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Construction of enhanced multi-polarization and high performance electromagnetic wave absorption by self-growing ZnFe_(2)O_(4)on Cu_(9)S_(5)
作者 Wenxiong Chen Honglong Xing 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期1922-1934,共13页
The development of 3D structural composites with electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption could attenuate EM waves.Herein,magnetized flower-like Cu_(9)S_(5)/ZnFe_(2)O_(4)composites were fabricated through a multistep hydrot... The development of 3D structural composites with electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption could attenuate EM waves.Herein,magnetized flower-like Cu_(9)S_(5)/ZnFe_(2)O_(4)composites were fabricated through a multistep hydrothermal method.The crystallographic and surface phase chemical information,morphological structure,and magnetic and EM parameters of the composites were analyzed.The prepared Cu_(9)S_(5)/ZnFe_(2)O_(4)composites have multiple loss paths for EM waves and present an overall 3D flower-like structure.The Cu_(9)S_(5)/ZnFe_(2)O_(4)composites exhibit a minimum reflection loss of-54.38 dB and a broad effective absorption bandwidth of 5.92 GHz.Through magnetization,ZnFe_(2)O_(4)particles are self-assembled and grown on the surfaces of Cu_(9)S_(5).Such a modification is conducive to the generation of additional cross-linking contact sites and the effective introduction of a large number of phase interfaces,crystalline defects,special three-dimensional flower-like structures,and magneto-electrical coupling loss effects.Moreover,the synergistic effect of multiple loss strategies effectively improves EM wave absorption by the material.This work can provide a strategy for the use of magnetizationmodified sulfide composite functional materials in EM wave absorption. 展开更多
关键词 self-assembled material electromagnetic wave absorption enhanced multi-polarization effect Cu_(9)S_(5)/ZnFe_(2)O_(4)composites radar cross-section
作者 陈岳坪 陆裔昌 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2024年第5期239-243,共5页
通过高精度的三坐标测量机(CMM)对数控加工的复杂曲面进行检测,能得到曲面上的几何偏差分布。复杂曲面的几何偏差本质上属于空间数据,采用空间统计法进行研究分析曲面几何偏差的空间自相关性,并且采用热点分析(Getis-Ord Gi*)方法计算... 通过高精度的三坐标测量机(CMM)对数控加工的复杂曲面进行检测,能得到曲面上的几何偏差分布。复杂曲面的几何偏差本质上属于空间数据,采用空间统计法进行研究分析曲面几何偏差的空间自相关性,并且采用热点分析(Getis-Ord Gi*)方法计算得到几何偏差的热点区域和冷点区域。对数控加工的复杂曲面检测获取529个点和1024个点两组几何偏差数据,结果表明两组数据反映的曲面上的几何偏差空间自相关性都为正相关;划分几何偏差热点和冷点区域的范围与测点数量有关。对数控加工的复杂曲面的几何偏差进行数据分析,将有助于对其加工质量进行分析,从而为进一步提高加工质量提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 复杂曲面 几何偏差 空间统计分析 热点分析
作者 张怡多 黄闽英 +1 位作者 李英玲 李舒翔 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第2期218-227,共10页
以四川省成都市休闲农业为研究对象,收集并处理了大量社交网络平台中休闲农业商户的特征数据,采用LDA主题挖掘与Getis⁃Ord Gi∗热点分析方法,分析游客主题偏好及时空演变趋势.结果表明:一方面,游客的主题偏好呈现出明显的季节性差异,并... 以四川省成都市休闲农业为研究对象,收集并处理了大量社交网络平台中休闲农业商户的特征数据,采用LDA主题挖掘与Getis⁃Ord Gi∗热点分析方法,分析游客主题偏好及时空演变趋势.结果表明:一方面,游客的主题偏好呈现出明显的季节性差异,并且自然观光类主题的季节性波动较大,例如游客在春季偏好植物花卉,在夏季偏好亲子活动;另一方面,空间热点受游客地域偏好及区域特色资源影响,例如游客在夏季偏好大邑县的葡萄采摘,在冬季则偏好新都区的草莓采摘.基于此,休闲农业从业者应充分考虑游客的主题偏好,制定相应的季节性营销策略;地方政府则应秉持因地制宜、差异化发展的原则,依托当地特色优势农产品,结合热点主题推动农业资源的合理利用,进一步提升农旅融合的效果. 展开更多
关键词 休闲农业 乡村振兴 农旅融合 LDA主题挖掘 Getis⁃ord Gi∗热点分析方法
作者 陈义勇 王昱婷 +1 位作者 毛栋昀 李裕瑞 《小城镇建设》 2024年第6期53-62,共10页
