The aim of this study was to compare the scores of maternal self-efficacy for child diarrhoea prevention, between intervention and control groups, according to sanitary, social and demographic characteristics. A rando...The aim of this study was to compare the scores of maternal self-efficacy for child diarrhoea prevention, between intervention and control groups, according to sanitary, social and demographic characteristics. A randomised clinical trial was carried out on 163 mothers of children under 5 years old. Data collection was conducted during two months, at two different moments (M0 and M1);at the moment M0 only the intervention group watched the educational video to promote self-efficacy for child diarrhoea prevention;at M1 (two months later) the scale was applied to both groups. In the intervention group, greater mean self-efficacy scores were obtained compared with the control group. The following variables showed statistically significant associations (p < 0.05) with maternal self-efficacy: age 35 or over;high school education;working outside the home;residence with 4 to 5 people;house not of brick or mortar;public refuse collection;piped water supply;consumption of mineral water;and public sewerage network. After use of the video “Diarrhoea: you can prevent it”, the maternal self-efficacy increased, proving that this strategy is able to assist the nursing staff in educational practices.展开更多
Background: Dying in childbirth is one of the most common causes of death for women. While maternal mortality rates, defined as deaths per 100,000 live births, have been steadily dropping in most countries worldwide, ...Background: Dying in childbirth is one of the most common causes of death for women. While maternal mortality rates, defined as deaths per 100,000 live births, have been steadily dropping in most countries worldwide, maternal mortality rates have doubled in the United States in the last twenty years. This commentary examines the various contributing factors to this trend. Methods: A literature review was performed using the keywords: maternal mortality, United States, disrespectful maternity care, obstetric violence, provider perspectives, and disparities. Maternal mortality statistics were obtained from the World Health Organization website. Results: Medical factors associated with maternal mortality include increased maternal age and cardiovascular conditions. Social factors include barriers to healthcare access, delays in receiving medical care, reduction in reproductive health services in some states, and non-obstetrical deaths such as accidents, domestic violence, and suicide. Racial inequities and disparities of care are reflected in higher maternal mortality rates for minorities and people of color. Disrespectful maternity care or obstetric violence has been reported worldwide as a factor in delay of lifesaving obstetrical care and reluctance by a pregnant person to access the healthcare system. About one in five US women has reported experiencing mistreatment, varying from verbal abuse to lack of privacy, from coerced procedures to neglect during childbirth. Conclusion: This commentary highlights the importance of inclusion of providers in research on respectful maternity care. Provider burnout, moral distress, limited time, and burden of clinical responsibilities are known challenges to respectful and comprehensive medical care. The association of disrespectful care with poor maternal outcomes needs to be studied. Exploring root causes of disrespectful childbirth care can empower nurses, midwives, and physicians to improve their environment and find solutions to reduce a potential cause of maternal mortality.展开更多
Introduction: Also known as maternal burnout syndrome, maternal burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion generated by prolonged stress in the family environment. It is experienced by women in th...Introduction: Also known as maternal burnout syndrome, maternal burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion generated by prolonged stress in the family environment. It is experienced by women in their role as mothers. Those affected can develop psychological disorders, sleep disturbances, etc., all of which impair their day-to-day lives, and thus their maternal role. The repercussions affect both the child and other family members. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate maternal burnout among female users of public and private health facilities in the commune of Parakou in 2023. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2022 to July 2023 among all mothers using public and private health facilities in the commune of Parakou. All healthy mothers with at least one biological or adoptive child fully dependent on them and living at home, who came for a consultation in one of the health facilities or for an appointment at the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) and gave their free and informed consent. Sampling was done for non-exhaustive convenience were included in the study. Burnout was assessed using the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) scale. Results: A total of 888 mothers meeting the inclusion criteria were surveyed. The prevalence of burnout calculated using the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) scale was 6.19%. The risk factors for maternal burnout were poor relationships with family and friends (OR = 8.90;p = 0.045), moderate (OR = 11.71;p = 0.020) and severe depression (OR = 40.85;p = 0.001), followed by the presence of repeated nocturnal awakening (OR = 5.14;p = 0.014). Conclusion: This is a subject that is almost never discussed in African society, but whose reality is revealed by the present study, which provided statistical data on maternal burnout. From now on, the risk of burnout will no longer be discussed solely in the family context. It will also need to be explored within the family unit to prevent its deleterious consequences for children and adults alike.展开更多
Introduction: Pregnancies at advanced maternal age (AMA) are those occurring after the age of 35 years old. They carry a high risk of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, thus constituting a public health problem. ...Introduction: Pregnancies at advanced maternal age (AMA) are those occurring after the age of 35 years old. They carry a high risk of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, thus constituting a public health problem. Several African countries have reported an upward trend in both the age of childbirth and the frequency of women with AMA over the past 20 years. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality remain very high, data on AMA pregnancies go back more than 20 years. Objective: We propose evaluating obstetrical outcomes among women in AMA in our setting and the associated factors. Methods: This retrospective cohort study will be conducted in two healthcare facilities (ESS) in Kinshasa. The study population will consist of all women who delivered a single fetus after 28 weeks of gestation between January 2012 and December 2022 (10 years) in the selected ESS. The data collected will be analyzed using R software version 4.2.0. Quantitative variables will be summarized as means with standard deviation or medians with interquartile range. Qualitative variables will be presented as proportions (%). Multivariate logistic regression will be used to determine the main maternal-fetal complications associated with AMA and predictors of obstetric outcomes. P Discussion: The high maternal and infant mortality rates in DRC are among the highest in the world. The context of maternal age has become a topic of growing interest due to its potential implications for the health of women and newborns, it is crucial to identify the risk factors associated with obstetric outcomes by identifying obstetrical outcomes associated with advanced maternal age in the DRC. Many Congolese women tend to start their maternity journey at a relatively young age. However, there is also an emerging trend towards delayed childbearing, particularly in urban areas and among women with access to education and family planning services. Conclusion: The results of this study will enable us to update the frequency of AMA pregnancies in our environment. The socio-demographic and clinical profile of these pregnancies will be determined. The main maternal-fetal complications associated with AMA in our setting and the associated factors will be identified.展开更多
