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Effect of Daidzein on Ileum Microflora Biodiversity in Hy-Line Variety Brown Layers
作者 Ji Guo-zhen Wang Li 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2014年第4期31-36,共6页
Daidzein is always added into poultry feed to make the production performance and immunity of poultry better. In this study, a total of 600 40-week-old Hy-Line variety brown layers were randomized into five groups and... Daidzein is always added into poultry feed to make the production performance and immunity of poultry better. In this study, a total of 600 40-week-old Hy-Line variety brown layers were randomized into five groups and fed with a corn-soybean-mixed basal diet supplement with 0, 10, 50, 100, and 500 mg · kg^-1 daidzein, respectively. Then, two PCR-based typing methods(RAPD-PCR and ERIC-PCR) were combined to analyze the ileum content and explore the changes of ileum microflora biodiversity. The results of RAPD-PCR and ERIC-PCR showed that bands under 10 mg · kg^-1 and 50 mg · kg^-1 were the most, and their similarity was the largest. Bands under 500 mg · kg^-1 were the least and similarity with other groups was the minimum. Ileum microflora biodiversity under 10 mg · kg^-1 or 50 mg · kg^-1 was richer than that under 500 mg · kg^-1. A corn-soybean-mixed basal diet supplement with 10 mg · kg^-1 to 50 mg · kg^-1 of daidzein might be beneficial to Hy-Line variety brown layers intestinal bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 ileum microflora biodiversity RAPD-PCR ERIC-PCR hy-line variety brown layer
作者 付振保 李权 卢通 《中国现代普通外科进展》 CAS 2024年第6期475-478,共4页
探讨改良加固缝合方式在远端胃癌根治术毕Ⅱ联合Brown吻合中的应用价值。2019年10月至2022年10月,86例行腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术毕Ⅱ联合Brown吻合的患者,随机分为研究组和对照组。研究组45例采用改良加固缝合方式,对照组41例采用常规包... 探讨改良加固缝合方式在远端胃癌根治术毕Ⅱ联合Brown吻合中的应用价值。2019年10月至2022年10月,86例行腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术毕Ⅱ联合Brown吻合的患者,随机分为研究组和对照组。研究组45例采用改良加固缝合方式,对照组41例采用常规包埋加固缝合方式,对比两组患者手术时间、术后并发症、生存质量等指标。结果显示,两组患者手术时间、消化道重建时间、术中出血量、排气时间、首次进食流质时间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);研究组和对照组术后1 d白细胞增加值分别为(5.14±0.92)×10^(9)/L、(7.08±0.98)×10^(9)/L,术后2 d镇痛药使用次数分别为(1.17±0.76)次、(1.63±1.18)次,住院时间分别为(9.22±1.49)d、(10.81±1.58)d,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者术后7 d并发症发生率分别为6.67%、26.83%,术后6月总蛋白下降值分别为(2.842±0.465)g/L、(3.585±0.542)g/L,术后6月并发症发生率分别为13.33%、36.58%,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组术后6月Visick分级、生存质量指标优于对照组(P<0.05);两组PNI指数分别为(39.84±4.72)、(44.25±4.68),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。远端胃癌根治术毕Ⅱ联合Brown吻合中,改良加固缝合方式可明显降低并发症和胃肠道不良反应发生率,提高患者生活质量,促进患者身体功能恢复。 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 远端胃癌根治术 毕Ⅱ联合brown吻合 改良加固缝合
作者 谷拴成 康恽博 +3 位作者 文嘉豪 呼嘉龙 张炜 杨洋 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2024年第9期16-20,共5页
为了研究煤层采动底板最大破坏深度,以1509工作面回风巷道为工程背景。利用半无限体理论建立力学模型,结合材料力学和Hoek-Brown准则,推导出最大破坏深度计算公式,并经过试验和现场监测进行验证。结果显示:底板最大破坏深度为20.3 m,且... 为了研究煤层采动底板最大破坏深度,以1509工作面回风巷道为工程背景。利用半无限体理论建立力学模型,结合材料力学和Hoek-Brown准则,推导出最大破坏深度计算公式,并经过试验和现场监测进行验证。结果显示:底板最大破坏深度为20.3 m,且呈“水滴形”塑性区边界。底板破坏深度与岩体软硬程度呈负相关,与破碎程度呈正相关。现场监测结果显示,随底板埋深增加,采动应力影响减小;波速-垂深曲线表示底板最大破坏深度约为20 m,与理论计算基本吻合。研究成果对类似工作面有借鉴意义,有助于预测底板破坏深度,确保安全生产,并为相关领域研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 底板 半无限体 HOEK-brown 破坏深度 波速-垂深
作者 姜谙男 黄炫茜 +1 位作者 许梦飞 蒋浩鹏 《沈阳工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期442-448,共7页
针对隧道岩体在高温和荷载共同作用下产生的耦合损伤问题,基于连续损伤力学理论,引入高温-荷载耦合损伤因子,建立了考虑高温作用的广义Hoek-Brown(H-B)准则的弹塑性损伤本构模型,解决了模型在数值积分过程中的奇异点问题,并利用Fortran... 针对隧道岩体在高温和荷载共同作用下产生的耦合损伤问题,基于连续损伤力学理论,引入高温-荷载耦合损伤因子,建立了考虑高温作用的广义Hoek-Brown(H-B)准则的弹塑性损伤本构模型,解决了模型在数值积分过程中的奇异点问题,并利用Fortran语言编写了模型的有限元程序。结果表明:模型计算的应力-应变曲线与试验所得到的曲线趋势一致且计算结果误差在5%以内,温度作用下隧洞围岩损伤逐渐加剧,验证了模型的准确性和程序的稳健性,可为火灾作用下隧道围岩安全稳定性评价提供一种有效计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 广义Hoek-brown准则 耦合损伤模型 完全隐式应力返回映射算法 弹塑性模型 高温-荷载耦合 单轴压缩试验 应力-应变曲线 隧洞
基于Hoek-Brown强度准则的溶蚀作用下灰岩力学参数计算方法 被引量:1
作者 何城虎 汤艳春 《三峡大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期62-67,共6页