在乡村振兴过程中,明确“镇”的规模特征及空间格局,厘清其影响因素,对制定乡村振兴路径、推进新型城镇化战略具有重要参考价值。本文在梳理我国“建制镇”设置标准及“镇人口”统计标准基础上,揭示当前我国1.81万个建制镇镇区人口的规... 在乡村振兴过程中,明确“镇”的规模特征及空间格局,厘清其影响因素,对制定乡村振兴路径、推进新型城镇化战略具有重要参考价值。本文在梳理我国“建制镇”设置标准及“镇人口”统计标准基础上,揭示当前我国1.81万个建制镇镇区人口的规模特征、区域差异及影响因素。研究表明,2017年我国建制镇镇区平均规模为1.45万人,县城镇平均规模(4.93万)远大于区辖镇(2.14万)、县级市辖镇(1.41万)及县辖一般镇(0.88万)。特大镇、大型镇、中型镇、小型镇的数量占比分别为6.18%、5.10%、22.21%、66.51%,人口总量占比分别为41.5%、13.4%、25.8%、19.3%,此外共有“巨型镇”324个,“微型镇”2746个。结合热点分析,可认为小型镇数量多,但人口向特大镇、东南沿海发达地区集聚的特征非常明显。自然和社会经济因素共同影响镇规模,但县城镇和非县城镇影响因素存在异质性。研究认为,我国镇规模差异明显,应加强镇的行政建制研究,关注镇人口集聚能力的类型和区域差异,分类分区施策推进新型城镇化建设。 展开更多
关键词 建制镇 人口规模 热点分析 地理探测器
基于ORD和FSM的Web应用的建模与测试 被引量:3
作者 钱忠胜 缪淮扣 陈圣波 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期278-281,291,共5页
Web测试是保证高质量Web应用的一种有效技术。然而,由于其特殊性和复杂性,很难直接将传统的测试理论与方法学运用到Web应用的测试当中来。对Web应用进行了分析与建模,并对其进行测试,提出了一种可行的Web测试模型。首先得到页面流图(PFD... Web测试是保证高质量Web应用的一种有效技术。然而,由于其特殊性和复杂性,很难直接将传统的测试理论与方法学运用到Web应用的测试当中来。对Web应用进行了分析与建模,并对其进行测试,提出了一种可行的Web测试模型。首先得到页面流图(PFD,Page Flow Diagram),进而产生对象关系图(ORD,Object Relation Dia-gram),然后根据提出的算法将ORD转化为形式化的有限状态机(FSM,Finite State Machine)模型。基于FSM模型,提出了一种有效的测试路径自动生成方法,这些测试路径可以转化为XML语法的测试规格说明。测试引擎将测试规格说明作为输入最终产生测试报告。全文以所开发的一个小型的Web应用SWLS(Simple Web Login System)为例进行阐述。 展开更多
关键词 WEB应用 页面流图 对象关系图 有限状态机 形式化 测试路径 Web测试模型
DNA的CD谱和ORD谱的变换 被引量:1
作者 肖枚英 丁小平 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 1997年第S1期55-58,共4页
关键词 脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 圆二色(CD)谱 旋光色散(ord)谱
基于扩展ORD图的类间集成测试顺序改进算法 被引量:2
作者 高海昌 冯博琴 +1 位作者 李远杰 曾明 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期725-728,共4页
在UML类图的基础上,将传统对象关系图(ORD)模型进行了扩展,并对它们进行了形式化的定义.提出了一种基于扩展ORD图的类间集成测试顺序改进算法,通过递归调用改进的Kosaraj鉴别强连通分量的算法来确定SCCs.本算法与Tai和Traon的两种算法比... 在UML类图的基础上,将传统对象关系图(ORD)模型进行了扩展,并对它们进行了形式化的定义.提出了一种基于扩展ORD图的类间集成测试顺序改进算法,通过递归调用改进的Kosaraj鉴别强连通分量的算法来确定SCCs.本算法与Tai和Traon的两种算法比较,需要的测试桩最少,效率最高.理论分析和初步的实验证明这种方法是可行和有效的. 展开更多
关键词 面向对象测试 类间集成 对象关系图 强连通图 权重计算
基于Getis-Ord Gi*方法的中山市粮食及其制品食品安全空间分析 被引量:7
作者 王博远 岑应健 +3 位作者 肖革新 郭丽霞 刘杨 李笑 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2019年第8期2425-2428,共4页
目的研究中山市粮食及粮食制品的抽检结果和空间分布规律。方法应用Getis-Ord Gi*空间热点分析对中山市食品药品监督管理局公开发布的2015年1月1日至2018年11月9日粮食及粮食制品监督抽检数据进行分析。结果此期间中山市食品药品监督部... 目的研究中山市粮食及粮食制品的抽检结果和空间分布规律。方法应用Getis-Ord Gi*空间热点分析对中山市食品药品监督管理局公开发布的2015年1月1日至2018年11月9日粮食及粮食制品监督抽检数据进行分析。结果此期间中山市食品药品监督部门共完成1313批次"粮食及粮食制品"的监督抽检,合格率为97.94%,合格率最高的是生产环节(100%),其次为餐饮环节(98.79%),流通环节(97.39%)。空间热点分析结果显示存在以东北部镇区为核心的合格率"冷点区域"(Low)。结论中山市粮食及粮食制品抽检样本总体合格率较高,不合格批次较少,生产环节抽检样品全部合格,仅少部分小麦粉存在少量脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇超标等问题,反映出中山市粮食及粮食制品食品安全总体形势较好,监管工作效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 食品安全 粮食及其制品 监督抽检 空间热点分析 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇
Moving from High Culture to Ordinary Culture——On Raymond Williams' Culture Study
作者 陆育红 《海外英语》 2015年第17期156-157,共2页
Culture study has become a new trend in the academic fields,while how to define the scope and object of the culturalstudy,different people have different opinions.Ranging from Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy ... Culture study has become a new trend in the academic fields,while how to define the scope and object of the culturalstudy,different people have different opinions.Ranging from Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy to Raymond Williams' The Long Revolution,scholars have been constantly exploring the core of cultural study of different periods.Raymond Williams hadcommitted himself to the field of the study,and his study also has pushed ahead the people's understanding of the theory.His con-tribution to the study has been analyzed here and that has brought a great influence to the study of the field. 展开更多
