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作者 吴梦红 窦森 +5 位作者 林楠 姜然哲 陈思 李佳璇 付佳伟 梅显军 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期204-212,共9页
土壤有机质(SOM)含量是表征土壤质量的关键指标,在全球碳循环系统中发挥重大作用。快速准确的SOM估算和空间制图对土壤碳库估算、作物生长监测和耕地规划管理具有重要意义。利用传统方法监测区域性SOM含量耗时费力,基于高光谱遥感影像建... 土壤有机质(SOM)含量是表征土壤质量的关键指标,在全球碳循环系统中发挥重大作用。快速准确的SOM估算和空间制图对土壤碳库估算、作物生长监测和耕地规划管理具有重要意义。利用传统方法监测区域性SOM含量耗时费力,基于高光谱遥感影像建立SOM估测模型是现在较为合理有效的方法。为探索解决目前高光谱遥感影像建立SOM含量估测模型存在光谱数据冗余、光谱数据特征提取精度低、小样本模型泛化能力不强的问题,选择位于青海省湟中县的研究区,共采集67个土壤样本。获取资源1号02D(ZY1-02D)高光谱遥感影像并进行预处理得到样点像元光谱数据,采用分数阶微分变换(FOD)方法挖掘与SOM含量具有响应关系的敏感波段,以0.2为一个步长,利用相关性阈值法对比分析不同阶次微分处理数据挖掘能力;运用稳定性竞争性自适应重加权采样算法(sCARS)去除高光谱冗余数据获取建模特征波段,选择随机森林(RF)、极端梯度提升树、极限学习机和岭回归机器学习作为建模算法,以全波段和特征波段光谱数据分别作为模型输入变量构建SOM估测模型进行高光谱反演研究工作;最后根据最优特征变量和建模算法,基于ZY1-02D遥感影像进行了SOM空间分布制图。结果表明:采用FOD变换相比整数阶可以大大提高波段与SOM含量间的相关性,挖掘出更多细微的与SOM含量产生响应关系的光谱波段,其中0.8阶微分变换效果最优,较原始波段相比相关系数最大值提高了0.546;相较于全波段光谱数据,采用sCARS特征提取方法获取特征波段构建模型的估测精度得到较大提升,说明sCARS可以有效提升建模数据的质量,提升模型预测精度。建模算法中RF表现最优,R_(p)^(2)(模型决定系数)达到0.766,RPD达到1.86,较全波段建模结果R_(p)^(2)提升约7.58%;基于FOD-sCARS和RF实现了区域SOM含量估测制图。研究进一步验证利用星载高光谱遥感影像是实现区域SOM估测制图的可靠途径,研究结果可为估测区域SOM含量提供新思路,为利用星载高光谱遥感影像绘制SOM含量空间分布图提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 高光谱遥感影像 分数阶微分变换 稳定性竞争性自适应重加权采样算法 土壤有机质 随机森林
作者 高迎凤 赵明松 +2 位作者 于芝琳 赵治东 王涛 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第3期255-263,共9页
为确定淮北平原砂姜黑土土壤有机质(SOM)最佳反演模型,探寻最佳特征波长筛选方法,提高模型预测精度。利用原始光谱进行倒数对数(Log(1/R))、标准正态变量变换(SNV)、去包络线(CR)、一阶微分(FDR)处理,采用稳定竞争性自适应重加权算法(sC... 为确定淮北平原砂姜黑土土壤有机质(SOM)最佳反演模型,探寻最佳特征波长筛选方法,提高模型预测精度。利用原始光谱进行倒数对数(Log(1/R))、标准正态变量变换(SNV)、去包络线(CR)、一阶微分(FDR)处理,采用稳定竞争性自适应重加权算法(sCARS)筛选特征变量,对比分析竞争性自适应重加权算法(CARS)、相关系数法(|r|≥0.47)和显著性水平法(p≤0.01)所得结果,建立SOM含量的偏最小二乘(PLSR)模型,并对比精度差异。结果表明:(1)全波段范围内,SOM含量与原始光谱呈极显著负相关,与Log(1/R)光谱呈极显著正相关,与SNV光谱相关性明显增强。CR和FDR光谱与SOM含量呈不同程度的正负相关性。(2)对比全波段,CARS和sCARS算法能够有效去除光谱冗余信息,筛选得到特征波段数目仅占全波段的1%~5%。筛选后模型精度更高,相对分析误差(RPD)均大于1.8。(3)相比于CARS算法,sCARS算法具备更好的稳定性和精确性。筛选到的特征波段主要分布在800~850、1850~1900、2050~2500 nm区域。(4)Log(1/R)-sCARS模型精度最佳,建模集和预测集的决定系数(R2)分别提升了0.08和0.28,RPD值为3.05,对SOM含量预测极好。 展开更多
关键词 土壤有机质 砂姜黑土 光谱变换 scars筛选 偏最小二乘模型
Benefits of jejunostomy feeding in patients who underwent gastrectomy for cancer treatment 被引量:1
作者 Romain Jaquet Emmanuel Rivkine +1 位作者 Nicole De Souza Jean Roudié 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第8期2461-2473,共13页
BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is associated with significant undernutrition responsible for an increase in morbidity and mortality after gastrectomy.AIM To evaluate the impact of enteral nutrition by jejunostomy feeding i... BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is associated with significant undernutrition responsible for an increase in morbidity and mortality after gastrectomy.AIM To evaluate the impact of enteral nutrition by jejunostomy feeding in patients undergoing gastrectomy for cancer.METHODS Between 2003 and 2017,all patients undergoing gastrectomy for cancer treatment were included retrospectively.A group with jejunostomy(J+group)and a group without jejunostomy(J-group)were compared.RESULTS Of the 172 patients included,60 received jejunostomy.Preoperatively,the two groups were comparable with respect to the nutritional parameters studied(body mass index,albumin,etc.).In the postoperative period,the J+group lost less weight and albumin:5.74±8.4 vs 9.86±7.5 kg(P=0.07)and 7.2±5.6 vs 14.7±12.7 g/L(P=0.16),respectively.Overall morbidity was 25%in the J+group and 36.6%in the J-group(P=0.12).The J+group had fewer respiratory,infectious,and grade 3 complications:0%vs 5.4%(P=0.09),1.2%vs 9.3%(P=0.03),and 0%vs 4.7%(P=0.05),respectively.The 30-day mortality was 6.7%in the J+group and 6.3%in the J-group(P=0.91).CONCLUSION Jejunostomy feeding after gastrectomy improves nutritional characteristics and decreases postoperative morbidity.A prospective study could confirm our results. 展开更多
关键词 feeding jejunostomy Gastric cancer UNDERNUTRITION Morbimortality Survival
The Effects of Different Feeding Practices on the Nutritional Status of Infants below 12 Months Old in the Kumba 1 Sub-Division
作者 Gillian Nkeudem Asoba Fidelis Sameh Ebong +3 位作者 Samuel Metuge Etchu Kaptai Tabe Teh Rene Ning Sumbele Irene Ngole 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 CAS 2024年第5期336-350,共15页
