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Middle East Geopolitics and China-India Strategic Interaction in the New Era
作者 Henelito A.Sevilla,Jr 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2020年第2期179-193,共15页
In the past,the nature of global geopolitical interactions among states has seen Europe and the United States emerge as dominant players in Middle East regional politics.This assertion is based on the overstretched ge... In the past,the nature of global geopolitical interactions among states has seen Europe and the United States emerge as dominant players in Middle East regional politics.This assertion is based on the overstretched geostrategic interests of Europe and the United States(US)tied up with controlling strategic goods,such as crude oil and gas,as well as maintaining freedom of navigation.These three variables-oil,gas and water routes-were the most critical components that attracted global powers to engage with the Middle East.Recent developments,however,suggest that two rising Asian powers,China and India,are becoming increasingly involved in Middle East regional affairs.Both countries have recognised the critical role of the region in their future economic growth and development and have embedded the region into their national strategic plan.However,the region faces issues-such as terrorism,internal strife,particularly in Syria,maritime security,hunger and poverty,especially in Yemen,the recent US-Iran conflict and the COVID-19 global pandemic-that may influence the operationalisation and outcome of the future strategic plan of China and India.These current challenges thus require the Asian powers to reassess each other’s strategy.This paper analyses how China and India adapt their strategic interests in accordance to the compounding realities in the Middle East.In particular,it seeks to answer two relevant questions:To what extent can China and India engage the region in the coming years?Given their national interests and priorities vis-a-vis the Middle East,can we expect more cooperation than competition between these two Asian powers?Central to this is a thesis that cooperation among these two powers is more promising and effective,at least in those mentioned issues,despite their divergent national interests and historical rivalries. 展开更多
关键词 middle east geo-strategic issues foreign policy complex interdependency China and india
Middle East Terrorism,Global Governance and China’s Anti-terror Policy
作者 ZHU Weilie 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2011年第2期1-16,I0001,共17页
The anti-terror campaign in the Middle East is the key and influential part of global anti-terror endeavor,which is one of the most challenging global governance issues in the international community.It is closely lin... The anti-terror campaign in the Middle East is the key and influential part of global anti-terror endeavor,which is one of the most challenging global governance issues in the international community.It is closely linked with the transformation of the international system and the reconstruction of the world’s new political and economic order.Within the background of economic globalization,the Middle East Islamic countries are confronted with the problems of promoting reform and development,facilitating institutional reform and social transformation.Internally,the Middle East terrorism originates from the complicated historical,social,religious and ethnic conflicts;externally,the Middle East terrorism hinges on interference,invasion,occupation,and the rival for territory,recourses and interest.China’s anti-terror endeavor aims at protecting its overseas interest and meanwhile,it reflects China’s unique idea and mode of global governance. 展开更多
