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作者 金彦 梁公文 +1 位作者 申占龙 赵翔宇 《医院管理论坛》 2024年第3期75-78,共4页
目的 探讨医疗机构科技成果转化工作策略。方法 通过专利数据库、文献检索分析北京地区医疗机构近年来的专利及转化情况,结合政策文本进行PEST-SWOT分析。结果 北京地区医疗机构专利申请、授权增多,进行成果转化的优势和机会明显,也存... 目的 探讨医疗机构科技成果转化工作策略。方法 通过专利数据库、文献检索分析北京地区医疗机构近年来的专利及转化情况,结合政策文本进行PEST-SWOT分析。结果 北京地区医疗机构专利申请、授权增多,进行成果转化的优势和机会明显,也存在一定的劣势与威胁,转化率需要提升。结论 医疗机构应顺应政策要求,发挥资源优势,加强产业融合,提升成果价值和知识产权运营能力,完善转化机制。 展开更多
关键词 医疗机构 知识产权 pest-swot分析 成果转化
作者 张欣 曹永芝 《中国卫生标准管理》 2024年第2期35-38,共4页
生物样本库在精准医学、转化医学和生物医药等方面的作用日益凸显,构建可持续发展的生物样本库成为行业发展的必然需求。但样本库持续投入不足、缺乏自身造血机制和样本利用率低等问题已成为困扰样本库可持续发展的关键问题。文章以共... 生物样本库在精准医学、转化医学和生物医药等方面的作用日益凸显,构建可持续发展的生物样本库成为行业发展的必然需求。但样本库持续投入不足、缺乏自身造血机制和样本利用率低等问题已成为困扰样本库可持续发展的关键问题。文章以共建共享为出发点,模拟了态势分析法(PEST-SWOT)模型在生物样本库可持续发展应用中的构建,并基于此模式下探讨政府与社会资本合作(public-private partnership,PPP)模式在生物样本库可持续发展策略中的可行性,分析PEST-SWOT模型下PPP模式在生物样本库建设与发展中的新策略,即引导政府和社会资本有效整合,促进生物样本库发展的新模式,为生物样本库可持续发展提供理论支撑,为生物样本库学科建设提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 生物样本库 可持续发展 PPP模式 pest-swot 资源整合 战略管理
作者 曾明荣 秦永莹 +2 位作者 刘小航 栗婧 尚长岭 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2741-2750,共10页
安全生产事故往往由多组织交互、多因素耦合造成,事故原因涉及多个组织。为预防和遏制多组织生产安全事故的发生,基于系统理论事故建模与过程模型(Systems-Theory Accident Modeling and Process,STAMP)、24Model,构建一种用于多组织事... 安全生产事故往往由多组织交互、多因素耦合造成,事故原因涉及多个组织。为预防和遏制多组织生产安全事故的发生,基于系统理论事故建模与过程模型(Systems-Theory Accident Modeling and Process,STAMP)、24Model,构建一种用于多组织事故分析的方法,并以青岛石油爆炸事故为例进行事故原因分析。结果显示:STAMP-24Model可以分组织,分层次且有效、全面、详细地分析涉及多个组织的事故原因,探究多组织之间的交互关系;对事故进行动态演化分析,可得到各组织不安全动作耦合关系与形成的事故失效链及管控失效路径,进而为预防多组织事故提供思路和参考。 展开更多
关键词 安全工程 系统理论事故建模与过程模型(STAMP) 24model 多组织事故 原因分析
作者 赵平 刘钰 +1 位作者 靳丽艳 王佳慧 《工业安全与环保》 2024年第7期37-40,共4页
建筑施工现场环境复杂,为有效控制不安全行为发生,基于行为安全“2-4”模型对360份具有代表性的建筑安全事故调查报告进行分析,提取出22个不安全行为的主要影响因素。利用灰色关联分析方法(GRA)改进的集成ISM-SNA模型,将不安全行为风险... 建筑施工现场环境复杂,为有效控制不安全行为发生,基于行为安全“2-4”模型对360份具有代表性的建筑安全事故调查报告进行分析,提取出22个不安全行为的主要影响因素。利用灰色关联分析方法(GRA)改进的集成ISM-SNA模型,将不安全行为风险因素划分为表层、过渡层与深层,然后对风险因素进行可视化分析、中心度分析及凝聚子群分析,揭示了各致因因素间的关联关系和传导路径。结果表明,建筑工人不安全行为影响因素可划分成7级3阶的多级递阶结构,安全意识、现场监管、外部环境是建筑工人不安全行为的关键影响因素,同时现场监管和隐患排查到位能有效降低不安全行为的发生。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工人 不安全行为 24model 解释结构模型(ISM) 社会网络分析(SNA)
作者 孙世梅 张家严 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期153-159,共7页
为预防地铁站火灾事故,深入了解地铁站火灾人员疏散影响因素间的内在联系与层次结构,基于第6版“2-4”模型(24Model)分析63起地铁站火灾疏散事故,充分考虑各个因素之间的交互作用,提取19个影响地铁站人员疏散的关键因素,建立地铁站火灾... 为预防地铁站火灾事故,深入了解地铁站火灾人员疏散影响因素间的内在联系与层次结构,基于第6版“2-4”模型(24Model)分析63起地铁站火灾疏散事故,充分考虑各个因素之间的交互作用,提取19个影响地铁站人员疏散的关键因素,建立地铁站火灾人员疏散影响因素指标体系;采用算子客观赋权法(C-OWA)改进决策试验与评价实验法(DEMATEL),确定地铁站火灾人员疏散的重要影响因素;在此基础上,采用解释结构模型(ISM)分析各个因素间的层次结构及相互作用路径,构建地铁站火灾人员疏散影响因素的多级递阶结构模型。研究结果表明:疏散引导、恐慌从众行为、人员拥挤为地铁站火灾人员疏散的关键影响因素;地铁站火灾人员疏散受表层因素、中间层因素、深层因素共同作用的影响,其中,疏散教育与培训、设施维护与检查、疏散预案等因素是根源影响因素,重视根源影响因素的改善有利于从本质上预防和控制事故的发生。 展开更多
关键词 “2-4”模型(24model) 决策试验与评价实验法(DEMATEL) 解释结构模型(ISM) 地铁站 火灾疏散 影响因素
作者 李安琪 伊永菊 +3 位作者 白城铭 周炜良 陈舒妤 方乐堃 《中国卫生事业管理》 北大核心 2024年第8期923-927,共5页
目的:在高质量发展背景下,分析我国三级公立医院学科建设现状与策略,为探索学科高质量发展路径和模式提供参考。方法:通过对2016年以来的17份相关政策文件解读及2019年以来的148篇相关文献分析,基于PEST-SWOT模型,从政治、经济、社会和... 目的:在高质量发展背景下,分析我国三级公立医院学科建设现状与策略,为探索学科高质量发展路径和模式提供参考。方法:通过对2016年以来的17份相关政策文件解读及2019年以来的148篇相关文献分析,基于PEST-SWOT模型,从政治、经济、社会和技术四个维度对三级公立医院学科建设内部优劣势与外部机遇和威胁进行梳理总结。结果:在内部优势方面,三级公立医院社会知名度和患者信任度高、地理位置优越、诊治能力全面、学科特色性强,党建、文化和制度引领赋能学科建设。在内部劣势方面,公立医院盈利能力及医疗资源受限、规模与效益发生冲突、学科发展不均衡、人才引育困难且医教研负担较重。在外部机遇方面,三级公立医院学科建设发展符合国家战略发展需要,我国基本医疗覆盖面大、居民高水平医疗服务需求提升,医保支付方式的改革和紧密型医联体趋势有效推动医疗资源上下贯通,信息技术迭代升级也实现了医疗服务效率和质量的提升。在外部威胁方面,国家经济增长放缓、医疗政策落实相对滞后且监管机制亟需完善、医保异地结算不便、患者机会主义行为与DRG目标发生冲突、公众疾病防治素质差异大及健康理念亟待转变制约着学科发展。结论:政策的支持,社会、经济和技术的发展为三级公立医院学科建设带来了新的机遇和挑战,未来应根据自身学科发展的优劣势,相应采取增长型、扭转型、建设型和防御型发展战略,实现学科高质量内涵式发展。 展开更多
