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全新世高温期气候不稳定性记录 被引量:16
作者 陈云 李铮华 +2 位作者 赵景波 张俊牌 贾艳琨 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期97-103,共7页
对黄土高原黄土剖面中的黑垆土进行了植物孢粉、植物硅酸体、碳同位素和化学分析测试,结果表明,黑垆土良好地记录了全新世高温期气候不稳定性,在大致9~6kaB.P.期间,曾发生数次强度不等的快速变化。这为当今及未来气候变化... 对黄土高原黄土剖面中的黑垆土进行了植物孢粉、植物硅酸体、碳同位素和化学分析测试,结果表明,黑垆土良好地记录了全新世高温期气候不稳定性,在大致9~6kaB.P.期间,曾发生数次强度不等的快速变化。这为当今及未来气候变化趋势预测提供了参照,同时表明,气候系统很复杂,过去关于气候演化过程的认识将面临新的挑战,气候系统内部某因子的变动都可能牵动整个系统从而发生不规则的快速变化事件。 展开更多
关键词 全新世 高温期 气候不稳定性 黑垆土记录 古气候
全新世暖期我国土地利用的格局及其意义 被引量:32
作者 方修琦 章文波 张兰生 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1998年第1期16-22,共7页
依据大量新石器时代的考古资料,对全新世暖期的土地利用进行了分区。北旱作南稻作为当时土地利用的基本特征,水稻种植北界达到35°N,较现今北移了2~3度,北方旱作相应向北扩展到现今以畜牧为主或半农半牧的内蒙古长城地带... 依据大量新石器时代的考古资料,对全新世暖期的土地利用进行了分区。北旱作南稻作为当时土地利用的基本特征,水稻种植北界达到35°N,较现今北移了2~3度,北方旱作相应向北扩展到现今以畜牧为主或半农半牧的内蒙古长城地带及西北的甘青地区,其中粟是最主要的旱作栽培作物。全新世暖期时旱作北界沿线的降水较今高100mm左右,稻作北界沿线降水较今高100~300mm左右,我国北方地区降水较今高100~200mm;伏旱区与副高北界北移了2~3度。暖期对我国农业发展有利。 展开更多
关键词 全新世暖期 土地利用 格局 中国
浙江全新世海滩岩的综合研究 被引量:7
作者 杨守仁 江大勇 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期332-339,T001,共9页
浙江全新世海滩岩是目前公认的中国最北的海滩岩,对它的研究在古气候、古环境、古海面变化等方面都具有重要意义。笔者对浙江海滩岩进行了综合研究,揭示其古动物学、岩石学、矿物学、元素地球化学、氧碳稳定同位素和^(14)C测年等特征,... 浙江全新世海滩岩是目前公认的中国最北的海滩岩,对它的研究在古气候、古环境、古海面变化等方面都具有重要意义。笔者对浙江海滩岩进行了综合研究,揭示其古动物学、岩石学、矿物学、元素地球化学、氧碳稳定同位素和^(14)C测年等特征,从中提取了古气候、古环境信息。研究表明,浙江海滩岩由8个岩石类型组成,其沉积可分两阶段8期:6.5—2.4 ka BP阶段(细分为6.5 ka BP,6.1—5.8 ka BP,5.5 ka BP,5.2—5.1 ka BP,4.8—4.1 ka BP,3.8 ka BP,3.5—2.4 ka BP 7期)和1.1 ka BP阶段(共8期),其所含动物遗骸具有较强烈的热带色彩,由δ^(18)O计算,中全新世海水温度高于现今3.25—4.25℃。 展开更多
关键词 海滩岩 全新世 大暖期 古环境 浙江
Evolution of permafrost in Northeast Chinasince the Late Pleistocene 被引量:5
作者 HuiJun Jin XiaoLi Chang +6 位作者 DongLiang Luo RuiXia He LanZhi Lu SiZhong Yang DongXin Guo XueMei Chen Stuart A.Harris 《Research in Cold and Arid Regions》 CSCD 2016年第4期269-296,共28页
In Northeast China, permafrost advanced and retreated several times under the influences of fluctuating paleo-climatesand paleo-environments since the Late Pleistocene. During the last 60 years, many new data were obt... In Northeast China, permafrost advanced and retreated several times under the influences of fluctuating paleo-climatesand paleo-environments since the Late Pleistocene. During the last 60 years, many new data were obtained and studies wereconducted on the evolution of permafrost in Northeast China, but so far no systematic summary and review have been made.Based on sedimentary sequences, remains of past permafrost, paleo-flora and -fauna records, and dating data, permafrostevolution since the Late Pleistocene has been analyzed and reconstructed in this paper. Paleo-temperatures reconstructedfrom the remains of past permafrost and those from paleo-flora and -fauna are compared, and thus the southern limitof permafrost (SLP) in each climate period is inferred by the relationship of the permafrost distribution and the meanannual air/ground temperatures (MAAT/MAGT). Thus, the evolutionary history of permafrost is here divided into fivestages: (1) the Late Pleistocene (Last Glaciation, or LG) (65 to 10–8.5 ka), the Last Glaciation Maximum (LGM, 21–13 ka)in particular, the coldest period in the latest history with a cooling of about 6~10 °C, characterized by