Hoek-Brown强度准则广泛使用于岩石及岩体工程中,针对地下工程中灰岩围岩洞室受溶蚀作用其稳定性会降低的问题,提出一种相应的参数计算方法.基于Hoek-Brown强度准则中可描述溶蚀作用下灰岩的力学特性的地质强度指标G,构建其与卸载点值... Hoek-Brown强度准则广泛使用于岩石及岩体工程中,针对地下工程中灰岩围岩洞室受溶蚀作用其稳定性会降低的问题,提出一种相应的参数计算方法.基于Hoek-Brown强度准则中可描述溶蚀作用下灰岩的力学特性的地质强度指标G,构建其与卸载点值和溶蚀时间的函数方程.通过灰岩单轴压缩试验结果,并结合Flac3D软件数值模拟得出函数方程的参数.为验证计算方法的合理性,将试验结果和数值模拟结果进行对比,结果表明计算结果和试验结果吻合度高.最后归纳出G的变化率随卸载点、溶蚀时间的演化规律.上述研究成果可对溶蚀作用下的洞室围岩稳定性动态演化规律的相关计算与数值模拟提供理论支撑. 展开更多
关键词 灰岩 溶蚀作用 HOEK-brown 力学参数
Prevalence of vegetation browning in China’s drylands under climate change 被引量:1
作者 Li Fu Guolong Zhang +3 位作者 Jianping Huang Ming Peng Lei Ding Dongliang Han 《Geography and Sustainability》 CSCD 2024年第3期405-414,共10页
Vegetation greening has long been acknowledged,but recent studies have pointed out that vegetation greening is possibly stalled or even reversed.However,detailed analyses about greening reversal or increased browning ... Vegetation greening has long been acknowledged,but recent studies have pointed out that vegetation greening is possibly stalled or even reversed.However,detailed analyses about greening reversal or increased browning of vegetation remain scarce.In this study,we utilized the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI)as an indicator of vegetation to investigate the trends of vegetation greening and browning(monotonic,interruption,and reversal)through the breaks for the additive season and trend(BFAST)method across China’s drylands from 1982 to 2022.It also reveals the impacts of ecological restoration programs(ERPs)and climate change on these vegetation trends.We find that the vegetation displays an obvious pattern of east-greening and west-browning in China’s drylands.Greening trends mainly exhibits monotonic greening(29.8%)and greening with setback(36.8%),whereas browning shows a greening to browning reversal(19.2%).The increase rate of greening to browning reversal is 0.0342/yr,which is apparently greater than that of greening with setback,0.0078/yr.This research highlights that,under the background of widespread vegetation greening,vegetation browning is pro-gressively increasing due to the effects of climate change.Furthermore,the ERPs have significantly increased vegetation coverage,with the increase rate in 2000-2022 being twice as much as that of 1982-1999 in reveg-etation regions.Vegetation browning in southwestern Qingzang Plateau is primarily driven by adverse climatic factors and anthropogenic disturbances,which offset the efforts of ERPs. 展开更多
关键词 China’s drylands Ecological restoration programs Climate change Greening to browning reversal BFAST
作者 李亚鹏 吴晓锁 +1 位作者 张强 蒋斌松 《煤炭科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期81-89,共9页
为改善Hoek-Brown强度准则未考虑中间主应力对岩石强度的影响,通过岩石真三轴试验结果分析了岩石强度的演化规律,引入中间主应力系数,量化分析主应力系数对岩石真三轴强度的影响,考虑Hoek-Brown强度准则中的参数和岩石应力水平间的关联... 为改善Hoek-Brown强度准则未考虑中间主应力对岩石强度的影响,通过岩石真三轴试验结果分析了岩石强度的演化规律,引入中间主应力系数,量化分析主应力系数对岩石真三轴强度的影响,考虑Hoek-Brown强度准则中的参数和岩石应力水平间的关联性,提出了基于拉格朗日插值方法的修正岩石真三轴Hoek-Brown强度准则,分析了其空间包络特征。最后,利用7种岩石的真三轴试验数据与其它3种真三轴强度准则进行最优拟合误差分析,探讨了修正强度准则的合理性。研究结果表明:岩石强度随着最小主应力的增加逐渐增大,随着中间主应力的增加则呈现先增大后减小的变化规律,表现出显著的区间效应;修正强度准则不仅能够继承Hoek-Brown强度准则在子午面上的非线性优点,且能够表征岩石强度在应力空间中的基本特性;线性和非线性插值形式的修正强度准则空间包络面分别为非等边的六棱锥面以及能够满足拉压子午面区间连续光滑要求的圆锥面;修正强度准则能够较好地预测岩石真三轴试验强度,较为合理地反映中间主应力对岩石强度的影响;相比于线性插值形式强度准则,二次插值形式强度准则能够提高岩石强度的预测精度1.2~2.0倍;相较于其他真三轴强度准则,修正强度准则对不同硬脆性岩石的真三轴试验结果均具有良好的强度预测精度,体现了修正强度准则的适用性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 岩石 HOEK-brown强度准则 真三轴试验 中间主应力 拉格朗日插值
作者 李云 侯胜群 +6 位作者 陈雅琼 张霞 张莹莹 汤立晨 陆箴琦 张晓菊 裘佳佳 《军事护理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期78-81,共4页
目的探索并构建符合肿瘤专科医院特色的淋巴水肿高级护理实践模式。方法基于Brown高级护理实践模式,构建岗位,确定高级护理实践范畴,明确专科护士核心能力,开展淋巴水肿高级护理实践并进行评价。结果门诊就诊患者逐年增多,本院患者中0... 目的探索并构建符合肿瘤专科医院特色的淋巴水肿高级护理实践模式。方法基于Brown高级护理实践模式,构建岗位,确定高级护理实践范畴,明确专科护士核心能力,开展淋巴水肿高级护理实践并进行评价。结果门诊就诊患者逐年增多,本院患者中0期患者占比逐年增高。高级护理实践团队逐步壮大,成员对淋巴水肿高级护理实践满意度为94.12%。结论淋巴水肿高级护理实践有利于淋巴水肿患者全程管理,利于专科护理人才的培养。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 淋巴水肿 高级护理实践 brown高级护理实践模式
Effects of quantum noise on teleportation of arbitrary two-qubit state via five-particle Brown state
作者 汪澳 魏玉震 +3 位作者 姜敏 李泳成 陈虹 黄旭 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期204-211,共8页
