To better understand the community patterns mediated by connectivity in artificial reefs of coastal areas, it is necessary to understand the distribution and coexistence of organisms with artificial reefs area and adj...To better understand the community patterns mediated by connectivity in artificial reefs of coastal areas, it is necessary to understand the distribution and coexistence of organisms with artificial reefs area and adjacent waters. This study was conducted to examine main catches assemblages collected by trawls in Haizhou Bay,which included five habitats: the artificial reef area(AR), aquaculture area(AA), natural area(NA), estuary area(EA) and comprehensive effect area(CEA). The result shows that the total abundances of species in the five habitats were highly different(univariate PERMANOVA: P = 0.001, n = 24), but some species were also unique in their habitat(e.g. Scapharca subcrenata and Glossaulax didyma in AA). The body size distribution of specific species between habitats are different. For Collichthys lucidus, their body size in AR(14.63 cm ± 1.64 cm) and EA(14.3 cm ± 0.85 cm) is higher than that in NA(10.65 cm ± 1.64 cm), CEA(11.28 cm ± 1.85 cm) and AA(12.1 cm ±0.43 cm), which indicates the potential connection from AR to EA mediated by their adult population. We concluded that artificial reefs in AR can be considered key components that have the ability to support species assemblages in adjacent habitats. This study has implications for the conservation and monitoring of species assemblages in coastal areas in terms of that artificial reefs can be applied in different stages of habitat protection implementation and in different combinations of scenarios.展开更多
Length frequency data of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) were acquired from the survey vessel in May, July, September and December, 2011 in Haizhou Bay of China. In this study, 921 fish individuals wer...Length frequency data of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) were acquired from the survey vessel in May, July, September and December, 2011 in Haizhou Bay of China. In this study, 921 fish individuals were analyzed for the estimation of growth and mortality parameters. Between length and weight, the power coefficient b was 2.7321, 2.9703, 3.0418 and 2.7252 for the 4 surveying months, respectively. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were 230mm (L∞) and 0.26yr-1 (K) as were calculated with ELEFAN method equipped in FiSAT computer package. With length-converted catch curve analysis, the total mortality rate (Z) and its 95% confidence interval were 2.16 (1.69-2.64) yr-1, 0.59 (0.15-1.04) yr-1, 1.16 (0.80-1.52) yrl and 0.96 (0.70-1.23) yr1 for the 4 surveying months, respectively, with the pooled data the value was 1.15 (0.81-1.48) yr1. The natural mor- tality rate (M) was 0.516 yr 1 as was calculated with Pauly's equation (the annual average sea water temperature was 11 ℃). Therefore, fish mortality rate was 0.634 yrz. The yield-per-recruit analysis indicated that when tc was 1, Fmax, was 0.7 and F01 was 0.55. Cur- rently, the age at first capture is about 1 year and Fcurrent was 0.634. Therefore, Fcurrent was larger than F0.1 and less than Fmax. This indicates that current fish mortality is at a dangerously high level. With Gulland method, the biological reference point for fishery (Fopt) was estimated as 0.516 yr1, lower than current fish mortality. Accordingly, reducing catch in the region was strongly recom- mended.展开更多
Surveys were conducted in five voyages in Haizhou Bay and its adjacent coastal area from March to December 2011 during full moon spring tides. The ichthyoplankton assemblages and the environmental factors that affect ...Surveys were conducted in five voyages in Haizhou Bay and its adjacent coastal area from March to December 2011 during full moon spring tides. The ichthyoplankton assemblages and the environmental factors that affect their spatial and seasonal patterns were determined. Totally 35 and 12 fish egg and larvae taxa were identified, respectively. Over the past several decades, the egg and larval species composition has significantly changed in Haizhou Bay and its adjacent waters, most likely corresponding with the alteration of fishery resources, which are strongly affected by anthropogenic activities and climate change. The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index identified four assemblages: near-shore bay assemblage, middle bay assemblage and two closely related assemblages(near-shore/middle bay assemblage and middle/edge of bay assemblage). The primary species of each assemblage principally reflected the spawning strategies of adult fish. The near-shore bay assemblage generally occurred in near-shore bay, with depths measuring <20 m, and the middle bay assemblage generally occurred in the middle of bay, with depths measuring 20 to 40 m. Spatial and seasonal variations in ichthyoplankton in each assemblage were determined by interactions between biological behavioral traits and oceanographic features, particularly the variation of local conditions within the constraint of a general reproductive strategy. The results of Spearman's rank correlation analysis indicated that both fish egg and larval abundance were positively correlated with depth, which is critical to the oceanographic features in Haizhou Bay.展开更多
