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3D static reservoir modelling of Abu Madi paleo-valley in Baltim Field,Offshore Nile Delta Basin,Egypt 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan Tamer Hassan Ahmed Saied Ali 《Petroleum Research》 2022年第4期473-485,共13页
The 3D static reservoir modelling provides a good understanding for the hydrocarbon reservoir distri-bution and properties.This study aimed to construct a static model to study the gas-reservoir potentiality of the Me... The 3D static reservoir modelling provides a good understanding for the hydrocarbon reservoir distri-bution and properties.This study aimed to construct a static model to study the gas-reservoir potentiality of the Messinian Abu Madi Formation in Baltim Field,offshore Nile Delta Basin.This model was constructed based on the interpretation of the thirty-seven 2D seismic sections besides the analysis of well logs data for five drilled wells(Baltim East-2,Baltim East-3,Baltim East-5,Baltim North-1 and Baltim North-2).The seismic interpretation exposed that the Abu Madi incised valley in Baltim Field is oriented NNW-SSE with width ranges from 5 to 8 km and approximately 32 km in length.The reservoir modelling revealed a relatively homogeneous reservoir facies qualities for gas production in two different zones within the Abu Madi sandstones.The trapping mechanism for these intervals is represented by pinching out in the two sides of the Abu Madi paleo-valley and bounded by two faults in the northern and southern parts of the study area. 展开更多
关键词 Abu madi reservoir Baltim field nile delta basin Seismic interpretation Static model Well logging
Geophysical appraisal of the Abu Madi gas reservoir,Nile Delta Basin,Egypt:Implications for the tectonic effect on the lateral distribution of petrophysical parameters
作者 Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan 《Petroleum Research》 2022年第4期511-520,共10页
The tectonic deformation has a significant influence on the hydrocarbon reservoirs properties.The effect of this process focuses on the lateral distribution of the petrophysical parameters characterizing the hydrocarb... The tectonic deformation has a significant influence on the hydrocarbon reservoirs properties.The effect of this process focuses on the lateral distribution of the petrophysical parameters characterizing the hydrocarbon reservoirs.The main objective of the current study is to perform a petrophysical examination of the Abu Madi gas reservoir which is the greatest gas-bearing reservoir at Nile Delta Basin in order to examine how far the Messinian tectonics affected the lateral variations of these petrophysical parameters.This petrophysical evaluation was performed based on the wireline log data acquired for five wells,namely,Abu Madi-2,Abu Madi-7,El Qara-3,Nidoco-7,and Nidoco-9 drilled within the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley.The petrophysical assessment for the most promising zone intervals within the Abu Madi sandstones in the inspected wells show that the total porosity varies between 17%and 22%,the effective porosity ranges from 7%to 19%,the shale volume fluctuates between 16%and 30%,hydrocarbon satu-ration varies from 37%to 76%,and the bulk volume of water varies between 0.02 and 0.09.These significant variations in the petrophysical properties of the Abu Madi reservoir are attributed to the tectonic influence during the deposition of the Abu Madi Formation as a part of the Late Miocene synrift megasequence in the Nile Delta Basin.This conclusion confirms that the petrophysical properties of sandstone reservoirs are function of tectonic and structural deformation. 展开更多
关键词 Abu madi formation Messinian reservoir nile delta basin Petrophysical parameters Well logging
New prospective gas plays in pliocene sands, offshore Nile Delta Basin: A case study from Kamose-1 well at North Sinai Concession, Egypt
作者 Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan Geology 《Petroleum Research》 2022年第3期329-340,共12页
