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作者 陈迎年 《中原文化研究》 2024年第3期50-58,共9页
经由牟宗三的批评和随后而来的反批评,冯友兰与牟宗三的学问分别被指为“脓包哲学”“癔症哲学”,现代新儒家“同室操戈”,本应作为“共识”的“儒学”似乎被弄丢不见了。不过究其实,冯友兰和牟宗三都有志于通过“讲道理”来为儒学在世... 经由牟宗三的批评和随后而来的反批评,冯友兰与牟宗三的学问分别被指为“脓包哲学”“癔症哲学”,现代新儒家“同室操戈”,本应作为“共识”的“儒学”似乎被弄丢不见了。不过究其实,冯友兰和牟宗三都有志于通过“讲道理”来为儒学在世界文明史中争得一席之地。他们认为,面对社会生活的沧桑巨变,用语言文字把传统儒学的那些“常道”合逻辑、合知识地表达出来以说服人,成了现代新儒学的“第一义”,否则儒学在这个时代里便无法自安。在此共识下,牟宗三哲学是“至高无上的教”的一个现代流露,冯友兰哲学是众多“知识性的学”中的一个现代成员,两者的差别就是“烟酒咖啡”与“菽粟布帛”的差别,虽不同,但却都是生活、生命之所需。有此生命、生活,中国哲学的现代性转化便能开辟出自己的道路,而现代新儒学的未来也才真实可期。 展开更多
关键词 儒学 冯友兰 牟宗三 哲学 知识化自安
作者 蔡家和 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期1-11,28,共12页
在近代西风东渐、民族文化遭受冲击与挑战之际,“当代新儒家”对传统的态度虽有所疑,但仍排除种种纷陈,不与主张全盘西化者为伍,选择立定优良文化传统之脚跟,而后摄受西洋文化之优异面,借以取长补短,增益民族文化之生命力与内涵。依此原... 在近代西风东渐、民族文化遭受冲击与挑战之际,“当代新儒家”对传统的态度虽有所疑,但仍排除种种纷陈,不与主张全盘西化者为伍,选择立定优良文化传统之脚跟,而后摄受西洋文化之优异面,借以取长补短,增益民族文化之生命力与内涵。依此原则,唐君毅和牟宗三先生都曾进行深刻的探讨与回应。简言之,乃是以良知、性善、人格之挺立,用以吸收、结合西学之重知识、科学、宗教等传统,创造德性之知与闻见之知的关联,从而实现人文精神与物质文明之齐头并进且与时俱进的目标。 展开更多
关键词 疑古 唐君毅 牟宗三 知识 良知
作者 李彬 曹夕 《社会科学论坛》 2024年第3期17-34,共18页
近年来,港台新儒家心性论研究逐渐式微,港台学者开始逐渐重视东亚儒学思想中的反理学思潮即“气学”思想。但事实上,宋代儒学创立伊始,关于“气”“气禀”“气质”“气质之性”的讨论就占有半壁江山的地位。通过考察冯友兰、钱穆、牟宗... 近年来,港台新儒家心性论研究逐渐式微,港台学者开始逐渐重视东亚儒学思想中的反理学思潮即“气学”思想。但事实上,宋代儒学创立伊始,关于“气”“气禀”“气质”“气质之性”的讨论就占有半壁江山的地位。通过考察冯友兰、钱穆、牟宗三、张东荪、唐君毅、陈来、杨儒宾、杨立华等学者对宋明理学尤其是朱子理气哲学的研究,可知理解朱子的理气关系尤其是其气论,不能停留在形质论的层面,而应该深入到体用论的层面。 展开更多
关键词 朱子 理气论 形质论 体用论 冯友兰 牟宗三
MOU签署后浙台银行业的合作问题研究 被引量:1
作者 林宗卿 《特区经济》 北大核心 2010年第12期52-54,共3页
随着两岸经贸交流的日益频繁,两岸金融合作滞后愈发成为制约其进一步发展的瓶颈。2009年11月16日,两岸金融监理合作谅解备忘录(MOU)正式签署,签署之后60天生效。据估计,MOU的签署将给两岸带来超过万亿人民币的商机。两岸银行也纷纷表示... 随着两岸经贸交流的日益频繁,两岸金融合作滞后愈发成为制约其进一步发展的瓶颈。2009年11月16日,两岸金融监理合作谅解备忘录(MOU)正式签署,签署之后60天生效。据估计,MOU的签署将给两岸带来超过万亿人民币的商机。两岸银行也纷纷表示了合作的意愿。作为金融生态环境良好、民营经济发达、与台湾经贸往来密切的浙江省,随着两岸MOU签署,浙台两地贸易往来将更加密切等,使浙台间银行业交流合作面临更大的发展机遇。因此,探讨浙台间银行业合作平台与机制,研究浙台间银行业合作问题具有重大的现实意义。本文探讨了浙台银行业合作可行性与必要性、可能存在问题及其对策等。 展开更多
关键词 mou 浙台银行业 合作问题
MOU签署后的两岸金融合作与福建的对策 被引量:2
作者 单玉丽 《福建金融》 2010年第2期18-21,共4页
海峡两岸金融监管谅解备忘录(MOU)的签署,标志着两岸金融进入实质性合作阶段,为进一步深化两岸金融业交流与合作创造了积极条件,为台湾金融业的对外扩张提供了现实可能性,也有利于纾解大陆台商融资难问题,同时为两岸经贸往来的全面深化... 海峡两岸金融监管谅解备忘录(MOU)的签署,标志着两岸金融进入实质性合作阶段,为进一步深化两岸金融业交流与合作创造了积极条件,为台湾金融业的对外扩张提供了现实可能性,也有利于纾解大陆台商融资难问题,同时为两岸经贸往来的全面深化提供了必要的金融支撑。两岸金融业存在着强势互补性,在当前经济全球化、金融整合化的趋势下,福建应抓住MOU签署的机遇,增强紧迫感,充分利用已有的合作基础,加快对台金融合作"先行先试"步伐,增强金融服务海西的能力。 展开更多
