洗手,乃小事一桩,却能预防疾病。美国的公共厕所整洁明亮,即使以“暗香浮动”写之,亦不为过。但是,据明察暗访,却发现了一个令人啼笑皆非 的实情: 95% of men and women say they wash their hands after using a publicrestroom(厕所)...洗手,乃小事一桩,却能预防疾病。美国的公共厕所整洁明亮,即使以“暗香浮动”写之,亦不为过。但是,据明察暗访,却发现了一个令人啼笑皆非 的实情: 95% of men and women say they wash their hands after using a publicrestroom(厕所),yet only 67% of people actually do wash their hands beforeleaving the restroom. 洗手,作用不小,当不仅仅局限于“便后”: Handwashing is one of the best interventions there is currently to help reducepeople from being infected with microbes.Before you prepare food or drink waterand after you cuddle(拥抱)with the family pet,you should head straight to thesink(水槽)and wash up. 读罢本文,你若能多洗手几次,那么,笔者推荐此文的目的也就达到了。展开更多
文摘洗手,乃小事一桩,却能预防疾病。美国的公共厕所整洁明亮,即使以“暗香浮动”写之,亦不为过。但是,据明察暗访,却发现了一个令人啼笑皆非 的实情: 95% of men and women say they wash their hands after using a publicrestroom(厕所),yet only 67% of people actually do wash their hands beforeleaving the restroom. 洗手,作用不小,当不仅仅局限于“便后”: Handwashing is one of the best interventions there is currently to help reducepeople from being infected with microbes.Before you prepare food or drink waterand after you cuddle(拥抱)with the family pet,you should head straight to thesink(水槽)and wash up. 读罢本文,你若能多洗手几次,那么,笔者推荐此文的目的也就达到了。