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Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Snow Cover Area in the Pamirs from 2010 to 2020
作者 Bihu Wang Liangjun Zhao Yuansong Li 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 CAS 2023年第1期109-119,共11页
Scientific and comprehensive monitoring of snow cover changes in the Pamirs is of great significance to the prevention of snow disasters around the Pamirs and the full utilization of water resources. Utilize the 2010-... Scientific and comprehensive monitoring of snow cover changes in the Pamirs is of great significance to the prevention of snow disasters around the Pamirs and the full utilization of water resources. Utilize the 2010-2020 snow cover product MOD10A2, Synthesis by maximum, The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of snow cover area in the Pamirs in the past 11 years have been obtained. Research indicates: In terms of interannual changes, the snow cover area of the Pamir Plateau from 2010 to 2020 generally showed a slight decrease trend. The average snow cover area in 2012 was the largest, reaching 54.167% of the total area. In 2014, the average snow cover area was the smallest, accounting for only 44.863% of the total area. In terms of annual changes, there are obvious changes with the change of seasons. The largest snow area is in March, and the smallest snow area is in August. In the past 11 years, the average snow cover area in spring and summer showed a slow decreasing trend, and there was almost no change in autumn and winter. In terms of space, the snow cover area of the Pamirs is significantly affected by altitude, and the high snow cover areas are mainly distributed in the Karakoram Mountains and other areas with an altitude greater than 5000 meters. 展开更多
关键词 pamirS Snow Cover Area MOD10A2 Space-Time Change
作者 包鹏甲 丁自强 +11 位作者 马晓明 喇永福 郭涛 郑新宝 马吉尔丁 道敏 周超 左二伟 孔思远 梁春年 郭宪 阎萍 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期83-87,共5页
为揭示帕米尔牦牛种质资源特性,选取成年公母牛各5头进行屠宰性能及肉品质测定,并与文献报道的查吾拉牦牛、环湖牦牛、大通牦牛、肃南牦牛、金川牦牛、九龙牦牛数据进行比较分析。结果显示,帕米尔牦牛公牛的活重(317.00 kg)、胴体重(164... 为揭示帕米尔牦牛种质资源特性,选取成年公母牛各5头进行屠宰性能及肉品质测定,并与文献报道的查吾拉牦牛、环湖牦牛、大通牦牛、肃南牦牛、金川牦牛、九龙牦牛数据进行比较分析。结果显示,帕米尔牦牛公牛的活重(317.00 kg)、胴体重(164.16 kg)、眼肌面积(45.85 cm^(2))、屠宰率(51.32%)和净肉率(39.56%)比母牛分别高25.79%、29.60%、11.45%、2.23%和0.18%,母牛的肉骨比(4.48)比公牛高12.10%。与其他牦牛品种相比,帕米尔牦牛公牛的活重和胴体重比大通牦牛分别高3.31%和43.01%,比环湖牦牛分别高39.04%和61.10%;屠宰率比大通牦牛、环湖牦牛和查乌拉牦牛分别高13.49%、14.89%和6.01%;净肉率比大通牦牛和环湖牦牛分别高31.38%和15.13%,肉骨比比环湖牦牛高7.53%。帕米尔牦牛公牛肉的熟肉率(62.38%)、pH0值(5.86)、pH24值(5.46)和嫩度(10.04 kgf)比母牦牛分别高1.33%、1.21%、3.80%和9.61%,但母牛肉色的亮度(9.97)、红度(37.14)和黄度(10.73)比公牛分别高23.24%、4.44%和2.68%。帕米尔牦牛公牛肉的氨基酸总量(21.09 g/100 g)比大通牦牛和金川牦牛分别高13.39%和2.08%。帕米尔牦牛公、母牛肉的EAA/TAA均大于38.5%,EAA/NEAA分别为63.87%和63.19%。说明帕米尔牦牛肉不仅氨基酸总量丰富,而且必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸比例适宜。可见,帕米尔牦牛具有良好的屠宰性能及优良的肉品质和营养价值,在今后的品种选育和育肥过程中应该更加重视优质肉块的产量、肉品质及营养价值的整体提升。 展开更多
关键词 帕米尔牦牛 屠宰性能 肉品质
作者 刘德民 王杰 +3 位作者 姜淮 赵悦 郭铁鹰 杨巍然 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期154-169,共16页