作者 罗有华 《中外医药研究》 2024年第14期3-5,共3页
目的:分析静脉用药调配中心不合理用药医嘱情况,并提出针对性措施。方法:选取2023年1—12月桂林医学院第二附属医院静脉用药调配中心开具的19361份用药医嘱进行回顾性分析,分析不合理用药医嘱科室分布情况,以及不合理医嘱具体类型,计算... 目的:分析静脉用药调配中心不合理用药医嘱情况,并提出针对性措施。方法:选取2023年1—12月桂林医学院第二附属医院静脉用药调配中心开具的19361份用药医嘱进行回顾性分析,分析不合理用药医嘱科室分布情况,以及不合理医嘱具体类型,计算构成比。结果:2023年1—12月桂林医学院第二附属医院静脉用药调配中心共接收19361份医嘱,存在80份不合格处方,占比0.41%。其中,外科不合理医嘱处方占比最高(41.25%),内科次之(32.50%);80份不合理医嘱中,包括溶媒选择不合理、用药浓度不合理、配伍禁忌、用药剂量不合理及处方输入错误5个方面,所占份数分别为17、17、6、15、25份,占比分别为21.25%、21.25%、7.50%、18.75%、31.25%。结论:桂林医学院第二附属医院静脉用药调配中心用药医嘱基本合理,但仍有不足。在后续应用药物时,审方药师应充分掌握相关药物组成成分、配伍禁忌,进一步加强医嘱审核,以确保能够提前知晓相关不合理现象,做好预防性处理,提高医院安全用药水平。 展开更多
关键词 静脉用药调配中心 不合理用药医嘱 审方药师 用药安全
基于ORD的水工隧洞BIM正向设计系统研究 被引量:3
作者 吴含 赵路 刘建秀 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第5期157-162,共6页
随着BIM与工程数字化技术的快速发展,三维参数化设计成为工程设计的必要条件。通过分析BIM技术在水工隧洞设计中的应用现状,国内水电工程领域目前尚无较完善的水工隧洞BIM设计系统。针对该现状,结合水工隧洞设计特点对水工隧洞BIM正向... 随着BIM与工程数字化技术的快速发展,三维参数化设计成为工程设计的必要条件。通过分析BIM技术在水工隧洞设计中的应用现状,国内水电工程领域目前尚无较完善的水工隧洞BIM设计系统。针对该现状,结合水工隧洞设计特点对水工隧洞BIM正向设计流程进行梳理,基于Bentley ORD道路设计软件建立水工隧洞BIM正向设计系统,实现了水工隧洞洞线设计、横断面设计和参数化建模,可提升BIM设计质量与效率,为工程数字化应用奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 水工隧洞 BIM ord 正向设计 三维建模 参数化
Modelling Irrigation and Salinity Management Strategies in the Ord Irrigation Area 被引量:1
作者 Riasat Ali John Byrne Tara Slaven 《Natural Resources》 2010年第1期34-56,共23页
The Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) is located within northern Western Australia near the Northern Territory border. Since the beginning of irrigated agriculture in the ORIA the groundwater levels have been continuou... The Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) is located within northern Western Australia near the Northern Territory border. Since the beginning of irrigated agriculture in the ORIA the groundwater levels have been continuously rising and are now close to the soil surface in some parts of ORIA in northern Western Australia. The groundwater is now saline throughout most of the ORIA and soil salinity risks are high where the watertables are shallow. This research evaluated irrigation and salinity management strategies for sugarcane and maize crops grown over deep and shallow, non-saline and saline watertables in the ORIA. The LEACHC model, calibrated using field data, was used to predict the impacts of various irrigation management strategies on water use and salt accumulation in the root zone. This study concluded that irrigation application equal to 100% of total fortnightly pan evaporation applied at 14 day intervals was a good irrigation strategy for the maize grown over a deep watertable area. This strategy would require around 11 ML/ha of irrigation water per growing season. Irrigation application equal to 75% of total fortnightly pan evaporation, applied every fortnight during first half of the growing season, and 75% of total weekly pan evaporation, applied on a weekly basis during second half of the growing season, would be the best irrigation strategy if it is feasible to change the irrigation interval from 14 to seven days. This irrigation strategy is predicted to have minimal salinity risks and save around 40% irrigation water. The best irrigation strategy for sugarcane grown on Cununurra clay over a deep watertable area would be irrigation application equal to 50% of the total fortnightly pan evaporation, applied every fortnight during first quarter