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Impact of Traffic Emissions on Local Air Quality and the Potential Toxicity of Traffic-related Particulates in Beijing, China 被引量:13
作者 TIAN Lei ZHANG Wei +4 位作者 LIN Zhi Qing ZHANG Hua Shan XI Zhu Ge CHEN Jian Hua WANG Wei 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期663-671,共9页
Objective Air-borne particulates from different sources could have different physicochemical properties and inflammatory potentials. This study aims to characterize the chemical compositions and the toxicity of ambien... Objective Air-borne particulates from different sources could have different physicochemical properties and inflammatory potentials. This study aims to characterize the chemical compositions and the toxicity of ambient particulate matter (PM) associated with traffic emissions. Methods The concentrations of trace elements, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM2.5 and PMlo were measured in samples collected at sites in Beijing, China. Their toxic effects on the pulmonary system of rats were investigated. Biochemical parameters (LDH, T-AOC, TP) and inflammatory cytokine(IL-6, IL-1, TNF-a) levels were measured in the lungs of rats exposed to traffic-related PM. Oxidative damage was observed. PM samples were taken from a near road site and an off road site in summer time in 2006. Results The concentrations of the USEPA priority pollutant PAHs in both PMlo and PM2.s were higher (299.658 and 348.412) at the near road site than those (237.728 and 268.472) at the off road site. The similar trend was observed for the concentrations of trace elements in PM. Compared to coarse particles (PM^0), fine particles (PM2.s) have a greater adsorption capacity to enrich toxic elements than inhalable particles. Decrease in antioxidant capacity and an increase in the amount of lipid peroxidation products in rat lung tissues was observed. Conclusion The findings of the present study suggest that the differing inflammatory responses of PM collected from the two road sites might have been mediated by the differing physicochemical characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 traffic-related PM PAHs Trace elements Pulmonary toxicity
改进的快速跟踪回声状态网络及PM2.5预测 被引量:2
作者 刘彬 李德健 +1 位作者 赵志彪 武尤 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1138-1145,共8页
针对递归最小二乘回声状态网络在噪声环境中预测精度不高的问题,提出了一种改进的快速跟踪回声状态网络。首先在递归最小二乘回声状态网络结构的基础上,将自适应调节的可变遗忘因子加入其代价函数中,用改进的递归最小二乘法对网络输出... 针对递归最小二乘回声状态网络在噪声环境中预测精度不高的问题,提出了一种改进的快速跟踪回声状态网络。首先在递归最小二乘回声状态网络结构的基础上,将自适应调节的可变遗忘因子加入其代价函数中,用改进的递归最小二乘法对网络输出权值进行训练,得到快速跟踪回声状态网络;然后利用经典Lorenz混沌系统验证快速跟踪回声状态网络的有效性;最后利用灰关联法分析各相关变量与PM 2.5的关联度,建立PM 2.5浓度值辅助变量集合,将辅助变量集合输入到快速跟踪回声状态网络进行PM 2.5浓度值预测。实验表明,与传统回声状态网络、递归最小二乘回声状态网络预测效果相比,快速跟踪回声状态网络的预测方法精度佳,抗噪声能力强。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 PM 2.5预测 回声状态网络 递归最小二乘法 灰关联分析
交通减排对上海2014年PM2.5污染影响的案例研究 被引量:3
作者 沈旻昱 段玉森 +2 位作者 盛涛 顾莹 束炯 《环境监测管理与技术》 CSCD 2020年第3期29-33,共5页
使用WRF-Chem模式模拟分析2014年4月16日—18日一次上海市大气污染过程,探究交通减排对该市PM 2.5浓度的影响。结果表明,模式较为成功地再现了污染过程中天气形势及大气污染物时空变化,PM 2.5浓度模拟与观测结果IOA达到0.65。研究时段... 使用WRF-Chem模式模拟分析2014年4月16日—18日一次上海市大气污染过程,探究交通减排对该市PM 2.5浓度的影响。结果表明,模式较为成功地再现了污染过程中天气形势及大气污染物时空变化,PM 2.5浓度模拟与观测结果IOA达到0.65。研究时段内交通减排使上海市PM 2.5质量浓度平均减少3.29μg/m^3,虹口凉城监测站受到交通减排影响最大,对小时平均质量浓度的最大影响超过26μg/m^3,超过此站PM 2.5浓度的13%;PM 2.5浓度越高,交通减排对上海市PM 2.5浓度的影响越显著;交通减排对上海北部地区空气质量的改善效果最明显。 展开更多
关键词 交通减排 pm2.5 数值模拟 上海
交通限行对大气颗粒物及PM2.5中二■英的影响 被引量:5
作者 孙俊玲 王鹏焱 张庆华 《中国环境监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期37-46,共10页
