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系统辨识(8):耦合辨识概念与方法 被引量:18
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期193-212,共20页
耦合辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支,是新近发展和提炼形成的一种辨识概念,主要用于研究结构复杂的参数耦合线性和非线性多变量系统的辨识问题.辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、耦合辨识概念是本文作者提出的一些新的... 耦合辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支,是新近发展和提炼形成的一种辨识概念,主要用于研究结构复杂的参数耦合线性和非线性多变量系统的辨识问题.辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、耦合辨识概念是本文作者提出的一些新的辨识研究思路、理念和方法,分别能够用于研究存在未知过程变量的不可测系统的辨识,能够提高辨识方法的收敛速度和参数估计精度,能够解决结构复杂、大规模多变量系统及参数耦合多变量系统的辨识问题、减小辨识算法的计算量.首先介绍多变量系统耦合辨识概念,在此基础上讨论多变量系统的几种(全)耦合最小二乘辨识方法、(全)耦合随机梯度辨识方法、部分耦合随机梯度辨识方法、部分耦合最小二乘辨识方法等,最后说明耦合辨识方法可推广用于有色噪声干扰多变量系统的辨识,并列出了一些多变量系统模型结构,阐述了耦合辨识概念可以结合辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、迭代搜索原理(梯度迭代、最小二乘迭代、牛顿迭代)等来研究线性或非线性多变量系统的辨识问题. 展开更多
关键词 迭代辨识 递推辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 方程误差模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型:OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
辨识方法的计算效率(2):迭代算法 被引量:15
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第5期385-401,共17页
讨论了最小二乘迭代辨识算法及其计算效率问题.最小二乘迭代算法由于涉及矩阵求逆运算,为减小计算量,提出了基于块矩阵求逆的最小二乘迭代辨识算法.基于块矩阵求逆的最小二乘迭代辨识算法不是一种新算法,只是从辨识算法的实现方式上降... 讨论了最小二乘迭代辨识算法及其计算效率问题.最小二乘迭代算法由于涉及矩阵求逆运算,为减小计算量,提出了基于块矩阵求逆的最小二乘迭代辨识算法.基于块矩阵求逆的最小二乘迭代辨识算法不是一种新算法,只是从辨识算法的实现方式上降低计算负担,它与最小二乘迭代算法产生相同的参数估计,但计算量小.文中研究了伪线性回归系统、多元伪线性回归系统、多变量伪线性回归系统的最小二乘迭代辨识算法及其基于块矩阵求逆的最小二乘迭代算法. 展开更多
关键词 递推辨识 迭代辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 方程误差模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
系统辨识(2):系统描述的基本模型 被引量:28
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第2期97-117,共21页
控制是一切科学问题的核心.数学模型是一切控制问题的基础.事物的运动规律用方程描述就是数学模型.不同学科的发展就是建立其数学模型的过程.本文首次把线性动态系统数学模型分为三类:时间序列模型,方程误差类模型,输出误差类模型;详细... 控制是一切科学问题的核心.数学模型是一切控制问题的基础.事物的运动规律用方程描述就是数学模型.不同学科的发展就是建立其数学模型的过程.本文首次把线性动态系统数学模型分为三类:时间序列模型,方程误差类模型,输出误差类模型;详细介绍了线性系统的一些基本数学模型,包括连续系统离散化和模型等价变换,单输入单输出随机系统模型,多变量系统模型,类多变量系统模型,多输入和多输出系统模型(传递函数阵主模型、子模型、子子模型,多输入单输出系统模型,单输入多输出系统模型等). 展开更多
关键词 数学模型 系统辨识 参数估计 CAR模型 ARX模型 CARMA模型 ARMAX模型 CARARMA模型 OEMA模型:oear模型
系统辨识(3):辨识精度与辨识基本问题 被引量:29
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第3期193-226,共34页
系统辨识是研究建立系统数学模型的理论与方法.讨论系统辨识涉及的一些基本问题,包括辨识精度、辨识方法的提出,辨识输入信号的设计,参数可辨识性与系统可辨识性,开环可辨识性与闭环可辨识性,可辨识性与能控性和能观测性的关系,可辨识... 系统辨识是研究建立系统数学模型的理论与方法.讨论系统辨识涉及的一些基本问题,包括辨识精度、辨识方法的提出,辨识输入信号的设计,参数可辨识性与系统可辨识性,开环可辨识性与闭环可辨识性,可辨识性与能控性和能观测性的关系,可辨识性与输入信号的关系,以及与辨识方法收敛性相关的激励信号与激励条件,辨识算法收敛分析的基本工具,典型辨识算法的收敛结论等. 展开更多
关键词 数学模型 系统辨识 参数估计 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型
系统辨识(4):辅助模型辨识思想与方法 被引量:40
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第4期289-318,共30页
辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、耦合辨识概念是该文作者提出的研究辨识问题的原创性新方法,已经被用在很多辨识问题的研究中,形成了不同的辨识方法族,可以用于解决许多线性或非线性模型的自适应信号处理、自适应参... 辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、耦合辨识概念是该文作者提出的研究辨识问题的原创性新方法,已经被用在很多辨识问题的研究中,形成了不同的辨识方法族,可以用于解决许多线性或非线性模型的自适应信号处理、自适应参数估计、自适应滤波和预测、自适应控制等问题.由于客观事物具有双重属性:一些特征变量是可观测的;一些是不可测的.如果表征系统特征的观测变量都是可测的,就容易建立描述其运动规律的数学模型.客观事物的不可测属性给建立系统数学模型带来特别的困难.在这种情况下,如何利用系统的可测信息,实现对系统未知变量的估算,来建立系统的数学模型,是辨识领域极具挑战性的研究课题.辅助模型辨识思想就是在这样的背景下发展起来的.该文介绍辅助模型辨识思想和一些基于辅助模型的辨识方法. 展开更多
关键词 辅助模型 递推辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
系统辨识(5):迭代搜索原理与辨识方法 被引量:18
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第6期481-510,共30页
递推辨识与迭代辨识构成了两类重要的参数估计方法.递推辨识的递推变量与时间有关,因而可以用于在线估计系统参数;迭代辨识的迭代变量是自然数,与客观世界的时间无关,通常用于离线估计系统参数.基于辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、... 递推辨识与迭代辨识构成了两类重要的参数估计方法.递推辨识的递推变量与时间有关,因而可以用于在线估计系统参数;迭代辨识的迭代变量是自然数,与客观世界的时间无关,通常用于离线估计系统参数.基于辅助模型辨识思想、多新息辨识理论、递阶辨识原理、耦合辨识概念等辨识方法都可以用递推算法和迭代算法实现.迭代方法渊源很早,如求解矩阵方程Ax=b的雅可比迭代、高斯-赛德尔迭代等.迭代辨识方法主要使用梯度搜索、最小二乘搜索、牛顿搜索原理来实现.为此主要研究了CARMA系统和Box-Jenkins系统的最小二乘迭代辨识方法与梯度迭代辨识方法.这些方法也可推广到其他所有方程误差类系统和输出误差类系统,以及非线性系统.迭代辨识方法通常用于有限量测数据的系统辨识,其收敛性证明是辨识领域极具挑战性的研究课题. 展开更多