作为第三极的青藏高原的形成是新生代以来的地球节律构造事件中最典型、最显著的新构造运动的结果,其构造地貌特征及其重要性,内部单元组成,构造演化历程及动力机制,以及对周边盆地乃至整个中国大陆的影响及远程效应至今一直是学术关注... 作为第三极的青藏高原的形成是新生代以来的地球节律构造事件中最典型、最显著的新构造运动的结果,其构造地貌特征及其重要性,内部单元组成,构造演化历程及动力机制,以及对周边盆地乃至整个中国大陆的影响及远程效应至今一直是学术关注的焦点。本文重新圈定了青藏高原构造地貌范围,确立了其在全球构造中的地位。青藏高原的远程效应向南北两侧延伸,北到北冰洋,南到太平洋,总体上围绕东经105°经线穿越了整个亚洲大陆,本文采用东经105°所在经线大圆作为划分东西半球的分界线,该线以东为东半球,以西为西半球。青藏高原处于全球最大、最重要的南北向构造和东西向构造的交汇处,其内部的帕米尔高原更是区域构造的中流砥柱。青藏高原起源于帕米尔高原,它是一个印支期的热穹窿,晚期转化出一条直径200 km的异常重力柱,垂直下沉至600 km,构成一个垂向上的挤压-伸展构造,完成于白垩纪。以它为中心向东西扩展,东边三条、西边一条水平方向挤压-伸展构造。喜山期它还遭受到岩体的侵入,白垩系基本上未变形。古近纪,印度陆块与亚洲陆块碰撞,形成先压后升的雄伟的喜马拉雅造山带。以它为中心向北扩展,第四纪3个地幔枝上升,导致整个青藏高原上升。青藏高原形成与演化的深部动力机制模型:早期表现为地质体在垂向上的离心运动和在水平上的伸展运动;后期是以挤压为主的阶段,表现为地质体在垂向上的向心运动和水平上的挤压运动。从驱动力的角度,早期以热能为主驱动力,后期以重力势能为主驱动力。青藏高原的隆升及其形成演化是欧亚陆块新生代最令人瞩目的地质事件,其直接影响到岩石圈浅部及地壳表层与人类生存发展息息相关的地形地貌、能源、资源、生态、环境和灾害等,产生了具有举足轻重的近区及远程效应。3个远程效应分别是贝加尔湖裂谷、汾渭裂谷以及东非三叉裂谷的形成。本文最后对印支运动的命名和穿时问题、印支运动起止时间和类型、青藏高原是研究各类造山带的最佳基地、喜马拉雅造山带东西构造结的确定和帕米尔高原四维动力学模型的探索等5个问题进行了简单讨论。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 帕米尔高原 地热能 地幔枝 动力机制 构造演化 远程效应
作者 侯杨方 《历史地理研究》 2024年第1期137-144,159,160,共10页
根据清代实录、志书,以中外考察报告、照片与地图作为线索,一个世纪以来首次寻找到了远在境外的乾隆西极纪功碑址,精准定位,将这一成果及时呈现在《丝绸之路地理信息系统》中以供学界与社会进行重复性检验,并绘制在《清朝地图集》中。... 根据清代实录、志书,以中外考察报告、照片与地图作为线索,一个世纪以来首次寻找到了远在境外的乾隆西极纪功碑址,精准定位,将这一成果及时呈现在《丝绸之路地理信息系统》中以供学界与社会进行重复性检验,并绘制在《清朝地图集》中。此碑是清朝极盛版图形成的重要标志。 展开更多
关键词 乾隆纪功碑 帕米尔 精准复原
作者 孔思远 孔大帅 +8 位作者 卢宇曦 常荣荣 李晨莹 田蕴涵 包鹏甲 郭宪 左二伟 张玉波 阎萍 《中国畜禽种业》 2024年第7期48-56,共9页
帕米尔牦牛是塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县高原地区的主要畜牧物种,在塔县具有重要的社会经济地位。该文阐述了塔县帕米尔牦牛屠宰、泌乳、繁殖等性能与产业发展现状,指出了塔县帕米尔牦牛品种退化、繁育技术落后、配套体系不健全等问题,提... 帕米尔牦牛是塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县高原地区的主要畜牧物种,在塔县具有重要的社会经济地位。该文阐述了塔县帕米尔牦牛屠宰、泌乳、繁殖等性能与产业发展现状,指出了塔县帕米尔牦牛品种退化、繁育技术落后、配套体系不健全等问题,提出了促进塔县帕米尔牦牛品种选育改良与产业发展的建议,以期为塔县帕米尔牦牛产业振兴与可持续发展提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 帕米尔牦牛 牦牛性能 品种选育改良 产业发展
作者 木热地里·马合木提 刘晓强 +2 位作者 张传林 杨志浩 何超 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1242-1266,共25页
碰撞后岩浆作用是探索岩石圈物质组成、反演深部地球动力学过程的重要对象。近来,笔者等所在课题组在南东帕米尔热斯卡木地区新识别出一套新生代高锶低钇花岗岩,并分析了该花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、全岩主微量元素和Sr—Nd同位素及锆石Lu... 碰撞后岩浆作用是探索岩石圈物质组成、反演深部地球动力学过程的重要对象。近来,笔者等所在课题组在南东帕米尔热斯卡木地区新识别出一套新生代高锶低钇花岗岩,并分析了该花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、全岩主微量元素和Sr—Nd同位素及锆石Lu—Hf同位素组成。锆石LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb定年显示,这些岩浆岩为中新世岩浆活动的产物(12.0±0.3 Ma)。元素地球化学显示,样品具有高SiO_(2)(72.14%~74.35%)和K_(2)O(3.78%~5.25%)含量,低MgO(0.13%~0.50%)和Mg#(18~35),高Sr(363×10^(-6)~754×10^(-6)),低Y(3.41×10^(-6)~16.4×10^(-6))和Yb(0.327×10^(-6)~0.903×10^(-6)),从而高Sr/Y(27.1~188)和(La/Yb)N值(18.9~210),与典型Adakite地球化学特征一致。同位素方面,样品具有显著富集的锆石ε_(Hf)(t)(-10.1~-5.4)和全岩ε_(Nd)(t)(-8.33~-6.39)值。综合笔者等及前人研究成果,热斯卡木地区中新世高锶低钇花岗岩是加厚下地壳部分熔融的结果。欧亚大陆碰撞以来,区内地壳显著增厚、高原快速隆升。~12 Ma,由于增厚地壳局部岩石圈重力不稳发生垮塌,软流圈上涌使加厚古老下地壳发生部分熔融,形成该时期的高锶低钇花岗岩岩浆。 展开更多
关键词 南东帕米尔 中新世 高锶低钇花岗岩(埃达克岩) 造山后伸展
1990—2020年帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川变化态势研究——基于Google Earth Engine平台
作者 陈逸青 段克勤 +1 位作者 石培宏 李朝纲 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 2024年第3期742-753,共12页
帕米尔高原是亚洲高山区最大的冰川作用中心,其冰川融水在区域水资源与水循环中发挥关键作用。然而,近年来对帕米尔高原冰川变化的认识仍存在争议,一方面认为喀喇昆仑-帕米尔高原冰川存在异常前进现象,另一方面认为帕米尔冰川正在加剧... 帕米尔高原是亚洲高山区最大的冰川作用中心,其冰川融水在区域水资源与水循环中发挥关键作用。然而,近年来对帕米尔高原冰川变化的认识仍存在争议,一方面认为喀喇昆仑-帕米尔高原冰川存在异常前进现象,另一方面认为帕米尔冰川正在加剧退缩。究其原因,一是研究时空范围不重合,二是研究中对冰川的定义有所不同。为明晰帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川近30年来的时空变化情况,本研究基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,利用Landsat 5 TM和Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据,消除掉云层遮蔽、季节性积雪和冰川表碛覆盖对无表碛覆盖冰川面积的影响,获取了帕米尔高原1990—2020年期间无表碛覆盖冰川时空变化特征。结果显示,在过去30年帕米尔高原无表碛覆盖冰川面积以116.42 km^(2)·a^(-1)的速率由(12 108.98±250.38) km^(2)缩减到(8 616.44±7.72) km^(2)。在空间上,帕米尔高原西部无表碛覆盖冰川面积总体上呈退缩趋势,而帕米尔东部无表碛覆盖冰川面积则相对稳定。特别是在2000—2010年期间,帕米尔东部无表碛覆盖冰川面积存在异常增加现象,但自2010年,冰川面积退缩加速,冰川末端前进现象已不存在。结合气候及冰川高程变化分析,冰川跃动引起的冰川厚度减薄、冰川末端前进,是1990—2010年间帕米尔高原冰川异常前进的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 Google Earth Engine 帕米尔高原 无表碛覆盖冰川 冰川异常
