Sequence-related amplification polymorphism (SRAP) markers closely linked to stem nematode resistance gene were developed in sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using bulked segregant analysis (BSA), 200 SRAP...Sequence-related amplification polymorphism (SRAP) markers closely linked to stem nematode resistance gene were developed in sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using bulked segregant analysis (BSA), 200 SRAP primer combinations were screened with the resistant and susceptible bulked DNA from the 196 progenies of an F1 single-cross population of resistant parent Xu 781xsusceptible parent Xushu 18, 77 of them showed polymorphic bands between resistant and susceptible DNA. Primer combinations detecting polymorphism between the two bulks were used to screen both parents and 10 individuals from each of the bulks. The results showed that primer combination A9B4 produced 3 specific bands in the resistant plants but not in the susceptible plants, suggesting that the markers, named Nspl, Nsp2 and Nsp3, respectively, linked to a gene for stem nematode resistance. Primer combination A3B6 also produced a SRAP marker named Nsp4 linking to the resistance gene. Amplified analysis of the 196 F1 individuals indicated that the genetic distance between these markers and the resistance gene was 4.7, 4.7, 6.3, and 9.6 cM, respectively.展开更多
This paper reported firstly successful cloning of lycopene ε-cyclase (lbLCYe) gene from sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), lbLCYe gene was cloned from sweetpot...This paper reported firstly successful cloning of lycopene ε-cyclase (lbLCYe) gene from sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), lbLCYe gene was cloned from sweetpotato cv. Nongdafu 14 with high carotenoid content. The 1 805 bp cDNA sequence oflbLCYe gene contained a 1236 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a 411 amino acids polypeptide with a molecular weight of 47 kDa and an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.95. IbLCYe protein contained one potential lycopene ε-cyclase domain and one potential FAD (flavinadenine dinucleotide)/NAD(P) (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)-binding domain, indicating that this protein shares the typical characteristics of LCYe proteins. The gDNA oflbLCYe gene was 4 029 bp and deduced to contain 5 introns and 6 exons. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that the expression level of IbLCYe gene was significantly higher in the storage roots of Nongdafu 14 than those in the leaves and stems. Transgenic tobacco (cv. Wisconsin 38) expressing [bLCYe gene accumulated significantly more ^-carotene compared to the untransformed control plants. These results showed that lbLCYe gene has an important function for the accumulation of carotenoids of sweetpotato.展开更多
The somatic hybrid KT1 was previously obtained from protoplast fusion between sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cv. Kokei No. 14 and its wild relative I. triloba L. However, its genetic and epigenetic variat...The somatic hybrid KT1 was previously obtained from protoplast fusion between sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cv. Kokei No. 14 and its wild relative I. triloba L. However, its genetic and epigenetic variations have not been investigated. This study showed that KT1 exhibited significantly higher drought tolerance compared to the cultivated parent Kokei No. 14. The content of proline and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and photosynthesis were significantly increased, while malonaldehyde (MDA) content was significantly decreased compared to Kokei No. 14 under drought stress. KT1 also showed higher expression level of well-known drought stress-responsive genes compared to Kokei No. 14 under drought stress. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analyses indicated that KT1 had AFLP and MSAP band patterns consisting of both parent specific bands and changed bands. Fur- ther analysis demonstrated that in KT1. the proportions of Kokei No. 14 specific genome components and methylation sites were much greater than those of I. triloba. KT1 had the same chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes as Kokei No. 14. These results will aid in developing the useful genes ofI. triloba and understanding the evolution and phylogeny of the cultivated sweetpotato.展开更多
