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作者 刘源 范鑫强 +1 位作者 姜雅楠 张弦 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 北大核心 2025年第2期122-130,共9页
CO_(2)甲烷化反应被认为是解决CO_(2)利用难题的重要手段之一,其中NiO/MgO催化剂具有广阔的应用前景,如何提高NiO/MgO催化剂的比表面积成为其实际应用的关键.本文通过沉积-沉淀法在高比表面积的SiO_(2)载体上负载NiO/MgO催化剂,制备出了... CO_(2)甲烷化反应被认为是解决CO_(2)利用难题的重要手段之一,其中NiO/MgO催化剂具有广阔的应用前景,如何提高NiO/MgO催化剂的比表面积成为其实际应用的关键.本文通过沉积-沉淀法在高比表面积的SiO_(2)载体上负载NiO/MgO催化剂,制备出了NiO/MgO/SiO_(2)催化剂.研究了MgO含量、催化剂煅烧温度和还原温度对催化剂结构和甲烷化性能的影响.采用X射线衍射、程序升温还原、N2吸附-脱附等温线、程序升温脱附、X射线光电子能谱和场发射透射电子显微镜等技术手段对催化剂进行了表征.结果表明,合适的MgO含量既能够对SiO_(2)形成较好的阻隔以避免NiO与SiO_(2)的反应,又可与NiO形成对甲烷化有利的Ni_(1-x)Mg_(x)O固溶体.适当的煅烧温度能够在形成Ni_(1-x)Mg_(x)O固溶体的同时避免对反应不利的NiMgSiO4的形成.此外,通过调控还原温度还能够调变Ni^(0)和Ni_(1-x)Mg_(x)O的比例,从而使二者在催化体系中起到协同作用,促进CO_(2)甲烷化反应.30%MgO含量、550℃煅烧、550℃还原后的Ni30MgSi-550-550R催化剂在CO_(2)甲烷化反应催化剂性能测试中表现出最佳的催化活性,且在350℃、30000mL/(g·h)空速的测试条件下展现出200 h的稳定性,这是由于在催化剂表面具有适当的Ni^(0)/Ni_(1-x)Mg_(x)O比例和对应的充足的H2和CO_(2)活化位点.在高比表面积的SiO_(2)上负载NiO/MgO催化剂、在SiO_(2)表面进行固相反应和通过还原温度调控Ni^(0)-Ni_(1-x)Mg_(x)O活性对的策略为用于CO_(2)甲烷化反应的催化剂设计提供了一种新思路. 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)甲烷化反应 ni基催化剂 MGO SiO_(2)
作者 赵新青 王凯 +2 位作者 吕超 张凯超 侯慧龙 《航空材料学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-14,共14页
近等原子比Ni-Ti合金因热弹性马氏体相变而呈现形状记忆效应和超弹性,并广泛应用于生物医疗和诸多工业领域。近年来的理论和实验研究表明,当近等原子比Ni-Ti合金引入足够的缺陷(如溶质原子、位错以及纳米析出物)时,这些缺陷导致的相变... 近等原子比Ni-Ti合金因热弹性马氏体相变而呈现形状记忆效应和超弹性,并广泛应用于生物医疗和诸多工业领域。近年来的理论和实验研究表明,当近等原子比Ni-Ti合金引入足够的缺陷(如溶质原子、位错以及纳米析出物)时,这些缺陷导致的相变阻力可有效抑制合金的一级马氏体相变,并代之以短程有序的晶格应变微区(纳米马氏体畴)为显著特征的应变玻璃转变。Ni-Ti基应变玻璃具有宏观晶体结构不变、各态遍历性缺失、动态力学性能随频率弥散分布和高阻尼等特征。尽管应变玻璃在冷却过程中不发生一级马氏体相变,但因应力加载诱发应变玻璃向马氏体转变及应力卸载时的逆转变,应变玻璃仍然可呈现出优异的形状记忆效应和超弹性。应变玻璃合金的超弹性与缺陷类型及浓度密切相关,缺陷浓度不高的应变玻璃具有与传统Ni-Ti基合金类似的超弹性行为;高缺陷浓度的应变玻璃在温度场和应力场作用下发生应变玻璃↔R相变,其超弹性具有小回复应变、窄滞后和宽温域特征。Ni-Ti合金可通过变形引入大量位错缺陷,以实现其应变玻璃转变。应变玻璃在应力作用下如果只涉及纳米畴演化而不发生B19′马氏体转变,可表现出具有窄滞后特征(近线性)的大超弹性,其物理机制在于应力作用下纳米畴的演化不需要形核过程,从而避免因形核导致的能量损耗。本文综述了Ni-Ti基合金应变玻璃转变的提出、奇异性质及其研究进展,并对基于应变玻璃转变的Ni-Ti基宽温域超弹性合金设计原理及工程应用作了简要介绍。 展开更多
关键词 ni-Ti基 马氏体相变 应变玻璃转变 形状记忆效应 超弹性
作者 余谟鑫 张振 +3 位作者 史文旭 孙宇航 王晓婷 柯清平 《精细化工》 北大核心 2025年第1期186-196,共11页
以芦荟皮为原料、(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)为氮源和硫源,采用水热法制备了炭前驱体,再经高温热解制备了氮硫共掺杂生物炭(NSBC)。采用SEM、BET、XPS、Zeta电位对其进行了表征,考察了不同温度热解制备的NSBC对水溶液中Ni^(2+)、Co^(2+)的吸附... 以芦荟皮为原料、(NH_(4))_(2)SO_(4)为氮源和硫源,采用水热法制备了炭前驱体,再经高温热解制备了氮硫共掺杂生物炭(NSBC)。采用SEM、BET、XPS、Zeta电位对其进行了表征,考察了不同温度热解制备的NSBC对水溶液中Ni^(2+)、Co^(2+)的吸附性能,探究了NSBC吸附Ni^(2+)、Co^(2+)的热力学和动力学过程,分析了温度和pH对其吸附性能的影响,并推测其吸附机理。结果表明,NSBC表面为层片状堆积的多孔结构,热解温度800℃制备的NSBC_(800)具有分级多孔结构,微孔总体积0.07 cm^(3)/g,比表面积149 m^(2)/g,非微孔体积占比46%,其表面具有摩尔分数29.94%的O元素、4.79%的N元素和6.21%的S元素。NSBC_(800)对Ni^(2+)和Co^(2+)的最大平衡吸附量分别为245.70和223.71 mg/g。NSBC表面由O、N和S元素组成的化学官能团吸附Ni^(2+)和Co^(2+)反应生成盐或络合物,沉积在生物炭表面;Langmuir模型和拟二级动力学模型描述的NSBC对Ni^(2+)和Co^(2+)的吸附表明,该过程由化学吸附控制,通过络合作用、共沉淀、离子交换和静电吸引等机制实现对Ni^(2+)和Co^(2+)的吸附。 展开更多
