Based on the oxygen isotopic compositions of 133 wolframite samples and 110 quartz sampleseollected from 30 tungsten ore deposits in south China,in conjunction with δD values and other data,thesc deposits can be divi...Based on the oxygen isotopic compositions of 133 wolframite samples and 110 quartz sampleseollected from 30 tungsten ore deposits in south China,in conjunction with δD values and other data,thesc deposits can be divided into four types. (l)Reequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits. The δ18O values ofwolframite and quartz samples from this type of tungsten ore deposits are about +5-+12‰,respectively.The calculated δ(18)OH2O values of ore fluids in equilibrium with quartz are about+65‰,and the δDH2O values of fluid inclusions in quartz range from -40 to-70‰. (2)Meteoric water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits.Theδ18O values of wolframite in this type oftungsten dePosits are around-1‰. (3)Stratiform tungsten ore deposits.In these deposits,theδ18O values of quartz and wolframite areabout+17 and+3‰,respectively.It is considered that these stratiform tungsten ore deposits aregenetically related to submarine hot—spring activities。 (4)Complex mid-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits.These tungsten ore deposits arecharacterized by multi-staged mineralization.The δ18O values of early wolframite are around+5‰,butof later wolframite are lower than+4‰,indicating that the early wolframite was precipitated fromreequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal solutions and the late one from the mixture ofhvdrothermal solutions with meteoric waters or mainly from meteoric waters, Based on the δ18O values of the coexisting quartz and wolframite and temperature data,twocalibration equilibrium curves have been constructed,and the corresponding equations have beenObtained: 1000 lnaQ-Wf=2.565×107T-2—7.28×l04T-1+57.27 1000 In aWf-H20=-2.285×107T-2+7.49×104T-1-61.79.展开更多
Over the pastfive years,we have been making efforts to develop a practical and predic- tive tool to exploreforgiantore deposits in hydrothermal systems. Towards this goal,a sig- nificant progress has been made towards...Over the pastfive years,we have been making efforts to develop a practical and predic- tive tool to exploreforgiantore deposits in hydrothermal systems. Towards this goal,a sig- nificant progress has been made towards a better understanding of the basic physical and chemical processes behind ore body formation and mineralization in hydrothermal systems. On the scientific developmentside,we have developed analytical solutions to answerthe fol- lowing scientific questions:(1) Can thepore- fluid pressure gradientbemaintained atthe val- ue of the lithostaticpressure gradientin the uppercrustof the Earth?and(2 ) Can convective pore- fluid flow take place in the uppercrustof the Earth ifthere is a fluid/mass leakage from the mantle to the upper crustof the Earth?On the modelling developmentside,we have developed numerical methods to model the following problems:(1) convective pore- fluid flow in two- dimensional hydrothermal systems;(2 ) coupled reactive pore- fluid flow and multiple species transport in porous media;(3) precipitation and dissolution of minerals and rock al- teration in the upper crust of the Earth;(4 ) double diffusion driven reactive flow transport in deformable fluid- saturated porous media with particular consideration of temperature- de- pendentchemical reaction rates;(5 ) pore- fluid flow patterns neargeological lenses in hydro- dynamic and hydrothermal systems;(6 ) dissipative structures for nonequilibrium chemical reactions in fluid- saturated porousmedia;(7) convectivepore- fluid flow and the related min- eralization in three- dimensional hydrothermal systems;(8) fluid- rock interaction problems associated with the rock alteration and metamorphic process in fluid- saturated hydrothermal/ sedimentary basins;and (9) various aspects of the fully coupled problem involving material deformation,pore- fluid flow,heattransferand species transport/ chemical reactionsin pore- fluid saturated porous rock masses. The above- mentioned work has significantly enriched our knowledge about the physical and chemical processes related to ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crustof the展开更多
Physicochemical parameters of mineralization such as temperature, pressure, salinity, density, composition and boiling of ore fluids as well as pH, Eh, fo2 and reducing parameter in theprocess of mineralization of maj...Physicochemical parameters of mineralization such as temperature, pressure, salinity, density, composition and boiling of ore fluids as well as pH, Eh, fo2 and reducing parameter in theprocess of mineralization of major ore deposits in the study district have been obtained by the authors through systematic observation and determination of characteristics and phase changes of fluid inclusions at different temperatures and analysis of gaseous and liquid phase compositions of the inclusions, thus providing a scientific basis for the division of mineralization-alteration stages, types of mineral deposits and minerogenetic series and the deepening of the knowledge about the ore-forming processes and mechanisms of mineral deposits. It is indicated that the deposits of the same type have similar fluid inclusion geochemical features and physicochemical parameters though they belong to different minerogenetic series, while the compositions of inclusions are not conditioned by deposit types but closely related to the minerogenetic series of deposits.展开更多
