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Chinese Left-Wing Literature in the Vision of an American Left-wing Writer
作者 HUANG Jing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期447-454,共8页
As one with great fame of writing China and Chinese people in war time, Anna Louise Strong, has the experience of communicating with Chinese left-wing writers, viewing their dramas works and reading their novels. From... As one with great fame of writing China and Chinese people in war time, Anna Louise Strong, has the experience of communicating with Chinese left-wing writers, viewing their dramas works and reading their novels. From her perspective, Chinese left-wing literature was featured by its revolution and popularity; Chinese left-wing writers were busy with creating different genres to get every Chinese's involvement in the anti-Japanese war in 1930s and participation in the construction of new China in 1940s. Hence, they were multifarious in their identity because they cared more than literature in a turbulent time. From what she presented, China, as a cultural otherness, was the existent utooia that fulfilled her radical nolitical dream of communism. 展开更多
关键词 left-wing revolution and popularity multifarious identity UTOPIA
走向分裂:从暗中斗争到公开论战——1960年代中苏关系研究之二 被引量:11
作者 李丹慧 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期51-67,共17页
1961年后期,为了将中苏关系缓和的局面继续维持下去,中共中央对苏共二十二大采取了暗中斗争的方略,对定性为是集修正主义之大成的苏共新党纲不做公开直接的批判。其后,随着中国国内经济状况的好转,中共从维护阿尔巴尼亚党入手,开始着手... 1961年后期,为了将中苏关系缓和的局面继续维持下去,中共中央对苏共二十二大采取了暗中斗争的方略,对定性为是集修正主义之大成的苏共新党纲不做公开直接的批判。其后,随着中国国内经济状况的好转,中共从维护阿尔巴尼亚党入手,开始着手与苏共进行新一轮意识形态斗争。中苏关系缓和的局面结束。1962年新疆中国边民外逃苏联的伊塔事件、中苏在加勒比海危机和中印边界战争期间的外交较量,不同程度地影响了中共中央对中苏关系性质的认识,影响了两党继续务实地寻求共同利益,求同存异,保持关系的基本稳定。特别是毛泽东把中共党内反省三年来政策失误时显露的否定“大跃进”、人民公社、总路线的倾向,当作是对赫鲁晓夫关于中共国内政策批评的呼应,进而重新检讨与苏关系问题,警惕国内外修正主义分子勾结起来进行颠覆活动。与此同时,国际左派队伍的形成使中共领导人认为,中共作为共运领导中心的条件已具备、时机也已成熟。中共做出了中苏两党矛盾已成为敌我性质、赫鲁晓夫已成为资产阶级代言人的判断。毛泽东最终调整对苏方针的基调,改以妥协、让步、缓和关系为主为以主动进攻、做针锋相对的斗争为主。中共开始与苏共进行关于国际共运总路线的大论战。中苏两党关系的破裂成为定局。 展开更多
关键词 苏共二十二大 对苏方针调整 左派队伍形成 中苏大论战
作者 惠天 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2005年第4期13-15,共3页
社会民主主义思想是欧洲近100多年来的重要思潮。它的发展,经历了从修正主义到社会民主主义的过程,现在又呈现抽象化、伦理化的特点。与此同时,欧洲社会民主党始终坚持和劳工阶层站在一起。这使得社会民主党在欧洲得到了大多数人的支持... 社会民主主义思想是欧洲近100多年来的重要思潮。它的发展,经历了从修正主义到社会民主主义的过程,现在又呈现抽象化、伦理化的特点。与此同时,欧洲社会民主党始终坚持和劳工阶层站在一起。这使得社会民主党在欧洲得到了大多数人的支持。社会民主党的发展经验,对市场经济过程中党保证群众支持有深刻的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 民主社会主义思潮 左派 伦理化 代表劳动者
作者 王冠 吴洪英 《Contemporary International Relations》 2023年第2期100-119,共20页
Since 2018, left-wing political parties have come to power in almost all major Latin American countries. This unusual political phenomenon is deemed the continuation and return of the first “pink tide”—the shift to... Since 2018, left-wing political parties have come to power in almost all major Latin American countries. This unusual political phenomenon is deemed the continuation and return of the first “pink tide”—the shift to the left that emerged in the region at the beginning of the twenty-first century—and thus has been called a second “pink tide.” It is not only the result of the evolution of multiple interwoven economic and social crises in Latin American countries but also a manifestation of the resurgence of a left-wing ideological trend worldwide. The current pink tide governments in Latin America generally hold high the banner of reform;promote social justice;prioritize economic growth and political reform;emphasize the role of the state in socio-economic development;strive to improve government governance capacity;and endeavor to explore new paths that differ from the neo-liberal development model. Nonetheless, how long this new pink tide will last depends on whether the left-wing governments in power can overcome four major challenges. 展开更多
关键词 Latin America left-wing rule pink tide exploration of development paths
Remaking“Women”and Contemporary Chinese Feminism——Based on The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism
作者 Shanjie Zhu 《Review of Educational Theory》 2020年第3期73-78,共6页
