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Shifting force control of an AMT heavy-duty truck based on manual shift test
作者 刘海鸥 张文胜 +1 位作者 赵亦农 王康 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2016年第2期187-193,共7页
Taking a heavy-duty truck as a research platform,the changing characteristics of shifting force,shift time,and slipping work are obtained through theoretical analysis and manual shift test of a real vehicle. Based on ... Taking a heavy-duty truck as a research platform,the changing characteristics of shifting force,shift time,and slipping work are obtained through theoretical analysis and manual shift test of a real vehicle. Based on the analysis of the test results,a gear-shifting control strategy of the hydraulic automated shift control system is designed and experimentally verified on the bench. By optimizing the control parameters of high-speed switching valves,a control strategy and parameters are obtained,which can meet the requirements of dynamic performance and reliability. 展开更多
关键词 shifting force control automated mechanical transmission (AMT) manual shift test
Design and Simulation of an Audio Signal Alerting and Automatic Control System
作者 Winfred Adjardjah John Awuah Addor +1 位作者 Wisdom Opare Isaac Mensah Ayipeh 《Communications and Network》 2023年第4期98-119,共22页
A large part of our daily lives is spent with audio information. Massive obstacles are frequently presented by the colossal amounts of acoustic information and the incredibly quick processing times. This results in th... A large part of our daily lives is spent with audio information. Massive obstacles are frequently presented by the colossal amounts of acoustic information and the incredibly quick processing times. This results in the need for applications and methodologies that are capable of automatically analyzing these contents. These technologies can be applied in automatic contentanalysis and emergency response systems. Breaks in manual communication usually occur in emergencies leading to accidents and equipment damage. The audio signal does a good job by sending a signal underground, which warrants action from an emergency management team at the surface. This paper, therefore, seeks to design and simulate an audio signal alerting and automatic control system using Unity Pro XL to substitute manual communication of emergencies and manual control of equipment. Sound data were trained using the neural network technique of machine learning. The metrics used are Fast Fourier transform magnitude, zero crossing rate, root mean square, and percentage error. Sounds were detected with an error of approximately 17%;thus, the system can detect sounds with an accuracy of 83%. With more data training, the system can detect sounds with minimal or no error. The paper, therefore, has critical policy implications about communication, safety, and health for underground mine. 展开更多
关键词 Emergency Response Emergency Management Team Audio Signal Alerting Automatic control System Uni Pro XL manual Communication Fast Fourier Transform Magnitude Zero Crossing Rate Root Means Square