关键词 迭代辨识 递推辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
系统辨识(6):多新息辨识理论与方法 被引量:42
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第1期1-28,共28页
多新息辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支.新息是能够改善参数估计精度或状态估计精度的有用信息.首先,详细讨论了线性回归模型的各种多新息辨识方法,包括多新息投影算法、多新息随机梯度算法、多新息遗忘梯度算法、变递推间隔多新息随机梯... 多新息辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支.新息是能够改善参数估计精度或状态估计精度的有用信息.首先,详细讨论了线性回归模型的各种多新息辨识方法,包括多新息投影算法、多新息随机梯度算法、多新息遗忘梯度算法、变递推间隔多新息随机梯度算法、多新息最小二乘辨识方法、变递推间隔多新息最小二乘算法等;然后,给出了方程误差类系统、输出误差类系统、输入非线性系统的随机梯度辨识算法、多新息随机梯度算法和多新息最小二乘辨识算法;最后,简单说明了多新息辨识理论可以发展到多新息观测器和多新息卡尔曼滤波理论. 展开更多
关键词 迭代辨识 递推辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 方程误差模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型:OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
系统辨识(7):递阶辨识原理与方法 被引量:18
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第2期97-124,共28页
递阶辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支.递阶辨识原理是在大系统递阶控制的"分解-协调原理"基础上发展起来的,它不仅能够解决参数数目多、维数高、大规模系统辨识算法计算量大的问题,而且能够解决结构复杂的双线性参数系统、多线... 递阶辨识是系统辨识的一个重要分支.递阶辨识原理是在大系统递阶控制的"分解-协调原理"基础上发展起来的,它不仅能够解决参数数目多、维数高、大规模系统辨识算法计算量大的问题,而且能够解决结构复杂的双线性参数系统、多线性参数系统以及非线性系统的辨识问题.首先介绍递阶辨识原理和线性方程组Ax=b的著名雅可比迭代和高斯-赛德尔迭代,给出了线性方程组的迭代方法族;其次将雅可比迭代思想和递阶辨识原理用于研究一般矩阵方程和耦合矩阵方程的递阶梯度迭代求解方法和递阶最小二乘迭代求解方法;再次介绍了方程误差模型的两阶段最小二乘辨识方法(一个简单的递阶辨识方法)和线性回归模型的递阶最小二乘辨识方法;最后研究了类多变量CARMA系统的递阶辨识方法. 展开更多
关键词 迭代辨识 递推辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 方程误差模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
辨识方法的计算效率(1):递推算法 被引量:15
作者 丁锋 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第4期289-300,共12页
算法的计算量可用其乘法运算次数和加法运算次数表示(除法作为乘法对待,减法作为加法对待).一次乘法运算或一次加法运算称为一个flop,即一次浮点运算.作为"辨识方法的计算效率"系列3篇连载论文的第1篇,主要了讨论递推辨识算... 算法的计算量可用其乘法运算次数和加法运算次数表示(除法作为乘法对待,减法作为加法对待).一次乘法运算或一次加法运算称为一个flop,即一次浮点运算.作为"辨识方法的计算效率"系列3篇连载论文的第1篇,主要了讨论递推辨识算法的计算量,包括向量和矩阵基本运算的flop数,以及线性回归系统、多元线性回归系统、多变量系统的随机梯度辨识算法、最小二乘辨识算法、递推最小二乘辨识算法的最经济计算量,即实现算法的最少flop数. 展开更多
关键词 递推辨识 迭代辨识 参数估计 FIR模型 方程误差模型 CAR模型 CARMA模型 CARAR模型 CARARMA模型 输出误差模型 OEMA模型 oear模型 辅助模型辨识 多新息辨识 递阶辨识 耦合辨识
Log-normal censored regression model detecting prognostic factors in gastric cancer:A study of 3018 cases 被引量:4
作者 A Latengbaolide 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第23期2867-2872,共6页
AIM:To investigate the efficiency of Cox proportional hazard model in detecting prognostic factors for gastric cancer.METHODS:We used the log-normal regression model to evaluate prognostic factors in gastric cancer an... AIM:To investigate the efficiency of Cox proportional hazard model in detecting prognostic factors for gastric cancer.METHODS:We used the log-normal regression model to evaluate prognostic factors in gastric cancer and compared it with the Cox model.Three thousand and eighteen gastric cancer patients who received a gastrectomy between 1980 and 2004 were retrospectively evaluated.Clinic-pathological factors were included in a log-normal model as well as Cox model.The akaike information criterion (AIC) was employed to compare the efficiency of both models.Univariate analysis indicated that age at diagnosis,past history,cancer location,distant metastasis status,surgical curative degree,combined other organ resection,Borrmann type,Lauren's classification,pT stage,total dissected nodes and pN stage were prognostic factors in both log-normal and Cox models.RESULTS:In the final multivariate model,age at diagnosis,past history,surgical curative degree,Borrmann type,Lauren's classification,pT stage,and pN stage were significant prognostic factors in both log-normal and Cox models.However,cancer location,distant metastasis status,and histology types were found to be significant prognostic factors in log-normal results alone.According to AIC,the log-normal model performed better than the Cox proportional hazard model (AIC value:2534.72 vs 1693.56).CONCLUSION:It is suggested that the log-normal regression model can be a useful statistical model to evaluate prognostic factors instead of the Cox proportional hazard model. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Log normal regression mod-el Cox proportional hazard model Prognostic factors
