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作者 王柯 宋正波 《循证医学》 2024年第5期269-271,283,共4页
1文献来源FRENCH C A,KUTOK J L,FAQUIN W C,et al.Midline carcinoma of children and young adults with NUT rearrangement[J].J Clin Oncol,2004,22(20):4135-4139.doi:10.1200/JCO.2004.02.107.2研究背景既往病例报道描述了一种罕... 1文献来源FRENCH C A,KUTOK J L,FAQUIN W C,et al.Midline carcinoma of children and young adults with NUT rearrangement[J].J Clin Oncol,2004,22(20):4135-4139.doi:10.1200/JCO.2004.02.107.2研究背景既往病例报道描述了一种罕见的癌症--NUT癌,它常发生在年轻人中并具有t(15;19)染色体易位的特征,该特征似乎与高致死性的临床进程相关。特殊的染色体易位是其独特标识,但大多数癌具有高度的同源性及多重核型,诊断性染色体平衡易位较缺乏。就细胞遗传学特征而言,NUT癌更类似于淋巴瘤及肉瘤。仅有的文献表明,该癌肿属于主要起源于胸腺或呼吸道上皮的实体瘤,对放化疗无明显效应,具有高度致命性,但这种疾病的临床病理特征仍不明确,需要进一步研究探索。 展开更多
关键词 nut BRD4::nut融合 nut变异重排 CD34
作者 李余发 秦家策 +3 位作者 罗小宁 刘驯骅 张庆玲 肖法嫚 《诊断病理学杂志》 2024年第8期799-801,共3页
目的探讨NUT癌(NUT)的临床病理学特征、免疫表型、分子改变和鉴别诊断要点。方法收集广东省人民医院2021至2024年诊断的3例NUT,总结其临床病理学参数,行免疫组化染色、荧光原位杂交(FISH)和二代测序(NGS),并复习相关文献。结果3例患者... 目的探讨NUT癌(NUT)的临床病理学特征、免疫表型、分子改变和鉴别诊断要点。方法收集广东省人民医院2021至2024年诊断的3例NUT,总结其临床病理学参数,行免疫组化染色、荧光原位杂交(FISH)和二代测序(NGS),并复习相关文献。结果3例患者均为男性;年龄范围34~56岁;1例位于扁桃体,1例位于右肺,1例位于十二指肠。2例获得随访资料,2例患者分别于确诊后仍健大。肿瘤最大径4~7 cm(平均5.5 cm)。镜下检查3例为巢团状、低分化癌特点,其中小肠病例可见突然角化。免疫组化检测显示所有病例均表达CK、CAM5.2和NUT;1例行NGS检测显示存在BRD4::NUTM1(B11:N3)。结论NUT癌是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤。在掌握临床病史和组织学特征的基础上,同时结合免疫组化和分子检测综合分析,才能做出NUT的准确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 解剖部位 nut(睾丸核蛋白) 临床病理 免疫组化
作者 田晨晨 张亚民 +3 位作者 臧尚欢 李蒙蒙 郝庆华 曹华 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2024年第6期401-402,共2页
1临床资料患者,女,19岁,因“咳血2个月”就诊于外院,支气管镜活检病理:(声门下)鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴重度非典型性。病理会诊:鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴中重度非典型性,未治疗。2022-09-09患者因Ⅱ度呼吸困难收入郑州大学第一附属医院。... 1临床资料患者,女,19岁,因“咳血2个月”就诊于外院,支气管镜活检病理:(声门下)鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴重度非典型性。病理会诊:鳞状上皮乳头状增生,伴中重度非典型性,未治疗。2022-09-09患者因Ⅱ度呼吸困难收入郑州大学第一附属医院。喉部增强CT示:喉咽部壁明显增厚,右侧壁软组织增强扫描边缘可见强化,相应喉腔狭窄,双侧颈部肿大淋巴结(图1A)。入院后患者再次无诱因出现呼吸困难,急诊行气管切开术,气管前淋巴结送病理,术后冰冻病理结果:高级别转移性癌,结合免疫组化,符合低分化鳞状细胞癌。 展开更多
关键词 喉肿瘤(Laryngeal Neoplasms) nut癌(nut carcinoma)
作者 田彭雨 刘婷 +4 位作者 汤良科 向亚郎 刘诗瑶 彭越 杜国波 《安徽医学》 2024年第7期930-931,共2页
1病例资料。患者,男性,33岁,2020年7月因“发现舌根肿物4月余”就诊于川北医学院附属医院,完善颌面部CT(图1A)提示:左侧舌根部、舌肌(约左侧舌后2/3区域)团块影,考虑肿瘤性病变,伴颈部多发淋巴结肿大。PET-CT(图2)提示:左侧舌根部、口... 1病例资料。患者,男性,33岁,2020年7月因“发现舌根肿物4月余”就诊于川北医学院附属医院,完善颌面部CT(图1A)提示:左侧舌根部、舌肌(约左侧舌后2/3区域)团块影,考虑肿瘤性病变,伴颈部多发淋巴结肿大。PET-CT(图2)提示:左侧舌根部、口咽左侧壁及双侧颈动脉鞘旁多发淋巴结。 展开更多
关键词 nut 舌肿瘤 远处转移 放化疗 靶向治疗
作者 郝月 李子明 《循证医学》 2024年第5期265-268,共4页
1文献来源LUO J,SANCHEZ M,LEE E,et al.Initial chemotherapy for locally advanced and metastatic NUT carcinoma[J].J Thorac Oncol,2024,19(5):829−838.doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2023.12.022.2证据水平1b。3研究背景NUT癌是一种起源于... 1文献来源LUO J,SANCHEZ M,LEE E,et al.Initial chemotherapy for locally advanced and metastatic NUT carcinoma[J].J Thorac Oncol,2024,19(5):829−838.doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2023.12.022.2证据水平1b。3研究背景NUT癌是一种起源于胸部或头颈部的罕见的、具有高度侵袭性的实体瘤,大多在青少年及年轻的成人患者中发现。 展开更多