A systematic study of occurrences of silver in 156 Pb-Zn-Cu ore deposits indicates that silver mainly occurs in nonferrous metal ore deposits in forms of association and paragenesis. It occurs mainly as independent mi...A systematic study of occurrences of silver in 156 Pb-Zn-Cu ore deposits indicates that silver mainly occurs in nonferrous metal ore deposits in forms of association and paragenesis. It occurs mainly as independent minerals in nature and occasionally as ion adsorption, isomorphous or amorphous silver minerals. Nearly 190 silver minerals have been discovered in China. Their shapes, constituents, textures, grain sizes, embedded types, distribution patterns, mineral assemblages and metallogenic series suggest that these characteristics are closely related to geneses of deposits and dependent of ore-forming conditions. Pb, Zn and Cu sulphides are the main carrier minerals of silver. The partition of silver in ore is constrained by the mineralization intensity, grain size and embedded form of silver minerals and mineral assemblages.展开更多
The discovery of new-type ore deposits, an important approach to guarantee the mineral resources supply in the 21st century, often brings about a gigantic increase in the mineral resources reserves. The analysis of mi...The discovery of new-type ore deposits, an important approach to guarantee the mineral resources supply in the 21st century, often brings about a gigantic increase in the mineral resources reserves. The analysis of mineralization system is of great importance to the discovery of new type ore deposits. ① The understanding of the relationship among various ore deposit types within a mineralization system in a region can help us to locate the unknown ore deposit types from the known ore deposit types, evidence that has been proved in the mineral prospecting history of ore belts in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. ② The understanding of the spatial structure of a mineralization system, especially of the vertical zonation, is helpful for the discovery of the concealed ore deposit types. ③ Clarifying the temporal structure of a mineralization system, including the iteration relationship between the mineral deposit types in the mineralization, leads to the location of the missing mineralization chains from the known mineralization chains (mineral deposit type), a method often proved to be effective in the magmatic hydrothermal mineralization system.④ Clarifying the factors restraining the diversity of mineral deposit types in mineralization system leads to the discovery of the potential of new type mineral deposits in relevant region. ⑤ Studying new mineralization setting and new ore forming processes leads to discovery of new type mineral deposit. More probabilities of discovery of new type mineral deposits are present in biogenic mineralization system, deep sea mineralization system, low temperature mineralization system, tectonic mineralization system and superimposed mineralization system.展开更多
In this paper, the transformation from the fuzzy to the accurate process is exemplified by the Jiaodong gold ore deposits concentrated region where the mathematical analysis is used to appraise and forecast regional c...In this paper, the transformation from the fuzzy to the accurate process is exemplified by the Jiaodong gold ore deposits concentrated region where the mathematical analysis is used to appraise and forecast regional concealed gold ore deposits. In this sense, this paper presents a new way to the appraisal of the non traditional mineral resources.展开更多
A gravity and magnetic study has been carried out along the continental part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), with the aim to explore the possibility of ore’s presence into the basement of this region. Different ...A gravity and magnetic study has been carried out along the continental part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), with the aim to explore the possibility of ore’s presence into the basement of this region. Different processing techniques have been applied, including the isostatic residual, the analytic signal and the Euler deconvolution to compute the Bouguer and magnetic anomalies. Following Euler solutions (result of Euler deconvolution) and the analytic signal results, four profiles crossing main structures on the isostatic residual have been used to enhance the structure of intrusions in the studied area. Despite the lack of constraints in the studied region, the results show that the basement is intruded by bodies of different density (2.57<span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">g/cm</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> to 2.87</span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">g/cm</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">), different size and shape, with depths between 1 and 10 kilometers. These bodies have been interpreted as old rocks then as potential reservoirs of rare ores. In addition, volcanic rocks modeled have constituted potential reserves of other ores like graphite, sulfur, copper, iron.</span></span>展开更多