Set-nets are common alongshore fishing gear used in Haizhou Bay, which rely on flow to catch fish. The catch per unit effort(CPUE) of set-net is affected by spatial-temporal and environmental factors but no research h...Set-nets are common alongshore fishing gear used in Haizhou Bay, which rely on flow to catch fish. The catch per unit effort(CPUE) of set-net is affected by spatial-temporal and environmental factors but no research has been conducted on this subject. In this study, we used generalized additive models(GAMs) to explore the influence of spatial-temporal and environmental factors on CPUEs of species aggregated, small yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis), and octopus(Octopus variabilis) based on logbooks investigations conducted at 4 stations in an alongshore area of Haizhou Bay from 2011 to 2012. The results showed that all CPUEs exhibited significant spatial-temporal differences at various scales. Aggregated CPUE was high when the sea surface temperature(SST) was 15-18℃ and 20-23℃, which was mainly determined by life history traits of the octopus and small yellow croaker(optimal SSTs 14-17℃ and 19-24℃, respectively). Chlorophyll-a concentration had significant influences on the aggregated, small yellow croaker and octopus CPUEs at optimal ranges of 3.8-6.2 mg m^(-3), 4.2-4.8 mg m^(-3) and 4.5-5.5 mg m^(-3), respectively. Flow through the net had positive relationships with CPUEs. The approximate logarithmic trends in regression curves had a critical point of 2.5 Mm^3 d^(-1), which was the dividing point that differentiated whether the major factor affecting CPUEs was the flow velocity or the fishery resource. Our results from this study will help guide fishery production and improve catch rate of set-net fishing in Haizhou Bay.展开更多
Habitat suitability index(HSI)models have been widely used to analyze the relationship between species abundance and environmental factors,and ultimately inform management of marine species.The response of species abu...Habitat suitability index(HSI)models have been widely used to analyze the relationship between species abundance and environmental factors,and ultimately inform management of marine species.The response of species abundance to each environmental variable is different and habitat requirements may change over life history stages and seasons.Therefore,it is necessary to determine the optimal combination of environmental variables in HSI modelling.In this study,generalized additive models(GAMs)were used to determine which environmental variables to be included in the HSI models.Significant variables were retained and weighted in the HSI model according to their relative contribution(%)to the total deviation explained by the boosted regression tree(BRT).The HSI models were applied to evaluate the habitat suitability of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in the Haizhou Bay and adjacent areas in 2011 and 2013–2017.Ontogenetic and seasonal variations in HSI models of mantis shrimp were also examined.Among the four models(non-optimized model,BRT informed HSI model,GAM informed HSI model,and both BRT and GAM informed HSI model),both BRT and GAM informed HSI model showed the best performance.Four environmental variables(bottom temperature,depth,distance offshore and sediment type)were selected in the HSI models for four groups(spring-juvenile,spring-adult,falljuvenile and fall-adult)of mantis shrimp.The distribution of habitat suitability showed similar patterns between juveniles and adults,but obvious seasonal variations were observed.This study suggests that the process of optimizing environmental variables in HSI models improves the performance of HSI models,and this optimization strategy could be extended to other marine organisms to enhance the understanding of the habitat suitability of target species.展开更多
Spatial-seasonal patterns in fish diversity in Haizhou Bay were studied based on stratified random surveys conducted in 2011.Principal component analysis was conducted to distinguish different diversity components,and...Spatial-seasonal patterns in fish diversity in Haizhou Bay were studied based on stratified random surveys conducted in 2011.Principal component analysis was conducted to distinguish different diversity components,and the relationships among 11 diversity indices were explored.Generalized additive models were constructed to examine the environmental effects on diversity indices.Eleven diversity indices were grouped into four components:(1) species numbers and richness,(2) heterogeneous indices,(3) evenness,and(4) taxonomic relatedness.The results show that diversity indices among different components are complementary.Spatial patterns show that fish diversity was higher in coastal areas,which was affected by complex bottom topography and spatial variations of water mass and currents.Seasonal trends could be best explained by the seasonal migration of dominant fish species.Fish diversity generally declined with increasing depth except for taxonomic distinctness,which increased with latitude.In addition,bottom temperature had a significant effect on diversity index of richness.These results indicate that substrate complexity and environmental gradients had important influences on fish diversity patterns,and these factors should be considered in fishery resource management and conservation.Furthermore,diversity in two functional groups(demersal/pelagic fishes) was influenced by different environmental factors.Therefore,the distribution of individual species or new indicators in diversity should be applied to examine spatio-seasonal variations in fish diversity.展开更多
