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Helicobacter is preserved in yeast vacuoles! Does Koch's postulates confirm it? 被引量:1
作者 Nader Alipour Nasrin Gaeini 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第12期2266-2268,共3页
The manuscript titled "Vacuoles of Candida yeast behave as a specialized niche for Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)" not only has not been prepared in a scientific manner but the methodology used was not adequa... The manuscript titled "Vacuoles of Candida yeast behave as a specialized niche for Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)" not only has not been prepared in a scientific manner but the methodology used was not adequate, and therefore the conclusion reached was not correct. First of all, "yeast" is a broad terminology covering a great number of genera and species of unicellular micro-organisms. The authors should have defined the organism with its binary scientific name. This measure would allow experiment reproduction by the scientific community. Moreover, the criteria established by Robert Koch to identify a specific microorganism or pathogen was not adopted in the methodology used. Regarding the methodology applied, use of the chicken eggyolk(Ig Y) antibody and PCR of the apparently tainted yeast population to prove H. pylori existence in the yeast vacuoles might be main factors for their wrong conclusions. Bacterial tropism toward yeast extract is a known phenomenon, and yeast extract is one of the main ingredients in culture media. Their internalization through phagocytosis or similar pathways does not seem possible or practical because of the thick and cellulosic yeast wall. While the small size of yeast cells does not support their ability in harboring several H. pylori, other observations such as inefficiency of antifungal therapy as anti-Helicobacter therapy strongly reject the conclusion reached by the above-mentioned article. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori YEAsT Acanthamoeba castellanii kochs postulates
Koch曲线上S^4模型的临界性质 被引量:1
作者 刘杰 孔祥木 李永平 《曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第1期56-60,共5页
用部分格点消约重整化群变换的方法 ,研究了无分支Koch曲线上S4 模型的相变和临界性质 ,求出了临界点和临界指数 .结果表明 :系统只存在一个Gauss不动点 ,此分形上的Gauss模型和S4 模型属于同一普适类 .
关键词 koch曲线 s^4模型 临界性质 Gauss不动点 重整化群 分形晶格 相变
Isolation of <em>Mycobacterium celatum</em>from a Case of Koch’s Spine
作者 Gayathri Devi P. Ashok Kumar R. Ranganath 《Journal of Tuberculosis Research》 2014年第1期1-3,共3页
Mycobacterium celatum is a newly discovered micro-organism causing disseminated infections in immuno compromised patients. Here we report a case of Mycobacterium celatum in an apparently immuno competent young patient... Mycobacterium celatum is a newly discovered micro-organism causing disseminated infections in immuno compromised patients. Here we report a case of Mycobacterium celatum in an apparently immuno competent young patient with Koch’s spine, the organism was confirmed at tuberculosis research centre, Chennai. The patient was started with clarithromycin and ciprofloxin along with category-I ATT. 展开更多
Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Resolution Using GRW Collapse Model: Von Neumann Measurement Postulate Revisited
作者 Jaykov Foukzon Alex Potapov +1 位作者 Elena Men’kova Stanislav Podosenov 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2017年第2期494-521,共28页
In his famous thought experiment, Schr?dinger (1935) imagined a cat that measures the value of a quantum mechanical observable with its life. Since Schr?dinger’s time, no any interpretations or modifications of quant... In his famous thought experiment, Schr?dinger (1935) imagined a cat that measures the value of a quantum mechanical observable with its life. Since Schr?dinger’s time, no any interpretations or modifications of quantum mechanics have been proposed which give clear unambiguous answers to the questions posed by Schr?dinger’s cat of how long superpositions last and when (or whether) they collapse? In this paper appropriate modification of quantum mechanics is proposed. We claim that canonical interpretation of the wave function is correct only when the supports of the wave functions and essentially overlap. When the wave functions and have separated supports (as in the case of the experiment that we are considering in this paper) we claim that canonical interpretation of the wave function is no longer valid for a such cat state. Possible solution of the Schr?dinger’s cat paradox is considered. We pointed out that the collapsed state of the cat always shows definite and predictable outcomes even if cat also consists of a superposition: . 展开更多
关键词 Probability Representation of Quantum states schrödinger’s CAT GRW COLLAPsE MODEL Von NEUMANN MEAsUREMENT postulate
在心脏直视手术下行Koch三角测量的研究 被引量:8
作者 孟令东 周聊生 +2 位作者 李晓佳 周凤云 张秋月 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2004年第5期352-354,共3页
观测心脏疾病状态下Koch三角大小 ,并探讨与心脏大小的关系 ,指导临床射频消融术慢径靶点在Koch三角的定位。选择心外科住院手术治疗的先天或后天性心脏病患者 4 1例。术中直视测量Koch三角的各条径线 ,并统计分析其与超声所测心脏大小... 观测心脏疾病状态下Koch三角大小 ,并探讨与心脏大小的关系 ,指导临床射频消融术慢径靶点在Koch三角的定位。选择心外科住院手术治疗的先天或后天性心脏病患者 4 1例。术中直视测量Koch三角的各条径线 ,并统计分析其与超声所测心脏大小及患者体重、身高、体表面积的关系。结果 :Koch三角大小与Koch三角的高呈正相关 ,Koch三角的高与右房横径呈正相关 ,冠状窦口到三尖瓣隔侧瓣的距离 (CSO TV)与右房横径呈正相关 ,Koch三角的高与CSO TV呈正相关。结论 :可根据右房大小预测Koch三角大小 ,结合导管影象学上测量Koch三角的高 ,则能判定CSO TV ,以确定慢径消融靶点的位置。 展开更多
关键词 koch三角 靶点 心脏直视手术 患者 冠状窦 后天性心脏病 心外科 大小 正相关 结论
Koch三角的电生理指数及X线解剖在慢径消融中的应用 被引量:1
作者 周聊生 李莹 +4 位作者 杨光 娄兹谟 闫素华 王连祥 孙洁 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2002年第5期346-348,共3页
对 2 7例房室结双径路并折返性心动过速病人行慢径消融术时 ,用His束和冠状窦导管分别标记Koch三角底部和顶端 ,X线投照用左前斜 45°和右前斜 30°分别测量Koch三角的高度并以 2 0mm为界分为大小Koch三角两组 ,观察成功和不成... 对 2 7例房室结双径路并折返性心动过速病人行慢径消融术时 ,用His束和冠状窦导管分别标记Koch三角底部和顶端 ,X线投照用左前斜 45°和右前斜 30°分别测量Koch三角的高度并以 2 0mm为界分为大小Koch三角两组 ,观察成功和不成功靶点的位置 ,采用测量冠状窦口A波至His束H波 (Acso H)传导时间和冠状窦口A波至靶点A波的传导时间 (Acso AT) ,以及Acso H/Acso AT为电生理指标 ,观察成功和不成功靶点的差异。结果 :成功靶点在小Koch三角组多在冠状窦口上缘 5mm水平以下 ,大Koch三角组位置较高可达Koch三角中下 1 / 3处。其电生理指标以Acso AT为 5 .78± 1 .2ms说明靶点激动时间略晚于冠状窦口 ,Acso H/Acso AT比值大于 1 2 .2± 4 .5亦可反映靶点远离His束而接近冠状窦口。对大小不同的Koch三角 ,X线影像和电生理学的量化指标结合 。 展开更多
关键词 心血管病学 koch三角 房室结折返性心动过速 标测 导管消融 射频电流
在心脏直视手术下儿童Koch三角的测量研究 被引量:3
作者 孟令东 郑司亮 周聊生 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2005年第3期207-209,共3页
