According to the daily precipitation data in artificial precipitation season during May to September from 1961 to 2008 in Liaoning Province,the maximum consecutive precipitation in the artificial precipitation test ar...According to the daily precipitation data in artificial precipitation season during May to September from 1961 to 2008 in Liaoning Province,the maximum consecutive precipitation in the artificial precipitation test area is studied based on the maximum consecutive precipitation from May to September in 48 years.The results shows that the period of maximum consecutive precipitation in each month is different,and the variance trends of maximum consecutive precipitation in May,July,August and September are decreasing,while the variance trend of maximum consecutive precipitation in June is increasing.展开更多
In May and July of 2017,China Geological Survey (CGS),and Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS)carried out a production test of gas hydrate in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea and acquired a breakthrough of ...In May and July of 2017,China Geological Survey (CGS),and Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS)carried out a production test of gas hydrate in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea and acquired a breakthrough of two months continuous gas production and nearly 3.1×10^5 m^3 of production. The gas hydrate reservoir in the Shenhu area of China,is mainly composed of fine-grained clay silt with low permeability,and very difficult for exploitation,which is very different from those discovered in the USA,and Canada (both are conglomerate),Japan (generally, coarse sand)and India (fracture-filled gas hydrate).Based on 3D seismic data preserved-amplitude processing and fine imaging,combined with logging-while-drilling (LWD)and core analysis data,this paper discusses the identification and reservoir characterization of gas hydrate orebodies in the Shenhu production test area.We also describe the distribution characteristics of the gas hydrate deposits and provided reliable data support for the optimization of the production well location.Through BSR feature recognition,seismic attribute analysis, model based seismic inversion and gas hydrate reservoir characterization,this paper describes two relatively independent gas hydrate orebodies in the Shenhu area,which are distributed in the north-south strip and tend to be thicker in the middle and thinner at the edge.The effective thickness of one orebody is bigger but the distribution area is relatively small.The model calculation results show that the distribution area of the gas hydrate orebody controlled by W 18/W 19 is about 11.24 km^2,with an average thickness of 19 m and a maximum thickness of 39 m,and the distribution area of the gas hydrate orebody controlled by W11/W17 is about 6.42 km^2,with an average thickness of 26 m and a maximum thickness of 90 m.展开更多
The size and shape of the effective test area are crucial to consider when short-crested waves are created by segmented wavemakers. The range of the effective test area of short-crested waves simulated by two-sided se...The size and shape of the effective test area are crucial to consider when short-crested waves are created by segmented wavemakers. The range of the effective test area of short-crested waves simulated by two-sided segmented wavemakers is analyzed in this paper. The experimental investigation on the wave field distribution of short-crested waves generated by two-sided segmented wavemakers is conducted by using an array of wave gauges. Wave spectra and directional spreading function are analyzed and the results show that when the main direction is at a certain angle with the normal line of wave generators, the wave field of 3D short-crested waves generated by two-sided segmented wavemakers has good spatial uniformity within the model test area. The effective test area can provide good wave environments for seakeeping model tests of various ocean engineering structures in the deep ocean engineering basin.展开更多
Selecting Chaoying small watershed with representative karst rocky desertification in the Bijie test area of Guizhou Province as an example, according to karst rocky desertiflcation degree and the existing eco-environ...Selecting Chaoying small watershed with representative karst rocky desertification in the Bijie test area of Guizhou Province as an example, according to karst rocky desertiflcation degree and the existing eco-environmental problems in the small watershed, we study developmental model and technique support system for integrated rehabilitation of rocky desertification in the small watershed, and bring forward the development model and technique integration for integrated rehabilitation of rocky desertification, which adapt to the karst areas of Bijie test area, Guizhou Province and even South China.展开更多
The distribution of sedimentary microfacies in the eighth member of the Shihezi formation(the H8 member) in the Sul4 3D seismic test area was investigated.A Support Vector Machine(SVM) model was introduced for the...The distribution of sedimentary microfacies in the eighth member of the Shihezi formation(the H8 member) in the Sul4 3D seismic test area was investigated.A Support Vector Machine(SVM) model was introduced for the first time as a way of predicting sandstone thickness in the study area.The model was constructed by analysis and optimization of measured seismic attributes.The distribution of the sedimentary microfacies in the study area was determined from predicted sandstone thickness and an analysis of sedimentary characteristics of the area.The results indicate that sandstone thickness predictions in the study area using an SVM method are good.The distribution of the sedimentary microfacies in the study area has been depicted at a fine scale.展开更多
