Lithological observations and mineralogical analyses on pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and pyroxene and hornblende cumulates in xenoliths in the Mesozoic plutons of the Tongling region, Anhui Province, provide evi...Lithological observations and mineralogical analyses on pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and pyroxene and hornblende cumulates in xenoliths in the Mesozoic plutons of the Tongling region, Anhui Province, provide evidence for the magmatic underplating of mantle-derived alkali-olivine basalt at circa 140 Ma. The pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and cumulates were formed through the AFC process at depths ranging from 27 to 35 km.展开更多
Bu’s gold deposit is geographically situated in the northern side of Sawuer Mt., Western Jungar. Magmatites in Bu’s deposit including extrusive and intrusive rocks are widespread and have genetic relationship with t...Bu’s gold deposit is geographically situated in the northern side of Sawuer Mt., Western Jungar. Magmatites in Bu’s deposit including extrusive and intrusive rocks are widespread and have genetic relationship with the deposit. One volcanic suite and two intrusives are studied here. Extrusive products were formed in the Early Carboniferous with a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron age of 347 Ma and fossil ages, while intrusions have Rb-Sr isochron ages from 310 to 329 Ma and are intrusive into the Lower Carboniferous and Upper Devonian.The isotope parameters I ranges from 0. 7037 to 0. 7046, from -5. 65^+6.67 and more,goes from +5. 65~ +7. 96, displaying that they have similar material sources and are derived from mantle magmas or their derivatives. The continental crust of Zhaisang diwa region may be initially formed in the Late-Proterozoic or even more earlier and grew probably in terms of non-proportionated model like S. China, N. American and other parts in the world.展开更多
Primary or parental magmas act as probes to infer eruption and source temperatures for both mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and‘hot-spot' magmas (tholeiitic picrites). The experimental petrogenetic constraints ('inverse...Primary or parental magmas act as probes to infer eruption and source temperatures for both mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and‘hot-spot' magmas (tholeiitic picrites). The experimental petrogenetic constraints ('inverse' experiments) argue for no significant temperature differences between them. However, there are differences in major, minor and trace elements which characterise geochemical, not thermal, anomalies beneath ‘hot-spots'. We suggest that diapiric upwelling from interfaces (redox contrasts) between old subducted slab and normal MOR basalt source mantle is the major reason for the observed characteristics of island chain or ‘hot-spot' volcanism. Intraplate basalts also include widely distributed volcanic centres containing lherzolite xenoliths, i.e. mantle-derived magmas. Inverse experiments on olivine basalt, alkali oli- vine basalt, olivine basanite, olivine nephelinite, olivine melilitite and olivine leucitite (lamproite) determined liquidus phases as a function of pressure, initially under anhydrous and CO2-absent conditions. Under C- and H-absent conditions, only tholeiites to alkali olivine basalts had O1 + Opx 4-Cpx as high-pressure liquidus phases. Addition of H20 accessed olivine basanites at 2.5-3 GPa, ,- 1,200 ℃, but both CO2 and H20 were necessary to obtain saturation with O1, Opx, Cpx and Ga at 2.5-3.5 GPa for olivine nephelinite and olivine melilitite. The forward and inverse experimental studies are combined to formulate a petrogenetic grid for intraplate, ‘hot-spot' and MOR magmatism within the plate tectonics paradigm. The asthenosphere is geochemically zoned by slow upward migration of incipient melt. The solidus and phasestabilities of lherzolite with very small water contents (〈3,000 ppm) determine the thin plate behaviour of the oceanic lithosphere and thus the Earth's convection in the form of plate tectonics. There is no evidence from the parental magmas of MOR and ‘hot-spots' to support the 'deep mantle thermal plume' hypothesis. The preferred alternative is the presence of old subducted slabs, relatively buoyant and oxidised with respect to MORB source mantle and suspended or upwelling in or below the lower asthenosphere (and thus detached from overlying plate movement).展开更多
This paper deals with the chemical and isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Rehai geothermal area in Tengchong county of Yunnan Province. Results indicate that there is the mantle-derived magmatic intrusion...This paper deals with the chemical and isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Rehai geothermal area in Tengchong county of Yunnan Province. Results indicate that there is the mantle-derived magmatic intrusion in shallow crust at this area. Modern mantle-derived mag-matic volatiles are being released currently in a steady stream by way of active faults. The escaped gases are mostly composed of CO2, together with subordinate amounts of H2S, N2, H2, CH4, SO2, CO and He. At the studied area, the north-south directed fault is the deepest, and it may be interlinked with the deep-seated thermal reservoir that would be directly recharged by the mantle-derived magmatic volatile. The He, C isotopic evidence reveals that the modern active magma beneath Rehai area may originate from the historical mantle-derived magma which caused the latest eruptive activity of volcanoes in that region.展开更多
Various shaped mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) together with several mafic massifs are developed within the Yuegelu granitoid pluton in the eastern part of the Eastern Kunlun. On the basis of detailed field geolog...Various shaped mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) together with several mafic massifs are developed within the Yuegelu granitoid pluton in the eastern part of the Eastern Kunlun. On the basis of detailed field geological surveying and of the results of the petrological and geo-chemical studies it is suggested that there must be some ge-netic relationship among the granodiorite host, the MMEs and the hornblende (Hb)-gabbro massifs. Magmatic zircon grains are extracted from samples of granodiorite host rock, Hb-gabbro and the MMEs for U-Pb dating. The U-Pb ages are determined by using SHRIMP Ⅱ technique, which yields the ages of 242±6 Ma, 239±6 Ma and 241±5 Ma, respectively. The overall correspondence in the U-Pb dating results of them excludes the possibility that the MMEs in the granitoids are solid refractory relics from the source region or that they are xenoliths from the wall rocks. It can also rule out the possibility of a later emplacement of basic magma after the solidification of the granitoids. This dating result indicates that they are the products of magma mixing in early-mid Triassic epoch. Among them the granitoid host is chemically akin to the acidic end member during the magma mixing process, the Hb-gabbro is akin to the basic ones while the MMEs are the incompletely mixed basic magma clots trapped in the acidic magma. Combined with the results from other researches on this pluton it is reasonable to con-sider that in the mid-Triassic the Eastern Kunlun granitoid belt had undergone a process of magma mixing between the mantle-derived basic magma and the crustal acidic magma which indicates that the injection of mantle materials and energy into the crust and the reactions between them played an important role in the formation of the granitoid rocks.展开更多