观测儿童心脏疾病状态下Koch三角的大小及其变化,指导儿童房室结折返性心动过速慢径的射频消融法的定位。选择心外科住院手术治疗先天性心脏病儿童患者19例。术中直视测量Koch三角的各条径线。计算Koch三角各径线与身高、体重、体表面... 观测儿童心脏疾病状态下Koch三角的大小及其变化,指导儿童房室结折返性心动过速慢径的射频消融法的定位。选择心外科住院手术治疗先天性心脏病儿童患者19例。术中直视测量Koch三角的各条径线。计算Koch三角各径线与身高、体重、体表面积及超声所测心脏各心腔大小之间两变量间的关系。结果:Koch三角的高12.7±4.6mm、冠状窦口(CSO)下缘到三尖瓣(TV)隔瓣的最近距离6.3±2.5mm;Todaro腱长13.7±2.4mm、TV隔瓣长13.9±2.7mm、CSO上缘到Todaro腱的最近距离4.3±1.7mm、CSO直径6.8±1.7mm。Koch三角的大小、Koch三角的高、CSOTV的距离与年龄、体重、身高等呈相关关系;CSO直径、Todaro腱长、CSO到Todaro腱长度与上述因素无相关关系。结论:儿童Koch三角受多种因素影响,与成人的Koch三角存在明显大小差异,对儿童患者行慢径射频消融一定要在充分考虑射频消融术的风险效益后进行。 展开更多
关键词 心血管病 解剖学 koch三角 消融 射频电流 房室结折返性心动过速 慢径 儿童
作者 刘肆仁 郭继鸿 +2 位作者 许原 李学斌 楚英杰 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2002年第5期342-345,共4页
探讨Koch三角内的房性心动过速 (AT)的电生理特征和射频消融治疗。 68例AT行心内电生理检查、心内膜激动标测 ,应用能量滴定法和时间滴定法进行射频消融。其中 5例为Koch三角内的AT。其中女 4例、男 1例 ,年龄 47± 7岁。 5例均对AT... 探讨Koch三角内的房性心动过速 (AT)的电生理特征和射频消融治疗。 68例AT行心内电生理检查、心内膜激动标测 ,应用能量滴定法和时间滴定法进行射频消融。其中 5例为Koch三角内的AT。其中女 4例、男 1例 ,年龄 47± 7岁。 5例均对ATP敏感 ,剂量 0 .1~ 0 .2mg/kg。 5例Koch三角内的AT最早的心房激动点位于可以记录到His束电位的部位 ,例 1 ,3 ,4,5病人心动过速时房室出现周期性文氏传导 ;例 1 ,3 ,5室房无逆传 ,例 2房室结逆传功能很好 ,例 4室房逆传极差。 5例心动过速可用程序刺激诱发和终止 ,无温醒现象和冷却现象 ,均可被心房稳定重整和拖带。成功消融靶点的心房波提前于体表心电图P波 32 .7± 9.5(2 2~ 43)ms且可记录到清晰的低振幅的His束电位。放电功率为 2 7.5± 6 .4(2 0~ 35)W ,放电次数为 4 .2± 2 .2 (2~ 7)次。消融后随访 6~ 1 1个月无复发和房室阻滞。结论 :此种AT与AVNRT既有共同特征又有不同特性 ,射频消融治疗是安全的。 展开更多
关键词 心血管病学 电生理学 房性心动过速 koch三角 导管消融 射频电流
红灯樱桃采后主要病原真菌的鉴定及Bacillus velezensis G-1天然产物的广谱抑菌效果 被引量:4
作者 高振峰 冯志宏 赵佳 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1778-1789,共12页
【目的】明确Bacillus velezensis G-1天然产物在樱桃采后抗真菌病害中的抑菌效果,为樱桃采后病害广谱生物防治药剂研发提供新型开发源。【方法】首先,以红灯樱桃采后病果为材料,通过组织块分离、纯化、形态特征、ITS序列鉴定、特异基... 【目的】明确Bacillus velezensis G-1天然产物在樱桃采后抗真菌病害中的抑菌效果,为樱桃采后病害广谱生物防治药剂研发提供新型开发源。【方法】首先,以红灯樱桃采后病果为材料,通过组织块分离、纯化、形态特征、ITS序列鉴定、特异基因和科赫法则确定樱桃采后病原真菌种类;其次,以获得的病原菌为靶标,通过生长速率法和平板对扣法研究了B.velezensis G-1脂肽和2,4-二叔丁基苯酚的广谱抑菌效果。【结果】米根霉YT-1(Rhizopus oryzae)、镰刀菌YT-2(Fusarium dlaminii)、藤仓镰刀菌YT-4(Fusarium fujikuroi)、链格孢属YT-5与YT-7(Alternaria sp.)、天竺葵葡萄孢YT-6(Botrytis pelargonii)、冻土毛霉YT-8(Mucor hiemalis f.hiemalis)和皮壳青霉YT-9(Penicillium crustosum)为红灯樱桃采后主要病原真菌;8株病原真菌中以菌株YT-1、YT-6和YT-8致病性较强;B.velezensis G-1脂肽物质(500μg·mL-1)除对M.hiemalis f.hiemalis和P.crustosum的抑菌率低于60%外,对其余各病原真菌抑菌率均高于70%;100μL挥发性物质2,4-二叔丁基苯酚(10μg·μL-1)除对P.crustosum的抑菌率为0.41%外,对其余各病原真菌的抑菌率均高于90%。【结论】首次在红灯樱桃中发现了镰刀菌(F.dlaminii)和藤仓镰刀菌(F.fujikuroi),说明近年来红灯樱桃采后病害发生了变化,新增了镰刀菌属病原真菌;发现B.velezensis G-1脂肽物质和挥发性物质2,4-二叔丁基苯酚可用于防治樱桃上述采后病害。 展开更多
关键词 红灯樱桃 采后真菌病害 形态鉴定 ITs序列鉴定 科赫法则 广谱抑菌
Neofusicoccum parvum causing canker of seedlings of Juglans regia in China 被引量:5
作者 Zhongdong Yu Guanghui Tang +2 位作者 Shaobin Peng Hui Chen Meizhi Zhai 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1019-1024,共6页
Cankered, dying seedlings of Juglans regia were observed in Shaanxi province in the northwest region of China. Neofusicoccum parvum was isolated from these cankered tissues, with the identification based on mor- pholo... Cankered, dying seedlings of Juglans regia were observed in Shaanxi province in the northwest region of China. Neofusicoccum parvum was isolated from these cankered tissues, with the identification based on mor- phology and an ITS-nrDNA sequence. In order to demonstrate how cultures of N. parvum could cause the expected symptoms, artificial infection, using these isolates and re-isolation of the pathogen, was used. This is the first report on this taxon as a walnut canker pathogen in China. 展开更多