作者 张甜 李明源 +1 位作者 王继莲 茹仙古丽·尤努斯 《纤维素科学与技术》 CAS 2024年第2期54-58,共5页
为筛选出具有产纤维素酶能力的菌株,以东帕米尔高原金草滩植物根际土壤为样本,采用刚果红水解圈法初步筛选到了5株菌株,分别命名为:XY-14、XY-38、XY-39、XY-49和XY-65。这5株菌株在CMC-Na培养基上长势良好,菌落均呈现圆形、并产生白色... 为筛选出具有产纤维素酶能力的菌株,以东帕米尔高原金草滩植物根际土壤为样本,采用刚果红水解圈法初步筛选到了5株菌株,分别命名为:XY-14、XY-38、XY-39、XY-49和XY-65。这5株菌株在CMC-Na培养基上长势良好,菌落均呈现圆形、并产生白色菌丝,最适生长温度为25℃。通过水解圈和滤纸崩解试验,确定XY-38、XY-39、XY-49这3株菌的酶活力较强。经分子鉴定,确定XY-38、XY-39为睾酮丛毛单孢菌(Comamonas testosteroni strain),XY-49为假单孢菌(Pseudomonas sp.strain)。菌株的生长曲线和产酶特性表明,XY-39在第6天时酶活力最大,为9.33 U/mL,XY-49在第5天时酶活力最大,为10.49 U/mL。 展开更多
关键词 东帕米尔高原 根际土壤 纤维素酶 筛选
作者 黄翔辉 张天能 +1 位作者 尔孜古·木沙 王玉涛 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2533-2544,共12页
【目的】明确喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区山羊群体遗传多样性及系统发育情况,为山羊种质资源保存、发掘和利用提供理论依据。【方法】以分布于喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区的山羊为研究对象,对其线粒体(mtDNA)非编码序列置换环(D-loop)区和细胞色素b(Cy... 【目的】明确喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区山羊群体遗传多样性及系统发育情况,为山羊种质资源保存、发掘和利用提供理论依据。【方法】以分布于喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区的山羊为研究对象,对其线粒体(mtDNA)非编码序列置换环(D-loop)区和细胞色素b(Cytb)基因序列进行PCR扩增并测序。利用Mega 7.0.26软件分析碱基组成,结合从GenBank中下载的山羊mtDNA D-loop区序列和Cytb基因序列绘制系统发育树,使用DNASP 5.10软件统计单倍型分布并进行中性检验,通过Network 10.2软件构建单倍型中介网络图。【结果】喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区山羊mtDNA D-loop区序列和Cytb基因序列AT含量分别为60.1%和58.7%,AT含量均高于GC含量,具有碱基组成偏好性。D-loop区序列和Cytb基因分别存在163和84个SNPs位点,分别定义40、30种单倍型,单倍型多样性(Hd)分别为0.985和0.883,核苷酸多样性(Pi)分别为0.01570和0.00425。mtDNA D-loop区和Cytb基因的中性检验Tajima’s D值和Fu’s Fs值均<0,显著偏离中性,核苷酸错配分布图呈现3个峰。系统发育树分析表明喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区山羊包含4个支系,分别为A、B、C、G。【结论】喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区山羊至少经历过3次群体扩张事件,遗传多样性丰富,西亚地区的山羊对其存在基因渗入,同域的北山羊对其没有遗传贡献。 展开更多
关键词 山羊 喀喇昆仑-帕米尔地区 D-LOOP区 CYTB基因 遗传多样性
A Preliminary Study on the Soft–Sediment Deformation Structures in the Late Quaternary Lacustrine Sediments at Tashkorgan, Northeastern Pamir, China 被引量:11
作者 LIANG Lianji DAI Fuchu +1 位作者 JIANG Hanchao ZHONG Ning 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1574-1591,共18页
This study identified soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) of seismic origin from lacustrine sediments in the late Quaternary paleo-dammed lake at Tashkorgan, northeastern Pamir. The observed deformation stru... This study identified soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) of seismic origin from lacustrine sediments in the late Quaternary paleo-dammed lake at Tashkorgan, northeastern Pamir. The observed deformation structures include sand dykes, liquefied diapir and convolute structures, gravity induced SSDS, and thixotropic pillar and tabular structures. We conducted a preliminary study on the morphology, formation and trigger mechanisms of pillar and tabular structures formed by liquefaction of underlying coarse sand and thixotropy of the upper silty clay. The regional tectonic setting and distribution of lacustrine strata indicate that the most probable trigger for the SSDS in lacustrine sediments was seismic activity, with an approximate earthquake magnitude of M〉6.0; the potential seismogenic fault is the southern part of the Kongur normal fault extensional system. AMS ^4C dating results indicate that the SSDS were formed by seismic events occurring between 26050±100 yrBP and 22710±80 yrBP, implying intense fault activity in this region during the late Pleistocene. This study provides new evidence for understanding tectonic activity and regional geodynamics in western China. 展开更多