of the growing season, and irrigation application amounts equal to 100% of total weekly pan evaporation, applied every week during rest of the season. The model predicted no soil salinity risks from this irrigation strategy. The best irrigation strategy for sugarcane over a non-saline, shallow watertable of one or two m depth would be irrigation application amounts equal to 50% of total fortnightly pan evaporation applied every fortnight. In the case of a saline watertable the same irrigation strategy was predicted to the best with respect to water use efficiency but will have high salinity risks without any drainage management. 展开更多
Impacts of changing scale on Getis-Ord Gi* hotspots of CPUE:a case study of the neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii)in the northwest Pacific Ocean 被引量:25
作者 FENG Yongjiu CHEN Xinjun +1 位作者 GAO Feng LIU Yang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期67-76,共10页
We examined the scale impacts on spatial hot and cold spots of CPUE for Ommastrephes bartramii in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The original fishery data were tessellated to 18 spatial scales from 5′×5′ to 90′&... We examined the scale impacts on spatial hot and cold spots of CPUE for Ommastrephes bartramii in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The original fishery data were tessellated to 18 spatial scales from 5′×5′ to 90′×90′ with a scale interval of 5′ to identify the local clusters. The changes in location, boundaries, and statistics regarding the Getis-Ord Gi* hot and cold spots in response to the spatial scales were analyzed in detail. Several statistics including Min, mean, Max, SD, CV, skewness, kurtosis, first quartile(Q1), median, third quartile(Q3), area and centroid were calculated for spatial hot and cold spots. Scaling impacts were examined for the selected statistics using linear, logarithmic, exponential, power law and polynomial functions. Clear scaling relations were identified for Max, SD and kurtosis for both hot and cold spots. For the remaining statistics, either a difference of scale impacts was found between the two clusters, or no clear scaling relation was identified. Spatial scales coarser than 30′ are not recommended to identify the local spatial patterns of fisheries because the boundary and locations of hot and cold spots at a coarser scale are significantly different from those at the original scale. 展开更多
关键词 Ommastrephes bartramii scale impacts local clusters Getis-ord Gi* spatial hotspots
A Novel Hybrid Method for Measuring the Spatial Autocorrelation of Vehicular Crashes: Combining Moran’s Index and Getis-Ord G<sub>i</sub><sup style='margin-left:-7px;'>*</sup>Statistic 被引量:2
作者 Azad Abdulhafedh 《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 2017年第2期208-221,共14页
Spatial autocorrelation is a measure of the correlation of an observation with other observations through space. Most statistical analyses are based on the assumption that the values of observations are independent of... Spatial autocorrelation is a measure of the correlation of an observation with other observations through space. Most statistical analyses are based on the assumption that the values of observations are independent of one another. Spatial autocorrelation violates this assumption, because observations at near-by locations are related to each other, and hence, the consideration of