Two Ecopath mass-balance models were implemented for evaluating the structure and function of Haizhou Bay Ecological Restoration Area ecosystem using 14 ecological indicators in two distinctive years(2003 and 2013). T...Two Ecopath mass-balance models were implemented for evaluating the structure and function of Haizhou Bay Ecological Restoration Area ecosystem using 14 ecological indicators in two distinctive years(2003 and 2013). The results showed that the size of HZERA ecosystem became larger as total biomass was increased in last decade, especially in primary producer and zooplankton groups. Total system throughput increased from 7496.00 t km^(-2) yr^(-1) to 9547.54 t km^(-2) yr^(-1). The P/R(production/respiration) ratio decreased over the decade. Finn's cycling index and Finn's mean path length increased over the decade. No keystone species(KS) occurred during ten years; however, evidences of top-down control in 2003 and 2013 models were demonstrated by high KS value belonging to Lophius litulon group in food web. Drawing upon Odum's theory of ecosystem maturity, the structured, web-like ecosystem of 2013 model had developed into a highly mature system compared with that of 2003 model.展开更多
Octopus fisheries have prospered in many areas of the world ocean over the last six decades. Despite degradation and overexploitation of Chinese coastal ecosystems, octopus has become a stable Chinese domestic fishery...Octopus fisheries have prospered in many areas of the world ocean over the last six decades. Despite degradation and overexploitation of Chinese coastal ecosystems, octopus has become a stable Chinese domestic fishery species. Among the octopus species in the Bohai and Yellow, East and South China Seas, Amphioctopus fangsiao(d'Orbigny [in Férussac & d'Orbigny], 1839–1841) plays an increasingly important role both economically and ecologically. However, no systematic research has been conducted on its biology and population dynamics in the China Seas. In this study, we characterized the growth and distribution of A. fangsiao in Haizhou Bay, Yellow Sea based on four years of trawl survey data. As the results, A. fangsiao is characterized by allometric growth and an overall sex ratio of 0.97 with a slight male bias. Small octopus can be observed through a whole year, suggesting that A. fangsiao may have an extended or continuous spawning season. A. fangsiao may migrate short distances along with seasonal changes and coastal currents, considering they overwinter in the offshore water and spawn in the inshore water. In addition to fishing pressure, annual variations in the population structure and biomass appeared to be influenced by ambient water temperature. These results provide basic biological information for a better understanding of the population dynamics and the ecological importance of A. fangsiao.展开更多
With the development of industrialization and aquaculture in Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces along the South Yellow Sea coast,China,eutrophication has greatly intensified in the region,resulting in frequent occurrence ...With the development of industrialization and aquaculture in Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces along the South Yellow Sea coast,China,eutrophication has greatly intensified in the region,resulting in frequent occurrence of diverse harmful algal blooms.An algal bloom formed by a chain-forming dinofl agellate species was recorded in the Haizhou Bay,South Yellow Sea,in September 2020.The causative species was isolated and studied in morphology,molecular phylogeny,pigment profile,presence of paralytic shellfish toxins,and acute toxicity.The loop-shaped apical groove running anticlockwise around the apex,the presence of peridinin as characteristic pigment,as well as a single phylogenic clade of 28S ribosomal DNA(100%posterior probability),defined this species as Gymnodinium impudicum,a non-toxic species that exhibited no obvious biotoxicity to the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis,the copepod Artemia salina,and the shrimp Neomysis awatschensis.Gymnodinium impudicum is typically distributed in coastal waters with high nitrate concentrations,where it reaches a maximum density of 2.6×10~5 cells/L.This is the first report of a G.impudicum bloom in the Yellow Sea;however,G.impudicum blooms may have been misidentified or underreported in Haizhou Bay due to the species morphological similarity with G.catenatum.A combination of multiple methods is recommended to accurately identify new algal bloom species.展开更多
Co-occurrence pattern of fish species plays an important role in understanding the spatio-temporal structure and the stability of fish community.Species coexistence may vary with time and space.The co-occurrence patte...Co-occurrence pattern of fish species plays an important role in understanding the spatio-temporal structure and the stability of fish community.Species coexistence may vary with time and space.The co-occurrence patterns of fish species were examined using the C-score under fixed-fixed null model for fish communities in spring and autumn over different years in the Haizhou Bay,China.The results showed that fish assemblages in the whole bay had non-random patterns in spring and autumn over different years.However,the fish co-occurrence patterns were different for the northern and southern fish assemblages in spring and autumn.The northern fish assemblage showed structured pattern,whereas the southern assemblage were randomly assembled in spring.The co-occurrence patterns of fish communities were relatively stable over different years,and the number of significant species pairs in northern assemblage was more than that in the southern assemblage.Environmental heterogeneity played an important role in determining the distributions of fish species that formed significant species pairs,which might affect the co-occurrence patterns of northern and southern assemblages further in the Haizhou Bay.展开更多