Introduction: The greatest effect of maternal mortality is renowned in children aged 2 - 5 months whose mothers had died. Children whose mothers died due to maternal complications were likely to record a higher mortal...Introduction: The greatest effect of maternal mortality is renowned in children aged 2 - 5 months whose mothers had died. Children whose mothers died due to maternal complications were likely to record a higher mortality in infancy compared to children of surviving mothers. Motherless children mostly suffer a lot due to lack of day-to-day care, isolation, lack of motivation as well as economic cost associated with mother’s death. Thus, the purpose of this study was to ascertain the lives of children whose mothers passed away during childbirth at the Sagnarigu Municipality. Methods: This quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out at the Sagnarigu Municipal. The study recruited 297 respondents. To assess the effects of maternal death on the lives of children, families that experienced maternal death were assessed. The number of pregnancies experienced by the deceased woman, pregnancy-related complaints experienced, determinants of maternal death, number of children alive, and their standard of living were assessed with the aid of a structured questionnaire. Results: The data showed that negligence, illiteracy, poor road access, poverty, ignorance, delays in recognizing the problem, delays in making appropriate decisions, delays in the health facility, delays in giving the appropriate treatments, and traditional beliefs were some of the factors that led to maternal death in the Sagnarigu Municipality. Conclusion: The study concluded that determinants of maternal death in the Sagnarigu Municipal included the following;negligence, illiteracy, poverty, and delays in recognizing the problem. The study findings also demonstrated that the effects of maternal death on children are diverse and cut across different areas of a child’s life including livelihood sustenance, healthcare, education, and emotional and psychological development.展开更多
Introduction: Pregnancy, childbirth, and their consequences continue to be the leading cause of death, illness, and disability among women of reproductive age in developing countries. In Niger, maternal deaths account...Introduction: Pregnancy, childbirth, and their consequences continue to be the leading cause of death, illness, and disability among women of reproductive age in developing countries. In Niger, maternal deaths account for about 39% of all deaths of women aged 15-49. Our aim was to identify the factors linked to maternal mortality in order to contribute to its reduction. Method: this is a descriptive retrospective study of 379 cases of maternal deaths collected at the Maradi CSME from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2021.Results: Our study’s maternal mortality ratio is 2645.72 per 100,000 live births. The mean age of our patients was 27.46 years, with extremes ranging from 15 to 47 years. The 20-24 age group was the most represented, with 88 cases (23.2%). Housewives were 361 (95.3%), and 334 patients (88.1%) were uneducated. There were 261 of them from rural areas, i.e. 69%. The mean parity in our study was 3.46, with extremes ranging from 0 to 15. Multiparous patients 117 cases (30.9%) represented the most significant proportion. Only 42 patients (11.08%) had performed four or more antenatal consultations. Direct obstetric causes accounted for 56.73% of the causes of maternal death. Anemia was the leading cause of maternal death (31.66%). Nearly half of the patients had died before 24 hours after admission, i.e. 49.86%. Conclusion: Maternal mortality remains a significant challenge for developing countries, given its magnitude and timid decline. The fight to reduce maternal mortality must be the priority of our countries’ health policies.展开更多
Introduction: The occurrence of pregnancy in women is a risky situation. Prenatal care is necessary, which is not often the case in our context. Aim: To analyze the influence of antenatal surveillance on maternal and ...Introduction: The occurrence of pregnancy in women is a risky situation. Prenatal care is necessary, which is not often the case in our context. Aim: To analyze the influence of antenatal surveillance on maternal and perinatal prognosis. Patients and Method: Preliminary longitudinal and analytical survey at the Owendo University Hospital (OHU) over 6 months. It focused on prenatal surveillance. The study population consisted of parturients who gave birth within 24 hours and we studied sociodemographic characteristics, variables related to antenatal contact, those of delivery as well as maternal and newborn outcomes. Results: 2485 deliveries were recorded and 1300 patients were retained according to the inclusion criteria. No prenatal contact (ANC0) was performed in 93 (7.15%), insufficient (ANCI) in 943 patients (72.5%), and sufficient (ANCS) in 264 patients (20.30%). Patients with low school level were significantly found when the NPC was not performed or insufficient and the same was true for the group of patients who were not employed and those who were single (p < 0.005). The caesarean section rate and perinatal mortality are high in this case. Conclusion: The quality of prenatal contact is insufficient in our context. The absence or inadequacy of the latter has a strong negative impact on maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.展开更多
Introduction: Late pregnancies are considered a public health problem linked to maternal mortality due to their complications. These risks, which worsen with maternal age, should be better known and taken into account...Introduction: Late pregnancies are considered a public health problem linked to maternal mortality due to their complications. These risks, which worsen with maternal age, should be better known and taken into account in monitoring these pregnancies. Objective: To evaluate the impact of age on the prevalence of obstetric and neonatal complications among parturients of 40 years old and over. Methodology: This was an 11-year retrospective analytical case control study from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2017. The study population was female patients of 40 years old or older for cases and female patients younger than 40 years of control case. Results: In total, we collected 640 cases of parturients of 40 years old and over out of a total of 84,234 deliveries during the study period;i.e. a frequency of 0.76%. Spontaneous abortion increased in patients of 40 and over with 8.28%. Hypertension and diabetes were higher of women of 40 and over, 52.65%. Concerning the method of admission: 55% of parturients of 40 and over were referrals. Incidents occurring among women of 40 and over were more pronounced than in control cases. Complications during vaginal delivery, cervical tear, perineal tear, uterine dehiscence and uterine rupture are high in our cases, i.e. 11.88%;3.59%;2.19%;2.66. During our study, depending on the type of delivery, the cesarean rate was much higher among women of 40 and over than among control cases, i.e. 54.22% versus 12.24%. Hemorrhages in the 3rd trimester were the main indications for cesarean section. Hemorrhages in the 3rd trimester were more frequent with women of 40 and over, i.e. 10.47%;5.94% versus 1.74% and 0.42%. As for the different types of malformations in parturients, women under 40 years old fetal malformations were absent in 92.29%, on the other hand they were more frequent in patients with 40 years and over, i.e. a normal frequency of 36.72%. Conclusion: Pregnancy at a late age exposes the elderly patient and the newborn to several risks. During this study, an increase in maternal-fetal morbidity was observed with aged women.展开更多
Background: Maternal and neonatal mortality remains a public health problem in Benin. Each year, approximately 1500 maternal deaths and more than 12,000 newborn deaths are recorded there. In order to correct the situa...Background: Maternal and neonatal mortality remains a public health problem in Benin. Each year, approximately 1500 maternal deaths and more than 12,000 newborn deaths are recorded there. In order to correct the situation, strategies such as the implementation of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) were initiated. Objective: Determine the rates of maternal deaths in EmONC centers in the Collines department from 2018 to 2022. Framework and Methods: The study took place in Benin precisely in the Collines department. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out during the first two weeks of January 2023 and covered data from the 09 Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care centers (BEMONC) and the Obstetric and Neonatal Care centers of Complete Emergency (CEmONC) of the Collines department from 2018 to 2022. An estimate of the ratios of maternal deaths occurring at the level of the EmONC centers of the Collines department from 2018-2022 was carried out followed by constructive suggestions. Results: During the five years (2018 to 2022), the Collines department recorded 42,582 live births with 148 maternal deaths, i.e. a ratio of 348 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Between 2018 and 2022, the highest maternal death ratio was recorded in 2019, i.e. 425 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births for all EmONC centers and 607 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in EmONC centers. The highest maternal death ratio at the BEmONC center level was recorded in 2020, i.e. 129 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. Conclusion: These results suggest that despite the implementation of EmONC in the Collines department, maternal deaths have not decreased. To improve these outcomes for a reduction in maternal deaths, urgent action must be taken.展开更多
