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A detailed rock density model of the Hong Kong territories
作者 Albertini Nsiah Ababio Robert Tenzer 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期75-81,共7页
We used the geological map and published rock density measurements to compile the digital rock density model for the Hong Kong territories.We then estimated the average density for the whole territory.According to our... We used the geological map and published rock density measurements to compile the digital rock density model for the Hong Kong territories.We then estimated the average density for the whole territory.According to our result,the rock density values in Hong Kong vary from 2101 to 2681 kg·m^(-3).These density values are typically smaller than the average density of 2670 kg·m^(-3),often adopted to represent the average density of the upper continental crust in physical geodesy and gravimetric geophysics applications.This finding reflects that the geological configuration in Hong Kong is mainly formed by light volcanic formations and lava flows with overlying sedimentary deposits at many locations,while the percentage of heavier metamorphic rocks is very low(less than 1%).This product will improve the accuracy of a detailed geoid model and orthometric heights. 展开更多
关键词 Density model Rock types Gravimetric modeling Hong kong
A Comparative Study of the L2 Pragmatic Competence of University Students in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland:The Contributions of Sociocultural Context and Linguistic Proficiency
作者 Scott AUBREY Rod ELLIS 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期371-392,524,共23页
This study investigates the differences in pragmatic competence between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland university students.Participants included 19 native speakers of English,115 Chinese mainland students,divided into... This study investigates the differences in pragmatic competence between Hong Kong and Chinese mainland university students.Participants included 19 native speakers of English,115 Chinese mainland students,divided into those who had spent time abroad in an English-speaking country(CM A)and those who had not(CM NA),and 97 Hong Kong students,divided into those from an English-medium secondary school(Hong Kong EMI)and those from a Chinese-medium school(Hong Kong CMI).Linguistic proficiency was measured by a C-test,and pragmatic competence by a Metapragmatic Knowledge Test,an Irony Test and a Monologic Role Play.Group scores were compared using ANCOVAs to control for differences in proficiency.The results point to a continuum of pragmatic competence—EMI>CMI>CM A>CM NA—reflecting the groups’access to English in real-life contexts.The differences between the Hong Kong groups and the Chinese mainland groups were clearest in those tests measuring processing capacity(i.e.,Irony Response Time and the Monologic Role Play).CM A,but not CM NA,performed as well as the Hong Kong groups on measures of metapragmatic awareness.The results are discussed in terms of Bialystok’s(1993)distinction between analyzed representation and control of processing. 展开更多