关键词 Forest tree disease ITs-nr-DNA koch's postulates Neofusicoccum parvum WALNUT
胆型螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter bilis)的分离、鉴定与序列分析 被引量:2
作者 邵伟娟 谢建云 +1 位作者 陈鸿书 高诚 《微生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期169-173,共5页
鉴定分离到的微需氧菌为螺旋杆菌 ,并对该菌进行分型。小鼠皮下或肌肉注射地塞米松使其免疫抑制 ,取小鼠肠内容物培养 ,对分离到的细菌 ,经油镜、电镜观察。然后提取细菌DNA ,用根据螺旋杆菌 (Helicobactersp .)rRNA保守区设计的引物P7... 鉴定分离到的微需氧菌为螺旋杆菌 ,并对该菌进行分型。小鼠皮下或肌肉注射地塞米松使其免疫抑制 ,取小鼠肠内容物培养 ,对分离到的细菌 ,经油镜、电镜观察。然后提取细菌DNA ,用根据螺旋杆菌 (Helicobactersp .)rRNA保守区设计的引物P7 P8进行扩增 ,并对扩增产物分别用MboI、HhaI、XspI内切酶酶切 ,酶切产物用 1 0 %PAGE分析。再用根据螺旋杆菌胆型 (H .bilis)rRNA设计特异引物P7 Pb扩增 ,将扩增产物测序分析。最后 ,将该细菌在Scid小鼠上作动物感染。细菌在油镜下呈鸟翼状 ,电镜下观察到双极鞭毛 ,无周质纤毛。引物P7 P8扩增出 374bp的特异带 ,此片段能分别被MboI、HhaI、Xsp内切酶酶切。引物P7 Pb扩增出364bp的条带 ,测得的DNA序列中存在MboI、HhaI、XspI的内切位点 ,与文献中H .bilis序列比较 ,同源性为 97 5 %。动物感染试验符合Koch准则。 展开更多
关键词 胆型螺旋杆菌 序列分析 koch准则 分离 鉴定
Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, “Golden” Fibonacci Goniometry, Bodnar’s Geometry, and Hilbert’s Fourth Problem—Part III. An Original Solution of Hilbert’s Fourth Problem 被引量:3
作者 Alexey Stakhov Samuil Aranson 《Applied Mathematics》 2011年第3期283-293,共11页
This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov [1], a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discoveries—New Geom... This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov [1], a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discoveries—New Geometric Theory of Phyl-lotaxis (Bodnar’s Geometry) and Hilbert’s Fourth Problem based on the Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions and “Golden” Fibonacci -Goniometry ( is a given positive real number). Although these discoveries refer to different areas of science (mathematics and theoretical botany), however they are based on one and the same scien-tific ideas—The “golden mean,” which had been introduced by Euclid in his Elements, and its generalization—The “metallic means,” which have been studied recently by Argentinian mathematician Vera Spinadel. The article is a confirmation of interdisciplinary character of the “Mathematics of Harmony”, which originates from Euclid’s Elements. 展开更多
关键词 Euclid’s Fifth postulate Lobachevski’s GEOMETRY HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY Phyllotaxis Bodnar’s GEOMETRY Hilbert’s FOURTH Problem the “Golden” and “Metallic” Means Binet Formulas HYPERBOLIC FIBONACCI and Lucas Functions Gazale Formulas “Golden” FIBONACCI -Goniometry
Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, “Golden” Fibonacci Goniometry, Bodnar’s Geometry, and Hilbert’s Fourth Problem—Part II. A New Geometric Theory of Phyllotaxis (Bodnar’s Geometry) 被引量:2
作者 Alexey Stakhov Samuil Aranson 《Applied Mathematics》 2011年第2期181-188,共8页
