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Fission track evidence for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic uplift of Mt. Bogda, Xinjiang, Northwest China 被引量:1
作者 沈传波 梅廉夫 +3 位作者 彭蕾 张士万 刘麟 汤济广 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2006年第2期143-151,共9页
Fission-track dating evidence from 5 apatite samples and 4 zircon samples, and modeled time-temperature thermal history indicate that since Late Jurassic-Cretaceous (150-106 Ma), the uplift process of Mt. Bogda can be... Fission-track dating evidence from 5 apatite samples and 4 zircon samples, and modeled time-temperature thermal history indicate that since Late Jurassic-Cretaceous (150-106 Ma), the uplift process of Mt. Bogda can be divided into four stages of thermal evolution: 150-106, 75-65, 44-24 and 13-9 Ma. Before 44-24 Ma, the cooling rate and uplifting rate of the southern and northern segments of Mt. Bogda are almost the same, showing that the uplifting of Mt. Bogda is an overall process. Since 44-24 Ma, the uplifting of the southern and northern segments of Mt. Bogda has shown differences. During 42-11 Ma, the northern segment of Mt. Bogda was at a steady stage, with the cooling rate being {0.03℃/Ma} and the uplifting rate being {0.001} mm/a. From 11 Ma to the present, the northern segment of Mt. Bogda was at a rapid cooling and uplifting stage, with the cooling rate being {5.72℃/Ma} and the uplifting rate being {0.19} mm/a. However, the southern segment of Mt. Bogda has been at a rapid cooling and uplifting stage since 26 Ma, with the cooling rate being {1.24℃/Ma} and the uplifting rate being {0.041} mm/a during 26-9 Ma; {4.88℃/Ma} and {0.163} mm/a from 9 Ma till now. 展开更多
关键词 裂变途径 中生代 新生代 地质时期 新疆
On the Relationship between Local Topography and Small Glacier Change under Climatic Warming on Mt. Bogda, Eastern Tian Shan, China 被引量:9
作者 李开明 李慧林 +1 位作者 王林 高闻宇 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期515-527,共13页
Glacial features in the geological record provide essential clues about past behavior of climate. Of the numerous physical systems on earth, glaciers are one of most responsive to climate change, especially small glac... Glacial features in the geological record provide essential clues about past behavior of climate. Of the numerous physical systems on earth, glaciers are one of most responsive to climate change, especially small glaciers, their direct marginal response taking only a few years or decades to be expressed. Accelerating recession of modern glaciers raises the issue of the climate's impact on water runoff. Data based on topographic maps and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Radiometer (ASTER) imagery show the trends that are highly variable over time and within the region. An analysis of the local topographic settings of very small (〈0.5 km2) glaciers was conducted to investigate their influence on recent changes in these glaciers. Among 137 glaciers, 12 disappeared completely. The study reveals that glaciers situated in favorable locations had tiny relative area reduction, while those in less favorable settings generally had large area loss or even disappeared. It is suggested that most of the small glaciers studied have retreated as far as they are likely to under the climatic conditions of the late 20th century. Undoubtedly, the strong retreating of small glaciers exerts adverse effects on the hydro- logic cycle and local socioeconomic development. 展开更多
关键词 glacier change climatic warming TOPOGRAPHY mt. bogda remote-sensing.
