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作者 李余发 秦家策 +3 位作者 罗小宁 刘驯骅 张庆玲 肖法嫚 《诊断病理学杂志》 2024年第8期799-801,共3页
目的探讨NUT癌(NUT)的临床病理学特征、免疫表型、分子改变和鉴别诊断要点。方法收集广东省人民医院2021至2024年诊断的3例NUT,总结其临床病理学参数,行免疫组化染色、荧光原位杂交(FISH)和二代测序(NGS),并复习相关文献。结果3例患者... 目的探讨NUT癌(NUT)的临床病理学特征、免疫表型、分子改变和鉴别诊断要点。方法收集广东省人民医院2021至2024年诊断的3例NUT,总结其临床病理学参数,行免疫组化染色、荧光原位杂交(FISH)和二代测序(NGS),并复习相关文献。结果3例患者均为男性;年龄范围34~56岁;1例位于扁桃体,1例位于右肺,1例位于十二指肠。2例获得随访资料,2例患者分别于确诊后仍健大。肿瘤最大径4~7 cm(平均5.5 cm)。镜下检查3例为巢团状、低分化癌特点,其中小肠病例可见突然角化。免疫组化检测显示所有病例均表达CK、CAM5.2和NUT;1例行NGS检测显示存在BRD4::NUTM1(B11:N3)。结论NUT癌是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤。在掌握临床病史和组织学特征的基础上,同时结合免疫组化和分子检测综合分析,才能做出NUT的准确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 解剖部位 nut(睾丸核蛋白) 临床病理 免疫组化
作者 田晨晨 张亚民 +3 位作者 臧尚欢 李蒙蒙 郝庆华 曹华 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2024年第6期401-402,共2页
1临床资料患者,女,19岁,因“咳血2个月”就诊于外院,支气管镜活检病理:(声门下)鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴重度非典型性。病理会诊:鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴中重度非典型性,未治疗。2022-09-09患者因Ⅱ度呼吸困难收入郑州大学第一附属医院。... 1临床资料患者,女,19岁,因“咳血2个月”就诊于外院,支气管镜活检病理:(声门下)鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴重度非典型性。病理会诊:鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴中重度非典型性,未治疗。2022-09-09患者因Ⅱ度呼吸困难收入郑州大学第一附属医院。喉部增强CT示:喉咽部壁明显增厚,右侧壁软组织增强扫描边缘可见强化,相应喉腔狭窄,双侧颈部肿大淋巴结(图1A)。入院后患者再次无诱因出现呼吸困难,急诊行气管切开术,气管前淋巴结送病理,术后冰冻病理结果:高级别转移性癌,结合免疫组化,符合低分化鳞状细胞癌。 展开更多
关键词 喉肿瘤(Laryngeal Neoplasms) nut癌(nut carcinoma)
作者 田彭雨 刘婷 +4 位作者 汤良科 向亚郎 刘诗瑶 彭越 杜国波 《安徽医学》 2024年第7期930-931,共2页
1病例资料。患者,男性,33岁,2020年7月因“发现舌根肿物4月余”就诊于川北医学院附属医院,完善颌面部CT(图1A)提示:左侧舌根部、舌肌(约左侧舌后2/3区域)团块影,考虑肿瘤性病变,伴颈部多发淋巴结肿大。PET-CT(图2)提示:左侧舌根部、口... 1病例资料。患者,男性,33岁,2020年7月因“发现舌根肿物4月余”就诊于川北医学院附属医院,完善颌面部CT(图1A)提示:左侧舌根部、舌肌(约左侧舌后2/3区域)团块影,考虑肿瘤性病变,伴颈部多发淋巴结肿大。PET-CT(图2)提示:左侧舌根部、口咽左侧壁及双侧颈动脉鞘旁多发淋巴结。 展开更多
关键词 nut 舌肿瘤 远处转移 放化疗 靶向治疗
中线(NUT)癌诊断与治疗专家共识(2023版) 被引量:3
作者 中国抗癌协会肿瘤基因诊断专业委员会中线(NUT)癌基因诊断工作组 中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会 +4 位作者 李鑫 叶卓淼 印明柱 陆元志 邓超 《中国癌症防治杂志》 CAS 2023年第5期463-476,共14页
伴睾丸核蛋白(nuclear protein in testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌又称NUT癌,是一种罕见的高度侵袭性肿瘤,根据NUT中线癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因发生重排或突变定义。常规治疗方法对NUT癌效果欠佳,... 伴睾丸核蛋白(nuclear protein in testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌又称NUT癌,是一种罕见的高度侵袭性肿瘤,根据NUT中线癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因发生重排或突变定义。常规治疗方法对NUT癌效果欠佳,绝大多数患者预后差。现阶段对该基因变异的认识不足是制约NUT癌诊治取得进展的主要障碍。目前在临床实践中缺乏针对NUT癌临床特征、诊断及治疗方法的标准化指南,限制了临床医师对该疾病的充分认识。为了给临床医师提供更加明确规范的诊断参考依据,中国抗癌协会肿瘤基因诊断专业委员会中线(NUT)癌基因诊断工作组及中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会组织了临床、病理、分子检测和生物信息分析等领域专家,综合国内外NUT癌临床应用的共识指南、重要文献及临床实践经验,共同制定了本共识,对NUT癌临床诊疗给出专家组意见,期望为临床医师提供NUT癌诊疗指导意见,降低NUT癌误诊率,提高治疗效果和预后。 展开更多
关键词 nut 中线癌 nutM1 伴睾丸核蛋白基因 专家共识
作者 黄亚冰 叶成林 +1 位作者 何惠华 赵丽娜 《诊断病理学杂志》 2023年第2期180-183,共4页
NUT癌(NUT carcinoma)又称为伴睾丸核蛋白(the nuclear protein of the testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌,它是一种组织起源不明的高度侵袭性的恶性肿瘤,非常罕见。以前人们认为该病仅发生于中线器官,但随着病例的积累,现在认为它不仅发生... NUT癌(NUT carcinoma)又称为伴睾丸核蛋白(the nuclear protein of the testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌,它是一种组织起源不明的高度侵袭性的恶性肿瘤,非常罕见。以前人们认为该病仅发生于中线器官,但随着病例的积累,现在认为它不仅发生于中线器官,还可以发生于非中线器官,如腮腺、颌下腺等。 展开更多
关键词 纵隔 nut 免疫组化 FISH
NUT癌病理诊断及发病机制的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 施登超 陈敏 蒋莉莉 《诊断病理学杂志》 2023年第3期283-286,共4页