关键词 soft-sediment deformation structures lacustrine sediment pamir LIQUEFACTION THIXOTROPY paleo-seismicity
Late Cenozoic Deformation Sequence of a Thrust System along the Eastern Margin of Pamir,Northwest China 被引量:3
作者 WANG Zhe WANG Xin 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1664-1678,共15页
A thrust belt formed in the basin along the eastern margin of Pamir.The thrust belt is about 50 km wide,extends about 200 km,and includes three compressive structures from south to north:the blind Qipan structural we... A thrust belt formed in the basin along the eastern margin of Pamir.The thrust belt is about 50 km wide,extends about 200 km,and includes three compressive structures from south to north:the blind Qipan structural wedge and Qimugen structural wedge,and the exposed Yengisar anticline.The thrust belt displays a right-stepping en echelon pattern.The Qipan structural wedge dies out northward to the west of the Qimugen structural wedge,and the Qimugen structural wedge dies out northward to the west of the Yengisar anticline.Detailed analysis of seismic reflection profiles of the western Tarim Basin reveal that fan-shaped growth strata were deposited in the shallow part of the thrust belt,recording the deformation sequence of the thrust belt.The depth of the Cenozoic growth strata decreases from south to north.The growth strata of the Qipan structural wedge is located in the middle-lower section of the Pliocene Artux Formation(N2a),the growth strata of the Qimugen structural wedge is close to the bottom of the Pleistocene Xiyu Formation(Q1x),and the growth strata of the Yengisar anticline is located in the middle section of the Xiyu Formation(Q1x).Combined with magnetostratigraphic studies in the western Tarim basin,it can be preliminarily inferred that the deformation sequence of the thrust belt along the eastern margin of Pamir is progressively younger northward.The geometry and kinematic evolution of the thrust belt in the eastern margin of Pamir can be compared with previous analogue modeling experiments of transpressional deformation,suggesting that the thrust belt was formed in a transpressional tectonic setting. 展开更多
关键词 pamir TARIM thrust belt growth Strata deformation sequence
The 2008 Nura Mw6.7 earthquake: A shallow rupture on the Main Pamir Thrust revealed by GPS and In SAR 被引量:4
作者 Qiao Xuejun Wang Qi +3 位作者 Yang Shaomin Li Jie Zou Rong Ding Kaihua 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2015年第2期91-100,共10页
The 2008 Nura Mw6.7 earthquake occurred in front of the Trans-Alai Range, central Asia. We present Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of its coseismic ground deformation that are available... The 2008 Nura Mw6.7 earthquake occurred in front of the Trans-Alai Range, central Asia. We present Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements of its coseismic ground deformation that are available for a major earthquake in the region. Analysis of the InSAR data shows that the earthquake ruptured a secondary fault of the Main Pamir Thrust for about 20 kin. The fault plane striking N46~E and dipping 48~SE is dominated by thrust slip up to 3 m, most of which is confined to the uppermost 2-5 km of the crust, similar to the nearby 1974 MwT.0 Markansu earthquake. The elastic model of interseismic deformation constrained by GPS measurements suggests that the two earthquakes may have resulted from the failures of two high-angle reverse faults that are about 10 km apart and rooted in a locked dScollement at depths of 5-6 kin. The elastic strain is built up by a freely creeping decollement at about 16 mm/a. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow rupture Nura earthquake Main pamir Thrust Global positioning system (GPS) Interferometric synthetic apertureradar (InSAR) Coseismic deformation Interseismic deformation Southern Tianshan
