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Study of modeling and simulation of full digital controlled PMIG/MAG welding system based on Matlab/Simulink
作者 王伟明 刘嘉 +2 位作者 苏建中 殷树言 马德 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2004年第1期31-35,共5页
This paper presents an integrated simulation model for full digital controlled PMIG/MAG welding system with Matlab/Simulink, and it consists of power inverter, digital control system and dynamic arc-load model. An int... This paper presents an integrated simulation model for full digital controlled PMIG/MAG welding system with Matlab/Simulink, and it consists of power inverter, digital control system and dynamic arc-load model. An integrated simulation study was done for full digital PMIG/MAG welding, and a method of connecting dynamic arc-load model to the system with controlled current source was presented, in addition, the simulation results were utilized to study the issues of digital control PMIG/MAG welding in this paper. The experimental results validated the developed simulation model, and this simulation study can be applied in implementation of the full digital PMIG/MAG welding and analysis of system dynamic process. 展开更多
关键词 PMIG/MAG welding full digital control system(DSP) simulink dynamic arc-load model 2-PI regulator
Efficient Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using CMEX S-Function under MATLAB-Simulink Environment
作者 M. Setti J. Tanouti A. Aziz Z. Kanev E.M. Aziz 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期857-865,共9页
This paper discusses an implementation based on CMEX S-functions to model and to check implementation feasibility of two most commonly used Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms, namely Hill Climbing/Pertu... This paper discusses an implementation based on CMEX S-functions to model and to check implementation feasibility of two most commonly used Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms, namely Hill Climbing/Perturb & Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance. This study can also be generalized to encompass the whole digital techniques family, including artificial intelligence like Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Control. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic systems MPPT control algorithms matlab/simulink CMEX S-functions.
MATLAB/Simulink Modeling and Experimental Resultsof a PEM Electrolyzer Powered by a Solar Panel
作者 Mohamed Albarghot Mahmud Sasi Luc Rolland 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第12期779-785,共7页
In this paper, the solar panels are used to power an electrolyzer to separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. Theelectrical equivalent circuit for the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer was developed and im... In this paper, the solar panels are used to power an electrolyzer to separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. Theelectrical equivalent circuit for the proton exchange membrane electrolyzer was developed and implemented in MATLAB/Simulinkalong with the atmospheric hydrogen storage tank. The voltage (2 volt) and current (1 ampere) were supplied in a similar manner inorder to compare the simulated and experimental results. The hydrogen amount is calculated to be 7.345 (ml/min A) from the modelas well as the experimental set-up. The experimental and simulation results were matched. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic DC/DC BUCK convertor electrolyzer hydrogen tank matlab/simulink.