关键词 Anti-terror policy China’s middle east policy Global Governance Non-traditional security TERRORIsM
Development of Sino-Arab Relations and the Evolution of China’s Middle East Policy in the New Era
作者 Kuangyi Yao 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2007年第1期1-17,I0001,共18页
China and the Arab countries enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges.During the Cold War period,significant accomplishments were achieved in their bilateral political cooperation.Recent years have witnessed the gre... China and the Arab countries enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges.During the Cold War period,significant accomplishments were achieved in their bilateral political cooperation.Recent years have witnessed the great success of comprehensive cooperation toward mutual benefits within the framework of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum.However,the turbulence in the Middle East and the U.S.Greater Middle East Initiative have emerged as a new challenge to the future development of bilateral relations.Yet China’s Middle East policy has not remained stagnant;its prompt readjustments have brought momentum to the healthy development of Sino-Arab bilateral relations. 展开更多
关键词 sino-Arab Relations China’s middle east policy
Analysis on the Trends of the Middle East Turmoil
作者 AN Huihou 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2015年第1期1-21,I0001,共22页
The extremist organization“IS”brought additional chaos to the Middle East.It is expected that Egypt will restore order.The main hot spot issues have witnessed some changes but are still hard to solve.The US is the p... The extremist organization“IS”brought additional chaos to the Middle East.It is expected that Egypt will restore order.The main hot spot issues have witnessed some changes but are still hard to solve.The US is the producer of the Middle East turmoil.Internal disputes in the Middle East are still prevalent.China still has great potential to develop the friendship and cooperation with Middle East countries. 展开更多
关键词 IsIs middle east Hot Issues EGYPT Us middle east policy China’s Relations with middle east Countries
冷战后伊朗与印度关系的进展与现实困境 被引量:1
作者 魏亮 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期90-111,159,160,共24页
伊朗和印度都曾是殖民地国家,现同为发展中国家,各自是当代中东和南亚地区大国。由于历史文化相亲和地理相近,发展友好关系一直是两国外交的重要目标。冷战结束以来,伊朗和印度关系的发展摆脱两极格局的桎梏,在“提量”和“增质”上取... 伊朗和印度都曾是殖民地国家,现同为发展中国家,各自是当代中东和南亚地区大国。由于历史文化相亲和地理相近,发展友好关系一直是两国外交的重要目标。冷战结束以来,伊朗和印度关系的发展摆脱两极格局的桎梏,在“提量”和“增质”上取得显著成果,在政治、经济、军事和安全领域取得程度各异的发展或突破。2007年以来,伊印双边关系发展受阻,呈现出政治和安全合作停滞、经济和军事关系受挫的基本态势。冷战后的伊印关系与冷战时期相似,依然表现出很强的外源性和较弱的抗干扰性。受美国因素、印度中东政策等因素的干扰与制约,伊印关系在未来较长时段仍将继续陷于困境而难有实质性突破。 展开更多
关键词 伊朗 印度 伊朗与印度关系 印度中东政策
作者 索玉峰 《印度洋经济体研究》 2023年第1期128-150,156,共24页
