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基于面板数据Mixed logit模型的自动驾驶选择行为分析 被引量:3
作者 连齐才 李涵 +1 位作者 石小林 闫章存 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期46-52,共7页
为准确把握自动驾驶环境下出行方式选择规律,引入面板数据Mixed logit模型分析在自动驾驶环境下表征出行者个体社会经济属性的年龄、收入、受教育程度等变量和表征出行方式特性的出行成本、等待时间、在途时间等变量对出行方式选择行为... 为准确把握自动驾驶环境下出行方式选择规律,引入面板数据Mixed logit模型分析在自动驾驶环境下表征出行者个体社会经济属性的年龄、收入、受教育程度等变量和表征出行方式特性的出行成本、等待时间、在途时间等变量对出行方式选择行为影响作用机理。利用新加坡自动驾驶出行意愿调研获得150位受访者在7个不同情景的1050个选择意愿有效样本数据,构建自动驾驶环境下出行选择行为模型。结果显示:模型卡方检验p值小于0.000说明模型具有较好的适用性;参数估计结果显示人群中不同个体对出行成本、等待时间、出行时间存在较强异质性;边际效应分析显示随着年龄增大选择自动驾驶、公交和步行出行概率增大选择网约车概率降低,当出行成本、出行时间、等待时间增加一倍将使选择自动驾驶出行概率降低近4.0%。 展开更多
关键词 交通运输工程 城市交通 出行选择行为 面板mixed logit 自动驾驶 边际效应
基于Mixed Logit离散选择模型的紧急救援信号过渡方案选择研究
作者 王品乘 姚佼 张凯敏 《物流科技》 2020年第3期34-38,共5页
针对紧急救援信号优先对社会交通流的扰动和延误增加,文章首先针对多目标信号过渡优化模型及传统的立即过渡方案、两周期过渡方案、三周期过渡方案运用Mixed Logit离散选择模型建立了四种过渡方案的效用函数;其次,分别计算其选择概率,... 针对紧急救援信号优先对社会交通流的扰动和延误增加,文章首先针对多目标信号过渡优化模型及传统的立即过渡方案、两周期过渡方案、三周期过渡方案运用Mixed Logit离散选择模型建立了四种过渡方案的效用函数;其次,分别计算其选择概率,进行方案选择;最后,以苏州市狮子山区域路网相关运行的实际数据为例,进行案例分析与仿真验证。结果显示,文章的Mixed Logit离散选择模型对于多目标过渡优化模型选择率较高,平均选择概率为50.23%。并进一步用TSIS仿真分析,结果亦表明模型所选方案相较于其他三种方案车均延误更小,与Mixed Logit离散选择模型结果相吻合,进一步验证了模型的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 紧急救援交通 离散选择模型 mixed logit模型 TSIS仿真
基于贝叶斯Mixed Logit模型的轨道交通统计生命价值评价
作者 刘文歌 杨晶 《大连交通大学学报》 CAS 2020年第6期23-27,共5页
轨道交通统计生命价值是轨道交通安全项目成本效益分析中不可或缺的基础指标.利用参数服从对数正态分布的混合logit模型,构建轨道交通统计生命价值的评价模型;利用意愿选择法和正交试验法设计"出行路径选择"调查问卷,并在大... 轨道交通统计生命价值是轨道交通安全项目成本效益分析中不可或缺的基础指标.利用参数服从对数正态分布的混合logit模型,构建轨道交通统计生命价值的评价模型;利用意愿选择法和正交试验法设计"出行路径选择"调查问卷,并在大连地区实施交通意向调查获得调查数据;利用贝叶斯估计中的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法对模型进行参数估计,最终获得轨道交通统计生命价值的评估值.研究结果表明:通过对马尔科夫链的收敛性诊断,表明参数服从对数正态分布的ML模型具有较高的精确性;基于贝叶斯估计的轨道交通统计生命价值评估值为508.41万元,评估结果具有合理性. 展开更多
关键词 轨道交通 统计生命价值 mixed logit模型 贝叶斯算法 马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛
耕地重金属污染治理生态补偿政策选择与组合研究 被引量:18
作者 刘馨月 周力 应瑞瑶 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期88-97,共10页
研究目的:考察不同规模农户对生态补偿多元政策的偏好及政策间的相互作用,以期为增强耕地重金属污染生态补偿政策的实施效果和构建污染治理长效补偿机制提供参考。研究方法:Mixed Logit模型。研究结果:(1)农户对各类生态补偿政策的偏好... 研究目的:考察不同规模农户对生态补偿多元政策的偏好及政策间的相互作用,以期为增强耕地重金属污染生态补偿政策的实施效果和构建污染治理长效补偿机制提供参考。研究方法:Mixed Logit模型。研究结果:(1)农户对各类生态补偿政策的偏好程度受经营规模影响显著,规模户偏好技术指导、产量保险和分级收购政策,目前试点的现金补贴政策对其激励不足;(2)技术补偿与资金补偿政策呈显著互补性,当技术补偿缺失时,市场化的分级收购补偿政策激励效果将被弱化。研究结论:耕地重金属污染治理生态补偿需要探索针对性治理技术指导、产量保险、分级收购等新政策,同时对补偿政策进行合理组合。 展开更多
关键词 农户偏好 重金属污染 生态补偿政策 选择实验 mixed logit模型
茶农生物农药属性偏好及支付意愿研究--基于选择实验的实证分析 被引量:5
作者 赵晓颖 郑军 张明月 《技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期103-111,共9页
利用选择实验方法实证分析了茶农生物农药属性偏好和支付意愿。结果表明:(1)茶农偏好"缩短安全间隔期""不提前使用"和"不产生抗药性"的农药属性,但在"缩短安全间隔期"和"针对防治"... 利用选择实验方法实证分析了茶农生物农药属性偏好和支付意愿。结果表明:(1)茶农偏好"缩短安全间隔期""不提前使用"和"不产生抗药性"的农药属性,但在"缩短安全间隔期"和"针对防治"上存在偏好异质性;(2)茶农愿为优化3类属性多支付16.974、22.250和11.272元/亩/年;(3)种植面积小、受教育年限长、化学农药危害认知程度高的茶农倾向于选择生物农药;(4)生物农药实际支付高于各属性加总的意愿支付,应关注生物农药外部性。 展开更多
关键词 选择实验 生物农药 属性偏好 mixed logit WTP
乡村振兴背景下采摘型休闲农业消费者选择偏好研究——基于选择实验法的实证分析 被引量:2
作者 韩振兴 刘东辉 常向阳 《农林经济管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期322-329,共8页
