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Stochastic simulation of ground motions based on NGA-West2 strong motion records
作者 Peng Tian Xiaodan Sun +1 位作者 Xin Li Keyu Wan 《Earthquake Science》 2019年第3期115-124,共10页
Stochastic modeling of ground motion is a simple tool to predict ground shaking level for future earthquake and less time consuming than physics-based deterministic modeling.In this paper,a record-based stochastic met... Stochastic modeling of ground motion is a simple tool to predict ground shaking level for future earthquake and less time consuming than physics-based deterministic modeling.In this paper,a record-based stochastic method that considers the time-and frequency-evolution of ground motion is used to estimate ground motion for scenario earthquakes in tectonic active region.The stochastic method employs a time-domain modulation function to describe the temporal nonstationarity and a filter impulse response function that describe the evolution of frequency content.For characterizing the modulation function and the filter impulse function,six parameters(Ia,D5-95,tmid,ωmid,ω',ξf)are defined,and 2,571 pairs of ground motion recording in the NGA-west2 database are selected to identify the six parameters.Probabilistic density function is assigned to each of the parameter by fitting the frequency distribution histogram.The parameters are then transformed into standard normal space where regression analysis is performed by considering each parameter as function of moment magnitude,rupture distance,vS30(The time-averaged shear wave velocity of the top 30 m of soil).The prediction equations are used to generate ground motions for several scenario earthquakes and compared to NGA-West2 GMPEs. 展开更多
关键词 stochastic modeling nonstationarity scenario earthquake nga-west2
鲁甸地震强震动记录与地震动衰减模型的对比研究 被引量:3
作者 张斌 李小军 +2 位作者 俞言祥 李娜 朱俊 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期2999-3014,共16页
利用2014年鲁甸M S6.5地震断层距小于300 km的32个自由场地观测台站的地震动加速度记录,分析了地震动峰值加速度(PGA)和峰值速度(PGV)的空间分布特征,并对已有地震动衰减模型中的NGA-West2四个模型和1个中国川藏区模型进行了比较分析.... 利用2014年鲁甸M S6.5地震断层距小于300 km的32个自由场地观测台站的地震动加速度记录,分析了地震动峰值加速度(PGA)和峰值速度(PGV)的空间分布特征,并对已有地震动衰减模型中的NGA-West2四个模型和1个中国川藏区模型进行了比较分析.研究表明,地震动PGA和PGV衰减最快的方向与断层主破裂方向一致.在整个断层距(R rup)范围内大多数台站的地震动PGA、PGV和加速度反应谱值(Sa(T=0.1、5.0 s))均位于NGA-West2四个模型预测曲线的±1倍标准差之外.PGA、PGV和Sa(T=5.0 s)的事件内残差均值在-1.43^-0.74之间.Sa(T=0.01~5.0 s)事件内残差均值在整个距离范围内均表现出系统性偏负.NGA-West2四个模型的PGA事件内残差的空间分布特征相似,其最大正值和最大负值分布区域的震源-场地方位角约为-90°和90°,与主破裂断层方向垂直,所处地势较为平坦且台站场地V S30相对较大.NGA-West2四个模型总体上会较大地高估鲁甸地震整个断层距范围内各个周期尤其是短周期(T<1.0 s)的地震动加速度反应谱值.考虑本地区实际地震资料的中国川藏区地震动衰减模型也会在一定程度上高估鲁甸地震大多数台站的地震动加速度反应谱值,但是相对于NGA-West2四个模型,其预测值更接近鲁甸地震的实际观测值. 展开更多
关键词 鲁甸地震 地震动 nga-west2模型 中国川藏区模型
作者 王韶鹏 卢育霞 +3 位作者 石玉成 刘北 李韬 贺海浪 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期192-202,共11页
2021年5月22日青海省玛多县发生M_(w)7.3级地震。震后,根据初步估计的断层走向和破裂长度,基于YU15地震动衰减模型和三种NGA-West2(Next Generation Attenuation-West2)地震动衰减模型快速产出地震区震动图及理论烈度图。在获得强震记... 2021年5月22日青海省玛多县发生M_(w)7.3级地震。震后,根据初步估计的断层走向和破裂长度,基于YU15地震动衰减模型和三种NGA-West2(Next Generation Attenuation-West2)地震动衰减模型快速产出地震区震动图及理论烈度图。在获得强震记录和地表破裂长度信息后,对预测结果进行修正。通过比较理论烈度与调查烈度,并结合震动图分布形态以及衰减模型在2016年新疆呼图壁M_(w)6.0地震中的应用情况对四种地震动衰减模型的适用性进行了分析。结果表明:在台网稀疏地区,基于地震动衰减模型可在震后快速获得地震动分布,并产出具有应用价值的地震影响场;NGA-West2模型在断层破裂较长的大震中表现优于YU15模型,而在中强地震中后者适用性更强;近实时强震动记录可用来检验模型的适用性并对预测结果进行修正;断层破裂尺度、震源机制和破裂过程等信息的准确估计可有效提高地震影响场预测精度。 展开更多
