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基于Landsat 8 TIRS数据反演地表温度用于气象服务初探 被引量:1
作者 李宗参 张学彬 +1 位作者 刘英春 黄世芹 《科技与创新》 2019年第15期101-102,105,共3页
目前贵阳市乌当区现有的气象灾害监测预警平台还不够完善,交通干线道路热力状况以及地表温度等的监测能力仍然欠缺。确立了基于Landsat8TIRS数据反演地表温度研究,以期获得贵阳市乌当区域范围内可代替传感器监测得的地表温度数据,以用... 目前贵阳市乌当区现有的气象灾害监测预警平台还不够完善,交通干线道路热力状况以及地表温度等的监测能力仍然欠缺。确立了基于Landsat8TIRS数据反演地表温度研究,以期获得贵阳市乌当区域范围内可代替传感器监测得的地表温度数据,以用于气象服务。 展开更多
关键词 地面温度 landsat8tirs 反演方法 气象服务
基于Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS影像的长沙市城市热环境效应研究 被引量:3
作者 何炳伟 韩沁哲 《湖北农业科学》 2020年第11期69-75,80,共8页
基于长沙市2016年7月23日的Landsat8 OLI/TIRS数据,利用覃志豪单窗算法反演地表温度,分析了长沙市城市热环境空间分布特征以及主要地表生态环境参数与城市热环境效应的关系。结果表明,(1)长沙市主城区地表温度均较高,高温区域主要分布... 基于长沙市2016年7月23日的Landsat8 OLI/TIRS数据,利用覃志豪单窗算法反演地表温度,分析了长沙市城市热环境空间分布特征以及主要地表生态环境参数与城市热环境效应的关系。结果表明,(1)长沙市主城区地表温度均较高,高温区域主要分布在建筑用地密集、功能单一以及周边植被覆盖少的地区;(2)长沙市热岛区范围与城市建成区范围基本一致,构成热岛区面积较大的特高温区和高温区主要分布在中心城区和长沙县,城市热岛比例指数达0.712,反映出城市热环境形势较为严峻;(3)建筑用地对地表起着升温的作用,植被则相反,且前者升温效果明显强于后者的降温效果。长沙市在未来的城市规划中应在控制建筑用地扩张的同时增加植被覆盖,这样才能有效缓解城市热岛效应。 展开更多
关键词 landsat8 OLI/tirs 城市热环境 URI 长沙市
Lineaments Extraction and Analysis Using Landsat 8 (OLI/TIRS) in the Northeast of Morocco 被引量:3
作者 Meryem Redouane Hicham Si Mhamdi +2 位作者 Faouziya Haissen Mohammed Raji Othman Sadki 《Open Journal of Geology》 2022年第5期333-357,共25页
Northeastern Morocco is made up of several units belonging to the Alpine belt and its foreland. Miocene to plio-quaternary volcanic rocks with variable mineralogy and geochemistry dominate the geology of this region. ... Northeastern Morocco is made up of several units belonging to the Alpine belt and its foreland. Miocene to plio-quaternary volcanic rocks with variable mineralogy and geochemistry dominate the geology of this region. The presence of active faults in different directions explains the high tectonic instability and the high frequency of earthquakes. This study contributes to the effort of understanding the geothermal potential of the Northeast of Morocco. Heat source and permeability are both key factors in the geothermal process. Indeed, lineaments analysis constrains the structures and their directions and indicates severely faulted zones, which are the most promising areas for geothermal exploration. For this purpose, we used Landsat data combined with geological and structural maps available in this region. Different image processing techniques were applied including band ratio (6/2) and directional filters. To validate the results, we conducted a comparative study between linear structures, available geological data, and previous studies. Results of the automatic extraction method of lineaments from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS indicate three main lineament systems: 1) a NE-SW system ranging from N40 to N70;2) an N-S system ranging from N10 to N45;3) an EW to WNW-ESE systems ranging from N80 to N120. Most of lineaments extracted are localized in Kebdana, Amejjaou, Nador and Melilla regions. Compared to previous studies, the NE-SW system is consistent with an extensive period (Tortonian to Pliocene);the NW-SE system is consistent with the last compressive episode (Pliocene);the N-S system is consistent with the first compressive period (Late/End Tortonian). 展开更多
关键词 Northeastern Morocco Rif Belt Faults Miocene-Plio Quaternary Volcanism Permeability LINEAMENTS landsat 8 (OLI/tirs)
基于Landsat8 TIRS的富民盆地地表温度反演对比分析 被引量:3
作者 晁江琴 《价值工程》 2022年第25期139-141,共3页
地表温度在地表与大气能量交换过程中扮演着重要角色。为研究地表温度反演算法之间的异同,以云南省富民县为例,利用Landsat8 TIRS为数据源,采用辐射传导方程算法、单窗算法、单通道算法、劈窗算法分别反演研究区地表温度,并用地面2m实... 地表温度在地表与大气能量交换过程中扮演着重要角色。为研究地表温度反演算法之间的异同,以云南省富民县为例,利用Landsat8 TIRS为数据源,采用辐射传导方程算法、单窗算法、单通道算法、劈窗算法分别反演研究区地表温度,并用地面2m实测气温数据验证以及各算法相互交叉验证,统计各算法最大、最小值、平均温差、差值标准方差。结果表明,四种算法反演的地表温度区间值均比较接近,在四种算法中,辐射传输方程算法和单窗算法反演结果关联性高,可靠性强,反演结果可为分析城市热岛效应、地热开发等提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 地表温度反演 热红外遥感 landsat8 tirs