关键词 nut 鳞状细胞癌 低分化癌 化疗 长期应答者
作者 卫静文 马学磊 《循证医学》 2024年第5期290-294,共5页
1文献来源STATHIS A,ZUCCA E,BEKRADDA M,et al.Clinical Response of Carcinomas Harboring the BRD4-NUT Oncoprotein to the Targeted Bromodomain Inhibitor OTX015/MK-8628[J].Cancer Discov,2016,6(5):492−500.doi:10.1158/2159-8... 1文献来源STATHIS A,ZUCCA E,BEKRADDA M,et al.Clinical Response of Carcinomas Harboring the BRD4-NUT Oncoprotein to the Targeted Bromodomain Inhibitor OTX015/MK-8628[J].Cancer Discov,2016,6(5):492−500.doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-1335.2证据水平1b。3背景NUT中线癌(NUT midline carcinoma,NMC)是一种罕见且极具侵袭性的鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma,SCC),由BRD4::NUT融合癌蛋白驱动。这种癌症常发生于青少年和年轻人,并且与成人相比,患者的预后通常更差[1]。NMC患者的中位生存期大约为6.7个月,且大多数患者在确诊时已经处于疾病的局部晚期或转移阶段[2]。尽管患者可能对化疗有初步反应,但患者往往会迅速复发,并对进一步的治疗产生耐药性。 展开更多
关键词 nut中线癌 BET抑制剂 OTX015/MK-8628
作者 李飞 崔光彬 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2024年第10期55-58,共4页
目的 分析11例原发性肺NUT基因相关性癌(NUT癌)临床特征及CT影像学表现。方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2023年10月空军军医大学附属唐都医院经免疫组化病理证实的11例肺NUT癌患者。男9例、女2例,年龄30-65岁,中位年龄51岁。收集患者临床信... 目的 分析11例原发性肺NUT基因相关性癌(NUT癌)临床特征及CT影像学表现。方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2023年10月空军军医大学附属唐都医院经免疫组化病理证实的11例肺NUT癌患者。男9例、女2例,年龄30-65岁,中位年龄51岁。收集患者临床信息、病理特点及影像资料,并对患者进行电话随访了解其治疗史及预后情况。结果肿块位于右肺5例,左肺5例,1例位于气管腔内。11例患者肺内病变均为分叶状生长,最大径线2.5cm~11.5cm,平均最大径线为5.5cm;6例病变CT平扫密度均匀,5例病变密度不均匀,8例患者行增强扫描所示肿块呈轻度强化。10例发生转移,其中纵隔及肺门淋巴结转移9例,肺内转移4例(同侧肺转移3例,双侧肺内转移1例),骨转移4例(3例溶骨性转移,1例成骨性转移),肝转移1例。11例免疫组化NUT均为阳性。5例患者死亡,其中3例患者未治疗,发病2月后出现多器官衰竭死亡,1例患者行化疗及肺叶切除术后2月死亡,1例患者行肺叶切除术后2月死亡。6例存活患者在治疗后随访时间1-33月。结论 NUT癌是一种肺少见的基因相关恶性实休肿瘤,双肺均可发生,表现为分叶状肿块,休积较大,密度均匀或不均匀,增强扫描呈轻度强化,常伴有肺门及纵隔内多发淋巴结转移,较容易发生远处转移。接受早期治疗后,可延长生存时间。 展开更多
关键词 nut 肺肿瘤 临床特征 CT
作者 王燕华 许春伟 《循证医学》 2024年第5期276-279,共4页
1文献来源PIHA-PAUL S A,HANN C L,FRENCH C A,et al.Phase 1 study of molibresib(GSK525762),a bromodomain and extra-terminal domain protein inhibitor,in NUT carcinoma and other solid tumors[J].JNCI Cancer Spectr,2019,4(2)... 1文献来源PIHA-PAUL S A,HANN C L,FRENCH C A,et al.Phase 1 study of molibresib(GSK525762),a bromodomain and extra-terminal domain protein inhibitor,in NUT carcinoma and other solid tumors[J].JNCI Cancer Spectr,2019,4(2):pkz093.doi:10.1093/jncics/pkz093.2研究背景溴结构域和超末端结构域(bromodomain and extraterminal domain,BET)家族是表观基因组的调节因子,也是肿瘤细胞生存所依赖的肿瘤相关基因表达的关键驱动因子,一些重要的原癌基因如MYC、BCL2、CDK6均受到BET蛋白的调控,BET蛋白的异常激活与包括癌症在内的各种人类疾病密切相关,包括罕见且具有高度侵袭性的NUT癌。 展开更多
关键词 nut BET蛋白 BET蛋白抑制剂 molibresib
作者 程婧 吕镗烽 《循证医学》 2024年第5期272-275,共4页