We propose a new protocol for quantum teleportation(QT)which adopts the Brown state as the quantum channel.This work focuses on the teleportation of a single unknown two-qubit state via a Brown state channel in an ide... We propose a new protocol for quantum teleportation(QT)which adopts the Brown state as the quantum channel.This work focuses on the teleportation of a single unknown two-qubit state via a Brown state channel in an ideal environment.To validate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme,we conduct experiments by using the quantum circuit simulator Quirk.Furthermore,we investigate the effects of four noisy channels,namely,the phase damping noise,the bit-flip noise,the amplitude damping noise,and the phase-flip noise.Notably,we employ Monte Carlo simulation to elucidate the fidelity density under various noise parameters.Our analysis demonstrates that the fidelity of the protocol in a noisy environment is influenced significantly by the amplitude of the initial state and the noise factor. 展开更多
关键词 quantum communication brown state FIDELITY
Relationship between self-propelled velocity and Brownian motion for spherical and ellipsoid particles
作者 Jingwen Wang Ming Xu Deming Nie 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期305-311,共7页
The Brownian motion of spherical and ellipsoidal self-propelled particles was simulated without considering the effect of inertia and using the Langevin equation and the diffusion coefficient of ellipsoidal particles ... The Brownian motion of spherical and ellipsoidal self-propelled particles was simulated without considering the effect of inertia and using the Langevin equation and the diffusion coefficient of ellipsoidal particles derived by Perrin.The P´eclet number(Pe)was introduced to measure the relative strengths of self-propelled and Brownian motions.We found that the motion state of spherical and ellipsoid self-propelled particles changed significantly under the influence of Brownian motion.For spherical particles,there were three primary states of motion:1)when Pe<30,the particles were still significantly affected by Brownian motion;2)when Pe>30,the self-propelled velocities of the particles were increasing;and 3)when Pe>100,the particles were completely controlled by the self-propelled velocities and the Brownian motion was suppressed.In the simulation of the ellipsoidal self-propelled particles,we found that the larger the aspect ratio of the particles,the more susceptible they were to the influence of Brownian motion.In addition,the value interval of Pe depended on the aspect ratio.Finally,we found that the directional motion ability of the ellipsoidal self-propelled particles was much weaker than that of the spherical self-propelled particles. 展开更多
关键词 brown motion self-propelled particle orientation movement
Gapless Genome Assembly of ZH8015 and Preliminary Multi-Omics Analysis to Investigate ZH8015's Responses Against Brown Planthopper Infestation
作者 LI Dian DUAN Wenjing +5 位作者 LIU Qun’en WU Weixun ZHAN Xiaodeng SUN Lianping ZHANG Yingxin CHENG Shihua 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期317-327,I0042-I0045,共15页
Accurate genomic information is essential for advancing genetic breeding research in specific rice varieties.This study presented a gapless genome assembly of the indica rice cultivar Zhonghui 8015(ZH8015)using Pac Bi... Accurate genomic information is essential for advancing genetic breeding research in specific rice varieties.This study presented a gapless genome assembly of the indica rice cultivar Zhonghui 8015(ZH8015)using Pac Bio HiFi,Hi-C,and ONT(Oxford Nanopore Technologies)ultra-long sequencing technologies,annotating 43037 gene structures.Subsequently,utilizing this genome along with transcriptomic and metabolomic techniques,we explored ZH8015's response to brown planthopper(BPH)infestation.Continuous transcriptomic sampling indicated significant changes in gene expression levels around 48 h after BPH feeding.Enrichment analysis revealed particularly significant alterations in genes related to reactive oxygen species scavenging and cell wall formation.Metabolomic results demonstrated marked increases in levels of several monosaccharides,which are components of the cell wall and dramatic changes in flavonoid contents.Omics association analysis identified differentially expressed genes associated with key metabolites,shedding light on ZH8015's response to BPH infestation.In summary,this study constructed a reliable genome sequence resource for ZH8015,and the preliminary multi-omics results will guide future insect-resistant breeding research. 展开更多