The decline in groundwater level is a key factor contributing to cover collapse in karst areas.In this study,the model tests and numerical simulations are conducted to reveal the breeding process and formation mechani...The decline in groundwater level is a key factor contributing to cover collapse in karst areas.In this study,the model tests and numerical simulations are conducted to reveal the breeding process and formation mechanism of cover collapse sinkholes caused by the decline of groundwater level in karst area.Firstly,the model tests confirm that the decline of groundwater level generates negative pressure at the lower edge of overlying soil.The negative pressure experiences four distinct phases during the groundwater drawdown process:rapid rise,slow decline,rapid decline,and gradual dissipation.The maximum negative pressure is influenced by the particle size distribution of the overlying soil.Then,the numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the change process of negative pressure caused by the loss of fillers in karst pipe.The simulated results indicate that the rate of groundwater decline and the thickness and initial void ratio of the overlying soil can affect the maximum negative pressure.As groundwater level drops,a negative pressure zone forms underground,causing tensile failure in the surrounding soil and creating an arched soil hole,which weakens the support for the overlying soil.This phenomenon can also lead to the collapse of the overlying soil under its self-weight.Groundwater table decline in karst areas can result in both internal and surface collapses.When the overlying soil is thin,internal and surface collapses occur simultaneously.In contrast,for thick overlying soil,internal collapse happens first,followed by a layer-by-layer collapse,ultimately forming sinkholes.Finally,the breeding process and formation mechanism of the Yujiawan Reservoir sinkholes are discussed.Geological conditions and groundwater level decline significantly affect internal collapse in karst areas,requiring careful consideration from on-site engineers.展开更多
利用RHtest提供的两种检验方法:惩罚最大T检验(The Penized Maximal T Test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(The Penized Maximal F Test,PMFT),对新疆大风区域13个国家级气象站点建站至2014年逐年平均风速资料进行了均一性检验和订正;通过在新...利用RHtest提供的两种检验方法:惩罚最大T检验(The Penized Maximal T Test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(The Penized Maximal F Test,PMFT),对新疆大风区域13个国家级气象站点建站至2014年逐年平均风速资料进行了均一性检验和订正;通过在新疆地区特定环境下对该两种误报率分布相对均匀且微小偏移检测能力较高的方法进行评估,找出每种方法在新疆地区实际应用当中的适用性,最终通过订正改善新疆风要素年值历史序列的均一性,结果表明:(1)站址迁移、仪器换型、测风手段变化及台站环境变化等非气候变化因素均对13个待检站点年平均风速序列的均一性产生显著影响,其中仪器换型造成的影响尤为突出。(2)当参考站均一性较好时,PMTT方法检测结果与台站元数据一致性较好,反之则存在虚假跳变点或漏检。(3)PMFT方法因为不依靠参考站,能很好的弥补新疆大风区域站点稀疏、参考站点筛选困难和元数据不完整等弊端,该方法对迁站和仪器换型的检测能力较强。(4)数据订正后,总体变化趋势没有大的改变,呈现下降趋势,符合风要素在全国范围的总体变化趋势,数据的均一性得到很大改善。展开更多
The undrained shear strength of shallow strata is a critical parameter for safety design in deep-water operations.In situ piezocone penetration tests(CPTU) and laboratory experiments are performed at Site W18-19 in th...The undrained shear strength of shallow strata is a critical parameter for safety design in deep-water operations.In situ piezocone penetration tests(CPTU) and laboratory experiments are performed at Site W18-19 in the Shenhu area, northern South China Sea, where China's first marine hydrate exploitation operation is due to be located. The validation of the undrained shear strength prediction model based on CPTU parameters. Different laboratory tests, including pocket penetrometer, torvane, miniature vane and unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests, are employed to solve empirical cone coefficients by statistical and mathematical methods. Finally, an optimized model is proposed to describe the longitudinal distribution of undrained shear strength in calcareous clay strata in the Shenhu area. Research results reveal that average empirical cone coefficients based on total cone resistance, effective resistance, and excess-pore pressure are 13.8, 4.2 and 14.4, respectively. The undrained shear strength prediction model shows a good fit with the laboratory results only within specific intervals based on their compaction degree and gas-bearing conditions. The optimized prediction model in piecewise function format can be used to describe the longitudinal distribution of the undrained shear strength for calcareous clay within all depth intervals from the mud-line to the upper boundary of hydrate-bearing sediments(HBS). The optimized prediction result indicates that the effective cone resistance model is suitable for very soft to firm calcareous clays,the excess-pore pressure model can depict the undrained shear strength for firm to very stiff but gas-free clays,while the total cone resistance model is advantageous for evaluating the undrained shear strength for very stiff and gassy clays. The optimized model in piecewise function format can considerably improve the adaptability of empirical models for calcareous clay in the Shenhu area. These results are significant for safety evaluations of proposed hydrate exploitation projects.展开更多