Coordinated Control Architecture for Motion Management in ADAS Systems 被引量:4
作者 Tzu-Chi Lin Siyuan Ji +1 位作者 Charles E. Dickerson David Battersby 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第2期432-444,共13页
Advanced driver assistance systems(ADAS) seek to provide drivers and passengers of automotive vehicles increased safety and comfort. Original equipment manufacturers are integrating and developing systems for distance... Advanced driver assistance systems(ADAS) seek to provide drivers and passengers of automotive vehicles increased safety and comfort. Original equipment manufacturers are integrating and developing systems for distance keeping, lane keeping and changing and other functionalities. The modern automobile is a complex system of systems. How the functionalities of advanced driver assistance are implemented and coordinated across the systems of the vehicle is generally not made available to the wider research community by the developers and manufactures. This paper seeks to begin filling this gap by assembling open source physics models of the vehicle dynamics and ADAS command models. Additionally, in order to facilitate ADAS development and testing without having access to the details of ADAS, a coordinated control architecture for motion management is also proposed for distributing ADAS motion control commands over vehicle systems. The architecture is demonstrated in a case study where motion is coordinated between the steering and the braking systems, which are typically used only for a single functionality. The integrated vehicle and system dynamics using the coordinated control architecture are simulated for various driving tasks. It is seen that improved trajectory following can be achieved by the proposed coordinated control architecture. The models, simulations and control architecture are made available for open access. 展开更多
关键词 Index Terms-Coordinated system feed-forward and feedbackcontrol integration control modeling and simulation tire mod-eling vehicle modeling vehicle dynamics control.
Analysis the Dynamics of SIHR Model: Covid-19 Case in Djibouti 被引量:2
作者 Yahyeh Souleiman Abdoulrazack Mohamed Liban Ismail 《Applied Mathematics》 2021年第10期867-881,共15页
The Covid-19 epidemic is an emerging infectious disease of the viral zoonosis type caused by the coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2, it is classified as a human-to-human communicable disease and is currently a pandemic wor... The Covid-19 epidemic is an emerging infectious disease of the viral zoonosis type caused by the coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2, it is classified as a human-to-human communicable disease and is currently a pandemic worldwide. In this paper, we propose conceptual mathematical models of the epidemic dynamics of four compartments. We have collected data from the Djibouti health ministry. We study the positivity, boundedness, existence and uniqueness of the weak solution. Next, we define the Basic reproduction number by the method of the DFE and EEP. Then, we study the local and global stability and the bifurcation analysis of equilibrium to examine its epidemiological relevance. Finally, we analyze the fit of the data in comparison with the result of our mathematical results, to validate the model and estimate the important model parameters and prediction about the disease. We consider the real cases of Djibouti from 15th March to 15th May 2021. 展开更多