关键词 brown planthopper gapless genome genome assembly multi-omics Nilaparvata lugens rice
Transcriptome and metabolome analysis of preharvest internal browning in Nane plum fruit caused by high temperature
作者 Cheng Peng Linping Deng +7 位作者 Hejun Tan Wancong Meng Jianliang Luo Zengwen Zhang Huiqiong Chen Jishui Qiu Xiaoxiao Chang Yusheng Lu 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期1099-1111,共13页
The preharvest internal browning of Nane plum fruit,with no visible effects on the appearance of the fruit,has become a serious problem in recent years in its production area in Guangdong Province,China.This study inv... The preharvest internal browning of Nane plum fruit,with no visible effects on the appearance of the fruit,has become a serious problem in recent years in its production area in Guangdong Province,China.This study investigated the effects of environmental factors,including temperature,on Nane plum internal browning.Plum orchards at different elevations with different incidences of internal browning were selected.Using fruits with different internal browning incidence levels,the internal browning mechanism was analyzed with transcriptome and metabolome analyses.The results revealed decreased internal browning at high altitudes.Shading treatment significantly reduced internal browning,whereas bagging and insect-proof net-covering treatments significantly increased internal browning.Because bagging and net coverings increase the local ambient temperature,the findings suggest that high temperature is an important factor influencing the internal browning of Nane plum.The metabolome experiments showed that with increased internal browning,the levels of phenolic hydroxyls such as catechol increased,with simultaneous increases in hydrogen peroxide content and oxidase activity.It can be speculated that the oxidation of phenolic hydroxyl substances is the main cause of the preharvest browning of Nane plum.Transcriptome analysis revealed the increased expression of calcium signaling-related and downstream effector genes and indicated an important role of calcium in internal browning,possibly due to its increased content in the fruit.Further,with increasingly serious internal browning,genes related to photosynthesis were down-regulated,while genes related to senescence were up-regulated,thus suggesting the up-regulation of the process of cell senescence during internal browning.In conclusion,heat stress should be eliminated to reduce preharvest internal browning in Nane plum. 展开更多
关键词 Nane plum Fruit internal browning High temperature CALCIUM
Global gene expression profiling of perirenal brown adipose tissue whitening in goat kids reveals novel genes linked to adipose remodeling
作者 Le Zhao Haili Yang +6 位作者 Minhao Li Min Xiao Xingchun Li Lei Cheng Wenqiang Cheng Meixi Chen Yongju Zhao 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1008-1026,共19页
Background Brown adipose tissue(BAT)is known to be capable of non-shivering thermogenesis under cold stimulation,which is related to the mortality of animals.In the previous study,we observed that goat BAT is mainly l... Background Brown adipose tissue(BAT)is known to be capable of non-shivering thermogenesis under cold stimulation,which is related to the mortality of animals.In the previous study,we observed that goat BAT is mainly located around the kidney at birth,and changes to white adipose tissue(WAT)in the perirenal adipose tissue of goats within one month after birth.However,the regulatory factors underlying this change is remain unclear.In this study,we