作者 吴浩 《客车技术与研究》 2024年第3期31-34,共4页
关键词 辅助驾驶 坡道起步 模糊控制 手动挡
作者 周勇 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期131-136,共6页
以四川省某白酒厂半敞开式白酒库的室内消防系统为例,结合规范对白酒库中不同尺寸规格金属白酒储罐的消防设计要求,对泡沫灭火系统、消防冷却水系统类型进行合理的选择。室内消火栓系统采用了喷雾消火栓和辅助泡沫消火栓相结合的方式来... 以四川省某白酒厂半敞开式白酒库的室内消防系统为例,结合规范对白酒库中不同尺寸规格金属白酒储罐的消防设计要求,对泡沫灭火系统、消防冷却水系统类型进行合理的选择。室内消火栓系统采用了喷雾消火栓和辅助泡沫消火栓相结合的方式来处理流散火灾。同时在泡沫灭火系统和消防冷却水系统控制方面增加了手动控制面板,减少因误操作对白酒储存带来的损失,对系统可靠性方面做出了一定的提高。 展开更多
关键词 半敞开式白酒库 泡沫灭火系统 消防冷却水系统 流散火灾 手动控制面板 系统可靠性
作者 徐艳霞 张林栋 +2 位作者 吕蒙 刘文烈 王瑞华 《云南化工》 CAS 2024年第3期110-114,共5页
某厂甲醇精馏装置为了节能降耗、提高产量、提高装置自动化水平、降低操作人员劳动强度,引进了一套“零手操”智能控制系统。系统的应用统一了工艺操作模式,把操作人员从繁重的工作事务中解放出来,实现了从“操作员”到“监控员”的转变... 某厂甲醇精馏装置为了节能降耗、提高产量、提高装置自动化水平、降低操作人员劳动强度,引进了一套“零手操”智能控制系统。系统的应用统一了工艺操作模式,把操作人员从繁重的工作事务中解放出来,实现了从“操作员”到“监控员”的转变,同时实现蒸汽消耗降低1.2%、增产0.3%,产生可观的经济效益,为企业可持续发展带来了更大的竞争优势。 展开更多
关键词 甲醇精馏 煤制甲醇 先进控制技术 零手操控制技术 自动化
作者 杨鸣 《科技创新与生产力》 2024年第2期93-95,98,共4页
本文指出在GB 51309-2018《消防应急照明和疏散指示系统技术标准》中,对消防应急照明系统和疏散指示系统的控制,有着详细的标准要求及规定,控制方式可采用集中控制型、非集中控制型;但是当火灾确认后未设置区域火灾自动报警系统的非集... 本文指出在GB 51309-2018《消防应急照明和疏散指示系统技术标准》中,对消防应急照明系统和疏散指示系统的控制,有着详细的标准要求及规定,控制方式可采用集中控制型、非集中控制型;但是当火灾确认后未设置区域火灾自动报警系统的非集中控制型系统如何实现手动控制并未明确,手动应急启动开关的安装、手动控制责任人的确定、手动控制应急启动开关时机的确定是比较突出的问题。针对这一问题,经过系统的分析后,本文认为可以通过采用小型应急照明控制器、安装应急启动开关和断电应急启动3种方案来实现手动控制。 展开更多
关键词 消防 应急照明 疏散 非集中控制 手动控制
作者 李亚东 刘伟 王嘉豪 《建筑技术开发》 2024年第3期123-125,共3页
消防水泵的启动分为手动、自动,其中消防控制室火灾报警控制器的手动控制分为总线控制盘启动和多线控制盘启动。目前消防水泵控制柜关于多线控制盘手动启/停消防水泵的二次控制回路,不管是相关图集以及不同厂家的产品均存在不同的做法... 消防水泵的启动分为手动、自动,其中消防控制室火灾报警控制器的手动控制分为总线控制盘启动和多线控制盘启动。目前消防水泵控制柜关于多线控制盘手动启/停消防水泵的二次控制回路,不管是相关图集以及不同厂家的产品均存在不同的做法和差异。研究就相关规范、图集为依据针对消防水泵控制柜的二次控制原理进行分析,并对工程实践提出参考建议,以达到消防水泵控制的合理性和安全性。 展开更多
关键词 消防水泵控制柜 手动启动 多线控制盘直启
作者 程静菲 孙军奎 《科技资讯》 2024年第3期4-8,共5页
座舱显示与控制系统是飞机航空电子系统的重要组成部分。航空电子系统的高速发展,对座舱显示系统的综合化、模块化和人机交互的要求越来越高。这些人机交互通过多功能显示器上的画面显示和多功能窗口格式调用以及飞行员的控制器输入来... 座舱显示与控制系统是飞机航空电子系统的重要组成部分。航空电子系统的高速发展,对座舱显示系统的综合化、模块化和人机交互的要求越来越高。这些人机交互通过多功能显示器上的画面显示和多功能窗口格式调用以及飞行员的控制器输入来实现。对显示画面控制提供了一种有效的设计方法,通过综合模块化航电显示控制和综合显示单元显示控制对多功能显示器的画面的窗口分配,以及飞行员通过多功能控制器对主菜单和快捷菜单的选择,实现不同画面的切换和显示;并对显示内容的手动画面重构和显示器失效时自动画面重构提供相应的显示画面重构方法,以保证重要的显示画面和飞行员需要调用的显示画面始终可以在显示器上正常显示。 展开更多
关键词 座舱显示与控制系统 人机交互 显示控制 手动显示重构 自动显示重构
作者 周强 张苏锋 《中国氯碱》 CAS 2024年第3期44-48,共5页
关键词 活性炭纤维 吸附 先进过程控制 零手动
作者 邱东声 张旭亮 +4 位作者 刘忠连 徐建 金波 郭巧霞 林志强 《全面腐蚀控制》 2024年第1期110-114,共5页
常减压装置是原油加工的第一道工序,由于原油中含有腐蚀性介质复杂,因此常减压装置整体腐蚀风险较高,安全隐患较大。某石化企业基于腐蚀控制手册的指导内容,对该企业的常减压装置中进行了腐蚀检查。腐蚀控制手册系统的描述了装置的工艺... 常减压装置是原油加工的第一道工序,由于原油中含有腐蚀性介质复杂,因此常减压装置整体腐蚀风险较高,安全隐患较大。某石化企业基于腐蚀控制手册的指导内容,对该企业的常减压装置中进行了腐蚀检查。腐蚀控制手册系统的描述了装置的工艺流程、选材情况、腐蚀机理、腐蚀回路分析及防控策略,对停工检修期间所发现的易腐蚀部位进行了预测并提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 常减压装置 腐蚀控制手册 腐蚀分析
作者 宁涛 《汽车实用技术》 2024年第11期51-55,共5页
文章对靶车线控底盘的挡位自动控制系统进行了研究,将传统手动挡杆控制机构改造成可具备自动换挡控制的能力,在机械结构上设计了一套可实现挡杆控制的换挡机构,通过控制X方向和Y方向上的两个推杆电机,实现挡位的切换。控制上开发了专用... 文章对靶车线控底盘的挡位自动控制系统进行了研究,将传统手动挡杆控制机构改造成可具备自动换挡控制的能力,在机械结构上设计了一套可实现挡杆控制的换挡机构,通过控制X方向和Y方向上的两个推杆电机,实现挡位的切换。控制上开发了专用的挡位控制器,可控制双路电机的正反转和行程距离的精确控制,且具备挡位反馈功能,可实现闭环控制。控制软件上设计了一套完整的控制逻辑,通过对挡位控制器发送具体的挡位控制指令,可实现对靶车线控底盘进行挡位控制。 展开更多