Introduction: Despite progress in universal health coverage, maternal mortality remains a concern for developing countries, including Mali. The problem is not due only to a lack of health services but to a combination...Introduction: Despite progress in universal health coverage, maternal mortality remains a concern for developing countries, including Mali. The problem is not due only to a lack of health services but to a combination of factors that need to be identified to give hope to women of childbearing age. Objective: Determine the factors associated with maternal mortality in the Timbuktu region of Mali. Methodology: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical study from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 using a questionnaire and an interview guide to determine the factors associated with maternal mortality in the Timbuktu region of Mali. Results: A total of 112 maternal deaths were recorded between 2018 and 2022. The average age of the women who died was 26 years (standard deviation 7.6 years). The 14 – 23-year-old age group is the most affected (43.8%). 66.1% of women came from rural areas. Illiteracy (77.7%), lack of ANC (54.5%), distance of households from health facilities (76%) and insecurity (52.7%) have been identified as factors contributing to maternal mortality. Conclusion: This study reported a high prevalence of maternal mortality rates that may be associated with women’s socioeconomic conditions. Actions must be developed to integrate CPN into an advanced strategy for women living in rural areas in Mali.展开更多
Background: Although maternal mortality is declining in most countries, it remains a significant public health problem worldwide, with high rates, particularly in developing and insecure countries like ours. Objective...Background: Although maternal mortality is declining in most countries, it remains a significant public health problem worldwide, with high rates, particularly in developing and insecure countries like ours. Objective: To study the epidemiological factors and factors associated with the occurrence of maternal death in the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of University Hospital of Tengandogo. Method: It was a retrospective case-control study with a descriptive and analytical purpose over a period of 6 years from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2022. Cases were women with maternal deaths during the study period. Data processing and analysis were performed using Stata version 13 software. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed with Stata version 13 software, and logistic regression modeling was used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR), their 95% confidence intervals (CI), and the threshold for statistical significance was set at a p value < 0.05. Results: A total of 372 patients were included in the study, including 146 cases of maternal death. The in-hospital maternal mortality rate was 1933 deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age was 28.5 years. 58.9% of patients lived in rural areas. Married patients accounted for 88.7% of cases. The average parity was 3. Direct obstetrical causes were the main causes of death, accounting for 72.6%. They were dominated by post-partum hemorrhage (24.2%), puerperal infection (18.6%), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (16.1%) and retroplacental hematoma (8.9%). Chronic anemia (12.9%) was the main indirect obstetric cause. Risk factors associated with maternal death were primiparity (OR for paucigravida and multigravida at 0.05;P = 0.001);ambulance transport (OR for patients referred and brought in by personal vehicle = 0.3, p < 0.001) and vaginal delivery (OR for cesarean deliveries = 0.4, p < 0.001). Conclusion: To reduce maternal mortality in Burkina Faso, strategies such as educating women about danger signs during pregnancy and promoting women’s education can be adopted.展开更多
Objective: To analyze maternal deaths, identify causes and dysfunctions leading to these deaths in order to contribute to the implementation of strategies to reduce maternal mortality at CHU Kara. Method: Cross-sectio...Objective: To analyze maternal deaths, identify causes and dysfunctions leading to these deaths in order to contribute to the implementation of strategies to reduce maternal mortality at CHU Kara. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study involving 65 cases of maternal deaths recorded at CHU-Kara from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021. Results: Our study focused on 65 cases of maternal deaths recorded at the maternity ward of CHU-Kara. The average age was 30 years, with a range of 15 to 45 years. They were mostly housewives (52.3%), uneducated (38.5%), multiparous (41.5%), and referred (86.2%). The causes were mainly direct obstetric causes (81.54%), with preeclampsia and its complications (28.30%) and immediate postpartum hemorrhage (20.75%) being the most common. However, uterine rupture (20.5%) and post-abortion sepsis (16.4%) were the most lethal etiologies. Delayed evacuation (46.43%), inadequate transportation (91%), and insufficient prenatal care (72.31%) were the dysfunctions before referral. Within the CHU Kara, delays in management (58.46%), unavailability of blood and labile products (18%), and insufficient monitoring were the dysfunctions identified. Ninety-five point four percent (95.4%) of the deaths were preventable. Conclusion: The magnitude of intrahospital maternal deaths, the various dysfunctions observed in the occurrence of maternal deaths before referral/evacuation and within the hospital highlight the importance of effectively implementing recommendations from audits in the fight against maternal mortality. The majority of the deaths were preventable (95.38%).展开更多
Introduction: Maternal mortality rates have more than doubled in the U.S over the last two decades, making it one of the few places in the world where maternal mortality is increasing. Differences in maternal mortalit...Introduction: Maternal mortality rates have more than doubled in the U.S over the last two decades, making it one of the few places in the world where maternal mortality is increasing. Differences in maternal mortality among certain races and ethnicities are known but few studies examine maternal mortality among immigrants. Since immigrants represent 13.7% of the U.S. population, it is essential to examine immigrant subsets to understand maternal mortality among this vulnerable population. Methods: A literature search identified 318 articles on maternal mortality and immigrants, with 12 articles from the U.S. The keywords included maternal mortality, United States, migrants, asylum seekers, immigrants, and disparities. Maternal mortality statistics were obtained from the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control. Results: Studies analyzed in this review found an overall lower maternal mortality rate among immigrant women compared to U.S.-born women, except for Hispanic immigrant women. Black women had the highest maternal mortality rate, regardless of immigration status. Conclusion: Although the literature points to lower maternal mortality among immigrants, the data is still somewhat mixed, making it challenging to draw comprehensive conclusions. Additional research examining maternal mortality among Im/migrants in the U.S. is needed to guide future training among healthcare professionals and policymakers.展开更多
Background Nursery pigs undergo stressors in the post-weaning period that result in production and welfare chal-lenges.These challenges disproportionately impact the offspring of primiparous sows compared to those of ...Background Nursery pigs undergo stressors in the post-weaning period that result in production and welfare chal-lenges.These challenges disproportionately impact the offspring of primiparous sows compared to those of mul-tiparous counterparts.Little is known regarding potential interactions between parity and feed additives in the post-weaning period and their effects on nursery pig microbiomes.Therefore,the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal parity on sow and offspring microbiomes and the influence of sow parity on pig fecal microbi-ome and performance in response to a prebiotic post-weaning.At weaning,piglets were allotted into three treat-ment groups:a standard nursery diet including pharmacological doses of Zn and Cu(Con),a group fed a commercial prebiotic only(Preb)based on an Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract,and a group fed the same prebiotic plus Zn and Cu(Preb+ZnCu).Results Although there were no differences in vaginal microbiome composition between primiparous and mul-tiparous sows,fecal microbiome composition was different(R^(2)=0.02,P=0.03).The fecal microbiomes of primiparous offspring displayed significantly higher bacterial diversity compared to multiparous offspring at d 0 and d 21 post-weaning(P<0.01),with differences in community composition observed at d 21(R^(2)=0.03,P=0.04).When analyzing the effects of maternal parity within each treatment,only the Preb diet triggered significant microbiome distinc-tions between primiparous and multiparous offspring(d 21:R^(2)=0.13,P=0.01;d 42:R^(2)=0.19,P=0.001).Composi-tional differences in pig fecal microbiomes between treatments were observed only at d 21(R^(2)=0.12,P=0.001).Pigs in the Con group gained significantly more weight throughout the nursery period when compared to those in the Preb+ZnCu group.Conclusions Nursery pig gut microbiome composition was influenced by supplementation with an Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract,with varying effects on performance when combined with pharmacological levels of Zn and Cu or for offspring of different maternal parity groups.These results indicate that the development of nursery pig gut microbiomes is shaped by maternal parity and potential interactions with the effects of dietary feed additives.展开更多