The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism gives an historical retrospective of China in the past 100 years with a 20th century global perspective,probes about in-depth and multi-level Chinese women and contemporary so... The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism gives an historical retrospective of China in the past 100 years with a 20th century global perspective,probes about in-depth and multi-level Chinese women and contemporary social problems by tracing the evolution of the left-wing ideological context,and elaborates on the remaking of“women”creatively by virtue of the historical heritage of socialism.It is of great significance in responding to new changes and new issues taking place in contemporary Chinese feminism.For instance,in today’s China,while analyzing gender equality,people have to focus not only on the relationship between the sexes,but on development within women’s groups and on relations among class/strata also.Therefore,remaking“women”and how to remake“women”,in the Chinese context today,are important issues to feminists,as they will tell,to a certain extent,if gender studies can effectively respond to social issues in contemporary China. 展开更多
关键词 Remaking“women” left-wing thought FEMINISM Contemporary China
Nihilism of Taiwan Residents Youth in the 1950s and 1960s: Reinterpreting Modernism and the Left-Wing
作者 LI Na 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2017年第4期598-636,共39页
This paper presents a comparative analysis on Chen Yingzhen's "Wo de didi Kangxiong" ("My brother Kangxiong') and Wang Shangyi's "Ye gezi de huanghun" ("Wild pigeon's dusk") in the cultural-historical c... This paper presents a comparative analysis on Chen Yingzhen's "Wo de didi Kangxiong" ("My brother Kangxiong') and Wang Shangyi's "Ye gezi de huanghun" ("Wild pigeon's dusk") in the cultural-historical context of Taiwan in 1960s, in the aim of exploring the origin of "nihilism" which had been prevailed among Taiwan youth from 1950s to 196os. Furthermore, the paper reexamines the hidden but intimate relationship between modernism and left-wing intellectuals. 展开更多
关键词 Chen Yingzhen Wang Shangyi 1960s NIHILISM modernism left-wing
作者 罗长青 杨宏超 《琼台学刊》 2009年第1期56-62,共7页
知识分子下从政治回到学术本身,这种回归有着或出于主动或出于无奈的区分。新左派与自由知识分子在解释社会矛盾以及解决社会矛盾的方案的提出等方面发生了相当大的分歧。这些分歧反映了不断边缘化的背景中人文知识分子对于社会转型的... 知识分子下从政治回到学术本身,这种回归有着或出于主动或出于无奈的区分。新左派与自由知识分子在解释社会矛盾以及解决社会矛盾的方案的提出等方面发生了相当大的分歧。这些分歧反映了不断边缘化的背景中人文知识分子对于社会转型的复杂心态,当然也反映了他们对于“知识分子”概念的不同理解以及对于知识分子择取的社会批判姿态的不同定位。 展开更多
关键词 知识分子 分化 心态与姿态 新左派 自由派
Alternative New China Cinema: Hong Kong Leftist Cinema during the Cold War-- A Discussion of the Hong Kong Leftist Film The True Story of Ah Q 被引量:1
作者 Yuping WANG 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2015年第1期131-145,共15页
The paper discusses the 1957 Hong Kong film The True Story of Ah Q. As a Hong Kong leftist film, its plot and production process are relevant to understanding the political and cultural life of New China. However, Hon... The paper discusses the 1957 Hong Kong film The True Story of Ah Q. As a Hong Kong leftist film, its plot and production process are relevant to understanding the political and cultural life of New China. However, Hong Kong leftist cinema played an important role in the reception of New China cinema overseas; it can only be understood within the context of political and cultural life in New China. This paper explores the complicated relations between Hong Kong leftist cinema, domestic socialist cinema, and Shanghai left-wing cinema in the 1930s. In addition, it discusses The True Story ofAh Q as a film with features that identify it with both Hong Kong leftist cinema and New China cinema. Thus, the film's acceptibility is determined by the tensions between these two identifications. 展开更多
关键词 Hong Kong leftist cinema Shanghai left-wing cinema Socialistcinema the cinema of new-democratic revolution The True Story ofAh Q
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