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding is challenging due to its genetic complexity. In the present study, interval mapping (IM) and multiple quantitative trait locus (QTL) model (MQM) analysis wer...Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding is challenging due to its genetic complexity. In the present study, interval mapping (IM) and multiple quantitative trait locus (QTL) model (MQM) analysis were used to identify QTLs for starch content with a mapping population consisting of 202 F1 individuals of a cross between Xushu 18, a cultivar susceptible to stem nematodes, with high yield and moderate starch, and Xu 781, which is resistant to stem nematodes, has low yield and high starch content. Six QTLs for starch content were mapped on six linkage groups of the Xu 781 map, explaining 9.1-38.8% of the variation. Especially, one of them, DMFN 4, accounted for 38.8% of starch content variation, which is the QTL that explains the highest phenotypic variation detected to date in sweetpotato. All of the six QTLs had a positive effect on the variation of the starch content, which indicated the inheritance derived from the parent Xu 781. Two QTLs for starch content were detected on two linkage groups of the Xushu 18 map, explaining 14.3 and 16.1% of the variation, respectively. They had a negative effect on the variation, indicating the inheritance derived from Xu 781. Seven of eight QTLs were co-localized with a single marker. This is the first report on the development of QTLs co-localized with a single marker in sweetpotato. These QTLs and their co-localized markers may be used in marker-assisted breeding for the starch content of sweetpotato.展开更多
Allelopathic compounds have the potential to inhibit the growth and development of other organisms in a diverse manner ranging from shifting nutrients and enhancing their growth to inflicting diseases. In addition, th...Allelopathic compounds have the potential to inhibit the growth and development of other organisms in a diverse manner ranging from shifting nutrients and enhancing their growth to inflicting diseases. In addition, these compounds influence seedling growth and seed germination of various crops. The goal of this study was to identify and quantify different allelochemicals in various sweet potato cultivars through high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. Selected sweet potato slips (weight: 2.0 - 2.5 grams/slip) were propagated in separate glass tubes filled with 10.0 mL distilled water. Water extract from each glass tube was collected after 2, 4, and 6 weeks after transplanting (WAP) to identify and quantify allelochemical compounds by comparing their peaks with the retention time of standards. Results show that the concentration of allelochemicals in water extract was increased from 2 to 4 WAP but remained constant in the sixth week. Quantitative analysis revealed that the amount of chlorogenic acid was higher in all sweet potato cultivars compared to other allelochemicals. Some sweet potato cultivars, A5 and A39, exhibited higher allelopathy (18.28 - 19.37 ppm/slip) and reduced the height and biomass of Palmer amaranth the most due to the presence of increased concentration of combined allelochemicals, while other cultivars produced lesser allelochemicals (10.90 ppm/slip) and did not reduce the growth of the weed species. Allelopathic sweet potato cultivars high in chlorogenic acid production can effectively suppress Palmer amaranth with minimal dependence on chemicals to manage weeds and harmful pests under sustainable agricultural system.展开更多
Characterization of genes related to sweetpotato viral disease resistance is critical for understanding plant-pathogen interactions, especially with feathery mottle virus infection. For example, genes encoding eukaryo...Characterization of genes related to sweetpotato viral disease resistance is critical for understanding plant-pathogen interactions, especially with feathery mottle virus infection. For example, genes encoding eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)4E, its isoforms, eIF(iso)4E, and the cap-binding protein (CBP) in plants, have been implicated in viral infections aside from their importance in protein synthesis. Full-length cDNA encoding these putative eIF targets from susceptible/resistant and unknown hexaploid sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) were amplified based on primers designed from the diploid wild-type relative Ipomoea trifida consensus sequences, and designated IbeIF4E, IbeIF(iso)4E and IbCBP. Comparative analyses following direct-sequencing of PCR-amplified cDNAs versus the cloned cDNA sequences identified multiple homeoalleles: one to four IbeIF4E, two to three IbeIF(iso)4E, and two IbCBP within all cultivars tested. Open reading frames