基于江苏省568个消费者样本,以草莓采摘为例,通过选择实验法采用Mixed Logit模型和潜类别模型,实证分析消费者对草莓园不同属性的偏好、各属性的相对重要性及支付意愿和偏好异质性来源等问题。结果表明:消费者对口碑好、有品牌的草莓园... 基于江苏省568个消费者样本,以草莓采摘为例,通过选择实验法采用Mixed Logit模型和潜类别模型,实证分析消费者对草莓园不同属性的偏好、各属性的相对重要性及支付意愿和偏好异质性来源等问题。结果表明:消费者对口碑好、有品牌的草莓园偏好较强,且更倾向于选择高架栽培和提供农家乐的草莓园;消费者对各属性偏好的支付意愿从大到小依次为口碑、品牌、高架栽培和农家乐;根据异质性来源可以将消费者划分为价格敏感型、农家乐偏好型、口碑导向型、舒适偏好型等4种类型。据此,建议草莓园经营者增加对草莓园口碑和品牌建设的关注,改进草莓园设施建设和采摘定价,明确草莓园市场定位,针对不同类型的消费者采取相应的市场经营策略。 展开更多
关键词 草莓采摘 选择实验法 mixed logit模型 潜类别模型 消费者偏好
作者 张春勤 胡雨婷 +1 位作者 倪训友 隽志才 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期771-778,共8页
探讨了城乡客运一体化背景下农村客运车辆收购协议签订意愿的影响因素,为农村客运车辆收购过程顺利实施和城乡客运资源整合提供理论支撑与政策建议。据已有研究成果提出研究假设,建立基于Mixed Logit模型的车辆收购协议签订意愿影响因... 探讨了城乡客运一体化背景下农村客运车辆收购协议签订意愿的影响因素,为农村客运车辆收购过程顺利实施和城乡客运资源整合提供理论支撑与政策建议。据已有研究成果提出研究假设,建立基于Mixed Logit模型的车辆收购协议签订意愿影响因素模型,以沈阳市、辽阳市和广德县的个体经营车主为调研对象,对研究假设进行了实证检验。研究结果发现:政府补偿、车辆收购后预期、社会关系影响是影响车辆收购协议签订意愿的最主要因素,车主的家庭情况信息和车辆特征对车辆收购协议签订意愿有一定的影响,而个体经营车主特征和当地经济交通发展水平对车辆收购协议签订意愿的影响甚小。提高车辆收购补偿标准、多元化和个性化的补偿方案是提高车辆收购协议签订意愿、保证车辆收购顺利进行的重要举措。 展开更多
关键词 城乡客运一体化 农村客运车辆 收购协议 签订意愿 mixed logit模型
出行者对出行方式服务属性的感知差异研究 被引量:6
作者 常四铁 严飞 左康 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期42-46,122,共6页
解析出行者对服务属性的感知差异能够为提升城市公交服务水平提供理论依据。基于上海市居民出行意愿调查,建立考虑行程时间与车内拥挤度交叉项、可靠性的出行方式选择效用;根据多项Logit模型和混合Logit模型的通用参数和选项特定参数估... 解析出行者对服务属性的感知差异能够为提升城市公交服务水平提供理论依据。基于上海市居民出行意愿调查,建立考虑行程时间与车内拥挤度交叉项、可靠性的出行方式选择效用;根据多项Logit模型和混合Logit模型的通用参数和选项特定参数估计结果,量化出行者对出行方式服务属性的感知差异。结果表明:拥挤有座时的时间价值是不拥挤有座时的1.41倍,拥挤无座时的时间价值是不拥挤有座时的1.56倍;地铁的可靠性价值显著高于私家车和常规公交;同一车内拥挤程度水平下,常规公交的时间价值大于地铁。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 交通规划 出行行为 意愿调查 感知差异 mixed logit模型
Leave the expressway or not? Impact of dynamic information
作者 Hongcheng Gan Xin Ye 《Journal of Modern Transportation》 2014年第2期96-103,共8页
This study investigates drivers' diversion decision behavior under expressway variable message signs that provide travel time of both an expressway route and a local street route. Both a conventional cross-sectional ... This study investigates drivers' diversion decision behavior under expressway variable message signs that provide travel time of both an expressway route and a local street route. Both a conventional cross-sectional logit model and a mixed logit model are developed to model drivers' response to travel time information. It is based on the data collected from a stated preference survey in Shanghai, China. The mixed logit model captures the heterogeneity in the value of "travel time" and "number of traffic lights" and accounts for correlations among repeated choices of the same respondent. Results show that travel time saving and driving experience serve as positive factors, while the number of traffic lights on the arterial road, expressway use frequency, being a middle-aged driver, and being a driver of an employer-provided car serve as negative factors in diversion. The mixed logit model obviously outperforms the cross-sectional model in dealing with repeated choices and capturing heterogeneity regarding the goodness-of-fit criterion. The significance of standard deviations of random coefficients for travel time and number of traffic lights evidences the existence of hetero- geneity in the driver population. The findings of this study have implications for future efforts in driver behaviormodeling and advanced traveler information system assessment. 展开更多