1文献来源LEWIN J,SORIA J C,STATHIS A,et al.PhaseⅠb trial with birabresib,a small-molecule inhibitor of bromodomain and extraterminal proteins,in patients with selected advanced solid tumors[J].J Clin Oncol,2018,36(30... 1文献来源LEWIN J,SORIA J C,STATHIS A,et al.PhaseⅠb trial with birabresib,a small-molecule inhibitor of bromodomain and extraterminal proteins,in patients with selected advanced solid tumors[J].J Clin Oncol,2018,36(30):3007−3014.doi:10.1200/JCO.2018.78.2292.2证据水平1b。3研究背景伴睾丸核蛋白(nuclear protein in testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌又称NUT癌,是一种罕见的具有高度侵袭性的鳞状癌。它的发病与位于15号染色体长臂的NUT中线癌家族成员1基因(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)重排有关。 展开更多
关键词 Birabresib BET蛋白 nut 分子靶向治疗
作者 陈石 王谦 《循证医学》 2024年第5期257-264,共8页
NUT癌是一种极为罕见的恶性肿瘤,与15q14号染色体上的NUT癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因重排密切相关,其中以BRD4::NUTM1融合基因多见[1]。NUT癌侵袭性高、分化程度低,往往具有较差的生存及预后。由于... NUT癌是一种极为罕见的恶性肿瘤,与15q14号染色体上的NUT癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因重排密切相关,其中以BRD4::NUTM1融合基因多见[1]。NUT癌侵袭性高、分化程度低,往往具有较差的生存及预后。由于其与鳞状细胞癌的同源相似性,存在较高的误诊率。诸多患者在诊断时已发现疾病处于晚期阶段[2]。目前,以免疫组化(immunohistochemistry,IHC)初筛为主,荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)、二代测序(next-generation sequencing,NGS)等为辅的检测手段大大提高了NUT癌的检出率[3]。 展开更多
关键词 nut 诊断 治疗
Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbons from Palm Nut Shells: Effects of Calcination Temperature on Porosity and Chemical Properties
作者 Charly Mve Mfoumou Berthy Lionel Mbouiti +2 位作者 Spenseur Bouassa Mougnala Pradel Tonda-Mikiela Guy Raymond Feuya Tchouya 《Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry》 2024年第2期19-32,共14页
Activated carbons (ACs) calcined at 400˚C, 500˚C, and 600˚C (AC-400, AC-500, and AC-600) were prepared using palm nut shells from Gabon as raw material and zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activating agent. Prepare... Activated carbons (ACs) calcined at 400˚C, 500˚C, and 600˚C (AC-400, AC-500, and AC-600) were prepared using palm nut shells from Gabon as raw material and zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activating agent. Prepared ACs were characterized by physisorption of nitrogen (N2), determination of diode and methylene blue numbers for studies of porosity and by quantification and determination of surface functional groups and pH at point of zero charge (pHpzc) respectively, for studies of chemical properties of prepared ACs. Then, effects of calcination temperature (Tcal) on porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs were studied. The results obtained showed that when the calcination temperature increases from 500˚C to 600˚C, the porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs are modified. Indeed, the methylene blue and iodine numbers determined for activated carbons AC-400 (460 and 7.94 mg·g−1, respectively) and AC-500 (680 and 8.90 mg·g−1, respectively) are higher than those obtained for AC-600 (360 and 5.75 mg·g−1, respectively). Compared to the AC-500 adsorbent, specific surface areas (SBET) and microporous volume losses for AC-600 were estimated to 44.7% and 45.8%, respectively. Moreover, in our experimental conditions, the effect of Tcal on the quantities of acidic