An ecotypic revetment material consisting of nutrition-expansive perlitic-cement composites is introduced. This planting material can combine vegetation recovery with slope protection. The XRD, SEM and image analysis ...An ecotypic revetment material consisting of nutrition-expansive perlitic-cement composites is introduced. This planting material can combine vegetation recovery with slope protection. The XRD, SEM and image analysis techniques were used to study its composition and microstructure. Its strength was measured by an electro-hydraulic servo-controlled testing machine. The results show the unconfined compressive strength is about 393.6 kPa, and the average elastic modulus is about 47.0 MPa. The quartz, felspar, chlorite and calcite are the main non-clay minerals in the planting material. Its particles are mainly spherical,and the range of the equivalent diameter is 1.83 to 15.96 μm. The results also show the planting material contains a large amount of micro non-capillary and capillary pores, and has a microstructure characteristic of honeycomb and coralline. CSH gel produced by hydration of cement increases the strength and water stability of the particles. The anisotropy and slight orientation of the particles increase the void cross-section area,providing an explanation of the high permeability for the planting material.The better porosity of the planting material is apt tokeep moisture and nutriment, provides oxygen for plant root breathing, and aids to exhaust the carbon dioxide by means of exchanging with atmosphere, hence it can facilitate vegetation.展开更多
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a perennial woody shrub with an edible root, which grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In Africa, cassava provides a basic daily source of dietary energy. It p...Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a perennial woody shrub with an edible root, which grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In Africa, cassava provides a basic daily source of dietary energy. It plays an important role in food security and incomes of many rural households in the southern Ethiopia. However, information available on production practices of cassava for the region is insufficient. Hence, field experiment was conducted at Awassa Agricultural Research Center for two successive cropping seasons from 2004 to 2006 to investigate the response of cassava to planting position and planting material. The treatments used were three planting positions (slant, vertical and horizontal) and five planting materials (main stem top part, main stem middle part, main stem bottom part, branch stake top part and branch stake bottom part) were combined in factorial arrangement and laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The result revealed that root yield was significantly (P 〈 0.05) affected by the interaction effects of the planting position and planting material. The highest yield (25.2 ton ha^-1) was obtained from the main stem top part planted in slant position whereas the least yield (6.5 ton ha^-1) was obtained from main stem bottom part planted in horizontal position. Based on the findings of this study, areas like Awassa with moderate rainfall slant and vertical planting of main stem top and middle parts could be used as planting material.展开更多
An exploratory study of the traditional homestead forest of two different religious groups (Hindu and Muslim) in one selected floodplain area of Bangladesh was conducted over a period of six months from January to Jun...An exploratory study of the traditional homestead forest of two different religious groups (Hindu and Muslim) in one selected floodplain area of Bangladesh was conducted over a period of six months from January to June 2002. The species' (both tree and shrub) preferences, similarities, use and sources of planting materials, spacing and location of species in the homesteads of both Hindu and Muslim communities were studied. It was found thatMangifera indica as tree species andOcimum sanctum as shrub species were the best preferred species of the Hindu community.Artocarpus heterophyllus as tree species andLawsonia inermis as shrub species were found best preferred by the Muslim community. Floristic similarities between the two groups were found 86.57% in tree species and 78.48% in shrub species. Both seed and seedlings of tree and shrub species as planting materials were used by the highest percentage of both the religious communities. For tree species, homegarden was reported to be the highest source (39%) and for shrub species, nature was the highest source (40%), which was found in the Hindu community. Key words Species preferences - Species similarity - Planting materials - Hindu - Muslim - Homestead forests - Floodplain area - Bangladesh CLC number S72 Document code A Biography: Md. Danesh Miah (1971): male, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai展开更多