A preliminary survey of silver isotopic composition in four polymetallic ores in eastern China shows a larger variation inδ^(109)Ag from-0.014‰to+0.983‰,which is within the total ranges for the entire respective or...A preliminary survey of silver isotopic composition in four polymetallic ores in eastern China shows a larger variation inδ^(109)Ag from-0.014‰to+0.983‰,which is within the total ranges for the entire respective ore deposit types worldwide.The diversity of silver isotopic compositions in oredeposits reported here and previous studies seemed to preclude simple isotopic links to particular sources,but reflected the silver isotope fractionation in transport-and deposit-related processes instead.Theδ^(109)Ag values in supergene samples from the Qixiashan Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit are more positive,in consistent with the statistical δ^(109)Ag distribution from-0.4‰to+2.2‰in 36 pieces of supergene ore samples around the World,which reflects the diverse controls on silver isotope fractionation from the first-order thermodynamic effect,reduction-mediated reaction,remobilization of silver with surficial low-temperature weathering processes.The hypogene samples in Dazhuangzi orogenic Au-Ag ore deposit,have δ^(109)Ag values close to 0,which implies that equilibrium partitioning associated with metal sources at the high-temperature does not result in a resolvable difference in silver isotopic compositions.By contrast,the hypogene samples which are dominated by pyrite without visible silver minerals (i.e.,skarn iron ore deposit in Edongnan) have shown the largest variation range of δ^(109)Ag,followed by that from the porphyry copper ore in Zijinshan.It could be concluded that the surface adsorption and/or lattice substitution are important factors to control Ag isotope fractionation in oreforming processes,especially for skarn deposits with only pyrite.The perspective of silver isotope shows great potentials to understand the processes that lead to the concentrations of metals to economic levels and to constrain the physicochemical conditions during ore-mineralization in metallic ore-deposits.展开更多
This paper demonstrates the channels and methods for location prognosis of concealed ore deposits (bodies) in the deep seated and surrounding districts of productive mines in accordance with their special features. Th...This paper demonstrates the channels and methods for location prognosis of concealed ore deposits (bodies) in the deep seated and surrounding districts of productive mines in accordance with their special features. The system frame map is built, from quick exploration in the field to the rapid building of a model indoors. The main research points of location prognosis are also discussed in the paper, which include: 1) integrating the location with the surrounding geological areas, microscopic with macroscopic; 2) analyzing and synthesizing all geological information of different levels, depths and aspects; 3) laying stress on mineralization series; 4) paying attention to the study of the distribution law of ore bodies; 5) introducing the theory of nonlinear dynamics of ore forming processes to ordinary static prognosis; 6) the necessity of the geophysical me thod in recovering information of concealed ore bodies; 7) the combination of all kinds of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and remote sensing methods.展开更多
The epithermal ore concentrated area is located in Southwestern China. We systematically study the regional geological characteristics such as the basement of Proterozoic, the capping bed, Moho, geothermal feature and...The epithermal ore concentrated area is located in Southwestern China. We systematically study the regional geological characteristics such as the basement of Proterozoic, the capping bed, Moho, geothermal feature and tectonics, and discuss the relationship between distributed characteristics of the epithermal ore deposits and ore control factors in this paper. It is concluded that the conditions, under which the epithermal ore deposits form, are huge thick basement of Proterozoic, long time and wide scope developed capping bed and weak magmatic activity. The basement of Proterozoic that enriches volcanic matters and carbon and the carbonaceous bearing and paleo pool bearing capping bed provides main ore source. The large and deep faults and paleopool accordance with gravity anomaly gradient control the distribution of epithermal ore deposits. The lithologic assembles of microclastic rocks and carbonate rocks in the capping bed provide spaces of ore precipitation and create conditions of ore precipitation. The coincidence of many geological factors above forms the epithermal ore concentrated area.展开更多