extensive occurrencesof glaciation, flourishing Mammathas-Coelodonta Faunal Complex (MCFC), widespread aeolian deposits, and significantsea level lowering, and permafrost greatly expanded southwards almost to the coastal plains (37°N–41°N); (2) the HoloceneMegathermal Period (HMP, 8.5–7.0 to 4.0–3.0 ka), 3~5 °C warmer than today, permafrost retreated to about 52°N; (3) theLate Holocene Cold Period (Neoglaciation) (4.0–3.0 to 1.0–0.5 ka), a cooling of 1~3 °C, some earlier thawed permafrost wasrefrozen or attached, and the SLP invaded southwards to 46°N; (4) the Little Ice Age (LIA, 500 to 100–150 a), the latestcold period with significant permafrost expansion; and (5) climate warming since the last century, during which NortheastChina has undergone extensive permafrost degradation. The frequent and substantial expansions and retreats of permafrosthave greatly impacted cold-region environments in Northeast China. North of the SLP during the HMP, or in the presentcontinuous permafrost zone, the existing permafrost was largely formed during the LG and was later overlapped by thepermafrost formed in the Neoglaciation. To the south, it was formed in the Neoglaciation. However, many aspects ofpermafrost evolution still await further investigations, such as data integration, numerical reconstruction, and merging ofChinese permafrost history with those of bordering regions as well as collaboration with related disciplines. Of these, studies on the evolution and degradation of permafrost during the past 150 years and its hydrological, ecological, and environmentalimpacts should be prioritized. 展开更多
关键词 Last Glaciation (LG) holocene megathermal period (hmp Neoglaciation Little Ice Age (LIA) NortheastChina permafrost evolution
内蒙古中西部地区全新世大暖期气候与环境初步研究 被引量:27
作者 杨志荣 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期479-485,共7页
以大青山调角海子剖面的孢粉和地球化学分析资料为依据,结合邻区古土壤序列、湖泊演化及考古研究资料,阐明内蒙古中西部地区全新世气候最适宜期始于9250aB.P.左右,结束于4000aB.P.前后;6330aB.P.前后出... 以大青山调角海子剖面的孢粉和地球化学分析资料为依据,结合邻区古土壤序列、湖泊演化及考古研究资料,阐明内蒙古中西部地区全新世气候最适宜期始于9250aB.P.左右,结束于4000aB.P.前后;6330aB.P.前后出现大暖期植被与气候变化的重要转折;6850~6330aB.P.为全新世气候最适宜期的鼎盛期,当时调角海子地区植被为针阔叶混交林,气温比现在高2~3℃,降水量至少高于现代150~200mm。 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古 全新世 气候 环境 古气候 暖期
中国全新世大暖期与黄河中下游地区的农业文明 被引量:20
作者 王星光 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期5-13,共9页
距今8500~3000年是全新世以来气候最佳适宜期,在我国称之为'中国全新世大暖期'或'仰韶温暖期'.处在南北交接'生态过渡带'的黄河中下游地区,气候温暖湿润,植物繁茂,动物众多,水源充足,黄土疏松肥沃,这些适宜的... 距今8500~3000年是全新世以来气候最佳适宜期,在我国称之为'中国全新世大暖期'或'仰韶温暖期'.处在南北交接'生态过渡带'的黄河中下游地区,气候温暖湿润,植物繁茂,动物众多,水源充足,黄土疏松肥沃,这些适宜的生态环境为农业的孕育起源提供了得天独厚的温床.从新石器时代早期的南庄头遗址、案板遗址,到裴李岗文化、磁山文化、仰韶文化、龙山文化遗址,直至夏商时代的文化遗迹,都发现有丰富的农业遗存,充分说明黄河中下游地区是农业起源的中心地区之一.有利的生态环境背景和丰厚的经济基础,也是该地区文明发祥和早期王朝建都于此的主要因素. 展开更多
关键词 中国全新世大暖期 仰韶温暖期 全新世气候最佳适宜期 黄河中下游 农业文明
中国东部地区全新世气候演化及其与气候事件的对应性 被引量:2
作者 王江月 白伟明 +2 位作者 王照波 王明辉 李宝杰 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期167-177,共11页
在格陵兰GISP2冰芯气候演化曲线及北半球30°~90°N全新世气候演化综合曲线的基础上,统合了中国东部地区近年获得的全新世洞穴石笋、黄土沉积、湖泊沉积等典型气候演化曲线,建立了全新世气候节律分期,划分了11个暖期(编号W1—W1... 在格陵兰GISP2冰芯气候演化曲线及北半球30°~90°N全新世气候演化综合曲线的基础上,统合了中国东部地区近年获得的全新世洞穴石笋、黄土沉积、湖泊沉积等典型气候演化曲线,建立了全新世气候节律分期,划分了11个暖期(编号W1—W11),10个冷期(编号C1—C10)。以此为基础,首次将中国东部全新世发生的洪水、海进、海退、冰川、冰冻等各类气候事件进行对应性分析,确认了中国在全新世存在一个千年尺度的节律性气候演化特征。综合各类气候事件后显示,编号为C2、C4、C6的冷期降温幅度较大,分别对应于10、8.2、5.3 kaBP的强冷事件。编号为W5的暖期时段,对应于7.2 kaBP的大暖期。研究发现,全新世气候变化在中国东部产生了同步的陆海联动效应。 展开更多