关键词 高质量发展 pest-swot模型 三级公立医院 学科建设
农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴的PEST-SWOT模型分析与路径研究 被引量:1
作者 李雪莉 李尽晖 《高等职业教育探索》 2024年第2期19-26,共8页
农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴是全面建设社会主义现代化农业强国的必然要求。对我国农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴进行PEST与SWOT分析,并以此构建农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴的PEST-SWOT模型,提出农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴的政策建议:发挥政策引... 农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴是全面建设社会主义现代化农业强国的必然要求。对我国农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴进行PEST与SWOT分析,并以此构建农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴的PEST-SWOT模型,提出农村职业教育赋能乡村振兴的政策建议:发挥政策引导作用,优化完善政策体系;对接地方产业需求,完善专业课程建设;消弭社会公众偏见,提升农村职教认同;数字赋能乡村振兴,积极推进产教融合。 展开更多
关键词 农村职业教育 乡村振兴 pest-swot模型
“双碳”目标下新型电力系统PEST-SWOT分析 被引量:2
作者 栗奕博 代清钊 +3 位作者 杨富麟 孙冬 张晓春 曾博 《四川电力技术》 2024年第1期35-42,共8页
随着“双碳”目标的提出,中国将加快构建适应新能源比例不断提升的新型电力系统,大力发展低碳能源是实现“双碳”目标的必然路径。首先,研究了“双碳”目标与新型电力系统的耦合关系,分析新型电力系统发展现状;其次,考虑中国新型电力系... 随着“双碳”目标的提出,中国将加快构建适应新能源比例不断提升的新型电力系统,大力发展低碳能源是实现“双碳”目标的必然路径。首先,研究了“双碳”目标与新型电力系统的耦合关系,分析新型电力系统发展现状;其次,考虑中国新型电力系统所处环境和自身特性,从宏观、微观两个层面,采用PEST-SWOT分析方法,全面分析新型电力系统建设过程中政治、经济、社会、技术方面自身的优劣势,以及面临的机遇与威胁;最后,基于上述分析,在不同发展战略下提出针对性政策建议和有效措施,为新型电力系统建设提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 “双碳”目标 新型电力系统 pest-swot分析 发展战略
24Model与LCM原因因素定义对比研究 被引量:2
作者 袁晨辉 傅贵 +1 位作者 吴治蓉 赵金坤 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期27-34,共8页
为探究损失致因模型(LCM)原因因素定义与事故致因“2-4”模型(24Model)存在的异同和优缺点,梳理2个模型各层面原因和结果的定义,对比定义内容及其对事故原因分析等安全实务的指导作用,并以一起瓦斯爆炸事故为例加以实证分析,获得二者分... 为探究损失致因模型(LCM)原因因素定义与事故致因“2-4”模型(24Model)存在的异同和优缺点,梳理2个模型各层面原因和结果的定义,对比定义内容及其对事故原因分析等安全实务的指导作用,并以一起瓦斯爆炸事故为例加以实证分析,获得二者分析结果之间的差异。研究结果表明:LCM是首个将管理因素纳入事故致因分析的一维事件序列模型,可明确各层面原因因素的定义和因素间的逻辑关系,但部分定义存在交叉重复的问题,并没有揭示安全工作指导思想等深层次事故致因因素;24Model作为系统性事故致因模型,对各类因素的定义均以组织为主体,描述事件、事故、安全的概念内涵,划分个体安全动作、安全能力和组织安全管理体系的类别并给出含义解析,探究组织安全文化层面的问题并以32个元素体现;2个模型的事故原因分析方法均建立在对各层级原因因素定义的基础上,并适用于模型理论体系本身。 展开更多
关键词 “2-4”模型(24model) 损失致因模型(LCM) 事故致因模型 原因因素定义 对比研究
作者 钟凯莉 李方元 徐林 《现代医院》 2024年第2期219-221,共3页
目的探讨省级妇幼保健机构科技创新发展的内外部因素并提出有效策略。方法采用PEST-SWOT分析模型从政治、经济、社会和技术四个宏观环境角度对某省级妇幼保健机构科技创新发展的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行全面分析。结果某省级妇幼保... 目的探讨省级妇幼保健机构科技创新发展的内外部因素并提出有效策略。方法采用PEST-SWOT分析模型从政治、经济、社会和技术四个宏观环境角度对某省级妇幼保健机构科技创新发展的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行全面分析。结果某省级妇幼保健机构科技创新发展在政策支持、科研管理制度、科研经费投入、学科特色等方面具有优势和机会,但是在人才队伍、信息化水平、行业竞争等方面存在一定的威胁和劣势。结论妇幼保健机构科技创新发展受内部、外部多方面影响,需要牢牢把握机遇,从医教研协同、学科布局、人才队伍、信息化建设等方面全面促进科技创新发展。 展开更多
关键词 pest-swot分析 妇幼保健机构 科技创新 策略
基于PEST-SWOT模型的乡村旅游发展分析——以浙江白水洋镇为例 被引量:1
作者 张阳阳 杨丞娟 王闰星 《现代化农业》 2024年第3期39-43,共5页
文章通过实地调查,运用PEST-SWOT模型对浙江省台州市临海市白水洋镇发展乡村旅游在政治/政策、经济、社会、科技方面的优势劣势和机遇挑战进行分析。研究表明,目前白水洋镇在发展乡村旅游的过程中存在旅游资源丰富、交通便捷等优势,也... 文章通过实地调查,运用PEST-SWOT模型对浙江省台州市临海市白水洋镇发展乡村旅游在政治/政策、经济、社会、科技方面的优势劣势和机遇挑战进行分析。研究表明,目前白水洋镇在发展乡村旅游的过程中存在旅游资源丰富、交通便捷等优势,也面临专业人才缺乏、数字化服务不普遍适用等问题,以及产品同质化竞争、游客需求多样化、多层次化等的挑战,据此提出相应对策建议,期望为白水洋镇发展乡村旅游提供一些启示。 展开更多
关键词 乡村旅游 农旅融合 pest-swot模型 白水洋镇
Projecting Wintertime Newly Formed Arctic Sea Ice through Weighting CMIP6 Model Performance and Independence 被引量:1