Natural gas hydrates (NGH)is one of key future clean energy resources.Its industrialized development will help remit the huge demand of global natural gas,relieve the increasing pressure of the environment, and play a...Natural gas hydrates (NGH)is one of key future clean energy resources.Its industrialized development will help remit the huge demand of global natural gas,relieve the increasing pressure of the environment, and play a vital role in the green sustainable growth of human societies.Based on nearly two decades' studying on the reservoir characteristics in the South China Sea (SCS)and the knowledge of reservoir system,the China Geological Survey (CGS)conducted the first production test on an optimal target selected in Shenhu area SCS in 2017.Guided by the "three-phase control"exploitation theory which focused on formation stabilization,technologies such as formation fluid extraction,well drilling and completing, reservoir stimulating,sand controlling,environmental monitoring,monitoring and preventing of secondary formation of hydrates were applied.The test lasted for 60 days from May 10^th when starting to pump, drop pressure and ignite to well killing on July 9^th,with gas production of 3.09×10^5 m^3 in total,which is a world record with the longest continuous duration of gas production and maximal gas yield.This successful test brings a significant breakthrough on safety control of NGH production.展开更多
Roots exert pullout resistance under pullout force,allowing plants to resist uprooting.However,the pullout resistance characteristics of taproot-type shrub species of different ages remain unclear.In this study,in ord...Roots exert pullout resistance under pullout force,allowing plants to resist uprooting.However,the pullout resistance characteristics of taproot-type shrub species of different ages remain unclear.In this study,in order to improve our knowledge of pullout resistance characteristics of taproot systems of shrub species,we selected the shrub species Caragana korshinskii different growth periods as the research plant and conducted in situ root pullout test.The relationships among the maximum pullout resistance,peak root displacement,shrub growth period,and aboveground growth indices(plant height and plant crown breadth)were analyzed,as well as the mechanical process of uprooting.Pullout resistance of 4-15 year-old C.korshinskii ranged from 2.49(±0.25)to 14.71(±4.96)kN,and the peak displacement ranged from 11.77(±8.61)to 26.50(±16.09)cm.The maximum pullout resistance and the peak displacement of roots increased as a power function(R^(2)=0.9038)and a linear function(R^(2)=0.8242)with increasing age,respectively.The maximum pullout resistance and the peak displacement increased with increasing plant height;however,this relationship was not significant.The maximum pullout resistance increased exponentially(R^(2)=0.5522)as the crown breadth increased.There was no significant relationship between the peak displacement and crown breadth.The pullout resistance and displacement curve were divided into three stages:the initial nonlinear growth,linear growth,and nonlinear stages.Two modes of failure of a single root occurred when the roots were subjected to vertical loading forces:the synchronous breakage mode and the periderm preferential breakage mode.These findings provide a foundation for further investigation of the soil reinforcement and slope protection mechanisms of this shrub species in the loess area of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China.展开更多
In this paper, a theory of landslide model testing and application in Three Gorges reservoir area were introduced.Based on geo-mechanical model tests, the similarity ratio of similar material parameters, component of ...In this paper, a theory of landslide model testing and application in Three Gorges reservoir area were introduced.Based on geo-mechanical model tests, the similarity ratio of similar material parameters, component of similar material and the boundary friction coefficient of the 2D earth landslide model test were derived and stated by theoretical and experimental methods.A model test of the Qianjiangping landslide in Three Gorges reservoir area reveal a two-step trigger mechanism of coexistence between retrogressive landslide and thrust load caused land-slide.展开更多
Regarding the freezing damage of high-grade highway subgrade in seasonally frozen area,the thesis explores the effect on the dynamic behavior of subgrade soil under freeze–thaw cycles and draws the change law of para...Regarding the freezing damage of high-grade highway subgrade in seasonally frozen area,the thesis explores the effect on the dynamic behavior of subgrade soil under freeze–thaw cycles and draws the change law of parameters(including dynamic strength,dynamic cohesion,and internal friction angle;and dynamic elastic modulus)of high-grade highway-subgrade soil with the number of freeze–thaw cycles.It aims to provide the reference for operation and maintenance of a high-grade highway.Conclusions:(1)Dynamic strength tends to decline evidently after freeze–thaw cycles,with 60%~70%decline after three cycles,and remains stable after five to seven cycles.(2)With the number of freeze–thaw cycles increasing,the internal friction angle fluctuates within a certain range without an obvious change law,only presenting the tendency of dropping off.The dynamic cohesion declines obviously,about 20%~40%after seven freeze–thaw cycles,and then tends to be stable.(3)With the number of freeze-thaw cycles increasing,the dynamic elastic modulus and maximum dynamic elastic modulus are inclined to decrease distinctly.After five freeze–thaw cycles,the former declines 30%~40%and then remains stable.Meanwhile,the latter falls 20%~40%.展开更多
The oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)has been widely used both in clinics and in basic research for a long time.It is applied to diagnose impaired glucose tolerance and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus in individuals.Addit...The oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)has been widely used both in clinics and in basic research for a long time.It is applied to diagnose impaired glucose tolerance and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus in individuals.Additionally,it has been employed in research to investigate glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity in animals.The main aim of each was quite different,and the details are also somewhat varied.However,the time or duration of the OGTT was the same,using the 2-h post-glucose load glycemia in both,following the suggestions of the American Diabetes Association.Recently,the use of 30-min or 1-h post-glucose load glycemia in clinical practice has been recommended by several studies.In this review article,we describe this new view and suggest perspectives for the OGTT.Additionally,quantification of the glucose curve in basic research is also discussed.Unlike in clinical practice,the incremental area under the curve is not suitable for use in the studies involving animals receiving repeated treatments or chronic treatment.We discuss the potential mechanisms in detail.Moreover,variations between bench and bedside in the application of the OGTT are introduced.Finally,the newly identified method for the OGTT must achieve a recommendation from the American Diabetes Association or another official unit soon.In conclusion,we summarize the recent reports regarding the OGTT and add some of our own perspectives,including machine learning and others.展开更多
In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method i...In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.展开更多
The test panels have been set for one year in the waters of Daguanban reclamation area of Luoyuan Bay to investigate the ecology of fouling community. 39 species of animals and 8 species of algae have been recorded du...The test panels have been set for one year in the waters of Daguanban reclamation area of Luoyuan Bay to investigate the ecology of fouling community. 39 species of animals and 8 species of algae have been recorded during the investigation. The main period of settlement extends from May to October. The peak periods of biomass and covered area rate of the panels have been observed from Juneto September Balanus reticulatus, Bugula neritina, Molgula manhattensis, Tubularia mesembryanthemun and Enteromopha interstinalis are the dominant species in the fouling community. Species diversity index, species richness, species evenness and environmental factors are determined, the results of which indicate that water flow speed is the most important factor influencing the species and quantity composition of the fouling community.As to the mariculture production in the reclamation area, the main harmful period ranges from June to September.展开更多
The spatial and temporal variation characteristics of temperature were analyzed by using climate tendency coefficient, climatic inclination rate and Mann-Kendall catastrophe test,based on the annual and seasonal avera...The spatial and temporal variation characteristics of temperature were analyzed by using climate tendency coefficient, climatic inclination rate and Mann-Kendall catastrophe test,based on the annual and seasonal average temperatures of 28 meteorological stations in Guangxi from 1971 to 2013. Under the global warming,the annual and seasonal average temperatures in typical karst area of Guangxi had an increasing trend. The cli- mate inclination rate of annual average temperature reached a significant level, which was about 0.17 ℃/10 a, and the year of abrupt changes ap- peared in 1996. About seasonal temperature's trend, average temperatures of all the four seasons had an increase trend in the past 43 years, and the significant increase was happened in autumn with the temperature increase rate of 0.28 ℃/10 a, followed by increase rate of average tempera- ture in winter with 0.25 ℃/10 a. A long-term warming tendency was observed by seasonal average temperature from 1971 to 2013, especially dur- ing 2002 - 2013.展开更多
文摘According to the daily precipitation data in artificial precipitation season during May to September from 1961 to 2008 in Liaoning Province,the maximum consecutive precipitation in the artificial precipitation test area is studied based on the maximum consecutive precipitation from May to September in 48 years.The results shows that the period of maximum consecutive precipitation in each month is different,and the variance trends of maximum consecutive precipitation in May,July,August and September are decreasing,while the variance trend of maximum consecutive precipitation in June is increasing.