为了研究北京大气颗粒物和二[口恶]英(PCDD/Fs)的污染状况以及评估交通限行对大气颗粒物和PCDD/Fs的影响。利用同位素稀释高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS)联用法和USEPA1613B标准方法,以中国地质大学(北京)东门为采样点,采集... 为了研究北京大气颗粒物和二[口恶]英(PCDD/Fs)的污染状况以及评估交通限行对大气颗粒物和PCDD/Fs的影响。利用同位素稀释高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS)联用法和USEPA1613B标准方法,以中国地质大学(北京)东门为采样点,采集大气PM2.5、PM10、TSP样品,对北京市交通限行期间以及交通限行前后等不同交通状况下颗粒物浓度及大气PM2.5中17种2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs污染特征进行了监测。结果表明,PM2.5、PM10、TSP的日均质量浓度在交通限行前分别为126、202、304μg/m^3,限行期间分别为39、78、93μg/m^3,限行结束后分别为79、126μg/m^3。PM2.5中17种PCDD/Fs的质量浓度(毒性浓度)3个时段分别为1804fg/m^3(70fgI-TEQ/m^3)、252fg/m^3(9fgI-TEQ/m^3)和1196fg/m^3(48fgI-TEQ/m^3)。北京市交通限行期间颗粒物浓度和二[口恶]英浓度显著低于交通限行前后,交通源减排措施的实施是大气颗粒物和二[口恶]英污染水平降低的主要原因,从减排效果看,交通源减排措施对大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)的控制效果明显好于大气粗颗粒物。 展开更多
关键词 交通限行 大气PM2. 5 二[口恶]英 北京
南充交警大气PM2.5个体暴露水平及健康风险评价 被引量:4
作者 郭佳灵 李友平 +2 位作者 梁时军 罗利萍 唐娅 《四川环境》 2019年第3期114-119,共6页
为探讨交警工作环境大气PM2.5个体暴露水平,现场监测交警大气PM2.5个体暴露浓度,同时采集个体暴露大气PM2.5样品,分析样品的化学成分并对部分元素进行健康风险评价。结果表明,交警大气PM2.5个体暴露浓度为74.4μg/m^3,明显高于大气环境... 为探讨交警工作环境大气PM2.5个体暴露水平,现场监测交警大气PM2.5个体暴露浓度,同时采集个体暴露大气PM2.5样品,分析样品的化学成分并对部分元素进行健康风险评价。结果表明,交警大气PM2.5个体暴露浓度为74.4μg/m^3,明显高于大气环境浓度42.2μg/m^3;交警PM2.5个体暴露浓度与风速、湿度负相关,与温度存在一定程度上的正相关,降雨能降低PM2.5个体暴露浓度。应用健康风险评价模型发现Mn对交警存在非致癌风险,风险指数为2.48;Cr对交警存在致癌风险,风险指数为1.58×10^-3,应予以重视。 展开更多
关键词 pm2.5 交通警察 个体暴露 健康风险评价 南充
Traffic Impacts on Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution at the Urban Project Scale: A Quantitative Assessment
作者 Chidsanuphong Chart-asa Kenneth G. Sexton Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2013年第12期49-62,共14页
Formal health impact assessment (HIA), currently underused in the United States, is a relatively new process for assisting decision-makers in non-health sectors by estimating the expected public health impacts of poli... Formal health impact assessment (HIA), currently underused in the United States, is a relatively new process for assisting decision-makers in non-health sectors by estimating the expected public health impacts of policy and planning decisions. In this paper we quantify the expected air quality impacts of increased traffic due to a proposed new university campus extension in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In so doing, we build the evidence base for quantitative HIA in the United States and develop an improved approach for forecasting traffic effects on exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in air. Very few previous US HIAs have quantified health impacts and instead have relied on stakeholder intuition to decide whether effects will be positive, negative, or neutral. Our method uses an air dispersion model known as CAL3QHCR to predict changes in exposure to airborne, traffic-related PM2.5 that could occur due to the proposed new campus development. We employ CAL3QHCR in a new way to better represent variability in road grade, vehicle driving patterns (speed, acceleration, deceleration, and idling), and meteorology. In a comparison of model predictions to measured PM2.5 concentrations, we found that the model estimated PM2.5 dispersion to within a factor of two for 75% of data points, which is within the typical benchmark used for model performance evaluation. Applying the model to present-day conditions in the study area, we found that current traffic contributes a relatively small amount to ambient PM2.5 concentrations: about 0.14 μg/m3 in the most exposed neighborhood—relatively low in comparison to the current US National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 12 μg/m3. Notably, even though the new campus is expected to bring an additional 40,000 daily trips to the study community by the year 2025, vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions are expected to decrease compared to current conditions due to anticipated improvements in vehicle technologies and cleaner fuels. 展开更多