关键词 mou 金融监管 金融合作
MOU对两岸金融交流的意义 被引量:1
作者 朱磊 《今日中国》 2010年第1期15-15,共1页
关键词 海峡两岸 金融交流 mou 金融监管机构 谅解备忘录 管理合作 行业监督 合作机制
作者 韩小梦 段留安 +3 位作者 王建田 赵鹏飞 张健康 崔学臣 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第S01期52-54,共3页
1区域成矿地质背景胶东金矿集区是世界著名的黄金资源基地(吕古贤等,1997;施俊法,2000),截至2020年底,累计查明金矿资源量已达5400余吨(于晓卫等,2023)。其中,牟乳成矿带是胶东金矿集区的三大金成矿带之一。该成矿带位于秦岭—大别—苏... 1区域成矿地质背景胶东金矿集区是世界著名的黄金资源基地(吕古贤等,1997;施俊法,2000),截至2020年底,累计查明金矿资源量已达5400余吨(于晓卫等,2023)。其中,牟乳成矿带是胶东金矿集区的三大金成矿带之一。该成矿带位于秦岭—大别—苏鲁造山带(Ⅰ)东延胶南—威海隆起区(Ⅱ)威海隆起区(Ⅲ)(图1a),西以五莲-青岛-烟台断裂为界. 展开更多
关键词 胶东 曲水金矿 地质特征 找矿方向
作者 朱萌然 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期21-26,共6页
牟宗三先生凭借其无所不包的“道德的形上学”体系,哲学地建立起了“中国哲学”的逻辑思辨与哲学架构;而王兴国教授《哲学地建立中国哲学——牟宗三哲学论集》一书,则旨在从形上学、美学、逻辑学、认识论、科学、政治、道德、宗教、文... 牟宗三先生凭借其无所不包的“道德的形上学”体系,哲学地建立起了“中国哲学”的逻辑思辨与哲学架构;而王兴国教授《哲学地建立中国哲学——牟宗三哲学论集》一书,则旨在从形上学、美学、逻辑学、认识论、科学、政治、道德、宗教、文化和哲学史等多个维度,动态复现这一庞大的哲学建立历程,最终使其以“中国哲学的哲学建立”之形式,与“哲学地建立中国哲学”互为表里。 展开更多
关键词 中国哲学 新儒家 牟宗三
Glycosmis longipetala F.J.Mou & D.X.Zhang,a new species of Rutaceae from China 被引量:2
作者 Feng-Juan MOU Dian-Xiang ZHANG 《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期162-167,共6页
Glycosmis longipetala F. J. Mou & D. X. Zhang is described from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in southwestern China. The new species is similar to G. cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre ex Engl. by its simple leaves, but... Glycosmis longipetala F. J. Mou & D. X. Zhang is described from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in southwestern China. The new species is similar to G. cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre ex Engl. by its simple leaves, but distinguishable in having long-elliptic or oblanceolate (vs. ovate) leaves, long-ovoid to ellipsoid (vs. ovoid) floral buds, ovaries with many tubercles (vs. smooth) and glabrous (vs. pubescent) stamens. The pollen grains of the new species are 23.9±3.09 (20.8-27.0)×22.0±1.80 (20.4-24.4)μm in size with reticulate exine ornamentation in equatorial area and foveolate in polar area. The chromosome number of the new species is 2n=72. 展开更多
关键词 China Glycosmis Glycosmis longipetala F. J. mou D. X. Zhang new species pollen morphology polyploidy Rutaceae.
Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the liver associated with hepatolithiasis:A case report 被引量:13
作者 Ke-Lei Zhu Ding-Yao Li Cun-Bing Jiang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5830-5832,共3页
Primary squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) of the liver is rare and reported sporadically.Up to date,only 24 such cases have been reported in the literature.It is associated with hepatic teratoma,congenital cysts,solitary b... Primary squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) of the liver is rare and reported sporadically.Up to date,only 24 such cases have been reported in the literature.It is associated with hepatic teratoma,congenital cysts,solitary benign non-parasitic hepatic cysts,hepatolithiasis/Caroli's disease or cirrhosis.We reported a case of primary SCC of the liver associated with multiple intrahepatic cholesterol gallstones.The patient underwent hepatectomy followed by radiotherapy,and has survived for over 19 mo without recurrence. 展开更多
关键词 鳞状细胞癌 病例报告 原发性 肝脏 结石 胆管 寄生虫性 SCC
Zircon U/Pb Dating of Cretaceous Adakitic Volcanic Rocks in the Eastern Part of North Dabie Mountains 被引量:7
作者 薛怀民 董树文 刘晓春 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2003年第3期222-230,共9页
Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the eastern part of the North Dabi e Mountains are rich in Na (Na\-2O=\{4.03%\}, Na\-2O/K\-2O=\{1.31\}), Sr and Ba , and high in Sr/Y ratio but low in Nb, Y and H REE. They have experienced ... Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the eastern part of the North Dabi e Mountains are rich in Na (Na\-2O=\{4.03%\}, Na\-2O/K\-2O=\{1.31\}), Sr and Ba , and high in Sr/Y ratio but low in Nb, Y and H REE. They have experienced strong fractionation of REE \, and are similar to adakite in geochemical characteristics. The U-Pb dating of zircon from the volcanic rocks is Ma, belonging to Early Cretaceous. These rocks are similar to the volcanic rocks of North Huaiyang not only in age and rare-earth element and trace element geochemistry, but also in the formati on temperature and pressure of the minerals. The results indicated that the dela mination of mountain root and underplating of mafic-ultramafic magma had happen ed in the Dabie orogen before Early Cretaceous. Mesozoic magmatism was intense i n the North Dabie Mountains, including the intrusion of mafic-ultramafic magma, uplifting of gneiss dome, explosion of volcanic rocks and intrusion of granitic magma. The Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the eastern part of the North Dabie Mount ains may be one part of the Mesozoic volcano-intrusive complex belt of North Hu aiyang. The existence of Mesozoic volcanic remnant cap means the denudation of t he Dabie orogenic belt was not very strong since Early Cretaceous. 展开更多
关键词 白垩纪 火山岩 锆石 铅同位素 同位素年代学 大别山 地球化学
Incidence of human papilloma virus in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in patients from the Lublin region 被引量:55
作者 Andrzej Dabrowski Wojciech Kwasniewski +3 位作者 Tomasz Skoczylas Wiesawa Bednarek Dorota Kuzma Anna Gozdzicka-Józefiak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5739-5744,共6页