文摘In May and July of 2017,China Geological Survey (CGS),and Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS)carried out a production test of gas hydrate in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea and acquired a breakthrough of two months continuous gas production and nearly 3.1×10^5 m^3 of production. The gas hydrate reservoir in the Shenhu area of China,is mainly composed of fine-grained clay silt with low permeability,and very difficult for exploitation,which is very different from those discovered in the USA,and Canada (both are conglomerate),Japan (generally, coarse sand)and India (fracture-filled gas hydrate).Based on 3D seismic data preserved-amplitude processing and fine imaging,combined with logging-while-drilling (LWD)and core analysis data,this paper discusses the identification and reservoir characterization of gas hydrate orebodies in the Shenhu production test area.We also describe the distribution characteristics of the gas hydrate deposits and provided reliable data support for the optimization of the production well location.Through BSR feature recognition,seismic attribute analysis, model based seismic inversion and gas hydrate reservoir characterization,this paper describes two relatively independent gas hydrate orebodies in the Shenhu area,which are distributed in the north-south strip and tend to be thicker in the middle and thinner at the edge.The effective thickness of one orebody is bigger but the distribution area is relatively small.The model calculation results show that the distribution area of the gas hydrate orebody controlled by W 18/W 19 is about 11.24 km^2,with an average thickness of 19 m and a maximum thickness of 39 m,and the distribution area of the gas hydrate orebody controlled by W11/W17 is about 6.42 km^2,with an average thickness of 26 m and a maximum thickness of 90 m.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51239007)
文摘The size and shape of the effective test area are crucial to consider when short-crested waves are created by segmented wavemakers. The range of the effective test area of short-crested waves simulated by two-sided segmented wavemakers is analyzed in this paper. The experimental investigation on the wave field distribution of short-crested waves generated by two-sided segmented wavemakers is conducted by using an array of wave gauges. Wave spectra and directional spreading function are analyzed and the results show that when the main direction is at a certain angle with the normal line of wave generators, the wave field of 3D short-crested waves generated by two-sided segmented wavemakers has good spatial uniformity within the model test area. The effective test area can provide good wave environments for seakeeping model tests of various ocean engineering structures in the deep ocean engineering basin.
基金Supported by Major Issue of National "12~(th) Five-year Plan"Science and Technology Support Plan,China(2011BAC09B01)
文摘Selecting Chaoying small watershed with representative karst rocky desertification in the Bijie test area of Guizhou Province as an example, according to karst rocky desertiflcation degree and the existing eco-environmental problems in the small watershed, we study developmental model and technique support system for integrated rehabilitation of rocky desertification in the small watershed, and bring forward the development model and technique integration for integrated rehabilitation of rocky desertification, which adapt to the karst areas of Bijie test area, Guizhou Province and even South China.