This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov in 2009, a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discoveries–New ... This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov in 2009, a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discoveries–New Geometric Theory of Phyllotaxis (Bodnar’s Geometry) and Hilbert’s Fourth Problem based on the Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions and “Golden” Fibonacci λ-Goniometry (λ > 0 is a given positive real number). Although these discoveries refer to different areas of science (mathematics and theoretical botany), however they are based on one and the same scientific ideas-the “golden mean,” which had been introduced by Euclid in his Elements, and its generalization—the “metallic means,” which have been studied recently by Argentinian mathematician Vera Spinadel. The article is a confirmation of interdisciplinary character of the “Mathematics of Harmony”, which originates from Euclid’s Elements. 展开更多
关键词 Euclid’s Fifth postulate Lobachevski’s GEOMETRY HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY PHYLLOTAXIs Bodnar’s GEOMETRY Hilbert’s Fourth Problem The “Golden” and “Metallic” Means Binet Formukas HYPERBOLIC FIBONACCI and Lucas Functions Gazale Formulas “Golden” FIBONACCI λ-Goniometry
Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions, “Golden” Fibonacci Goniometry, Bodnar’s Geometry, and Hilbert’s——Part I. Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions and “Golden” Fibonacci Goniometry 被引量:1
作者 Alexey Stakhov Samuil Aranson 《Applied Mathematics》 2011年第1期74-84,共11页
This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov in 2009, a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discove-ries—New... This article refers to the “Mathematics of Harmony” by Alexey Stakhov in 2009, a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. The main goal of the article is to describe two modern scientific discove-ries—New Geometric Theory of Phyllotaxis (Bodnar’s Geometry) and Hilbert’s Fourth Problem based on the Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions and “Golden” Fibonacci λ-Goniometry ( λ > 0 is a given positive real number). Although these discoveries refer to different areas of science (mathematics and theoretical botany), however they are based on one and the same scientific ideas—the “golden mean”, which had been introduced by Euclid in his Elements, and its generalization—the “metallic means”, which have been studied recently by Argentinian mathematician Vera Spinadel. The article is a confirmation of interdisciplinary character of the “Mathematics of Harmony”, which originates from Euclid’s Elements. 展开更多
关键词 Euclid’s Fifth postulate Lobachevski’s GEOMETRY HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY Phyllotaxis Bodnar’s GEOMETRY Hilbert’s Fourth Problem The “Golden” and “Metallic” Means Binet Formulas HYPERBOLIC FIBONACCI and Lucas FUNCTIONs Gazale Formulas “Golden” FIBONACCI λ-Goniometry
Alternate paradigms on Zika virus-related complications:An analytical review
作者 Baburajan Radha Gnanaraj Muniraj 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期701-704,共4页