were in the length of 696 bp IbeIF4E, 606 bp IbeIF(iso)4E, and 675 bp IbCBP. The encoded single polypeptide lengths were 232, 202, and 225 amino acids for IbeIF4E, IbeIF(iso)4E, and IbCBP, with a calculated protein molecular mass of 26 kDa, 22.8 kDa, and 25.8 kDa, while their theoretical isoelectric points were 5.1, 5.57, and 6.6, respectively. Although the homeoalleles had similar sequence lengths, single nucleotide polymorphisms and multi-allelic variations were detected within the coding sequences. The multi-sequence alignment performed revealed a 66.9% - 96.7% sequence similarity between the predicted amino acid sequences obtained from the homeoalleles and closely related species. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis revealed ancestral relationships between the eIF4E homeoalleles and other species. The outcome herein on the eIF4E superfamily and its correlation in sequence variations suggest opportunities to decipher the role of eIF4E in hexaploid sweetpotato feathery mottle virus infection.展开更多
Anthocyanin accumulation during storage root development in purple-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed by detection of anthocyanin concentration, accumulation rate and the expression pattern of anthocyanin biosynthetic ...Anthocyanin accumulation during storage root development in purple-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed by detection of anthocyanin concentration, accumulation rate and the expression pattern of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Anthocyanin concentration in sweet potato cvs Jishu 18 and Ayamurasaki increased steadily during storage root development stage. The accumulation rate in two genotypes peaked at 50 to 65 d after transplanting, and then declined rapidly. During storage root development of Ayamurasaki, the anthocyanin biosynthesis gene, IbCHS, was constitutively expressed, the genes IbF3H, IbDFR, IbANS were induced steadily, reaching a maximum at the later stage of root thickening, and IbPAL steadily decreased. Therefore, the mechanism of anthocyanin accumulation differed between the two cultivars, and anthocyanin biosynthesis was regulated through regulation of its synthetic enzymes.展开更多
In response to the malnutrition problem affecting children in Congo Brazzaville, we made three cooking-type infant flours from <i>Treculia obovoidea</i>, <i>Terminalia catappa </i>L. almonds an...In response to the malnutrition problem affecting children in Congo Brazzaville, we made three cooking-type infant flours from <i>Treculia obovoidea</i>, <i>Terminalia catappa </i>L. almonds and <i>Ipomoea batatas</i> L. leaves. The nutritional quality of the three infant flours we developed indicates 11.07% - 12.47% protein content, 9.92% - 14.87% fat content, 58.85% - 68.06% carbohydrate content, 1.50% - 2.18% ash and an energy intake varying between 399.84 and 439.37 Kcal. Functionally, our prepared flours have a water absorption capacity between 219.05 and 317.86 mL/g, an oil absorption capacity of 0.19 mL/g, a water solubility index varying from 29.66 - 41.03 and a swelling capacity of 250% - 320%.展开更多
用甘薯品种农林17号(中紫)的叶柄分离原生质体,对其在添加各种浓度的萘乙酸和激动素的改良细胞薄层培养基中进行悬浮培养。培养1~2 d 后,原生质体再生细胞壁,培养2~3 d 后,再生细胞发生第一次分裂,持续的细胞分裂形成小愈伤组织。悬...用甘薯品种农林17号(中紫)的叶柄分离原生质体,对其在添加各种浓度的萘乙酸和激动素的改良细胞薄层培养基中进行悬浮培养。培养1~2 d 后,原生质体再生细胞壁,培养2~3 d 后,再生细胞发生第一次分裂,持续的细胞分裂形成小愈伤组织。悬浮培养的结果表明萘乙酸和激动素的适宜浓度分别为2.0~5.0mg/L 和1.0~5.0mg/L。此后,将小愈伤组织转移到MS 固体培养基上培养,小愈伤组织迅速生长。本试验达到根的分化.展开更多
Objective: To determine antioxidant activity and phytochemical content from various tubers extracts of sweet potato(Ipomoea batatas) and to explore the correlation of phytochemical content with their antioxidant activ...Objective: To determine antioxidant activity and phytochemical content from various tubers extracts of sweet potato(Ipomoea batatas) and to explore the correlation of phytochemical content with their antioxidant activities. Methods: Antioxidant activities were tested using DPPH and FRAP assays. Total phenolic was calculated by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, flavonoid content by Chang's method and correlation with their antioxidant activities were analyzed by Pearson's method. Results: PO2 showed highest antioxidant activity, which had the lowest IC50 DPPH(10.54 μg/m L) and the lowest EC50 FRAP(11.14 μg/m L). PO2 showed the highest total phenolic(11.91 g GAE/100 g) and total flavonoid content(17.83 g QE/100 g). There were significantly negative correlation between total phenolic content and flavonoid content in sample PO with their IC50 DPPH and EC50 FRAP. IC50 DPPH of sample PP and PO showed significantly positive correlation with their EC50 FRAP. Conclusions: Result of DPPH method shows that all different ethyl acetate and ethanolic tubers extracts of four varieties of sweet potato are classified as strong and very strong antioxidant. Result of DPPH and FRAP methods indicates that phenolic and flavonoid compounds in sample PO contributes together to antioxidant activities. Antioxidant activities of sample PP and PO by DPPH method are linear to FRAP method.展开更多