关键词 SIHR Model Covid-19 Basic Reproduction Number Stability Analysis mod-el Validation
Zavkhan River and Its Catchment Area Delineation Using Satellite Image
作者 Ochir Altansukh Munkhjargal Munkhdavaa +1 位作者 Bat-Erdene Ariunsanaa Tsetsgee Solongo 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2013年第10期919-929,共11页
The purpose of this research is to define initial parameters of Khyargas Lake-Zavkhan River and its catchment area using satellite images. The study has been done by two datasets: 1) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (... The purpose of this research is to define initial parameters of Khyargas Lake-Zavkhan River and its catchment area using satellite images. The study has been done by two datasets: 1) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at a horizontal spatial resolution of 90 meters, 2) The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) at a horizontal spatial resolution of 30 meters, using two different models of ArcHydro and Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) softwares. Main methods of models, that were used in this research are the Deterministic-8, the steepest slope, the spread, the seek computations and the trace analysis. Moreover, input data of the modeling are digital elevation model (DEM) and lake position, outlet location of the river. DEM based ArcHydro model was run on the both datasets, and ILWIS model was run on SRTM data. Several intermediate results were produced while the models run, and initial parameters of the Zavkhan River, its catchment area have been defined at the end of the model. Moreover, final results of the models were compared with each other and with the result of previous research, and with the reality. The result of this study can be used in baseline and advanced research on the catchment area. Besides of that, the result can define a spatial boundary of study on Zavkhan River and its catchment area. Moreover, it would have support for decision-making on ground and surface water resource, distribution and management. Further research, which will cover the entire territory of Mongolia, has to be done using same methodology. The 332nd decision on “River catchment areas of Mongolia” of the Minister of Nature, Environment and Tourism in 2009 has to renew, if a result of that study would be accepted from vocational organization and experts. 展开更多
关键词 Khyargas Lake-Zavkhan RIVER CATCHMENT Area INITIAL Parameters of the RIVER Satellite Image mod-eling
Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection with EEG Based on Complex Demodulation Method and Decision Tree Model
作者 Jiabin Li Bei Wang +2 位作者 Takenao Sugi Yu Zhang Masatoshi Nakamura 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2017年第5期10-17,共8页
Sleep spindle is the characteristic waveform of electroencephalogram (EEG) which is important for clinical diagnosis. In this study, an automatic sleep spindle detection method was developed. The EEG signals were reco... Sleep spindle is the characteristic waveform of electroencephalogram (EEG) which is important for clinical diagnosis. In this study, an automatic sleep spindle detection method was developed. The EEG signals were recorded based on the standard polysomnogram (PSG) measurement. A preprocessing procedure is introduced to exclude the unnecessary data segments and normalized the necessary data segments. Complex demodulation method is adopted to detect the candidate sleep spindle waveforms and calculate the features. The sleep spindles are recognized based on a decision tree model. Finally, the detected sleep spindles were utilized to amend the sleep stage recognition results. The sleep EEG data from 3 patients with sleep disorders were analyzed. The obtained results showed that the detected sleep spindles in EEG signal improved the accuracy of sleep stage recognition. 展开更多