自莫迪上任以来,印度的中东政策由“西向”升级为“西联”,与阿联酋的关系在“西联”政策框架下快速发展。提升与阿联酋在内的海湾国家间的双边关系,被印度视为实现其全球“领导型大国”战略目标的重要支撑,也是平衡巴基斯坦和中国在该... 自莫迪上任以来,印度的中东政策由“西向”升级为“西联”,与阿联酋的关系在“西联”政策框架下快速发展。提升与阿联酋在内的海湾国家间的双边关系,被印度视为实现其全球“领导型大国”战略目标的重要支撑,也是平衡巴基斯坦和中国在该地区影响力的重要手段。印阿两国关系建立在经贸、能源保障、安全防务和印度侨民福祉四大支柱之上。其中,能源合作、经贸为优先领域;安全防务则是新兴领域;作为传统领域的人文交流是印度对阿联酋推进“软实力”外交的重要途径。印度发展对阿联酋的关系,高层引领路线明晰、外交手段多元多样、务实主义色彩突出。由于中东事务的敏感性,印度在与阿联酋等海湾国家发展双边关系的过程中力求谨慎平衡,以使自身利益最大化。但是,因巴基斯坦因素的存在以及外溢到外交领域的印度教民族主义,致使印阿关系也存在一定的脆弱性。 展开更多
关键词 中东政策 “西联” 政策 印度—阿联酋关系
追求“领导性大国”:莫迪执政以来印度的中东政策 被引量:6
作者 曾向红 陈明霞 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期32-45,118-119,共15页
莫迪总理自上任以来,其对印度的内政外交政策均做出较大的调整。在中东政策上,印度对中东地区的关注程度和投入力度明显加大,具体表现为拉近政治联系、扩大经贸合作、强化安全合作等三个方面。莫迪政府加大对中东地区的关注与投入有多... 莫迪总理自上任以来,其对印度的内政外交政策均做出较大的调整。在中东政策上,印度对中东地区的关注程度和投入力度明显加大,具体表现为拉近政治联系、扩大经贸合作、强化安全合作等三个方面。莫迪政府加大对中东地区的关注与投入有多重原因,其中既有确保能源供应安全、争取更多的侨汇收入等实用主义的考虑,又受到印度历来有之的“大国情结”的驱动。莫迪政府的中东政策具有全面布局、注重平衡、谨慎克制和务实导向等特征。总体来看,莫迪政府的中东政策在短期内拉近了印度与中东各国的关系,为印度维护与实现其海外利益提供了保障,同时亦有助于提升印度在中东地区的影响力和推进其“大国”外交。 展开更多
关键词 印度 纳伦德拉·莫迪 中东政策 平衡外交 务实外交
论当代国际格局变化下的印度中东外交 被引量:4
作者 钮维敢 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 2010年第4期67-73,共7页
冷战时期,印度对中东的外交政策,基本上奉行了支持巴勒斯坦解放组织、支持阿拉伯联盟和反对以色列的中东外交政策,但在冷战缓和时期也有些变化;冷战结束后,印度在试图维持与中东国家的传统关系基础上与以色列建交,在试图与西方大国的协... 冷战时期,印度对中东的外交政策,基本上奉行了支持巴勒斯坦解放组织、支持阿拉伯联盟和反对以色列的中东外交政策,但在冷战缓和时期也有些变化;冷战结束后,印度在试图维持与中东国家的传统关系基础上与以色列建交,在试图与西方大国的协同中谋取在中东的利益最大化。印度的中东外交受到多极化力量和单极化力量角逐的影响,但其中东外交的角色转变基本上围绕与美以加强合作,它属于介于西方与伊斯兰两种国际力量间的游移势力。 展开更多
关键词 当代印度 国际格局变化 印度的中东政策 冷战
印度与韩国外交关系发展态势与评估——地缘战略背景下的中等国家理论视角 被引量:1
作者 龚伟 《印度洋经济体研究》 2018年第5期17-38,138-139,共24页
印度的"东进"战略,就是以外交、地缘政治领域互动为重点,在重新确立独立外交政策框架的努力中,积极寻求新的目标,发展经贸与投资合作,促进其与东北亚、东南亚等地区国家的合作过程。韩国作为亚太地区的"中等强国",... 印度的"东进"战略,就是以外交、地缘政治领域互动为重点,在重新确立独立外交政策框架的努力中,积极寻求新的目标,发展经贸与投资合作,促进其与东北亚、东南亚等地区国家的合作过程。韩国作为亚太地区的"中等强国",在东北亚地区扮演着重要角色,加之近年来韩国已成为印度重要的亚洲投资国,因此对韩国外交成为印度大周边外交的重要组成部分。随着印度经济的迅速增长,以及韩国"新南向政策"的提出,印度则被韩国视为除美、中、日等国外最重要的战略合作伙伴。印韩两国采取的外交措施将成功使两国的利益交织在一起。然而,由于地缘原因,两国在政治上的合作不可能形成针对中国的局面,这在韩国一方表现得尤为明显。印韩两国的战略伙伴关系以服务于经济利益为主导因素。 展开更多
关键词 东进政策 印度 韩国 地缘战略 中等国家
作者 孙溯源 《阿拉伯世界》 2002年第4期28-34,共7页
美国遭遇恐怖袭击与中东地区关联深厚,而反恐行动更是为本已动荡的巴以局势增添了新的变数.反恐利益主导下的美国中东政策的不稳定性客观上加剧了中东局势的动荡.随着反恐行动的后续发展,伊拉克成为新打击对象,中东的两大热点——巴以... 美国遭遇恐怖袭击与中东地区关联深厚,而反恐行动更是为本已动荡的巴以局势增添了新的变数.反恐利益主导下的美国中东政策的不稳定性客观上加剧了中东局势的动荡.随着反恐行动的后续发展,伊拉克成为新打击对象,中东的两大热点——巴以争端和伊拉克问题在反恐框架中相互交织,中东局势未来走向与美国反恐息息相关。在可预见的将来,美国中东政策将在确保中东根本利益不受影响的前提下,根据反恐需要做相应调整,而巴以冲突将维持可控制的低烈度状态。 展开更多
关键词 社会 市场 经济 伊斯兰教 制约因素 中东局势 美国 中东政策 反恐怖斗争
China’s Developing Foreign Policy Initiatives towards Major International Issues
作者 Gaafar Karar Ahmed 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2008年第2期30-46,I0006,I0005,共19页
Since 2006,it has become clearer that China is adopting a new approach to dealing with major international issues,such as the North Korea and Iran nuclear issues and the Darfur crisis in western Sudan.In all these iss... Since 2006,it has become clearer that China is adopting a new approach to dealing with major international issues,such as the North Korea and Iran nuclear issues and the Darfur crisis in western Sudan.In all these issues China has contributed positively and has demonstrated a high degree of cooperation with other major powers in order to solve these problems.On the Iran and Korean nuclear issues,China has encouraged these countries to respect the nuclear non-proliferation regime while using her influence in Sudan to push the Sudanese government to accept the deployment of the United Nations-African Union forces in Darfur. 展开更多