Zooplankton are important linkages in the food web and can respond nonlinearly to environmental changes.Marine organisms thrive from spring to summer.Thus,it is crucial to understand how ecological functions of zoopla...Zooplankton are important linkages in the food web and can respond nonlinearly to environmental changes.Marine organisms thrive from spring to summer.Thus,it is crucial to understand how ecological functions of zooplankton communities may shift under seasonal environmental changes during this period.Samples were collected from May to August(May,June-Ⅰ,June-Ⅱ,July-Ⅰ,July-Ⅱ,and August)in 2018 in Haizhou Bay,Jiangsu,East China for zooplankton and environmental variables.Crustaceans accounted for 75 out of 134 zooplankton taxa and 91.8%of total zooplankton abundance.The average abundance of crustacean varied between 2824.6±635.4 inds./m3 in July-Ⅱand 6502.7±1008.8 inds./m3 in June-Ⅱ.Multivariate analyses results showed that the dissimilarity of community increased gradually in the time series.Body length,feeding type,trophic group,and reproduction mode were used to investigate crustacean community functions.Trait-based functional groups contained species with similar ecological roles.Functional diversity fused the differences of species and trait.The proportion of large-sized species(2-5 mm)decreased with the increasing proportion of medium-sized species(1-2 mm).The proportion of current feeders increased with the drop in the proportion of mixed feeders.Parthenogenesis species increased with decreasing free spawners,and omnivores-carnivores increased with decreasing omnivoresherbivores.Generalized additive models suggested that temperature was the main driver of variations in crustacean zooplankton function.Seven identified functional groups varied with increasing temperature.Omnivorous-herbivorous copepods declined(90.0%-68.0%),whereas the parthenogenetic cladocerans increased(0-24.1%).The small egg-brooding ambush copepods fluctuated(6.5%-9.3%)with increasing water temperature.The other functional groups changed slightly.Functional diversity also varied according to temperature changes.The community structure and ecological function of crustacean zooplankton community showed gradual changes with increasing temperature from spring to summer.展开更多
[ Objective] The research aimed to study weather typing and dissipation forecast of the fog in Haizhou Bay. [ Method] Based on the me- teorological observation data of three representative stations in Lianyungang, we ...[ Objective] The research aimed to study weather typing and dissipation forecast of the fog in Haizhou Bay. [ Method] Based on the me- teorological observation data of three representative stations in Lianyungang, we analyzed weather situation before fog occurrence as well as the meteorological elements of coastal fog in Haizhou Bay, and established dissipation rating forecast equation of the fog. [ Result] From the surface weather chart, the fog in Haizhou Bay was divided into four types: low-pressure inverted trough type, prefrontal warm-zone type, high-pressure rear type and high-pressure bottom type. FOg formation was closely related to stratification stability, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and wind velocity. By using multiple linear regression method, dissipation rating prediction equation of the fog was established. Via test, prediction was correct basically, and it reached 77% that forecast rating error was below level 0.5.[Conclusion] The research could provide favorable reference for forecast and warninq of the fo_q in Haizhou Bay.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to extract red tide information in Haizhou Bay on the basis of multi-source remote sensing data.[Method] Red tide in Haizhou Bay was studied based on multi-source remote sensing data,such as IR...[Objective] The aim was to extract red tide information in Haizhou Bay on the basis of multi-source remote sensing data.[Method] Red tide in Haizhou Bay was studied based on multi-source remote sensing data,such as IRS-P6 data on October 8,2005,Landsat 5-TM data on May 20,2006,MODIS 1B data on October 6,2006 and HY-1B second-grade data on April 22,2009,which were firstly preprocessed through geometric correction,atmospheric correction,image resizing and so on.At the same time,the synchronous environment monitoring data of red tide water were acquired.Then,band ratio method,chlorophyll-a concentration method and secondary filtering method were adopted to extract red tide information.[Result] On October 8,2005,the area of red tide was about 20.0 km2 in Haizhou Bay.There was no red tide in Haizhou bay on May 20,2006.On October 6,2006,large areas of red tide occurred in Haizhou bay,with area of 436.5 km2.On April 22,2009,red tide scattered in Haizhou bay,and its area was about 10.8 km2.[Conclusion] The research would provide technical ideas for the environmental monitoring department of Lianyungang to implement red tide forecast and warning effectively.展开更多