作者 Jiazhen ZHAO Shengping HE +2 位作者 Ke FAN Huijun WANG Fei LI 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第8期1465-1482,共18页
Precipitous Arctic sea-ice decline and the corresponding increase in Arctic open-water areas in summer months give more space for sea-ice growth in the subsequent cold seasons. Compared to the decline of the entire Ar... Precipitous Arctic sea-ice decline and the corresponding increase in Arctic open-water areas in summer months give more space for sea-ice growth in the subsequent cold seasons. Compared to the decline of the entire Arctic multiyear sea ice,changes in newly formed sea ice indicate more thermodynamic and dynamic information on Arctic atmosphere–ocean–ice interaction and northern mid–high latitude atmospheric teleconnections. Here, we use a large multimodel ensemble from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6) to investigate future changes in wintertime newly formed Arctic sea ice. The commonly used model-democracy approach that gives equal weight to each model essentially assumes that all models are independent and equally plausible, which contradicts with the fact that there are large interdependencies in the ensemble and discrepancies in models' performances in reproducing observations. Therefore, instead of using the arithmetic mean of well-performing models or all available models for projections like in previous studies, we employ a newly developed model weighting scheme that weights all models in the ensemble with consideration of their performance and independence to provide more reliable projections. Model democracy leads to evident bias and large intermodel spread in CMIP6 projections of newly formed Arctic sea ice. However, we show that both the bias and the intermodel spread can be effectively reduced by the weighting scheme. Projections from the weighted models indicate that wintertime newly formed Arctic sea ice is likely to increase dramatically until the middle of this century regardless of the emissions scenario.Thereafter, it may decrease(or remain stable) if the Arctic warming crosses a threshold(or is extensively constrained). 展开更多
关键词 wintertime newly formed Arctic sea ice model democracy model weighting scheme model performance model independence
Anisotropic time-dependent behaviors of shale under direct shearing and associated empirical creep models 被引量:2
作者 Yachen Xie Michael Z.Hou +1 位作者 Hejuan Liu Cunbao Li 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1262-1279,共18页
Understanding the anisotropic creep behaviors of shale under direct shearing is a challenging issue.In this context,we conducted shear-creep and steady-creep tests on shale with five bedding orientations (i.e.0°,... Understanding the anisotropic creep behaviors of shale under direct shearing is a challenging issue.In this context,we conducted shear-creep and steady-creep tests on shale with five bedding orientations (i.e.0°,30°,45°,60°,and 90°),under multiple levels of direct shearing for the first time.The results show that the anisotropic creep of shale exhibits a significant stress-dependent behavior.Under a low shear stress,the creep compliance of shale increases linearly with the logarithm of time at all bedding orientations,and the increase depends on the bedding orientation and creep time.Under high shear stress conditions,the creep compliance of shale is minimal when the bedding orientation is 0°,and