关键词 靶车 线控底盘 手动挡杆 自动换挡机构 挡位控制
作者 潘圣浩 《铁路通信信号工程技术》 2024年第5期38-41,74,共5页
目前普速铁路使用QJK实现区间占用逻辑检查功能时,通过人工解锁盘进行闭塞分区占用丢失解锁,客专线路使用TCC实现区间占用逻辑检查功能时,通过CTC进行闭塞分区占用丢失解锁。提出普速铁路中采用CTC设备取代QJK设备人工解锁盘的方案,通... 目前普速铁路使用QJK实现区间占用逻辑检查功能时,通过人工解锁盘进行闭塞分区占用丢失解锁,客专线路使用TCC实现区间占用逻辑检查功能时,通过CTC进行闭塞分区占用丢失解锁。提出普速铁路中采用CTC设备取代QJK设备人工解锁盘的方案,通过对不同站型的分析,采取CTC设备增加接口的方式设计取代QJK设备人工解锁盘方案,可提高人工解锁盘功能的扩展性,并在施工和运营维护方面也具有明显优势。 展开更多
关键词 人工解锁盘 调度集中系统 列车调度指挥系统
打造数智竞争优势 提升盐酸合成装置运行品质
作者 李琳 《氯碱工业》 CAS 2024年第5期26-30,共5页
关键词 吸收水 氯气 氢气 流量 在线分析 人工分析 偏差 先进过程控制
作者 钱力 张海峰 +2 位作者 陈历泉 罗忠辉 刘文浩 《铁道通信信号》 2024年第8期77-81,共5页
《铁路行车组织规则》明确要求转换行车控制权时,车站值班员和列车调度员需人工核对设备状态。目前双方主要通过电话进行设备状态核对,工作量较大,且存在易错核漏核的风险。为克服这些不足,在不改变CTC整体架构的前提下,提出一种仅修改... 《铁路行车组织规则》明确要求转换行车控制权时,车站值班员和列车调度员需人工核对设备状态。目前双方主要通过电话进行设备状态核对,工作量较大,且存在易错核漏核的风险。为克服这些不足,在不改变CTC整体架构的前提下,提出一种仅修改软件逻辑的设备状态校核方案。建立一个完备的数据仓储,以保存CTC系统设备状态;优化助调台和车务终端的软件逻辑,实现CTC系统设备状态校核功能和助调操作主调确认的校核卡控功能。经现场应用验证,由CTC系统代替人工进行设备状态校核,可显著减轻操作人员的劳动强度和安全压力,进一步提升行车指挥效率,确保铁路行车安全。 展开更多
关键词 调度集中 操作方式 控制权 人工校核 数据仓储 自动校核
作者 Lei Yulong Gao Bingzhao +2 位作者 Tian Hua Ge Anlin Yan Su 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期429-433,共5页
Combining with the development of automated manual transmission (AMT), the various throttle control demands are analyzed under different working conditions of AMT such as tracking acceleration pedal, start, shift an... Combining with the development of automated manual transmission (AMT), the various throttle control demands are analyzed under different working conditions of AMT such as tracking acceleration pedal, start, shift and so on. Based on simulation, the responding throttle control strategies are proposed, and a simple but effective throttle control method is presented. The testing results have proved that the strategies are effective for improving the pedal tracking precision and the qualities of start and shift. 展开更多
关键词 Electronic throttle control Automated manual transmission Integrated powertrain control
A Design of a PID Self-Tuning Controller Using LabVIEW 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad A. K. Alia Tariq M. Younes Shibel Al Subah 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2011年第3期161-171,共11页
In this paper a trial has been made to design a simple self-tuning LabVIEW-based PID controller. The controller uses an open-loop relay test, calculates the tuned parameters in an open loop mode of operation before it... In this paper a trial has been made to design a simple self-tuning LabVIEW-based PID controller. The controller uses an open-loop relay test, calculates the tuned parameters in an open loop mode of operation before it updates controller parameters and runs the process as a closed-loop system. The controller reacts on a persistent offset error value as a result of load disturbance or a set point change. Practical results show that such a controller may be recommended to control a variety of industrial processes. A GUI was developed to facilitate control-mode selection, the setting of controller parameters, and the display of control system variables. GUI makes it possible to put the controller in manual or self-tuning mode. 展开更多