Appropriate feeding practices are important during infancy for good health, growth and development of infants and children. WHO revised its earlier recommendation of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) of infants from 4 to ... Appropriate feeding practices are important during infancy for good health, growth and development of infants and children. WHO revised its earlier recommendation of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) of infants from 4 to 6 months of age to EBF until about 6 months of age, with the addition of complementary foods thereafter. This recommendation confirms that breast milk alone is sufficient to meet infants’ nutritional requirements for the first 6 months of life. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of various feeding practices on the Nutritional status of infants 0 - 12-month-old in the Kumba 1 Sub-Division. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2019 to August 2020. A total of 341 nursing mothers and their infants 0 - 12 months of age were recruited. Socio-demographic factors and the different feeding habits of the children were assessed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric measurements. The overall proportion of infants who exclusively breastfed for 6 months was 69.2% and those who were mix-fed were 30.8% in the study area. The overall prevalence of malnutrition in the population was 61.0%. Among the malnourished children, 53.1% were underweight, 19.6% were wasted and 10.0% were stunted. Though not significant, the prevalence of wasting (21.0%) and underweight (58.3%) was higher among Mix-Fed (MF) children when compared to their EBF counterparts. Feeding practices affected the nutritional status of the infants. Underweight and wasting were observed among infants on Complementary Feeding (CF), although some exclusively breast-fed infants were stunted. Hence, nursing mothers should try as much as possible to practice EBF as recommended by WHO and can practice CF when the child is above six months. 展开更多
关键词 Exclusive Breastfeeding Complementary feeding feeding Practices INFANTS MALNUTRITION Nutritional Status UNDERWEIGHT Wasted STUNTING
The Effects of Laser Therapy in Treating Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids after Median Sternotomy:A Scoping Review
作者 Laura Schianchi Fabrizio Vaira +9 位作者 Massimo Chessa Serena Francesca Flocco Arianna Magon Gianluca Conte Karina Geraldina Zuniga Olaya Giacomo Bortolussi Erika Cioffi Matteo Riccardo Di Nicola Santo Raffaele Mercuri Rosario Caruso 《Congenital Heart Disease》 SCIE 2024年第4期363-374,共12页
Background:Hypertrophic scars and keloids,common complications following median sternotomy for cardiac surgery,significantly impact patient quality of life due to their aesthetic and symptomatic burden.Recent advanceme... Background:Hypertrophic scars and keloids,common complications following median sternotomy for cardiac surgery,significantly impact patient quality of life due to their aesthetic and symptomatic burden.Recent advancements in laser therapy have made it a prominent option for managing these complex scars,yet a com-prehensive understanding of its efficacy is lacking.The aim of this scoping review is to explore the effects of laser therapy in managing hypertrophic scars and keloids after median sternotomy.Methods:This scoping review ana-lyzed studies up to February 2024 from databases including PubMed,EMBASE,CINAHL,Scopus,Web of Science,and the Cochrane Library.We included any study that assessed laser therapy’s effects on hypertrophic scars and keloids following median sternotomy.Studies were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria with-out publication year,design,or origin restrictions.Results:Six studies met the inclusion criteria,involving a total offive RCTs and one review.These studies primarily tested 585 and 595-nm pulsed dye laser(PDL)treatments,focusing on scar appearance,patient symptoms,and treatment satisfaction.Most studies reported significant improvements in scar height reduction and patient symptom relief after treatment,with mixed results for scar erythema and elasticity.Adverse events were generally mild and transient.Conclusions:Laser therapy offers a beneficial approach for improving the appearance and symptoms of hypertrophic scars and keloids post-median sternotomy.However,further research is necessary to optimize treatment parameters and explore the long-term psychosocial impacts of this therapy.This review highlights the need for more comprehensive studies to establish standardized treatment protocols and evaluate their effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Laser therapy hypertrophic scars KELOIDS median sternotomy cardiac surgery pulsed dye laser scar management
Heart Failure-Like Reaction Is Likely Involved in the Feeding Behaviour of Blood-Sucking Leeches
作者 Li Yang Jiao Shu +4 位作者 Xiao Wang Wei Yu Debin Wang Zichao Liu Bin Wang 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 CAS 2024年第1期52-69,共18页