NUT癌(nuclear protein in testis carcinoma,NC)是一种罕见的主要伴鳞状上皮分化的高度恶性肿瘤,预后极差,中位生存期仅6.5个月。其诊断主要依据特征性基因改变:位于染色体15q14的NUT(NUTM1)基因发生重排,其融合伴侣基因超过75%为位于... NUT癌(nuclear protein in testis carcinoma,NC)是一种罕见的主要伴鳞状上皮分化的高度恶性肿瘤,预后极差,中位生存期仅6.5个月。其诊断主要依据特征性基因改变:位于染色体15q14的NUT(NUTM1)基因发生重排,其融合伴侣基因超过75%为位于染色体19p13.1的BRD4基因。近年来随着NUT免疫组化抗体及分子检测技术的广泛应用,文献报道的病例数量呈上升趋势。同时,新近报道了一些少见的组织学形态、免疫表型及伴侣基因。在此,笔者回顾性总结NUT癌病理诊断及发病机制的研究进展,以期避免在临床诊断工作中误诊,进而为NUT癌的治疗决策提供更为有效的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 nut 病理诊断 发病机制 研究进展
G-Nut/Anubis在海洋站GNSS业务化观测数据质量检核中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 金波文 王慧 +2 位作者 邓丽静 徐浩 吴新辉 《海洋信息技术与应用》 2023年第4期228-237,共10页
本文针对海洋GNSS连续运行参考站网数据质量检核问题,选取北海区老虎滩、东海区朱家尖和南海区北海站的GNSS连续运行参考站2022年各季度数据,利用G-Nut/Anubis软件进行质量检核,结果表明各站数据完整率、周跳比、多路径影响等指标均满... 本文针对海洋GNSS连续运行参考站网数据质量检核问题,选取北海区老虎滩、东海区朱家尖和南海区北海站的GNSS连续运行参考站2022年各季度数据,利用G-Nut/Anubis软件进行质量检核,结果表明各站数据完整率、周跳比、多路径影响等指标均满足相关要求,同时以朱家尖站为例对质检指标进行可视化,详细分析了其数据质量。在此基础上,为解决连续运行站海量数据批量检核问题,基于Matlab APP Designer平台开发了以Anubis软件为基础的海洋站GNSS数据质量检核工具箱OGQC,并利用朱家尖站2022年全年的数据验证了其检核功能的平稳性和可靠性,结果显示OGQC工具箱可以满足业务化运行对数据质量检核指标批处理、可视化监控和信息化管理的需要,可提供各站详细的质量检核结果,为数据编辑、剔除等预处理提供参考,为后续高精度数据处理工作提供高质量的输入数据。 展开更多
关键词 G-nut/Anubis 海洋站 GNSS 数据质量检核
Late Oligocene fossil acorns and nuts of Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis from the Nanning Basin,Guangxi,South China 被引量:1
作者 Xiao-Yan Liu Han-Zhang Song +4 位作者 Xin-Kai Wu Jia-Rong Hu Wei-Ye Huang Cheng Quan Jian-Hua Jin 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第4期434-445,共12页
Quercus is the largest genus within the Fagaceae and has a rich fossil record.Most of the fossil material is attributed to the subgenus Quercus based on leaves,pollen or rarely acorns and nuts.Fossil records of Q.sect... Quercus is the largest genus within the Fagaceae and has a rich fossil record.Most of the fossil material is attributed to the subgenus Quercus based on leaves,pollen or rarely acorns and nuts.Fossil records of Q.section Cyclobalanopsis characterized by ring-cupped acorns are relatively few and especially those described based on nuts are scant.In this study,we described four new species of Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis based on mummified acorns and nuts:Q.paleodisciformis X.Y.Liu et J.H.Jin sp.nov.,Q.paleohui X.Y.Liu et J.H.Jin sp.nov.,Q.nanningensis X.Y.Liu et J.H.Jin sp.nov.and Q.yongningensis X.Y.Liu et J.H.Jin sp.nov.These species closely resemble the extant species Q.disciformis,Q.hui,Q.kerrii,and Q.dinghuensis.The occurrence of Q.section Cyclobalanopsis in the Oligocene stratum of Guangxi,South China,suggests that the section has diversified within its extant distribution center since the Oligocene.By combining records from other areas,we propose that the section first appeared in the middle Eocene of East Asia(Sino-Japan),has diversified in situ with a few elements scattering into West Asia and southern Europe since the Oligocene and Pliocene,respectively,and finally became restricted in East Asia since the Pleistocene.This indicates that the section originated and diversified in East Asia,before spreading into West Asia no later than the Oligocene and into southern Europe by the Pliocene.Subsequently it disappeared from South Europe and West Asia due to the appearance of the(summer dry)Mediterranean climate and widespread cooling during the Pleistocene. 展开更多
关键词 Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis Fossil acorn and nut Oligocene GUANGXI South China