the steady-creep rate of shale increases significantly with increasing bedding orientations of 30°,45°,60°,and 90°.The stress-strain values corresponding to the inception of the accelerated creep stage show an increasing and then decreasing trend with the bedding orientation.A semilogarithmic model that could reflect the stress dependence of the steady-creep rate while considering the hardening and damage process is proposed.The model minimizes the deviation of the calculated steady-state creep rate from the observed value and reveals the behavior of the bedding orientation's influence on the steady-creep rate.The applicability of the five classical empirical creep models is quantitatively evaluated.It shows that the logarithmic model can well explain the experimental creep strain and creep rate,and it can accurately predict long-term shear creep deformation.Based on an improved logarithmic model,the variations in creep parameters with shear stress and bedding orientations are discussed.With abovementioned findings,a mathematical method for constructing an anisotropic shear creep model of shale is proposed,which can characterize the nonlinear dependence of the anisotropic shear creep behavior of shale on the bedding orientation. 展开更多
关键词 Rock anisotropy Direct shear creep Creep compliance Steady-creep rate Empirical model Creep constitutive model
Evolution and Prospects of Foundation Models: From Large Language Models to Large Multimodal Models 被引量:1
作者 Zheyi Chen Liuchang Xu +5 位作者 Hongting Zheng Luyao Chen Amr Tolba Liang Zhao Keping Yu Hailin Feng 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期1753-1808,共56页
Since the 1950s,when the Turing Test was introduced,there has been notable progress in machine language intelligence.Language modeling,crucial for AI development,has evolved from statistical to neural models over the ... Since the 1950s,when the Turing Test was introduced,there has been notable progress in machine language intelligence.Language modeling,crucial for AI development,has evolved from statistical to neural models over the last two decades.Recently,transformer-based Pre-trained Language Models(PLM)have excelled in Natural Language Processing(NLP)tasks by leveraging large-scale training corpora.Increasing the scale of these models enhances performance significantly,introducing abilities like context learning that smaller models lack.The advancement in Large Language Models,exemplified by the development of ChatGPT,has made significant impacts both academically and industrially,capturing widespread societal interest.This survey provides an overview of the development and prospects from Large Language Models(LLM)to Large Multimodal Models(LMM).It first discusses the contributions and technological advancements of LLMs in the field of natural language processing,especially in text generation and language understanding.Then,it turns to the discussion of LMMs,which integrates various data modalities such as text,images,and sound,demonstrating advanced capabilities in understanding and generating cross-modal content,paving new pathways for the adaptability and flexibility of AI systems.Finally,the survey highlights the prospects of LMMs in terms of technological development and application potential,while also pointing out challenges in data integration,cross-modal understanding accuracy,providing a comprehensive perspective on the latest developments in this field. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligence large language models large multimodal models foundation models