基于Modelsim与Matlab/Simulink联合仿真技术的接口与应用研究 被引量:12
作者 范静 陈文艺 《西安邮电学院学报》 2010年第3期72-75,共4页
根据Modelsim与Matlab/Simulink软件各自的特点,对两者的联合仿真技术进行了研究。应用Simulink仿真库里提供的link for modelsim功能解决了联合仿真的接口与实现问题,并把该技术应用于IEEE1588时钟同步仿真中硬件时间戳的获取,取得了... 根据Modelsim与Matlab/Simulink软件各自的特点,对两者的联合仿真技术进行了研究。应用Simulink仿真库里提供的link for modelsim功能解决了联合仿真的接口与实现问题,并把该技术应用于IEEE1588时钟同步仿真中硬件时间戳的获取,取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 modelSIM matlab/simulink 联合仿真 LINK for modelSIM 硬件时间戳
Modelsim与MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真技术研究及应用 被引量:3
作者 郭云飞 孙福海 《光电技术应用》 2013年第6期91-96,共6页
由于MATLAB/Simulink本身就是一款优秀的系统建模和算法仿真工具,Modelsim是国内最为常用的HDL仿真工具,利用Link for modelsim使Modelsim与Simulink协同工作,使得算法设计和验证在同一款软件中完成。避免了不同开发环境下的兼容性问题... 由于MATLAB/Simulink本身就是一款优秀的系统建模和算法仿真工具,Modelsim是国内最为常用的HDL仿真工具,利用Link for modelsim使Modelsim与Simulink协同工作,使得算法设计和验证在同一款软件中完成。避免了不同开发环境下的兼容性问题,极大地简化了设计的复杂度,加快了开发进程。提出利用基于模型的设计方法,可以将算法与硬件实现联合起来,对于算法的开发以及后期硬件实现都会带来极大的方便。详细介绍了Modelsim与MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真的接口技术、模型的搭建,以及通过利用16 QAM调制与解调的应用实例来验证系统的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 modelSIM matlab simulink 16 QAM调制与解调
作者 王卉棚 李自成 +4 位作者 林剑宇 刘佶轩 谭启辉 邓庄严 张起浩 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2024年第3期91-93,96,共4页
基于光伏电池数学模型,对光伏电池板的工作原理进行简要分析并给出其等效电路,使用MATLAB/Simulink对其建立仿真模型,并且通过在不同的环境下来测试光伏电池模型的特性,仿真结果与理论上的光伏电池P-V、I-V特性曲线基本吻合,证明所建立... 基于光伏电池数学模型,对光伏电池板的工作原理进行简要分析并给出其等效电路,使用MATLAB/Simulink对其建立仿真模型,并且通过在不同的环境下来测试光伏电池模型的特性,仿真结果与理论上的光伏电池P-V、I-V特性曲线基本吻合,证明所建立模型的合理性,对光伏电池在现实中的应用具有实际意义并对找到光伏电池合适的工作环境和实现其的最大功率提供了理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 matlab/simulink 光伏电池 数学模型 输出特性
MATLAB Simulink在电机控制中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李跃 孙立志 《科技视界》 2024年第8期69-72,共4页
文章探讨了MATLAB Simulink在电机控制领域的应用,介绍了如何利用MATLAB Simulink进行电机控制仿真的操作步骤和仿真算法,并探讨其与电机控制相结合的创新应用方法,以期为MATLAB Simulink在电机控制中的应用提供有力支持。
关键词 电机控制 matlab simulink仿真 实验教学
Analysis and Simulink Modeling of the Performance of Dynamic Web Server Using JSP and PHP 被引量:2
作者 Fontaine Rafamantanantsoa Paulson Ravomampiandra 《Communications and Network》 2018年第4期196-210,共15页
In recent years, web technology carried on growing and at same time, the number of internet users increased significantly in number. Today, a Web server is capable of processing millions of requests per day, but durin... In recent years, web technology carried on growing and at same time, the number of internet users increased significantly in number. Today, a Web server is capable of processing millions of requests per day, but during the peak period may collapse and becomes critical causing unavailability of the services offered by the servers. That is why Web server performance is a topic of great interest to many researchers. In this paper, we evaluate experimentally the impact of JSP and PHP dynamic content technology: JSP and PHP with access to a database of performance data of Apache Web server. Using the “ApacheBench” performance measurement tool, the approach is to compare the performances of four different configurations of a Web server, such as: Apache Web server implementing JSP technology with access to PostgreSQL database, Apache using PHP technology with the PostgreSQL as database, Apache Web server using the JSP technology with access to MySQL database, finally Apache and PHP with DBMS MySQL. At the end of this article, we also present a Simulink model of Web server performance based on the simple M/M/1 queue. During the modeling, the MATLAB software was used. 展开更多
关键词 ANALYSIS QUEUE JSP model Performances Evaluation PHP Web Server simulink