Gas concentrations and isotopic compositions of He and CO2 were determined on free gas samples from ten hot springs of the Rehai geothermal field, Tengchong, China. The results showed that hot-spring CO2 gas, together...Gas concentrations and isotopic compositions of He and CO2 were determined on free gas samples from ten hot springs of the Rehai geothermal field, Tengchong, China. The results showed that hot-spring CO2 gas, together with He, was derived mainly from the mantle, indicating the accumulation of mantle-derived volatiles beneath the survey area. The δ 13C values of CO2, higher than those of the typical mantle-derived carbon and the isotopic composition of hot-spring-free CO2 in unequilibrium with dissolved CO2, are recognized only in the Rehai geothermal field, suggesting that there seems to be a still-degassing magmatic intrusion at depths, which provides mantle-derived volatiles to the hydrothermal system above. The accumulation of those volatiles has probably played an important role in triggering earthquakes in this region. In addition, the isotopic characteristics of He and C also indicate that the magmatic intrusion seems to have been derived from the MORB source, and could be contaminated by crustal materials during its upwelling through the continental crust.展开更多
Taking the Himalayan granitoids around Kunjirap in the western Qinghai-Tibetplateau as an example, the authors present in this paper the characteristics of the granitoids richin mantle-derived fluid components and dis...Taking the Himalayan granitoids around Kunjirap in the western Qinghai-Tibetplateau as an example, the authors present in this paper the characteristics of the granitoids richin mantle-derived fluid components and discuss their rock-forming mechanism. The research resultsindicate that the rock assemblage of the studied granitoids involves diopside syenite-diopsidegranite-biotite (monzonitic) granite, consisting mainly of K-feldspar, oligoclase, quartz,iron-phlogolite, diopside and edenite. The rocks are rich in mantle-derived fluid components ofvolatiles including F, alkali metal elements such as K, Na, Rb, Sr and Ha, and radiogenicheat-producing elements such as U and Th. They were generated by the influx of mantle-derived fluidsinto the lower crest to give rise to partial melting during the lithosphere thinning in theQinghai-Tibet plateau.展开更多
We have analyzed the gold content of 65 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China, which is found to be inhomogeneous, falling in the ranges of 1.0×109-8.2×109 (averaging 3....We have analyzed the gold content of 65 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China, which is found to be inhomogeneous, falling in the ranges of 1.0×109-8.2×109 (averaging 3.8 ×10-9) and 0.2×10-9-5.3×10-9 (averaging 2.7×10-9) in the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host basalts respectively. Except the samples from Wanquan County of Hebei Province and Anding County of Hainan Province, the gold content is the highest on the margins of the North China platform and decreases spatially towards the north and south, and temporally the samples of the Tertiary have a higher gold content than those of the Quaternary. The gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host Paleozoic kimberlites is 3.8×10-9-180×109and 0.1×10-9-38.0×10-9 respectively, which are higher than that in the mantle-derived xenoliths in basalt and the host Cenozoic basalts. The mantle-derived xenoliths have a higher gold content than the host rocks, but their relativity is not very clear, suggesting that the genetic relationship between them is complex. Our data indicate that the average gold content of the lithospheric mantle in eastern China is approximately equal to or approaching 3.8×10-9, which is lower than the average abundance of the upper mantle (5.0×10-9), higher than the average abundance of the continental crust (3.0×10-9) and only slightly higher than the average abundance of the lower continental crust (3.4×10-9). Except the samples from Hainan Province, the mantle-derived xenoliths in basalts with a high gold content are distributed on the two margins of the North China platform, corresponding to the gold deposits-concentrated districts in northwest Hebei Province and Shandong Province, showing the control by the old continental lithospheric mantle and the lower continental crust on the margins of the North China platform. The gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths from Hainan Province ranges from 7.1×10-9 to 15×10-9, suggesting that some blocks of the lithospheric mantle in Hainan Province may be derived from the ancient gold-rich lithospheric mantle of western Australia and that Hainan Province may possibly be an important gold deposits-concentrated district. Some mantle-derived xenoliths in kimberlite of Shandong Province have an excessively high gold content amounting to 180×10-9, which provides new evidence for the possibility of 'finding gold deposits near kimberlite pipes or alkali-basalt volcanic vents'. Thererfore, the gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths may be an indicator to the distribution of gold deposits-concentrated districts.展开更多
Based on summarizing of the effect of mantle-derived fluid on the formation of ores, especially on gold ore, and with the latest investigations, such as the formation of ore from the action of shallow-deep fluid, the ...Based on summarizing of the effect of mantle-derived fluid on the formation of ores, especially on gold ore, and with the latest investigations, such as the formation of ore from the action of shallow-deep fluid, the transportation effect of the thermal energy by mantle-derived fluid, this paper mainly aims at the effect of mantle-derived fluid on the generation of hydrocarbons. With the proof from geochemistry and fluid inclusion, it was suggested that the mantle-derived fluid not only supplied source materials for hydrocarbons, but also supplied essential energy and matter necessary for the generation of hydrocarbons. The mantle-derived fluid had a good effect, but at the same time it had an adverse effect under specific conditions, on the formation of reservoirs. This paper also discusses the future direction and significance of studying mantle-derived fluid.展开更多