Medicinal leeches have been utilized in therapy for thousands of years. However, the adaptation physiology between leeches and hosts is not fully understand. To disclose the molecular mechanisms of adaptation between ... Medicinal leeches have been utilized in therapy for thousands of years. However, the adaptation physiology between leeches and hosts is not fully understand. To disclose the molecular mechanisms of adaptation between leech and host, the body transcriptomes of hunger and fed blood-sucking Poecilobdella javanica, Haemadipsa cavatuses, and Hirudo nipponia leeches were obtained by RNA sequencing, after comparison, a stratified unigenes group was obtained, which closely correlated to body distension. In the group, Rfamide receptor decreased significantly (P < 0.05) while serotonin receptor increased significantly (P < 0.05). Moreover, four KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathways, including cardiac muscle contraction, complement and coagulation cascades, renin-angiotensin system, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were significantly enriched. The unigenes annotation, neuroregulators correlation analysis and induced function of the KEGG pathways, were consistently supported the same result as: vasoconstriction and systole reaction enhance in hunger leeches and vice versa vasodilation and diastole increase in fed leeches, meanwhile, Interspecific comparison and correlative analyses of physiological function showed that the strongest reaction of induced heart failure from four KEGG occur in strongest reaction of systole in hungry P. javanica and in strongest reaction of diastole in fed H. nipponia. Overall, heart failure is likely a physiological function involved in feeding behaviour. 展开更多
关键词 Blood-Sucking Leeches Transcriptomic Analysis Heart Failure feeding Behaviour
Feeding time changed the diurnal composition of intestinal microbiota in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco
作者 Chuanjie QIN Jing XU +3 位作者 Quan GONG Zhengyong WEN Yi LIU Qingchao SHI 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2034-2044,共11页
Although the effects of diet on intestinal microbiotas have been well investigated,the effect of feeding time on the rhythm of gut microbiota remains uncertain.A 9-week feeding trial on Pelteobagrus fulvidraco was con... Although the effects of diet on intestinal microbiotas have been well investigated,the effect of feeding time on the rhythm of gut microbiota remains uncertain.A 9-week feeding trial on Pelteobagrus fulvidraco was conducted.Two triplicate groups of fish were fed identically either at 8:00(day)or at 20:00(night).After 9 weeks,three fish from each cage were sacrificed every 4 h for 24 h.The intestinal contents were analyzed using high-throughput sequencing.Three phyla(Fusobacteria,Proteobacteria,and Verrucomicrobia),and three genera(Cetobacterium,Akkermansia,and Clostridium)were dominant at every time point.Moreover,33.02%of detected amplicon sequence variants showed cyclical variations in fish fed at 20:00,and 3.47%in fish fed at 8:00.Among the top 20 genera,17 showed cyclical variations in the 20:00 group,and only two in the 8:00 group.Rhodobacter,Ralstonia,Mycobacterium,Lactococcus,Halomonas,Akkermansia,and Acinetobacter contributed more to the predicted functional pathways.Moreover,144 and 38 pathways exhibited daily cyclical fluctuations in fish fed at 20:00 and 8:00,respectively.Overall,certain intestinal microorganisms showed a circadian rhythm in P.fulvidraco,and this circadian rhythm was affected by shifted feeding times. 展开更多
关键词 diurnal fluctuation Pelteobagrus fulvidraco gut microorganism feeding time
The Development of a Feeding Coparenting Scale for Japanese Parents of Fifth- and Sixth-Grade Elementary School Children
作者 Maiko Yasuzato Tae Kawahara +2 位作者 Yuichi Nakayama Cin Cin Tan Akemi Yamazaki 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2024年第1期27-39,共13页
Aim: Recently, the role of feeding coparenting has gained attention in the child eating research field. The Feeding Coparenting Scale (FCS), a measure of how caregivers interact with their partners when feeding their ... Aim: Recently, the role of feeding coparenting has gained attention in the child eating research field. The Feeding Coparenting Scale (FCS), a measure of how caregivers interact with their partners when feeding their children was developed in the United States in 2019. However, there is no valid and reliable measure to assess feeding coparenting among caregivers of school-aged children in Japan. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a Japanese version of the FCS (FCS-J) questionnaire for caregivers with school-aged children. Methods: This was a web-based cross-sectional survey completed by caregivers of children aged 10-12 years. A preliminary survey using interviews and a web-based survey was conducted and found that the translated items of the FCS into Japanese were understandable to Japanese people. The developed survey was administered to parents of children at an elementary school. The reliability of the survey was assessed using both test-retest reliability and internal consistency analysis. Exploratory factor analysis was used to test construct validity, and known population validity was examined in relation to attributes, marital satisfaction, and feeding tasks. Results: Findings with 135 parents of school-aged children showed good internal reliability and validity of the FCS-J. The mean score for the overall FCS-J score was 46.2 (SD = 6.2), with Cronbach’s α of 0.72. For the subscales, Cronbach’s α ranged from 0.75 to 0.79. In sum, the present study’s results support the three-factor structure of the FCS in Japanese caregivers in Japan. Conclusions: The developed FCS-J was found to have a certain degree of reliability and validity. In this study, a Japanese version of the FCS-J was developed. . 展开更多
关键词 CHILD Coparenting PARENTS feeding Coparenting
Feeding Practices and Use of Lysine and Methionine in Pigrationing on Intensified Pig Breeding in the West Center and Hauts Bassins Regions of Burkina Faso
作者 Isidor Zangbéwindin Ouedraogo Timbilfou Kiendrebeogo +1 位作者 Aboubacar Toguyeni Chantal Yvette Kabore-Zoungrana 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2024年第1期23-38,共16页
The aim of the study was to assess feeding practices and the use of lysine and methionine in pig rationing on intensified and semi-intensive pig breeding in the Koudougou and Bobo-Dioulasso areas. To this end, a cross... The aim of the study was to assess feeding practices and the use of lysine and methionine in pig rationing on intensified and semi-intensive pig breeding in the Koudougou and Bobo-Dioulasso areas. To this end, a cross-sectional survey was carried out on 87 breeding in these towns. A Discriminant Factorial Analysis (DFA) confirming a k-means classification of the data collected was used to retain 71 breeding divided into three breeding classes: Class A (32.4% of breeding), Class B (14.08%) and Class C (53.52%). The results show that the majority of pig breeders were men between the ages of 36 and 59. Average herd sizes were 35 ± 28;79 ± 42 and 89 ± 21 pigs for Classes A, B and C respectively. The main breeds of pig found on the breeding were crossbred, Large white, local, Landrace and Duroc. Class A (26.1%), B (30%) and C (15.8%) breeders were familiar with both lysine and methionine. Class A breeders distributed feed staggered (65.2%) and in rations (34.8%). Lysine (13%) and methionine (8.7%) were purchased at 5250 FCFA/kg. Those in class B distributed feed staggered (50%) and in the form of rations (50%), in which they incorporated lysine (30%) and methionine (30%) purchased at a cost of 2500 FCFA/kg and 3000 FCFA/kg respectively. Rationing and staggered feeding were practiced by 23.7% and 76.3% of Class C breeders respectively. Only lysine purchased at 3400 FCFA/kg was incorporated into rations by 10.5% of breeders. The high cost of lysine and methionine was incriminated by Class A (100%), B (33.3%) and C (50%) breeders. In conclusion, intensive pig breeding, the practice of rationing and the incorporation of the amino acids lysine and methionine are of ascending importance from classes C, A to B. The high cost of feedstuffs, particularly lysine and methionine, compromises their use in rations, which could have a negative impact on expected breeding performance. The screening and use of feeds rich in and/or enriched with these amino acids, through the development or adaptation of technologies, could improve the efficiency of rations and the productivity of intensive pig breeding in Burkina Faso. 展开更多
关键词 feeding Practices LYSINE METHIONINE Intensive Pig Breeding Burkina Faso
Early selective enteral feeding in treatment of acute pancreatitis: A case report
作者 Aleksei A Kashintsev Sergey V Anisimov +1 位作者 Anastasya Nadeeva Vitali Proutski 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第3期637-642,共6页