spatial autocorrelations has been gaining attention in crash data modeling in recent years, and research have shown that ignoring this factor may lead to a biased estimation of the modeling parameters. This paper examines two spatial autocorrelation indices: Moran’s Index;and Getis-Ord Gi* statistic to measure the spatial autocorrelation of vehicle crashes occurred in Boone County roads in the state of Missouri, USA for the years 2013-2015. Since each index can identify different clustering patterns of crashes, therefore this paper introduces a new hybrid method to identify the crash clustering patterns by combining both Moran’s Index and Gi*?statistic. Results show that the new method can effectively improve the number, extent, and type of crash clustering along roadways. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial AUTOCORRELATION Moran’s Index Getis-ord Gi* Statistic Vehicle Crashes
Research on novel multi-layer and multi-polarized slot-coupling planar antenna array
作者 ZhangHou Wu Wenzhou Wang Jian 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第2期297-303,共7页
A novel multi-layer planar antenna array to achieve multi-polarized radiation is developed. U-shaped coupling slots are embedded in the ground plane to extend the bandwidth. The phase relation between adjacent element... A novel multi-layer planar antenna array to achieve multi-polarized radiation is developed. U-shaped coupling slots are embedded in the ground plane to extend the bandwidth. The phase relation between adjacent elements in the radiation field is analyzed when adjacent elements are fed in opposite phase. Return loss and radiation pattern are measured for a 16-element antenna array at 12.5 GHz. The radiation pattern shows a good agreement with the calculated one in the shape of the main beam. The return-loss of the proposed antenna array is less than -20 dB in the 12.5 GHz frequency band (12.25-12.75 GHz). Because of two feed ports the antenna can transmit arbitrary elliptic polarized waves if the two feed ports have different amplitude and phase. The main factors such as element spacing, substrate medium and manufacturing imperfection are analyzed and the corresponding conclusions are presented. 展开更多
关键词 planar antenna multi-polarized slot-coupling cross polarization
Total Synthesis of Gonioflufurone using L-(+)-orD-(-)-tartaric acid as Starting Material
作者 Yong-Li Su Chun-Song yang +1 位作者 Gang Zhao Yu Ding (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academia ,354Fenglin Lu, Shanghai 200032, China) 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期130-130,共1页
The group of styrylactones isolated from the trees of genus Goniothalamus, has the particular features of the five or six-membered lactone skeleton bearing polyhydroxyl group. A number of novel styryl lactone were fou... The group of styrylactones isolated from the trees of genus Goniothalamus, has the particular features of the five or six-membered lactone skeleton bearing polyhydroxyl group. A number of novel styryl lactone were found to show moderate to sighficant cytotokicities against several human tumors.Among them, Goniofufurone has been reported by several synthetic studies on the synthesis of it. Herein, we report our study on the synthesis of goniofuforone from the commercially available optical tartaric acid using the addition of ethyl propialate to the intermediate aldehyde as the key step. The synthetic route is as following: 展开更多