Background:Given the pervasive issues of obesity and diabetes both in Puerto Rico and the broader United States,there is a compelling need to investigate the intricate interplay among body mass index(BMI),pregesta-tio...Background:Given the pervasive issues of obesity and diabetes both in Puerto Rico and the broader United States,there is a compelling need to investigate the intricate interplay among body mass index(BMI),pregesta-tional,and gestational maternal diabetes,and their potential impact on the occurrence of congenital heart defects(CHD)during neonatal development.Methods:Using the comprehensive System of Vigilance and Surveillance of Congenital Defects in Puerto Rico,we conducted a focused analysis on neonates diagnosed with CHD between 2016 and 2020.Our assessment encompassed a range of variables,including maternal age,gestational age,BMI,pregestational diabetes,gestational diabetes,hypertension,history of abortion,and presence of preeclampsia.Results:A cohort of 673 patients was included in our study.The average maternal age was 26 years,within a range of 22 to 32 years.The mean gestational age measured 39 weeks,with a median span of 38 to 39 weeks.Of the 673 patients,274(41%)mothers gave birth to neonates diagnosed with CHD.Within this group,22 cases were linked to pre-gestational diabetes,while 202 were not;20 instances were associated with gestational diabetes,compared to 200 without;and 148 cases exhibited an overweight or obese BMI,whereas 126 displayed a normal BMI.Conclusion:We identified a statistically significant correlation between pre-gestational diabetes mellitus and the occurrence of CHD.However,our analysis did not show a statistically significant association between maternal BMI and the likelihood of CHD.These results may aid in developing effective strategies to prevent and manage CHD in neonates.展开更多
BACKGROUND Childhood obesity is a growing global concern with far-reaching health implications.This study focuses on evaluating the knowledge and practices of physicians in Morocco regarding the link between maternal ...BACKGROUND Childhood obesity is a growing global concern with far-reaching health implications.This study focuses on evaluating the knowledge and practices of physicians in Morocco regarding the link between maternal obesity and childhood obesity.Despite the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide,this issue remains inadequately addressed in the Moroccan context.AIM To assess the awareness and practices of physicians in Morocco concerning the connection between maternal obesity and childhood obesity.METHODS The research encompasses a comprehensive survey of practicing physicians,revealing significant gaps in awareness and practices related to maternal obesity.RESULTS Notably,a significant portion of doctors do not provide adequate guidance to overweight pregnant women,highlighting the urgency for targeted educational programs.CONCLUSION In conclusion,this research illuminates critical areas for improvement in tackling childhood obesity in Morocco.By addressing these gaps,fostering awareness,and enhancing medical practices,the healthcare system can contribute significantly to preventing childhood obesity and improving the overall health of future generations.展开更多
Objective:The problems associated with child health continue to constitute a global concern,and child morbidity and mortality remain problematic in Sub-Sahara Africa(SSA).Utilizing a community-based survey conducted i...Objective:The problems associated with child health continue to constitute a global concern,and child morbidity and mortality remain problematic in Sub-Sahara Africa(SSA).Utilizing a community-based survey conducted in Ibadan North Local government,Southwest Nigeria the study examined the influences of maternal perceived self-efficacy(MPSE)and maternal perceived vulnerability(MPV)on child health outcomes(CHO).Methods:The study appraised data from 683 nursing mothers aged 15-45 obtained from 20 major primary healthcare centers in the region undergoing routine health checks for their children.Three regression models were fitted to examine the effects of MPV,MPSE,and confounding variables of maternal preventive actions such as insecticide-treated nets(ITN)usage and child immunization,among other maternal and child sociodemographic attributes on CHO.Results:The study finds that MPV has no correlation with CHO and MPSE but positively correlates with maternal age(r=0.123,P<0.05).However,CHO has a negative correlation with MPSE(r=-0.200,P<0.05)while positively correlated with child age(r=0.134,P<0.05).MPSE has a unique effect on CHO(β=-0.203,P<0.05),maternal preventive action of ITN usage show a positive association with CHO in the study Model 2(β=-0.163,P<0.05),while in Model 3,child's age has a positive association with CHO(β=0.180,P<0.05).The net effect of the study models accounted for approximately 10%of the variance in CHO reported among the children.Conclusion:Overall,MPSE and ITN usage are essential factors for understanding and reducing the potential adverse CHO.Global effort must continue to improve maternal education to support child health and preventive carepractices in SSA.展开更多
BACKGROUND Undernutrition is a crucial cause of morbidity and mortality among children in low-or middle-income countries(LMICs).A better understanding of maternal general healthy nutrition knowledge,as well as misbeli...BACKGROUND Undernutrition is a crucial cause of morbidity and mortality among children in low-or middle-income countries(LMICs).A better understanding of maternal general healthy nutrition knowledge,as well as misbeliefs,is highly essential,especially in such settings.In the current era of infodemics,it is very strenuous for mothers to select not only the right source for maternal nutrition information but the correct information as well.AIM To assess maternal healthy nutritional knowledge and nutrition-related misbeliefs and misinformation in an LMIC,and to determine the sources of such information and their assessment methods.METHODS This cross-sectional analytical observational study enrolled 5148 randomly selected Egyptian mothers who had one or more children less than 15 years old.The data were collected through online questionnaire forms:One was for the general nutrition knowledge assessment,and the other was for the nutritional myth score.Sources of information and ways of evaluating internet sources using the Currency,Relevance,Authority,Accuracy,and Purpose test were additionally analyzed.RESULTS The mean general nutrition knowledge score was 29±9,with a percent score of 70.8%±12.1%(total score:41).The median myth score was 9(interquartile range:6,12;total score:18).The primary sources of nutrition knowledge for the enrolled mothers were social media platforms(55%).Half of the mothers managed information for currency and authority,except for considering the author's contact information.More than 60%regularly checked information for accuracy and purpose.The mothers with significant nutrition knowledge checked periodically for the author's contact information(P=0.012).The nutrition myth score was significantly lower among mothers who periodically checked the evidence of the information(P=0.016).Mothers dependent on their healthcare providers as the primary source of their general nutritional knowledge were less likely to hold myths by 13%(P=0.044).However,using social media increased the likelihood of having myths among mothers by approximately 1.2(P=0.001).CONCLUSION Social media platforms were found to be the primary source of maternal nutrition information in the current era of infodemics.However,healthcare providers were the only source for decreasing the incidence of maternal myths among the surveyed mothers.展开更多
Breastfeeding practices are influenced by multifactorial determinants including individual characteristics,external support systems,and media influences.This commentary emphasizes such complex factors influencing brea...Breastfeeding practices are influenced by multifactorial determinants including individual characteristics,external support systems,and media influences.This commentary emphasizes such complex factors influencing breastfeeding practices.Potential methodological limitations and the need for diverse sampling in studying breastfeeding practices are highlighted.Further research must explore the interplay between social influences,cultural norms,government policies,and individual factors in shaping maternal breastfeeding decisions.展开更多