In Martinique (F.W.I.), biodiversity of vegetable varieties remain unexploited due to public unawareness or supply problems. To further enhance the sweet potato, physicochemical, sensory and nutritional characteristic...In Martinique (F.W.I.), biodiversity of vegetable varieties remain unexploited due to public unawareness or supply problems. To further enhance the sweet potato, physicochemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics of eight varieties of sweet potato were established. The eight sweet potatoes cultivars were noticeably diverse with phenotypic, sensory, physicochemical and nutritional characteristics which were very varied. The eight cultivars grown in Martinique were advantageously positioned in relation to the globally identified sweet potato, regarding fibre, starch, potassium, copper, vitamin B1, B3 and B9 contents. Compared to the ordinary potato, Martiniquan sweet potatoes have a much better nutritional potential. Energy value and vitamin C levels were twice as much as in normal potatoes. Martiniquan sweet potatoes cultivars were also richer in minerals and vitamins, with 2.7 times more vitamin B9 and 63 times more beta-carotene than the ordinary potato.展开更多
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas ) thrives in a wide range of climates and is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. There is increasing evidence that sweet potato consumption can positively affect human health. This syst...Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas ) thrives in a wide range of climates and is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. There is increasing evidence that sweet potato consumption can positively affect human health. This systematic review aimed to summarise nutritional-related health outcomes of sweet potato intake among healthy people and people with chronic diseases by reviewing human intervention trials. A total of 22 articles met the inclusion criteria, which examined the effects of sweet potato on vitamin A intakes and status (n = 8), glycemic markers and anthropometric parameters (n = 6), hepatic biomarkers (n = 3) and blood pressure (n = 1), iron absorption (n = 1), constipation (n = 1), nitrogen balance (n = 1), and sex hormones (n = 1). In the included studies, sweet potato consumption appears to improve vitamin A status, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, iron absorption, constipation, liver function and nitrogen balance. However, the evidence base is limited and future research in long-term, well-designed, randomised controlled trials are needed to establish cause-and-effect relationships with these health effects of sweet potato consumption. The functional properties of the bioactive compounds in sweet potatoes require further investigation to establish their ability to manage chronic disease when consumed in high amounts.展开更多
基金supported by China Agriculture Research System (CARS-11, Sweetpotato)the National 863 Program of China (2012AA101204)
文摘Sequence-related amplification polymorphism (SRAP) markers closely linked to stem nematode resistance gene were developed in sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using bulked segregant analysis (BSA), 200 SRAP primer combinations were screened with the resistant and susceptible bulked DNA from the 196 progenies of an F1 single-cross population of resistant parent Xu 781xsusceptible parent Xushu 18, 77 of them showed polymorphic bands between resistant and susceptible DNA. Primer combinations detecting polymorphism between the two bulks were used to screen both parents and 10 individuals from each of the bulks. The results showed that primer combination A9B4 produced 3 specific bands in the resistant plants but not in the susceptible plants, suggesting that the markers, named Nspl, Nsp2 and Nsp3, respectively, linked to a gene for stem nematode resistance. Primer combination A3B6 also produced a SRAP marker named Nsp4 linking to the resistance gene. Amplified analysis of the 196 F1 individuals indicated that the genetic distance between these markers and the resistance gene was 4.7, 4.7, 6.3, and 9.6 cM, respectively.