基金The China Scholarship Council under contract No.202308310175the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under contract No.E-6005-00-0042-39+6 种基金Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of CPSF under contract No. GZC20231539the Jiangsu Haizhou Bay National Sea Ranching Demonstration Project under contract No. D–8005–18–0188Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission Local Capacity Construction Project under contract No. 21010502200the Science Foundation for Youths of Jiangsu ProvinceChina under contract No. BK20170438the Science and Technology Projects in Nantong under contract No. JC2018014the Social Livelihood Key Projects of Nantong under contract No. MS22021015。
文摘To better understand the community patterns mediated by connectivity in artificial reefs of coastal areas, it is necessary to understand the distribution and coexistence of organisms with artificial reefs area and adjacent waters. This study was conducted to examine main catches assemblages collected by trawls in Haizhou Bay,which included five habitats: the artificial reef area(AR), aquaculture area(AA), natural area(NA), estuary area(EA) and comprehensive effect area(CEA). The result shows that the total abundances of species in the five habitats were highly different(univariate PERMANOVA: P = 0.001, n = 24), but some species were also unique in their habitat(e.g. Scapharca subcrenata and Glossaulax didyma in AA). The body size distribution of specific species between habitats are different. For Collichthys lucidus, their body size in AR(14.63 cm ± 1.64 cm) and EA(14.3 cm ± 0.85 cm) is higher than that in NA(10.65 cm ± 1.64 cm), CEA(11.28 cm ± 1.85 cm) and AA(12.1 cm ±0.43 cm), which indicates the potential connection from AR to EA mediated by their adult population. We concluded that artificial reefs in AR can be considered key components that have the ability to support species assemblages in adjacent habitats. This study has implications for the conservation and monitoring of species assemblages in coastal areas in terms of that artificial reefs can be applied in different stages of habitat protection implementation and in different combinations of scenarios.
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (Grant No. 201022001)
文摘Length frequency data of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) were acquired from the survey vessel in May, July, September and December, 2011 in Haizhou Bay of China. In this study, 921 fish individuals were analyzed for the estimation of growth and mortality parameters. Between length and weight, the power coefficient b was 2.7321, 2.9703, 3.0418 and 2.7252 for the 4 surveying months, respectively. The estimated von Bertalanffy growth function parameters were 230mm (L∞) and 0.26yr-1 (K) as were calculated with ELEFAN method equipped in FiSAT computer package. With length-converted catch curve analysis, the total mortality rate (Z) and its 95% confidence interval were 2.16 (1.69-2.64) yr-1, 0.59 (0.15-1.04) yr-1, 1.16 (0.80-1.52) yrl and 0.96 (0.70-1.23) yr1 for the 4 surveying months, respectively, with the pooled data the value was 1.15 (0.81-1.48) yr1. The natural mor- tality rate (M) was 0.516 yr 1 as was calculated with Pauly's equation (the annual average sea water temperature was 11 ℃). Therefore, fish mortality rate was 0.634 yrz. The yield-per-recruit analysis indicated that when tc was 1, Fmax, was 0.7 and F01 was 0.55. Cur- rently, the age at first capture is about 1 year and Fcurrent was 0.634. Therefore, Fcurrent was larger than F0.1 and less than Fmax. This indicates that current fish mortality is at a dangerously high level. With Gulland method, the biological reference point for fishery (Fopt) was estimated as 0.516 yr1, lower than current fish mortality. Accordingly, reducing catch in the region was strongly recom- mended.
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.201022001201262004)+1 种基金the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean(No.201305030)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20120132130001)
文摘Surveys were conducted in five voyages in Haizhou Bay and its adjacent coastal area from March to December 2011 during full moon spring tides. The ichthyoplankton assemblages and the environmental factors that affect their spatial and seasonal patterns were determined. Totally 35 and 12 fish egg and larvae taxa were identified, respectively. Over the past several decades, the egg and larval species composition has significantly changed in Haizhou Bay and its adjacent waters, most likely corresponding with the alteration of fishery resources, which are strongly affected by anthropogenic activities and climate change. The Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index identified four assemblages: near-shore bay assemblage, middle bay assemblage and two closely related assemblages(near-shore/middle bay assemblage and middle/edge of bay assemblage). The primary species of each assemblage principally reflected the spawning strategies of adult fish. The near-shore bay assemblage generally occurred in near-shore bay, with depths measuring <20 m, and the middle bay assemblage generally occurred in the middle of bay, with depths measuring 20 to 40 m. Spatial and seasonal variations in ichthyoplankton in each assemblage were determined by interactions between biological behavioral traits and oceanographic features, particularly the variation of local conditions within the constraint of a general reproductive strategy. The results of Spearman's rank correlation analysis indicated that both fish egg and larval abundance were positively correlated with depth, which is critical to the oceanographic features in Haizhou Bay.