关键词 氮硫共掺杂 芦荟皮 生物质 废弃电池 ni^(2+) Co^(2+) 水处理技术
作者 赵俊博 张雅繁 +3 位作者 何林韩 张学瑾 陈瑶 高建民 《森林工程》 北大核心 2025年第1期67-74,共8页
高质量、高效率的木材切削工艺对于提高木材资源的利用率以及提升木质产品的品质具有重要意义。目前,木工圆锯片常用钢材65Mn存在硬度和抗拉强度等力学性能欠佳的问题,为此通过添加镍(Ni)元素对65Mn钢进行改性。采用原料熔炼、浇筑试棒... 高质量、高效率的木材切削工艺对于提高木材资源的利用率以及提升木质产品的品质具有重要意义。目前,木工圆锯片常用钢材65Mn存在硬度和抗拉强度等力学性能欠佳的问题,为此通过添加镍(Ni)元素对65Mn钢进行改性。采用原料熔炼、浇筑试棒、锻造加工以及热处理等步骤制备Ni改性65Mn钢,并对改性前后的65Mn钢进行显微硬度、冲击韧性和拉伸强度测试。同时运用金相显微镜(metallographic)及扫描电镜(SEM)剖析65Mn钢改性前后的组织构造差异。研究结果表明,1)添加Ni元素后,65Mn钢回火后的组织由回火屈氏体改变为淬火马氏体与回火马氏体的混合体,且当Ni元素质量分数达到0.9%时,出现残余奥氏体;2)在相同热处理工艺条件下,Ni元素对材料的硬度和抗拉强度的影响均呈现出先增大后降低的趋势,冲击韧性较未改性的65Mn钢有所降低。其中,添加质量分数为0.7%Ni元素的65Mn钢的硬度和抗拉强度最优,较未改性的65Mn钢分别增加了10.18%、35.40%(室温)。研究结果为后续木工圆锯片钢材的改良提供了新的思路和方法,有望推动木质加工工具行业的进一步发展。 展开更多
关键词 65MN钢 ni含量 木工圆锯片 力学性能
作者 杨治争 张蓬朝 +3 位作者 霍旭东 李光强 汪勇 刘昱 《武汉科技大学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-7,共7页
本文针对给定成分的(0.04%~0.07%)C-(7%~8%)Ni钢,系统探究了热处理温度与气氛对其氧化动力学和氧化膜特征的影响。结果表明,在800~950℃温度范围内,降低气相氧分压可显著抑制该含Ni钢的氧化增重,并使氧化动力学曲线由线性向抛物线转变,... 本文针对给定成分的(0.04%~0.07%)C-(7%~8%)Ni钢,系统探究了热处理温度与气氛对其氧化动力学和氧化膜特征的影响。结果表明,在800~950℃温度范围内,降低气相氧分压可显著抑制该含Ni钢的氧化增重,并使氧化动力学曲线由线性向抛物线转变,表明氧化反应速率的控制步骤由化学反应速率向扩散传质速率转变。由于内氧化层中富Ni金属相与Fe氧化物相互镶嵌形成网状结构,钢材的除鳞性能受到抑制。随着氧化温度的升高,不同气氛下钢样表面外氧化膜厚度均呈增加趋势,但内氧化层的演变则存在差异:在空气中,内氧化膜厚度随氧化温度升高而持续增加;而在高纯氮气气氛中,内氧化膜厚度则随温度升高先增大后减小,在950℃几乎消失。其原因在于高温下致密外氧化膜的形成和长大会降低气体/膜界面的氧浓度梯度,从而抑制了内氧化的发生。 展开更多
关键词 ni 热处理 氧化动力学 氧化膜 气相氧分压
Microstructure and Oxidation Behaviors of Nano-particles Strengthened NiCoCrAlY Cladded Coatings on Superalloys 被引量:12
作者 WANG Hongyu ZUO Dunwen +2 位作者 CHEN Xinfeng YU Shouxin GU Yuanzhi 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期297-304,共8页
Nano-particles which can largely improve the microstructure and oxidation resistance of materials are often used as a strengthening component in metal matrix composites. However, few studies were reported on its appli... Nano-particles which can largely improve the microstructure and oxidation resistance of materials are often used as a strengthening component in metal matrix composites. However, few studies were reported on its application in the bond coat of duplex structure thermal barrier coating(TBC). Three kinds of NiCoCrAlY coatings strengthened by different nano-particles with the same addition (1%, mass fraction) were prepared by the laser cladding technique on Ni-based superalloy substrates, aiming to study the effects of the nano-particles on microstructure and oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlY coatings (the bond coat of the duplex structure thermal barrier coatings). Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffractometer(XRD) and thermogravimetry were employed to investigate their morphologies, phases and cyclic oxidation behaviors in atmosphere at 1 050℃, compared with the coating without nano-particles. With the addition of nano-particles, the growth pattern of the grains at the interface changed from epitaxial growth to non-epitaxial growth or part-epitaxial growth; slender dendrites were broken and cellularized; cracks and pores were restrained; and the oxidation weight-gain and the stripping resistance of the oxide scale were improved as well. Among the three kinds of nano-particles, the SiC nano-particles showed the most improvement on microstructure, while the CeO2 nano-particles were insufficient, but its effects on the oxidation resistance are the same as those of the SiC nano-particles. Based on the discussions of the influence mechanism, it is believed that CeO2 nano-particles would show better improvement than SiC nano-particles if the proper amount is added and the proper preparation technique of micro-nanometer composite powders is adopted, with the synergistic action of nanometer effect and reactive element effect. 展开更多
关键词 high-temperature protective coating nano-particlE MICROSTRUCTURE cyclic oxidation laser cladding
作者 陈鸿明 范胜琪 +4 位作者 宋琪 蒋玲 陈拥军 李建保 张雪艳 《人工晶体学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期158-164,共7页
随着全球环境问题的日益突出,化石燃料的日益枯竭,寻找可再生能源成为了一项艰巨的任务。电解水制氢通过析氢反应(HER)和析氧反应(OER)同时产生氢气和氧气,是一种高效、绿色的制氢方法,吸引了越来越多的科研人员的兴趣。但是,目前商用... 随着全球环境问题的日益突出,化石燃料的日益枯竭,寻找可再生能源成为了一项艰巨的任务。电解水制氢通过析氢反应(HER)和析氧反应(OER)同时产生氢气和氧气,是一种高效、绿色的制氢方法,吸引了越来越多的科研人员的兴趣。但是,目前商用贵金属催化剂(Pt/C和RuO_(2)/IrO_(2))价格贵且储量少,因此,开发具有高性能、低成本、高稳定性的非贵金属电催化剂成为了研究热点。本文通过简单的盐模板热解法成功制备了具有三维(3D)纳米片结构的Ni@Mo_(2)C/C催化剂。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对Ni@Mo_(2)C/C的组成、形貌及结构进行了表征,通过X射线光电子衍射仪(XPS)对元素组成及元素价态进行了分析,并考察了Ni@Mo_(2)C/C的电化学性能。结果表明,在电流密度为10 mA·cm^(-2)时,Ni@Mo_(2)C/C催化剂的HER和OER的过电位分别为47和232 mV。在全解水测试中,仅需要1.61 V即可驱动10 mA·cm^(-2)的电流密度,且可持续稳定工作100 h。 展开更多
关键词 Mo_(2)C ni掺杂 析氢反应 析氧反应 全解水 双功能催化剂
Surface tension of lithium bromide aqueous solution/ammonia with additives and nano-particles 被引量:3
作者 蔡伟华 孔伟伟 +2 位作者 王悦 朱蒙生 王新雷 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1979-1985,共7页