基金supported by the China Agriculture Research System (Sweetpotato)the National High-Tech Research and Development Project of China(2011AA100607 and 2012AA101204)
文摘This paper reported firstly successful cloning of lycopene ε-cyclase (lbLCYe) gene from sweetpotato, lpomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), lbLCYe gene was cloned from sweetpotato cv. Nongdafu 14 with high carotenoid content. The 1 805 bp cDNA sequence oflbLCYe gene contained a 1236 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a 411 amino acids polypeptide with a molecular weight of 47 kDa and an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.95. IbLCYe protein contained one potential lycopene ε-cyclase domain and one potential FAD (flavinadenine dinucleotide)/NAD(P) (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)-binding domain, indicating that this protein shares the typical characteristics of LCYe proteins. The gDNA oflbLCYe gene was 4 029 bp and deduced to contain 5 introns and 6 exons. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that the expression level of IbLCYe gene was significantly higher in the storage roots of Nongdafu 14 than those in the leaves and stems. Transgenic tobacco (cv. Wisconsin 38) expressing [bLCYe gene accumulated significantly more ^-carotene compared to the untransformed control plants. These results showed that lbLCYe gene has an important function for the accumulation of carotenoids of sweetpotato.
基金supported by the China Agriculture Research System(CARS-11,Sweetpotato)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31461143017)
文摘The somatic hybrid KT1 was previously obtained from protoplast fusion between sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cv. Kokei No. 14 and its wild relative I. triloba L. However, its genetic and epigenetic variations have not been investigated. This study showed that KT1 exhibited significantly higher drought tolerance compared to the cultivated parent Kokei No. 14. The content of proline and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and photosynthesis were significantly increased, while malonaldehyde (MDA) content was significantly decreased compared to Kokei No. 14 under drought stress. KT1 also showed higher expression level of well-known drought stress-responsive genes compared to Kokei No. 14 under drought stress. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analyses indicated that KT1 had AFLP and MSAP band patterns consisting of both parent specific bands and changed bands. Fur- ther analysis demonstrated that in KT1. the proportions of Kokei No. 14 specific genome components and methylation sites were much greater than those of I. triloba. KT1 had the same chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes as Kokei No. 14. These results will aid in developing the useful genes ofI. triloba and understanding the evolution and phylogeny of the cultivated sweetpotato.
基金supported by the China Agriculture Research System(CARS-11,Sweetpotato)the National High-Tech R&D Program of China(2012AA101204)
文摘Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding is challenging due to its genetic complexity. In the present study, interval mapping (IM) and multiple quantitative trait locus (QTL) model (MQM) analysis were used to identify QTLs for starch content with a mapping population consisting of 202 F1 individuals of a cross between Xushu 18, a cultivar susceptible to stem nematodes, with high yield and moderate starch, and Xu 781, which is resistant to stem nematodes, has low yield and high starch content. Six QTLs for starch content were mapped on six linkage groups of the Xu 781 map, explaining 9.1-38.8% of the variation. Especially, one of them, DMFN 4, accounted for 38.8% of starch content variation, which is the QTL that explains the highest phenotypic variation detected to date in sweetpotato. All of the six QTLs had a positive effect on the variation of the starch content, which indicated the inheritance derived from the parent Xu 781. Two QTLs for starch content were detected on two linkage groups of the Xushu 18 map, explaining 14.3 and 16.1% of the variation, respectively. They had a negative effect on the variation, indicating the inheritance derived from Xu 781. Seven of eight QTLs were co-localized with a single marker. This is the first report on the development of QTLs co-localized with a single marker in sweetpotato. These QTLs and their co-localized markers may be used in marker-assisted breeding for the starch content of sweetpotato.