Nutrient coordination mechanism of tiger nut induced by rhizosphere soil nutrient variation in an arid area, China
作者 TAN Jin WU Xiuqin +2 位作者 LI Yaning SHI Jieyu LI Xu 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第10期1216-1230,共15页
Tiger nut is a bioenergy crop planted in arid areas of northern China to supply oil and adjust the planting structure.However,in the western region of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China,less water resources have r... Tiger nut is a bioenergy crop planted in arid areas of northern China to supply oil and adjust the planting structure.However,in the western region of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China,less water resources have resulted in a scarcity of available farmland,which has posed a huge obstacle to planting tiger nut.Cultivation of tiger nut on marginal land can effectively solve this problem.To fully unlock the production potential of tiger nut on marginal land,it is crucial for managers to have comprehensive information on the adaptive mechanism and nutrient requirement of tiger nut in different growth periods.This study aims to explore these key information from the perspective of nutrient coordination strategy of tiger nut in different growth periods and their relationship with rhizosphere soil nutrients.Three fertilization treatments including no fertilization(N:P(nitrogen:phosphorous)=0:0),traditional fertilization(N:P=15:15),and additional N fertilizer(N:P=60:15)were implemented on marginal land in the Dengkou County.Plant and soil samples were collected in three growth periods,including stolon tillering period,tuber expanding period,and tuber mature period.Under no fertilization,there was a significant correlation between N and P contents of tiger nut roots and tubers and the same nutrients in the rhizosphere soil(P<0.05).Carbon(C),N,and P contents of roots were significantly higher than those of leaves(P<0.05),and the C:N ratio of all organs was higher than those under other treatments before tuber maturity(P<0.05).Under traditional fertilization,there was a significant impact on the P content of tiger nut tubers(P<0.05).Under additional N fertilizer,the accumulation rate of N and P was faster in stolons than in tubers(P<0.05)with lower N:P ratio in stolons during the tuber expansion period(P<0.05),but higher N:P ratio in tubers(P<0.05).The limited availability of nutrients in the rhizosphere soil prompts tiger nut to increase the C:N ratio,improving N utilization efficiency,and maintaining N:P ratio in tubers.Elevated N levels in the rhizosphere soil decrease the C:N ratio of tiger nut organs and N:P ratio in stolons,promoting rapid stolon growth and shoot production.Supplementary P is necessary during tuber expansion,while a higher proportion of N in fertilizers is crucial for the aboveground biomass production of tiger nut. 展开更多
关键词 tiger nut STOICHIOMETRY rhizosphere soil nitrogen addition marginal land
Mechanisms and reusability potentials of zirconium-polyaziridine-engineered tiger nut residue towards anionic pollutants
作者 Alexander Nti Kani Evans Dovi +3 位作者 Aaron Albert Aryee Runping Han Zhaohui Li Lingbo Qu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第8期275-292,共18页