AIM:To assess the prevalence of human papilloma virus(HPV) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) in the south-eastern region of Poland.METHODS:The study population consisted of 56 ESCC patients and 35 controls.T... AIM:To assess the prevalence of human papilloma virus(HPV) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) in the south-eastern region of Poland.METHODS:The study population consisted of 56 ESCC patients and 35 controls.The controls were patients referred to our department due to other nonesophageal and non-oncological disorders with no gross or microscopic esophageal pathology as confirmed by endoscopy and histopathology.In the ESCC patients,samples were taken from normal mucosa(56 mucosa samples) and from the tumor(56 tumor samples).Tissue samples from the controls were taken from normal mucosa of the middle esophagus(35 control samples).Quantitative determination of DNA was carried out using a spectrophotometric method.Genomic DNA was isolated using the QIAamp DNA Midi Kit.HPV infection was identified following PCR amplification of the HPV gene sequence,using primers MY09 and MY11 complementary to the genome sequence of at least 33 types of HPV.The sequencing results were computationally analyzed using the basic local alignment search tool database.RESULTS:In tumor samples,HPV DNA was identified in 28 of 56 patients(50%).High risk HPV phenotypes(16 or/and 18) were found in 5 of 56 patients(8.9%),low risk in 19 of 56 patients(33.9%) and other types of HPV(37,81,97,CP6108) in 4 of 56 patients(7.1%).In mucosa samples,HPV DNA was isolated in 21 of 56 patients(37.5%).High risk HPV DNA was confirmed in 3 of 56 patients(5.3%),low risk HPV DNA in 12 of 56 patients(21.4%),and other types of HPV in 6 of 56 patients(10.7%).In control samples,HPV DNA was identified in 4 of 35 patients(11.4%) with no high risk HPV.The occurrence of HPV in ESCC patients was significantly higher than in the controls [28 of 56(50%) vs 4 of 35(11.4%),P < 0.001].In esophageal cancer patients,both in tumor and mucosa samples,the predominant HPV phenotypes were low risk HPV,isolated 4 times more frequently than high risk phenotypes [19 of 56(33.9%) vs 5 of 56(8.9%),P < 0.001].A higher prevalence of HPV was identified in female patients(71.4% vs 46.9%).Accordingly,the high risk phenotypes were isolated more frequently in female patients and this difference reached statistical significance [3 of 7(42.9%) vs 2 of 49(4.1%),P < 0.05].Of the pathological characteristics,only an infiltrative pattern of macroscopic tumor type significantly correlated with the presence of HPV DNA in ESCC samples [20 of 27(74.1%) vs 8 of 29(27.6%) for ulcerative or protruding macroscopic type,P < 0.05].The occurrence of total HPV DNA and both HPV high or low risk phenotypes did not significantly differ with regard to particular grades of cellular differentiation,phases in depth of tumor infiltration,grades of nodal involvement and stages of tumor progression.CONCLUSION:Low risk HPV phenotypes could be one of the co-activators or/and co-carcinogens in complex,progressive,multifactorial and multistep esophageal carcinogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 乳头状瘤病毒 鳞状细胞癌 食管癌 发病率 患者 基因组DNA 肿瘤性疾病 DNA分离
作者 夏建阳 《上海保险》 2010年第9期25-28,共4页
关键词 保险业务 mou 保险市场 大陆 苏州 国内保险 保险机构 保险公司
GSM MoU组织与中国电信
作者 黄宇红 王晓云 《电信工程技术与标准化》 1999年第2期39-41,共3页
GSM MoU组织是一个主要由运营者组成的民间组织,它为GSM网在全球的迅速发展发挥了重要的推动作用。而中国电信也通过参加MoU组织,很好地促进了中国电信GSM网的发展。首先介绍MoU组织的组织结构及工作情况,然后介绍中国电信与MoU组织的... GSM MoU组织是一个主要由运营者组成的民间组织,它为GSM网在全球的迅速发展发挥了重要的推动作用。而中国电信也通过参加MoU组织,很好地促进了中国电信GSM网的发展。首先介绍MoU组织的组织结构及工作情况,然后介绍中国电信与MoU组织的合作情况。 展开更多
关键词 GSMmou 移动通信 组织
第七届中日韩MOU会议传递船舶国际标准化新风向 被引量:1
作者 李慧 《船舶标准化工程师》 2017年第5期1-3,共3页
2017年8月22日至23日,第七届中日韩标准化技术机构工作会议(MOU)在无锡成功召开.这已是MOU会议第四次来到中国.此次会议由上海船舶设备研究所(SMERI)主办,韩国船舶设备研究所(KOMERI)和日本船舶技术研究协会(JSTRA)代表共同出... 2017年8月22日至23日,第七届中日韩标准化技术机构工作会议(MOU)在无锡成功召开.这已是MOU会议第四次来到中国.此次会议由上海船舶设备研究所(SMERI)主办,韩国船舶设备研究所(KOMERI)和日本船舶技术研究协会(JSTRA)代表共同出席了会议.主办方首先对日韩代表的到来表示热烈欢迎并介绍了SMERI这一年的国际标准化工作情况。 展开更多
关键词 国际标准化工作 船舶设备 mou 风向 传递 技术机构 船舶技术 研究所
作者 王俊 《中国船检》 2011年第2期66-68,共3页