关键词 玛多地震 nga-west2 V_(S30) 震动图 地震动衰减模型
基于NGA强震数据的地震动显著持时研究 被引量:3
作者 孙晓丹 李宇盎 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期70-79,共10页
持时对工程场地或构筑物的非线性地震响应存在显著影响,但目前有关地震动持时的研究相对振幅与频谱的研究较少。本文基于太平洋地震工程中心的NGA-East强震数据库和NGA-West2强震数据库的地震动记录,对5%~95%显著持时进行了研究。分析... 持时对工程场地或构筑物的非线性地震响应存在显著影响,但目前有关地震动持时的研究相对振幅与频谱的研究较少。本文基于太平洋地震工程中心的NGA-East强震数据库和NGA-West2强震数据库的地震动记录,对5%~95%显著持时进行了研究。分析了地震动两分量时程的显著持时差异及差异产生的原因,进而探讨了显著持时定义自身的缺陷。借助考虑随机效应的多参数非线性回归给出了NGA-East和NGA-West2数据的5%~95%显著持时的预测公式,可在适用的震级和断层距范围内为估计构造稳定区和构造活跃区的显著持时提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地震动 显著持时 回归 NGA-East nga-west2
作者 姜治军 胡进军 谢礼立 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期67-79,共13页
竖向地震动对长、大工程结构具有重要影响,在2017年召开的16WCEE上,出现了多篇涉及竖向地震动衰减关系、工程特征、数值模拟等方面的研究。本文聚焦于竖向地震动衰减关系,在总结其研究新进展基础上,探讨了目前最新的NGA-West2竖向模型... 竖向地震动对长、大工程结构具有重要影响,在2017年召开的16WCEE上,出现了多篇涉及竖向地震动衰减关系、工程特征、数值模拟等方面的研究。本文聚焦于竖向地震动衰减关系,在总结其研究新进展基础上,探讨了目前最新的NGA-West2竖向模型对我国四川地区地震动的预测能力。基于四川地区中强震的距离200 km以内的竖向强震记录,比较了模型预测值与观测值的差异,通过残差分析方法研究了事件间残差、事件内残差的分布特征。结果表明:总体而言,NGA-West2模型高估了四川地区长周期加速度反应谱,而预测短周期加速度反应谱的误差相对较小;NGA-West2模型的震级项、场地项与四川地区实际观测数据表现出的规律存在差别,距离项与实际地震动随距离的衰减规律较为吻合。因此,直接利用NGA-West2模型预测四川地区竖向地震动存在一定局限性,需要根据实际观测数据对震级项和场地项进一步修订。 展开更多
关键词 16WCEE 竖向地震动 NGA—west2 衰减关系 四川地区
Engineering Analysis of Strong Motion Data from Recent Earthquakes in Sichuan, China
作者 HUANG Chen GALASSO Carmine 《工程科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期112-124,共13页
Recent earthquakes in the Sichuan Province have contributed to significantly expand the existing ground-motion database for China with new,high-quality ground-motion records.This study investigated the compatibility o... Recent earthquakes in the Sichuan Province have contributed to significantly expand the existing ground-motion database for China with new,high-quality ground-motion records.This study investigated the compatibility of ground-motion prediction equations(GMPEs)established by the NGA-West2 project in the US and local GMPEs for China,with respect to magnitude scaling,distance scaling,and site scaling implied by recent Chinese strong-motion data.The NGA-West2 GMPEs for shallow crustal earthquakes in tectonically active regions are considerably more sophisticated than widely used previous models,particularly in China.Using a mixed-effects procedure,the study evaluated event terms(inter-event residuals)and intra-event residuals of Chinese data relative to the NGA-West2 GMPEs.Distance scaling was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with source-to-site distance.Scaling with respect to site conditions was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with soil type.The study also investigated other engineering characteristics of Chinese strong ground motions.In particular,the records were analyzed for evidence of pulse-like forward-directivity effects.The elastic median response spectra of the selected stations