关键词 pm2.5 traffic HEALTH IMPACT Assessment
Air Quality Status of Respirable Particulate Levels at Selected Traffic Junctions along the Section of Lateral Highway in Hyderabad
作者 Manda Karunakar Reddy Mareddy Sumathi 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2011年第5期662-667,共6页
The aerodynamic diameter of an air borne particle is the key property in determining its respiratory deposition. The study aim to assess PM2.5 level and its size distribution at 5 traffic junctions located along the l... The aerodynamic diameter of an air borne particle is the key property in determining its respiratory deposition. The study aim to assess PM2.5 level and its size distribution at 5 traffic junctions located along the lateral highway connected to NH-202. A cascade impactor has been used to measure the size function range of PM2.5 apart from PM10 of atmospheric dust particles in air being PM2.5 is concern with respect to effect on human health and is able to tend deeply into the respiratory tract reaching the lungs. It is observed that weight % of PM2.5 values are in the range of 40% - 60% of PM10 and few values of PM2.5 are exceeding the standards prescribed by CPCB. It is concluded that free flow of traffic is main concern and maintenance of road should be carried out during low traffic hours. 展开更多
关键词 pm2.5 Air Borne PARTICLE traffic Respirable Dust PARTICLE Size
Out-Door Air Pollution Levels in Vehicular-Traffic Junctions in Nsukka Metropolis, Enugu Metropolis and Awgu Semi-Urban Area in Enugu State, Nigeria
作者 Okeke Onyeka Okeke Cecilia Ifeyinwa +2 位作者 Ezeh Ernest Ikusika Bamidele Adunola Nwigwe Juliet Onyinye 《Open Journal of Air Pollution》 2020年第4期105-115,共11页
Studies were carried out to investigate the outdoor air pollution levels in vehicular traffic junctions in the major cities of Nsukka, Enugu and semi-urban area of Awgu all in Enugu State, Nigeria using standard analy... Studies were carried out to investigate the outdoor air pollution levels in vehicular traffic junctions in the major cities of Nsukka, Enugu and semi-urban area of Awgu all in Enugu State, Nigeria using standard analytical procedures. PM</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2.5</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> was collected using Envirotech air sampler, APM 550 and analyzed gravimetrically. Other determined air pollutant gases such as SO</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, NO</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, O</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and CO were analyzed using colorimetric techniques. The mean hourly traffic density in the vehicular traffic junctions in Nsukka metropolis, Enugu metropolis and Awgu w</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ere</span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> 2015, 2873 and 587 respectively. The mean range of values of PM</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2.5</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, NO</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, SO</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, O</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and CO in vehicular traffic junctions within the investigated environments w</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ere</span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> 1.67 - 12.16 μg/m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, 3.72 - 23.83 μg/m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, 2.96 - 30.09 μg/m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, 5.45 - 66.54 