Access to fresh water,its availability,and its quality are a global challenge to humanity,largely due to human activities in the environment.Thus,global water security has been jeopardized,requiring urgent remediation... Access to fresh water,its availability,and its quality are a global challenge to humanity,largely due to human activities in the environment.Thus,global water security has been jeopardized,requiring urgent remediation to safeguard our very existence.Hence,a novel and facilely engineered zirconium and polyethylenimine adsorbent based on tiger nut residue (TNR) was prepared,and its adsorptive capabilities towards a model dyestuff and nutrient were invested through a batch adsorption method.The developed adsorbent,zirconium-polyethylenimine-engineered tiger nut residue (TNR@PEI–Zr) was characterised by scanning electron microscopy,Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy,X-ray diffraction analysis,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to understand its morphology and surface chemistry and predict its adsorption mechanism.TNR@PEI–Zr had a p H point of zero charge (pH_(zpc)) of 6.7.The introduction of salts inhibited the removal efficiency of Alizarin red (AR) and phosphate (PO_(4)^(3–)) in the order of HCO_(3)^(-)>SO_(4)^(2–)>Cl^(-).Increasing temperatures (293–313 K) favoured the adsorption process at pH 3.The Langmuir model suited the adsorption processes of both AR and PO_(4)^(3–),implying homogenous and monolayer removal of pollutants with a maximal capacity of 537.8 mg·g^(-1)and 100.5 mg·g^(-1)at a dose of 0.01 g,respectively.The rate-determining steps of AR and PO_(4)^(3–)followed a pseudo-secondorder kinetic model and were thermodynamically spontaneous with an increase in randomness at the solid-solution interface.The adsorbent’s recyclability was notable and outperformed most adsorbents in terms of removal efficiency.TNR@PEI–Zr was found to be stable,and its use in practical wastewater decontamination was effective,ecologically acceptable and free of secondary pollution problems. 展开更多
关键词 Adsorption Modified tiger nut residue Alizarin red Phosphate Leaching Regeneration
Effects of areca nut consumption on cell differentiation of osteoblasts, myoblasts, and fibroblasts
作者 YUNG-FU CHANG 《BIOCELL》 SCIE 2023年第2期283-287,共5页
Areca nut is used worldwide as a hallucinogenic addicting drug along the tropical belt.Arecoline,a toxic compound,is the most important alkaloid in areca nuts.The adverse effects of oral uptake and chewing of areca nu... Areca nut is used worldwide as a hallucinogenic addicting drug along the tropical belt.Arecoline,a toxic compound,is the most important alkaloid in areca nuts.The adverse effects of oral uptake and chewing of areca nut are well known.For example,the possibility of cancer caused by chewing areca nuts is widely discussed.Chewing areca nut has other adverse effects on other organs,including abnormal cell differentiation,oral cancer,and several other diseases.The use of areca nut is also associated with low birthweight.Skeletal musculature is the largest organ in the body and is attached to the bones.During embryo development,the differentiation of bone and muscle cells is critical.In this article,we reviewed the effects of areca nut and arecoline on embryonic cell differentiation,particularly osteoblasts,myoblasts,and fibroblasts. 展开更多
关键词 Areca nut Cell differentiation OSTEOBLAST MYOBLAST FIBROBLAST
Intruder trajectory tracking in a three-dimensional vibration-driven granular system:Unveiling the mechanism of the Brazil nut effect