Objective:This study aimed to understand the affordability,accessibility,and quality of maternal and child health services for postpartum mothers,and their impact on satisfaction.Methods:The study utilized the Anderso...Objective:This study aimed to understand the affordability,accessibility,and quality of maternal and child health services for postpartum mothers,and their impact on satisfaction.Methods:The study utilized the Anderson model and revised the Maternal Pregnancy and Perinatal Health Service Questionnaire.A survey was conducted among 289 mothers aged 20–49 in Feicheng City.Results:Regarding accessibility,most respondents(133)reported that travel time to healthcare services exceeded 60 minutes,while 99 respondents indicated a travel time of 16–30 minutes.The issue of affordability was highlighted,with 86.85%of participants perceiving maternal healthcare services as costly,indicating a significant financial burden.More than 50%of respondents were satisfied with two specific dimensions(P<0.05)regarding the quality of maternal healthcare services.Conclusion:The study found that accessibility,affordability,and quality significantly affect mothers’satisfaction with maternal health services.Future research should focus on developing more suitable service pathways for rural mothers.展开更多
文摘The aim of this study was to compare the scores of maternal self-efficacy for child diarrhoea prevention, between intervention and control groups, according to sanitary, social and demographic characteristics. A randomised clinical trial was carried out on 163 mothers of children under 5 years old. Data collection was conducted during two months, at two different moments (M0 and M1);at the moment M0 only the intervention group watched the educational video to promote self-efficacy for child diarrhoea prevention;at M1 (two months later) the scale was applied to both groups. In the intervention group, greater mean self-efficacy scores were obtained compared with the control group. The following variables showed statistically significant associations (p < 0.05) with maternal self-efficacy: age 35 or over;high school education;working outside the home;residence with 4 to 5 people;house not of brick or mortar;public refuse collection;piped water supply;consumption of mineral water;and public sewerage network. After use of the video “Diarrhoea: you can prevent it”, the maternal self-efficacy increased, proving that this strategy is able to assist the nursing staff in educational practices.
文摘Background: Dying in childbirth is one of the most common causes of death for women. While maternal mortality rates, defined as deaths per 100,000 live births, have been steadily dropping in most countries worldwide, maternal mortality rates have doubled in the United States in the last twenty years. This commentary examines the various contributing factors to this trend. Methods: A literature review was performed using the keywords: maternal mortality, United States, disrespectful maternity care, obstetric violence, provider perspectives, and disparities. Maternal mortality statistics were obtained from the World Health Organization website. Results: Medical factors associated with maternal mortality include increased maternal age and cardiovascular conditions. Social factors include barriers to healthcare access, delays in receiving medical care, reduction in reproductive health services in some states, and non-obstetrical deaths such as accidents, domestic violence, and suicide. Racial inequities and disparities of care are reflected in higher maternal mortality rates for minorities and people of color. Disrespectful maternity care or obstetric violence has been reported worldwide as a factor in delay of lifesaving obstetrical care and reluctance by a pregnant person to access the healthcare system. About one in five US women has reported experiencing mistreatment, varying from verbal abuse to lack of privacy, from coerced procedures to neglect during childbirth. Conclusion: This commentary highlights the importance of inclusion of providers in research on respectful maternity care. Provider burnout, moral distress, limited time, and burden of clinical responsibilities are known challenges to respectful and comprehensive medical care. The association of disrespectful care with poor maternal outcomes needs to be studied. Exploring root causes of disrespectful childbirth care can empower nurses, midwives, and physicians to improve their environment and find solutions to reduce a potential cause of maternal mortality.
文摘Introduction: Also known as maternal burnout syndrome, maternal burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion generated by prolonged stress in the family environment. It is experienced by women in their role as mothers. Those affected can develop psychological disorders, sleep disturbances, etc., all of which impair their day-to-day lives, and thus their maternal role. The repercussions affect both the child and other family members. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate maternal burnout among female users of public and private health facilities in the commune of Parakou in 2023. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2022 to July 2023 among all mothers using public and private health facilities in the commune of Parakou. All healthy mothers with at least one biological or adoptive child fully dependent on them and living at home, who came for a consultation in one of the health facilities or for an appointment at the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) and gave their free and informed consent. Sampling was done for non-exhaustive convenience were included in the study. Burnout was assessed using the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) scale. Results: A total of 888 mothers meeting the inclusion criteria were surveyed. The prevalence of burnout calculated using the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) scale was 6.19%. The risk factors for maternal burnout were poor relationships with family and friends (OR = 8.90;p = 0.045), moderate (OR = 11.71;p = 0.020) and severe depression (OR = 40.85;p = 0.001), followed by the presence of repeated nocturnal awakening (OR = 5.14;p = 0.014). Conclusion: This is a subject that is almost never discussed in African society, but whose reality is revealed by the present study, which provided statistical data on maternal burnout. From now on, the risk of burnout will no longer be discussed solely in the family context. It will also need to be explored within the family unit to prevent its deleterious consequences for children and adults alike.
文摘Introduction: Pregnancies at advanced maternal age (AMA) are those occurring after the age of 35 years old. They carry a high risk of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality, thus constituting a public health problem. Several African countries have reported an upward trend in both the age of childbirth and the frequency of women with AMA over the past 20 years. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality remain very high, data on AMA pregnancies go back more than 20 years. Objective: We propose evaluating obstetrical outcomes among women in AMA in our setting and the associated factors. Methods: This retrospective cohort study will be conducted in two healthcare facilities (ESS) in Kinshasa. The study population will consist of all women who delivered a single fetus after 28 weeks of gestation between January 2012 and December 2022 (10 years) in the selected ESS. The data collected will be analyzed using R software version 4.2.0. Quantitative variables will be summarized as means with standard deviation or medians with interquartile range. Qualitative variables will be presented as proportions (%). Multivariate logistic regression will be used to determine the main maternal-fetal complications associated with AMA and predictors of obstetric outcomes. P Discussion: The high maternal and infant mortality rates in DRC are among the highest in the world. The context of maternal age has become a topic of growing interest due to its potential implications for the health of women and newborns, it is crucial to identify the risk factors associated with obstetric outcomes by identifying obstetrical outcomes associated with advanced maternal age in the DRC. Many Congolese women tend to start their maternity journey at a relatively young age. However, there is also an emerging trend towards delayed childbearing, particularly in urban areas and among women with access to education and family planning services. Conclusion: The results of this study will enable us to update the frequency of AMA pregnancies in our environment. The socio-demographic and clinical profile of these pregnancies will be determined. The main maternal-fetal complications associated with AMA in our setting and the associated factors will be identified.