关键词 PID control manual Tuning SELF-TUNING OPEN-LOOP RELAY Test Process Variable System OFFSET Error
Executive functioning in TBI from rehabilitation to social reintegration: COMPASS^(goal), a randomized controlled trial(grant: 1I01RX000637-01A3 by the VA ORD RR&D, 2013–2016) 被引量:1
作者 Alexander V.Libin Joel Scholten +11 位作者 Manon Maitland Schladen Ellen Danford Nawar Shara Walter Penk Jordan Grafman Linda Resnik Dwan Bruner Samantha Cichon Miriam Philmon Brenda Tsai Marc Blackman Alexander Dromerick 《Military Medical Research》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期181-200,共20页
Background: Traumatic brain injury is a major health problem that frequently leads to deficits in executive function. Self-regulation processes, such as goal-setting, may become disordered after traumatic brain injury... Background: Traumatic brain injury is a major health problem that frequently leads to deficits in executive function. Self-regulation processes, such as goal-setting, may become disordered after traumatic brain injury, particularly when the frontal regions of the brain and their connections are involved. Such impairments reduce injured veterans' ability to return to work or school and to regain satisfactory personal lives. Understanding the neurologically disabling effects of brain injury on executive function is necessary for both the accurate diagnosis of impairment and the individual tailoring of rehabilitation processes to help returning service members recover independent function.Methods/design: The COMPASSgoal(Community Participation through Self-Efficacy Skills Development) program develops and tests a novel patient-centered intervention framework for community reintegration psychosocial research in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. COMPASSgoal integrates the principles and best practices of goal self-management. Goal setting is a core skill in self-management training by which persons with chronic health conditions learn to improve their status and decrease symptom effects. Over a three-year period, COMPASSgoal will recruit 110 participants with residual executive dysfunction three months or more post-injury. Inclusion criteria combine both clinical diagnosis and standardized scores that are >1 SD from the normative score on the Frontal Systems Rating Scale. Participants are randomized into two groups: goal-management(intervention) and supported discharge(control). The intervention is administered in eight consecutive, weekly sessions. Assessments occur at enrollment, post-intervention/supported discharge, and three months post-treatment follow-up.Discussion: Goal management is part of the "natural language" of rehabilitation. However, collaborative goal-setting between clinicians/case managers and clients can be hindered by the cognitive deficits that follow brain injury. Re-training returning veterans with brain injury in goal management, with appropriate help and support, would essentially treat deficits in executive function. A structured approach to goal self-management may foster greater independence and self-efficacy, help veterans gain insight into goals that are realistic for them at a given time, and help clinicians and veterans to work more effectively as true collaborators. 展开更多