作者 李拓 程可 +2 位作者 彭政 杨晖 厚美瑛 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第10期106-111,共6页
We employ a Hall-effect magnetic sensor array to accurately track the trajectory of a single magnetic sphere,referred to as the“intruder,”within a three-dimensional vibro-fluidized granular bed to unravel the underl... We employ a Hall-effect magnetic sensor array to accurately track the trajectory of a single magnetic sphere,referred to as the“intruder,”within a three-dimensional vibro-fluidized granular bed to unravel the underlying physical mechanism governing the motion of the intruder.Within the acceleration range of 3.5 g≥Γ≥1.5 g,we find that,regardless of the intruder's initial position,it consistently reaches the same equilibrium depth when the vibration acceleration(Γ)and frequency(ω)are fixed.ForΓ≤2.5 g,the equilibrium position lies on the surface of the granular bed,while forΓ>2.5 g,it shifts below the surface.Additionally,intruders with different densities exhibit varying equilibrium depths,with higher density resulting in a deeper equilibrium position.To understand the mechanism behind the intruder's upward or downward motion,we measure its rising or sinking velocities under different vibration parameters.Our findings demonstrate that the rising velocity of the intruder,under varying vibration accelerations(Γ)and frequencies(ω),can be collapsed using the ratioΓ/ω,while the sinking velocity remains unaffected by the vibration strength.This confirms that the upward motion of the larger sphere,associated with the Brazil nut effect,primarily arises from the void-filling mechanism of the bed particles.Furthermore,our experiments reveal that the presence of convection within the bed particles has minimal impact on the motion of the intruder. 展开更多
关键词 granular matter SEGREGATION Brazil nut effect vibro-fluidization
Residual Capacity of Friction⁃Type High⁃Strength Bolted T⁃stub Connection with Nut Corrosion Damage
作者 Gangnian Xu Baoyao Lin Yefeng Du 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 CAS 2023年第3期68-84,共17页
Corrosion is a primary cause of the slippage of friction⁃type high⁃strength bolted(FHSB)T⁃stub connections.This paper attempts to quantify the residual capacity of FHSB T⁃stub connections with corroded nuts.Firstly,co... Corrosion is a primary cause of the slippage of friction⁃type high⁃strength bolted(FHSB)T⁃stub connections.This paper attempts to quantify the residual capacity of FHSB T⁃stub connections with corroded nuts.Firstly,corrosion simulation tests were conducted on 48 manually cut nuts to find out the relationship between the damage degree of nut section and the residual clamping force(RCF)of bolt.Then,static load tests were carried out on 24 FHSB T⁃stub connections with nuts of different degrees of damage to obtain the failure modes.By finite⁃element(FE)models,a comparative analysis was performed on the initial friction load(IFL)and ultimate strength(US)of each connection with corroded nuts.Finally,the parameters of 96 FE models for FHSB T⁃stub connections were analyzed and used to derive the calculation formulas for the degree of damage for each nut and the IFL and US of each connection.The results show that the RCF decay of a bolt is a quadratic function of the equivalent radius loss ratio and the shear failure after nut corrosion;the IFL of each connection had a clear linear correlation with the RCF