作者 张国庆 郝汝飞 刘倩倩 《铁道车辆》 2024年第5期83-89,共7页
介绍了国内外相关制动标准规定的制动性能评价方法,并以CR200J型动力集中动车组和CR400AF型动力分散动车组为例,根据列车制动减速特性和运动学相关理论对列车制动过程进行了数学建模,对列车运行阻力、坡道力和车辆自身制动力等参数进行... 介绍了国内外相关制动标准规定的制动性能评价方法,并以CR200J型动力集中动车组和CR400AF型动力分散动车组为例,根据列车制动减速特性和运动学相关理论对列车制动过程进行了数学建模,对列车运行阻力、坡道力和车辆自身制动力等参数进行计算。利用MATLAB/Simulink软件分别进行了列车制动距离、制动时间和黏着校核等仿真计算,并对CR200J型动力集中动车组紧急制动时各作用力随速度的变化规律进行仿真。针对提出的列车制动计算方法,文章对列车制动距离和制动时间进行了试验验证,结果显示,计算结果与试验结果具有良好的一致性,表明了制动计算方法满足设计要求。文章为列车制动计算提供了一种新思路,为制动系统设计优化、状态监控、性能预测、虚拟验证等制动系统数字孪生仿真技术研究进行了技术储备。 展开更多
关键词 列车 matlab/simulink 数学模型 制动性能计算 试验验证
作者 李明 《科技与创新》 2024年第12期90-93,共4页
介绍了24脉波整流机组的基本原理,使用MATLAB建立了24脉波牵引整流机组的仿真模型,介绍了详细的参数设置,并验证了仿真计算结果与理论公式计算结果的一致性,证明了模型的正确性;通过整流器直流侧过压保护的仿真,验证了电容器性能降低对... 介绍了24脉波整流机组的基本原理,使用MATLAB建立了24脉波牵引整流机组的仿真模型,介绍了详细的参数设置,并验证了仿真计算结果与理论公式计算结果的一致性,证明了模型的正确性;通过整流器直流侧过压保护的仿真,验证了电容器性能降低对直流侧输出电压峰值、峰峰值以及波形的影响,为整流器元件性能降低后输出的电能质量提供判断工具。 展开更多
关键词 24脉波整流机组 matlab/simulink 直流侧过压保护 仿真
作者 刘书溢 杨男男 +1 位作者 孙喜瑞 刘昱彤 《南方农机》 2024年第18期142-144,162,共4页
针对“机械工程控制基础”工程实例不足、学生理解其知识体系存在一定困难等问题,文章对“机械工程控制基础”的内容特征进行分析,阐述了“机械工程控制基础”对于应用型本科机械类学生的重要性,概述了传统教学方法特点,研究了“机械工... 针对“机械工程控制基础”工程实例不足、学生理解其知识体系存在一定困难等问题,文章对“机械工程控制基础”的内容特征进行分析,阐述了“机械工程控制基础”对于应用型本科机械类学生的重要性,概述了传统教学方法特点,研究了“机械工程控制基础”的工程属性及其研究流程,介绍了MATLAB/SIMULINK软件的基本原理和特点,并结合其优点,说明了其在“机械工程控制基础”中的重要作用与意义。以单容量水箱液面自动控制系统为例,详细描述了MATLAB/SIMULINK软件在工程实际应用中的研究,生动阐明了系统参数变化对其动态特性的影响规律,通过对仿真结果的分析和比较,更直观地展示了不同控制方法的优缺点。 展开更多
关键词 matlab/simulink 机械工程控制研究 水箱自动控制
Analysis and optimization of distance measurement in MATLAB/SIMULINK model
作者 WANG Yin JIN Xiangliang 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 北大核心 2018年第3期558-564,共7页
Based on the basic principle of Time-Of-Flight cameras,a novel MATLAB/SIMULINK model is proposed to measure phase delay of a modulated light signal which represents the distance from camera to object. Subsequently,by ... Based on the basic principle of Time-Of-Flight cameras,a novel MATLAB/SIMULINK model is proposed to measure phase delay of a modulated light signal which represents the distance from camera to object. Subsequently,by discussing influence factors of phase measurement,it is found that the integration time,the sampling time,and the aliasing effect have important effect on improving the accuracy of phase measurement. Interestingly,by analyzing different integration time and sampling time, it is found that the best integration time and sampling time are 0.05 ms and 10 ns,respectively. In this case(i.e.,in absence of the aliasing effect),the variation range of the distance error is between 1 mm and 11 mm in the interval of one period. Especially,under the consideration of the aliasing effect,the average value of distance error is half of that in absence of the aliasing effect. This improves the accuracy of the distance measurement greatly. 展开更多
关键词 TIME-OF-FLIGHT pseudo-four-phase-shift algorithm matlab/simulink model phase measurement
基于MATLAB Simulink移动式增氧机运动建模与仿真
作者 盛亮 沈钻科 《机电工程技术》 2024年第10期185-187,191,共4页
为深入了解四轮驱动式移动式增氧机的不同状态下的运动特性,针对当前经验公式计算所得的四个明轮推力偏大,对控制系统设计不利的问题,提出了一种基于MATLAB Simulink的仿真方法,用以模拟移动增氧机的运动过程。建立了运动过程的数字仿... 为深入了解四轮驱动式移动式增氧机的不同状态下的运动特性,针对当前经验公式计算所得的四个明轮推力偏大,对控制系统设计不利的问题,提出了一种基于MATLAB Simulink的仿真方法,用以模拟移动增氧机的运动过程。建立了运动过程的数字仿真模型,仿真分析了移动式增氧机前进和原地增氧模式。结果表明:仿真模拟结果与实际运动特性相符。在前进模式下,移动式增氧机能够实现直线前进;在原地增氧模式下,可以实现原地静止。充分验证了所提数学模型的准确性,对移动式增氧机运动过程的理论研究和实际应用提供了一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 移动式增氧机 运动模型 simulink
A Matlab/Simulink-Based Photovoltaic Array Model Employing SimPowerSystems Toolbox 被引量:1