Mesozoic–Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution and Uplift in Pamir:Application of Fission Track Thermochronology 被引量:4
作者 FAN Baocheng LIU Mingyi +3 位作者 HE Zixin MENG Guanglu WU Huanhuan LI Lu 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第3期780-793,共14页
The Pamir Plateau can be divided into three secondary tectonic units from north to south:the North,the Middle and the South Pamir Blocks.The North Pamir Block belonged to the southern margin of Tarim-Karakum,thermochr... The Pamir Plateau can be divided into three secondary tectonic units from north to south:the North,the Middle and the South Pamir Blocks.The North Pamir Block belonged to the southern margin of Tarim-Karakum,thermochronological study of the Pamir structural intersection indicates that accretion of the Middle Pamir Block to the Eurasian Continental Margin and its subduction and collision with the North Pamir Block occurred in the Middle–Late Jurassic.Due to the Neo-Tethys closure in the Early Cretaceous,the South Pamir Block began to collide with the accretion(the Middle Pamir Block)of the Eurasian Continental Margin.Affected by the collision and continuous convergence between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate since the Cenozoic,Pamir is in a multi-stage differential uplift process.During 56.1–48.5 Ma,North Pamir took the lead in uplifting,that is,the first rapid uplift in the Pamir region began there.The continuous compression and contraction of the Indian and Eurasian plates during 22.0–15.1 Ma forced the Pamir tectonic syntaxis to begin its overall uplift,i.e.Pamir began to enter the second rapid uplift stage in the Early Oligocene,which lasted until the Middle Miocene.During 14.6–8.5Ma,South Pamir was in a rapid uplift stage,while North Pamir was in a relatively stable state,showing asymmetry of tectonic deformation in the Pamir region in space.Since 6.5 Ma,Pamir began to rapidly uplift again. 展开更多
关键词 fission track thermal history tectonic evolution pamir
作者 M.S.Dufour (Saint\|Petersburg University. Saint\|Petersburg, Russia St.Petersburg State University,Universitetskaya emb. 7/9. 199034 St.Petersburg, Russia,E\|mail:lena@hq.pu.ru) 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期256-256,共1页
The Alpine zone of Central Pamir is elongated in sublatitudinal direction between the Hercynians of Northern Pamir and the Cimmerians of Southern Pamir south of the Vanch\|Akbaital thrust. Its western continuation is ... The Alpine zone of Central Pamir is elongated in sublatitudinal direction between the Hercynians of Northern Pamir and the Cimmerians of Southern Pamir south of the Vanch\|Akbaital thrust. Its western continuation is overthrusted by the Herat fault and its eastern continuation is cut by the Karakoram strike\|slip fault.. The Central Pamir is a mainly S\|vergent (at the southern part N\|vergent) Alpine nappe stack then folding in antiform. It comprises deposits from Vendian to Neogene which have a thickness of 10km. Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic activity was poorly displaied in its limits. Rifting took place in Early and probably Upper Paleozoic. Pre\|Upper Cretaceous unconformity is known only in southern (autochthonous) part of the Zone as a result of closing of Bangong\|Nu Jiang ocean. In northern (allochthonous) part of the zone the sequence of Mesozoic and Paleogene rocks has no unconformities. Alpine endogenous processes were developed very intensively. They implied nappes and imbricate structures, linear folding, different igneous activity, zonal metamorphism. Slices of pyroxenites and gabbroids occured. Calc\|alkaline lavas and tuffs constitutes the major part of Paleocene to Miocene sequence (andesites\|ryolites\|in Paleogene, alkaline basalts in Oligocene—Miocene). Oligocene—Miocene zonal metamorphic belt of the intermediate type of high pressure including series of granitegneiss domes can be traced along the Central Pamir. Cores of domes include migmatites and remobilized bodies of the Early Paleozoic gneissic granites. The decompression took place at a later stage and rocks were overprinted by the andalusite\|sillimanite type metamorphism.. Syenite and leucogranite bodies, pegmatite and aplite veins were emplaced. 展开更多
关键词 CENTRAL pamir ALPINE collision METAMORPHIC belt INT racontinental SUBDUCTION
A study on physical property of crustal material and seismogenic environment in northeastern Pamir 被引量:2
作者 刘志 张先康 +3 位作者 周雪松 赵金仁 张成科 潘纪顺 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2003年第3期251-259,共9页
2-D crustal structure and velocity ratio are obtained by processing S-wave data from two wide-angle reflec-tion/refraction profiles in and around Jiashi in northeastern Pamir, with the result of P-wave data taken into... 2-D crustal structure and velocity ratio are obtained by processing S-wave data from two wide-angle reflec-tion/refraction profiles in and around Jiashi in northeastern Pamir, with the result of P-wave data taken into con-sideration. The result shows that: 1) Average crustal velocity ratio is obviously higher in Tarim block than in West Kunlun Mts. and Tianshan fold zone, which reflects its crustal physical property of 'hardness' and stability. The relatively low but normai velocity ratio (Poisson's ratio) of the lower crust indicates that the 'downward thrusting' of Tarim basin is the main feature of crustal movement in this area. 2) The rock layer in the upper crust of Tianshan fold zone is relatively 'soft', which makes it prone to rupture and stress energy release. This is the primary tectonic factor for the concentration of small earthquakes in this area. 3) Jiashi is located right over the apex or the inflection point of the updoming lower crustal interface C and the crust-mantle boundary, which is the deep struc-tural background for the occurrence of strong earthquakes. The alternate variation of vp/vs near the block bounda-ries and the complicated configuration of the interfaces in the upper and middie part of the upper crust form a par-ticular structural environment for the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm. vp/vs is comparatively high and shear modulus is low at the focal region, which may be the main reason for the low stress drop of the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm. 展开更多
关键词 northeastern pamirs crustal structure in terms of physical property Jiashi strong earthquake swarm velocity ratio
Glacier changes since the early 1960s, eastern Pamir, China 被引量:13