基金Financial support for this work,provided by the Major National Science and Technology Special Projects(No.2008ZX05008)
文摘The distribution of sedimentary microfacies in the eighth member of the Shihezi formation(the H8 member) in the Sul4 3D seismic test area was investigated.A Support Vector Machine(SVM) model was introduced for the first time as a way of predicting sandstone thickness in the study area.The model was constructed by analysis and optimization of measured seismic attributes.The distribution of the sedimentary microfacies in the study area was determined from predicted sandstone thickness and an analysis of sedimentary characteristics of the area.The results indicate that sandstone thickness predictions in the study area using an SVM method are good.The distribution of the sedimentary microfacies in the study area has been depicted at a fine scale.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province,China(Grant No.ZR2020QE110)the National Natural Science Foundation of China,China(Grant No.52104089).
文摘The decline in groundwater level is a key factor contributing to cover collapse in karst areas.In this study,the model tests and numerical simulations are conducted to reveal the breeding process and formation mechanism of cover collapse sinkholes caused by the decline of groundwater level in karst area.Firstly,the model tests confirm that the decline of groundwater level generates negative pressure at the lower edge of overlying soil.The negative pressure experiences four distinct phases during the groundwater drawdown process:rapid rise,slow decline,rapid decline,and gradual dissipation.The maximum negative pressure is influenced by the particle size distribution of the overlying soil.Then,the numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the change process of negative pressure caused by the loss of fillers in karst pipe.The simulated results indicate that the rate of groundwater decline and the thickness and initial void ratio of the overlying soil can affect the maximum negative pressure.As groundwater level drops,a negative pressure zone forms underground,causing tensile failure in the surrounding soil and creating an arched soil hole,which weakens the support for the overlying soil.This phenomenon can also lead to the collapse of the overlying soil under its self-weight.Groundwater table decline in karst areas can result in both internal and surface collapses.When the overlying soil is thin,internal and surface collapses occur simultaneously.In contrast,for thick overlying soil,internal collapse happens first,followed by a layer-by-layer collapse,ultimately forming sinkholes.Finally,the breeding process and formation mechanism of the Yujiawan Reservoir sinkholes are discussed.Geological conditions and groundwater level decline significantly affect internal collapse in karst areas,requiring careful consideration from on-site engineers.
文摘利用RHtest提供的两种检验方法:惩罚最大T检验(The Penized Maximal T Test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(The Penized Maximal F Test,PMFT),对新疆大风区域13个国家级气象站点建站至2014年逐年平均风速资料进行了均一性检验和订正;通过在新疆地区特定环境下对该两种误报率分布相对均匀且微小偏移检测能力较高的方法进行评估,找出每种方法在新疆地区实际应用当中的适用性,最终通过订正改善新疆风要素年值历史序列的均一性,结果表明:(1)站址迁移、仪器换型、测风手段变化及台站环境变化等非气候变化因素均对13个待检站点年平均风速序列的均一性产生显著影响,其中仪器换型造成的影响尤为突出。(2)当参考站均一性较好时,PMTT方法检测结果与台站元数据一致性较好,反之则存在虚假跳变点或漏检。(3)PMFT方法因为不依靠参考站,能很好的弥补新疆大风区域站点稀疏、参考站点筛选困难和元数据不完整等弊端,该方法对迁站和仪器换型的检测能力较强。(4)数据订正后,总体变化趋势没有大的改变,呈现下降趋势,符合风要素在全国范围的总体变化趋势,数据的均一性得到很大改善。
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41606078the Taishan Scholar Special Experts Project under contract No.ts201712079+1 种基金the National Key Research and Development Plan under contract No.2017YFC0307600the Open Fund of Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology of China under contract Nos QNLM2016ORP0203 and QNLM2016ORP0207
文摘The undrained shear strength of shallow strata is a critical parameter for safety design in deep-water operations.In situ piezocone penetration tests(CPTU) and laboratory experiments are performed at Site W18-19 in the Shenhu area, northern South China Sea, where China's first marine hydrate exploitation operation is due to be located. The validation of the undrained shear strength prediction model based on CPTU parameters. Different laboratory tests, including pocket penetrometer, torvane, miniature vane and unconsolidated undrained triaxial tests, are employed to solve empirical cone coefficients by statistical and mathematical methods. Finally, an optimized model is proposed to describe the longitudinal distribution of undrained shear strength in calcareous clay strata in the Shenhu area. Research results reveal that average empirical cone coefficients based on total cone resistance, effective resistance, and excess-pore pressure are 13.8, 4.2 and 14.4, respectively. The undrained shear strength prediction model shows a good fit with the laboratory results only within specific intervals based on their compaction degree and gas-bearing conditions. The optimized prediction model in piecewise function format can be used to describe the longitudinal distribution of the undrained shear strength for calcareous clay within all depth intervals from the mud-line to the upper boundary of hydrate-bearing sediments(HBS). The optimized prediction result indicates that the effective cone resistance model is suitable for very soft to firm calcareous clays,the excess-pore pressure model can depict the undrained shear strength for firm to very stiff but gas-free clays,while the total cone resistance model is advantageous for evaluating the undrained shear strength for very stiff and gassy clays. The optimized model in piecewise function format can considerably improve the adaptability of empirical models for calcareous clay in the Shenhu area. These results are significant for safety evaluations of proposed hydrate exploitation projects.