作者 Samer Said Ahmed Massoud +1 位作者 Mohieddine Benammar Shehab Ahmed 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第12期1965-1975,共11页
The modeling of PV (photovoltaic) systems is very crucial for embedded power system applications and maximum power point tracking. This paper presents a PV array model using Matlab/Simulink with the assistance of Si... The modeling of PV (photovoltaic) systems is very crucial for embedded power system applications and maximum power point tracking. This paper presents a PV array model using Matlab/Simulink with the assistance of SimPowerSystem toolbox. The PV cell is considered as the main building block for simulating and monitoring the PV array performance. The PV model has been developed and used as Simulink subsystems where the effect of solar insolation and PV array temperature on commercial PV modules have been studied throughout the simulated I-V and P-V output characteristics. The proposed model facilitates simulating the dynamic performance of PV-based power systems. The effect of different partial shading patterns of PV arrays under different configurations has been studied. 展开更多
关键词 modeling PV solar energy matlab shading.
Neural network modeling for dynamic pulsed GTAW process with wire filler based on MATLAB
作者 赵冬斌 陈善本 +1 位作者 吴林 陈强 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2001年第2期10-15,共6页
Double-sided weld pool shapes were determined by multiple welding parameters and wire feed parameters during pulsed GTAW with wire filler. Aiming at such a system with multiple inputs and outputs, an effective modelin... Double-sided weld pool shapes were determined by multiple welding parameters and wire feed parameters during pulsed GTAW with wire filler. Aiming at such a system with multiple inputs and outputs, an effective modeling method, consisting of the impulse signal design, model structure and parameter identification and verification, was developed based on MATLAB software. Then, dynamic neural network models, TDNNM (Topside dynamic neural network model) and BHDNNM (Backside width and topside height dynamic neural network model), were established to predict double-sided shape parameters of the weld pool. The characteristic relationship of the welding process was simulated and analyzed with the models. 展开更多
关键词 GTAW with wire filler dynamic process modeling neural network matlab
Simulink/MATLAB Model for Assessing the Use of a Centrifugal Pump as a Hydraulic Turbine
作者 Peter E. Jenkins Artem Kuryachy 《World Journal of Mechanics》 2018年第7期253-271,共19页
A centrifugal pump used as a hydraulic turbine in producing power for a microhydropower system is multifaceted. Centrifugal pumps are far more ubiquitous than turbines in the turbomachinery market, therefore being mor... A centrifugal pump used as a hydraulic turbine in producing power for a microhydropower system is multifaceted. Centrifugal pumps are far more ubiquitous than turbines in the turbomachinery market, therefore being more readily available to the consumer. Additionally, they are cheaper. Hydraulic turbines undergo rigorous CFD simulation design and testing to establish their blade geometries and ranges of operation. This results in a refined but very expensive final product. Centrifugal pumps are thus presented as a logical alternative seeing that they can physically perform the same task as a hydropower turbine albeit at a reduced efficiency. This paper presents the results of an analysis and simulation to assess the use of a centrifugal pump as a hydraulic turbine. 展开更多