关键词 pragmatic competence social context Hong kong the Chinese mainland metapragmatic knowledge processing capacity
Using Five Music Instructional Methods to Illustrate the Social Constructive Music Teaching Framework in Hong Kong Primary Level Music Education
作者 Lam Wing Yin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第6期247-269,共23页
Music education under the frame name of arts education has been integrated into the primary and secondary education curriculums in Hong Kong for more than 20 years,starting from 2001,the year of launching the Learning... Music education under the frame name of arts education has been integrated into the primary and secondary education curriculums in Hong Kong for more than 20 years,starting from 2001,the year of launching the Learning to Learn curriculum for the reconstruction of the education system for the younger generation.Music education,embedded into the arts education,was therefore regarded as one of the key subjects to cultivate and uplift student holistic development,focusing on aesthetic skill training and moral growth development.This research was an exploration study of music teaching practices from two private international and two general public school music teachers at the primary school level.The value of this study rested on borrowing the idea of Shulman’s pedagogical content knowledge(PCK)principle to create a social constructivist music teaching framework from five commonly-used instructional methods,namely,Orff,Kodaly,Dalcrozes,Suzuki,and Gordon’s approaches.Based on the evaluations of these four case studies,hypotheses on the differences in the PCK were tested with the types of schools and found to be no difference.The preliminary results suggested that music teachers in private international schools had similar pedagogical approaches to music instruction to teachers in aided-public schools.Additionally,the modeling,guiding,and training approach was identified as a grounded teaching method for music education at the primary school level regardless of different types of schools.Other implications like the further development of the framework were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 PEDAGOGY social constructivism music education primary school Hong kong
Sustainability of Community Art in Hong Kong,China:The Case of Woofer Ten Through Actor-Network Theory
作者 ZHENG Wenyu LIU Zhuoran LIANG Yutao 《Sociology Study》 2024年第6期286-308,共23页