文摘Introduction: The greatest effect of maternal mortality is renowned in children aged 2 - 5 months whose mothers had died. Children whose mothers died due to maternal complications were likely to record a higher mortality in infancy compared to children of surviving mothers. Motherless children mostly suffer a lot due to lack of day-to-day care, isolation, lack of motivation as well as economic cost associated with mother’s death. Thus, the purpose of this study was to ascertain the lives of children whose mothers passed away during childbirth at the Sagnarigu Municipality. Methods: This quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out at the Sagnarigu Municipal. The study recruited 297 respondents. To assess the effects of maternal death on the lives of children, families that experienced maternal death were assessed. The number of pregnancies experienced by the deceased woman, pregnancy-related complaints experienced, determinants of maternal death, number of children alive, and their standard of living were assessed with the aid of a structured questionnaire. Results: The data showed that negligence, illiteracy, poor road access, poverty, ignorance, delays in recognizing the problem, delays in making appropriate decisions, delays in the health facility, delays in giving the appropriate treatments, and traditional beliefs were some of the factors that led to maternal death in the Sagnarigu Municipality. Conclusion: The study concluded that determinants of maternal death in the Sagnarigu Municipal included the following;negligence, illiteracy, poverty, and delays in recognizing the problem. The study findings also demonstrated that the effects of maternal death on children are diverse and cut across different areas of a child’s life including livelihood sustenance, healthcare, education, and emotional and psychological development.
文摘Introduction: Pregnancy, childbirth, and their consequences continue to be the leading cause of death, illness, and disability among women of reproductive age in developing countries. In Niger, maternal deaths account for about 39% of all deaths of women aged 15-49. Our aim was to identify the factors linked to maternal mortality in order to contribute to its reduction. Method: this is a descriptive retrospective study of 379 cases of maternal deaths collected at the Maradi CSME from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2021.Results: Our study’s maternal mortality ratio is 2645.72 per 100,000 live births. The mean age of our patients was 27.46 years, with extremes ranging from 15 to 47 years. The 20-24 age group was the most represented, with 88 cases (23.2%). Housewives were 361 (95.3%), and 334 patients (88.1%) were uneducated. There were 261 of them from rural areas, i.e. 69%. The mean parity in our study was 3.46, with extremes ranging from 0 to 15. Multiparous patients 117 cases (30.9%) represented the most significant proportion. Only 42 patients (11.08%) had performed four or more antenatal consultations. Direct obstetric causes accounted for 56.73% of the causes of maternal death. Anemia was the leading cause of maternal death (31.66%). Nearly half of the patients had died before 24 hours after admission, i.e. 49.86%. Conclusion: Maternal mortality remains a significant challenge for developing countries, given its magnitude and timid decline. The fight to reduce maternal mortality must be the priority of our countries’ health policies.
文摘Introduction: The occurrence of pregnancy in women is a risky situation. Prenatal care is necessary, which is not often the case in our context. Aim: To analyze the influence of antenatal surveillance on maternal and perinatal prognosis. Patients and Method: Preliminary longitudinal and analytical survey at the Owendo University Hospital (OHU) over 6 months. It focused on prenatal surveillance. The study population consisted of parturients who gave birth within 24 hours and we studied sociodemographic characteristics, variables related to antenatal contact, those of delivery as well as maternal and newborn outcomes. Results: 2485 deliveries were recorded and 1300 patients were retained according to the inclusion criteria. No prenatal contact (ANC0) was performed in 93 (7.15%), insufficient (ANCI) in 943 patients (72.5%), and sufficient (ANCS) in 264 patients (20.30%). Patients with low school level were significantly found when the NPC was not performed or insufficient and the same was true for the group of patients who were not employed and those who were single (p < 0.005). The caesarean section rate and perinatal mortality are high in this case. Conclusion: The quality of prenatal contact is insufficient in our context. The absence or inadequacy of the latter has a strong negative impact on maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
文摘Introduction: Late pregnancies are considered a public health problem linked to maternal mortality due to their complications. These risks, which worsen with maternal age, should be better known and taken into account in monitoring these pregnancies. Objective: To evaluate the impact of age on the prevalence of obstetric and neonatal complications among parturients of 40 years old and over. Methodology: This was an 11-year retrospective analytical case control study from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2017. The study population was female patients of 40 years old or older for cases and female patients younger than 40 years of control case. Results: In total, we collected 640 cases of parturients of 40 years old and over out of a total of 84,234 deliveries during the study period;i.e. a frequency of 0.76%. Spontaneous abortion increased in patients of 40 and over with 8.28%. Hypertension and diabetes were higher of women of 40 and over, 52.65%. Concerning the method of admission: 55% of parturients of 40 and over were referrals. Incidents occurring among women of 40 and over were more pronounced than in control cases. Complications during vaginal delivery, cervical tear, perineal tear, uterine dehiscence and uterine rupture are high in our cases, i.e. 11.88%;3.59%;2.19%;2.66. During our study, depending on the type of delivery, the cesarean rate was much higher among women of 40 and over than among control cases, i.e. 54.22% versus 12.24%. Hemorrhages in the 3rd trimester were the main indications for cesarean section. Hemorrhages in the 3rd trimester were more frequent with women of 40 and over, i.e. 10.47%;5.94% versus 1.74% and 0.42%. As for the different types of malformations in parturients, women under 40 years old fetal malformations were absent in 92.29%, on the other hand they were more frequent in patients with 40 years and over, i.e. a normal frequency of 36.72%. Conclusion: Pregnancy at a late age exposes the elderly patient and the newborn to several risks. During this study, an increase in maternal-fetal morbidity was observed with aged women.
文摘Background: Maternal and neonatal mortality remains a public health problem in Benin. Each year, approximately 1500 maternal deaths and more than 12,000 newborn deaths are recorded there. In order to correct the situation, strategies such as the implementation of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) were initiated. Objective: Determine the rates of maternal deaths in EmONC centers in the Collines department from 2018 to 2022. Framework and Methods: The study took place in Benin precisely in the Collines department. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out during the first two weeks of January 2023 and covered data from the 09 Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care centers (BEMONC) and the Obstetric and Neonatal Care centers of Complete Emergency (CEmONC) of the Collines department from 2018 to 2022. An estimate of the ratios of maternal deaths occurring at the level of the EmONC centers of the Collines department from 2018-2022 was carried out followed by constructive suggestions. Results: During the five years (2018 to 2022), the Collines department recorded 42,582 live births with 148 maternal deaths, i.e. a ratio of 348 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Between 2018 and 2022, the highest maternal death ratio was recorded in 2019, i.e. 425 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births for all EmONC centers and 607 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in EmONC centers. The highest maternal death ratio at the BEmONC center level was recorded in 2020, i.e. 129 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. Conclusion: These results suggest that despite the implementation of EmONC in the Collines department, maternal deaths have not decreased. To improve these outcomes for a reduction in maternal deaths, urgent action must be taken.