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Mineral Alteration Mapping and Lineament Extraction Case of Oudiane Elkharoub (Requibat Shield, Northern of Mauritania)
作者 Ould Mahmoud Hdeid Yousra Morsli +6 位作者 Mohamed Raji Zouhir Baroudi Malika Adjour Khaled Cheikh Nebagha Zein El Arby Vetah Mohamed El Moktar Isselmou Brahim Vall 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2024年第9期823-854,共32页
The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation tech... The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation techniques. As both chemical and geochemical analyses showed significant Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr, Ni, Th and Y anomalies, it’s very interesting to apply the remote sensing and GIS in mineral resources mapping. The remote sensing is a direct adjunct to the field, lithologic and structural mapping, and more recently, GIS has played an important role in the study of mineralization areas. The integration of several evidential maps highlighted the plausible areas with high concentrations of chlorite, epidote, kaolinite, calcite, alunite, hematite, illite and sulfur among other key mineral alterations that reflect the intensity of hydrothermal effects and the probable sites of ore bodies. The methodological approach integrates geological information acquired from Aster and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal InfraRed Sensor) images and a multi-criteria GIS analysis. The superimposition of various lineament and hydrothermal alteration maps and the consideration of precious and base metal indicators allowed the zoning of sites likely to contain mineral concentrations. Remote sensing becomes an important tool for locating mineral deposits in its own right, when the primary and secondary processes of mineralization result in the formation of spectral anomalies. Reconnaissance lithological mapping is usually the first step of mineral resource mapping. This is complimented with structural mapping, as mineral deposits usually occur along or adjacent to geologic structures, and alteration mapping, as mineral deposits are commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of the surrounding rocks. Ground truthing and laboratory studies including XRD analysis were utilized to verify the results. 展开更多
关键词 Remote Sensing GIS ASTER landsat 8 (OLI/tirs) Structure Mineralization ALTERATION MINERAL LINEAMENT Reguibat Shield Oudiane Elkharoub
作者 杨文栋 朱宗珍 陈斌 《甘肃科技纵横》 2024年第7期77-84,共8页
在城市化和全球气候变暖的背景下,为探究金昌市城市扩张可能导致的热岛问题及城市热岛效应与土地利用之间的关联关系,研究分析了甘肃省金昌市城市热岛的时空演变特征。文章通过地表温度反演与监督分类方法分析金昌市城市热岛与地表覆被... 在城市化和全球气候变暖的背景下,为探究金昌市城市扩张可能导致的热岛问题及城市热岛效应与土地利用之间的关联关系,研究分析了甘肃省金昌市城市热岛的时空演变特征。文章通过地表温度反演与监督分类方法分析金昌市城市热岛与地表覆被在20年间的时空演变状况。研究发现,城市热岛和冷岛现象均存在一定的发展变化,且土地利用分布的变化对于城市热岛效应分布存在强相关关系。金昌市热岛效应在20年间时空演变显著,热岛问题主要集中在城市范围内建设用地与未利用地等区域,热岛高温区轮廓基本与以上两区域轮廓相吻合。金昌市城市热岛效应存在明显的时空演变差异,热岛区由北部逐渐向东部城市耕地与建成区转移。 展开更多
关键词 城市热岛 landsat8 OLI/tirs 地表温度 土地利用/覆盖
作者 滑永春 赵吴超 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第2期17-25,共9页
基于Landsat 8 TIRS、2017年清华10 m土地利用数据集,以呼和浩特市中心城区为研究对象,运用大气校正和均值-标准差法对呼市城区地表温度(LST)进行反演,并提取冷热岛边界。对比分析不同土地利用类型对冷热岛的影响,找出对呼和浩特市城区... 基于Landsat 8 TIRS、2017年清华10 m土地利用数据集,以呼和浩特市中心城区为研究对象,运用大气校正和均值-标准差法对呼市城区地表温度(LST)进行反演,并提取冷热岛边界。对比分析不同土地利用类型对冷热岛的影响,找出对呼和浩特市城区地表温度影响最大的地物;利用空间梯度分析法定量阐述不透水面和植被覆盖度与LST的关系,并分析研究区LST的空间分布特性。结果表明,植被在冷岛范围内对LST变化影响最大,而不透水面在热岛内对其作用最大;LST平均值随距离研究区几何中心的辐射距增大而逐渐降低,与不透水面密度走向基本一致,与植被覆盖度走向呈相反趋势,且植被对LST的降温效率小于不透水面对其的增温效率。 展开更多
关键词 landsat 8 tirs 地表温度 冷热岛 景观特征 呼和浩特
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