关键词 气候节律 千年尺度 冷暖旋回 大暖期 全新世
过去2万年以来气候变化的影响与人类适应——中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题”之影响与适应任务群研究进展 被引量:9
作者 郭正堂 任小波 +5 位作者 吕厚远 高星 刘武 吴海斌 张春霞 张健平 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2016年第1期142-151,153,共10页
在当前全球气候变化背景下,中科院战略性先导科技专项"应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题"之"影响与适应任务群"主要以全新世大暖期为"相似型",研究全球平均增温约1°C—2°C情形下的我国环境... 在当前全球气候变化背景下,中科院战略性先导科技专项"应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题"之"影响与适应任务群"主要以全新世大暖期为"相似型",研究全球平均增温约1°C—2°C情形下的我国环境格局及其对陆地生态系统的可能影响,为人类适应提供自然背景及参照;探讨过去不同气候环境背景下人类的适应方式,揭示人类适应气候变化的规律和模式,为未来人类如何适应气候变化提供启示。通过近5年的工作,在自然背景研究方面,揭示出目前的全球增温有自然变暖的周期背景,且不同尺度的增温总体有利于我国季风区降水增加,导致森林面积扩大,我国北方沙漠区收缩,陆地生态系统碳储量增加。在人类起源与适应研究方面,获得了东亚地区现代人起源和迁徙的新证据,揭示出过去的气候变暖促进了农作物的栽培与驯化。8 ka BP—6 ka BP,稻作和旱作农业在空间上显著扩展,农业技术的进步促使史前人类在青藏高原大规模定居。一般情况下,过去寒冷的气候条件限制了人口发展,而相对暖湿的气候有利于人口的增加和文化的发展。研究同时显示,近70年来我国海岸带陆地面积由于人类活动加剧而增加近14 200 km^2。未来工作应加强高分辨率气候变化历史的定量重建,加强气候-环境-人类活动相互作用的机制等研究。 展开更多
关键词 全新世大暖期 环境格局 人类活动
柴达木盆地末次盛冰期与全新世大暖期风沙活动的对比研究 被引量:5
作者 陈涛 宋友桂 李云 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期877-883,共7页
以1∶500 000地质图为基础,利用Map GIS对柴达木盆地进行数字化。根据Google Earth的卫星图和Google Maps的地形图,结合野外考察,进行柴达木盆地现代沙漠范围的勾画。从数字化的地质图中提取盆地内全新统(Q_h)和上更新统(Q_3)的风成堆积... 以1∶500 000地质图为基础,利用Map GIS对柴达木盆地进行数字化。根据Google Earth的卫星图和Google Maps的地形图,结合野外考察,进行柴达木盆地现代沙漠范围的勾画。从数字化的地质图中提取盆地内全新统(Q_h)和上更新统(Q_3)的风成堆积层,结合已有文献资料,绘制出全新世大暖期和末次盛冰期盆地内沙漠的分布图。特征时期沙漠分布图显示,全新世大暖期盆地内沙漠范围大大收缩,比现代沙漠范围小,对暖湿的气候有着很好的响应;末次盛冰期盆地内沙漠范围迅速扩张,比现代沙漠范围大,对干冷的气候有着很好的响应。 展开更多
关键词 末次盛冰期 全新世大暖期 风沙活动 沙漠分布范围 气候变化 柴达木盆地
Temperature evolution from the δ ^(18)O record of Hani peat, Northeast China, in the last 14000 years 被引量:10
作者 Shibata YASUYUKI 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第7期952-964,共13页
From the last deglaciation to the Holocene, the Greenland Ice Core (GISP2) δ 18O records as well as the records of ice-rafted debris on the surface of the North Atlantic have revealed a succession of sudden cooling e... From the last deglaciation to the Holocene, the Greenland Ice Core (GISP2) δ 18O records as well as the records of ice-rafted debris on the surface of the North Atlantic have revealed a succession of sudden cooling events on the centennial to millennial scales. However, the temperature proxy records are rarely studied systematically and directly to ensure that this air temperature cooling pattern simultaneously existed in the East Asian Region, in addition to the repeated pattern occurring in the Greater Atlantic Region. A peat cellulose δ 18O temperature proxy record proximately existing for 14000 years was picked up from the Hani peat in Jilin Province, China. It suggests by comparison that the sudden cooling events, such as the Older Dryas, Inter-Allerφd, Younger Dryas, and nine ice-rafted debris events of the North Atlantic, are almost entirely reiterated in the temperature signals of Hani peat cellulose δ 18O. These cooling events show that the repeatedly occurring temperature cooling pattern not only appeared in the North Atlantic Region in the high latitudes, but also in the Northwest Pacific Region in the middle latitudes. The climate change events marking the start of the Holocene Epoch, the Holocene Megathermal, the "8.2 kyr" event, the "4.2 kyr" event, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age are further discussed. The sensitivity response of Hani peat cellulose δ 18O to the land surface temperature and the reason for the age accuracy of peat cellulose 14C are also discussed based on the characteristics of the peat bog environment. 展开更多