文摘Introduction: Despite progress in universal health coverage, maternal mortality remains a concern for developing countries, including Mali. The problem is not due only to a lack of health services but to a combination of factors that need to be identified to give hope to women of childbearing age. Objective: Determine the factors associated with maternal mortality in the Timbuktu region of Mali. Methodology: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical study from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 using a questionnaire and an interview guide to determine the factors associated with maternal mortality in the Timbuktu region of Mali. Results: A total of 112 maternal deaths were recorded between 2018 and 2022. The average age of the women who died was 26 years (standard deviation 7.6 years). The 14 – 23-year-old age group is the most affected (43.8%). 66.1% of women came from rural areas. Illiteracy (77.7%), lack of ANC (54.5%), distance of households from health facilities (76%) and insecurity (52.7%) have been identified as factors contributing to maternal mortality. Conclusion: This study reported a high prevalence of maternal mortality rates that may be associated with women’s socioeconomic conditions. Actions must be developed to integrate CPN into an advanced strategy for women living in rural areas in Mali.
文摘Background: Although maternal mortality is declining in most countries, it remains a significant public health problem worldwide, with high rates, particularly in developing and insecure countries like ours. Objective: To study the epidemiological factors and factors associated with the occurrence of maternal death in the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of University Hospital of Tengandogo. Method: It was a retrospective case-control study with a descriptive and analytical purpose over a period of 6 years from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2022. Cases were women with maternal deaths during the study period. Data processing and analysis were performed using Stata version 13 software. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed with Stata version 13 software, and logistic regression modeling was used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR), their 95% confidence intervals (CI), and the threshold for statistical significance was set at a p value < 0.05. Results: A total of 372 patients were included in the study, including 146 cases of maternal death. The in-hospital maternal mortality rate was 1933 deaths per 100,000 live births. The average age was 28.5 years. 58.9% of patients lived in rural areas. Married patients accounted for 88.7% of cases. The average parity was 3. Direct obstetrical causes were the main causes of death, accounting for 72.6%. They were dominated by post-partum hemorrhage (24.2%), puerperal infection (18.6%), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (16.1%) and retroplacental hematoma (8.9%). Chronic anemia (12.9%) was the main indirect obstetric cause. Risk factors associated with maternal death were primiparity (OR for paucigravida and multigravida at 0.05;P = 0.001);ambulance transport (OR for patients referred and brought in by personal vehicle = 0.3, p < 0.001) and vaginal delivery (OR for cesarean deliveries = 0.4, p < 0.001). Conclusion: To reduce maternal mortality in Burkina Faso, strategies such as educating women about danger signs during pregnancy and promoting women’s education can be adopted.
文摘Objective: To analyze maternal deaths, identify causes and dysfunctions leading to these deaths in order to contribute to the implementation of strategies to reduce maternal mortality at CHU Kara. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study involving 65 cases of maternal deaths recorded at CHU-Kara from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021. Results: Our study focused on 65 cases of maternal deaths recorded at the maternity ward of CHU-Kara. The average age was 30 years, with a range of 15 to 45 years. They were mostly housewives (52.3%), uneducated (38.5%), multiparous (41.5%), and referred (86.2%). The causes were mainly direct obstetric causes (81.54%), with preeclampsia and its complications (28.30%) and immediate postpartum hemorrhage (20.75%) being the most common. However, uterine rupture (20.5%) and post-abortion sepsis (16.4%) were the most lethal etiologies. Delayed evacuation (46.43%), inadequate transportation (91%), and insufficient prenatal care (72.31%) were the dysfunctions before referral. Within the CHU Kara, delays in management (58.46%), unavailability of blood and labile products (18%), and insufficient monitoring were the dysfunctions identified. Ninety-five point four percent (95.4%) of the deaths were preventable. Conclusion: The magnitude of intrahospital maternal deaths, the various dysfunctions observed in the occurrence of maternal deaths before referral/evacuation and within the hospital highlight the importance of effectively implementing recommendations from audits in the fight against maternal mortality. The majority of the deaths were preventable (95.38%).
文摘Introduction: Maternal mortality rates have more than doubled in the U.S over the last two decades, making it one of the few places in the world where maternal mortality is increasing. Differences in maternal mortality among certain races and ethnicities are known but few studies examine maternal mortality among immigrants. Since immigrants represent 13.7% of the U.S. population, it is essential to examine immigrant subsets to understand maternal mortality among this vulnerable population. Methods: A literature search identified 318 articles on maternal mortality and immigrants, with 12 articles from the U.S. The keywords included maternal mortality, United States, migrants, asylum seekers, immigrants, and disparities. Maternal mortality statistics were obtained from the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control. Results: Studies analyzed in this review found an overall lower maternal mortality rate among immigrant women compared to U.S.-born women, except for Hispanic immigrant women. Black women had the highest maternal mortality rate, regardless of immigration status. Conclusion: Although the literature points to lower maternal mortality among immigrants, the data is still somewhat mixed, making it challenging to draw comprehensive conclusions. Additional research examining maternal mortality among Im/migrants in the U.S. is needed to guide future training among healthcare professionals and policymakers.
基金This study was partially supported by funds from the Agricultural Research,Education,Extension and Technology Transfer(AGREETT)and MNDrive Global Food Ventures Programs,both from the University of MinnesotaPartial funding was supplied by BioZyme,Inc,St.Joseph,Missouri,USA and New Fashion Pork,Jackson,MN,USA.
文摘Background Nursery pigs undergo stressors in the post-weaning period that result in production and welfare chal-lenges.These challenges disproportionately impact the offspring of primiparous sows compared to those of mul-tiparous counterparts.Little is known regarding potential interactions between parity and feed additives in the post-weaning period and their effects on nursery pig microbiomes.Therefore,the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal parity on sow and offspring microbiomes and the influence of sow parity on pig fecal microbi-ome and performance in response to a prebiotic post-weaning.At weaning,piglets were allotted into three treat-ment groups:a standard nursery diet including pharmacological doses of Zn and Cu(Con),a group fed a commercial prebiotic only(Preb)based on an Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract,and a group fed the same prebiotic plus Zn and Cu(Preb+ZnCu).Results Although there were no differences in vaginal microbiome composition between primiparous and mul-tiparous sows,fecal microbiome composition was different(R^(2)=0.02,P=0.03).The fecal microbiomes of primiparous offspring displayed significantly higher bacterial diversity compared to multiparous offspring at d 0 and d 21 post-weaning(P<0.01),with differences in community composition observed at d 21(R^(2)=0.03,P=0.04).When analyzing the effects of maternal parity within each treatment,only the Preb diet triggered significant microbiome distinc-tions between primiparous and multiparous offspring(d 21:R^(2)=0.13,P=0.01;d 42:R^(2)=0.19,P=0.001).Composi-tional differences in pig fecal microbiomes between treatments were observed only at d 21(R^(2)=0.12,P=0.001).Pigs in the Con group gained significantly more weight throughout the nursery period when compared to those in the Preb+ZnCu group.Conclusions Nursery pig gut microbiome composition was influenced by supplementation with an Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract,with varying effects on performance when combined with pharmacological levels of Zn and Cu or for offspring of different maternal parity groups.These results indicate that the development of nursery pig gut microbiomes is shaped by maternal parity and potential interactions with the effects of dietary feed additives.
基金The San Juan Bautista School of Medicine’s Institutional Review Board approved the study(EMSJBIRB-7-2021).
