The antibodies to Pgl and Pgll are used to do the immunohistochemical study In human gastric carcinoma and precarcinous lesion. The results show that in embryo gastric mucosa the expression of PgI is positive while Pg...The antibodies to Pgl and Pgll are used to do the immunohistochemical study In human gastric carcinoma and precarcinous lesion. The results show that in embryo gastric mucosa the expression of PgI is positive while Pgll Is negative: In normal gastric mucosa both Pgs are positive expression: In precarclnous lesion of stomach the positive rate of both Pgs decrease strikingly, and decrease further to the lowest level when the gastric cancer occurs. It is suggested that Pgl and Pgll are the special marker of normal gastric mucosa. There Is no obvious difference of Pgl and PgII In the various types of gastric carcinoma. Both Pgs levels in advanced gastric cancer are higher than that in early stage. Pgll expression is more In gastric cancer accompanied by lymphatic metastasis, which may be beneficial to the estimate of gastric carcinoma prognosis.展开更多
Objective: To investigate the correlation of serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content with malignant proliferation of cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer. Methods:Superficial gastritis group (n=247...Objective: To investigate the correlation of serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content with malignant proliferation of cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer. Methods:Superficial gastritis group (n=247), gastric ulcer group (n=159) and gastric cancer group (n=97) who were pathologically diagnosed by gastroscopy in Chongqing wanzhou district people's hospital of 5 between August 2016 and August 2017 were selected, and the differences in serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content as well as proliferation and apoptosis gene expression in lesion tissue were compared among the three groups. Pearson test was used to evaluate the correlation of pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content with malignant proliferation activity of cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer. Results: Serum pepsinogenⅠ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content in gastric cancer group were lower than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group. Proliferation genes EIF5A2, MACF1 and PIK3CD mRNA expression levels in gastric cancer group were higher than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group whereas SIRT1 mRNA expression level was lower than that in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group;apoptosis gene Livin mRNA expression level was higher than that in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group whereas Bad and Noxa mRNA expression levels were lower than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group;serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content in gastric cancer group were negatively correlated with EIF5A2, MACF1, PIK3CD and Livin mRNA expression levels, and positively correlated with SIRT1, Bad and Noxa mRNA expression levels. Conclusion: The serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content abnormally reduce in patients with gastric cancer, and the specific levels are directly correlated with gastric cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis activity.展开更多
为掌握江苏湖泊鳙群体的遗传资源状况,利用COⅠ基因序列研究了6个湖泊(太湖、滆湖、长荡湖、高邮湖、洪泽湖和骆马湖)鳙群体的遗传多样性及遗传结构。结果显示,在分析的630 bp COⅠ基因片段中,碱基A+T含量(55.3%)高于C+G含量(44.7%)。22...为掌握江苏湖泊鳙群体的遗传资源状况,利用COⅠ基因序列研究了6个湖泊(太湖、滆湖、长荡湖、高邮湖、洪泽湖和骆马湖)鳙群体的遗传多样性及遗传结构。结果显示,在分析的630 bp COⅠ基因片段中,碱基A+T含量(55.3%)高于C+G含量(44.7%)。223条COⅠ序列检测出14个变异位点,定义9个单倍型,6个群体的单倍型多样性为0.494~0.665,核苷酸多样性为0.0009~0.0019,总体单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性分别为0.576和0.0012,具有高单倍型多样性和低核苷酸多样性的特点,表明6个湖泊鳙群体遗传多样性较低。分子方差分析结果显示,遗传变异主要来自于群体内(99.39%),总遗传分化指数为0.0061,群体间遗传分化指数为-0.0228~0.0445,遗传距离为0.0012~0.0027,表明群体间没有明显的遗传分化。单倍型系统发育树和网络结构图显示,单倍型在6个群体中混杂分布,未形成特定的湖泊分支。中性检验和歧点分布分析表明,整个鳙群体经历过显著的种群扩张。结果表明,江苏湖泊鳙群体的遗传多样性较低,遗传结构趋于同质化,需要采取措施提高鳙的遗传多样性。展开更多
文摘The antibodies to Pgl and Pgll are used to do the immunohistochemical study In human gastric carcinoma and precarcinous lesion. The results show that in embryo gastric mucosa the expression of PgI is positive while Pgll Is negative: In normal gastric mucosa both Pgs are positive expression: In precarclnous lesion of stomach the positive rate of both Pgs decrease strikingly, and decrease further to the lowest level when the gastric cancer occurs. It is suggested that Pgl and Pgll are the special marker of normal gastric mucosa. There Is no obvious difference of Pgl and PgII In the various types of gastric carcinoma. Both Pgs levels in advanced gastric cancer are higher than that in early stage. Pgll expression is more In gastric cancer accompanied by lymphatic metastasis, which may be beneficial to the estimate of gastric carcinoma prognosis.
文摘Objective: To investigate the correlation of serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content with malignant proliferation of cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer. Methods:Superficial gastritis group (n=247), gastric ulcer group (n=159) and gastric cancer group (n=97) who were pathologically diagnosed by gastroscopy in Chongqing wanzhou district people's hospital of 5 between August 2016 and August 2017 were selected, and the differences in serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content as well as proliferation and apoptosis gene expression in lesion tissue were compared among the three groups. Pearson test was used to evaluate the correlation of pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content with malignant proliferation activity of cancer cells in patients with gastric cancer. Results: Serum pepsinogenⅠ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content in gastric cancer group were lower than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group. Proliferation genes EIF5A2, MACF1 and PIK3CD mRNA expression levels in gastric cancer group were higher than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group whereas SIRT1 mRNA expression level was lower than that in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group;apoptosis gene Livin mRNA expression level was higher than that in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group whereas Bad and Noxa mRNA expression levels were lower than those in gastric ulcer group and superficial gastritis group;serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content in gastric cancer group were negatively correlated with EIF5A2, MACF1, PIK3CD and Livin mRNA expression levels, and positively correlated with SIRT1, Bad and Noxa mRNA expression levels. Conclusion: The serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/Ⅱ ratio and gastrin-17 content abnormally reduce in patients with gastric cancer, and the specific levels are directly correlated with gastric cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis activity.
文摘为掌握江苏湖泊鳙群体的遗传资源状况,利用COⅠ基因序列研究了6个湖泊(太湖、滆湖、长荡湖、高邮湖、洪泽湖和骆马湖)鳙群体的遗传多样性及遗传结构。结果显示,在分析的630 bp COⅠ基因片段中,碱基A+T含量(55.3%)高于C+G含量(44.7%)。223条COⅠ序列检测出14个变异位点,定义9个单倍型,6个群体的单倍型多样性为0.494~0.665,核苷酸多样性为0.0009~0.0019,总体单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性分别为0.576和0.0012,具有高单倍型多样性和低核苷酸多样性的特点,表明6个湖泊鳙群体遗传多样性较低。分子方差分析结果显示,遗传变异主要来自于群体内(99.39%),总遗传分化指数为0.0061,群体间遗传分化指数为-0.0228~0.0445,遗传距离为0.0012~0.0027,表明群体间没有明显的遗传分化。单倍型系统发育树和网络结构图显示,单倍型在6个群体中混杂分布,未形成特定的湖泊分支。中性检验和歧点分布分析表明,整个鳙群体经历过显著的种群扩张。结果表明,江苏湖泊鳙群体的遗传多样性较低,遗传结构趋于同质化,需要采取措施提高鳙的遗传多样性。