μg/m</span><sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3</span></sup><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and 1.18 - 15.17 ppm respectively. The mean levels of the determined air pollutants in the air around vehicular traffic junctions in Nsukka metropolis, Enugu metropolis and Awgu semi-urban area differed significantly. The mean levels of PM</span><sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">2.5</span></sub><span style="font-family:Verdana;">, and CO in the air around vehicular traffic junctions in Enugu metropolis and CO in the air around traffic junctions in Nsukka metropolis were above the recommended permissible limits. Traffic density was therefore seen as the single most important factor contributing to the varying air pollution levels observed in the investigated environments. 展开更多
关键词 Air Pollution Vehicular traffic Junctions pm2.5 Carbon II Oxide Sulphur IV Oxide Nitrogen IV Oxide and Ozone
交通来源颗粒物排放因子的研究 被引量:15
作者 王玮 岳欣 +2 位作者 刘红杰 丁焰 汤大钢 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期36-40,共5页
用谭裕沟隧道TSP ,PM1 0 和PM2 5 的质量浓度和主要成分的分析结果 ,得到一定机动车流量和速度下交通来源不同粒径颗粒物质量浓度和主要成分的平均排放因子 ,可以基本代表北京市机动车行驶的综合排放因子 ,具有应用价值。
关键词 机动车 交通来源污染 隧道实验 TSP PM10 pm2.5 排放因子 尾气 排气 排放因子
北京市交通环境监测点大气污染特征分析 被引量:11
作者 程念亮 李珊珊 +1 位作者 王欣 陈晨 《环境监测管理与技术》 CSCD 2019年第6期7-11,22,共6页
研究分析了2013—2017年北京市交通环境点位大气污染物浓度分布特征,结果发现:交通监测点NO、NO 2与PM 2.5浓度时间变化特征与城区总体状况基本一致,与交通环境密切相关的NO 2浓度采暖季高于非采暖季,重污染日期间交通监测点峰值浓度也... 研究分析了2013—2017年北京市交通环境点位大气污染物浓度分布特征,结果发现:交通监测点NO、NO 2与PM 2.5浓度时间变化特征与城区总体状况基本一致,与交通环境密切相关的NO 2浓度采暖季高于非采暖季,重污染日期间交通监测点峰值浓度也明显偏高;周末交通监测点NO浓度在5:00—23:00低于工作日4.9%~32.1%,周末NO 2浓度在7:00—23:00低于工作日0.7%~7.4%,NO x浓度周末偏低与车流量降低密切相关;重大活动期间空气质量减排措施实施后,北京市作为区域NO 2浓度高值区中心明显消失,PM 2.5浓度分布梯度减小,本地减排效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 NO x PM 2.5 污染特征 交通环境 空气质量 北京
私人交通、城市扩张与雾霾污染——基于65个大中城市面板数据的实证分析 被引量:6
作者 赵春明 潘细牙 +1 位作者 李宏兵 梁龙武 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第10期20-29,共10页
从备受关注的私人交通因素切入,基于65个大中城市层面的面板数据,实证检验私人交通发展水平对城市雾霾污染的影响与作用机制。实证结果发现,大中城市的私人交通发展初期可以通过城市空间的扩张与城市交通网络建设的优化来抑制城市雾霾... 从备受关注的私人交通因素切入,基于65个大中城市层面的面板数据,实证检验私人交通发展水平对城市雾霾污染的影响与作用机制。实证结果发现,大中城市的私人交通发展初期可以通过城市空间的扩张与城市交通网络建设的优化来抑制城市雾霾污染的加剧;但由于城市道路私人交通承载水平有限,城市私人交通发展与雾霾污染之间存在显著的正“U”形关系,私人交通发展水平对雾霾污染的抑制作用会随着私人汽车数量的不断上升而被削弱。基于上述结论,从完善私人交通发展、推进大中型城市空间合理扩张、促进产业结构升级以及提升利用外资的水平等方面提出了相关政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 私人交通 城市扩张 雾霾污染
Chemical composition and quantitative relationship between meteorological condition and fine particles in Beijing 被引量:11
作者 WANGJing-li ZHANGYuan-hang +4 位作者 SHAOMin LiuXu-lin ZENGLi-min CHENGCong-lan XUXiao-feng 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第5期860-864,共5页
The recent year's monitor results of Beijing indicated that the pollution level of fine particles PM 2.5 showed an increasing trend. To understand pollution characteristics of PM 2.5 and its relationship... The recent year's monitor results of Beijing indicated that the pollution level of fine particles PM 2.5 showed an increasing trend. To understand pollution characteristics of PM 2.5 and its relationship with the meteorological conditions in Beijing, a one-year monitoring of PM 2.5 mass concentration and correspondent meteorological parameters was performed in Beijing in 2001. The PM 2.5 levels in Beijing were very high, the annual average PM 2.5 concentration in 2001 was 7 times of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards proposed by US EPA. The major chemical compositions were organics, sulfate, crustals and nitrate. It was found that the mass concentrations of PM 2.5 were influenced by meteorological conditions. The correlation between the mass concentrations of PM 2.5 and the relative humidity was found. And the correlation became closer at higher relative humidity. And the mass concentrations of PM 2.5 were negtive-correlated to wind speeds, but the correlation between the mass concentration of PM 2.5 and wind speed was not good at stronger wind. 展开更多