文摘Background:Given the pervasive issues of obesity and diabetes both in Puerto Rico and the broader United States,there is a compelling need to investigate the intricate interplay among body mass index(BMI),pregesta-tional,and gestational maternal diabetes,and their potential impact on the occurrence of congenital heart defects(CHD)during neonatal development.Methods:Using the comprehensive System of Vigilance and Surveillance of Congenital Defects in Puerto Rico,we conducted a focused analysis on neonates diagnosed with CHD between 2016 and 2020.Our assessment encompassed a range of variables,including maternal age,gestational age,BMI,pregestational diabetes,gestational diabetes,hypertension,history of abortion,and presence of preeclampsia.Results:A cohort of 673 patients was included in our study.The average maternal age was 26 years,within a range of 22 to 32 years.The mean gestational age measured 39 weeks,with a median span of 38 to 39 weeks.Of the 673 patients,274(41%)mothers gave birth to neonates diagnosed with CHD.Within this group,22 cases were linked to pre-gestational diabetes,while 202 were not;20 instances were associated with gestational diabetes,compared to 200 without;and 148 cases exhibited an overweight or obese BMI,whereas 126 displayed a normal BMI.Conclusion:We identified a statistically significant correlation between pre-gestational diabetes mellitus and the occurrence of CHD.However,our analysis did not show a statistically significant association between maternal BMI and the likelihood of CHD.These results may aid in developing effective strategies to prevent and manage CHD in neonates.
文摘BACKGROUND Childhood obesity is a growing global concern with far-reaching health implications.This study focuses on evaluating the knowledge and practices of physicians in Morocco regarding the link between maternal obesity and childhood obesity.Despite the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide,this issue remains inadequately addressed in the Moroccan context.AIM To assess the awareness and practices of physicians in Morocco concerning the connection between maternal obesity and childhood obesity.METHODS The research encompasses a comprehensive survey of practicing physicians,revealing significant gaps in awareness and practices related to maternal obesity.RESULTS Notably,a significant portion of doctors do not provide adequate guidance to overweight pregnant women,highlighting the urgency for targeted educational programs.CONCLUSION In conclusion,this research illuminates critical areas for improvement in tackling childhood obesity in Morocco.By addressing these gaps,fostering awareness,and enhancing medical practices,the healthcare system can contribute significantly to preventing childhood obesity and improving the overall health of future generations.
基金funded as part of Chinese Government Scholarship(CSC 2016GXYX07).
文摘Objective:The problems associated with child health continue to constitute a global concern,and child morbidity and mortality remain problematic in Sub-Sahara Africa(SSA).Utilizing a community-based survey conducted in Ibadan North Local government,Southwest Nigeria the study examined the influences of maternal perceived self-efficacy(MPSE)and maternal perceived vulnerability(MPV)on child health outcomes(CHO).Methods:The study appraised data from 683 nursing mothers aged 15-45 obtained from 20 major primary healthcare centers in the region undergoing routine health checks for their children.Three regression models were fitted to examine the effects of MPV,MPSE,and confounding variables of maternal preventive actions such as insecticide-treated nets(ITN)usage and child immunization,among other maternal and child sociodemographic attributes on CHO.Results:The study finds that MPV has no correlation with CHO and MPSE but positively correlates with maternal age(r=0.123,P<0.05).However,CHO has a negative correlation with MPSE(r=-0.200,P<0.05)while positively correlated with child age(r=0.134,P<0.05).MPSE has a unique effect on CHO(β=-0.203,P<0.05),maternal preventive action of ITN usage show a positive association with CHO in the study Model 2(β=-0.163,P<0.05),while in Model 3,child's age has a positive association with CHO(β=0.180,P<0.05).The net effect of the study models accounted for approximately 10%of the variance in CHO reported among the children.Conclusion:Overall,MPSE and ITN usage are essential factors for understanding and reducing the potential adverse CHO.Global effort must continue to improve maternal education to support child health and preventive carepractices in SSA.
文摘BACKGROUND Undernutrition is a crucial cause of morbidity and mortality among children in low-or middle-income countries(LMICs).A better understanding of maternal general healthy nutrition knowledge,as well as misbeliefs,is highly essential,especially in such settings.In the current era of infodemics,it is very strenuous for mothers to select not only the right source for maternal nutrition information but the correct information as well.AIM To assess maternal healthy nutritional knowledge and nutrition-related misbeliefs and misinformation in an LMIC,and to determine the sources of such information and their assessment methods.METHODS This cross-sectional analytical observational study enrolled 5148 randomly selected Egyptian mothers who had one or more children less than 15 years old.The data were collected through online questionnaire forms:One was for the general nutrition knowledge assessment,and the other was for the nutritional myth score.Sources of information and ways of evaluating internet sources using the Currency,Relevance,Authority,Accuracy,and Purpose test were additionally analyzed.RESULTS The mean general nutrition knowledge score was 29±9,with a percent score of 70.8%±12.1%(total score:41).The median myth score was 9(interquartile range:6,12;total score:18).The primary sources of nutrition knowledge for the enrolled mothers were social media platforms(55%).Half of the mothers managed information for currency and authority,except for considering the author's contact information.More than 60%regularly checked information for accuracy and purpose.The mothers with significant nutrition knowledge checked periodically for the author's contact information(P=0.012).The nutrition myth score was significantly lower among mothers who periodically checked the evidence of the information(P=0.016).Mothers dependent on their healthcare providers as the primary source of their general nutritional knowledge were less likely to hold myths by 13%(P=0.044).However,using social media increased the likelihood of having myths among mothers by approximately 1.2(P=0.001).CONCLUSION Social media platforms were found to be the primary source of maternal nutrition information in the current era of infodemics.However,healthcare providers were the only source for decreasing the incidence of maternal myths among the surveyed mothers.
文摘Breastfeeding practices are influenced by multifactorial determinants including individual characteristics,external support systems,and media influences.This commentary emphasizes such complex factors influencing breastfeeding practices.Potential methodological limitations and the need for diverse sampling in studying breastfeeding practices are highlighted.Further research must explore the interplay between social influences,cultural norms,government policies,and individual factors in shaping maternal breastfeeding decisions.
文摘Objective:This study aimed to understand the affordability,accessibility,and quality of maternal and child health services for postpartum mothers,and their impact on satisfaction.Methods:The study utilized the Anderson model and revised the Maternal Pregnancy and Perinatal Health Service Questionnaire.A survey was conducted among 289 mothers aged 20–49 in Feicheng City.Results:Regarding accessibility,most respondents(133)reported that travel time to healthcare services exceeded 60 minutes,while 99 respondents indicated a travel time of 16–30 minutes.The issue of affordability was highlighted,with 86.85%of participants perceiving maternal healthcare services as costly,indicating a significant financial burden.More than 50%of respondents were satisfied with two specific dimensions(P<0.05)regarding the quality of maternal healthcare services.Conclusion:The study found that accessibility,affordability,and quality significantly affect mothers’satisfaction with maternal health services.Future research should focus on developing more suitable service pathways for rural mothers.