基金funded through the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific Research in the Public Interestthe Special Public Welfare Industry (agriculture) Research-Research and Demonstration of Fisheries Fishing Technology and Fishing Gear (No. 201203018)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31402350)
文摘Set-nets are common alongshore fishing gear used in Haizhou Bay, which rely on flow to catch fish. The catch per unit effort(CPUE) of set-net is affected by spatial-temporal and environmental factors but no research has been conducted on this subject. In this study, we used generalized additive models(GAMs) to explore the influence of spatial-temporal and environmental factors on CPUEs of species aggregated, small yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis), and octopus(Octopus variabilis) based on logbooks investigations conducted at 4 stations in an alongshore area of Haizhou Bay from 2011 to 2012. The results showed that all CPUEs exhibited significant spatial-temporal differences at various scales. Aggregated CPUE was high when the sea surface temperature(SST) was 15-18℃ and 20-23℃, which was mainly determined by life history traits of the octopus and small yellow croaker(optimal SSTs 14-17℃ and 19-24℃, respectively). Chlorophyll-a concentration had significant influences on the aggregated, small yellow croaker and octopus CPUEs at optimal ranges of 3.8-6.2 mg m^(-3), 4.2-4.8 mg m^(-3) and 4.5-5.5 mg m^(-3), respectively. Flow through the net had positive relationships with CPUEs. The approximate logarithmic trends in regression curves had a critical point of 2.5 Mm^3 d^(-1), which was the dividing point that differentiated whether the major factor affecting CPUEs was the flow velocity or the fishery resource. Our results from this study will help guide fishery production and improve catch rate of set-net fishing in Haizhou Bay.
基金The National Key R&D Program of China under contract No.2017YFE0104400the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.31772852the Marine S&T Fund of Shandong Province for Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao)under contract No.2018SDKJ0501-2。
文摘Habitat suitability index(HSI)models have been widely used to analyze the relationship between species abundance and environmental factors,and ultimately inform management of marine species.The response of species abundance to each environmental variable is different and habitat requirements may change over life history stages and seasons.Therefore,it is necessary to determine the optimal combination of environmental variables in HSI modelling.In this study,generalized additive models(GAMs)were used to determine which environmental variables to be included in the HSI models.Significant variables were retained and weighted in the HSI model according to their relative contribution(%)to the total deviation explained by the boosted regression tree(BRT).The HSI models were applied to evaluate the habitat suitability of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in the Haizhou Bay and adjacent areas in 2011 and 2013–2017.Ontogenetic and seasonal variations in HSI models of mantis shrimp were also examined.Among the four models(non-optimized model,BRT informed HSI model,GAM informed HSI model,and both BRT and GAM informed HSI model),both BRT and GAM informed HSI model showed the best performance.Four environmental variables(bottom temperature,depth,distance offshore and sediment type)were selected in the HSI models for four groups(spring-juvenile,spring-adult,falljuvenile and fall-adult)of mantis shrimp.The distribution of habitat suitability showed similar patterns between juveniles and adults,but obvious seasonal variations were observed.This study suggests that the process of optimizing environmental variables in HSI models improves the performance of HSI models,and this optimization strategy could be extended to other marine organisms to enhance the understanding of the habitat suitability of target species.
基金Supported by the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean(No.201305030)the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20120132130001)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Nos.201022001,201262004)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41006083)
文摘Spatial-seasonal patterns in fish diversity in Haizhou Bay were studied based on stratified random surveys conducted in 2011.Principal component analysis was conducted to distinguish different diversity components,and the relationships among 11 diversity indices were explored.Generalized additive models were constructed to examine the environmental effects on diversity indices.Eleven diversity indices were grouped into four components:(1) species numbers and richness,(2) heterogeneous indices,(3) evenness,and(4) taxonomic relatedness.The results show that diversity indices among different components are complementary.Spatial patterns show that fish diversity was higher in coastal areas,which was affected by complex bottom topography and spatial variations of water mass and currents.Seasonal trends could be best explained by the seasonal migration of dominant fish species.Fish diversity generally declined with increasing depth except for taxonomic distinctness,which increased with latitude.In addition,bottom temperature had a significant effect on diversity index of richness.These results indicate that substrate complexity and environmental gradients had important influences on fish diversity patterns,and these factors should be considered in fishery resource management and conservation.Furthermore,diversity in two functional groups(demersal/pelagic fishes) was influenced by different environmental factors.Therefore,the distribution of individual species or new indicators in diversity should be applied to examine spatio-seasonal variations in fish diversity.