关键词 meteorological conditions quantitative relation fine particles(PM 2.5 ) BEIJING
交通相关PM_(2.5)对人外周血淋巴细胞凋亡的影响 被引量:1
作者 田家瑜 郭丽丽 +2 位作者 邱勇 乔果果 张志红 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2021年第12期4856-4861,共6页
为探讨交通相关PM_(2.5)对人外周血淋巴细胞凋亡的诱导作用及可能机制,为交通相关PM_(2.5)的免疫毒性提供实验依据,采用0、50、100、200μg/mL PM_(2.5)对人外周血淋巴细胞进行24 h和48 h染毒,FITC-AnnexinV/PI染色,流式细胞仪检测淋巴... 为探讨交通相关PM_(2.5)对人外周血淋巴细胞凋亡的诱导作用及可能机制,为交通相关PM_(2.5)的免疫毒性提供实验依据,采用0、50、100、200μg/mL PM_(2.5)对人外周血淋巴细胞进行24 h和48 h染毒,FITC-AnnexinV/PI染色,流式细胞仪检测淋巴细胞早期凋亡和坏死;采用0、20、80、320μg/mL PM_(2.5)浓度分别染毒人外周血淋巴细胞24、48、72 h,Western blot法测定细胞内含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸特异蛋白水解酶3(cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase 3,Caspase-3)和cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP-response element binding protein,CREB)蛋白表达水平,ELISA法检测细胞内环磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)含量。结果表明,50、100、200μg/mL PM_(2.5)染毒细胞24 h和48 h后,淋巴细胞早期凋亡和坏死均高于生理盐水组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),且具有一定的剂量-效应关系;20、80、320μg/mL PM_(2.5)染毒细胞24、48、72 h后,各剂量组Caspase-3蛋白表达水平均高于对照组,除80μg/mL PM_(2.5)染毒72 h外,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。320μg/mL PM_(2.5)染毒细胞24、48、72 h后,细胞内cAMP含量均比生理盐水组升高(P<0.05)。PM_(2.5)染毒72 h后,CREB表达水平随PM_(2.5)浓度的升高而降低(P<0.01)。可见,交通相关PM_(2.5)可诱导人外周血淋巴细胞产生凋亡,且细胞内cAMP和CREB参与了凋亡的调控。 展开更多
关键词 交通相关PM_(2.5) 淋巴细胞 凋亡 CASPASE-3 环磷酸腺苷 环磷腺苷反应元件结合蛋白
Effects of relative humidity and PM2.5 chemical compositions on visibility impairment in Chengdu, China 被引量:22
作者 Fan Liu Qinwen Tan +2 位作者 Xia Jiang Fumo Yang Wenju Jiang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第12期15-23,共9页
To better understand the potential causes of visibility impairment in autumn and winter in Chengdu,relative humidity(RH),visibility,the concentrations of PM2.5 and its chemical components were on-line measured continu... To better understand the potential causes of visibility impairment in autumn and winter in Chengdu,relative humidity(RH),visibility,the concentrations of PM2.5 and its chemical components were on-line measured continuously in Chengdu from Nov.2016 to Jan.2017.Six obvious haze episodes occurred in Chengdu,with the total time of haze episodes accounted for more than 90%of the total observation period,and higher NO2 concentrations and RH were related to the high particle concentrations in haze episodes.The visibility decreased in a non-linear tendency under different RH conditions with the increase of PM2.5 concentrations,which was more sensitive to RH under lower PM2.5 concentrations.The threshold concentration of PM2.5 got more smaller with the increase of RH.During the entire observation period,organic matter(OM)was the largest contributor(31.12%to extinction coefficient(bext)),followed by NH4NO3 and(NH4)2SO4 with 28.03%and 23.01%,respectively.However,with the visibility impairment from Type I(visibility>10 km)to Type IV(visibility≤2 km),the contribution of OM to bextdecreased from 38.12%to 26.77%,while the contribution of NH4NO3 and(NH4)2SO4 to bextincreased from 19.09%and 20.20%to 34.29%and 24.35%,respectively,and NH4NO3 became the largest contributor to bextat Type IV.The results showed that OM and NH4NO3 were the key components of PM2.5 for visibility impairment in Chengdu,indicating that the control of precursors emissions of carbonaceous species and NH4NO3 could effectively improve the visibility in Chengdu. 展开更多