BACKGROUND Early initiation of enteral feeding is recognized to play a crucial role in improving the outcomes of treatment of acute pancreatitis.However,the method of adminis-tration of enteral nutrition remains debat... BACKGROUND Early initiation of enteral feeding is recognized to play a crucial role in improving the outcomes of treatment of acute pancreatitis.However,the method of adminis-tration of enteral nutrition remains debatable.We present the experience of treating a patient with moderate-severe acute pancreatitis,at high risk of progressing to a severe or fatal condition,using a novel method of selective feeding with duodenal isolation.CASE SUMMARY A 27-year-old female patient presented to the emergency unit of the hospital with a typical manifestation of acute pancreatitis.Despite a conventional treatment,the patient’s condition deteriorated by day 2 of hospitalization.Using an endoscopic approach,a novel catheter PandiCathffwas placed to the duodenum of the patient,isolating its segment between the duodenal bulb and the ligament of Treitz.In the isolated area created,a negative pressure was applied,followed by introduction of early selective enteral feeding.The patient’s condition subsequently improved in a rapid manner,and no complications often associated with moderate-to-severe acute pancreatitis developed.CONCLUSION Within 48 h of starting treatment with the novel method,it can prevent the development of multiple organ failure and,when combined with minimally invasive drainage methods,help prevent infection. 展开更多
关键词 Acute pancreatitis Enteral feeding Infectious complications Systemic inflammatory response syndrome MODS
The Use of Triancinolone for the Treatment of Keloid Scars
作者 José Humberto Cardoso Resende Luís Otávio Torres +6 位作者 Anderson Alves Brandão Delma dos Santos Assis Mercadante Jessyka Oliveira Barbosa Batista William Felix de Oliveira Pacheco Elisangelo Aparecido Costa Da Silva Douglas Henrique Farias de Oliveira Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2024年第3期270-275,共6页
Scars, when in good evolution, result in a smooth, thin and discreet tissue. Keloid scars, however, are a type of abnormal and exacerbated repair response to tissue injury, whether in surgical interventions or in vari... Scars, when in good evolution, result in a smooth, thin and discreet tissue. Keloid scars, however, are a type of abnormal and exacerbated repair response to tissue injury, whether in surgical interventions or in various injuries, which present in a prominent and gross way. In this context, there is an excess of collagen deposition in the tissue repair process, which can lead to the formation of keloids. The diagnosis of the condition presented is made by the medical professional or by the patient himself after the surgical intervention or skin injury. Under this analysis, protruding, rough and bad-looking scars are identified. In addition, we highlight the existence of keloids similar to large tumors, described as Jorge Lobo disease. The treatment encompasses massages, compressions, corticosteroids, chemotherapy, collagenase and cryotherapy. At first, we used corticosteroid-based massages, and then we started using compressive dressings until we started intrakeloid infiltrations with injectable triamcinolone. Triamcinolone 10 mg injectable—1/10—in 0.9% saline, with syringe and fixed needle 0.3 mm × 8 mm, intralesional infiltrate, in this context, proved to be effective for its treatment when applied sequentially and linearly. In cases where the medication was applied, there was an improvement after 21 days of application and a definitive improvement 2 months after the injury. In comparison, on the other hand, patients who were not subjected to the application of the medication may improve after 4 months of the injury or worsen compared to the initial case. We have come to the conclusion that this procedure may be one of the chosen ones for the treatment of keloid scars, being one of the most recommended for cases of keloid already installed. 展开更多
Feeding Practices, Nutritional and Hemoglobin Status of Children Aged 6 to 59 Months in the Republic of Guinea: A Case Study of the Prefecture of Fria
作者 Amadou Sylla Amadou Sadio Diallo +2 位作者 Demba Magassouba Sâa Gerard Tolno Ella Compaore 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 CAS 2024年第6期238-245,共8页
Malnutrition is a major public health concern in developing countries,contributing to 45%of deaths among children under five years old.In the Republic of Guinea,the prevalence of acute malnutrition is estimated at 6.7... Malnutrition is a major public health concern in developing countries,contributing to 45%of deaths among children under five years old.In the Republic of Guinea,the prevalence of acute malnutrition is estimated at 6.7%,largely influenced by inadequate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices.A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the Prefecture of Fria to assess the impact of feeding practices on the growth and development of children aged 6 to 59 months.A sample of 450 children residing in the prefecture was included in the study.The findings revealed a prevalence of acute malnutrition of 8.9%,while 4.4%of the children were underweight,and 7.1%suffered from chronic malnutrition. 展开更多
关键词 feeding practices Fria MALNUTRITION children aged 6 to 59 months.