and basic functional groups on the surface of the ACs appears negligible. In addition, results of the pHpzc of prepared ACs showed that as Tcal increases, the pH of the adsorbents increases and tends towards neutrality. Indeed, a stronger acidity was determined on AC-400 (pHpzc = 5.60) compared to those on AC-500 and AC-600 (pHpzc = 6.85 and 6.70, respectively). Also according to the results of porosity and chemical characterizations, adsorption being a surface phenomenon, 500˚C appears to be the optimal calcination temperature for the preparation of activated carbons from palm nut shells in our experimental conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Palm nut Shells Activated Carbon Calcination Temperature Porosity and Chemical Properties
基于Nut/OS的GPRS无线数据终端设计实现 被引量:1
作者 余芳 张鑫旺 曾耸彬 《微计算机信息》 2009年第3期175-176,181,共3页
GPRS(通用分组无线业务)是一组新的非语音通信增值业务。它利用现有的移动电话网络发送和接收信息。本课题研究设计了一种基于网络技术的嵌入式GPRS无线数据终端,该GPRS无线数据终端在8位高性能嵌入式微处理器AT-mega128和实时多线程操... GPRS(通用分组无线业务)是一组新的非语音通信增值业务。它利用现有的移动电话网络发送和接收信息。本课题研究设计了一种基于网络技术的嵌入式GPRS无线数据终端,该GPRS无线数据终端在8位高性能嵌入式微处理器AT-mega128和实时多线程操作系统Nut/OS的基础上设计实现。该用户终端能以低廉、快速、可靠的方式连入GPRS网络和互联网,用户终端数据信息实时简洁传送。同时为用户终端安全稳定的运行提供了可靠的保证。 展开更多
关键词 GPRS 无线数据终端 实时操作系统 nut/OS nut/Net
Almond Consumption Is Associated with Better Nutrient Intake, Nutrient Adequacy, and Diet Quality in Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2010 被引量:1
作者 Carol E. O’Neil Theresa A. Nicklas Victor L. Fulgoni III 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2016年第7期504-515,共12页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between almond consumption, the most widely consumed tree nut in the US, and nutrient intake, nutrient adequacy, diet quality, and weight/adiposity in ... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between almond consumption, the most widely consumed tree nut in the US, and nutrient intake, nutrient adequacy, diet quality, and weight/adiposity in adults. Methods: Data from adults (N=24,808), 19+ years, participating in the NHANES 2001-2010 were used. The NCI method was used to estimate the usual intake of almonds and selected nutrients. Almond consumers were defined as those consuming any amount of almonds/almond butter. Percentages of the consumers/non-consumers below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) or above the Adequate Intake (AI) for select nutrients were determined. To assess significant differences for the percentage of almond consumers vs. non-consumers with intakes less than the EAR or above the AI, a Z-statistic for differences in population proportions was used. Covariate-controlled linear regression was used to determine differences in diet quality, measured by the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010), between the consumer groups. Body mass indices and waist circumference were assessed. P was set at p < 0.01. Results: Almond consumers were more