文摘Allelopathic compounds have the potential to inhibit the growth and development of other organisms in a diverse manner ranging from shifting nutrients and enhancing their growth to inflicting diseases. In addition, these compounds influence seedling growth and seed germination of various crops. The goal of this study was to identify and quantify different allelochemicals in various sweet potato cultivars through high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. Selected sweet potato slips (weight: 2.0 - 2.5 grams/slip) were propagated in separate glass tubes filled with 10.0 mL distilled water. Water extract from each glass tube was collected after 2, 4, and 6 weeks after transplanting (WAP) to identify and quantify allelochemical compounds by comparing their peaks with the retention time of standards. Results show that the concentration of allelochemicals in water extract was increased from 2 to 4 WAP but remained constant in the sixth week. Quantitative analysis revealed that the amount of chlorogenic acid was higher in all sweet potato cultivars compared to other allelochemicals. Some sweet potato cultivars, A5 and A39, exhibited higher allelopathy (18.28 - 19.37 ppm/slip) and reduced the height and biomass of Palmer amaranth the most due to the presence of increased concentration of combined allelochemicals, while other cultivars produced lesser allelochemicals (10.90 ppm/slip) and did not reduce the growth of the weed species. Allelopathic sweet potato cultivars high in chlorogenic acid production can effectively suppress Palmer amaranth with minimal dependence on chemicals to manage weeds and harmful pests under sustainable agricultural system.
文摘Characterization of genes related to sweetpotato viral disease resistance is critical for understanding plant-pathogen interactions, especially with feathery mottle virus infection. For example, genes encoding eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)4E, its isoforms, eIF(iso)4E, and the cap-binding protein (CBP) in plants, have been implicated in viral infections aside from their importance in protein synthesis. Full-length cDNA encoding these putative eIF targets from susceptible/resistant and unknown hexaploid sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) were amplified based on primers designed from the diploid wild-type relative Ipomoea trifida consensus sequences, and designated IbeIF4E, IbeIF(iso)4E and IbCBP. Comparative analyses following direct-sequencing of PCR-amplified cDNAs versus the cloned cDNA sequences identified multiple homeoalleles: one to four IbeIF4E, two to three IbeIF(iso)4E, and two IbCBP within all cultivars tested. Open reading frames were in the length of 696 bp IbeIF4E, 606 bp IbeIF(iso)4E, and 675 bp IbCBP. The encoded single polypeptide lengths were 232, 202, and 225 amino acids for IbeIF4E, IbeIF(iso)4E, and IbCBP, with a calculated protein molecular mass of 26 kDa, 22.8 kDa, and 25.8 kDa, while their theoretical isoelectric points were 5.1, 5.57, and 6.6, respectively. Although the homeoalleles had similar sequence lengths, single nucleotide polymorphisms and multi-allelic variations were detected within the coding sequences. The multi-sequence alignment performed revealed a 66.9% - 96.7% sequence similarity between the predicted amino acid sequences obtained from the homeoalleles and closely related species. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis revealed ancestral relationships between the eIF4E homeoalleles and other species. The outcome herein on the eIF4E superfamily and its correlation in sequence variations suggest opportunities to decipher the role of eIF4E in hexaploid sweetpotato feathery mottle virus infection.
基金Support by the Youth Fund of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science(2014QNM31)the China Agriculture Research System of Sweet Potato(CARS-11-B-06)
文摘Anthocyanin accumulation during storage root development in purple-fleshed sweet potato was analyzed by detection of anthocyanin concentration, accumulation rate and the expression pattern of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Anthocyanin concentration in sweet potato cvs Jishu 18 and Ayamurasaki increased steadily during storage root development stage. The accumulation rate in two genotypes peaked at 50 to 65 d after transplanting, and then declined rapidly. During storage root development of Ayamurasaki, the anthocyanin biosynthesis gene, IbCHS, was constitutively expressed, the genes IbF3H, IbDFR, IbANS were induced steadily, reaching a maximum at the later stage of root thickening, and IbPAL steadily decreased. Therefore, the mechanism of anthocyanin accumulation differed between the two cultivars, and anthocyanin biosynthesis was regulated through regulation of its synthetic enzymes.
文摘In response to the malnutrition problem affecting children in Congo Brazzaville, we made three cooking-type infant flours from <i>Treculia obovoidea</i>, <i>Terminalia catappa </i>L. almonds and <i>Ipomoea batatas</i> L. leaves. The nutritional quality of the three infant flours we developed indicates 11.07% - 12.47% protein content, 9.92% - 14.87% fat content, 58.85% - 68.06% carbohydrate content, 1.50% - 2.18% ash and an energy intake varying between 399.84 and 439.37 Kcal. Functionally, our prepared flours have a water absorption capacity between 219.05 and 317.86 mL/g, an oil absorption capacity of 0.19 mL/g, a water solubility index varying from 29.66 - 41.03 and a swelling capacity of 250% - 320%.