Summary of the Best Evidence for Tube Feeding Intolerance in Critically Ill Children
作者 Juan Zhang Yuanqing Liang +2 位作者 Linghong He Xiaoli Ma Bingying Ma 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第9期133-145,共13页
Objective:To summarize the evidence of tube feeding intolerance in critically ill children,aiming to provide evidence-based information for clinical nursing staff.Methods:Evidence search was done in Chinese and Englis... Objective:To summarize the evidence of tube feeding intolerance in critically ill children,aiming to provide evidence-based information for clinical nursing staff.Methods:Evidence search was done in Chinese and English databases to guide network and professional associations at home and abroad.The search time limit was from January 2014 to January 2024,nearly 10 years of relevant literature,mainly including guidelines,consensus,expert advice,best practice,evidence summary,system evaluation,and meta-analysis.Literature quality evaluation and evidence extraction were independently performed by two researchers.Results:This paper included 13 articles,including three guidelines,three systematic evaluations,three expert opinions,and four expert consensus.Twenty-six pieces of evidence were summarized from 10 aspects of feeding intolerance definition,team building,nutritional assessment,nutritional preparation,feeding protocol,feeding route,feeding management,pipeline management,gastric residual volume,and drug application.Conclusion:This paper summarized the evidence of tube feeding intolerance in critically ill children,which can provide evidence-based information for clinical practice.The abdominal signs should be closely observed when evaluating feeding intolerance,focusing on the prevention and reduction of feeding interruption. 展开更多
关键词 feeding intolerance Tube feeding Enteral nutrition Summary of evidence
Advances in research on responsive feeding and children's eating behaviors
作者 Ya-Ni Zhou Ya-Nan Zhou Xu Song 《Nursing Communications》 2024年第4期1-5,共5页
Background:Given that the formation of eating behaviors in childhood is largely dependent on parental feeding,it is necessary to consider eating behaviors along with feeding behaviors when exploring child nutrition.Re... Background:Given that the formation of eating behaviors in childhood is largely dependent on parental feeding,it is necessary to consider eating behaviors along with feeding behaviors when exploring child nutrition.Responsive feeding can not only promote the development of self-regulation ability,prevent overweight and obesity,and develop healthy dietary behaviors but also enhance the psychosocial ability,cognitive ability,and language ability of infants.it is of great significance for the growth and development of infants to identify whether the feeding behavior of caregivers is responsive feeding as early as possible.Methods:The progress of the literature summarizes the relevant concepts,evaluation tools,and the relationship between responsive feeding and dietary behavior.Results:This is a fact that China lacks the unified response feeding definition and responsive feeding evaluation tools suitable for homes in China.The relationship between responsive feeding and dietary behavior is in the stage of infancy,and systematic response feeding and dietary behavior have not been formed.Conclusion:It is time to pay attention to the dietary behavior of Chinese children.Intervening measures such as promoting the application of responsive feeding should be actively carry out,accordingly,childhood obesity can be prevented. 展开更多