Community art explores alternative social participation and sustainable community life in urban regeneration.There is a need to design an assessment model for the sustainability of community art from a comprehensive a... Community art explores alternative social participation and sustainable community life in urban regeneration.There is a need to design an assessment model for the sustainability of community art from a comprehensive and long-term perspective.This report introduces Actor-Network Theory(ANT)as an analytical framework to make a case study of the sustainability of Woofer Ten.The SNA(Social Context-Neighborhood-Actors)model comprehensively reveals the social context,neighborhood,and actors cluster in the network and summarizes the impact of actors and their interactions in the community arts network on sustainability.This report reveals the interactions between urban regeneration,place-making and community arts and their ongoing impact on broader social well-being.Renewed attention to these processes will contribute to the right to the city,citizenship,and activism in the context of Hong Kong’s community culture. 展开更多
关键词 community art Hong kong China actor-network theory
Research on the Integration of Lingnan Culture into“Four Histories”Education for Hong Kong Youth
作者 Hua Wang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第10期263-270,共8页
This study focuses on Hong Kong youth,recognizing them as a vital subject within the context of“four histories”education.From the perspective of the integration of Lingnan culture,it explores the rich resources of L... This study focuses on Hong Kong youth,recognizing them as a vital subject within the context of“four histories”education.From the perspective of the integration of Lingnan culture,it explores the rich resources of Lingnan culture,innovates the narrative system,and explores the path of positive guidance in history education.Responding to the demands of the times,it seeks to alleviate the pressing concerns of Hong Kong society,help Hong Kong youth break down prejudices,gain a comprehensive understanding of China,grasp the development context of modern China,recognize historical trends,undertake national responsibilities,and take on the mission of the times. 展开更多
关键词 Lingnan culture Hong kong youth “Four Histories”education
作者 周林丽 彭沛 +3 位作者 黄小慧 师雯琦 袁联雄 潘瑶 《现代医院》 2025年第1期49-52,共4页
在粤港澳大湾区一体化发展背景下,港澳居民来粤就医需求持续增长。广东公立医院作为广东医疗服务供给的主力军,本文旨在探讨该群体发展港澳居民来粤就医的现状,并基于医院视角提出发展对策,以助力大湾区一体化发展事业。本文采用SWOT方... 在粤港澳大湾区一体化发展背景下,港澳居民来粤就医需求持续增长。广东公立医院作为广东医疗服务供给的主力军,本文旨在探讨该群体发展港澳居民来粤就医的现状,并基于医院视角提出发展对策,以助力大湾区一体化发展事业。本文采用SWOT方法,系统评估广东公立医院在发展港澳居民来粤就医服务方面的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,并构建SWOT矩阵以制定发展对策。分析显示广东公立医院具有交通便利、文化亲近、医疗资源丰富、服务效率高且费用较低等优势;面临医保跨境可携政策覆盖不足、专项诊疗服务不成熟、服务标准不统一、跨境医疗探索不足等劣势;同时,国家战略支持和市场需求旺盛提供了发展机会,而市场竞争激烈和三地医疗规则衔接缓慢构成了外部威胁。针对分析结果,本文提出了加强宣传与产业合作创新、业务分步发展、争取政策覆盖、强化业务统筹、加快与港澳办医合作以及推进医院国际化评审等对策建议,为广东的公立医院群体发展面向港澳居民的医疗服务业务提供了决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 广东省 公立医院 港澳居民 来粤就医 SWOT分析
作者 王双印 李家城 《韩山师范学院学报》 2025年第1期1-6,共6页
