Object: To determine if vulvar melanosis progressed to melanoma over a period of 20 years or more. Methods: In 2010 the hospital records from the Royal Brisbane Hospital Vulvar Clinic between 1976 and 1988 were review...Object: To determine if vulvar melanosis progressed to melanoma over a period of 20 years or more. Methods: In 2010 the hospital records from the Royal Brisbane Hospital Vulvar Clinic between 1976 and 1988 were reviewed and cross checked with the state wide Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer (QCGC) data base to determine if any patient had been lost to follow up and subsequently developed a vulvar melanoma. Data collected were stored and analysed using the computer software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 11.0. Results: None of the 12 patients developed vulval melanoma in the years up to 2010. Conclusion: In this small group, followed for more than 20 years, melanosis was not a precursor of melanoma. One patient, who attended the Vulvar Clinic but was not included in this melanosis study, was found to have co-existing melanosis well away from her melanoma in situ and malignant melanoma at presentation. It was not possible to determine if these findings represented a progression of the benign to malignant. Biopsy of abnormal hyper pigmented vulvar skin is recommended. Current knowledge suggests that vulvar melanosis is a benign condition but to be on the safe side follow up of all hyper pigmented vulval lesions to detect early malignant change is recommended.展开更多
文章总结了郭志强教授基于“虚毒络瘀”理论治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变(Non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of the vulva, NNEDV)的经验。郭志强教授认为NNEDV是由于阴阳两虚,湿热毒蕴,且久病夹瘀,客于络脉而发病。治疗应从“补虚、...文章总结了郭志强教授基于“虚毒络瘀”理论治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变(Non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of the vulva, NNEDV)的经验。郭志强教授认为NNEDV是由于阴阳两虚,湿热毒蕴,且久病夹瘀,客于络脉而发病。治疗应从“补虚、解毒、化瘀通络”辨证论治,谨察疾病病机,分清标本虚实。邪实为标,重在清热化湿解毒;内虚为本,重在滋补肝肾之阴,兼顾温补肾中之阳;久病成瘀,客于络脉,佐以活血化瘀通络之品。根据疾病正虚邪实之变化,灵活化裁,外治为主,辅以内调,同时重视生活余心理调护等因素。展开更多
文摘Object: To determine if vulvar melanosis progressed to melanoma over a period of 20 years or more. Methods: In 2010 the hospital records from the Royal Brisbane Hospital Vulvar Clinic between 1976 and 1988 were reviewed and cross checked with the state wide Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer (QCGC) data base to determine if any patient had been lost to follow up and subsequently developed a vulvar melanoma. Data collected were stored and analysed using the computer software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 11.0. Results: None of the 12 patients developed vulval melanoma in the years up to 2010. Conclusion: In this small group, followed for more than 20 years, melanosis was not a precursor of melanoma. One patient, who attended the Vulvar Clinic but was not included in this melanosis study, was found to have co-existing melanosis well away from her melanoma in situ and malignant melanoma at presentation. It was not possible to determine if these findings represented a progression of the benign to malignant. Biopsy of abnormal hyper pigmented vulvar skin is recommended. Current knowledge suggests that vulvar melanosis is a benign condition but to be on the safe side follow up of all hyper pigmented vulval lesions to detect early malignant change is recommended.
文摘文章总结了郭志强教授基于“虚毒络瘀”理论治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变(Non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of the vulva, NNEDV)的经验。郭志强教授认为NNEDV是由于阴阳两虚,湿热毒蕴,且久病夹瘀,客于络脉而发病。治疗应从“补虚、解毒、化瘀通络”辨证论治,谨察疾病病机,分清标本虚实。邪实为标,重在清热化湿解毒;内虚为本,重在滋补肝肾之阴,兼顾温补肾中之阳;久病成瘀,客于络脉,佐以活血化瘀通络之品。根据疾病正虚邪实之变化,灵活化裁,外治为主,辅以内调,同时重视生活余心理调护等因素。