关键词 responsive feeding CHILDREN dietary behavior REVIEW
作者 叶岩 崔振兴 +4 位作者 李源源 杨存志 侯云涛 李尧 孙先明 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2025年第3期156-161,共6页
反刍动物奶牛的甲烷排放是农业温室气体主要排放源之一,而采食量是影响个体奶牛甲烷排量的重要因素,故研制个体奶牛精准饲喂系统和利用甲烷检测装置分析奶牛采食量对甲烷排量的影响,对提高奶牛健康水平、提高饲料利用率和奶牛科学饲养... 反刍动物奶牛的甲烷排放是农业温室气体主要排放源之一,而采食量是影响个体奶牛甲烷排量的重要因素,故研制个体奶牛精准饲喂系统和利用甲烷检测装置分析奶牛采食量对甲烷排量的影响,对提高奶牛健康水平、提高饲料利用率和奶牛科学饲养管理能力等方面均具有重要意义。为此,设计了个体奶牛精准饲喂系统和甲烷检测装置,利用个体奶牛穿戴式“牛衣”和牧场内主体框架分布网点固定安装相结合的方法,采集对照组和试验组各3头奶牛采食前后奶牛后肠道甲烷排量和奶牛嗳气与呼吸的甲烷排量。研究表明,个体奶牛精准饲喂系统可依据奶牛个体差异实现饲料的定量饲喂,相同条件下精准饲喂和自由采食的个体奶牛甲烷排量和产奶量有差异但不显著,且随着个体奶牛采食量增加,甲烷排量会随之升高,说明饲喂量与甲烷排量之间存在正相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 精准饲喂 甲烷排量 奶牛
31 Plant Species against Blood Feeding and Disease Vectors Insects: Beyond Anti-Insect Properties, Unvalued Opportunities and Challenges for Health and Sustainability
作者 Prudence Bararunyeretse Jean Claude Niyokwizera +1 位作者 Esperance Gateretse Mathias Hitimana 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2024年第5期167-206,共40页
Plants with bioactive properties are greatly useful in preventing and controlling blood-sucking and disease-vector invertebrates, particularly in developing countries and low-income communities. Their application is a... Plants with bioactive properties are greatly useful in preventing and controlling blood-sucking and disease-vector invertebrates, particularly in developing countries and low-income communities. Their application is a promising alternative to synthetic compounds whose use remains a health, environmental, and economic challenge. However, many are still unknown and unvalued, while others are becoming ignored and threatened. The main objective of this ethnobotanical study is to identify and characterize indigenous and locally grown plants against blood-sucking and disease-vector insects. Salient opportunities and challenges of using these plants are documented and discussed. Semi-structured interviews, using a prepared questionnaire, were conducted with 228 informants. The consensus index (CI) was calculated to analyze the reliability of the collected information. The identified 31 anti-insect plant species belong to 20 botanical families, four morphological categories, and six habitat types. They can be categorized as insecticidal plants (42% of the total), insect repellent (42% of the total), and both insecticidal and insect repellent (16% of the total). More than 54% of these are still abundant in the study area, while about 35.5% have become rare and difficultly accessible. Based on the numerical importance of related anti-insect plant species, the seven targeted blood-sucking insects range in the following decreasing order: Jiggers (16 species) > Fire Ants (9 species) > Flies (8 plants) > Mosquitoes (4 species) > Fleas (2 species) > Bedbugs (1 species) > lice (0 species). The three most commonly used plants, with the highest confirmation indices, are Tetradenia riparia (ICs = 0.712), Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (ICs = 0.302), and Solanum aculeastrum (ICs = 0.288). The antimicrobial role of many locally grown anti-insect plants and the multiple other associated valorization possibilities are ignored by most informants. Domesticating, propagating, protecting, and promoting the sustainable use of these plants would be an appropriate route for their conservation and continued availability. 展开更多
关键词 Blood-feeding Insects Anti-Insect Plants BIOPESTICIDES SUSTAINABILITY Burundi
作者 曹大勇 郑军杰 +5 位作者 王磊 杨阳 郭海娜 邢培朋 夏成德 狄海萍 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第18期3804-3810,共7页