Development and validation of a prediction model for early screening of people at high risk for colorectal cancer 被引量:2
作者 Ling-Li Xu Yi Lin +3 位作者 Li-Yuan Han Yue Wang Jian-Jiong Li Xiao-Yu Dai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第5期450-461,共12页
BACKGROUND Colorectal cancer(CRC)is a serious threat worldwide.Although early screening is suggested to be the most effective method to prevent and control CRC,the current situation of early screening for CRC is still... BACKGROUND Colorectal cancer(CRC)is a serious threat worldwide.Although early screening is suggested to be the most effective method to prevent and control CRC,the current situation of early screening for CRC is still not optimistic.In China,the incidence of CRC in the Yangtze River Delta region is increasing dramatically,but few studies have been conducted.Therefore,it is necessary to develop a simple and efficient early screening model for CRC.AIM To develop and validate an early-screening nomogram model to identify individuals at high risk of CRC.METHODS Data of 64448 participants obtained from Ningbo Hospital,China between 2014 and 2017 were retrospectively analyzed.The cohort comprised 64448 individuals,of which,530 were excluded due to missing or incorrect data.Of 63918,7607(11.9%)individuals were considered to be high risk for CRC,and 56311(88.1%)were not.The participants were randomly allocated to a training set(44743)or validation set(19175).The discriminatory ability,predictive accuracy,and clinical utility of the model were evaluated by constructing and analyzing receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves and calibration curves and by decision curve analysis.Finally,the model was validated internally using a bootstrap resampling technique.RESULTS Seven variables,including demographic,lifestyle,and family history information,were examined.Multifactorial logistic regression analysis revealed that age[odds ratio(OR):1.03,95%confidence interval(CI):1.02-1.03,P<0.001],body mass index(BMI)(OR:1.07,95%CI:1.06-1.08,P<0.001),waist circumference(WC)(OR:1.03,95%CI:1.02-1.03 P<0.001),lifestyle(OR:0.45,95%CI:0.42-0.48,P<0.001),and family history(OR:4.28,95%CI:4.04-4.54,P<0.001)were the most significant predictors of high-risk CRC.Healthy lifestyle was a protective factor,whereas family history was the most significant risk factor.The area under the curve was 0.734(95%CI:0.723-0.745)for the final validation set ROC curve and 0.735(95%CI:0.728-0.742)for the training set ROC curve.The calibration curve demonstrated a high correlation between the CRC high-risk population predicted by the nomogram model and the actual CRC high-risk population.CONCLUSION The early-screening nomogram model for CRC prediction in high-risk populations developed in this study based on age,BMI,WC,lifestyle,and family history exhibited high accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Early screening model High-risk population Nomogram model Questionnaire survey Dietary habit Living habit
Geostatistical seismic inversion and 3D modelling of metric flow units,porosity and permeability in Brazilian presalt reservoir 被引量:1