of the corresponding bolts,and the correlation depends on the applied load and static friction on connecting plate interface induced by the clamping force;the static friction had little impact on the US of the connection;the proposed IFL and US formulas can effectively derive the residual anti⁃slip capacity of FHSB T⁃stub connections from the degree of damage of the corroded nut section.The research results provide a scientific basis for the replacement and maintenance of corroded bolts of FHSB T⁃stub connections. 展开更多
关键词 nut corrosion T⁃stub connection high⁃strength bolt sectional damage residual clamping force(RCF) anti⁃slip capacity
Impact of Four Fiber Sources and the Strategy of Feeding on the Nutritional Quality of Rabbit Meat (Oryctogalagus cuniculis)
作者 Agbo Gwladys Mènon Mazou Mouaïmine +9 位作者 Salifou Chakirath Folakè Arikè Dedome Sèdjro Ludolphe Aminou Kabirath Osnelle Omotola Gangbedji Edith Dokui Faustin Djossou Jospin Adriano Yovo Mahudro Seibou Tolebasoumanou Houndonougbo Mankpondji Frédéric Tchobo Fidèle Paul 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2023年第8期1233-1245,共13页
This study was conducted to valorize four sources of fiber (Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Moringa oleifera and palm nut fibers) in animal production. The experiments were carried out on 128 rabbits divided... This study was conducted to valorize four sources of fiber (Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Moringa oleifera and palm nut fibers) in animal production. The experiments were carried out on 128 rabbits divided into 4 batches of 32 animals, reared for 8 weeks under the same conditions. Each batch was subdivided into two subgroups, one fed with a complete diet (a diet containing one of the fiber sources and served all day) and the other with the same diet separated from the fiber source (served at 9 a.m. and supplemented with the fiber source at 4 p.m.). Eight (8) experimental rations were, respectively, tested on the subgroups: complete feed Gliricidia sepium (CFG);supplemented feed Gliricidia sepium (SFG);complete feed Leucaena leucocephala (CFL);supplemented feed Leucaena leucocephala (SFL);complete feed Moringa oleifera (CFM);supplemented feed Moringa oleifera (SFM);complete feed palm nut fiber (CFF);supplemented feed palm nut fiber (SFF). In each subgroup, 4 rabbits were slaughtered at 15 weeks of age for a total of 32 rabbits. Physico-chemical parameters were evaluated on the feed and the meat. Data were analyzed using SAS 2013 software. Fiber content was similar (p > 0.05) for complete feeds. Fat content was high (p < 0.001) for the palm nuts fiber (27.34%) and the CFF feed (11.36%). Feeding rabbits with G. sepium leaves or palm nut fiber continuously increased the fat content of the meat in contrast to sequential feeding. Meat quality was also better when the fiber source was used in the feed of the rabbits in the evening. 展开更多
关键词 Strategy of Feeding Fiber L. leucocephala M. oleifera G. sepium Palm nuts
基于Nut/OS的GPRS无线数据终端设计实现 被引量:1
作者 余芳 张鑫旺 曾耸彬 《微计算机信息》 2009年第3期175-176,181,共3页
GPRS(通用分组无线业务)是一组新的非语音通信增值业务。它利用现有的移动电话网络发送和接收信息。本课题研究设计了一种基于网络技术的嵌入式GPRS无线数据终端,该GPRS无线数据终端在8位高性能嵌入式微处理器AT-mega128和实时多线程操... GPRS(通用分组无线业务)是一组新的非语音通信增值业务。它利用现有的移动电话网络发送和接收信息。本课题研究设计了一种基于网络技术的嵌入式GPRS无线数据终端,该GPRS无线数据终端在8位高性能嵌入式微处理器AT-mega128和实时多线程操作系统Nut/OS的基础上设计实现。该用户终端能以低廉、快速、可靠的方式连入GPRS网络和互联网,用户终端数据信息实时简洁传送。同时为用户终端安全稳定的运行提供了可靠的保证。 展开更多