作者 ZHANG Zhen XU Jun-li +3 位作者 LIU Shi-yin GUO Wan-qin WEI Jun-feng FENG Tong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期276-291,共16页
Glaciers in the eastern Pamir are important for water resources and the social and economic development of the region.In the last 50 years,these glaciers have shrunk and lost ice mass due to climate change.In order to... Glaciers in the eastern Pamir are important for water resources and the social and economic development of the region.In the last 50 years,these glaciers have shrunk and lost ice mass due to climate change.In order to understand recent glacier dynamics in the region,a new inventory was compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in2009,free of clouds and with minimal snow cover on the glacierized mountains.The first glacier inventory of the area was also updated by digitizing glacier outlines from topographical maps that had been modified and verified using aerial photographs.Total glacier area decreased by 10.8%±1.1%,mainly attributed to an increase in air temperature,although precipitation,glacier size and topographic features also combined to affect the general shrinkage of the glaciers.The 19.3–21.4 km^3 estimated glacier mass loss has contributed to an increase in river runoff and water resources. 展开更多
关键词 冰川面积 帕米尔高原 LANDSAT 年代 中国 社会经济发展 气候变化 航空照片
Intermediate-depth earthquakes beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush Region:Evidence for collision between two opposite subduction zones 被引量:6
作者 Xiaoting Lou Chen Cai Chunquan Yu Jieyuan Ning 《Earthquake Science》 CSCD 2009年第6期659-665,共7页
We employed a double-difference algorithm (hypoDD) to relocate earthquakes within the region bounded by 66°E-78°E and 32°N-42°N in the period of 1964-2003 reported by the International Seismologi... We employed a double-difference algorithm (hypoDD) to relocate earthquakes within the region bounded by 66°E-78°E and 32°N-42°N in the period of 1964-2003 reported by the International Seismological Center (ISC). The improved hypocentral locations delineate a double-layered Wadati-Benioff zone in the eastern Hindu Kush intermediate seismic belt. Based on this feature and other evidences, we propose that the intermediate-depth earthquakes beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush region may occur in two collided subduction zones with opposite dip directions. 展开更多
关键词 continental dynamics pamir-Hindu Kush intermediate seismic zone earthquake relocation
作者 Li Xiangdong, Qu Xun(Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830000, China) 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期88-89,共2页
Deformation during the uplift of Pamir Since the Himalayan movement, the Punjab block of Indian plate has intruded into the interior of Eurasian plate, produced a protrusive Pamir knot in eastern Tethys. The Pamir kno... Deformation during the uplift of Pamir Since the Himalayan movement, the Punjab block of Indian plate has intruded into the interior of Eurasian plate, produced a protrusive Pamir knot in eastern Tethys. The Pamir knot is where crustal shortening is most intensive in Tethys. After India\|Eurasia collision, giant relief resulted from fast uplifting of Karakorum due to the convergence and underplating in northern and southern margins of Karakorum, the uplifting rates changed with times, and thrusting would be one of the most important factors controlling the uplifting. At the same time, large scale strike\|slip faulting could produced large vertical