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Toledoth Yeshu: A Jewish Critique of the Gentile Christian Transformation of Jesus Christ
作者 Wolfgang Treitler 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2020年第2期109-138,共30页
The essay deals with the so-called“Toledoth Yeshu,”one of the most cryptic stories about Jesus Christ from Middle Ages.They referred to some stories of the Gospels of the New Testament and rearranged them again in o... The essay deals with the so-called“Toledoth Yeshu,”one of the most cryptic stories about Jesus Christ from Middle Ages.They referred to some stories of the Gospels of the New Testament and rearranged them again in order to set up a counter story.The thesis of the paper is that these counter stories did not aim at the New Testament as such,but at the Christological dogmatic that stripped Jesus of his Jewishness and turned him into a figure similar to pagan deities opposing and damaging Jewish tradition mainly by exercising magic.At the end,“Toledoth Yeshu”told a story claiming that Yeshu was sentenced to death only by Jewish authorities,because he practiced the blasphemous act of magic of God’s name,seduced his followers by doing so and,therefore,damaged the faith in the One God.That is why I consider“Toledoth Yeshu”a strong and self-conscious Jewish polemic not against the Jewish roots of Christianity,not even against the Jewish Christians that long have perished,but against Gentile or pagan Christianity and its successful attempt to turn Christ into a paganized divine being acting out magic instead of observing the Torah. 展开更多
关键词 CHRISTIAN dogmatic genealogy of CHRIST Gentile Christianity ineffable name JESUS CHRIST medieval JUDAISM monotheism religious magic TORAH practice
Belief into Action Scale: A Brief but Comprehensive Measure of Religious Commitment
作者 Harold G. Koenig Bruce Nelson +3 位作者 Sally F. Shaw Faten Al Zaben Zhizhong Wang Salil Saxena 《Open Journal of Psychiatry》 2015年第1期66-77,共12页
Objective: Our goal was to develop a comprehensive measure of religious involvement for those affiliated with monotheistic religious traditions that fully captures the centrality of religion in life. Methods: A conven... Objective: Our goal was to develop a comprehensive measure of religious involvement for those affiliated with monotheistic religious traditions that fully captures the centrality of religion in life. Methods: A convenience sample of female caregivers of those with chronic disabling illness, recruited from North Carolina and California, completed a questionnaire including a new 10-item scale called the Belief into Action (BIAC) scale (possible score range: 10 - 100). Psychometric properties of the BIAC were examined. Results: 231 participants completed the BIAC (87% Christian). The average score was 46.3 (range: 10 - 90). Cronbach alpha was 0.89 (95% CI 0.86 - 0.91) and the intra-class correlation coefficient between two administrations (n = 60) was 0.919 (95% CI 0.869 - 0.951). Convergent validity was demonstrated by high correlations between the BIAC and existing religiosity scales;divergent validity by weak correlations with mental, social, and physical health outcomes;construct validity by high correlations between individual items and total scale score (r’s 0.58 - 0.80);factor analytic validity by a single factor that explained 94.4% of the scale’s variance;and predictive validity by small to moderate correlations with psychosocial outcomes in expected directions. Conclusion: The BIAC is a reliable and valid scale for comprehensively assessing religious involvement in female caregivers affiliated with monotheistic religions, Christianity in particular. Psychometric properties of the scale need to be established in other populations. 展开更多
理雅各《道教文本》译序及导言研究 被引量:3
作者 赵倞 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第2期50-81,共32页
圣人但为实腹而养气,不为悦目而徇物也,故悉去彼外在之诸多妄,而独取此内在之一真。——吴澄余为陈道有异同同异之辩,而言至道,终必归于大同。——王韬19世纪英国传教士、汉学家理雅各(James Legge,1815-1897)以译介中华经典为毕生职志... 圣人但为实腹而养气,不为悦目而徇物也,故悉去彼外在之诸多妄,而独取此内在之一真。——吴澄余为陈道有异同同异之辩,而言至道,终必归于大同。——王韬19世纪英国传教士、汉学家理雅各(James Legge,1815-1897)以译介中华经典为毕生职志,近年来,其译作已广为中国学界所重视。早前国内对理雅各的学术兴趣,除去传记研究和思想研究之外,多集中于译文。对于理氏译本颇具特色的译序(Preface)、前言(Prolegomena)、导言(Introduction)等部分,以及那些远远超过正文长度的缜密注解,每疏于详察。依理氏译作通常的办法,"Preface" 展开更多
关键词 JAMES Legge monotheism DAOISM Comparative RELIGIOUS Study
作者 王东 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第1期27-48,共22页
德国学者杜姆(Bernhard Duhm)延续他早些时候的著作(DieTheologie Der Propheten(Bonn,1875))的观点,于1892年对《以赛亚书》所作的注释【Das Buch Jesaia(G(o|¨)ttingen,PP.XVIII,284ff.,365ff.)】问世,他的注释在旧约《以赛亚书》
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