关键词 GPRS 无线数据终端 实时操作系统 nut/OS nut/Net
Almond Consumption Is Associated with Better Nutrient Intake, Nutrient Adequacy, and Diet Quality in Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2010 被引量:1
作者 Carol E. O’Neil Theresa A. Nicklas Victor L. Fulgoni III 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2016年第7期504-515,共12页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between almond consumption, the most widely consumed tree nut in the US, and nutrient intake, nutrient adequacy, diet quality, and weight/adiposity in ... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between almond consumption, the most widely consumed tree nut in the US, and nutrient intake, nutrient adequacy, diet quality, and weight/adiposity in adults. Methods: Data from adults (N=24,808), 19+ years, participating in the NHANES 2001-2010 were used. The NCI method was used to estimate the usual intake of almonds and selected nutrients. Almond consumers were defined as those consuming any amount of almonds/almond butter. Percentages of the consumers/non-consumers below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) or above the Adequate Intake (AI) for select nutrients were determined. To assess significant differences for the percentage of almond consumers vs. non-consumers with intakes less than the EAR or above the AI, a Z-statistic for differences in population proportions was used. Covariate-controlled linear regression was used to determine differences in diet quality, measured by the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010), between the consumer groups. Body mass indices and waist circumference were assessed. P was set at p < 0.01. Results: Almond consumers were more likely to be non-Hispanic white, older, of higher income, more physically active, and were less likely to be a current smoker than non-consumers. Usual intake of almonds among consumers was 29.5 ± 1.5 g/day. Usual intake of protein;dietary fiber;vitamins A, D, E, and C;thiamin;niacin;riboflavin;folate, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and potassium was higher in almond consumers. Almond consumers were less likely to be below the EAR for protein, vitamins A, D, E, B12, and C;riboflavin;calcium;copper;magnesium;iron;phosphorus;and zinc. They were also more likely to be above the AI for dietary fiber and potassium. Total HEI-2010 scores were approximately 15 points higher in almond consumers. Body mass indices and waist circumference measures were lower in almond consumers. Conclusions: Moderate consumption of almonds should be encouraged as part of a healthy diet. 展开更多
关键词 Almond Consumption Tree nut Consumption Diet Quality nutRIENTS nutrient Adequacy ADULTS NHANES
肺NUT癌3例临床病理观察 被引量:3
作者 黄焰 吴伟 +4 位作者 侯立坤 谢惠康 张伟 武春燕 张莉萍 《诊断病理学杂志》 2017年第5期350-353,共4页
目的探讨肺NUT癌的临床病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法分析3例肺NUT癌的临床资料、组织学形态和免疫表型,并结合文献讨论。结果患者中2例男性,1例女性,年龄分别为54岁、19岁及62岁,症状为咳嗽、咳痰等。CT示肿瘤最大径分别为9 cm、11 c... 目的探讨肺NUT癌的临床病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法分析3例肺NUT癌的临床资料、组织学形态和免疫表型,并结合文献讨论。结果患者中2例男性,1例女性,年龄分别为54岁、19岁及62岁,症状为咳嗽、咳痰等。CT示肿瘤最大径分别为9 cm、11 cm及7.5 cm。1例为手术切除标本,2例为肺穿刺活检组织。镜下肿瘤细胞巢团状或片状分布,伴较多坏死。大部分为未分化的肿瘤细胞,细胞小~中等,卵圆形或多边形,核异型性大,核仁明显,核分裂象多见。局部见突然的鳞状细胞分化。免疫表型示NUT、p63、p40弥漫(+),AE1/AE3、CK5/6局灶或弥漫(+);2例vimentin(+),1例CD56、CD34(+)。3名患者在诊断后2~5个月死亡。结论肺NUT癌是高度侵袭性肿瘤,其病理形态及免疫表型具有一定特征,免疫组化在诊断中有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 nut 免疫组织化学 诊断 鉴别
对稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿特征的研究 被引量:1
作者 李慧玲 蔡敏 +2 位作者 林榕 杨树政 齐德江 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1150-1156,共7页
运用Parikh的量子隧穿模型,研究了NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征.研究结果表明,当考虑能量守恒与角动量守恒时,稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的真实谱不再是纯热谱,视界处粒子的隧穿率与Bekenstein-Hawking熵有关,且满足量子力学中... 运用Parikh的量子隧穿模型,研究了NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征.研究结果表明,当考虑能量守恒与角动量守恒时,稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的真实谱不再是纯热谱,视界处粒子的隧穿率与Bekenstein-Hawking熵有关,且满足量子力学中的幺正性原理. 展开更多
关键词 nut—Kerr—Newman黑洞 能量守恒 角动量守恒 Bekenstein—Hawking熵 隧穿盔
Study on Effect of Different Varieties Configuration upon Yield of Yan Mountain Chestnut 被引量:1
作者 Qian Wang Shuchai Su +1 位作者 Di Zhao Yanru Kou 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2012年第6期738-744,共7页
In order to improve the yield and quality of 5 new Castanea mollissima varieties “Zipo”, “Zunyu” and traditional Yan Mountain Castanea mollissima cultivars “Duanci”, “Yanhong” and “Donglingmingzhu”, we carri... In order to improve the yield and quality of 5 new Castanea mollissima varieties “Zipo”, “Zunyu” and traditional Yan Mountain Castanea mollissima cultivars “Duanci”, “Yanhong” and “Donglingmingzhu”, we carried out an experiment to study effect from different varieties configuration on yield of Yan Mountain chestnut. The result indicated that: cross-pollination had a significant impact on both fruiting rate and seed-setting rate;cross-pollination improved the nut number in each burr of each variety, in which “Duanci” was the biggest beneficiary, whose number of nut per burr increased from 1.08 to 2.77, 156% higher than that of the self-pollination combination;nut weight showed no significant difference in Xenia Effection;“Zunyu” improved the yield of “Yanhong” most;“Donglingmingzhu” was regarded as the best tree to improve “Zunyu”’s yield;the best variety to improve yield of “Zipo” was “Zunyu”;“Donglingmingzhu” and “Duanci” improved yield of each other most. 展开更多
Control Effect Evaluation of Herbicides for Malignant Weed Nut Grass in Sugarcane Field
作者 李文凤 张荣跃 +4 位作者 黄应昆 尹炯 罗志明 王晓燕 单红丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1391-1394,共4页
In order to screen herbicides with ideal safety characteristics to control malignant weed nut grass in sugarcane field, 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP were selected for the fiel... In order to screen herbicides with ideal safety characteristics to control malignant weed nut grass in sugarcane field, 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP were selected for the field efficacy trial. The results showed that 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP had good control effect on nut grass. The optimum dosage of 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA.ametryne-diuron WP was 1 125 g/hm^2 (effective ingredients 225 g) and 3 150 g/hm^2 (effective ingredients 2 047.5 g), respectively. These two herbicides should be dissolved in 675 kg water per hectare and applied in the vigorous growth period of nut grass (height 10-15 cm) with oriented stem leaf spraying. The control effect after 15 days could be above 87.9%. 展开更多
关键词 Sugarcane field Malignant weed nut grass Herbicide control
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