文摘Natural gas hydrates (NGH)is one of key future clean energy resources.Its industrialized development will help remit the huge demand of global natural gas,relieve the increasing pressure of the environment, and play a vital role in the green sustainable growth of human societies.Based on nearly two decades' studying on the reservoir characteristics in the South China Sea (SCS)and the knowledge of reservoir system,the China Geological Survey (CGS)conducted the first production test on an optimal target selected in Shenhu area SCS in 2017.Guided by the "three-phase control"exploitation theory which focused on formation stabilization,technologies such as formation fluid extraction,well drilling and completing, reservoir stimulating,sand controlling,environmental monitoring,monitoring and preventing of secondary formation of hydrates were applied.The test lasted for 60 days from May 10^th when starting to pump, drop pressure and ignite to well killing on July 9^th,with gas production of 3.09×10^5 m^3 in total,which is a world record with the longest continuous duration of gas production and maximal gas yield.This successful test brings a significant breakthrough on safety control of NGH production.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42002283, 42062019)the Science and Technology Plan Project of Qinghai Province,China (2022-ZJ-Y08)the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research (STEP) Program (2019QZKK0905, 2019QZKK0805)
文摘Roots exert pullout resistance under pullout force,allowing plants to resist uprooting.However,the pullout resistance characteristics of taproot-type shrub species of different ages remain unclear.In this study,in order to improve our knowledge of pullout resistance characteristics of taproot systems of shrub species,we selected the shrub species Caragana korshinskii different growth periods as the research plant and conducted in situ root pullout test.The relationships among the maximum pullout resistance,peak root displacement,shrub growth period,and aboveground growth indices(plant height and plant crown breadth)were analyzed,as well as the mechanical process of uprooting.Pullout resistance of 4-15 year-old C.korshinskii ranged from 2.49(±0.25)to 14.71(±4.96)kN,and the peak displacement ranged from 11.77(±8.61)to 26.50(±16.09)cm.The maximum pullout resistance and the peak displacement of roots increased as a power function(R^(2)=0.9038)and a linear function(R^(2)=0.8242)with increasing age,respectively.The maximum pullout resistance and the peak displacement increased with increasing plant height;however,this relationship was not significant.The maximum pullout resistance increased exponentially(R^(2)=0.5522)as the crown breadth increased.There was no significant relationship between the peak displacement and crown breadth.The pullout resistance and displacement curve were divided into three stages:the initial nonlinear growth,linear growth,and nonlinear stages.Two modes of failure of a single root occurred when the roots were subjected to vertical loading forces:the synchronous breakage mode and the periderm preferential breakage mode.These findings provide a foundation for further investigation of the soil reinforcement and slope protection mechanisms of this shrub species in the loess area of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(50839004)Key Projects of the National Science & Technology Pillar Program in the 11th Five-year Plan(2008BAC47B03)Scientific Fund of Hubei Provincial Education Department(Q20081305)
文摘In this paper, a theory of landslide model testing and application in Three Gorges reservoir area were introduced.Based on geo-mechanical model tests, the similarity ratio of similar material parameters, component of similar material and the boundary friction coefficient of the 2D earth landslide model test were derived and stated by theoretical and experimental methods.A model test of the Qianjiangping landslide in Three Gorges reservoir area reveal a two-step trigger mechanism of coexistence between retrogressive landslide and thrust load caused land-slide.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51378057)