Sweetpotato is an important crop for food security in many developing countries which is cultivated using vine cuttings. Studies have revealed that there are at least fifteen well characterized viruses known to infect...Sweetpotato is an important crop for food security in many developing countries which is cultivated using vine cuttings. Studies have revealed that there are at least fifteen well characterized viruses known to infect sweetpotato of which 10 are economically important that contribute to yield reduction. Planting materials use by farmers are often infected by one or more of these viruses. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different sources of planting materials of different health status for their field performance and virus presence. The sources of planting materials were in vitro generated platelets, symptomless Field materials and Farmer’s materials. Four sweetpotato varieties Apomuden, Bohye, Ligri and Dadanyuie were selected from each source of planting material. The trial was laid in a split plot design with the sources of planting material allocated to main plots and the varieties to sub-plots. The plantlets of the four varieties were planted at Botanga Irrigation Scheme in Northern region of Ghana. Viral symptom scores were taken twice, score 1 being the average from 4 - 7 weeks after planting (WAP) and score 2 being the average from 8 - 11 WAP. Nitrocellulose Membranes Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (NCM-ELISA) kits were employed for the detection of sweetpotato viruses on the field. The source of planting materials significantly influenced (P In vitro generated material showed the least symptoms of virus followed by Field materials. Apomuden and Bohye varieties recorded the highest virus score in the first and second virus symptom observational score respectively. NCM-ELISA revealed that the viruses SPFMV, SPMMV, SPMSV, SPCFV, SPCSV, and CMV were significantly present among the different sources of planting materials. In vitro, Field and Farmer materials recorded NCM-ELISA score of 0.225, 1.075 and 1.500 respectively. Apomuden variety recorded the highest virus score in the assay. Vine and root yield was higher among the in vitro generated material. Farmers should use laboratory cleaned material however, in the absence of such material they should select field material showing no symptom of virus.展开更多
Characterization of planting materials used as adsorbent has been studied in order to compare potassium ion adsorption on two types of planting materials, which are a fired planting material (FPM) made from a mixtur...Characterization of planting materials used as adsorbent has been studied in order to compare potassium ion adsorption on two types of planting materials, which are a fired planting material (FPM) made from a mixture of 4 kinds of wastes (bottom ash, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, paddy soil and sawdust) formed and fired at 850 ℃and the commercial planting material called "hydroball" (HDB) bought from Jatujak market, Bangkok. The physical characteristics of both types of planting materials indicate that the FPM has a larger specific surface area than the HDB. The factors affecting potassium adsorption on both the planting materials such as an equilibration time and some solid/solution ratios were investigated. The suitable equilibration time for the adsorption to reach an equilibrium on the FPM and HDB is one and two hours, respectively. The highest amounts of potassium ion adsorbed on both the planting materials were obtained when the solid/solution ratio was 1 : 15. The adsorption behavior on both the planting materials tends to correspond with the Freundlich isotherm.展开更多
This paper aimed to improve the water-retention performance and basic physical properties of sulfoaluminate cement(SAC)-based planting cementitious material. The effect of natural zeolite on the performance of SAC-b...This paper aimed to improve the water-retention performance and basic physical properties of sulfoaluminate cement(SAC)-based planting cementitious material. The effect of natural zeolite on the performance of SAC-based planting material was investigated. The water-retention performance, porosity, compressive strength, and alkalinity had been tested and TG-DSC analysis had been adopted in this paper. Experimental results showed that zeolite was effective to improve the water-retention capacity and 10%, 20% and 30% natural zeolite increased the pore volume of the hardened pastes by 10.6%, 26.0%, and 38.6%, especially pore size below 0.1 μm was increased by 9.7%, 26.2% and 17.5%. And 10% zeolite was beneficial to the compressive strengths of cementitious material and 1, 3, and 28 d compressive strength reached up to 35.9, 55.0, 80.3 MPa. Furthermore zeolite decreased the alkalinity of pore fluid of hardened cementitious material, while the addition of zeolite reached up to 30%, the alkalinity of pore fluid of hardened cementitious material decreased by 8.9%. Therefore zeolite was suitable for improving the performance of SAC-based planting cementitious material.展开更多