背景:大面积深度烧伤创面愈合后多伴瘢痕增生,需要移植中厚皮进行修复,所取中厚皮片一般达到真皮乳头层以下,若处理不当容易出现供区皮创面愈合延迟、溃破和愈合后疼痛瘙痒等并发症,因此,供皮区创面修复应得到重视。目的:分析自体头皮... 背景:大面积深度烧伤创面愈合后多伴瘢痕增生,需要移植中厚皮进行修复,所取中厚皮片一般达到真皮乳头层以下,若处理不当容易出现供区皮创面愈合延迟、溃破和愈合后疼痛瘙痒等并发症,因此,供皮区创面修复应得到重视。目的:分析自体头皮修复深度烧伤和瘢痕患者供皮区的安全性和实用性。方法:选择2021年1月至2023年9月郑州市第一人民医院烧伤科收治的60例深度烧伤和瘢痕增生患者作为研究对象,均进行中厚皮移植修复,取皮部位为患者自身腿部或背部中厚皮,采用随机数字表法分为研究组(30例)、对照组(30例),研究组采用自体刃厚头皮回植修复中厚皮供皮区,对照组采用吸水敷料修复中厚皮供皮区。对比两组术后6 d的中厚皮供皮区创面愈合率、创面完全上皮化时间,术后3,6 d供皮区换药疼痛评分,以及术后6个月中厚皮供皮区瘢痕增生情况。结果与结论:①研究组中厚皮供皮区创面上皮化时间短于对照组(P<0.05),中厚皮供皮区创面愈合率高于对照组(P<0.05),术后3,6 d的中厚皮供皮区换药疼痛评分均低于对照组(P<0.05),术后6个月的中厚皮供皮区瘢痕增生率、瘢痕评分及瘙痒评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);②结果表明,自体头皮修复中厚皮供皮区具有加快创面愈合和减轻瘢痕增生的优点。 展开更多
关键词 自体头皮 供皮区 创面愈合 瘢痕 皮片移植 吸水敷料 工程化材料
一种基于SCARS策略的近红外特征波长选择方法及其应用 被引量:18
作者 刘国海 夏荣盛 +2 位作者 江辉 梅从立 黄永红 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2094-2097,共4页
针对近红外光谱数据的内在特点,提出了一种基于稳定性竞争自适应重加权采样(stability competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,SCARS)策略的近红外特征波长优选方法。该方法以PLS模型回归系数的稳定性作为变量选择的依据,其过程包... 针对近红外光谱数据的内在特点,提出了一种基于稳定性竞争自适应重加权采样(stability competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,SCARS)策略的近红外特征波长优选方法。该方法以PLS模型回归系数的稳定性作为变量选择的依据,其过程包含多次循环迭代,每次循环均首先计算相应变量的稳定性,而后通过强制变量筛选以及自适应重加权采样技术(ARS)进行变量筛选;最后对每次循环后所得变量子集建立PLS模型并计算交互验证均方根误差(RMSECV),将RMSECV值最小的集合作为最优变量子集。利用饲料蛋白固态发酵过程近红外光谱数据集对所提方法进行了验证,并与基于PLS的蒙特卡罗无信息变量消除法(MC-UVE)和竞争自适应重加权采样(CARS)方法所得结果进行了比较。试验结果显示:建立在SCARS方法优选的21个特征波长变量基础上的PLS模型预测效果更好,其预测均方根误差(RMSEP)和相关系数(Rp)分别为0.054 3和0.990 8;该优选策略能有效地增强固态发酵光谱数据特征波长变量选择的准确性和稳定性,提高了模型的预测精度,具有一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 光谱分析 近红外 波长优选 scars
作者 顾进华 王胜义 +3 位作者 龚旭昊 赵振宇 王柏峣 李慧杰 《中兽医医药杂志》 2025年第1期57-62,共6页
本文对现行兽药国家标准和新兽药注册制剂使用药味进行统计分析,并与国家药品监督管理局发布的中药配方颗粒品种进行对比,探讨兽用中药配方颗粒品种研究目标。研究提出兽用中药配方颗粒配伍组方及与制剂配合使用的可行性,以及基于“药... 本文对现行兽药国家标准和新兽药注册制剂使用药味进行统计分析,并与国家药品监督管理局发布的中药配方颗粒品种进行对比,探讨兽用中药配方颗粒品种研究目标。研究提出兽用中药配方颗粒配伍组方及与制剂配合使用的可行性,以及基于“药饲同源”品种的“替抗”应用组方。《中华人民共和国兽药典》(2020年版)、《兽药质量标准》(2017年版)收载的489个国家标准制剂处方中使用的药材共计450种,其中甘草、黄芩、板蓝根、黄连、黄柏、黄芪、栀子、大黄等156种药材可参考人用中药配方颗粒标准建立兽用中药配方颗粒标准,马尾连、杨树花等兽医专用药材可按照有关要求研究制备兽用中药配方颗粒;《中华人民共和国兽药典》中补中益气散等12个方剂的中药组分均已建立人用中药配方颗粒标准。木槟硝黄散等14个方剂需将有关配方颗粒与矿物药、真菌药、部分植物药配合使用,亦为兽用中药配方颗粒研究的重要方向。兽医常用药材中有183种药材属于“药饲同源”品种,经对比发现有109种药材可参照人用药国家标准建立兽用中药配方颗粒标准。本研究全面梳理了兽用中药配方颗粒的配伍特点及常用方剂类型,以期为兽医领域开展中药配方颗粒应用研究提供参考,促进兽用中药产业转型升级。 展开更多
关键词 兽用中药配方颗粒 配伍 药饲同源
作者 姜锦鹏 李磊 闻爱友 《安徽科技学院学报》 2025年第1期1-8,共8页
为探讨脱氢表雄酮(Dehydroepiandrosterone,DHEA)对饲喂高脂饲料肉鸡脂质代谢、抗氧化和血管内皮功能的影响,将200只15日龄青脚麻鸡随机分为5组,其中对照组(CON)饲喂基础饲料,高脂饲料组(High Fat Diet,HFD)、DHEA低剂量干预组(HFD+D5)... 为探讨脱氢表雄酮(Dehydroepiandrosterone,DHEA)对饲喂高脂饲料肉鸡脂质代谢、抗氧化和血管内皮功能的影响,将200只15日龄青脚麻鸡随机分为5组,其中对照组(CON)饲喂基础饲料,高脂饲料组(High Fat Diet,HFD)、DHEA低剂量干预组(HFD+D5)、DHEA中剂量干预组(HFD+D15)、DHEA高剂量干预组(HFD+D45)分别饲喂添加0、5、15、45 mg/kg DHEA的高脂饲料。于试验第2、4周,测定肌间脂肪宽、皮下脂肪厚、皮脂质量、腹脂质量,计算腹脂率、皮脂率;采集血样检测激素和生化指标;采集肝脏组织检测抗氧化功能和肝脂酶(Hepatic Lipase,HL)活性。与对照组相比,高脂饲料显著增加肉鸡的腹脂质量、腹脂率、皮脂率及血液甘油三酯(Triglyceride,TG)、脂蛋白a(Lipoprotein a,LP(a))、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngiotensimⅡ,AngⅡ)水平,但降低血清高密度脂蛋白(High Density Lipoprotein,HDL)、T_(3)、T_(4)、FT_(3)、FT_(4)和一氧化氮(NO)水平;同时,高脂饲料显著提高肝脏丙二醛(Malondiadehyde,MDA)含量,但降低肝脏(HL)、总超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Glutathione Peroxidase,GSH-Px)活性。与HFD组相比,DHEA处理对饲喂高脂饲料肉鸡的体脂沉积及血清中TG、TC、LP(a)含量均有降低趋势;同时,DHEA能够升高血清T_(3)、T_(4)、FT_(3)、FT_(4)、NO水平及肝脏HL、SOD、GSH-Px活性,并降低肝脏MDA含量和血浆AngⅡ水平。补充DHEA对高脂饲料引发的肉鸡脂代谢紊乱、氧化应激和内皮功能障碍有一定缓解作用,其作用机理可能是通过调节血清甲状腺激素水平,增强肝脏HL活性,从而加速脂肪的分解,抑制脂肪沉积,继而减弱氧化应激,并改善血管内皮功能。 展开更多
关键词 肉鸡 高脂饲料 脂肪代谢 氧化应激 内皮功能 脱氢表雄酮
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