Is Chemokine Receptor CCR9 Required for Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis? Deficiency of CCR9 in a Murine Model of Antigen-Induced Arthritis
作者 Alison Cartwright Sophie King +1 位作者 Jim Middleton Oksana Kehoe 《Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases》 2012年第4期77-84,共8页
Objectives: Monocytes/macrophages accumulate in the synovial membrane in rheumatoid arthritis and play a key role in disease pathogenesis, contributing to inflammation, cartilage destruction and bone erosion. Identifi... Objectives: Monocytes/macrophages accumulate in the synovial membrane in rheumatoid arthritis and play a key role in disease pathogenesis, contributing to inflammation, cartilage destruction and bone erosion. Identification of molecules involved in monocyte/macrophage recruitment in inflammation is crucial for development of therapeutic interventions. Chemokine receptor CCR9 is up-regulated on these cells in peripheral blood and synovium of rheumatoid patients. This study investigated the course of antigen-induced arthritis in CCR9 deficient C57BL/6 mice in comparison to wild type animals to determine whether CCR9 is critical for disease severity and progression. Methods: Methylated bovine serum albumin was used for induction of uni-lateral arthritis by direct injection into the knee joints of preimmunized animals. Arthritis is confined to the injected joint allowing comparison with the normal opposing joint. Clinical severity of arthritis was assessed by measuring swelling in the arthritic joint in comparison to the normal joint. Histological analysis was performed to assess the extent of leukocyte infiltration and cartilage depletion. Results: Levels of swelling were not significantly different between wild type and CCR9 deficient mice. Similarly there was no significant difference in histological severity of arthritis when comparing CCR9-deficient mice to wild type mice. Conclusions: CCR9 was not required for development of synovial inflammation and cartilage destruction in the anti-gen-induced model of arthritis in C57BL/6 mice in this study. This may reflect a true lack of a pathogenic role of CCR9 on monocyte/macrophage function in vivo or it may reflect differences in the current antigen-induced arthritis model when compared to human RA. 展开更多
关键词 CHEMOKINE Receptor CCR9 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Inflammation Antigen-Induced ARTHRITIS Mouse mod-el Monocytes/Macrophages
Mathematical Modeling of the Influence of the Wind Field Structure in the Atmosphere on the Cloud Formation Processes
作者 Boris A. Ashabokov Lyudmila M. Fedchenko +4 位作者 Alexander V. Shapovalov Khazhbara M. Kalov Ruslan Kh. Kalov Alla A. Tashilova Vitaly A. Shapovalov 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2018年第1期84-96,共13页
The state of the physics of convective clouds and cloud seeding is discussed briefly. It is noted that at the present time there is a transition from the stage of investigation of “elementary” processes in the cloud... The state of the physics of convective clouds and cloud seeding is discussed briefly. It is noted that at the present time there is a transition from the stage of investigation of “elementary” processes in the clouds to the stage of studying the formation of macro- and microstructural characteristics of clouds as a whole, taking into account their system properties. The main directions of the development of cloud physics at the upcoming stage of its development are discussed. The paper points out that one of these areas is the determination of the structure-forming factors