The skarn and ore bodies of the stratabound skarn copper deposits of Tongling, Anhui Province, are both controlled by definite stratigraphic horizons, and they are concordant with the strata. They occur as layers and ...The skarn and ore bodies of the stratabound skarn copper deposits of Tongling, Anhui Province, are both controlled by definite stratigraphic horizons, and they are concordant with the strata. They occur as layers and layer-like bodies in permeable carbonate rocks of the Middle-Upper Carboniferous Huanglong and Chuanshan Formations which are underlain by impermeable shale or siliceous rocks of the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation. The authors study the dynamics of ore-forming processes of the ore deposits with the dynamic model of coupled transport and reaction, and the following results are obtained: The salinity gradient and flow rate of the ore-forming fluids can both promote the mixing and reaction of juvenile water and formation water, and the permeable strata are favourable sites for the intense transport-reaction of mixing and the formation of deposits. (2) As isothermal transport-reaction took place along the bedding of strata, the moving transport-reaction front formed at the contact between the ore-forming fluids and the rocks advanced slowly along the permeable strata, and then stratiform skarn and ore bodies concordant with the strata were formed. (3) The gradient transport-reaction taking place across the isotherms in the cross-bedding direction caused the mineralogical composition to alter gradually from magnesian skarn to sulphide ore bodies.展开更多
The metamorphosed sedimentary type of iron deposits(BIF) is the most important type of iron deposits in the world, and super-large iron ore clusters of this type include the Quadrilatero Ferrifero district and Caraj...The metamorphosed sedimentary type of iron deposits(BIF) is the most important type of iron deposits in the world, and super-large iron ore clusters of this type include the Quadrilatero Ferrifero district and Carajas in Brazil, Hamersley in Australia, Kursk in Russia, Central Province of India and Anshan-Benxi in China. Subordinated types of iron deposits are magmatic, volcanic-hosted and sedimentary ones. This paper briefly introduces the geological characteristics of major super-large iron ore clusters in the world. The proven reserves of iron ores in China are relatively abundant, but they are mainly low-grade ores. Moreover, a considerate part of iron ores are difficult to utilize for their difficult ore dressing, deep burial or other reasons. Iron ore deposits are relatively concentrated in 11 metallogenic provinces(belts), such as the Anshan-Benxi, eastern Hebei, Xichang-Central Yunnan Province and middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River. The main minerogenetic epoches vary widely from the Archean to Quaternary, and are mainly the Late Archean to Middle Proterozoic, Variscan, and Yanshanian periods. The main 7 genetic types of iron deposits in China are metamorphosed sedimentary type(BIF), magmatic type, volcanic-hosted type, skarn type, hydrothermal type, sedimentary type and weathered leaching type. The iron-rich ores occur predominantly in the skarn and marine volcanic-hosted iron deposits, locally in the metamorphosed sedimentary type(BIF) as hydrothermal reformation products. The theory of minerogenetic series of mineral deposits and minerogenic models has applied in investigation and prospecting of iron ore deposits. A combination of deep analyses of aeromagnetic anomalies and geomagnetic anomalies, with gravity anomalies are an effective method to seeking large and deep-buried iron deposits. China has a relatively great oresearching potential of iron ores, especially for metamorphosed sedimentary, skarn, and marine volcanic-hosted iron deposits. For the lower guarantee degree of iron and steel industry, China should give a trading and open the foreign mining markets.展开更多
文摘Based on the oxygen isotopic compositions of 133 wolframite samples and 110 quartz sampleseollected from 30 tungsten ore deposits in south China,in conjunction with δD values and other data,thesc deposits can be divided into four types. (l)Reequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits. The δ18O values ofwolframite and quartz samples from this type of tungsten ore deposits are about +5-+12‰,respectively.The calculated δ(18)OH2O values of ore fluids in equilibrium with quartz are about+65‰,and the δDH2O values of fluid inclusions in quartz range from -40 to-70‰. (2)Meteoric water-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits.Theδ18O values of wolframite in this type oftungsten dePosits are around-1‰. (3)Stratiform tungsten ore deposits.In these deposits,theδ18O values of quartz and wolframite areabout+17 and+3‰,respectively.It is considered that these stratiform tungsten ore deposits aregenetically related to submarine hot—spring activities。 (4)Complex mid-hydrothermal tungsten ore deposits.These tungsten ore deposits arecharacterized by multi-staged mineralization.The δ18O values of early wolframite are around+5‰,butof later wolframite are lower than+4‰,indicating that the early wolframite was precipitated fromreequilibrated magmatic water-hydrothermal solutions and the late one from the mixture ofhvdrothermal solutions with meteoric waters or mainly from meteoric waters, Based on the δ18O values of the coexisting quartz and wolframite and temperature data,twocalibration equilibrium curves have been constructed,and the corresponding equations have beenObtained: 1000 lnaQ-Wf=2.565×107T-2—7.28×l04T-1+57.27 1000 In aWf-H20=-2.285×107T-2+7.49×104T-1-61.79.