likely to be non-Hispanic white, older, of higher income, more physically active, and were less likely to be a current smoker than non-consumers. Usual intake of almonds among consumers was 29.5 ± 1.5 g/day. Usual intake of protein;dietary fiber;vitamins A, D, E, and C;thiamin;niacin;riboflavin;folate, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and potassium was higher in almond consumers. Almond consumers were less likely to be below the EAR for protein, vitamins A, D, E, B12, and C;riboflavin;calcium;copper;magnesium;iron;phosphorus;and zinc. They were also more likely to be above the AI for dietary fiber and potassium. Total HEI-2010 scores were approximately 15 points higher in almond consumers. Body mass indices and waist circumference measures were lower in almond consumers. Conclusions: Moderate consumption of almonds should be encouraged as part of a healthy diet. 展开更多
关键词 Almond Consumption Tree nut Consumption Diet Quality nutRIENTS nutrient Adequacy ADULTS NHANES
肺NUT癌3例临床病理观察 被引量:3
作者 黄焰 吴伟 +4 位作者 侯立坤 谢惠康 张伟 武春燕 张莉萍 《诊断病理学杂志》 2017年第5期350-353,共4页
目的探讨肺NUT癌的临床病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法分析3例肺NUT癌的临床资料、组织学形态和免疫表型,并结合文献讨论。结果患者中2例男性,1例女性,年龄分别为54岁、19岁及62岁,症状为咳嗽、咳痰等。CT示肿瘤最大径分别为9 cm、11 c... 目的探讨肺NUT癌的临床病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法分析3例肺NUT癌的临床资料、组织学形态和免疫表型,并结合文献讨论。结果患者中2例男性,1例女性,年龄分别为54岁、19岁及62岁,症状为咳嗽、咳痰等。CT示肿瘤最大径分别为9 cm、11 cm及7.5 cm。1例为手术切除标本,2例为肺穿刺活检组织。镜下肿瘤细胞巢团状或片状分布,伴较多坏死。大部分为未分化的肿瘤细胞,细胞小~中等,卵圆形或多边形,核异型性大,核仁明显,核分裂象多见。局部见突然的鳞状细胞分化。免疫表型示NUT、p63、p40弥漫(+),AE1/AE3、CK5/6局灶或弥漫(+);2例vimentin(+),1例CD56、CD34(+)。3名患者在诊断后2~5个月死亡。结论肺NUT癌是高度侵袭性肿瘤,其病理形态及免疫表型具有一定特征,免疫组化在诊断中有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 nut 免疫组织化学 诊断 鉴别
对稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿特征的研究 被引量:1
作者 李慧玲 蔡敏 +2 位作者 林榕 杨树政 齐德江 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1150-1156,共7页
运用Parikh的量子隧穿模型,研究了NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征.研究结果表明,当考虑能量守恒与角动量守恒时,稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的真实谱不再是纯热谱,视界处粒子的隧穿率与Bekenstein-Hawking熵有关,且满足量子力学中... 运用Parikh的量子隧穿模型,研究了NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的量子隧穿辐射特征.研究结果表明,当考虑能量守恒与角动量守恒时,稳态NUT-Kerr-Newman黑洞的真实谱不再是纯热谱,视界处粒子的隧穿率与Bekenstein-Hawking熵有关,且满足量子力学中的幺正性原理. 展开更多
关键词 nut—Kerr—Newman黑洞 能量守恒 角动量守恒 Bekenstein—Hawking熵 隧穿盔
肺NUT癌的CT表现 被引量:1
作者 张浩 方旭 +4 位作者 卢明智 王洋 王铁功 刘芳 邵成伟 《放射学实践》 北大核心 2020年第11期1415-1418,共4页
目的:探讨肺NUT癌的CT表现,以提高对该病的认识。方法:回顾性分析经病理确诊的7例肺NUT癌患者的临床、病理及影像资料。结果:肿块位于右肺5例,左肺2例。7例患者肺内肿块均为分叶状,最大径3~15 cm,平均最大径为7.6 cm;CT平扫密度不均匀,... 目的:探讨肺NUT癌的CT表现,以提高对该病的认识。方法:回顾性分析经病理确诊的7例肺NUT癌患者的临床、病理及影像资料。结果:肿块位于右肺5例,左肺2例。7例患者肺内肿块均为分叶状,最大径3~15 cm,平均最大径为7.6 cm;CT平扫密度不均匀,3例行增强扫描肿块呈中度强化。6例发生转移,其中纵隔或肺门淋巴结转移4例,骨转移3例,肾上腺转移、肝转移、脑转移均为2例。肿瘤细胞多排列成片状及不规则巢状,多数细胞未分化,局部呈鳞状细胞分化。7例免疫组化NUT均为阳性,NUT基因断裂重组检测均为阳性。结论:肺NUT癌多见于右肺,表现为分叶状肿块,体积较大,密度不均匀,增强扫描呈不均匀中度强化,远处转移多见。 展开更多
关键词 nut 肺肿瘤 体层摄影术 X线计算机