关键词 Travel decision mixed logit Travel time Repeated choices Variable message sign Statedpreference
Valuing the water supply: ecosystem-based potable water supply management for the Legedadie-Dire catchments, Central Ethiopia 被引量:2
作者 Yilikal Anteneh Gete Zeleke Ephrem Gebremariam 《Ecological Processes》 SCIE EI 2019年第1期104-127,共24页
Background:There is a substantial interest in the values that consumers place on drinking water quality and supply.Financial resources are crucial to improving the urban potable water supply in developing countries th... Background:There is a substantial interest in the values that consumers place on drinking water quality and supply.Financial resources are crucial to improving the urban potable water supply in developing countries that are characterized by low-cost recovery rates and a high and rapidly growing demand for more reliable services.This study examined households’willingness to pay(WTP)for the improvement of water services by identifying their water choice decisions and the mode of water supply that they prefer the water supply authority to use among several alternative water supply options.Stated-preference data were collected from 322 randomly selected households in Addis Ababa,who were presented with three sets of choices(three alternative bundle choices,including the reference scenario).The data were analyzed using the mixed logit WTP space model.Three approaches to modeling the distribution of WTP(fixed,uncorrelated,and correlated)using mixed logit WTP space models were compared.Results:Three-quarters of the households agreed to contribute money toward ecosystem-based water supply management(EBWSM)intervention programs on a monthly basis.The average contribution that the respondents were willing to pay was 150.5 Ethiopian Birr(ETB)as a one-off lump sum to kick off the EBWSM activities.Most of the respondents chose a bundle of water supply options that provides risk-free and high-quality water with no months of shortages than moderate water quality that is safe to drink and palatable with 1 month shortages annually.This implies that households would need to be supplied with risk-free,high-quality water without interruption at an appropriate flow pressure.The model with correlations fitted the data well with the highest simulated log-likelihoods at convergence and gave the best estimate of the households’WTP for water improvement.Nearly 46%of the sampled households were willing to pay more than 33 ETB per month,and 49%of the households were willing to pay between 21 ETB and 33 ETB per month for the monthly water bill.Overall,approximately 95%of the sampled households were willing to pay more than 21 ETB.Conclusion:Customers are willing to pay to avoid most types of water supply restrictions.Moreover,WTP is sensitive to the scope of service improvement,income,affixed price,and elicitation method.In summary,mixed logit WTP-space models can help accurately predict household-level WTP,which can be used to select improvements in drinking water access and services in the Legedadie-Dire catchments. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem service Water supply mixed logit WTP-space model Catchment management Legedadie reservoir