systematically studied the perirenal adipose tissue of goat kids in histological,cytological,and accompanying molecular level changes from 0 to 28 d after birth.Results Our study found a higher mortality rate in winter-born goat kids,with goat birthing data statistics.Then we used thermal imaging revealing high temperature in goat hips at postnatal 0 d and gradually decrease during 28 d.This is consistent with the region of perirenal BAT deposition and highlights its critical role in energy expenditure and body temperature regulation in goat kids.Additionally,we found a series of changes of BAT during the first 28 d after birth,such as whitening,larger lipid droplets,decreased mitochondrial numbers,and down-regulation of key thermogenesis-related genes(UCP1,DIO2,UCP2,CIDEA,PPARGC1a,C/EBPb,and C/EBPa).Then,we used RNA-seq found specific marker genes for goat adipose tissue and identified 12 new marker genes for BAT and 10 new marker genes for WAT of goats.Furthermore,12 candidate genes were found to potentially regulate goat BAT thermogenesis.The mechanism of the change of this biological phenomenon does not involve a large-scale death of brown adipocytes and subsequent proliferation of white adipocytes.While apoptosis may play a limited role,it is largely not critical in this transition process.Conclusions We concluded that perirenal BAT plays a crucial role in thermoregulation in newborn goat kids,with notable species differences in the expression of adipose tissue marker genes,and we highlighted some potential marker genes for goat BAT and WAT.Additionally,the change from BAT to WAT does not involve a large-scale death of brown adipocytes and subsequent proliferation of white adipocytes. 展开更多
关键词 Adipose remodeling brown adipose tissue Goat kids Key thermogenesis-related genes WHITENING
Variations of phyllosphere microorganisms in asymptomatic and tobacco brown spot leaves before and after spraying 12% difenoconazole + fluxapyroxad SC
作者 LI Tong WANG Hancheng +6 位作者 YE Guo WANG Qing NGANGUEM NZALLE Yranney Brice WANG Feng CAI Liuti FENG Ruichao ZHANG Songbai 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期932-948,共17页
12%difenoconazole+fluxapyroxad SC(commercial name:Jiangong)was first released by BASF in China in 2016.It has been registered to control many diseases,including pear scab,apple Alternaria leaf spot,tomato early blight... 12%difenoconazole+fluxapyroxad SC(commercial name:Jiangong)was first released by BASF in China in 2016.It has been registered to control many diseases,including pear scab,apple Alternaria leaf spot,tomato early blight,cucumber powdery mildew,etc.This study evaluated the bioactivity of Jiangong against Alternaria alternata and explored variations of phyllosphere microorganisms in both asymptomatic and tobacco brown spot leaves at different persistence periods(0,5,10,and 15 days post-fungicide application)using high-throughput sequencing technology.The results indicated that Jiangong effectively inhibited mycelial growth(average EC_(50) value of 0.51μg/mL),conidia germination(average EC_(50) value of 3.47μg/mL),and the carbon metabolism of A.alternata.Both asymptomatic and symptomatic leaves presented complex microbial communities.Higher fungal diversity was noted in asymptomatic leaves,while higher bacterial diversity was found in symptomatic leaves.After application,the diversity and abundance of microbial community structures in both types of leaves changed over time.Fungal microbiome communities showed greater sensitivity than bacterial groups,with the microbiome communities of asymptomatic leaves being more affected than those of symptomatic leaves.Fungal community diversity decreased for both symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves after 5 days of application,while the diversity of fungal community in symptomatic leaves showed an upward trend after 10 days of application.Meanwhile,bacterial community diversity increased in both symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves after 5 days of application but then declined in asymptomatic