The proportion of the reported cases of Zika virus(ZIKV) infection reached the status of a pandemic. Numerous studies are being conducted on the isolation of ZIKV strains from various epidemics, diagnosis of the infec... The proportion of the reported cases of Zika virus(ZIKV) infection reached the status of a pandemic. Numerous studies are being conducted on the isolation of ZIKV strains from various epidemics, diagnosis of the infections, various animal models and cell culture designs to study the pathogenesis of ZIKV in the attempts to find an effective ZIKV vaccine. This review focuses upon the 'Off-Spectrum' body of studies which analyses the epidemiology, pathogenesis and other attributes of ZIKV in the light of various dissident hypotheses. 展开更多
关键词 Zika Virus MICROCEPHALY NEUROTROPIsM kochs postulates PLACENTA Vaccines
Morphological and Phylogenetic Resolution of Diplodia neojuniperi Emerging Diplodia Top Dieback of Pinus thunbergii Parl. in China
作者 Xiaolei Ding Ruiwen Zhao +1 位作者 Sixi Lin Jianren Ye 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2022年第12期2813-2825,共13页
In Bazhong City,Sichuan Province,China,top dieback symptoms were found on many pine trees(Pinus thunbergii Parl).The tips of old needles first turned grayish-green and then developed into brown bands in the field.Phyl... In Bazhong City,Sichuan Province,China,top dieback symptoms were found on many pine trees(Pinus thunbergii Parl).The tips of old needles first turned grayish-green and then developed into brown bands in the field.Phylogenetic analysis of concatenated ITS and EF1-αindicated the pathogen of this dieback disease as Diplodia neojuniperi.Additionally,effects of temperature,pH and medium on the mycelial growth were also characterized.The most favorable temperature and pH level for mycelial growth are 25°C and 8,respectively.The optimal medium for mycelial growth is PDA medium.To our knowledge,this is the first report of D.neojuniperi causes Diplodia top dieback on Pinus thunbergii.Our results provide fundamental information for monitoring and preventing such disease in the future. 展开更多
关键词 DIEBACK kochs postulates Diplodia neojuniperi phylogenetic analysis
Aspergillus tubingensis Causes Leaf Spot of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Pakistan
作者 Maria Khizar Urooj Haroon +4 位作者 Musrat Ali Samiah Arif Iftikhar Hussain Shah Hassan Javed Chaudhary Muhammad Farooq Hussain Munis 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2020年第1期103-109,共7页
Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)is a key fiber crop of great commercial importance.Numerous phytopathogens decimate crop production by causing various diseases.During July-August 2018,leaf spot symptoms were recurrently ... Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.)is a key fiber crop of great commercial importance.Numerous phytopathogens decimate crop production by causing various diseases.During July-August 2018,leaf spot symptoms were recurrently observed on cotton leaves in Rahim Yar Khan,Pakistan and adjacent areas.Infected leaf samples were collected and plated on potato dextrose agar(PDA)media.Causal agent of cotton leaf spot was isolated,characterized and identified as Aspergillus tubingensis