Using random-parameter and fixed-parameter ordered models to explore temporal stability in factors affecting drivers' injury severity in single-vehicle collisions 被引量:1
作者 Essam Dabbour Murtaza Haider Eman Diaa 《Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition)》 CSCD 2019年第2期132-146,共15页
Understanding the temporal stability in the factors influencing drivers' injury severity in single-vehicle collisions would help evaluating the effectiveness of implementing different safety treatments so that res... Understanding the temporal stability in the factors influencing drivers' injury severity in single-vehicle collisions would help evaluating the effectiveness of implementing different safety treatments so that researchers could understand whether any safety improvements,observed after applying a certain safety treatment, are attributed to the specific treatment or simply attributed to the temporal instability of the factors being addressed. This study investigates the temporal stability of the factors affecting drivers' injury severity in singlevehicle collisions involving light-duty vehicles. The study is based on utilizing ordinal regression modeling to analyze the severity of drivers' injuries in all police-reported lightduty single-vehicle collisions that occurred in North Carolina from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2013. A separate regression model was estimated for each year so that statistical significance of each risk factor may be compared over the years. The study also estimated random-parameter(mixed) ordered logit models to explore the heterogeneity in data. The most significant factor that was found to increase the severity of drivers' injuries in light-duty single-vehicle collisions is driving under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. Other significant factors, in decreasing order in terms of their significance, include driving on a highway curve, exceeding speed limit, lighting conditions, the age of the driver, and the age of the vehicle. In contrast, there were six factors that were found to be significant in only some years and not in all years. These six temporally unstable factors include the use of seatbelt, driver's gender, rural highways, undivided highways, the type of the light-duty vehicle, and weather and road surface conditions. These same factors were found by other previous research studies to be significant and stable predictors of drivers' injury severity in single-vehicle collisions. 展开更多
关键词 Drivers' injury severity Single-vehicle collisions Ordinal regression models mixed logit models Temporal stability
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