In order to investigate the effect of additives and nano-particle on the surface tensions of lithium bromide(Li Br) aqueous solution/ammonia, many experiments were carried out based on Wilhelmy plate method. Firstly, ... In order to investigate the effect of additives and nano-particle on the surface tensions of lithium bromide(Li Br) aqueous solution/ammonia, many experiments were carried out based on Wilhelmy plate method. Firstly, the surface tension of Li Br aqueous solution with 1-octanol was measured and then the comparison between the measured results and previous experimental results was given to verify the measuring accuracy. Some new additives, such as cationic surfactants cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride(CTAC), and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB) were chosen in the experiments. The experimental results show that CTAC and CTAB can obviously reduce the surface tension of Li Br aqueous solution/ammonia. In addition, it is found that nano-particles cannot remarkably decrease the surface tension of Li Br aqueous solution/ammonia. However, the mixed addition of additives and nano-particles can remarkably affect the surface tension of Li Br aqueous solution/ammonia. That is to say, additives play more important role in reducing the surface tension of Li Br aqueous solution/ammonia. But nano-particles may enhance the heat transfer in the absorption refrigeration process. 展开更多
关键词 lithium bromide AMMOniA ADDITIVES nano-particles surface tension
Influence of SiO_2 nano-particles on microstructures and properties of Ni-W-P/CeO_2-SiO_2 composites prepared by pulse electrodeposition 被引量:2
作者 王军丽 徐瑞东 章俞之 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期839-843,共5页
Ni-W-P base composites containing CeO2 and SiO2 nano-particles were prepared on common carbon steel surface by pulse co-deposition of Ni,W,P,CeO2 and SiO2 nano-particles.The influence of SiO2 concentrations in bath on... Ni-W-P base composites containing CeO2 and SiO2 nano-particles were prepared on common carbon steel surface by pulse co-deposition of Ni,W,P,CeO2 and SiO2 nano-particles.The influence of SiO2 concentrations in bath on microstructures and properties of Ni-W-P/CeO2-SiO2 composites was studied,and the characteristics were assessed by chemical compositions,element distribution,surface morphologies,deposition rate and microhardness.The results indicate that when SiO2 concentration in bath is controlled at 20 g/L,the composites possess the fastest deposition rate,the highest microhardness,compact microstructures,smaller crystallite sizes and uniform distribution of W,P,Ce and Si within Ni-W-P matrix metal.Increasing SiO2 concentration in bath from 10 to 20 g/L leads to the refinement in grain size and the inhomogeneity of microstructures.While when SiO2 concentration is increased to 30 g/L,the crystallite sizes increase again and some bosses with nodulation shape appear on the surface of composites. 展开更多