based on morphological and microscopic observations.Conclusive identification of pathogen was done on the comparative molecular analysis of CaM andβ-tubulin gene sequences.BLAST analysis of both sequenced genes showed 99%similarity with A.tubingensis.Koch’s postulates were followed to confirm the pathogenicity of the isolated fungus.Healthy plants were inoculated with fungus and similar disease symptoms were observed.Fungus was re-isolated and identified to be identical to the inoculated fungus.To our knowledge,this is the first report describing the involvement of A.tubingensis in causing leaf spot disease of cotton in Pakistan and around the world. 展开更多
关键词 Aspergillus tubingensis CaM gene kochs postulates COTTON
On the Existence of Non-Intersecting Straight Lines on the Plane
作者 Andrew Chubykalo Sergey Artekha 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2018年第5期816-819,共4页
In this brief note, we adduce the logical rationale that if at least one infinite straight line non-intersecting with the given straight line passes through a given point not lying on a given straight line, then it mu... In this brief note, we adduce the logical rationale that if at least one infinite straight line non-intersecting with the given straight line passes through a given point not lying on a given straight line, then it must be unique. 展开更多
关键词 INFINITE straight Line Euclid’s FIFTH postulate Non-Euclidean GEOMETRIEs
The Proofs of Legendre’s Conjecture and Three Related Conjectures
作者 Wing K. Yu 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第5期1319-1336,共18页
In this paper, we prove Legendre’s conjecture: There is a prime number between n<sup>2</sup> and (n +1)<sup>2</sup> for every positive integer n. We also prove three related conjectures. The m... In this paper, we prove Legendre’s conjecture: There is a prime number between n<sup>2</sup> and (n +1)<sup>2</sup> for every positive integer n. We also prove three related conjectures. The method that we use is to analyze binomial coefficients. It is developed by the author from the method of analyzing binomial central coefficients, that was used by Paul Erdős in his proof of Bertrand’s postulate - Chebyshev’s theorem. 展开更多
关键词 Legendre’s Conjecture Bertrand’s postulate - Chebyshev’s Theorem Oppermann’s Conjecture Brocard’s Conjecture Andrica’s Conjecture
作者 耿显胜 舒金平 +1 位作者 刘莹 刘军 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期151-157,共7页
[目的]分离和鉴定引起浙江省香椿溃疡病的病原菌,揭示香椿溃疡病的病因,为该病害的科学防控提供理论依据。[方法]观察香椿溃疡病的田间症状,使用常规组织分离法分离病原菌,利用形态学结合分子生物学方法对病原菌进行物种鉴定,采用柯赫... [目的]分离和鉴定引起浙江省香椿溃疡病的病原菌,揭示香椿溃疡病的病因,为该病害的科学防控提供理论依据。[方法]观察香椿溃疡病的田间症状,使用常规组织分离法分离病原菌,利用形态学结合分子生物学方法对病原菌进行物种鉴定,采用柯赫氏法则验证分离菌株的致病性。[结果]1)从感病香椿样品中分离到2株病原菌;病原菌的培养性状、有性世代和无性世代的形态特征与假毛丛赤壳菌一致。2) LSU rDNA、ITS rDNA和tef1-α基因序列分析以及多基因系统发育分析表明,XCKY2菌株的LSU rDNA、ITS rDNA和tef1-α基因片段与假毛丛赤壳菌的同源性均为100.00%;XCKY1和XCKY2菌株与11株假毛丛赤壳菌聚为一支,贝叶斯后验概率为0.94。3)致病性测定结果表明,假毛丛赤壳菌的菌饼和分生孢子悬浮液均能引起健康香椿苗发病,从发病香椿苗组织中也能再分离到假毛丛赤壳菌,由此确定假毛丛赤壳菌为香椿溃疡病的病原菌。[结论]从浙江省感病香椿样品上分离到2株假毛丛赤壳菌,经鉴定为引起香椿溃疡病的病原菌。本研究首次报道假毛丛赤壳菌是香椿溃疡病病原菌。 展开更多
关键词 香椿 溃疡病 病原真菌 致病性 系统发育分析 柯赫氏法则
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