Effects of residues of 9 plants, lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodoraHook., P_1), robust eucalyptus (E. robusta Smith, P_2), Nepal camphortree (Cinnamomum glanduliferum(Wall.) Nees, P_3), tea (Camellia sinensis (Li...Effects of residues of 9 plants, lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodoraHook., P_1), robust eucalyptus (E. robusta Smith, P_2), Nepal camphortree (Cinnamomum glanduliferum(Wall.) Nees, P_3), tea (Camellia sinensis (Linn.) O. Ktze. f., P_4), oleander (Nerium indicum Mill,P_5), rape (Brassica campestris L., P_g), Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum L., P_7), tung(Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.), P_8), and croton (Croton tiglium L., P_9), 7 chemicals, boric acid (C_1),borax (C_2), oxalic acid (C_3), sodium oxalite (C_4), sodium dihydrogen phosphate (C_6), sodiumsilicate (C_7) and sodium citrate (C_8), and a natural organic substance, humic acid (C_5), onurease activity of a neutral purple soil and recovery of urea nitrogen by maize were studied throughincubation and pot experiments. Hydroquinone (HQ) was applied as the reference inhibitor. Afterincubation at 37℃ for 24 h, 7 inhibitors with higher ability to inhibit urease activity wereselected and then incubated for 14 days at 25℃. Results of the incubation experiments showed thatsoil urease activity was greatly inhibited by them, and the inhibition effect followed an order ofP_2>P_4>C_3>C_2>P_3>C_1>HQ>P_1. The 7 selected materials reduced the accumulative amounts of Nreleased from urea and the maximum urease activity by 11.7%~28.4% and 26.7%~39.7%, respectively,and postponed the N release peak by 2~4 days in the incubation period of 14 days under constanttemperature, as compared to the control (no inhibitor). In the pot experiment with the 7 materialsat two levels of addition, low (L) and high (H), the C_1 (H), C_3 (H), C_1 (L), P_4 (L) and C_2 (L)treatments could significantly increase the dry weights of the aboveground parts and the totalbiomass of the maize plants and the apparent recovery rate of urea-N was increased by 6.3%~32.4% ascompared to the control (no hibitor).展开更多
It is observed contamination and subsequent growth of various types of mycotoxins in the production and processing of grain and non-grain crops. The contamination of grain and non-grain cereals crops harvest was analy...It is observed contamination and subsequent growth of various types of mycotoxins in the production and processing of grain and non-grain crops. The contamination of grain and non-grain cereals crops harvest was analyzed. The aim of this research is using of microwave energy to disinfect grains of harvest and giving new properties to the grains and plants materials. The author has presented researches of the grains disinfection, during seedbed preparation and post processing. Rational parameters of heating rates of different biological objects were identified, revealed their dependence and impact on infection pathogens, through using of microwave energy technology. The author found a reduction of the number of pathogenic microbes and organisms at the various stages of processing agricultural products during using of microwave energy, and found new qualitative indicators of the products properties.展开更多
This study set out to identify plants and recipes used by herbalists in the municipalities of Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and to characterize the distribution of their knowledge. An ethn...This study set out to identify plants and recipes used by herbalists in the municipalities of Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and to characterize the distribution of their knowledge. An ethno-pharmacological survey was carried out in which informants who agreed freely were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. A total of 85 herbalists were surveyed. The data were processed with Microsoft Excel to calculate the relative frequencies of citation of the various species mentioned by the herbalists and various indices including Simpson’s Index were adapted to test the distribution of their knowledge. Multiple regression and correspondence analysis were performed using R studio. Our results revealed that the Dendi, Ifè and Mina, all equitable in their knowledge of anti-ulcer plants, are likely to know more than the other ethnic groups. On the other hand, respondents practicing Islam are more likely to know many antiulcer plants than those practicing Vodoun and Christianity. This constant distribution of knowledge of anti-ulcer plants among the Dendi, Ifè and Mina, three different ethnic groups seems normal and attests to the fusion between these different ethnic groups in view of this knowledge. A total of 70 anti-ulcer recipes, made from 71 species of medicinal plants or non-floristic resources were recorded. Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa and Ocimum gratissimum were the top 03 most frequently cited in descending order of frequency. All the species cited are grouped into 44 botanical families among which the Fabaceae, Lamiaceae and Sapotaceae were strongly represented. Benin’s flora abounds in a diversity of medicinal plant species known to herbalists in Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers. The results of this study constitute a good archive for the selection of plant species for in-depth studies with a view to formulating improved traditional medicines for gastrointestinal ulcers.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to research property of maca and three plants' powders and process parameters of compound maca direct compression. [Method] Based on analysis data from SAS, bulk density, tap density, angle of...[Objective] The aim was to research property of maca and three plants' powders and process parameters of compound maca direct compression. [Method] Based on analysis data from SAS, bulk density, tap density, angle of repose and swelling of powders were studied as per single factor method and orthogonal exper- imental design. [Result] The test indicated that fillibilities of plant A and B, and maca powders are better and flowability plays an important role in fractional close of compound maca powder; plant A and B powders have a significant effect on bulk density of maca (P=0.0125), an extremely significant effect on swelling volume ratio (P=0.008 9) and little effect on tap density (g/ml); the optimal process condition of compound maca powder is as follows: A at 0.15 share; B at 0.10 share; C at 0.05 share; the optimal swelling volume ratio is at 2.459. [Conclusion] The technology is reasonable in formulation and satisfactory in fillibility, swelling ability, flowability, and it could serve as theoretical basis for the industrial production of maca tablets.展开更多
The endocannabinoid system(ECS),particularly its signaling pathways and ligands,has garnered considerable interest in recent years.Along with clinical work investigating the ECS’functions,including its role in the de...The endocannabinoid system(ECS),particularly its signaling pathways and ligands,has garnered considerable interest in recent years.Along with clinical work investigating the ECS’functions,including its role in the development of neurological and inflammatory conditions,much research has focused on developing analytical protocols enabling the precise monitoring of the levels and metabolism of the most potent ECS ligands:exogenous phytocannabinoids(PCs)and endogenous cannabinoids(endocannabinoids,ECs).Solid-phase microextraction(SPME)is an advanced,non-exhaustive sample-preparation technique that facilitates the precise and efficient isolation of trace amounts of analytes,thus making it appealing for the analysis of PCs and ECs in complex matrices of plant and animal/human origin.In this paper,we review recent forensic medicine and toxicological studies wherein SPME has been applied to monitor levels of PCs and ECs in complex matrices,determine their effects on organism physiology,and assess their role in the development of several diseases.展开更多
Floating flower art belongs to a category of embossing art,which is a kind of garden art that makes plant materials into flower decorations after treatment.In this paper,the whole technological process of making float...Floating flower art belongs to a category of embossing art,which is a kind of garden art that makes plant materials into flower decorations after treatment.In this paper,the whole technological process of making floating flower products was described in detail,and the unique manufacturing process of Japanese embossing brand "Sola Cube" was analyzed,in order to provide some theoretical reference for floating flower lovers and promote its development in China.展开更多
Artemisinin is highly effective against drug-resistant malarial parasites, which affects nearly half of the global population and kills 〉500 000 people each year. The primary cost of artemisinin is the very expensive...Artemisinin is highly effective against drug-resistant malarial parasites, which affects nearly half of the global population and kills 〉500 000 people each year. The primary cost of artemisinin is the very expensive process used to extract and purify the drug from Artemisia annua. Elimination of this apparently unnecessary step will make this potent antimalarial drug affordable to the global population living in endemic regions. Here we reported the oral delivery of a non-protein drug artemisinin biosynthesized (~0.8 mg/g dry weight) at clinically meaningful levels in tobacco by engineering