leaves after 15 days.The abundance of the dominant function group of phyllosphere bacteria(metabolism,genetic information processing,environmental information processing)was not affected by the application of Jiangong.However,the abundance of the dominant function group of phyllosphere fungi(animal pathogen-endophyte-wood saprotroph,endophyte-plant pathogen,plant pathogen-undefined saprotroph)was significantly affected by the application of Jiangong,and high variation was found in symptomatic leaves than that of asymptomatic leaves.The application of Jiangong-induced alterations in the community structure of the tobacco phyllosphere microbiome provides a basis for future tobacco brown spot control strategies based on phyllospheric microecology. 展开更多
关键词 tobacco brown spot DIFENOCONAZOLE fluxapyroxad microorganism communities diversity high-throughput sequencing
Resistance index and browning mechanism of apple peel under high temperature stress
作者 Hui Wang Shuhui Zhang +8 位作者 Zidun Wang Dongmei Li Leiyu Yan Yifeng Feng Xiaojie Liu Rongxin Chen Wenmin Fan Lulong Sun Zhengyang Zhao 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期305-317,共13页
Apples are one of the most important economic crops worldwide.Because of global warming and an aggravation of environmental,abnormally high temperatures occur frequently in fruit-growing season and seriously affect no... Apples are one of the most important economic crops worldwide.Because of global warming and an aggravation of environmental,abnormally high temperatures occur frequently in fruit-growing season and seriously affect normal fruit growth and reduce fruit quality and yield.We took five-year-old Ruixue’(Qinfu 1×Pink Lady;CNA20151469.1) fruits as test materials,and the ambient temperature during fruit development was monitored.The results showed that during the fruit-growing season,especially during the rapid growth stage (July to August),the maximum daily temperature exceeded 30℃ and lasted for more than 40 days.To determine the effects of high temperature stress on the apple fruit resistance,we treated expanding,veraison,and maturity-period fruits at different temperatures.It was found that the fruits of the expanding period showed strong resistance to high temperature stress,whereas during veraison and maturity,fruit resistance to high temperature stress decreased,and the fruit peel browning phenotype appeared.Meanwhile,the content of malonaldehyde (MDA),hydrogen peroxide (H_(2)O_(2)),and superoxide anion (O._(2)^(-)) in the peel gradually increased with increasing temperature.The content of total phenols,flavanol,and flavonoids in the peel decreased substantially at 45℃.Moreover,it was found that polyphenol oxidase gene (MdPPO1) was most sensitive to high temperature stress in apple.Furthermore,transient and stable MdPPO1 overexpression significantly promoted peel browning.The transgenic materials were more sensitive to high temperatures,and browning was more severe compared to non-genetically modified organism (WT).Stable MdPPO1 knockout calli obtained via clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats (CRISPR/Cas9) gene knockout technology reduced the browning phenotype,and the resultant fruits were not sensitive to the effects of high temperature stress.Thus,MdPPO1 expression may be a key factor of high temperature-related changes observed in the browning phenotype that provides a scientific theoretical basis for the selection of high temperature-resistant varieties and apple cultivation and management in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Malus domestica Borkh High temperature stress PEEL brownING MdPPO1
Evaluation of Resistance of Different Kiwifruit Varieties (Lines) to Canker Disease and Brown Spot Disease
作者 Wenwen Su Chongpei Zheng +5 位作者 Zhencheng Han Chunguang Ren Di Wu Tao Li Yi Yang Weijie Li 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2024年第6期1249-1261,共13页