文摘Over the pastfive years,we have been making efforts to develop a practical and predic- tive tool to exploreforgiantore deposits in hydrothermal systems. Towards this goal,a sig- nificant progress has been made towards a better understanding of the basic physical and chemical processes behind ore body formation and mineralization in hydrothermal systems. On the scientific developmentside,we have developed analytical solutions to answerthe fol- lowing scientific questions:(1) Can thepore- fluid pressure gradientbemaintained atthe val- ue of the lithostaticpressure gradientin the uppercrustof the Earth?and(2 ) Can convective pore- fluid flow take place in the uppercrustof the Earth ifthere is a fluid/mass leakage from the mantle to the upper crustof the Earth?On the modelling developmentside,we have developed numerical methods to model the following problems:(1) convective pore- fluid flow in two- dimensional hydrothermal systems;(2 ) coupled reactive pore- fluid flow and multiple species transport in porous media;(3) precipitation and dissolution of minerals and rock al- teration in the upper crust of the Earth;(4 ) double diffusion driven reactive flow transport in deformable fluid- saturated porous media with particular consideration of temperature- de- pendentchemical reaction rates;(5 ) pore- fluid flow patterns neargeological lenses in hydro- dynamic and hydrothermal systems;(6 ) dissipative structures for nonequilibrium chemical reactions in fluid- saturated porousmedia;(7) convectivepore- fluid flow and the related min- eralization in three- dimensional hydrothermal systems;(8) fluid- rock interaction problems associated with the rock alteration and metamorphic process in fluid- saturated hydrothermal/ sedimentary basins;and (9) various aspects of the fully coupled problem involving material deformation,pore- fluid flow,heattransferand species transport/ chemical reactionsin pore- fluid saturated porous rock masses. The above- mentioned work has significantly enriched our knowledge about the physical and chemical processes related to ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crustof the
文摘Physicochemical parameters of mineralization such as temperature, pressure, salinity, density, composition and boiling of ore fluids as well as pH, Eh, fo2 and reducing parameter in theprocess of mineralization of major ore deposits in the study district have been obtained by the authors through systematic observation and determination of characteristics and phase changes of fluid inclusions at different temperatures and analysis of gaseous and liquid phase compositions of the inclusions, thus providing a scientific basis for the division of mineralization-alteration stages, types of mineral deposits and minerogenetic series and the deepening of the knowledge about the ore-forming processes and mechanisms of mineral deposits. It is indicated that the deposits of the same type have similar fluid inclusion geochemical features and physicochemical parameters though they belong to different minerogenetic series, while the compositions of inclusions are not conditioned by deposit types but closely related to the minerogenetic series of deposits.
文摘A systematic study of occurrences of silver in 156 Pb-Zn-Cu ore deposits indicates that silver mainly occurs in nonferrous metal ore deposits in forms of association and paragenesis. It occurs mainly as independent minerals in nature and occasionally as ion adsorption, isomorphous or amorphous silver minerals. Nearly 190 silver minerals have been discovered in China. Their shapes, constituents, textures, grain sizes, embedded types, distribution patterns, mineral assemblages and metallogenic series suggest that these characteristics are closely related to geneses of deposits and dependent of ore-forming conditions. Pb, Zn and Cu sulphides are the main carrier minerals of silver. The partition of silver in ore is constrained by the mineralization intensity, grain size and embedded form of silver minerals and mineral assemblages.