关键词 China’s Foreign policy China and the middle east
China-Arab States Strategic Partnership:Myth or Reality? 被引量:1
作者 SUN Degang Yahia ZOUBIR 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2014年第3期70-101,共32页
Since the establishment of the Chin-Arab States Cooperation Forum(CASCF)in 2004,the two sides have forged special political relations.Such a special relationship,different from that of a military alliance,has strategi... Since the establishment of the Chin-Arab States Cooperation Forum(CASCF)in 2004,the two sides have forged special political relations.Such a special relationship,different from that of a military alliance,has strategic attributes of alignment,and has transcended the common state-to-state relations in the world.In the next decade,Sino-Arab strategic cooperation will live through a golden historical opportunity.But,whether the Forum will rise to a formal organization like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)is determined by two competing factors.The positive factors derive from China and the Arab countries sharing a series of common values,emphasis on national dignity,revitalization,political multi-polarity,diversity of development modes and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs;the negative factors rest on Arab countries having intrinsic internal discords,low integration and divergent attitudes towards the West,particularly since the outbreak of the Arab uprisings.To further promote the strategic relations,China and the Arab States should eliminate the impact of the“Islamic threat”and the“China threat”in their respective media,give priority to each other in their separate overall diplomacy and respect each other’s vital interests. 展开更多
关键词 sino-Arab Relations China’s middle east policy strategic Cooperation middle east Governance China’s Diplomacy
The SCO’s Strategic Limitations: Situating the Persian Gulf and its American Security Umbrella between Intra-Asian Rivalry and Cooperation
作者 Philip Gater-Smith 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2018年第4期500-516,I0007,共18页
The New Silk Roads between Asia’s largest economies and regions,like the Persian Gulf,which has until now been militarily dominated by the US,have been accompanied by the consolidation of supranational entities like ... The New Silk Roads between Asia’s largest economies and regions,like the Persian Gulf,which has until now been militarily dominated by the US,have been accompanied by the consolidation of supranational entities like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).With members including China,Russia,India,and Pakistan,some Gulf States are now also interested in membership.This article raises the question of whether the SCO,in light of its members’growing relevance to the Gulf region,carries the strategic potential to replace the American stability-andcommerce-enabling security umbrella there.The answers demonstrate that intra-Asian cooperation in the Gulf is to an extent hostage to a greater intra-Asian rivalry which would likely be perpetuated by the power vacuum following a possible US withdrawal.The SCO’s greatest strategic value for Gulf politics lies in its mediation potential.This stands a higher chance of success if the US military remains present and fosters a spirit of cooperation between itself and the SCO in the Gulf. 展开更多