were compared to code-mandated design spectra for various mean return periods.Results showed that international and local GMPEs can be applied for seismic hazard analysis in Sichuan with minor modification of the regression coefficients related to the source-to-site distance and soil scaling.Specifically,the Chinese data attenuated faster than implied by the considered GMPEs and the differences were statistically significant in some cases.Near-source,pulse-like ground motions were identified at two recording stations for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,possibly implying rupture directivity.The median recorded spectra were consistent with the code-based spectra in terms of amplitude and shape.The new ground-motion data can be used to develop advanced ground-motion models for China and worldwide and,ultimately,for advancing probabilistic seismic hazard assessment(PSHA). 展开更多
关键词 ground motion prediction equations nga-west2 project code-based spectrum pulse-like ground motions
作者 闻锐 陈立 《水力发电》 北大核心 2017年第8期48-51,66,共5页
地震的发生都伴随着主震、余震或震群的地震序列,因此考虑主余震序列地震动能够更加合理地反映工程的抗震能力。参照已有的相关研究成果,考虑震级、震距、发震机制、发震构造类型、局部场地条件、盆地效应、上盘效应等各类影响因素,基于... 地震的发生都伴随着主震、余震或震群的地震序列,因此考虑主余震序列地震动能够更加合理地反映工程的抗震能力。参照已有的相关研究成果,考虑震级、震距、发震机制、发震构造类型、局部场地条件、盆地效应、上盘效应等各类影响因素,基于NGA-WEST2-BSSA13地震动衰减模型,建立了主余震序列地震动参数构造方法。 展开更多
关键词 地震动参数 衰减模型 主余震序列 NGA—WEST2 BSSA13
A Prediction Method of Ground Motion for Regions without Available Observation Data(LGB-FS)and Its Application to both Yangbi and Maduo Earthquakes in 2021
作者 Jin Chen Hong Tang +1 位作者 Wenkai Chen Naisen Yang 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第4期869-884,共16页
Currently available earthquake attenuation equations are locally applicable,and methods based on observation data are not applicable in areas without available observation data.To solve the above problems and further ... Currently available earthquake attenuation equations are locally applicable,and methods based on observation data are not applicable in areas without available observation data.To solve the above problems and further improve the prediction accuracy of ground motion parameters,we present a prediction model referred to as a light gradient boosting machine with feature selection(LGB-FS).It is based on a light gradient boosting machine(LightGBM)constructed using historical strong motion data from the NGA-west2 database and can quickly simulate the distribution of strong motion near the epicenter after an earthquake.Cases study shows that compared with GMPE methods and those based on real-time observation data,the model has a better prediction effect in areas without available observation data and can be applied to Yangbi Earthquake and Maduo Earthquake.The feature importance evaluation based on both information gains and partial dependence plots(PDPs)reveals the complex relationships between multiple factors and ground motion parameters,allowing us to better understand their mechanisms and connections. 展开更多
关键词 LightGBM ground motion parameters nga-west2 feature selection Yangbi Maduo EARTHQUAKES
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