作者 Rodrigo Penna Wagner Moreira Lupinacci 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1699-1718,共20页
Flow units(FU)rock typing is a common technique for characterizing reservoir flow behavior,producing reliable porosity and permeability estimation even in complex geological settings.However,the lateral extrapolation ... Flow units(FU)rock typing is a common technique for characterizing reservoir flow behavior,producing reliable porosity and permeability estimation even in complex geological settings.However,the lateral extrapolation of FU away from the well into the whole reservoir grid is commonly a difficult task and using the seismic data as constraints is rarely a subject of study.This paper proposes a workflow to generate numerous possible 3D volumes of flow units,porosity and permeability below the seismic resolution limit,respecting the available seismic data at larger scales.The methodology is used in the Mero Field,a Brazilian presalt carbonate reservoir located in the Santos Basin,who presents a complex and heterogenic geological setting with different sedimentological processes and diagenetic history.We generated metric flow units using the conventional core analysis and transposed to the well log data.Then,given a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm,the seismic data and the well log statistics,we simulated acoustic impedance,decametric flow units(DFU),metric flow units(MFU),porosity and permeability volumes in the metric scale.The aim is to estimate a minimum amount of MFU able to calculate realistic scenarios porosity and permeability scenarios,without losing the seismic lateral control.In other words,every porosity and permeability volume simulated produces a synthetic seismic that match the real seismic of the area,even in the metric scale.The achieved 3D results represent a high-resolution fluid flow reservoir modelling considering the lateral control of the seismic during the process and can be directly incorporated in the dynamic characterization workflow. 展开更多
关键词 Flowunits Geostatistical inversion Presalt reservoir 3D reservoir modelling Petrophysical modelling
耦合优化蚁群算法与P-Median model的选址模型设计
作者 顾梓程 胡新玲 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期109-114,共6页
为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户... 为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户达到离自己最近设施距离成本总和最小的目的,对选址的基本原则和实际情况提出要求,构造目标函数用于优化后蚁群算法求解进行选址工作。优化蚁群算法实现基于Python语言模块,通过改进蚁群原始信息素,提升原有算法的收敛速度,求出目标函数最优解,可以很好地模拟对于运动场所的选址。用二者耦合进行优势互补所设计的选址模型来搜寻研究区蚁群信息素浓度残留最大的栅格像元,从而确定未被已有设施点服务半径覆盖的最佳设施点建立位置。实验结果表明,该新型选址模型相较于最小化阻抗模型与最大化覆盖模型,新增优化设施点使整体服务半径覆盖率分别高出10.42%和6.95%,适合求解较为精确且小规模空间下的选址问题。 展开更多
关键词 蚁群算法 P-Median model 选址模型 GIS 运动场所 位置分配 PYTHON
作者 陈明令 徐鹏 《办公室业务》 2024年第15期178-180,共3页
文章运用PEST-SWOT相结合的方法,构建PEST-SWOT复合分析矩阵,对生成式人工智能ChatGPT助推图书馆建设进行系统分析,厘清ChatGPT对图书馆建设的优势和劣势、外部环境面临的机遇和挑战,从而有针对性地提出应对策略,促进生成式人工智能Chat... 文章运用PEST-SWOT相结合的方法,构建PEST-SWOT复合分析矩阵,对生成式人工智能ChatGPT助推图书馆建设进行系统分析,厘清ChatGPT对图书馆建设的优势和劣势、外部环境面临的机遇和挑战,从而有针对性地提出应对策略,促进生成式人工智能ChatGPT助推图书馆智慧转型工作的顺利开展。 展开更多
关键词 ChatGPT 图书馆 pest-swot分析 应对策略
Toward a Learnable Climate Model in the Artificial Intelligence Era 被引量:2
作者 Gang HUANG Ya WANG +3 位作者 Yoo-Geun HAM Bin MU Weichen TAO Chaoyang XIE 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期1281-1288,共8页