Kiwifruit canker and brown spot are significant diseases affecting kiwis,caused by Pseudomonas syringae patho-genic variations(Pseudomonas syringae pv.Actinidiae(Psa))and Corynesporapolytica(Corynespora cassiicola).At ... Kiwifruit canker and brown spot are significant diseases affecting kiwis,caused by Pseudomonas syringae patho-genic variations(Pseudomonas syringae pv.Actinidiae(Psa))and Corynesporapolytica(Corynespora cassiicola).At present,the research on canker disease and brown spot disease mainly focuses on the isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria,drug control,resistance gene mining and functional verification.Practice has proved that breeding disease resistant varieties are an effective method to control canker disease and brown spot disease.However,most existing cultivars lack genes for canker and brown spot resistance.Wild kiwifruit resources in nat-ure exhibit extensive genetic diversity due to prolonged natural selection,containing numerous resistance genes.But,due to insufficient understanding of the resistance of most kiwifruit varieties(lines)to canker disease and brown spot disease,some high-quality resources have not been fully utilized.The incidence of canker and brown spot of 18 kiwifruit cultivars(lines)was measured by inoculating isolated branches and leaves,and their resistance to canker and brown spot was analyzed according to the length,disease index,mean diameter,and systematic clustering.The results were as follows:Among 18 different kiwifruit varieties(lines)for canker disease,there were two highly resistant materials,eight disease-resistant materials,four disease-susceptible materials,and two highly susceptible materials.Moreover,regarding brown spot disease,there were one highly resistant material,five dis-ease-resistant materials,four susceptible materials,and three highly susceptible materials.Furthermore,four resources were resistant to both diseases.The outcomes provided a theoretical basis for breeding kiwifruit against canker and brown spot. 展开更多
关键词 KIWIFRUIT canker disease brown spot resistance evaluation
作者 任乐华 《河南医学研究》 CAS 2024年第18期3384-3387,共4页
目的对比改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合与U-RY吻合在腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术中的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2022年3月至2023年4月于信阳市肿瘤医院肿瘤外科行腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术的123例胃癌患者临床资料,根据吻合术式分为两组,将61例采用U-R... 目的对比改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合与U-RY吻合在腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术中的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2022年3月至2023年4月于信阳市肿瘤医院肿瘤外科行腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术的123例胃癌患者临床资料,根据吻合术式分为两组,将61例采用U-RY吻合术的患者归为U-RY吻合组,62例采用改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合术的患者纳入改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合组。比较两组围手术期指标、胃肠功能恢复情况、复发率及并发症发生情况。结果改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合组住院时间及肠鸣音恢复时间较U-RY吻合组短(P<0.05)。两组患者术后1 a复发率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合组术后远期并发症发生率低于U-RY吻合组(P<0.05)。结论与U-RY吻合术相比,腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术中采用改良BillrothⅡ+Brown吻合的效果更好,可缩短患者住院时间及肠鸣音恢复时间,降低远期并发症发生风险。 展开更多
关键词 胃癌 改良BillrothⅡ+brown吻合 U-RY吻合 腹腔镜远端胃癌根治术
作者 刘永宏 曾港 王壮 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期398-408,共11页
关键词 brown运动 增量 小时间Chung重对数律
Impact of wetting-drying cycles and acidic conditions on the soil aggregate stability of yellow‒brown soil
作者 XIA Zhenyao NI Yuanzhen +2 位作者 LIU Deyu WANG Di XIAO Hai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期2075-2090,共16页
Soil aggregate is the basic structural unit of soil,which is the foundation for supporting ecosystem functions,while its composition and stability is significantly affected by the external environment.This study was c... Soil aggregate is the basic structural unit of soil,which is the foundation for supporting ecosystem functions,while its composition and stability is significantly affected by the external environment.This study was conducted to explore the effect of external environment(wetting-drying cycles and acidic conditions)on the soil aggregate distribution and stability and identify the key soil physicochemical factors