This paper discusses the discrimination principles. deduction and methods for probing into the source composition of mantle-derived magma. The magmatophile (incompatible) source elements are not all optimal tracers fo...This paper discusses the discrimination principles. deduction and methods for probing into the source composition of mantle-derived magma. The magmatophile (incompatible) source elements are not all optimal tracers for mantle source composition. The ratios of two strong magmatophile elements (D<1) or the ratios of two trace elements with the same D value are not controlled by the formation mode and evolution degree of a magma, but maintain the characteristics of their composition in mantle source region prior to the magma formation. The ratios are related to different mantle-crust structures and dynamics. The mantle source composition of the Emeishan Basalt series is similar to that of the South Atlantic Rio Grande Rise-Walvis Ridge Basalts and Brazil continental-margin basalts. This may indicate that these basalt series might have similar source regions and tectonic environments.展开更多
Phlogopiie-and diopside-bearing dunite occurs as rounded inclusions in hornblende-diorite. Thepetrofabrics, mineral composition and abundances of the trace elements in the dunite indicate that the inclu-sions were der...Phlogopiie-and diopside-bearing dunite occurs as rounded inclusions in hornblende-diorite. Thepetrofabrics, mineral composition and abundances of the trace elements in the dunite indicate that the inclu-sions were derived from the upper mantle and are the residues of high-degree partial melting of mantlepeirdotite. The study of trace elements in the inclusions and their host rocks shows that the magma was origi-nated from the mantle which was enriched in incompatible elements by mantle metasomatism prior to the par-tial melting.展开更多
During several decades of exploration, a number of mantle-derived natural gas pools have been discovered in the vicinities of deep faults in the Songliao Basin, northeastern China. The natural gas in these pools has a...During several decades of exploration, a number of mantle-derived natural gas pools have been discovered in the vicinities of deep faults in the Songliao Basin, northeastern China. The natural gas in these pools has a δ13C1 value of ?16.50/00 to ?24.20/00, a reversed arrangement in the amount of carbon isotopes in methane and its endogamous products (namely, δ13C1 >δ13C2 >δ13C3 >δ13C4), a 3He/4He value of 1.97 to 2.34×10-6,and an Ar/36Ar value of 1063 to 1949. This indicates a mantle 40 source for the natural gas. The trace elements Cd, In, Te and Re, never found in organic-sourced hydrocarbons, are highly enriched in certain crude oils from the Basin; respectively, concentrations of these elements were found to be 751, 28, 16 and 323 times the average crustal values in China, and this also supports a mantle-derived natural gas origin. The characteristics of mantled-derived magmatic rocks, hydrothermal fluids and gaseous fractions distributed in and near the deep Songliao Basin faults indicate that rifting tectonics is providing the mechanisms for this outgassing of the mantle. Deep extensional (normal) faults provide pathways for upward movement of these materials, and in the Songliao Basin, these deep rift fault zones are associated with reservoir occurrence and cap rock seals, forming good sites for accumulation of mantle-derived natural gas. Furthermore, a layer of low velocity, low density and high conductivity in the deep crust has been identified as a potential reservoir for mantle-derived natural gas.展开更多
: The colours and chemical composition variations of 160 spinels in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China and their petrogeneses have been studied in detail. The relationships betw...: The colours and chemical composition variations of 160 spinels in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China and their petrogeneses have been studied in detail. The relationships between major elements of spinels are discussed. The equilibrium temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities of spinels and their coexisting olivines, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes have been determined using the Brey—kohler's T—P calculation methods (1990) and Ballhaus' fo2 calculation method (1991). The relationships between the composition and the equilibrium temperatures, pressures or oxygen fugacities of spinels in peridotite xenoliths from the basalts and the stable field of the spinels in the upper mantle have been shown.展开更多
The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to d...The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to determine the origin of the mafic enclaves and their relationship with the host granitoids of the Kan granite-gneiss complex. This study also provides new information on crust-mantle interactions. The mafic enclaves of the Kan vary in shape and size and have intermediate chemical compositions. The diagrams used show a number of similarities in the major elements (and often in the trace elements) between the mafic enclaves and the host granitoids. Geochemical show that the Kan rock are metaluminous, enriched in silica, medium to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. The similarities reflect a mixing of basic and acid magma. Mafic enclaves have a typical magmatic structure, which is characterized by magma mixing. The genesis of these rocks is associated with the context of subduction. They result from the mixing of a mafic magma originating from the mantle and linked to subduction, and a granitic magma (type I granite) that arises from the partial melting of the crust.展开更多
The Hesar pluton in the northern Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc hosts numerous mafic-microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Whole rock geochemistry,mineral chemistry,zircon U-Pb and Sr-Nd isotopes were measured.It is suggested th...The Hesar pluton in the northern Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc hosts numerous mafic-microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Whole rock geochemistry,mineral chemistry,zircon U-Pb and Sr-Nd isotopes were measured.It is suggested that the rocks are metaluminous(A/CNK=1.32-1.45),subduction-related I-type calc-alkaline gabbro to diorite with similar mineral assemblages and geochemical signatures.The host rocks yielded an U-Pb crystallization age of 37.3±0.4 Ma for gabbro-diorite.MMEs have relatively low SiO_(2) contents(52.9-56.6 wt%)and high Mg^(#)(49.8-58.7),probably reflecting a mantle-derived origin.Chondrite-and mantle-normalized trace element patterns are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment,HREE and HFSE depletion with slight negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu^(*)=0.86-1.03).The host rocks yield(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i) ratios of 0.70492-0.70510,positive ε_(Nd)(t)values of+1.55-+2.06 and T_(DM2)of 707-736 Ma,which is consistent with the associated mafic microgranular enclaves((^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i)=0.705014,ε_(Nd)(t)=+1.75,T_(DM2)=729 Ma).All data suggest magma-mixing for enclave and host rock formation,showing a complete equilibration between mixed-mafic and felsic magmas,followed by rapid diffusion.The T_(DM1)(Nd)and T_(DM2)(Nd)model ages and U-Pb dating indicate that the host pluton was produced by partial melting of the lower continental crust and subsequent mixing with injected lithospheric mantlederived magmas in a pre-collisional setting of Arabian-Eurasian plates.Clinopyroxene composition indicates a crystallization temperature of~1000℃ and a depth of~9 km.展开更多