关键词 Visibility impairment pm2.5 chemical composition Relative humidity Light extinction coefficient Secondary formation
Estimation of the PM_(2.5) effective hygroscopic parameter and water content based on particle chemical composition: Methodology and case study 被引量:3
作者 LIU YueChen WU ZhiJun +5 位作者 TAN TianYi WANG YuJue QIN YanHong ZHENG Jing LI MengRen HU Min 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1683-1691,共9页
Particle hygroscopicity plays a key role in understanding the mechanisms of haze formation and particle optical properties. The present study developed a method for predicting the effective hygroscopic parameter k and... Particle hygroscopicity plays a key role in understanding the mechanisms of haze formation and particle optical properties. The present study developed a method for predicting the effective hygroscopic parameter k and the water content of PM_(2.5) on the basis of the k-K?hler theory and bulk chemical components of PM_(2.5). Our study demonstrated that the effective hygroscopic parameter can be estimated using the PM_(2.5) mass concentration, water-soluble ions, and total water-soluble carbon. By combining the estimated k and ambient relative humidity, the water content of PM_(2.5) can be further estimated. As an example, the k and water content of PM_(2.5) in Beijing were estimated utilizing the method proposed in this study. The annual average value of k of PM_(2.5) in Beijing was 0.25±0.09, the maximum k value 0.26±0.08 appeared in summer, and the seasonal variation is insignificant. The PM_(2.5) water content was determined by both the PM_(2.5) hygroscopicity and the ambient relative humidity(RH). The annual average mass ratio of water content and PM_(2.5) was 0.18±0.20, and the maximum value 0.31±0.25 appeared in summer. Based on the estimated water content of PM_(2.5) in Beijing, the relationship between the PM_(2.5) water content and RH was parameterized as: m(%)=0.03+(5.73×10^(-8)) ×RH^(3.72).This parametric formula helps to characterize the relationship between the PM_(2.5) mass concentration and atmospheric visibility. 展开更多
关键词 pm2.5 Effective hygroscopic parameter Water content Chemical component Relative humidity
Simulation study on improvement of air quality by introducing electric vehicles
作者 Yiman Du Jianping Wu +1 位作者 Kezhen Hu Yue Guo 《International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing》 EI 2015年第4期153-163,共11页
Recently,Chinese megacities have suffered serious air pollution.Previous studies have pointed out that transportation systems have become one of the major sources of air pollution and on-road pollutant concentrations ... Recently,Chinese megacities have suffered serious air pollution.Previous studies have pointed out that transportation systems have become one of the major sources of air pollution and on-road pollutant concentrations are significantly higher than off-road.Electric vehicle(EV)introduction is proposed as a method to alleviate the current situation.In order to better understand the benefit of the use of EVs in Beijing,a simulation platform has been developed to evaluate the improvement of air quality with the use of EVs quantitatively within the selected area.Four scenarios with different EV penetration rates are proposed and the results revealed 5%,10%,15%EV penetration rates which will bring about improvement of 0.86%,9.01%and 12.23%for PM2.5,0.92%,9.01%and 13.32%for nitrogen oxides(NO_(x)),0.95%,8.86%and 13.73%for CO,respectively.The results revealed a promising improvement of air quality with the introduction of EVs. 展开更多
关键词 Electric vehicle pm2.5 traffic simulation air quality
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