The Pliocene sands in the offshore parts of the Nile Delta Basin represent significant gas reservoirs.Several targets have been recently discovered in different places along the offshore Nile Delta Basin.The present w... The Pliocene sands in the offshore parts of the Nile Delta Basin represent significant gas reservoirs.Several targets have been recently discovered in different places along the offshore Nile Delta Basin.The present work focuses on the possibility of discovering new natural gas resources at North Sinai Concession through an integrated method between seismic and well logs data interpretations.A case study from Kamose-1 Well at Kamose Field,North Sinai Concession has been examined.The quantitative explanation for the well log data of Kamose-1 Well has revealed two zones expected to be gas-bearing zones.These intervals are located between depths;1174–1186 m(zone I)and between 1429 and 1503 m(zone II).The calculated petrophysical parameters for these zones exhibit low water saturation(24–43%),high effective porosity(30–31%),low shale volume(21–26%),high total porosity(37–38%)and low bulk volume of water(0.07–0.12).Zone II(74 m thick)shows a clear bright spot on the seismic profiles covering the study area,while,zone I is beyond seismic resolution(12 m thick).Several seismic bright spots have been outlined on the seismic data nearby Kamose-1 Well.The comparison between the newly outlined seismic bright spots with the drilled one in Kamose-1 Well exhibited a great similarity.Accordingly,these prospects are expected to be new targets for gas exploration in the Pliocene succession at North Sinai Concession. 展开更多
关键词 Petrophysical evaluation Pliocene sands Seismic bright spot Kamose field nile delta basin
东地中海地区天然气开发现状与前景 被引量:6
作者 潘楠 《国际石油经济》 2016年第11期81-96,102,共17页
东地中海地区包括8个具备成油条件的重要盆地,由于在黎凡特盆地和尼罗河三角洲盆地中发现了许多海上气田,这两个盆地日益成为该地区的核心。过去几年,这两个盆地中发现的主要气田几乎全部位于以色列和埃及两国水域内,塞浦路斯境内也有... 东地中海地区包括8个具备成油条件的重要盆地,由于在黎凡特盆地和尼罗河三角洲盆地中发现了许多海上气田,这两个盆地日益成为该地区的核心。过去几年,这两个盆地中发现的主要气田几乎全部位于以色列和埃及两国水域内,塞浦路斯境内也有一定规模的气田被发现。这三国水域内天然气田的勘探开发,对改变该地区能源供应格局有潜在的重大意义。东地中海地区国家间关系错综复杂,但是近年来该地区内天然气开发并未引起地区武装冲突,总体形势朝着"搁置争议,共同开发"的局面演化。东地中海地区的天然气勘探、开发乃至运输与出口等环节,吸引了包括寻找进口天然气新目标气源地的欧盟国家、密切关注并积极介入该地区天然气资源开发进程的美国、逐渐介入东地中海盆地天然气开发过程的俄罗斯等大国的关注。这些国家对该地区的关注和介入,对该地区天然气资源的开发进程有着深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 东地中海 天然气 黎凡特盆地 尼罗河三角洲盆地 以色列 埃及 塞浦路斯
尼罗河三角洲盆地油气地质特征及勘探潜力 被引量:1
作者 杜美迎 屈红军 张功成 《海洋地质前沿》 CSCD 2017年第11期36-42,共7页
尼罗河三角洲盆地经历了古特提斯汇聚到新特提斯裂开的被动陆缘、挤压应力为主的前陆盆地及以断裂活化作用为主的走滑盆地3个构造演化阶段。盆地发育北三角洲和南三角洲2个次盆单元,总体上贫油富气,且大多气藏位于深水区。研究区发育两... 尼罗河三角洲盆地经历了古特提斯汇聚到新特提斯裂开的被动陆缘、挤压应力为主的前陆盆地及以断裂活化作用为主的走滑盆地3个构造演化阶段。盆地发育北三角洲和南三角洲2个次盆单元,总体上贫油富气,且大多气藏位于深水区。研究区发育两套有利烃源岩:渐新统和中新统海相页岩和泥灰岩以及上白垩统黑色页岩,有机质碳含量丰富,主要以Ⅲ型干酪根为主,主力储集层为中新统三角洲砂岩及上新统深水斜坡水道砂岩,圈闭以构造圈闭为主,油气主要沿着断层和不整合面向上部储层运移。尼罗河三角洲盆地生储盖匹配良好,是未来勘探开发的有利区块。 展开更多
关键词 尼罗河三角洲盆地 构造演化 海相 油气地质
尼罗河三角洲盆地油气地质特征与勘探方向 被引量:2
作者 赵阳 胡孝林 +1 位作者 刘琼 吕彩丽 《海洋地质前沿》 CSCD 2018年第1期28-34,共7页
尼罗河三角洲盆地已经进行了60余年的勘探实践,但是近年来随着勘探研究和钻探活动的继续深入,仍然不断有新的问题产生和新的勘探领域被发掘,显示出新的生命力和良好的勘探前景。尼罗河三角洲盆地虽然是一个世界级的富油气区,然而由于种... 尼罗河三角洲盆地已经进行了60余年的勘探实践,但是近年来随着勘探研究和钻探活动的继续深入,仍然不断有新的问题产生和新的勘探领域被发掘,显示出新的生命力和良好的勘探前景。尼罗河三角洲盆地虽然是一个世界级的富油气区,然而由于种种原因,中国油公司甚少涉及该盆地的研究,鲜见相关文献发表。通过对尼罗河三角洲盆地构造演化与沉积充填、烃源岩、储层等石油地质条件的研究,分析了尼罗河三角洲盆地的油气成藏特征与勘探潜力,并结合现今勘探现状指出了尼罗河三角洲盆地未来主要勘探领域与勘探方向:浅水区勘探程度较高,生产设施完善,经济门槛低,是实施滚动勘探的最佳区域;中深水—深水区渐新统是今后10年中—大型天然气田发现的主要潜力区;超深水区存在中新统和上新统大型生物气藏勘探潜力。 展开更多
关键词 尼罗河三角洲盆地 石油地质条件 油气成藏 勘探潜力 勘探方向
作者 朱春霞 张尚锋 +2 位作者 王玉瑶 刘浩童 李飞龙 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2020年第10期950-958,共9页
尼罗河三角洲盆地形成主要与新特提斯洋的开裂和持续扩张作用密切相关,经历了中生代裂谷与被动陆缘发育阶段、前陆盆地阶段和走滑盆地3个构造演化阶段。三角洲盆地可进一步划分为北三角洲次盆、南三角洲次盆和近海–深水次盆3个次盆单元... 尼罗河三角洲盆地形成主要与新特提斯洋的开裂和持续扩张作用密切相关,经历了中生代裂谷与被动陆缘发育阶段、前陆盆地阶段和走滑盆地3个构造演化阶段。三角洲盆地可进一步划分为北三角洲次盆、南三角洲次盆和近海–深水次盆3个次盆单元,总体上贫油富气,且大多气藏位于深水区。通过对尼罗河三角洲盆地构造演化与沉积充填、烃源岩、储层等石油地质条件的研究,分析了尼罗河三角洲盆地的含油气系统,指出了尼罗河三角洲盆地未来主要勘探方向:北部深水地区勘探程度低,是大型天然气田发现的主要潜力区;超深水区存在大型碳酸盐岩生物气藏的勘探潜力。 展开更多
关键词 尼罗河三角洲盆地 构造演化 石油地质 含油气系统
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