile accretion at depth followed by the formation of later upper-crust brittle duplexes.These processes, coupled with variable erosion, resulted in the asymmetric exhumation of a younger,thicker crystalline core in the eastern Himalaya.
文摘Information about the protolith of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabieshan has been unavailable. The complex evolution history of the rock and its host basement must be further discussed. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was conducted on three textural domains in zircon from a high-temperature, high-pressure felsic granulite in the Huangtuling area, North Dabieshan, Central China. The metamorphic growth-derived detrital zircon domain yields a 207^ pb/206^Pb age in the range of (2 49±54 ) -- (2 500±180) Ma. The magmatic genesis-derived detrltal zircon domain gives a 207^pb/ 206^Pb age ranging from 2 628 Ma to 2 690 Ma, with an oldest 206^ pb/ 238^U age of (2 790 ± 150) Ma. The metamorphic overgrowth or metamorphic recrystallization zircon domain yields a diesordia with an upper intercept age of (2 044. 7 ± 29.3 ) Ma. Compositions of the mineral assemblage, major element geochemistry, and especially the complex interior texture of the zircon suggest that the prololith of the felsic granulite is of sedimentary origin. Results show that the protolith material of the granulite came from a provenance with a complex thermal history, i.e. -2.8 Ga magmatlsm and -2.5 Ga metamorphism, and was deposited in a basin not earlier than 2.5 Ga. The high-temperature and high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphic age was precisely constrained at (2.04±0.03) Ga, which indicates the granulite in Huangtuling area should be a relict of a Paleoproterozoic UHT (ultrahigh temperature) metamorphosed slab.
基金SINOPEC Exploration Southern Company,part of the National Oil and Gas Special Project XQ-04the Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research of Central Colleges,Chang'an University(CHD2011JC185) for supporting this study
文摘X-ray diffraction methods for estimating the metamorphic grade of diagenetic, anchizone and epizone in metapelites are reviewed and applied to samples from a 7000 m+ borehole in western China and surface samples from the surrounding Zoige area. Kiibler's illite crystallinity (IC) measurements provide more consistent results than calculated values of percentage of illite in the I/S mixed layers and percentage of I/S mixed layers. Down-borehole IC values display a typical burial metamorphic relationship between stratigraphic level and IC. A method for preparing very low grade metamorphic maps is described, and isograds plotted on a regional geological map at selected values of IC, delineating a high temperature diagenetic zone, an anchizone, and an epizone. The map shows that IC values are controlled by stratigraphic level in the north of the study area (i.e. burial metamorphism), and proximity to an igneous intrusive body in the south (i.e. contact metamorphism).
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(kzcx2-yw-110,KZCX2-YW-Q08)
文摘Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-induced veins and pockets show various microtextures, decomposition and phase transformation of minerals. The confirmed high-pressure polymorphs of silicates are ringwoodite, majorite, pyroxene glass and maskelynite. Based on the shock effects and assemblages of high-pressure minerals, shock stages of all of 93 GRV ehondrites were classified. In comparison with literature, the Grove Mountains meteorites have a higher fraction (23 out of 93 ) of heavily shocked samples (S4--S5). Most of the heavily shocked meteorites are L group (22 out of 23), except for one H chondrite. The distinct shock metamorphism between H and. L groups may indicate different surface properties of their parent bodies. In addition, there is relationship between petrologic types and shock stages, with most heavily shocked samples observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites ( especially Type 5 and 6).