Ten rock samples consisting of one pyroclastic density current(PDC1)deposit,seven lava flows(LF1–7),and two summit lava domes(LD1,2)were studied to understand the petrogenesis and magma dynamics at Mt.Sumbing.The str...Ten rock samples consisting of one pyroclastic density current(PDC1)deposit,seven lava flows(LF1–7),and two summit lava domes(LD1,2)were studied to understand the petrogenesis and magma dynamics at Mt.Sumbing.The stratigraphy is arranged as LF1,PDC1,LF2,LF3,LF4,LF5,LF6,LF7,LD1,and LD2;furthermore,these rocks were divided into two types.TypeⅠ,observed in the oldest(LF1)sample,has poor MgO and high Ba/Nb,Th/Yb and Sr.The remaining samples(PDC1–LD2)represent typeⅡ,characterized by high MgO and low Ba/Nb,Th/Yb and Sr values.We suggest that type I is derived from AOC(altered oceanic crust)-rich melts that underwent significant crustal assimilation,while typeⅡoriginates from mantle-rich melts with less significant crustal assimilation.The early stage of typeⅡmagma(PDC1–LF3)was considered a closed system,evolving basaltic andesite into andesite(55.0–60.2 wt%SiO_(2))with a progressively increasing phenocryst(0.30–0.48φ_(PC))and decreasing crystal size distribution(CSD)slope(from-3.9 to-2.9).The evidence of fluctuating silica and phenocryst contents(between 55.9–59.7 wt%and 0.25–0.41φ_(PC),respectively),coupled with the kinked and steep(from-5.0 to-3.3)CSD curves imply the interchanging condition between open(i.e.,magma mixing)and closed magmatic systems during the middle stage(LF4–LF6).Finally,it underwent to closed system again during the final stage(LF7–LD2)because the magma reached dacitic composition(at most 68.9 wt%SiO_(2))with abundant phenocryst(0.38–0.45φ_(PC))and gentle CSD slope(from-4.1 to-1.2).展开更多
The presented research illustrates the applicability and productiveness of the systematic literature review methodology, a non-empirical methodology in the geological sciences, particularly volcanology. The systematic...The presented research illustrates the applicability and productiveness of the systematic literature review methodology, a non-empirical methodology in the geological sciences, particularly volcanology. The systematic literature review methodology is a replicable, rigorous, and transparent methodology for synthesizing existing literature to answer questions on a specific topic. The synthesis allows for knowledge consolidation, such as identifying knowledge gaps. In our illustration of this methodology, we focused on the expanding knowledge about the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon, one of Africa’s active volcanoes. Our synthesis of the relevant international geoscience research literature is based on the framework of knowledge about the magma pathway beneath a typical basaltic volcano. The framework has three primary components: magma supply, storage, and transport to erupting vents. Across these components is a total of twelve secondary components. The result is a previously non-existent and fragmented overall understanding of the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon. The gaps in the understanding (such as in the magma supply rates, timescales of chamber processes, and magma ascent rates) may be addressed in future research. Another key implication of the presented research lies in the proof of concept of the systematic literature review methodology as an applicable qualitative research methodology in the study of volcanoes.展开更多
There are two factors,source composition and magmatic differentiation,potentially controlling W-Sn mineralization.Which one is more important is widely debated and may need to be determined for each individual deposit...There are two factors,source composition and magmatic differentiation,potentially controlling W-Sn mineralization.Which one is more important is widely debated and may need to be determined for each individual deposit.The Xitian granite batholith located in South China is a natural laboratory for investigating the above problem.It consists essentially of two separate components,formed in the Triassic at ca.226 Ma and Jurassic at ca.152 Ma,respectively.The Triassic and Jurassic rocks are both composed of porphyritic and fine-grained phases.The latter resulted from highlydifferentiated porphyritic ones but they have similar textural characteristics and mineral assemblages,indicating that they reached a similar degree of crystal fractionation.Although both fine-grained phases are highly differentiated with elevated rare metal contents,economic W–Sn mineralization is rare in the Triassic granitoids and this can be attributed to less fertile source materials than their Jurassic counterparts,with a slightly more enriched isotopic signature and whole-rockεNd(226 Ma)of−10.4 to−9.2(2σ=0.2)compared withεNd(152 Ma)of−9.2 to−8.2(2σ=0.2)for the Jurassic rocks.The initial W-Sn enrichment was derived from the metasedimentary rocks and strongly enhanced by reworking of the continental crust,culminating in the Jurassic.展开更多
Sparse felsic microgranitoid enclaves(FMEs)in the Shangshuiquan granite of the Zhangjiakou district,the north margin of the North China Craton,are fine-grained,dark-colored and exhibit subangular to subspherical shape...Sparse felsic microgranitoid enclaves(FMEs)in the Shangshuiquan granite of the Zhangjiakou district,the north margin of the North China Craton,are fine-grained,dark-colored and exhibit subangular to subspherical shapes.They share similar mineral assemblages,chemical compositions,and zircon Hf isotope compositions to the host granite.New zircon U-Pb geochronology reveals that the FMEs crystallized at 156-153 Ma,while the Shangshuiquan granite formed at ca.146 Ma.The FEMs are,therefore,10 to 7 Ma older than the host granite.Combined with petrological evidence,we suggest that the FMEs are fragments of rapidly crystalized magmas,which were captured by the younger Shangshuiquan magma.Magmas of the FMEs and Shangshuiquan granite originated from the same reservoir.The Shangshuiquan granite is the result of small batches of magma being built up incrementally,and the FMEs belong to the earlier batches of magma.The lifespan of the Shangshuiquan magma reservoir exceeds 10 Ma.FMEs derived from cogenetic fragments have the potential to offer critical information about the formation process and timescale of granitic plutons.展开更多
基金the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China(Grants 40272034, 40133020)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(Grant 1999043206) the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(Grant KOSEF-20005-131-03-02).