粤港澳大湾区担负着探索中国式现代化道路的历史重任。其中,促进人与自然和谐共生,加强生态文明建设,使粤港澳大湾区的生态文明建设对全国具有一定的引领作用,是重要的研究内容。粤港澳大湾区的生态文明建设有雄厚的基础,表现为它是国... 粤港澳大湾区担负着探索中国式现代化道路的历史重任。其中,促进人与自然和谐共生,加强生态文明建设,使粤港澳大湾区的生态文明建设对全国具有一定的引领作用,是重要的研究内容。粤港澳大湾区的生态文明建设有雄厚的基础,表现为它是国家宏观战略层面的重要目标;绿色发展取得显著成绩;生态环境质量明显改善。但粤港澳大湾区生态文明建设也面临一定的困境,如粤港澳大湾区经济发展和生态治理的矛盾较为突出;粤港澳大湾区生态治理合作机制有待完善;污染防治和生态修复承载压力较大。为此,在以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的进程中,探索粤港澳大湾区成为生态文明引领地的路径,意义重大。其路径如下:完善粤港澳大湾区环境治理的合作机制;自觉贯彻“绿水青山就是金山银山”的发展理念;构建粤港澳大湾区生态治理科技支撑体系;用最严格制度最严密法治保护生态环境。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 粤港澳大湾区 生态文明 路径
作者 杨爱平 黄天 《深圳社会科学》 2025年第1期36-46,共11页
近年来,在支持港澳更好融入国家发展大局的政策环境下,粤港澳大湾区深圳、珠海、广州、中山等内地城市涌现出一批粤港澳居民共居共处的互嵌式社区。党建引领粤港澳居民互嵌式社区治理作为一个“新生事物”,既对地方党建部门创新大湾区... 近年来,在支持港澳更好融入国家发展大局的政策环境下,粤港澳大湾区深圳、珠海、广州、中山等内地城市涌现出一批粤港澳居民共居共处的互嵌式社区。党建引领粤港澳居民互嵌式社区治理作为一个“新生事物”,既对地方党建部门创新大湾区融合发展下的党建工作具有现实意义,也对拓展社会主义主体制度下传统党建研究具有重要的理论价值。基于对粤港澳大湾区A地社区的调查,构建了“三重情境—四动过程”的分析框架,并透过“情境”与“过程”的双维画像,对党建引领粤港澳居民互嵌式社区治理的生成机理与实践路径进行探讨。研究发现:党建引领社区治理的生成机理蕴含了粤港澳大湾区融合发展的特殊元素,可从“在哪引领”的空间场域、“由谁引领”的行动主体、“为谁引领”的服务对象这“三重情境”加以透视;实践路径则映射于由表及里、循序渐进的“形动党建→行动党建→心动党建→传动党建”这“四动过程”中。未来应由基层党组织作为“龙头”行动主体,同时锚定互嵌式社区中的粤港澳居民服务对象,通过由表及里、循序渐进的党建引领路径,促进粤港澳三地居民融合,最终激发大湾区融合发展下党建引领互嵌式社区治理的工作效能。 展开更多
关键词 党建引领 社区治理 粤港澳居民 互嵌式社区 粤港澳大湾区融合
Three New Species of the Genus Caenis from Hong Kong, China (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) 被引量:1
作者 童晓立 David DUDGEON 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期232-238,共7页
Three new species of the genus Caenis (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae), Caenis aspera sp nov , Caenis bicornis sp nov and Caenis lubrica sp nov , are described from Hong Kong, China. All type specimens... Three new species of the genus Caenis (Ephemeroptera, Caenidae), Caenis aspera sp nov , Caenis bicornis sp nov and Caenis lubrica sp nov , are described from Hong Kong, China. All type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, China. 展开更多
关键词 EPHEMEROPTERA CAENIDAE Caenis New species China Hong kong
作者 郭琳琳 王阳 《内蒙古社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期157-165,共9页
“孔乙己文学”是当代青年大学生模仿孔乙己语录而生成的亚文化流行语,折射出青年人的社会境遇和社会心态。运用虚拟民族志的研究方法,以社交媒体平台为研究田野,通过参与观察和在线访谈的方式获取资料,研究发现:大学生的身份生产在家... “孔乙己文学”是当代青年大学生模仿孔乙己语录而生成的亚文化流行语,折射出青年人的社会境遇和社会心态。运用虚拟民族志的研究方法,以社交媒体平台为研究田野,通过参与观察和在线访谈的方式获取资料,研究发现:大学生的身份生产在家庭教育期望、学校培养模式和精神空间遐想的作用下得以完成,但受阶层文化鸿沟、社会资本差异和教育失配风险等因素的影响,学历促进阶层向上流动的功能愈加弱化。由于原生惯习的流失和城市化的成本越来越高,青年大学生面临着脱嵌于原生场域和城市社会的双重脱嵌困境,导致其具有内外失衡的阶层悬浮心态。因此,破除“长衫”所隐含的结构性困境是回应青年大学生的身份生产与阶层流动的关键。 展开更多
关键词 “孔乙己文学” 身份生产 阶层流动 双重脱嵌
作者 崔学刚 史雅娟 +1 位作者 马海涛 苗毅 《地理与地理信息科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期97-107,共11页
在国内外形势发生新变化、“一国两制”迈入新阶段等背景下,粤港澳大湾区协同发展成为研究热点。基于综合视角梳理大湾区协同发展研究进展可知:从多元化协同机制看,侧重自上而下的宏观协同机制研究,自下而上的微观协同机制研究有待深化... 在国内外形势发生新变化、“一国两制”迈入新阶段等背景下,粤港澳大湾区协同发展成为研究热点。基于综合视角梳理大湾区协同发展研究进展可知:从多元化协同机制看,侧重自上而下的宏观协同机制研究,自下而上的微观协同机制研究有待深化;从多尺度协同模式看,内外尺度联动模式研究分析了内部协同结构及对外协同开放两方面,特殊功能区协同效应及与国内国际大市场联动效应研究有待深化,时空尺度演化模式研究揭示了传统发展模式转变态势及空间分异特征,有待从培育内生动力、推进空间均衡等方面开展对策分析;从多要素协同类型看,已开展人才、土地、基础设施等生产要素协同配置、现代产业协同发展及人地要素协同优化研究,生产要素跨境协同优化配置、相关产业规则衔接及人地关系多因素影响解析、跨尺度作用机制、系统性调控等研究有待深化。为促进新时代粤港澳大湾区协同发展,应重点从五方面深化既有研究:增强协同发展关键环节和路线图研究,解析大湾区高质量发展联动机制;强化跨境制度协同机制研究,加强大湾区整体协同及深港、琴澳等重点合作;重视自下而上的微观协同机制研究,聚焦民心相通、民生畅通、文化相联等重要抓手;聚焦融入双循环新发展格局战略需求,深化内外尺度联动模式系统性集成研究;统筹发展和安全,强化多要素韧性监测预警及协同调控研究。 展开更多