that affect the soil aggregate stability.The yellow‒brown soil from the Three Gorges Reservoir area(TGRA)was used,and 8 wetting-drying conditions(0,1,2,3,4,5,10 and 15 cycles)were simulated under 4 acidic conditions(pH=3,4,5 and 7).The particle size distribution and soil aggregate stability were determined by wet sieving method,the contribution of environmental factors(acid condition,wetting-drying cycle and their combined action)to the soil aggregate stability was clarified and the key soil physicochemical factors that affect the soil aggregate stability under wetting-drying cycles and acidic conditions were determined by using the Pearson’s correlation analysis,Partial least squares path modeling(PLS‒PM)and multiple linear regression analysis.The results indicate that wetting-drying cycles and acidic conditions have significant effects on the stability of soil aggregates,the soil aggregate stability gradually decreases with increasing number of wetting-drying cycles and it obviously decreases with the increase of acidity.Moreover,the combination of wetting-drying cycles and acidic conditions aggravate the reduction in the soil aggregate stability.The wetting-drying cycles,acidic conditions and their combined effect imposes significant impact on the soil aggregate stability,and the wetting-drying cycles exert the greatest influence.The soil aggregate stability is significantly correlated with the pH,Ca^(2+),Mg^(2+),maximum disintegration index(MDI)and soil bulk density(SBD).The PLS‒PM and multiple linear regression analysis further reveal that the soil aggregate stability is primarily influenced by SBD,Ca^(2+),and MDI.These results offer a scientific basis for understanding the soil aggregate breakdown mechanism and are helpful for clarifying the coupled effect of wetting-drying cycles and acid rain on terrestrial ecosystems in the TGRA. 展开更多
关键词 Yellow‒brown soil Wetting-drying cycles Acidic conditions Soil aggregate stability Soil disintegration
Expect the unexpected:Brown tumor of the mandible as the first manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism
作者 Ana Majic Tengg Maja Cigrovski Berkovic +3 位作者 Ivan Zajc Ivan Salaric Danko Müller Iva Markota 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第7期1200-1204,共5页
Hyperparathyroidism(HPT)is a condition in which one or more parathyroid glands produce increased levels of parathyroid hormone(PTH),causing disturbances in calcium homeostasis.Most commonly HPT presents with asymptoma... Hyperparathyroidism(HPT)is a condition in which one or more parathyroid glands produce increased levels of parathyroid hormone(PTH),causing disturbances in calcium homeostasis.Most commonly HPT presents with asymptomatic hypercalcemia but the clinical spectrum may include disturbances reflecting the combined effects of increased PTH secretion and hypercalcemia.Brown tumors are rare,benign,tumor-like bone lesions,occurring in 1.5%to 4.5%of patients with HPT,as a complication of an uncontrolled disease pathway,and are nowadays rarely seen in clinical practice.The tumor can appear either as a solitary or multifocal lesion and usually presents as an asymptomatic swelling or a painful exophytic mass.Furthermore,it can cause a pathological fracture or skeletal pain and be radiologically described as a lytic bone lesion.The diagnosis of a brown tumor in HPT is typically confirmed by assessing the levels of serum calcium,phosphorus,and PTH.Although when present,brown tumor is quite pathognomonic for HPT,the histologic finding often suggests a giant cell tumor,while clinical presentation might suggest other more frequent pathologies such as metastatic tumors.Treatment of brown tumors frequently focuses on managing the underlying HPT,which can often lead to regression and resolution of the lesion,without the need for surgical intervention.However,in refractory cases or when dealing with large symptomatic lesions,surgical treatment may be necessary. 展开更多
关键词 brown tumor HYPERPARATHYROIDISM Lytic bone lesions Giant cell tumor
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