关键词 pulse electrodeposition nano-particlE composite microstructure and property
作者 孙巧萍 毛晨昕 +4 位作者 涂燕红 张帆帆 常国菊 蔡元韬 郝仕油 《环境科学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期143-151,共9页
以酸性红14(AR14)为碳源,Zn(NO_(3))_(2)·6H_(2)O和Ni(NO_(3))_(2)·6H_(2)O为半导体原料,通过共沉淀-吸附法合成Ni、C共掺杂ZnO复合物前驱体,并在N_(2)中煅烧前驱体获得目标产物.同时,利用正交实验法考察影响产物光催化效率... 以酸性红14(AR14)为碳源,Zn(NO_(3))_(2)·6H_(2)O和Ni(NO_(3))_(2)·6H_(2)O为半导体原料,通过共沉淀-吸附法合成Ni、C共掺杂ZnO复合物前驱体,并在N_(2)中煅烧前驱体获得目标产物.同时,利用正交实验法考察影响产物光催化效率的主要因素,并采用XRD、PL、FT-IR、UV-Vis、XPS等技术对样品结构性能进行表征.结果表明,在ZnO中引入适量的Ni和C可以提高氧空位浓度,形成数量较多的碳键,利于光生电子与空穴分离.以罗丹明B(RhB)为探针分子考察了合成产物的光催化活性,结果表明,NiO/C/ZnO-5的光催化效率高于ZnO、NiO、ZnO/C、NiO/C、ZnO/NiO,也高于其他NiO/C/ZnO. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO基复合物 ni C共掺杂 酸性染料 光催化降解 电子-空穴对
Crystallization characteristics of Ni-W-P composite coatings reinforced by CeO_2 and SiO_2 nano-particles 被引量:2
作者 徐瑞东 翟大成 章俞之 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4424-4431,共8页
Ni-W-P composite coatings reinforced by Ce O2 and Si O2 nano-particles on the surface of common carbon steels, were prepared by double pulse electrodeposition. The crystallization course was characterized by phase str... Ni-W-P composite coatings reinforced by Ce O2 and Si O2 nano-particles on the surface of common carbon steels, were prepared by double pulse electrodeposition. The crystallization course was characterized by phase structures, crystallinity, grain sizes and microstructures. The results indicate that as-deposited composite coating is amorphous. Whereas it turns into the crystalline structure with 98.25% crystallinity, and Ni3 P, Ni2 P and Ni5P2 alloy phases precipitate from structures at 400 °C. Thereafter, Ni2 P and Ni5P2 metastable alloy phases turn into Ni3 P stable alloy phase at 500 °C. The crystallization course of the composite coating has finished when being heat-treated at 700 °C. The average sizes of Ni grains increase with the rise of heat treatment temperature from400 °C to 700 °C. Ce O2 and Si O2 nano-particles deposited into Ni-W-P alloys can delay the crystallization course and habit the growth of alloy phases. 展开更多
关键词 composite coating double pulse electrodeposition ni-W-P nano-particles crystallization characteristics
作者 黄磊 耿长建 +6 位作者 赵吉庆 岳琦 郭燕飞 苏孺 马海坤 吴大勇 康杰 《河北科技大学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-7,共7页
为了解决0Cr17Ni7Al弹簧钢丝在拉拔过程中出现的残余应力问题及钢丝卷曲后的回弹现象,通过实验观测和有限元模拟相结合的方法,分析了拉拔工艺参数对残余应力及钢丝翘距的影响,并构建了残余应力与翘距之间的量化关系模型。结果表明:卷丝... 为了解决0Cr17Ni7Al弹簧钢丝在拉拔过程中出现的残余应力问题及钢丝卷曲后的回弹现象,通过实验观测和有限元模拟相结合的方法,分析了拉拔工艺参数对残余应力及钢丝翘距的影响,并构建了残余应力与翘距之间的量化关系模型。结果表明:卷丝过程中丝圈轴向的塑性变形是翘距产生的主要原因,而残余应力的分布特征对翘距有显著影响;通过调整拉拔参数可以有效控制翘距;翘距与残余应力之间的关系模型准确度高达0.97。研究结果深化了对拉拔工艺中残余应力影响的理解,为钢丝的后续加工和应用提供了技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 黑色金属及其合金 0Cr17ni7Al弹簧钢丝 残余应力 拉拔工艺 翘距 有限元模拟