Artificial intelligence(AI)models have significantly impacted various areas of the atmospheric sciences,reshaping our approach to climate-related challenges.Amid this AI-driven transformation,the foundational role of ... Artificial intelligence(AI)models have significantly impacted various areas of the atmospheric sciences,reshaping our approach to climate-related challenges.Amid this AI-driven transformation,the foundational role of physics in climate science has occasionally been overlooked.Our perspective suggests that the future of climate modeling involves a synergistic partnership between AI and physics,rather than an“either/or”scenario.Scrutinizing controversies around current physical inconsistencies in large AI models,we stress the critical need for detailed dynamic diagnostics and physical constraints.Furthermore,we provide illustrative examples to guide future assessments and constraints for AI models.Regarding AI integration with numerical models,we argue that offline AI parameterization schemes may fall short of achieving global optimality,emphasizing the importance of constructing online schemes.Additionally,we highlight the significance of fostering a community culture and propose the OCR(Open,Comparable,Reproducible)principles.Through a better community culture and a deep integration of physics and AI,we contend that developing a learnable climate model,balancing AI and physics,is an achievable goal. 展开更多
关键词 artificial intelligence deep learning learnable climate model
A modified stochastic model for LS+AR hybrid method and its application in polar motion short-term prediction 被引量:1
作者 Fei Ye Yunbin Yuan 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期100-105,共6页
Short-term(up to 30 days)predictions of Earth Rotation Parameters(ERPs)such as Polar Motion(PM:PMX and PMY)play an essential role in real-time applications related to high-precision reference frame conversion.Currentl... Short-term(up to 30 days)predictions of Earth Rotation Parameters(ERPs)such as Polar Motion(PM:PMX and PMY)play an essential role in real-time applications related to high-precision reference frame conversion.Currently,least squares(LS)+auto-regressive(AR)hybrid method is one of the main techniques of PM prediction.Besides,the weighted LS+AR hybrid method performs well for PM short-term prediction.However,the corresponding covariance information of LS fitting residuals deserves further exploration in the AR model.In this study,we have derived a modified stochastic model for the LS+AR hybrid method,namely the weighted LS+weighted AR hybrid method.By using the PM data products of IERS EOP 14 C04,the numerical results indicate that for PM short-term forecasting,the proposed weighted LS+weighted AR hybrid method shows an advantage over both the LS+AR hybrid method and the weighted LS+AR hybrid method.Compared to the mean absolute errors(MAEs)of PMX/PMY sho rt-term prediction of the LS+AR hybrid method and the weighted LS+AR hybrid method,the weighted LS+weighted AR hybrid method shows average improvements of 6.61%/12.08%and 0.24%/11.65%,respectively.Besides,for the slopes of the linear regression lines fitted to the errors of each method,the growth of the prediction error of the proposed method is slower than that of the other two methods. 展开更多
关键词 Stochastic model LS+AR Short-term prediction The earth rotation parameter(ERP) Observation model
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