文摘Lithological observations and mineralogical analyses on pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and pyroxene and hornblende cumulates in xenoliths in the Mesozoic plutons of the Tongling region, Anhui Province, provide evidence for the magmatic underplating of mantle-derived alkali-olivine basalt at circa 140 Ma. The pyroxene and hornblende megacrysts and cumulates were formed through the AFC process at depths ranging from 27 to 35 km.
文摘Bu’s gold deposit is geographically situated in the northern side of Sawuer Mt., Western Jungar. Magmatites in Bu’s deposit including extrusive and intrusive rocks are widespread and have genetic relationship with the deposit. One volcanic suite and two intrusives are studied here. Extrusive products were formed in the Early Carboniferous with a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron age of 347 Ma and fossil ages, while intrusions have Rb-Sr isochron ages from 310 to 329 Ma and are intrusive into the Lower Carboniferous and Upper Devonian.The isotope parameters I ranges from 0. 7037 to 0. 7046, from -5. 65^+6.67 and more,goes from +5. 65~ +7. 96, displaying that they have similar material sources and are derived from mantle magmas or their derivatives. The continental crust of Zhaisang diwa region may be initially formed in the Late-Proterozoic or even more earlier and grew probably in terms of non-proportionated model like S. China, N. American and other parts in the world.
基金the support of the Department of Geology/School of Earth Sciences at University of Tasmaniathe Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National UniversityAt University of Tasmania, ‘Earth Sciences’ and ‘Centre for Ore Deposits and Exploration Studies (CODES)’
文摘Primary or parental magmas act as probes to infer eruption and source temperatures for both mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and‘hot-spot' magmas (tholeiitic picrites). The experimental petrogenetic constraints ('inverse' experiments) argue for no significant temperature differences between them. However, there are differences in major, minor and trace elements which characterise geochemical, not thermal, anomalies beneath ‘hot-spots'. We suggest that diapiric upwelling from interfaces (redox contrasts) between old subducted slab and normal MOR basalt source mantle is the major reason for the observed characteristics of island chain or ‘hot-spot' volcanism. Intraplate basalts also include widely distributed volcanic centres containing lherzolite xenoliths, i.e. mantle-derived magmas. Inverse experiments on olivine basalt, alkali oli- vine basalt, olivine basanite, olivine nephelinite, olivine melilitite and olivine leucitite (lamproite) determined liquidus phases as a function of pressure, initially under anhydrous and CO2-absent conditions. Under C- and H-absent conditions, only tholeiites to alkali olivine basalts had O1 + Opx 4-Cpx as high-pressure liquidus phases. Addition of H20 accessed olivine basanites at 2.5-3 GPa, ,- 1,200 ℃, but both CO2 and H20 were necessary to obtain saturation with O1, Opx, Cpx and Ga at 2.5-3.5 GPa for olivine nephelinite and olivine melilitite. The forward and inverse experimental studies are combined to formulate a petrogenetic grid for intraplate, ‘hot-spot' and MOR magmatism within the plate tectonics paradigm. The asthenosphere is geochemically zoned by slow upward migration of incipient melt. The solidus and phasestabilities of lherzolite with very small water contents (〈3,000 ppm) determine the thin plate behaviour of the oceanic lithosphere and thus the Earth's convection in the form of plate tectonics. There is no evidence from the parental magmas of MOR and ‘hot-spots' to support the 'deep mantle thermal plume' hypothesis. The preferred alternative is the presence of old subducted slabs, relatively buoyant and oxidised with respect to MORB source mantle and suspended or upwelling in or below the lower asthenosphere (and thus detached from overlying plate movement).
文摘This paper deals with the chemical and isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Rehai geothermal area in Tengchong county of Yunnan Province. Results indicate that there is the mantle-derived magmatic intrusion in shallow crust at this area. Modern mantle-derived mag-matic volatiles are being released currently in a steady stream by way of active faults. The escaped gases are mostly composed of CO2, together with subordinate amounts of H2S, N2, H2, CH4, SO2, CO and He. At the studied area, the north-south directed fault is the deepest, and it may be interlinked with the deep-seated thermal reservoir that would be directly recharged by the mantle-derived magmatic volatile. The He, C isotopic evidence reveals that the modern active magma beneath Rehai area may originate from the historical mantle-derived magma which caused the latest eruptive activity of volcanoes in that region.