中线(NUT)癌诊断与治疗专家共识(2023版) 被引量:5
作者 中国抗癌协会肿瘤基因诊断专业委员会中线(NUT)癌基因诊断工作组 中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会 +4 位作者 李鑫 叶卓淼 印明柱 陆元志 邓超 《中国癌症防治杂志》 CAS 2023年第5期463-476,共14页
伴睾丸核蛋白(nuclear protein in testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌又称NUT癌,是一种罕见的高度侵袭性肿瘤,根据NUT中线癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因发生重排或突变定义。常规治疗方法对NUT癌效果欠佳,... 伴睾丸核蛋白(nuclear protein in testis,NUT)基因重排的中线癌又称NUT癌,是一种罕见的高度侵袭性肿瘤,根据NUT中线癌家族成员1(NUT midline carcinoma family member 1,NUTM1)基因发生重排或突变定义。常规治疗方法对NUT癌效果欠佳,绝大多数患者预后差。现阶段对该基因变异的认识不足是制约NUT癌诊治取得进展的主要障碍。目前在临床实践中缺乏针对NUT癌临床特征、诊断及治疗方法的标准化指南,限制了临床医师对该疾病的充分认识。为了给临床医师提供更加明确规范的诊断参考依据,中国抗癌协会肿瘤基因诊断专业委员会中线(NUT)癌基因诊断工作组及中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会组织了临床、病理、分子检测和生物信息分析等领域专家,综合国内外NUT癌临床应用的共识指南、重要文献及临床实践经验,共同制定了本共识,对NUT癌临床诊疗给出专家组意见,期望为临床医师提供NUT癌诊疗指导意见,降低NUT癌误诊率,提高治疗效果和预后。 展开更多
关键词 nut 中线癌 nutM1 伴睾丸核蛋白基因 专家共识
Study on Effect of Different Varieties Configuration upon Yield of Yan Mountain Chestnut 被引量:1
作者 Qian Wang Shuchai Su +1 位作者 Di Zhao Yanru Kou 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2012年第6期738-744,共7页
In order to improve the yield and quality of 5 new Castanea mollissima varieties “Zipo”, “Zunyu” and traditional Yan Mountain Castanea mollissima cultivars “Duanci”, “Yanhong” and “Donglingmingzhu”, we carri... In order to improve the yield and quality of 5 new Castanea mollissima varieties “Zipo”, “Zunyu” and traditional Yan Mountain Castanea mollissima cultivars “Duanci”, “Yanhong” and “Donglingmingzhu”, we carried out an experiment to study effect from different varieties configuration on yield of Yan Mountain chestnut. The result indicated that: cross-pollination had a significant impact on both fruiting rate and seed-setting rate;cross-pollination improved the nut number in each burr of each variety, in which “Duanci” was the biggest beneficiary, whose number of nut per burr increased from 1.08 to 2.77, 156% higher than that of the self-pollination combination;nut weight showed no significant difference in Xenia Effection;“Zunyu” improved the yield of “Yanhong” most;“Donglingmingzhu” was regarded as the best tree to improve “Zunyu”’s yield;the best variety to improve yield of “Zipo” was “Zunyu”;“Donglingmingzhu” and “Duanci” improved yield of each other most. 展开更多
Control Effect Evaluation of Herbicides for Malignant Weed Nut Grass in Sugarcane Field
作者 李文凤 张荣跃 +4 位作者 黄应昆 尹炯 罗志明 王晓燕 单红丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1391-1394,共4页