Inconel 617与022Cr19Ni10焊接工艺及接头性能研究
作者 卞世伟 李战斌 +2 位作者 赵卫君 曲瑞 徐祥久 《锅炉制造》 2025年第1期53-55,62,共4页
针对Inconel 617镍基合金与022Cr19Ni10不锈钢,制定了合理的焊接工艺。焊丝选用AWS ERNiCrCoMo-1,采用手工钨极氩弧焊实现了Inconel 617与022Cr19Ni10之间的可靠焊接,对焊接接头的力学性能以及微观组织进行了试验和分析。试验结果表明,... 针对Inconel 617镍基合金与022Cr19Ni10不锈钢,制定了合理的焊接工艺。焊丝选用AWS ERNiCrCoMo-1,采用手工钨极氩弧焊实现了Inconel 617与022Cr19Ni10之间的可靠焊接,对焊接接头的力学性能以及微观组织进行了试验和分析。试验结果表明,采用该焊接工艺可以获得优质的焊接接头,焊缝金相组织为奥氏体及少量铁素体,接头抗拉强度为765MPa和769MPa,焊缝硬度值与Inconel 617母材硬度值相近,高于022Cr19Ni10母材硬度值,满足工程应用要求。 展开更多
关键词 Inconel 617镍基合金 022Cr19ni10不锈钢 焊接工艺
作者 张晋红 薛瑞峰 +1 位作者 刘迎彬 张艺潇 《兵器材料科学与工程》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-6,共6页
为研究Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在不同位置的能量释放规律,采用冷压成型技术制备了3种镍铝摩尔比分别为2∶1、1∶1和1∶2反应材料药型罩,用连续密封罐超压测试系统对Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在密封罐内对间隔靶的毁伤及超压进行测试,进... 为研究Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在不同位置的能量释放规律,采用冷压成型技术制备了3种镍铝摩尔比分别为2∶1、1∶1和1∶2反应材料药型罩,用连续密封罐超压测试系统对Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在密封罐内对间隔靶的毁伤及超压进行测试,进而对其释能行为进行探究。结果表明:随着Al含量的增加,聚能粒子流对间隔靶板的毁伤效应先减小后增大;前密封罐中,镍铝摩尔比为1∶1时的聚能粒子流释能最多,化学反应效率最高,为57.4%;后密封罐中,镍铝摩尔比为2∶1时的释能最多,且总释能最多,为23.12 kJ。 展开更多
关键词 ni/Al 反应材料 药型罩 能量释放
作者 阳喜元 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期81-87,共7页
镍基高温合金是制造先进航空发动机热端部件的关键材料之一,其高温力学性能直接关系到发动机运行安全和使用寿命.本文采用改进分析型嵌入原子模型(MAEAM)和分子动力学(MD)研究合金化元素钌(Ru)团簇对Ni/Ni_(3)Al纳米线形变机制的影响,... 镍基高温合金是制造先进航空发动机热端部件的关键材料之一,其高温力学性能直接关系到发动机运行安全和使用寿命.本文采用改进分析型嵌入原子模型(MAEAM)和分子动力学(MD)研究合金化元素钌(Ru)团簇对Ni/Ni_(3)Al纳米线形变机制的影响,结果表明:在单轴拉伸应变下,纳米线的弹性模量和屈服强度随温度升高而降低.温度较低时,纳米线形变由位错产生与发射而导致晶格滑移所引起.由于晶格热振动非谐效应不明显,Ru团簇阻碍效果显著,使得晶格滑移区域仅限于Ru团簇与Ni/Ni_(3)Al相界面之间且呈非对称分布.温度较高时,纳米线的形变由位错发射而引起晶格滑移所致,但因非谐效应显著,Ru团簇无法阻碍位错运动,滑移区域在Ru团簇周围对称分布于Ni_(3)Al相中.最后从Ru团簇微观结构及其稳定性的角度进一步分析其对纳米线形变影响. 展开更多
关键词 Ru团簇 形变机制 ni/ni_(3)Al纳米线 原子模拟
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-3Sn-1Ca reinforced with AlN nano-particles
作者 Shaozhu Wang Yuanding Huang +7 位作者 Lixiang Yang Ying Zeng Yaozeng Hu Xiao Zhang Qiang Sun Shaojun Shi Guangyao Meng Norbert Hort 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第1期259-269,共11页
Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanisms of Mg-3Sn-1Ca based alloys with additions of different amounts of Al N nanoparticles were investigated.It was found that with increasing the amount of AlN nano-pa... Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanisms of Mg-3Sn-1Ca based alloys with additions of different amounts of Al N nanoparticles were investigated.It was found that with increasing the amount of AlN nano-particles the grain size decreases obviously.The existence of AlN nano-particles could refine the primary crystal phases CaMgSn,which provided more heterogeneous nucleation sites for the formation of magnesium.Moreover,such nano-particles could also restrict the grain growth during solidification.After adding AlN nano-particles,both the tensile properties at room temperature and high temperature 250℃and the hardness are largely improved.The improvement of strength is attributed to grain refinement and second phase refinement. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-Sn-Ca alloy AlN nano-particles Microstructure Strengthening mechanisms Grain refinement
Influence of Al,Cu and Mn additions on diffusion behaviors in CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys
作者 Juan CHEN Zhen-zhong ZHANG +1 位作者 Jin-kun XIAO Li-jun ZHANG 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期184-193,共10页
The interdiffusion coefficients in Al_(0.2)CoCrFeNi,CoCrCu_(0.2)FeNi,and CoCrFeMn_(0.2)Ni high-entropy alloys were efficiently determined by combining diffusion couple experiments and high-throughput determination of ... The interdiffusion coefficients in Al_(0.2)CoCrFeNi,CoCrCu_(0.2)FeNi,and CoCrFeMn_(0.2)Ni high-entropy alloys were efficiently determined by combining diffusion couple experiments and high-throughput determination of interdiffusion coefficients(HitDIC)software at 1273−1373 K.The results show that the addition of Al,Cu,and Mn to CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys promotes the diffusion of Co,Cr,and Fe atoms.The comparison of tracer diffusion coefficients indicates that there is no sluggish diffusion in tracer diffusion on the thermodynamic temperature scale for the present Al_(0.2)CoCrFeNi,CoCrCu_(0.2)FeNi,and CoCrFeMn_(0.2)Ni high-entropy alloys.The linear relationship between diffusion entropy and activation energy reveals that the diffusion process of atoms is unaffected by an increase in the number of components as long as the crystal structure remains unchanged. 展开更多
关键词 Co−Cr−Fe−ni high-entropy alloy DIFFUSION interdiffusivity diffusion couple
Electronic spin susceptibility of metallic superconductive nano-particles
作者 李凤 陈志谦 李庆 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第5期1075-1080,共6页
We have observed the thermodynamic properties of metallic superconductive nano-particles in the grand canonical ensemble; and the level distribution and the level correlation between the discrete electronic energy lev... We have observed the thermodynamic properties of metallic superconductive nano-particles in the grand canonical ensemble; and the level distribution and the level correlation between the discrete electronic energy levels are considered in the calculation of the electronic spin susceptibility of the ensemble numerically. The quantum effect, even-odd effect and other special effects existing in the metallic nano-particles are also studied in this article. 展开更多