关键词 Executive function Traumatic brain injury GOAL-SETTING Community reintegration VETERANS Randomized controlled trial manualized psychosocial intervention
世界卫生组织《结核病实验室加强实用手册(2022更新)》解读及对加强我国结核病实验室网络建设的启示 被引量:1
作者 夏辉 赵雁林 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS CSCD 2023年第5期458-463,共6页
2023年1月,世界卫生组织发布了《结核病实验室加强实用手册(2022更新)》。本手册系统更新并描述了实验室网络加强的相关内容,为了便于相关人员更充分地了解本手册的内容,笔者就该手册的重点内容进行概括和解读,并提出加强我国结核病实... 2023年1月,世界卫生组织发布了《结核病实验室加强实用手册(2022更新)》。本手册系统更新并描述了实验室网络加强的相关内容,为了便于相关人员更充分地了解本手册的内容,笔者就该手册的重点内容进行概括和解读,并提出加强我国结核病实验室网络建设的思考。 展开更多
关键词 结核 实验室手册 质量控制 指南
Human-Simulating Intelligent PID Control
作者 Zhuning Liu 《International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application》 2017年第2期74-83,共10页
Motivated by PID control simplicity, robustness and validity to deal with the nonlinearity and uncertainties of dynamics, through simulating the intelligent behavior of human manual control, and only using the element... Motivated by PID control simplicity, robustness and validity to deal with the nonlinearity and uncertainties of dynamics, through simulating the intelligent behavior of human manual control, and only using the elementary information on hand, this paper introduces a simple formulation to represent prior knowledge and experiences of human manual control, and proposes a simple and practicable control law, named Human-Simulating Intelligent PID control (HSI-PID), and the simple tuning rules with the explicit physical meaning. HSI-PID control can not only easily incorporate prior knowledge and experiences of experts control into the controller but also automatically acquire knowledge of control experiences from the past control behavior to correct the control action online. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that: HSI-PID control has the better flexibility, stronger robustness, and especially the faster self-learning ability, and it can make the motion of system identically track the desired response, whether the controlled system has the strong nonlinearity and uncertainties of dynamics or not, even under the actions of uncertain, varying-time and strong disturbances. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear control PID control manual control KNOWLEDGE-BASED control INTELLIGENT control
Evaluation of Control Strategies for Cymbopogon nardus in Grazing Areas of Uganda
作者 Gilbert Steven Byenkya Gadi Gumisinza Howard Kasigwa 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第9期656-660,共5页
关键词 控制策略 乌干达 香茅 评估 草甘膦除草剂 物种多样性 手动控制 牧区
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