基金supported by the grants of Haibay ma-rine ranching demonstration (Nos.D-8006-12-0018 and D8006-15-8014)special projects of the agriculture public sector (Nos.201003068 and 201303047)
文摘Two Ecopath mass-balance models were implemented for evaluating the structure and function of Haizhou Bay Ecological Restoration Area ecosystem using 14 ecological indicators in two distinctive years(2003 and 2013). The results showed that the size of HZERA ecosystem became larger as total biomass was increased in last decade, especially in primary producer and zooplankton groups. Total system throughput increased from 7496.00 t km^(-2) yr^(-1) to 9547.54 t km^(-2) yr^(-1). The P/R(production/respiration) ratio decreased over the decade. Finn's cycling index and Finn's mean path length increased over the decade. No keystone species(KS) occurred during ten years; however, evidences of top-down control in 2003 and 2013 models were demonstrated by high KS value belonging to Lophius litulon group in food web. Drawing upon Odum's theory of ecosystem maturity, the structured, web-like ecosystem of 2013 model had developed into a highly mature system compared with that of 2003 model.
基金partially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Nos. 2018YFD0900902,2018YFD0900903)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41861134037,41930534)the ‘Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities’ to Ocean University of China (Nos. 201762015,20182201)。
文摘Octopus fisheries have prospered in many areas of the world ocean over the last six decades. Despite degradation and overexploitation of Chinese coastal ecosystems, octopus has become a stable Chinese domestic fishery species. Among the octopus species in the Bohai and Yellow, East and South China Seas, Amphioctopus fangsiao(d'Orbigny [in Férussac & d'Orbigny], 1839–1841) plays an increasingly important role both economically and ecologically. However, no systematic research has been conducted on its biology and population dynamics in the China Seas. In this study, we characterized the growth and distribution of A. fangsiao in Haizhou Bay, Yellow Sea based on four years of trawl survey data. As the results, A. fangsiao is characterized by allometric growth and an overall sex ratio of 0.97 with a slight male bias. Small octopus can be observed through a whole year, suggesting that A. fangsiao may have an extended or continuous spawning season. A. fangsiao may migrate short distances along with seasonal changes and coastal currents, considering they overwinter in the offshore water and spawn in the inshore water. In addition to fishing pressure, annual variations in the population structure and biomass appeared to be influenced by ambient water temperature. These results provide basic biological information for a better understanding of the population dynamics and the ecological importance of A. fangsiao.
基金Supported by the Science and Technology Basic Resources Investigation Program of China(No.2018FY100200)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA23050302)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41776127,42006135)the Sino-Australian Centre for Healthy Coasts(No.2016YFE0101500)。
文摘With the development of industrialization and aquaculture in Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces along the South Yellow Sea coast,China,eutrophication has greatly intensified in the region,resulting in frequent occurrence of diverse harmful algal blooms.An algal bloom formed by a chain-forming dinofl agellate species was recorded in the Haizhou Bay,South Yellow Sea,in September 2020.The causative species was isolated and studied in morphology,molecular phylogeny,pigment profile,presence of paralytic shellfish toxins,and acute toxicity.The loop-shaped apical groove running anticlockwise around the apex,the presence of peridinin as characteristic pigment,as well as a single phylogenic clade of 28S ribosomal DNA(100%posterior probability),defined this species as Gymnodinium impudicum,a non-toxic species that exhibited no obvious biotoxicity to the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis,the copepod Artemia salina,and the shrimp Neomysis awatschensis.Gymnodinium impudicum is typically distributed in coastal waters with high nitrate concentrations,where it reaches a maximum density of 2.6×10~5 cells/L.This is the first report of a G.impudicum bloom in the Yellow Sea;however,G.impudicum blooms may have been misidentified or underreported in Haizhou Bay due to the species morphological similarity with G.catenatum.A combination of multiple methods is recommended to accurately identify new algal bloom species.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31772852)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Nos. 2015 62030, 201612004)the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean (No. 201305030)