two metabolic pathways targeted to three different cellular compartments (chloroplast, nucleus, and mitochondria). The doubly transgenic lines showed a three-fold enhancement of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, and targeting AACPR, DBR2, and CYP71AV1 to chloroplasts resulted in higher expression and an efficient photo-oxidation of di- hydroartemisinic acid to artemisinin. Partially purified extracts from the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants inhibited in vitro growth progression of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells. Oral feeding of whole intact plant cells bioencapsulating the artemisinin reduced the parasitemia levels in challenged mice in comparison with commercial drug. Such novel synergistic approaches should facilitate low-cost production and delivery of artemisinin and other drugs through metabolic engineering of edible plants.展开更多
The adsorption behaviors of ammonium ions from aqueous solution by a novel bioadsorbent, the Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) leaf powder (BPTL) were investigated. The SEM images and FT-IR spectra were use...The adsorption behaviors of ammonium ions from aqueous solution by a novel bioadsorbent, the Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) leaf powder (BPTL) were investigated. The SEM images and FT-IR spectra were used to characterize BPTL. The mathematical models were used to analyze the adsorption kinetics and isotherms. The optimum pH range for ammonium adsorption by BPTL was found to be 5-10. The adsorption reached equilibrium at 14 b.r, and the kinetic data were well fitted by the Logistic model. The intraparticle diffusion was the main rate-controlling step of the adsorption process. The high temperature was favorable to the ammonium adsorption by BPTL, indicating that the adsorption was endothermic. The adsorption equilibrium fitted well to both the Langmuir model and Freundlich model, and the maximum monolayer adsorption capacities calculated from Langmuir model were 3.37, 5.28 and 6.59 mg N/g at 15, 25 and 35~C, respectively, which were comparable to those by reported minerals. Both the separation factor (RL) from the Langmuir model and Freundiich exponent (n) suggested that the ammonium adsorption by BPTL was favorable. Therefore, the Boston ivy leaf powder could be considered a novel bioadsorbent for ammonium removal from aqueous solution.展开更多
Air pollution and climate change are two important threats facing in our planet and are tightly linked to carbonaceous components in the atmosphere.A better understanding of the emission sources and environmental fate...Air pollution and climate change are two important threats facing in our planet and are tightly linked to carbonaceous components in the atmosphere.A better understanding of the emission sources and environmental fate/sink of carbonaceous components is critical for improving our knowledge of the global carbon cycle and mitigating the negative environmental impacts of air pollution and climate change on human well-being.Radiocarbon(^(14)C),which is decayed completely in fossil fuel(e.g.coal and petroleum),is an ideal tool for quantifying the carbon flow in various carbon reservoirs.This study reviews the current knowledge of 14C in organic carbon(OC),elemental carbon(EC),individual organic compounds,methane(CH_(4)),carbon dioxide(CO_(2)),annual plants,and tree rings.The impacts of fossil and non-fossil sources on the atmosphere can be quantified by measuring^(14)C.We also report on the influence of nuclear power plants and sea-air gas exchange on the abundance of^(14)C in the atmosphere.The increasing fossil fuel emissions indicated by the depletion of^(14)CO_(2)under IPCC RCP scenarios,support the urgent need to devise ambitious strategies of reducing carbonaceous components to achieve sustainable development on Earth.This review summarizes the challenges and perspectives of 14C studies of the atmosphere.展开更多
Although numerous examples of green roofs can be found in Turkey,limited research has been conducted on plant material and substrate type in this climate.Both plants and substrate are very important components in gree...Although numerous examples of green roofs can be found in Turkey,limited research has been conducted on plant material and substrate type in this climate.Both plants and substrate are very important components in green roof design,it is essential to determine the proper substrates and plants in green roof systems for domestic green roof design.Two types of growing substrates:a commercial substrate consisting of crushed brick and clay(45%),pumice(45%),and organic matter(10%),and a recycled substrate including 90%coarse pumice(10-20 mm)and municipal compost(10%),were tested in three depths of 4,7 and 10 cm.Tested plant species included Achillea millefolium,Armeria maritima,Sedum acre and Sedum album.Overall,the commercial substrate performed better than the recycled pumice.In addition,deeper substrates promoted greater survival and growth for nearly all species tested.Either A.maritima or A.millefolium survived in the recycled pumice at any depth,whereas they did survive when grown in the commercial substrate in greater than 7 cm and 10 cm,respectively.They both likely would require supplemental irrigation to be acceptable for green roofs in Istanbul or locations with a similar climate.Both Sedum species survived in all substrate types and depths.Information gained can be utilized by green roof professionals in the Istanbul region and in other parts of the world with a similar climate.展开更多
