The impact of Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS) radiances on the prediction of the Chinese Numerical Weather prediction (NWP) system-GRAPES (Global and Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) with compar...The impact of Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS) radiances on the prediction of the Chinese Numerical Weather prediction (NWP) system-GRAPES (Global and Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) with comparison of two Quality Control (QC) schemes was researched. The main differences between the two schemes are cloud detection, O-B (brightness temperature difference between observation and model simulation) check and thinning. To evaluate the impact of the two QC schemes on GRAPES, a typhoon case study and cycle experiments were conducted. In the typhoon case study, two experiments were conducted using both the new and old QC schemes. The results show that outliers are removed in the new QC while they exist in the old QC. The analysis and the model forecast are subsequently generated after assimilating data from the two QC schemes. The model-predicted steering flows more southward with the new QC scheme, and as a result, the forecast track in the experiments is more southward, i.e., closer to the best track than the old scheme. In addition to the case study, four impact cycle experiments were conducted for 25-day periods. The results show that the new QC scheme removed nearly all the biases whereas the old scheme could not. Furthermore, the mean and standard deviation of analysis increments with the new scheme is much smaller than those of O-B. In contrast, the old scheme values are either slightly smaller or the same. Verifications indicate that forecast skill is improved after applying the new scheme. The largest improvements are found in the Southern Hemisphere. According to the results above, MWTS with the new QC scheme can improve the GRAPES forecast.展开更多
数值模式边界层物理过程和初值场条件的欠缺是海雾模拟准确率偏低的主要原因。本文为改进模式初始场,开展针对海雾模拟的卫星观测资料同化试验,将质量控制和偏差订正后的FY-3A卫星微波湿度计(MWHS)和微波温度计(MWTS)的优选通道数据,经3...数值模式边界层物理过程和初值场条件的欠缺是海雾模拟准确率偏低的主要原因。本文为改进模式初始场,开展针对海雾模拟的卫星观测资料同化试验,将质量控制和偏差订正后的FY-3A卫星微波湿度计(MWHS)和微波温度计(MWTS)的优选通道数据,经3DVar(Three-dimensional variational data assimilation)进入WRF模式以试验其对黄、渤海海雾模拟的影响。通过分析静止气象卫星检测到的海雾区模拟大气温、湿场同化分析增量,发现代表环境场条件的海雾类型及模式对其模拟能力的差异,显著影响了同化效果,表现为同化对模式模拟能力较强的平流冷型海雾改进明显,对模拟效果不甚理想的非典型混合过程中的暖型海雾阶段则基本没有改进效果。为寻找原因,对包括海雾区低层大气模拟场逆温结构在内的温湿度场与邻近探空观测进行了对比,分析了随时间演变的海雾格点温、湿场同化分析增量,发现冷型海雾区格点同化分析增量能弥补观测—模拟差异,使气温调减,相对湿度调增,同时水汽和液态水也出现负相关的变化,边界层相关热力动力场同化分析增量在垂直方向也有配合迹象,相比而言,主体是暖型海雾的非典型过程则未见此类现象和其他的有益调整迹象。展开更多
中国风云三号(FY-3)A星于2008年5月27日成功发射,其上装载的微波温度计(Microwave Temperature Sounder,MWTS)有4个通道,频率分别为50.3,53.596,54.94和57.29GHz,可提供地面至平流层下部的大气温度廓线信息。介绍了MWTS的仪器特征和定...中国风云三号(FY-3)A星于2008年5月27日成功发射,其上装载的微波温度计(Microwave Temperature Sounder,MWTS)有4个通道,频率分别为50.3,53.596,54.94和57.29GHz,可提供地面至平流层下部的大气温度廓线信息。介绍了MWTS的仪器特征和定标方法,对FY-3A发射后MWTS的仪器性能相关参数的长序列特征进行了监测分析,这些参数主要包括灵敏度、冷空和内部暖黑体的计数值、仪器温度和通道增益。通过再分析资料和微波辐射传输模拟,比较了FY-3A卫星MWTS与NOAA-18卫星先进微波温度探测器(Advanced Microwave Sounder Unit-A,AMSU-A)的观测和模拟的亮温偏差。结果表明,MWTS所有通道的灵敏度值优于其指标;通道1和3的亮温偏差与AMSU-A接近;通道2和4的偏差比AMSU-A要大一些。展开更多