文摘Various shaped mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) together with several mafic massifs are developed within the Yuegelu granitoid pluton in the eastern part of the Eastern Kunlun. On the basis of detailed field geological surveying and of the results of the petrological and geo-chemical studies it is suggested that there must be some ge-netic relationship among the granodiorite host, the MMEs and the hornblende (Hb)-gabbro massifs. Magmatic zircon grains are extracted from samples of granodiorite host rock, Hb-gabbro and the MMEs for U-Pb dating. The U-Pb ages are determined by using SHRIMP Ⅱ technique, which yields the ages of 242±6 Ma, 239±6 Ma and 241±5 Ma, respectively. The overall correspondence in the U-Pb dating results of them excludes the possibility that the MMEs in the granitoids are solid refractory relics from the source region or that they are xenoliths from the wall rocks. It can also rule out the possibility of a later emplacement of basic magma after the solidification of the granitoids. This dating result indicates that they are the products of magma mixing in early-mid Triassic epoch. Among them the granitoid host is chemically akin to the acidic end member during the magma mixing process, the Hb-gabbro is akin to the basic ones while the MMEs are the incompletely mixed basic magma clots trapped in the acidic magma. Combined with the results from other researches on this pluton it is reasonable to con-sider that in the mid-Triassic the Eastern Kunlun granitoid belt had undergone a process of magma mixing between the mantle-derived basic magma and the crustal acidic magma which indicates that the injection of mantle materials and energy into the crust and the reactions between them played an important role in the formation of the granitoid rocks.
基金jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40173006 and 49133009)the Key Project of the Ministry of Education(No.03106)
文摘Gas concentrations and isotopic compositions of He and CO2 were determined on free gas samples from ten hot springs of the Rehai geothermal field, Tengchong, China. The results showed that hot-spring CO2 gas, together with He, was derived mainly from the mantle, indicating the accumulation of mantle-derived volatiles beneath the survey area. The δ 13C values of CO2, higher than those of the typical mantle-derived carbon and the isotopic composition of hot-spring-free CO2 in unequilibrium with dissolved CO2, are recognized only in the Rehai geothermal field, suggesting that there seems to be a still-degassing magmatic intrusion at depths, which provides mantle-derived volatiles to the hydrothermal system above. The accumulation of those volatiles has probably played an important role in triggering earthquakes in this region. In addition, the isotopic characteristics of He and C also indicate that the magmatic intrusion seems to have been derived from the MORB source, and could be contaminated by crustal materials during its upwelling through the continental crust.
基金the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation the Key Project (No.9502010)of the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources+1 种基金 the National Key BasicResearch Project (No.G1999043211) the NationalScience Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Grant(No.49925306).
文摘Taking the Himalayan granitoids around Kunjirap in the western Qinghai-Tibetplateau as an example, the authors present in this paper the characteristics of the granitoids richin mantle-derived fluid components and discuss their rock-forming mechanism. The research resultsindicate that the rock assemblage of the studied granitoids involves diopside syenite-diopsidegranite-biotite (monzonitic) granite, consisting mainly of K-feldspar, oligoclase, quartz,iron-phlogolite, diopside and edenite. The rocks are rich in mantle-derived fluid components ofvolatiles including F, alkali metal elements such as K, Na, Rb, Sr and Ha, and radiogenicheat-producing elements such as U and Th. They were generated by the influx of mantle-derived fluidsinto the lower crest to give rise to partial melting during the lithosphere thinning in theQinghai-Tibet plateau.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 49972034the National 973 Project of China grant G1999043211
文摘We have analyzed the gold content of 65 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China, which is found to be inhomogeneous, falling in the ranges of 1.0×109-8.2×109 (averaging 3.8 ×10-9) and 0.2×10-9-5.3×10-9 (averaging 2.7×10-9) in the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host basalts respectively. Except the samples from Wanquan County of Hebei Province and Anding County of Hainan Province, the gold content is the highest on the margins of the North China platform and decreases spatially towards the north and south, and temporally the samples of the Tertiary have a higher gold content than those of the Quaternary. The gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths and the host Paleozoic kimberlites is 3.8×10-9-180×109and 0.1×10-9-38.0×10-9 respectively, which are higher than that in the mantle-derived xenoliths in basalt and the host Cenozoic basalts. The mantle-derived xenoliths have a higher gold content than the host rocks, but their relativity is not very clear, suggesting that the genetic relationship between them is complex. Our data indicate that the average gold content of the lithospheric mantle in eastern China is approximately equal to or approaching 3.8×10-9, which is lower than the average abundance of the upper mantle (5.0×10-9), higher than the average abundance of the continental crust (3.0×10-9) and only slightly higher than the average abundance of the lower continental crust (3.4×10-9). Except the samples from Hainan Province, the mantle-derived xenoliths in basalts with a high gold content are distributed on the two margins of the North China platform, corresponding to the gold deposits-concentrated districts in northwest Hebei Province and Shandong Province, showing the control by the old continental lithospheric mantle and the lower continental crust on the margins of the North China platform. The gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths from Hainan Province ranges from 7.1×10-9 to 15×10-9, suggesting that some blocks of the lithospheric mantle in Hainan Province may be derived from the ancient gold-rich lithospheric mantle of western Australia and that Hainan Province may possibly be an important gold deposits-concentrated district. Some mantle-derived xenoliths in kimberlite of Shandong Province have an excessively high gold content amounting to 180×10-9, which provides new evidence for the possibility of 'finding gold deposits near kimberlite pipes or alkali-basalt volcanic vents'. Thererfore, the gold content of the mantle-derived xenoliths may be an indicator to the distribution of gold deposits-concentrated districts.
文摘Based on summarizing of the effect of mantle-derived fluid on the formation of ores, especially on gold ore, and with the latest investigations, such as the formation of ore from the action of shallow-deep fluid, the transportation effect of the thermal energy by mantle-derived fluid, this paper mainly aims at the effect of mantle-derived fluid on the generation of hydrocarbons. With the proof from geochemistry and fluid inclusion, it was suggested that the mantle-derived fluid not only supplied source materials for hydrocarbons, but also supplied essential energy and matter necessary for the generation of hydrocarbons. The mantle-derived fluid had a good effect, but at the same time it had an adverse effect under specific conditions, on the formation of reservoirs. This paper also discusses the future direction and significance of studying mantle-derived fluid.