文摘An ecotypic revetment material consisting of nutrition-expansive perlitic-cement composites is introduced. This planting material can combine vegetation recovery with slope protection. The XRD, SEM and image analysis techniques were used to study its composition and microstructure. Its strength was measured by an electro-hydraulic servo-controlled testing machine. The results show the unconfined compressive strength is about 393.6 kPa, and the average elastic modulus is about 47.0 MPa. The quartz, felspar, chlorite and calcite are the main non-clay minerals in the planting material. Its particles are mainly spherical,and the range of the equivalent diameter is 1.83 to 15.96 μm. The results also show the planting material contains a large amount of micro non-capillary and capillary pores, and has a microstructure characteristic of honeycomb and coralline. CSH gel produced by hydration of cement increases the strength and water stability of the particles. The anisotropy and slight orientation of the particles increase the void cross-section area,providing an explanation of the high permeability for the planting material.The better porosity of the planting material is apt tokeep moisture and nutriment, provides oxygen for plant root breathing, and aids to exhaust the carbon dioxide by means of exchanging with atmosphere, hence it can facilitate vegetation.
文摘Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a perennial woody shrub with an edible root, which grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. In Africa, cassava provides a basic daily source of dietary energy. It plays an important role in food security and incomes of many rural households in the southern Ethiopia. However, information available on production practices of cassava for the region is insufficient. Hence, field experiment was conducted at Awassa Agricultural Research Center for two successive cropping seasons from 2004 to 2006 to investigate the response of cassava to planting position and planting material. The treatments used were three planting positions (slant, vertical and horizontal) and five planting materials (main stem top part, main stem middle part, main stem bottom part, branch stake top part and branch stake bottom part) were combined in factorial arrangement and laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The result revealed that root yield was significantly (P 〈 0.05) affected by the interaction effects of the planting position and planting material. The highest yield (25.2 ton ha^-1) was obtained from the main stem top part planted in slant position whereas the least yield (6.5 ton ha^-1) was obtained from main stem bottom part planted in horizontal position. Based on the findings of this study, areas like Awassa with moderate rainfall slant and vertical planting of main stem top and middle parts could be used as planting material.
文摘An exploratory study of the traditional homestead forest of two different religious groups (Hindu and Muslim) in one selected floodplain area of Bangladesh was conducted over a period of six months from January to June 2002. The species' (both tree and shrub) preferences, similarities, use and sources of planting materials, spacing and location of species in the homesteads of both Hindu and Muslim communities were studied. It was found thatMangifera indica as tree species andOcimum sanctum as shrub species were the best preferred species of the Hindu community.Artocarpus heterophyllus as tree species andLawsonia inermis as shrub species were found best preferred by the Muslim community. Floristic similarities between the two groups were found 86.57% in tree species and 78.48% in shrub species. Both seed and seedlings of tree and shrub species as planting materials were used by the highest percentage of both the religious communities. For tree species, homegarden was reported to be the highest source (39%) and for shrub species, nature was the highest source (40%), which was found in the Hindu community. Key words Species preferences - Species similarity - Planting materials - Hindu - Muslim - Homestead forests - Floodplain area - Bangladesh CLC number S72 Document code A Biography: Md. Danesh Miah (1971): male, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai
文摘Sweetpotato is an important crop for food security in many developing countries which is cultivated using vine cuttings. Studies have revealed that there are at least fifteen well characterized viruses known to infect sweetpotato of which 10 are economically important that contribute to yield reduction. Planting materials use by farmers are often infected by one or more of these viruses. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different sources of planting materials of different health status for their field performance and virus presence. The sources of planting materials were in vitro generated platelets, symptomless Field materials and Farmer’s materials. Four sweetpotato varieties Apomuden, Bohye, Ligri and Dadanyuie were selected from each source of planting material. The trial was laid in a split plot design with the sources of planting material allocated to main plots and the varieties to sub-plots. The plantlets of the four varieties were planted at Botanga Irrigation Scheme in Northern region of Ghana. Viral symptom scores were taken twice, score 1 being the average from 4 - 7 weeks after planting (WAP) and score 2 being the average from 8 - 11 WAP. Nitrocellulose Membranes Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (NCM-ELISA) kits were employed for the detection of sweetpotato viruses on the field. The source of planting materials significantly influenced (P In vitro generated material showed the least symptoms of virus followed by Field materials. Apomuden and Bohye varieties recorded the highest virus score in the first and second virus symptom observational score respectively. NCM-ELISA revealed that the viruses SPFMV, SPMMV, SPMSV, SPCFV, SPCSV, and CMV were significantly present among the different sources of planting materials. In vitro, Field and Farmer materials recorded NCM-ELISA score of 0.225, 1.075 and 1.500 respectively. Apomuden variety recorded the highest virus score in the assay. Vine and root yield was higher among the in vitro generated material. Farmers should use laboratory cleaned material however, in the absence of such material they should select field material showing no symptom of virus.
文摘Characterization of planting materials used as adsorbent has been studied in order to compare potassium ion adsorption on two types of planting materials, which are a fired planting material (FPM) made from a mixture of 4 kinds of wastes (bottom ash, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, paddy soil and sawdust) formed and fired at 850 ℃and the commercial planting material called "hydroball" (HDB) bought from Jatujak market, Bangkok. The physical characteristics of both types of planting materials indicate that the FPM has a larger specific surface area than the HDB. The factors affecting potassium adsorption on both the planting materials such as an equilibration time and some solid/solution ratios were investigated. The suitable equilibration time for the adsorption to reach an equilibrium on the FPM and HDB is one and two hours, respectively. The highest amounts of potassium ion adsorbed on both the planting materials were obtained when the solid/solution ratio was 1 : 15. The adsorption behavior on both the planting materials tends to correspond with the Freundlich isotherm.
基金Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.51302104,51472109)Science and Technology Development Plan of Shandong Province(No.2014G-ZX208001)the Program for Scientific Research Innovation Team in Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province
文摘This paper aimed to improve the water-retention performance and basic physical properties of sulfoaluminate cement(SAC)-based planting cementitious material. The effect of natural zeolite on the performance of SAC-based planting material was investigated. The water-retention performance, porosity, compressive strength, and alkalinity had been tested and TG-DSC analysis had been adopted in this paper. Experimental results showed that zeolite was effective to improve the water-retention capacity and 10%, 20% and 30% natural zeolite increased the pore volume of the hardened pastes by 10.6%, 26.0%, and 38.6%, especially pore size below 0.1 μm was increased by 9.7%, 26.2% and 17.5%. And 10% zeolite was beneficial to the compressive strengths of cementitious material and 1, 3, and 28 d compressive strength reached up to 35.9, 55.0, 80.3 MPa. Furthermore zeolite decreased the alkalinity of pore fluid of hardened cementitious material, while the addition of zeolite reached up to 30%, the alkalinity of pore fluid of hardened cementitious material decreased by 8.9%. Therefore zeolite was suitable for improving the performance of SAC-based planting cementitious material.
基金the Laboratory of Material Cycling in Pedosphere,the Chinese Academy of Sciences the Chongqing Science and Technology Commission,China.