文摘The discovery of new-type ore deposits, an important approach to guarantee the mineral resources supply in the 21st century, often brings about a gigantic increase in the mineral resources reserves. The analysis of mineralization system is of great importance to the discovery of new type ore deposits. ① The understanding of the relationship among various ore deposit types within a mineralization system in a region can help us to locate the unknown ore deposit types from the known ore deposit types, evidence that has been proved in the mineral prospecting history of ore belts in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. ② The understanding of the spatial structure of a mineralization system, especially of the vertical zonation, is helpful for the discovery of the concealed ore deposit types. ③ Clarifying the temporal structure of a mineralization system, including the iteration relationship between the mineral deposit types in the mineralization, leads to the location of the missing mineralization chains from the known mineralization chains (mineral deposit type), a method often proved to be effective in the magmatic hydrothermal mineralization system.④ Clarifying the factors restraining the diversity of mineral deposit types in mineralization system leads to the discovery of the potential of new type mineral deposits in relevant region. ⑤ Studying new mineralization setting and new ore forming processes leads to discovery of new type mineral deposit. More probabilities of discovery of new type mineral deposits are present in biogenic mineralization system, deep sea mineralization system, low temperature mineralization system, tectonic mineralization system and superimposed mineralization system.
基金This paper is supported by the fund of the program"Culturing 10 0 beyond Century Science and Technology Experts" of the Minis
文摘In this paper, the transformation from the fuzzy to the accurate process is exemplified by the Jiaodong gold ore deposits concentrated region where the mathematical analysis is used to appraise and forecast regional concealed gold ore deposits. In this sense, this paper presents a new way to the appraisal of the non traditional mineral resources.
文摘A gravity and magnetic study has been carried out along the continental part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), with the aim to explore the possibility of ore’s presence into the basement of this region. Different processing techniques have been applied, including the isostatic residual, the analytic signal and the Euler deconvolution to compute the Bouguer and magnetic anomalies. Following Euler solutions (result of Euler deconvolution) and the analytic signal results, four profiles crossing main structures on the isostatic residual have been used to enhance the structure of intrusions in the studied area. Despite the lack of constraints in the studied region, the results show that the basement is intruded by bodies of different density (2.57<span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">g/cm</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> to 2.87</span></span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">g/cm</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">), different size and shape, with depths between 1 and 10 kilometers. These bodies have been interpreted as old rocks then as potential reservoirs of rare ores. In addition, volcanic rocks modeled have constituted potential reserves of other ores like graphite, sulfur, copper, iron.</span></span>
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China(Nos.41973005,41673001)China National Space Administration(CNSA)(No.D020205)。
文摘A preliminary survey of silver isotopic composition in four polymetallic ores in eastern China shows a larger variation inδ^(109)Ag from-0.014‰to+0.983‰,which is within the total ranges for the entire respective ore deposit types worldwide.The diversity of silver isotopic compositions in oredeposits reported here and previous studies seemed to preclude simple isotopic links to particular sources,but reflected the silver isotope fractionation in transport-and deposit-related processes instead.Theδ^(109)Ag values in supergene samples from the Qixiashan Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit are more positive,in consistent with the statistical δ^(109)Ag distribution from-0.4‰to+2.2‰in 36 pieces of supergene ore samples around the World,which reflects the diverse controls on silver isotope fractionation from the first-order thermodynamic effect,reduction-mediated reaction,remobilization of silver with surficial low-temperature weathering processes.The hypogene samples in Dazhuangzi orogenic Au-Ag ore deposit,have δ^(109)Ag values close to 0,which implies that equilibrium partitioning associated with metal sources at the high-temperature does not result in a resolvable difference in silver isotopic compositions.By contrast,the hypogene samples which are dominated by pyrite without visible silver minerals (i.e.,skarn iron ore deposit in Edongnan) have shown the largest variation range of δ^(109)Ag,followed by that from the porphyry copper ore in Zijinshan.It could be concluded that the surface adsorption and/or lattice substitution are important factors to control Ag isotope fractionation in oreforming processes,especially for skarn deposits with only pyrite.The perspective of silver isotope shows great potentials to understand the processes that lead to the concentrations of metals to economic levels and to constrain the physicochemical conditions during ore-mineralization in metallic ore-deposits.
文摘This paper demonstrates the channels and methods for location prognosis of concealed ore deposits (bodies) in the deep seated and surrounding districts of productive mines in accordance with their special features. The system frame map is built, from quick exploration in the field to the rapid building of a model indoors. The main research points of location prognosis are also discussed in the paper, which include: 1) integrating the location with the surrounding geological areas, microscopic with macroscopic; 2) analyzing and synthesizing all geological information of different levels, depths and aspects; 3) laying stress on mineralization series; 4) paying attention to the study of the distribution law of ore bodies; 5) introducing the theory of nonlinear dynamics of ore forming processes to ordinary static prognosis; 6) the necessity of the geophysical me thod in recovering information of concealed ore bodies; 7) the combination of all kinds of geology, geophysics, geochemistry and remote sensing methods.