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 协同发展 研究进展 展望
作者 姜乃心 黄一如 《建筑与文化》 2025年第1期156-159,共4页
中国香港的乡村在20世纪50年代后经历农业式微与人口外迁,环境衰退。20世纪90年代后,不同方式的乡村重建陆续开展。2000年以来,在政府和社会多元主体的参与下,各村落在保持原有历史文化特色与自然景观的同时进行基础设施建设、产业更新... 中国香港的乡村在20世纪50年代后经历农业式微与人口外迁,环境衰退。20世纪90年代后,不同方式的乡村重建陆续开展。2000年以来,在政府和社会多元主体的参与下,各村落在保持原有历史文化特色与自然景观的同时进行基础设施建设、产业更新与社会发展,取得良好成效。研究通过分析大澳与荔枝窝两地的建设主体和参与方式,探讨中国香港乡村复兴如何因地制宜地积极发挥社会力量,在包括原住村民、政府、社会组织的多方协作下,避免了大规模拆建对原有乡村环境的破坏,为社会维系了珍贵的自然和文化资源。 展开更多
关键词 乡村复兴 中国香港 协同治理 社会参与
On the Hong Kong Newspaper's Role in the Democratic Revolution
作者 李秀 《海外英语》 2010年第8X期447-448,共2页
Since the Cession of Hong Kong for the British since the news of speech terms is strictly limited, long-term Hong Kong residents can not participate in local politics. But to allow discussion of political affairs in C... Since the Cession of Hong Kong for the British since the news of speech terms is strictly limited, long-term Hong Kong residents can not participate in local politics. But to allow discussion of political affairs in China outside Hong Kong. Thus, the various historical periods in the future, the progressive intellectuals to Hong Kong newspaper, publicity revolution, the process of democratic revolution in China, plays a very important role. 展开更多
关键词 Hong kong NEWSPAPER the democratic REVOLUTION
作者 李若晖 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期91-98,共8页
汉代经学中,存在着经书传注的口传传统。通过对几则经学史文献的意义澄清,可以重现汉代经学传注口头传统。再由汉代口传传注文献的梳理,可以进而考察汉代学术两大公案:一为西汉孔安国确曾注《论语》《孝经》,但在后世只有口传,因而引起... 汉代经学中,存在着经书传注的口传传统。通过对几则经学史文献的意义澄清,可以重现汉代经学传注口头传统。再由汉代口传传注文献的梳理,可以进而考察汉代学术两大公案:一为西汉孔安国确曾注《论语》《孝经》,但在后世只有口传,因而引起误解;一为向歆父子校书仅针对书面文献,而未致力于将口传文献著于竹帛。与此同时,有必要强调,汉代经学传注的口传传统,是以书面经书为中心,并围绕书面经书而形成与发展的。 展开更多
关键词 经学 经书 书面 口传 孔安国 向歆校书
Lung Kong-service
作者 邓华 《商情》 2011年第29期138-139,共2页
关键词 摘要 编辑部 编辑工作 读者
Emergy evaluation of the environment and economy of Hong Kong 被引量:20
作者 Lan ShengfangDepartment of Biology, South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642, ChinaHoward T. Odum(Environmental Engineering Sciences , University of Florida .Gainesville, FL 32611 , USA) 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第4期432-439,共8页
An environment-economy systems analysis of Hong Kong has been carried out using a newmeasure emergy for evaluating its environmental resource basis and economy as well as its international e-conomic relations for reco... An environment-economy systems analysis of Hong Kong has been carried out using a newmeasure emergy for evaluating its environmental resource basis and economy as well as its international e-conomic relations for recommending a sustainable development. Emergy is the total energy uf one kind re-quired directly and indirectly to form a resource, product or service. It provides a common basis for mea-surement of the value of environment and economy.A preliminary analysis of emergy contributions supporting the system of Hong Kong is presented inthis paper. 展开更多
关键词 EMERGY solar transformity environmental resource Hong kong.