关键词 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP HYDRAULIC TURBINE simulink matlab Simulation
Study on Mathematical Modeling Software MATLAB Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 Jing SHENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期127-130,共4页
The present situation of the mathematics teaching in higher vocational colleges is not optimistic. In the new education system, it is an urgent problem for the mathematics teachers in higher vocational colleges to bri... The present situation of the mathematics teaching in higher vocational colleges is not optimistic. In the new education system, it is an urgent problem for the mathematics teachers in higher vocational colleges to bring forth new ideas for the teaching methods, improve the students' interest in learning, and train the application-oriented talented personnel needed by the society. MATLAB software package can help set up a bridge and link for the mathematics teaching and the practical application. Its powerful numerical calculation ability can quickly solve all kinds of calculation problems, so that the basic thinking methods are more closely focused in mathematics teaching and also more conditions are created for mathematics teaching to combine the actual major conditions and life conditions. In this paper, the related problems in the implementation of mathematical modeling software MATLAB and model in higher vocational colleges are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 matlab Mathematics Experiment Mathematical modeling TEACHING
Building Model of Photovoltaic Cell Module with MATLAB Simulink
作者 Lotfi Rachedi Cherif Fatha Tahar Bahi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第11期2188-2192,共5页
In this paper, a PV (photovoltaic) module in renewable energy conversion system is simulated. The simulation of the system is developed using MATLAB/Simulink environments, which can be representative of PV cell, mod... In this paper, a PV (photovoltaic) module in renewable energy conversion system is simulated. The simulation of the system is developed using MATLAB/Simulink environments, which can be representative of PV cell, module and array for easy use on simulation block. The PV model is developed using basic circuit equations of the photovoltaic solar cells including the effects of irradiation and temperature. The output current and power characteristics of PV model are simulated. The results are provided and presented here. 展开更多
关键词 Photovoltaic model DEVELOPED simulation matlab.
光伏电池简化数学模型的Matlab/Simulink仿真研究 被引量:25
作者 胡长武 李宝国 +1 位作者 王兰梦 滕宁宁 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第10期20-24,共5页
研究并提出了一种简单而实用的光伏电池数学模型和估算光伏电池串联电阻的简便方法。该模型只需光伏电池的U ocref和I scref两个参数,就可满足工程上的仿真需求。文章利用Matlab/Simulink对该数学模型进行仿真研究并绘制相应曲线表明,... 研究并提出了一种简单而实用的光伏电池数学模型和估算光伏电池串联电阻的简便方法。该模型只需光伏电池的U ocref和I scref两个参数,就可满足工程上的仿真需求。文章利用Matlab/Simulink对该数学模型进行仿真研究并绘制相应曲线表明,所研究的光伏电池模型简单且具有实用性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏电池 数学模型 matlab simulink 仿真研究
Matlab/Simulink仿真在电力电子技术教学中应用 被引量:62
作者 牛天林 樊波 +1 位作者 张强 赵广胜 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期84-87,共4页
教学实践证明,Matlab/Simulink仿真技术是增强"电力电子技术"课程教学生动性、直观性和有效性的有力工具。针对传统教学中对以软件仿真理解不够全面的问题,概括了软件的建模仿真流程,给出贯穿教学全过程的应用拓展思路,并结... 教学实践证明,Matlab/Simulink仿真技术是增强"电力电子技术"课程教学生动性、直观性和有效性的有力工具。针对传统教学中对以软件仿真理解不够全面的问题,概括了软件的建模仿真流程,给出贯穿教学全过程的应用拓展思路,并结合典型电力电子电路和电力供电线路案例,重点探讨分析了仿真技术在教学过程中动态比较、疑难解答、系统认知、实验拓展等环节的应用,为全面发挥该软件的辅助教学功能提供有益借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 matlab/simulink仿真 电力电子技术 应用拓展
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