关键词 nano-particles random matrices theory spin susceptibility
Lubrication Mechanism of Micro/Nano-particles on Sialon
作者 张文光 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第B10期5-7,共3页
The tribological properties of Sialon sliding against AISI52100 steel ball under the lubrication of solid particle additives, as micro-borate particle and nano-PbS particle, were evaluated by a SRV ball-on-disc test r... The tribological properties of Sialon sliding against AISI52100 steel ball under the lubrication of solid particle additives, as micro-borate particle and nano-PbS particle, were evaluated by a SRV ball-on-disc test rig. The chemical composition of the worn surface was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The morphologies of the worn surfaces of Sialon were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the particles can reduce the friction coefficient of the pairs and the wear volume of Sialon significantly. The wear resistance of micro-borate is superior to that of nano-PbS while the friction-reducing ability of PbS is better than that of borate. According to the XPS and SEM results, the wear resistance of PbS is mainly depended on the tribochemical film mainly composed of PbSO 4, which deposited on the worn surface with good bonding strength. No tribochemical reaction or deposited film was detected or observed on the worn surface of Sialon under the lubrication of borate, indicating that the possible physically deposited film generated from micro particle can also greatly reduce the wear volume of Sialon, though the friction reducing ability of which is inferior to that of nano PbS particle. 展开更多
关键词 sialon ceramic micro/nano-particle ADDITIVE lubrication mechanism
作者 吴俊芳 郝芃 +4 位作者 潘赟琼 刘蓉 顾伟 戴家木 臧传锋 《现代纺织技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期93-101,共9页
为研究Ni-Fe-B合金对碳纤维毡催化石墨化的影响,采用电沉积的方法,通过改变电解液中FeSO_4·7H_(2)O的质量浓度,实现Ni-Fe-B合金层在碳纤维毡上均匀负载,并探讨Ni-Fe-B合金对碳纤维毡石墨化程度的影响。结果表明,在FeSO_4·7H_(... 为研究Ni-Fe-B合金对碳纤维毡催化石墨化的影响,采用电沉积的方法,通过改变电解液中FeSO_4·7H_(2)O的质量浓度,实现Ni-Fe-B合金层在碳纤维毡上均匀负载,并探讨Ni-Fe-B合金对碳纤维毡石墨化程度的影响。结果表明,在FeSO_4·7H_(2)O质量浓度100 g/L、温度50℃、电流1 A/dm^(2)、沉积3 min的条件下进行电沉积,高温处理后负载的碳纤维毡石墨化率可高达90.77%,表面电阻率从1.99 mΩ·cm降到0.82 mΩ·cm,降低了58.69%。研究发现,在2400℃的高温下,Ni-Fe-B合金对碳纤维毡能起到催化石墨化作用,将无序结构的碳纤维成功转化为有序结构的石墨纤维。 展开更多
关键词 ni-Fe-B合金 电沉积 催化 石墨化 碳纤维毡 导电性
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