for the clouds and the study of their influence on their formation and evolution. It is noted that one of such factors is the interaction of clouds with their surrounding atmosphere, and the main method of studying its role in the processes of cloud formation is mathematical modeling. A three-dimensional nonstationary model of convective clouds is presented with a detailed account of the processes of thermohydrodynamics and microphysics, which is used for research. The results of modeling the influence of the wind field structure in the atmosphere on the formation and evolution of clouds are presented. It is shown that the dynamic characteristics of the atmosphere have a significant effect on the formation of macro- and microstructural characteristics of convective clouds: the more complex the structure of the wind field in the atmosphere (i.e., the more intense the interaction of the atmosphere and the cloud), the less powerful the clouds are formed. 展开更多
关键词 WIND in the ATMOSPHERE WIND Field Structure INTERACTION with CLOUDS mod-eling System Properties of CLOUDS INTERACTION of CLOUDS with the ATMOSPHERE Three-Dimensional Cloud Model
Abstract principal component analysis 被引量:2
作者 LI TianJiang DU Qiang 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第12期2783-2798,共16页
We present the basic idea of abstract principal component analysis(APCA)as a general approach that extends various popular data analysis techniques such as PCA and GPCA.We describe the mathematical theory behind APCA ... We present the basic idea of abstract principal component analysis(APCA)as a general approach that extends various popular data analysis techniques such as PCA and GPCA.We describe the mathematical theory behind APCA and focus on a particular application to mode extractions from a data set of mixed temporal and spatial signals.For illustration,algorithmic implementation details and numerical examples are presented for the extraction of a number of basic types of wave modes including,in particular,dynamic modes involving spatial shifts. 展开更多
关键词 abstract principal component analysis pattern recognition mode extraction reduced order mod-eling traveling waves
Formation and utilization of water resources of Tarim River
作者 雷志栋 甄宝龙 +5 位作者 尚松浩 杨诗秀 丛振涛 张发旺 毛晓辉 周海鹰 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第6期615-624,共10页
The Tarim River is a typical inland river in arid area without runoff yield of itself, and water resources are all supplied by its headstreams. The method of time series analysis is applied to annual runoff series of ... The Tarim River is a typical inland river in arid area without runoff yield of itself, and water resources are all supplied by its headstreams. The method of time series analysis is applied to annual runoff series of three headstreams, namely the Aksu River, Yarkant River and Hotan River to analyze their dynamic variations. A model is established to estimate water consumption in the headstream areas. Quantitative results indicate that both total annual runoff of headstreams and water consumption in the headstream areas have an increasing trend. The dynamic trends of annual runoff of hydrologic stations along the mainstream of the Tarim River are also presented to estimate the intermittence drying-up time at each station. Water consumption model of the mainstream area is used to analyze the characteristics of water consumption in the upper and middle reaches. It is shown that water consumption in each river reach of the mainstream decreases with the decrement of inflow and increases with human activities. 展开更多
关键词 Tarim River formation of water resources utilization of water resources water consumption mod-el time series analysis.
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