作者 郭晓康 马红 《经济论坛》 2025年第1期53-62,共10页
传统旅游产业需要围绕新质生产力的要求,深度挖掘新价值,发展新业态,科学布局旅游产业链。被誉为“新世界七大奇迹”之一的港珠澳大桥,自建成通车之日起,便自带超级流量,广受海内外游客关注。文章以国家重大工程——港珠澳大桥的旅游开... 传统旅游产业需要围绕新质生产力的要求,深度挖掘新价值,发展新业态,科学布局旅游产业链。被誉为“新世界七大奇迹”之一的港珠澳大桥,自建成通车之日起,便自带超级流量,广受海内外游客关注。文章以国家重大工程——港珠澳大桥的旅游开发及运营机制为研究对象,通过系统的文献梳理,基于大桥通车以来的统计数据,明确了相关概念,科学分类梳理了大桥旅游资源,详细分析了大桥旅游开发运营现状,提出了港珠澳大桥旅游开发运营矩阵。大桥旅游项目呈现多主体、多层级特征,需要统筹规划协调,分步骤、分阶段实施;要秉持“共建、共管、共享”的开发理念,充分考虑到珠江口沿岸旅游资源及市场的差异性;实现大桥旅游开发及运营政策方面的较大突破,丰富“一程多站”旅游产品体系。 展开更多
关键词 港珠澳大桥 旅游开发及运营 机制策略
作者 尚红娟 吕玲瑶 《上海市社会主义学院学报》 2025年第1期49-66,共18页
国情教育是内地(大陆)高校对港澳台学生开展爱国主义教育的正式教育。基于对来自22个省份和地区共607名内地(大陆)高校港澳台学生的实证研究发现:国情教育尚未成为内地(大陆)高校港澳台学生认知内地(大陆)以及身份认同的最主要影响因素... 国情教育是内地(大陆)高校对港澳台学生开展爱国主义教育的正式教育。基于对来自22个省份和地区共607名内地(大陆)高校港澳台学生的实证研究发现:国情教育尚未成为内地(大陆)高校港澳台学生认知内地(大陆)以及身份认同的最主要影响因素。国情教育在培根铸魂、重认中国的实践中,亟需群际接触理论、建构主义的系统化引导;在“知行合一”的国情教育模式中,消解其对内地(大陆)的刻板印象与偏见,重塑港澳台学生“新的共同历史记忆”的“集体潜意识”,在润物无声中重构社会价值与完整的中国史认同。以知识灌输—情感传递—亲历见证的实践体验—参与发展的课程模式建构机制,让港澳台学生能够真正地认识中国、读懂中国,重构港澳台学生的民族精神家园。 展开更多
关键词 内地(大陆)高校 港澳台学生 国情教育
Evaluation of ENVISAT ASAR data for sea surface wind retrieval in Hong Kong coastal waters of China 被引量:7
作者 XU Qinga LIN Hui +3 位作者 ZHENG Quanan XIU Peng CHENG Yongcun LIU Yuguang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期57-62,共6页
The C-band wind speed retrieval models, CMOD4, CMOD - IFR2, and CMOD5 were applied to retrieval of sea surface wind speeds from ENVISAT (European environmental satellite) ASAR (advanced synthetic aperture radar) d... The C-band wind speed retrieval models, CMOD4, CMOD - IFR2, and CMOD5 were applied to retrieval of sea surface wind speeds from ENVISAT (European environmental satellite) ASAR (advanced synthetic aperture radar) data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong during a period from October 2005 to July 2007. The retrieved wind speeds are evaluated by comparing with buoy measurements and the QuikSCAT (quick scatterometer) wind products. The results show that the CMOD4 model gives the best performance at wind speeds lower than 15 m/s. The correlation coefficients with buoy and QuikSCAT winds are 0.781 and 0.896, respectively. The root mean square errors are the same 1.74 m/s. Namely, the CMOD4 model is the best one for sea surface wind speed retrieval from ASAR data in the coastal waters near Hong Kong. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface wind speed wind retrieval algorithms ENVISAT ASAR Hong kong
基于Kong和Elasticsearch的私有云API网关及监控系统的设计与实现 被引量:6
作者 何运田 张青清 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2022年第11期136-140,共5页
云上系统往往会采用微服务架构,即若干个子系统之间互相配合,对外统一提供服务。由于不同子系统大概率是由不同的编程人员开发,会出现多协议通信、多编程语言共存、非业务功能冗余开发的情况。针对这一问题,针对私有云环境,基于Kong和El... 云上系统往往会采用微服务架构,即若干个子系统之间互相配合,对外统一提供服务。由于不同子系统大概率是由不同的编程人员开发,会出现多协议通信、多编程语言共存、非业务功能冗余开发的情况。针对这一问题,针对私有云环境,基于Kong和Elasticsearch设计并实现一套API网关集成及监控系统。该系统作为云平台的门面,能以RestFul接口的形式统一转发服务,并能通过插件化来集成类似日志、鉴权、限流、监控等非业务功能,从而实现云内微服务接入的统一管理和自动化监控运维,减轻服务开发者不必要的工作负担。 展开更多
关键词 云平台 API网关 kong Elasticsearch 监控
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