2011年1月1日,巴黎备忘录新PSC检查机制(NIR)正式实施,与此同时,美国海岸警卫队(USCG)、东京备忘录组织(TOKYOMOU)等的多项PSC政策和法令,也纷纷修订和提高港口国检查的管理机制、标准和要求,港口国控制在力度和广度上都有不断深化和扩... 2011年1月1日,巴黎备忘录新PSC检查机制(NIR)正式实施,与此同时,美国海岸警卫队(USCG)、东京备忘录组织(TOKYOMOU)等的多项PSC政策和法令,也纷纷修订和提高港口国检查的管理机制、标准和要求,港口国控制在力度和广度上都有不断深化和扩散的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 港口国检查 TOKYO USCG mou 美国海岸警卫队 港口国控制 检查机制 管理机制
The distribution of calmodulin and Ca^(2+)-activated calmodulin in cell cycle of mouse erythroleukemia cells
作者 You Jinsong, Li Suwen, Wang Duanshun, Zhang Yun, Suen Daye, and Xue Shaobai Department of Biology, Beijing Normal University, Department of Biology, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China. 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第1期89-94,共6页
Cell proliferation is accompanied with changing levels of intracellular calmodulin (CaM) and its activation.Prior data from synchronized cell population could not actually stand for various CaM levels in different pha... Cell proliferation is accompanied with changing levels of intracellular calmodulin (CaM) and its activation.Prior data from synchronized cell population could not actually stand for various CaM levels in different phases of cell cycle.Here,based upon quantitative measurement of fluorescence in individual cells,a method was developed to investigate intracellular total CaM and Ca^2+-activated CaM contents. Intensity of CaM immunoflurescence gave total CaM level,and Ca^2+-activated CaM was measured by fluorescence intensity of CaM antagonist trifluoperazine (TFP).In mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cells,total CaM level increased from G1 through S to G2M,reaching a maximum of 2-fold increase,then reduced to half amount after cell division.Meanwhile,Ca^2+-activated CaM also in creased through the cell cycle(G1,S,G2M).Increasing observed in G1 meant that the entry of cells from G1 into S phase may require CaM accumulation,and,equally or even more important,Ca^2+-dependent activation of CaM.Ca^2+-activated CaM decreased after cell division.The results suggested that CaM gene expression and C^2+-modulated CaM activation act synergistically to accomplish the cell cycle progression. 展开更多
关键词 钙调蛋白 小鼠 红白血病细胞 细胞周期 分布 钙离子激活CaM
SAC-GSO MOU Signed for Further Cooperation
《China Standardization》 2017年第5期13-13,共1页
SAC Administrator Tian Shihong received the visiting delegation of GCC Standardization Organization(GSO)led by its Secretary-General Nabil A.Molla with a MOU signed between the two sides for further standardization co... SAC Administrator Tian Shihong received the visiting delegation of GCC Standardization Organization(GSO)led by its Secretary-General Nabil A.Molla with a MOU signed between the two sides for further standardization cooperation on August 10,2017.The two sides held in-depth communications on various 展开更多
关键词 SAC-GSO mou Signed for Further Cooperation mou GSO
Nepal, China sign MOU for promotion of trade
《China's Foreign Trade》 2011年第1期8-8,共1页
关键词 谅解备忘录 国际贸易 尼泊尔 中国 mou 工业
CGWIC Subsidiary and Thailand Kasetsart University Signed MOU for HONGYAN-SAT Joint Development
作者 JIA Mu 《Aerospace China》 2017年第4期64-64,共1页
On November 27,2017,under the government cooperation framework of China and Thailand,Beijing Tengyuxinwei Technology Co.,Ltd.(BTTCL),affiliated to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC),signed a MOU of‘Join... On November 27,2017,under the government cooperation framework of China and Thailand,Beijing Tengyuxinwei Technology Co.,Ltd.(BTTCL),affiliated to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC),signed a MOU of‘Joint Construction of HONGYAN-SAT Constellation’with Thailand Kasetsart University(KU).Under this MOU,BTTCL and KU will cooperate in the areas of HONGYAN- 展开更多
关键词 mou 泰国 大学 开发 中国
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