文摘This paper discusses the discrimination principles. deduction and methods for probing into the source composition of mantle-derived magma. The magmatophile (incompatible) source elements are not all optimal tracers for mantle source composition. The ratios of two strong magmatophile elements (D<1) or the ratios of two trace elements with the same D value are not controlled by the formation mode and evolution degree of a magma, but maintain the characteristics of their composition in mantle source region prior to the magma formation. The ratios are related to different mantle-crust structures and dynamics. The mantle source composition of the Emeishan Basalt series is similar to that of the South Atlantic Rio Grande Rise-Walvis Ridge Basalts and Brazil continental-margin basalts. This may indicate that these basalt series might have similar source regions and tectonic environments.
文摘Phlogopiie-and diopside-bearing dunite occurs as rounded inclusions in hornblende-diorite. Thepetrofabrics, mineral composition and abundances of the trace elements in the dunite indicate that the inclu-sions were derived from the upper mantle and are the residues of high-degree partial melting of mantlepeirdotite. The study of trace elements in the inclusions and their host rocks shows that the magma was origi-nated from the mantle which was enriched in incompatible elements by mantle metasomatism prior to the par-tial melting.
文摘During several decades of exploration, a number of mantle-derived natural gas pools have been discovered in the vicinities of deep faults in the Songliao Basin, northeastern China. The natural gas in these pools has a δ13C1 value of ?16.50/00 to ?24.20/00, a reversed arrangement in the amount of carbon isotopes in methane and its endogamous products (namely, δ13C1 >δ13C2 >δ13C3 >δ13C4), a 3He/4He value of 1.97 to 2.34×10-6,and an Ar/36Ar value of 1063 to 1949. This indicates a mantle 40 source for the natural gas. The trace elements Cd, In, Te and Re, never found in organic-sourced hydrocarbons, are highly enriched in certain crude oils from the Basin; respectively, concentrations of these elements were found to be 751, 28, 16 and 323 times the average crustal values in China, and this also supports a mantle-derived natural gas origin. The characteristics of mantled-derived magmatic rocks, hydrothermal fluids and gaseous fractions distributed in and near the deep Songliao Basin faults indicate that rifting tectonics is providing the mechanisms for this outgassing of the mantle. Deep extensional (normal) faults provide pathways for upward movement of these materials, and in the Songliao Basin, these deep rift fault zones are associated with reservoir occurrence and cap rock seals, forming good sites for accumulation of mantle-derived natural gas. Furthermore, a layer of low velocity, low density and high conductivity in the deep crust has been identified as a potential reservoir for mantle-derived natural gas.
文摘: The colours and chemical composition variations of 160 spinels in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China and their petrogeneses have been studied in detail. The relationships between major elements of spinels are discussed. The equilibrium temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities of spinels and their coexisting olivines, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes have been determined using the Brey—kohler's T—P calculation methods (1990) and Ballhaus' fo2 calculation method (1991). The relationships between the composition and the equilibrium temperatures, pressures or oxygen fugacities of spinels in peridotite xenoliths from the basalts and the stable field of the spinels in the upper mantle have been shown.
文摘The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to determine the origin of the mafic enclaves and their relationship with the host granitoids of the Kan granite-gneiss complex. This study also provides new information on crust-mantle interactions. The mafic enclaves of the Kan vary in shape and size and have intermediate chemical compositions. The diagrams used show a number of similarities in the major elements (and often in the trace elements) between the mafic enclaves and the host granitoids. Geochemical show that the Kan rock are metaluminous, enriched in silica, medium to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. The similarities reflect a mixing of basic and acid magma. Mafic enclaves have a typical magmatic structure, which is characterized by magma mixing. The genesis of these rocks is associated with the context of subduction. They result from the mixing of a mafic magma originating from the mantle and linked to subduction, and a granitic magma (type I granite) that arises from the partial melting of the crust.
基金supported by the Iran National Science Foundation(INSF)(Grant No.98012578)projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41473033,41673031)。
文摘The Hesar pluton in the northern Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc hosts numerous mafic-microgranular enclaves(MMEs).Whole rock geochemistry,mineral chemistry,zircon U-Pb and Sr-Nd isotopes were measured.It is suggested that the rocks are metaluminous(A/CNK=1.32-1.45),subduction-related I-type calc-alkaline gabbro to diorite with similar mineral assemblages and geochemical signatures.The host rocks yielded an U-Pb crystallization age of 37.3±0.4 Ma for gabbro-diorite.MMEs have relatively low SiO_(2) contents(52.9-56.6 wt%)and high Mg^(#)(49.8-58.7),probably reflecting a mantle-derived origin.Chondrite-and mantle-normalized trace element patterns are characterized by LREE and LILE enrichment,HREE and HFSE depletion with slight negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu^(*)=0.86-1.03).The host rocks yield(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i) ratios of 0.70492-0.70510,positive ε_(Nd)(t)values of+1.55-+2.06 and T_(DM2)of 707-736 Ma,which is consistent with the associated mafic microgranular enclaves((^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)_(i)=0.705014,ε_(Nd)(t)=+1.75,T_(DM2)=729 Ma).All data suggest magma-mixing for enclave and host rock formation,showing a complete equilibration between mixed-mafic and felsic magmas,followed by rapid diffusion.The T_(DM1)(Nd)and T_(DM2)(Nd)model ages and U-Pb dating indicate that the host pluton was produced by partial melting of the lower continental crust and subsequent mixing with injected lithospheric mantlederived magmas in a pre-collisional setting of Arabian-Eurasian plates.Clinopyroxene composition indicates a crystallization temperature of~1000℃ and a depth of~9 km.