文摘The epithermal ore concentrated area is located in Southwestern China. We systematically study the regional geological characteristics such as the basement of Proterozoic, the capping bed, Moho, geothermal feature and tectonics, and discuss the relationship between distributed characteristics of the epithermal ore deposits and ore control factors in this paper. It is concluded that the conditions, under which the epithermal ore deposits form, are huge thick basement of Proterozoic, long time and wide scope developed capping bed and weak magmatic activity. The basement of Proterozoic that enriches volcanic matters and carbon and the carbonaceous bearing and paleo pool bearing capping bed provides main ore source. The large and deep faults and paleopool accordance with gravity anomaly gradient control the distribution of epithermal ore deposits. The lithologic assembles of microclastic rocks and carbonate rocks in the capping bed provide spaces of ore precipitation and create conditions of ore precipitation. The coincidence of many geological factors above forms the epithermal ore concentrated area.
基金MGMR Eighth Five- Year Plan Basic Geology Research Foundation Grant 8502216China National Natural Science Foundation Grant 49173169
文摘The skarn and ore bodies of the stratabound skarn copper deposits of Tongling, Anhui Province, are both controlled by definite stratigraphic horizons, and they are concordant with the strata. They occur as layers and layer-like bodies in permeable carbonate rocks of the Middle-Upper Carboniferous Huanglong and Chuanshan Formations which are underlain by impermeable shale or siliceous rocks of the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation. The authors study the dynamics of ore-forming processes of the ore deposits with the dynamic model of coupled transport and reaction, and the following results are obtained: The salinity gradient and flow rate of the ore-forming fluids can both promote the mixing and reaction of juvenile water and formation water, and the permeable strata are favourable sites for the intense transport-reaction of mixing and the formation of deposits. (2) As isothermal transport-reaction took place along the bedding of strata, the moving transport-reaction front formed at the contact between the ore-forming fluids and the rocks advanced slowly along the permeable strata, and then stratiform skarn and ore bodies concordant with the strata were formed. (3) The gradient transport-reaction taking place across the isotherms in the cross-bedding direction caused the mineralogical composition to alter gradually from magnesian skarn to sulphide ore bodies.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 40773038the Program of High-level Geological Talents (201309)Youth Geological Talents (201112) of the China Geological Survey
文摘The metamorphosed sedimentary type of iron deposits(BIF) is the most important type of iron deposits in the world, and super-large iron ore clusters of this type include the Quadrilatero Ferrifero district and Carajas in Brazil, Hamersley in Australia, Kursk in Russia, Central Province of India and Anshan-Benxi in China. Subordinated types of iron deposits are magmatic, volcanic-hosted and sedimentary ones. This paper briefly introduces the geological characteristics of major super-large iron ore clusters in the world. The proven reserves of iron ores in China are relatively abundant, but they are mainly low-grade ores. Moreover, a considerate part of iron ores are difficult to utilize for their difficult ore dressing, deep burial or other reasons. Iron ore deposits are relatively concentrated in 11 metallogenic provinces(belts), such as the Anshan-Benxi, eastern Hebei, Xichang-Central Yunnan Province and middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River. The main minerogenetic epoches vary widely from the Archean to Quaternary, and are mainly the Late Archean to Middle Proterozoic, Variscan, and Yanshanian periods. The main 7 genetic types of iron deposits in China are metamorphosed sedimentary type(BIF), magmatic type, volcanic-hosted type, skarn type, hydrothermal type, sedimentary type and weathered leaching type. The iron-rich ores occur predominantly in the skarn and marine volcanic-hosted iron deposits, locally in the metamorphosed sedimentary type(BIF) as hydrothermal reformation products. The theory of minerogenetic series of mineral deposits and minerogenic models has applied in investigation and prospecting of iron ore deposits. A combination of deep analyses of aeromagnetic anomalies and geomagnetic anomalies, with gravity anomalies are an effective method to seeking large and deep-buried iron deposits. China has a relatively great oresearching potential of iron ores, especially for metamorphosed sedimentary, skarn, and marine volcanic-hosted iron deposits. For the lower guarantee degree of iron and steel industry, China should give a trading and open the foreign mining markets.