新疆博格达南缘后碰撞期陆内裂谷和水下滑塌构造 被引量:87
作者 舒良树 朱文斌 +3 位作者 王博 M.Faure J.Charvet D.Cluzel 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期25-36,共12页
本文较为系统地研究了哈密市七角井-车轱辘泉和乌鲁木齐市白杨沟地区晚古生代后碰撞期陆内裂谷和滑塌构造的几何学、岩石学和地球化学特征。研究表明,在博格达山南缘的七角井-车轱辘泉一带,玄武岩和流纹岩彼此互层产出,构成厚度较大的... 本文较为系统地研究了哈密市七角井-车轱辘泉和乌鲁木齐市白杨沟地区晚古生代后碰撞期陆内裂谷和滑塌构造的几何学、岩石学和地球化学特征。研究表明,在博格达山南缘的七角井-车轱辘泉一带,玄武岩和流纹岩彼此互层产出,构成厚度较大的后碰撞期双峰式火山岩系,呈近东西方向平行造山带展布,堆积在早二叠世红色磨拉石之上;在白杨沟一带,后碰撞水下滑塌堆积岩与火山岩共存,构成一个厚1300m的滑塌构造剖面,由水下滑塌堆积岩夹双峰式火山岩带、枕状熔岩-气孔状玄武岩带和硅质、泥砂质岩带所组成。其底部以北东走向的拆离断层和晚石炭世灰岩、砂岩岩层接触。在岩石地球化学特征上,火山岩的SiO2含量在53%-67%之间出现间断,呈现双峰式火山岩的特点。其中,流纹岩SiO2平均71.65%,CaO2.15%,Na2O与K2O含量相近(3.2%-3.7%),含碱量>含钙量,ANKC值>1.1;轻稀土富集、稀土总量高,铕亏损,具明显Eu负异常。与之共生的玄武岩则以富硅贫碱为特征,SiO2平均51.05%,TiO2含量变化较大,轻稀土轻度富集,铕异常不明显,属拉斑系列玄武岩类。其特征和东非阿法尔裂谷的双峰式火山岩相近,反映陆内裂谷环境。对滑塌堆积岩带中的辉绿玢岩作锆石U-Pb测年,获289±5Ma年龄值,相当于二叠纪初期。从晚二迭叠世开始,全区处于相对稳定的剥蚀-堆积环境中,形成了厚度较大的磨拉石,并逐渐演化为三叠纪的准平原化环境。 展开更多
关键词 双峰式火山岩 水下滑塌堆积构造 后碰撞作用 晚古生代 博格达南缘
地面多基线数字摄影测量在冰川测量中的应用——以博格达峰黑沟8号冰川为例 被引量:3
作者 张盈松 刘时银 上官冬辉 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1184-1189,共6页
冰川的监测一直是冰川学研究的重要内容,2008年对天山东段博格达峰南坡的黑沟8号冰川末端进行了地面多基线数字摄影测量,获取了该冰川末端的影像,以及与之相配套的控制信息.在Lensphoto多基线数字摄影测量系统中,测得了冰川末端的0.11km... 冰川的监测一直是冰川学研究的重要内容,2008年对天山东段博格达峰南坡的黑沟8号冰川末端进行了地面多基线数字摄影测量,获取了该冰川末端的影像,以及与之相配套的控制信息.在Lensphoto多基线数字摄影测量系统中,测得了冰川末端的0.11km2 DEM数据.采用同期测量的GPS数据检验得知,摄影测量所得DEM数据在高程上的平均误差为1.92m,标准偏差为3.47m.地面旋转多基线数字摄影测量是一种非常有效的冰川测量手段,可以在典型冰川测量和冰川重要部位(例如冰川末端、冰崖等)的测量中发挥作用. 展开更多
关键词 地面多基线数字摄影测量 DEM 博格达峰 冰川测量 高分辨率
博格达山南坡黑沟冰川融水径流 被引量:5
作者 胡小刚 李念杰 邓世明 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期71-82,共12页
提要 黑沟8号冰川的冰川融水径流与气温间呈二次抛物线关系:Q=a+bT+cT^2。冰川融水对气温的响应有一定滞后期,一般为1—3天。在不同时期、不同气温条件下,产流机制亦有所不同。纯冰川融水径流模数达73.14dm^3/skm^2,相应径流深达853.10m... 提要 黑沟8号冰川的冰川融水径流与气温间呈二次抛物线关系:Q=a+bT+cT^2。冰川融水对气温的响应有一定滞后期,一般为1—3天。在不同时期、不同气温条件下,产流机制亦有所不同。纯冰川融水径流模数达73.14dm^3/skm^2,相应径流深达853.10mm。冰川融水集中于夏季,占90.7%,而纯冰川消融量占到69.1%。冰川对河流的补给比达46.9%。 展开更多
关键词 冰川 融水 径流 径流模数
古流向分析 被引量:3
作者 马文华 贾星亮 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2008年第21期143-145,共3页
古流分析是物源分析的一个重要手段,通过物源分析可以最大程度恢复古代地层沉积发育史,指导油田的进一步勘探开发工作。进行古流向分析的方法有多种,目前以交错层理运用的最多,操作也最简单。随着科技的发展,电子技术的应用,使得古流分... 古流分析是物源分析的一个重要手段,通过物源分析可以最大程度恢复古代地层沉积发育史,指导油田的进一步勘探开发工作。进行古流向分析的方法有多种,目前以交错层理运用的最多,操作也最简单。随着科技的发展,电子技术的应用,使得古流分析更快、更准、更方便! 展开更多
关键词 古流向 物源分析 交错层理 玫瑰花图 博格达山 沉积学
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