a Pole voltage waveforms (VA20 and VA40) for modulation index 0.4 (middle trace is A-phase voltage waveform) x-axis: 1 div.=10ms, y-axis: 1 div.= 100V b Normalized harmonic spectrum for pole voltage of Fig. 9a c A-pha...a Pole voltage waveforms (VA20 and VA40) for modulation index 0.4 (middle trace is A-phase voltage waveform) x-axis: 1 div.=10ms, y-axis: 1 div.= 100V b Normalized harmonic spectrum for pole voltage of Fig. 9a c A-phase current and phase voltage for modulation index 0.4 (reference space vector is in inner layer)展开更多
文摘a Pole voltage waveforms (VA20 and VA40) for modulation index 0.4 (middle trace is A-phase voltage waveform) x-axis: 1 div.=10ms, y-axis: 1 div.= 100V b Normalized harmonic spectrum for pole voltage of Fig. 9a c A-phase current and phase voltage for modulation index 0.4 (reference space vector is in inner layer)