offsets, so that the exhumation of the rocks from middle and lower crust has drawn much attention. The post\|collisional deformation and evolution of Karakorum would involve the processes of continental escape, crustal shortening and thickening, and orogenic collapse in extensional regime. The thrusting started in late Jurassic and early Cretaceous, but two peaks occurred in late Cretaceous and Eocene, respectively. A large amount of klippen produced by thrusting from north to south have been discovered in the northern slope of the Kungai in front of Pamir. Molnar and Tapponnier noted that the mount of crustal shortening in Pamir would be up to 2000km in the past 40~45Ma, and Coward proposed that 300~400km shortening has happened only in southern Pamir to northern Pakistan. In western Pamir from Kabul of Afghanistan to Quatta of Pakistan, the Chaman left\|lateral strike\|slip fault system extends 1000km long. Multiple structural superposition in eastern Pamir, due to the effects of the uplifting of Qinghai\|Tibet plateau, resulted in complex deformation patterns. 展开更多
作者 Li Yingzhen 1,Shen Jun 2 (1 Xinjiang Seismological Bureau, Urumqi 830011,China 2 Geological Bureau of China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029,China) 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期90-91,共2页
The geological, geographic and seismicity data indicate that three arc tectonic belt developed on the northeast Pamir, which was the south Pamir arc, the north Pamir arc and the external Pamir arc from south to north.... The geological, geographic and seismicity data indicate that three arc tectonic belt developed on the northeast Pamir, which was the south Pamir arc, the north Pamir arc and the external Pamir arc from south to north. In addition to these three belts, there are two nascent arc tectonic belts developed in its fore\|deep depression, the Kashi depression in the northwest Tarim basin, which is the northward propagation of the arc tectonics of northeast Pamir.The south Pamir is an ancient folded belt, composed of the Proterozoic metamorphic layers and igneous complex. It was pushed northward since the collision between the India and Asia, and uplifted since the end of the early Tertiary. The elevation of the Plateau is 4800~5300m, and several intermontane basins distributed in the plateau. At its northeast boundary is the Kalakorum right lateral strike slip fault. Strong strike slip earthquakes occurred along this fault. In the hinterland of the plateau, several normal faulting earthquakes occurred,which are consistent with the extensional dynamic environment of the south Pamir. Deep earthquakes occurred under the 70km depth crust of south Pamir. The N—S cross section of the focal depth show that the earthquake occurred within the south Pamir crust are lower than 70km, and the deep earthquakes with depth of 100~200km occurred in the crystal basement of Tarim basin which are under\|thrusting southward into the root of the south Pamir. 展开更多
Geohazards in Pamir Mountains,Tajikistan
作者 Muso Nusayriev Rahmat Karamkhudoev +3 位作者 Sangin Elnazarov Tawfiq Mirzoev Robia Sukhrobshoeva Khushnood Nazarshoev 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期281-281,共1页
We want to talk about the geohazards in Pamir mountains,in Tajikistan,using different materials and researches about it.Also we are trying to look deeply into this problem,and want to research how about
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