关键词 holocene ABRUPT climate change PEAT holocene megathermal 8.2 kyr EVENT 4.2 kyr EVENT MEDIEVAL Warm period Little Ice Age
Evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka 被引量:7
作者 Huijun JIN Xiaoying JIN +8 位作者 Ruixia HE Dongliang LUO Xiaoli CHANG Shaoling WANG Sergey S MARCHENKO Sizhong YANG Chaolu YI Shijie LI Stuart A HARRIS 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期1207-1223,共17页
The formation and evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka were reconstructed on the basis of large amount of paleo-permafrost remains and paleo-periglacial evidence, as well as paleo-glacial landforms, ... The formation and evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka were reconstructed on the basis of large amount of paleo-permafrost remains and paleo-periglacial evidence, as well as paleo-glacial landforms, paleo-flora and paleofauna records. The results indicate that, during the local Last Glacial Maximum(LLGM) or local Last Permafrost Maximum(LLPMax), the extent of permafrost of China reached 5.3×106-5.4×106 km2, or thrice that of today, but permafrost shrank to only0.80×106-0.85×106 km2, or 50% that of present, during the local Holocene Megathermal Period(LHMP), or the local Last Permafrost Minimum(LLPMin). On the basis of the dating of periglacial remains and their distributive features, the extent of permafrost in China was delineated for the two periods of LLGM(LLPMax) and LHMP(LLPMin), and the evolution of permafrost in China was divided into seven periods as follows:(1) LLGM in Late Pleistocene(ca. 20000 to 13000-10800 a BP)with extensive evidence for the presence of intensive ice-wedge expansion for outlining its LLPMax extent;(2) A period of dramatically changing climate during the early Holocene(10800 to 8500-7000 a BP) when permafrost remained relatively stable but with a general trend of shrinking areal extent;(3) The LHMP in the Mid-Holocene(8500-7000 to 4000-3000 a BP)when permafrost degraded intensively and extensively, and shrank to the LLPMin;(4) Neoglaciation during the late Holocene(4000-3000 to 1000 a BP, when permafrost again expanded;(5) Medieval Warming Period(MWP) in the late Holocene(1000-500 a BP) when permafrost was in a relative decline;(6) Little Ice Age(LIA) in the late Holocene(500-100 a BP), when permafrost relatively expanded, and;(7) Recent warming(during the 20 th century), when permafrost continuously degraded and still is degrading. The paleo-climate, geography and paleopermafrost extents and other features were reconstructed for each of these seven periods. 展开更多
关键词 PERMAFROST EVOLUTION Cryogenic wedge structures LOCAL LAST GLACIAL Maximum(LLGM) LOCAL holocene megathermal period(Lhmp) China
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