文摘用甘薯品种农林17号(中紫)的叶柄分离原生质体,对其在添加各种浓度的萘乙酸和激动素的改良细胞薄层培养基中进行悬浮培养。培养1~2 d 后,原生质体再生细胞壁,培养2~3 d 后,再生细胞发生第一次分裂,持续的细胞分裂形成小愈伤组织。悬浮培养的结果表明萘乙酸和激动素的适宜浓度分别为2.0~5.0mg/L 和1.0~5.0mg/L。此后,将小愈伤组织转移到MS 固体培养基上培养,小愈伤组织迅速生长。本试验达到根的分化.
文摘Objective: To determine antioxidant activity and phytochemical content from various tubers extracts of sweet potato(Ipomoea batatas) and to explore the correlation of phytochemical content with their antioxidant activities. Methods: Antioxidant activities were tested using DPPH and FRAP assays. Total phenolic was calculated by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, flavonoid content by Chang's method and correlation with their antioxidant activities were analyzed by Pearson's method. Results: PO2 showed highest antioxidant activity, which had the lowest IC50 DPPH(10.54 μg/m L) and the lowest EC50 FRAP(11.14 μg/m L). PO2 showed the highest total phenolic(11.91 g GAE/100 g) and total flavonoid content(17.83 g QE/100 g). There were significantly negative correlation between total phenolic content and flavonoid content in sample PO with their IC50 DPPH and EC50 FRAP. IC50 DPPH of sample PP and PO showed significantly positive correlation with their EC50 FRAP. Conclusions: Result of DPPH method shows that all different ethyl acetate and ethanolic tubers extracts of four varieties of sweet potato are classified as strong and very strong antioxidant. Result of DPPH and FRAP methods indicates that phenolic and flavonoid compounds in sample PO contributes together to antioxidant activities. Antioxidant activities of sample PP and PO by DPPH method are linear to FRAP method.
文摘In Martinique (F.W.I.), biodiversity of vegetable varieties remain unexploited due to public unawareness or supply problems. To further enhance the sweet potato, physicochemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics of eight varieties of sweet potato were established. The eight sweet potatoes cultivars were noticeably diverse with phenotypic, sensory, physicochemical and nutritional characteristics which were very varied. The eight cultivars grown in Martinique were advantageously positioned in relation to the globally identified sweet potato, regarding fibre, starch, potassium, copper, vitamin B1, B3 and B9 contents. Compared to the ordinary potato, Martiniquan sweet potatoes have a much better nutritional potential. Energy value and vitamin C levels were twice as much as in normal potatoes. Martiniquan sweet potatoes cultivars were also richer in minerals and vitamins, with 2.7 times more vitamin B9 and 63 times more beta-carotene than the ordinary potato.
文摘Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas ) thrives in a wide range of climates and is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. There is increasing evidence that sweet potato consumption can positively affect human health. This systematic review aimed to summarise nutritional-related health outcomes of sweet potato intake among healthy people and people with chronic diseases by reviewing human intervention trials. A total of 22 articles met the inclusion criteria, which examined the effects of sweet potato on vitamin A intakes and status (n = 8), glycemic markers and anthropometric parameters (n = 6), hepatic biomarkers (n = 3) and blood pressure (n = 1), iron absorption (n = 1), constipation (n = 1), nitrogen balance (n = 1), and sex hormones (n = 1). In the included studies, sweet potato consumption appears to improve vitamin A status, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, iron absorption, constipation, liver function and nitrogen balance. However, the evidence base is limited and future research in long-term, well-designed, randomised controlled trials are needed to establish cause-and-effect relationships with these health effects of sweet potato consumption. The functional properties of the bioactive compounds in sweet potatoes require further investigation to establish their ability to manage chronic disease when consumed in high amounts.