关键词 ACID Total Synthesis of Gonioflufurone using L ord
基于Getis-Ord G_i~*统计的地区用电量多元空间聚类方法研究 被引量:4
作者 王伟峰 钮亮 +2 位作者 刘颖 余允涛 麻吕斌 《内蒙古电力技术》 2018年第1期15-20,共6页
给出了一种非空间—空间组合的多元空间聚类方法,通过将Getis-Ord G_i~*统计与k-means多元聚类方法相结合,分析了浙江省用电量在区域空间中的集聚,探测了数据热点和冷点集聚情况。采用方差拟合优度进行了本方法与传统k-means多元聚类方... 给出了一种非空间—空间组合的多元空间聚类方法,通过将Getis-Ord G_i~*统计与k-means多元聚类方法相结合,分析了浙江省用电量在区域空间中的集聚,探测了数据热点和冷点集聚情况。采用方差拟合优度进行了本方法与传统k-means多元聚类方法在处理数据方面的性能比较,验证了该方法的稳定性和可行性,结果证明在聚类精度上该方法比传统k-means多元聚类方法有较大提升。 展开更多
关键词 Getis-ord Gi*统计 K-MEANS 多元空间聚类 用电量 轮廓线系数
Multi-polarization reconstruction from compact polarimetry based on modified four-component scattering decomposition
作者 Junjun Yin Jian Yang 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第3期399-410,共12页
An improved algorithm for multi-polarization reconstruction from compact polarimetry (CP) is proposed. According to two fundamental assumptions in compact polarimetric reconstruction, two improvements are proposed. ... An improved algorithm for multi-polarization reconstruction from compact polarimetry (CP) is proposed. According to two fundamental assumptions in compact polarimetric reconstruction, two improvements are proposed. Firstly, the four-component model-based decomposition algorithm is modified with a new volume scattering model. The decomposed helix scattering component is then used to deal with the non-reflection symmetry condition in compact polarimetric measurements. Using the decomposed power and considering the scattering mechanism of each component, an average relationship between copolarized and crosspolarized channels is developed over the original polarization state extrapolation model. E-SAR polarimetric data acquired over the Oberpfaffenhofen area and JPL/AIRSAR polarimetric data acquired over San Francisco are used for verification, and good reconstruction results are obtained, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) target decomposition compact polarimetry (CP) multi-polarization reconstruction.
Global Power Structure Shifted and Transitional Multi-polarity Emerged
作者 Prof.YU Zhengliang is senior research fellow of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies. 《国际展望》 2010年第4期1-13,共13页
The world is facing the third important global power shift.The United States,EU, Japan,Russia,China,and the newly emerging power group are becoming the six big forces in the international center stage,while the former... The world is facing the third important global power shift.The United States,EU, Japan,Russia,China,and the newly emerging power group are becoming the six big forces in the international center stage,while the former three forces and the latter three belong to two groups,waning and waxing respectively.The major shift in the global balance of power is bound to give rise to the transitional multi-polar configuration,which implies a shifting of leadership over the configuration,China and U.S.outweighing other forces,global issues looming large,homogeneity blending with heterogeneity,and a shifting center of world powers.The transitional multi-polar configuration is all about change,upon which China is one of the decisive forces. 展开更多
关键词 Global Power Structure Shifted and Transitional multi-polarity Emerged
作者 陈秋华 《环境科学动态》 1980年第23期12-14,共3页
关键词 ord 陆生生态系统 酸性降水 研究与发展 气并 硫氧化物 缓冲能力 矿物燃料 水生态系统 试验设施
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