为了探究云区卫星微波资料的同化应用,利用中国风云三号D星(Fengyun-3D,FY-3D)微波温度计二型(microwave temperature sounder-2,MWTS2)和微波湿度计二型(microwave humidity sounder-2,MWHS2)资料,基于人工神经网络算法研制了云区温湿...为了探究云区卫星微波资料的同化应用,利用中国风云三号D星(Fengyun-3D,FY-3D)微波温度计二型(microwave temperature sounder-2,MWTS2)和微波湿度计二型(microwave humidity sounder-2,MWHS2)资料,基于人工神经网络算法研制了云区温湿廓线反演模型,建立了云区资料的间接同化方案。于2019年6月开展晴空和云区同化试验,评估加入云区MWTS2和MWHS2资料对区域模式预报的影响。试验结果表明:MWTS2和MWHS2资料的同化对温湿度预报场有改善,主要体现在模式中高层均方根误差和平均偏差的减小,云区同化的改善幅度比晴空同化更大;同化MWTS2和MWHS2资料对于提高降水预报技巧有积极影响,云区同化对降水预报的改善主要体现在同化后的12~24 h,较晴空同化更明显。针对强降水个例分析表明,MWTS2和MWHS2资料对温度场、湿度场、水汽通量散度场的调整有利于降水预报的改善,而云区同化能够直接对天气系统的初始场进行调整,降水的位置与强度预报效果更好。展开更多
基金Acknowledgements This work was jointly supported by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology project (No. 2010CB951600), Chinese Ministry of Finance projects (GYHY200906006 and GYHY201106008), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41005055).
文摘The impact of Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS) radiances on the prediction of the Chinese Numerical Weather prediction (NWP) system-GRAPES (Global and Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) with comparison of two Quality Control (QC) schemes was researched. The main differences between the two schemes are cloud detection, O-B (brightness temperature difference between observation and model simulation) check and thinning. To evaluate the impact of the two QC schemes on GRAPES, a typhoon case study and cycle experiments were conducted. In the typhoon case study, two experiments were conducted using both the new and old QC schemes. The results show that outliers are removed in the new QC while they exist in the old QC. The analysis and the model forecast are subsequently generated after assimilating data from the two QC schemes. The model-predicted steering flows more southward with the new QC scheme, and as a result, the forecast track in the experiments is more southward, i.e., closer to the best track than the old scheme. In addition to the case study, four impact cycle experiments were conducted for 25-day periods. The results show that the new QC scheme removed nearly all the biases whereas the old scheme could not. Furthermore, the mean and standard deviation of analysis increments with the new scheme is much smaller than those of O-B. In contrast, the old scheme values are either slightly smaller or the same. Verifications indicate that forecast skill is improved after applying the new scheme. The largest improvements are found in the Southern Hemisphere. According to the results above, MWTS with the new QC scheme can improve the GRAPES forecast.
文摘数值模式边界层物理过程和初值场条件的欠缺是海雾模拟准确率偏低的主要原因。本文为改进模式初始场,开展针对海雾模拟的卫星观测资料同化试验,将质量控制和偏差订正后的FY-3A卫星微波湿度计(MWHS)和微波温度计(MWTS)的优选通道数据,经3DVar(Three-dimensional variational data assimilation)进入WRF模式以试验其对黄、渤海海雾模拟的影响。通过分析静止气象卫星检测到的海雾区模拟大气温、湿场同化分析增量,发现代表环境场条件的海雾类型及模式对其模拟能力的差异,显著影响了同化效果,表现为同化对模式模拟能力较强的平流冷型海雾改进明显,对模拟效果不甚理想的非典型混合过程中的暖型海雾阶段则基本没有改进效果。为寻找原因,对包括海雾区低层大气模拟场逆温结构在内的温湿度场与邻近探空观测进行了对比,分析了随时间演变的海雾格点温、湿场同化分析增量,发现冷型海雾区格点同化分析增量能弥补观测—模拟差异,使气温调减,相对湿度调增,同时水汽和液态水也出现负相关的变化,边界层相关热力动力场同化分析增量在垂直方向也有配合迹象,相比而言,主体是暖型海雾的非典型过程则未见此类现象和其他的有益调整迹象。