In order to screen herbicides with ideal safety characteristics to control malignant weed nut grass in sugarcane field, 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP were selected for the fiel... In order to screen herbicides with ideal safety characteristics to control malignant weed nut grass in sugarcane field, 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP were selected for the field efficacy trial. The results showed that 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA·ametryne·diuron WP had good control effect on nut grass. The optimum dosage of 20% thifensulfuron methyl WP and 65% MCPA.ametryne-diuron WP was 1 125 g/hm^2 (effective ingredients 225 g) and 3 150 g/hm^2 (effective ingredients 2 047.5 g), respectively. These two herbicides should be dissolved in 675 kg water per hectare and applied in the vigorous growth period of nut grass (height 10-15 cm) with oriented stem leaf spraying. The control effect after 15 days could be above 87.9%. 展开更多
关键词 Sugarcane field Malignant weed nut grass Herbicide control
Baru almonds from different regions of the Brazilian Savanna: Implications on physical and nutritional characteristics 被引量:1
作者 Ludmila P. Czeder Daniela C. Fernandes +1 位作者 Jullyana B. Freitas Maria Margareth V. Naves 《Agricultural Sciences》 2012年第5期745-754,共10页
While some reports show that physical characteristics of the baru fruits (Dipteryx alata Vog.) differ within and among the Brazilian Savanna regions, a study shows that there are differences in the nutritional composi... While some reports show that physical characteristics of the baru fruits (Dipteryx alata Vog.) differ within and among the Brazilian Savanna regions, a study shows that there are differences in the nutritional composition of baru almonds from different trees from the same Savanna area. It is unknown, however, whether the Savanna’s region influences the nutritional quality of this native almond. Thus, we evaluated the influence of East, Southeast and West regions of the Brazilian Savanna on physical characteristics, nutrient composition and protein quality of the baru almond. Chemical composition and amino acid profile were analyzed, and Amino Acid Score (AAS), Net Protein Ratio (NPR), and Protein Digestibility–Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) were estimated. The physical characteristics significantly differed within but not among regions. The protein (310 g kg-1), lipid (410 g·kg-1), fiber (120 g·kg-1) and calcium (1,300 mg·kg-1) contents of baru almonds were high, with significant differences among regions for insoluble fiber content (94.3 - 128.3 g·kg-1) and amino acid profile (AAS = 77% - 89%). The relative NPR (RNPR) values were similar among regions (mean value of RNPR = 71%), and the PDCAAS values ranged from 65 to 73%. The region of the Brazilian Savanna influences the fiber and amino acid profiles, but not the total content of nutrients, the protein quality and the physical characteristics of the native baru almonds. The baru almond is a potential food as source of complementary protein for healthy diets and as a nutritious raw material for various food systems. 展开更多
关键词 Dipteryx Alata Vog. EDIBLE SEEDS nuts SAVANNA nutritive Value AMINO ACIDS
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