关键词 sCO China india Persian Gulf Us middle east policy
The Reasons and Consequences of Political and Social Unrest in Arab Countries
作者 AN Huihou 《Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies》 2012年第2期1-15,I0001,共16页
There are many complex internal causes and external reasons for the intense political and social unrest in the Arab world.The United States and other Western powers are actively involved.The unrest will initiate a new... There are many complex internal causes and external reasons for the intense political and social unrest in the Arab world.The United States and other Western powers are actively involved.The unrest will initiate a new historical chapter seeking a fresh path of development for citizens of the Arab world.The current unrest will last for some time and will undoubtedly have comprehensive impact on the entire configuration of the Middle East.The US dominance of Middle Eastern affairs has diminished,but its overall status has not been shaken. 展开更多
关键词 Arab Countries UNREsT Western Intervention China’s middle east policy
美国中东政策:开启空中干预时代 被引量:8
作者 牛新春 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期3-23,共21页
冷战期间,美国中东政策的主轴是离岸平衡,避免直接军事卷入;1991~2011年,美国在军事上和政治上直接、大规模介入中东事务,可称之为大规模干预政策;2011年后,美国在中东推出空中干预政策。空中干预政策介于大规模干预和离岸平衡之间,虽... 冷战期间,美国中东政策的主轴是离岸平衡,避免直接军事卷入;1991~2011年,美国在军事上和政治上直接、大规模介入中东事务,可称之为大规模干预政策;2011年后,美国在中东推出空中干预政策。空中干预政策介于大规模干预和离岸平衡之间,虽直接干预但规模不大,主要依靠军事存在的威慑、盟国的支持和外交协调,伴随小规模空中打击和特种部队地面协助,追求有限目标。空中干预政策是多种因素综合作用的产物,历史教训、全球战略调整、中东形势变化、奥巴马政府特性、美国国家利益变化等因素都发挥着程度不同的影响。美国对中东的空中干预政策已相对成型,特朗普上任后该政策实施的力度、时机和方式可能会微调,但发生根本转折的可能性不大。美国既不可能重回大规模干预时代,也难以再度实施离岸平衡。 展开更多
关键词 中东政治 美国外交 美国中东政策 奥巴马政府 空中干预
试析奥巴马第二任期中东政策走向 被引量:3
作者 唐志超 《西亚非洲》 北大核心 2013年第2期39-55,共17页
将战略重心转向亚太、力图从中东脱身,是奥巴马第一任期中东政策的核心思想。基于美国对于中东地区在其全球战略利益中地位的考量,预计奥巴马在第二任期仍将大体延续前一任期的中东政策:坚持战略重心东移,继续在中东保持战略收缩姿态,... 将战略重心转向亚太、力图从中东脱身,是奥巴马第一任期中东政策的核心思想。基于美国对于中东地区在其全球战略利益中地位的考量,预计奥巴马在第二任期仍将大体延续前一任期的中东政策:坚持战略重心东移,继续在中东保持战略收缩姿态,力图从中东脱身;继续支持中东地区民主变革,并确保地区民主过渡的平稳实现;重新确立美国在新中东的地位。与此同时,美国战略东移亦会受到叙利亚危机、伊朗核问题等日益严峻的中东热点的挑战,加大对中东的关注势所难免。 展开更多
关键词 国际关系 美国中东政策 奥巴马政府 战略收缩
印度“西联政策”及其现实局限性 被引量:1
作者 魏亮 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第12期19-27,62,共10页
印度莫迪政府执政以来,提出并持续推进“西联政策”,取得丰富的成果。“西联政策”的产生与落实是历史积累、发展需要、莫迪政府外交转型、印美关系提升、中东地缘格局调整等内外因素共同作用的结果。该政策同样面临诸如自身实力、国内... 印度莫迪政府执政以来,提出并持续推进“西联政策”,取得丰富的成果。“西联政策”的产生与落实是历史积累、发展需要、莫迪政府外交转型、印美关系提升、中东地缘格局调整等内外因素共同作用的结果。该政策同样面临诸如自身实力、国内宗教矛盾、大国竞争格局等因素的限制。“西联政策”实施8年来,中东在印度外交中的地位显著提升。未来中东将继续作为印度获取利益和国际影响力的舞台,印度力求成长为中东大国博弈多极中的一极,而非替代美国的主导性力量。 展开更多
关键词 印度 “西联政策” 中东
中国在安理会参与中东的冲突解决:原则、路径与实践 被引量:2
作者 孙德刚 《世界政治研究》 2019年第2期41-78,210,共39页
联合国安理会是中国参与中东安全事务的重要舞台,中国政府在讨论中东冲突解决出路过程中倡导求同存异、主权至上、政治解决、多边主义等原则。按照冲突产生的根源,可将中东地区安全事务分为内生性安全问题、跨国性安全问题和区域性安全... 联合国安理会是中国参与中东安全事务的重要舞台,中国政府在讨论中东冲突解决出路过程中倡导求同存异、主权至上、政治解决、多边主义等原则。按照冲突产生的根源,可将中东地区安全事务分为内生性安全问题、跨国性安全问题和区域性安全问题。内生性安全问题因一国内部民族、部落、政治派别和政治组织的分歧而产生冲突,中国在安理会倡导中东冲突当事国的人民主导安全议程,主张其内部各派别和平对话,以国家重建提升安全治理能力,以经济发展促安全软着陆。跨国性安全问题源于两个或两个以上主权国家之间的矛盾,中国在安理会倡导以斗争为手段,以联合为目的;坚持扶弱抑强,反对恃强凌弱;以战略互信推动和解进程;坚持"早介入、晚定性"。区域性安全问题是整个中东地区面临的共同安全威胁,中国选择性参与议程设计,主张标本兼治、综合施策,坚持以人为本并提供力所能及的安全援助。中国在安理会参与中东的冲突解决,促进了中国外交和全球安全治理理念的创新。 展开更多
关键词 安全事务 冲突解决 中国中东政策 联合国安理会 中东地区冲突
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