文摘Co-occurrence pattern of fish species plays an important role in understanding the spatio-temporal structure and the stability of fish community.Species coexistence may vary with time and space.The co-occurrence patterns of fish species were examined using the C-score under fixed-fixed null model for fish communities in spring and autumn over different years in the Haizhou Bay,China.The results showed that fish assemblages in the whole bay had non-random patterns in spring and autumn over different years.However,the fish co-occurrence patterns were different for the northern and southern fish assemblages in spring and autumn.The northern fish assemblage showed structured pattern,whereas the southern assemblage were randomly assembled in spring.The co-occurrence patterns of fish communities were relatively stable over different years,and the number of significant species pairs in northern assemblage was more than that in the southern assemblage.Environmental heterogeneity played an important role in determining the distributions of fish species that formed significant species pairs,which might affect the co-occurrence patterns of northern and southern assemblages further in the Haizhou Bay.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42076146,41876177,41930534)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.201822027)。
文摘Zooplankton are important linkages in the food web and can respond nonlinearly to environmental changes.Marine organisms thrive from spring to summer.Thus,it is crucial to understand how ecological functions of zooplankton communities may shift under seasonal environmental changes during this period.Samples were collected from May to August(May,June-Ⅰ,June-Ⅱ,July-Ⅰ,July-Ⅱ,and August)in 2018 in Haizhou Bay,Jiangsu,East China for zooplankton and environmental variables.Crustaceans accounted for 75 out of 134 zooplankton taxa and 91.8%of total zooplankton abundance.The average abundance of crustacean varied between 2824.6±635.4 inds./m3 in July-Ⅱand 6502.7±1008.8 inds./m3 in June-Ⅱ.Multivariate analyses results showed that the dissimilarity of community increased gradually in the time series.Body length,feeding type,trophic group,and reproduction mode were used to investigate crustacean community functions.Trait-based functional groups contained species with similar ecological roles.Functional diversity fused the differences of species and trait.The proportion of large-sized species(2-5 mm)decreased with the increasing proportion of medium-sized species(1-2 mm).The proportion of current feeders increased with the drop in the proportion of mixed feeders.Parthenogenesis species increased with decreasing free spawners,and omnivores-carnivores increased with decreasing omnivoresherbivores.Generalized additive models suggested that temperature was the main driver of variations in crustacean zooplankton function.Seven identified functional groups varied with increasing temperature.Omnivorous-herbivorous copepods declined(90.0%-68.0%),whereas the parthenogenetic cladocerans increased(0-24.1%).The small egg-brooding ambush copepods fluctuated(6.5%-9.3%)with increasing water temperature.The other functional groups changed slightly.Functional diversity also varied according to temperature changes.The community structure and ecological function of crustacean zooplankton community showed gradual changes with increasing temperature from spring to summer.
基金Supported by Youth Science Research Fund in Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau,China(Q201007)Special Item of Forecaster in Jiangsu Province,China(201207)
文摘[ Objective] The research aimed to study weather typing and dissipation forecast of the fog in Haizhou Bay. [ Method] Based on the me- teorological observation data of three representative stations in Lianyungang, we analyzed weather situation before fog occurrence as well as the meteorological elements of coastal fog in Haizhou Bay, and established dissipation rating forecast equation of the fog. [ Result] From the surface weather chart, the fog in Haizhou Bay was divided into four types: low-pressure inverted trough type, prefrontal warm-zone type, high-pressure rear type and high-pressure bottom type. FOg formation was closely related to stratification stability, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and wind velocity. By using multiple linear regression method, dissipation rating prediction equation of the fog was established. Via test, prediction was correct basically, and it reached 77% that forecast rating error was below level 0.5.[Conclusion] The research could provide favorable reference for forecast and warninq of the fo_q in Haizhou Bay.
基金Supported by Science and Technology Project of Lianyungang City(SH0917)
文摘[Objective] The aim was to extract red tide information in Haizhou Bay on the basis of multi-source remote sensing data.[Method] Red tide in Haizhou Bay was studied based on multi-source remote sensing data,such as IRS-P6 data on October 8,2005,Landsat 5-TM data on May 20,2006,MODIS 1B data on October 6,2006 and HY-1B second-grade data on April 22,2009,which were firstly preprocessed through geometric correction,atmospheric correction,image resizing and so on.At the same time,the synchronous environment monitoring data of red tide water were acquired.Then,band ratio method,chlorophyll-a concentration method and secondary filtering method were adopted to extract red tide information.[Result] On October 8,2005,the area of red tide was about 20.0 km2 in Haizhou Bay.There was no red tide in Haizhou bay on May 20,2006.On October 6,2006,large areas of red tide occurred in Haizhou bay,with area of 436.5 km2.On April 22,2009,red tide scattered in Haizhou bay,and its area was about 10.8 km2.[Conclusion] The research would provide technical ideas for the environmental monitoring department of Lianyungang to implement red tide forecast and warning effectively.