基金funded by the Faculty of Geography under the scheme of“Dana Hibah Penelitian Mandiri Dosen Tahun 2023 Tahap 1”。
文摘Ten rock samples consisting of one pyroclastic density current(PDC1)deposit,seven lava flows(LF1–7),and two summit lava domes(LD1,2)were studied to understand the petrogenesis and magma dynamics at Mt.Sumbing.The stratigraphy is arranged as LF1,PDC1,LF2,LF3,LF4,LF5,LF6,LF7,LD1,and LD2;furthermore,these rocks were divided into two types.TypeⅠ,observed in the oldest(LF1)sample,has poor MgO and high Ba/Nb,Th/Yb and Sr.The remaining samples(PDC1–LD2)represent typeⅡ,characterized by high MgO and low Ba/Nb,Th/Yb and Sr values.We suggest that type I is derived from AOC(altered oceanic crust)-rich melts that underwent significant crustal assimilation,while typeⅡoriginates from mantle-rich melts with less significant crustal assimilation.The early stage of typeⅡmagma(PDC1–LF3)was considered a closed system,evolving basaltic andesite into andesite(55.0–60.2 wt%SiO_(2))with a progressively increasing phenocryst(0.30–0.48φ_(PC))and decreasing crystal size distribution(CSD)slope(from-3.9 to-2.9).The evidence of fluctuating silica and phenocryst contents(between 55.9–59.7 wt%and 0.25–0.41φ_(PC),respectively),coupled with the kinked and steep(from-5.0 to-3.3)CSD curves imply the interchanging condition between open(i.e.,magma mixing)and closed magmatic systems during the middle stage(LF4–LF6).Finally,it underwent to closed system again during the final stage(LF7–LD2)because the magma reached dacitic composition(at most 68.9 wt%SiO_(2))with abundant phenocryst(0.38–0.45φ_(PC))and gentle CSD slope(from-4.1 to-1.2).
文摘The presented research illustrates the applicability and productiveness of the systematic literature review methodology, a non-empirical methodology in the geological sciences, particularly volcanology. The systematic literature review methodology is a replicable, rigorous, and transparent methodology for synthesizing existing literature to answer questions on a specific topic. The synthesis allows for knowledge consolidation, such as identifying knowledge gaps. In our illustration of this methodology, we focused on the expanding knowledge about the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon, one of Africa’s active volcanoes. Our synthesis of the relevant international geoscience research literature is based on the framework of knowledge about the magma pathway beneath a typical basaltic volcano. The framework has three primary components: magma supply, storage, and transport to erupting vents. Across these components is a total of twelve secondary components. The result is a previously non-existent and fragmented overall understanding of the magma pathway at Mount Cameroon. The gaps in the understanding (such as in the magma supply rates, timescales of chamber processes, and magma ascent rates) may be addressed in future research. Another key implication of the presented research lies in the proof of concept of the systematic literature review methodology as an applicable qualitative research methodology in the study of volcanoes.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.92162210,42172096 and 41773028).
文摘There are two factors,source composition and magmatic differentiation,potentially controlling W-Sn mineralization.Which one is more important is widely debated and may need to be determined for each individual deposit.The Xitian granite batholith located in South China is a natural laboratory for investigating the above problem.It consists essentially of two separate components,formed in the Triassic at ca.226 Ma and Jurassic at ca.152 Ma,respectively.The Triassic and Jurassic rocks are both composed of porphyritic and fine-grained phases.The latter resulted from highlydifferentiated porphyritic ones but they have similar textural characteristics and mineral assemblages,indicating that they reached a similar degree of crystal fractionation.Although both fine-grained phases are highly differentiated with elevated rare metal contents,economic W–Sn mineralization is rare in the Triassic granitoids and this can be attributed to less fertile source materials than their Jurassic counterparts,with a slightly more enriched isotopic signature and whole-rockεNd(226 Ma)of−10.4 to−9.2(2σ=0.2)compared withεNd(152 Ma)of−9.2 to−8.2(2σ=0.2)for the Jurassic rocks.The initial W-Sn enrichment was derived from the metasedimentary rocks and strongly enhanced by reworking of the continental crust,culminating in the Jurassic.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 42373072, 42003032)the Open Project of Weihai Key Laboratory of Energy and Mineral Resources Investigation and Evaluation (Grant No. LDKF-2023WH-05)the China Geological Survey Project (Grant Nos. DD20190166, DD20190570 and DD20190159)
文摘Sparse felsic microgranitoid enclaves(FMEs)in the Shangshuiquan granite of the Zhangjiakou district,the north margin of the North China Craton,are fine-grained,dark-colored and exhibit subangular to subspherical shapes.They share similar mineral assemblages,chemical compositions,and zircon Hf isotope compositions to the host granite.New zircon U-Pb geochronology reveals that the FMEs crystallized at 156-153 Ma,while the Shangshuiquan granite formed at ca.146 Ma.The FEMs are,therefore,10 to 7 Ma older than the host granite.Combined with petrological evidence,we suggest that the FMEs are fragments of rapidly crystalized magmas,which were captured by the younger Shangshuiquan magma.Magmas of the FMEs and Shangshuiquan granite originated from the same reservoir.The Shangshuiquan granite is the result of small batches of magma being built up incrementally,and the FMEs belong to the earlier batches of magma.The lifespan of the Shangshuiquan magma reservoir exceeds 10 Ma.FMEs derived from cogenetic fragments have the potential to offer critical information about the formation process and timescale of granitic plutons.