文摘Regarding the freezing damage of high-grade highway subgrade in seasonally frozen area,the thesis explores the effect on the dynamic behavior of subgrade soil under freeze–thaw cycles and draws the change law of parameters(including dynamic strength,dynamic cohesion,and internal friction angle;and dynamic elastic modulus)of high-grade highway-subgrade soil with the number of freeze–thaw cycles.It aims to provide the reference for operation and maintenance of a high-grade highway.Conclusions:(1)Dynamic strength tends to decline evidently after freeze–thaw cycles,with 60%~70%decline after three cycles,and remains stable after five to seven cycles.(2)With the number of freeze–thaw cycles increasing,the internal friction angle fluctuates within a certain range without an obvious change law,only presenting the tendency of dropping off.The dynamic cohesion declines obviously,about 20%~40%after seven freeze–thaw cycles,and then tends to be stable.(3)With the number of freeze-thaw cycles increasing,the dynamic elastic modulus and maximum dynamic elastic modulus are inclined to decrease distinctly.After five freeze–thaw cycles,the former declines 30%~40%and then remains stable.Meanwhile,the latter falls 20%~40%.
文摘The oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT)has been widely used both in clinics and in basic research for a long time.It is applied to diagnose impaired glucose tolerance and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus in individuals.Additionally,it has been employed in research to investigate glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity in animals.The main aim of each was quite different,and the details are also somewhat varied.However,the time or duration of the OGTT was the same,using the 2-h post-glucose load glycemia in both,following the suggestions of the American Diabetes Association.Recently,the use of 30-min or 1-h post-glucose load glycemia in clinical practice has been recommended by several studies.In this review article,we describe this new view and suggest perspectives for the OGTT.Additionally,quantification of the glucose curve in basic research is also discussed.Unlike in clinical practice,the incremental area under the curve is not suitable for use in the studies involving animals receiving repeated treatments or chronic treatment.We discuss the potential mechanisms in detail.Moreover,variations between bench and bedside in the application of the OGTT are introduced.Finally,the newly identified method for the OGTT must achieve a recommendation from the American Diabetes Association or another official unit soon.In conclusion,we summarize the recent reports regarding the OGTT and add some of our own perspectives,including machine learning and others.
基金Key projects of pre-research fund(No.9140A27040414JB34001).
文摘In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.
文摘The test panels have been set for one year in the waters of Daguanban reclamation area of Luoyuan Bay to investigate the ecology of fouling community. 39 species of animals and 8 species of algae have been recorded during the investigation. The main period of settlement extends from May to October. The peak periods of biomass and covered area rate of the panels have been observed from Juneto September Balanus reticulatus, Bugula neritina, Molgula manhattensis, Tubularia mesembryanthemun and Enteromopha interstinalis are the dominant species in the fouling community. Species diversity index, species richness, species evenness and environmental factors are determined, the results of which indicate that water flow speed is the most important factor influencing the species and quantity composition of the fouling community.As to the mariculture production in the reclamation area, the main harmful period ranges from June to September.
基金Supported by Guangxi Natural Science Foundation ProjectChina(2013GXNSFAA019283)
文摘The spatial and temporal variation characteristics of temperature were analyzed by using climate tendency coefficient, climatic inclination rate and Mann-Kendall catastrophe test,based on the annual and seasonal average temperatures of 28 meteorological stations in Guangxi from 1971 to 2013. Under the global warming,the annual and seasonal average temperatures in typical karst area of Guangxi had an increasing trend. The cli- mate inclination rate of annual average temperature reached a significant level, which was about 0.17 ℃/10 a, and the year of abrupt changes ap- peared in 1996. About seasonal temperature's trend, average temperatures of all the four seasons had an increase trend in the past 43 years, and the significant increase was happened in autumn with the temperature increase rate of 0.28 ℃/10 a, followed by increase rate of average tempera- ture in winter with 0.25 ℃/10 a. A long-term warming tendency was observed by seasonal average temperature from 1971 to 2013, especially dur- ing 2002 - 2013.