文摘Effects of residues of 9 plants, lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodoraHook., P_1), robust eucalyptus (E. robusta Smith, P_2), Nepal camphortree (Cinnamomum glanduliferum(Wall.) Nees, P_3), tea (Camellia sinensis (Linn.) O. Ktze. f., P_4), oleander (Nerium indicum Mill,P_5), rape (Brassica campestris L., P_g), Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum L., P_7), tung(Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.), P_8), and croton (Croton tiglium L., P_9), 7 chemicals, boric acid (C_1),borax (C_2), oxalic acid (C_3), sodium oxalite (C_4), sodium dihydrogen phosphate (C_6), sodiumsilicate (C_7) and sodium citrate (C_8), and a natural organic substance, humic acid (C_5), onurease activity of a neutral purple soil and recovery of urea nitrogen by maize were studied throughincubation and pot experiments. Hydroquinone (HQ) was applied as the reference inhibitor. Afterincubation at 37℃ for 24 h, 7 inhibitors with higher ability to inhibit urease activity wereselected and then incubated for 14 days at 25℃. Results of the incubation experiments showed thatsoil urease activity was greatly inhibited by them, and the inhibition effect followed an order ofP_2>P_4>C_3>C_2>P_3>C_1>HQ>P_1. The 7 selected materials reduced the accumulative amounts of Nreleased from urea and the maximum urease activity by 11.7%~28.4% and 26.7%~39.7%, respectively,and postponed the N release peak by 2~4 days in the incubation period of 14 days under constanttemperature, as compared to the control (no inhibitor). In the pot experiment with the 7 materialsat two levels of addition, low (L) and high (H), the C_1 (H), C_3 (H), C_1 (L), P_4 (L) and C_2 (L)treatments could significantly increase the dry weights of the aboveground parts and the totalbiomass of the maize plants and the apparent recovery rate of urea-N was increased by 6.3%~32.4% ascompared to the control (no hibitor).
文摘It is observed contamination and subsequent growth of various types of mycotoxins in the production and processing of grain and non-grain crops. The contamination of grain and non-grain cereals crops harvest was analyzed. The aim of this research is using of microwave energy to disinfect grains of harvest and giving new properties to the grains and plants materials. The author has presented researches of the grains disinfection, during seedbed preparation and post processing. Rational parameters of heating rates of different biological objects were identified, revealed their dependence and impact on infection pathogens, through using of microwave energy technology. The author found a reduction of the number of pathogenic microbes and organisms at the various stages of processing agricultural products during using of microwave energy, and found new qualitative indicators of the products properties.
文摘This study set out to identify plants and recipes used by herbalists in the municipalities of Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou to treat gastrointestinal ulcers and to characterize the distribution of their knowledge. An ethno-pharmacological survey was carried out in which informants who agreed freely were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. A total of 85 herbalists were surveyed. The data were processed with Microsoft Excel to calculate the relative frequencies of citation of the various species mentioned by the herbalists and various indices including Simpson’s Index were adapted to test the distribution of their knowledge. Multiple regression and correspondence analysis were performed using R studio. Our results revealed that the Dendi, Ifè and Mina, all equitable in their knowledge of anti-ulcer plants, are likely to know more than the other ethnic groups. On the other hand, respondents practicing Islam are more likely to know many antiulcer plants than those practicing Vodoun and Christianity. This constant distribution of knowledge of anti-ulcer plants among the Dendi, Ifè and Mina, three different ethnic groups seems normal and attests to the fusion between these different ethnic groups in view of this knowledge. A total of 70 anti-ulcer recipes, made from 71 species of medicinal plants or non-floristic resources were recorded. Vitellaria paradoxa, Parkia biglobosa and Ocimum gratissimum were the top 03 most frequently cited in descending order of frequency. All the species cited are grouped into 44 botanical families among which the Fabaceae, Lamiaceae and Sapotaceae were strongly represented. Benin’s flora abounds in a diversity of medicinal plant species known to herbalists in Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers. The results of this study constitute a good archive for the selection of plant species for in-depth studies with a view to formulating improved traditional medicines for gastrointestinal ulcers.
基金Supported by Special Funds of National Technological and Basic Work(2006FY110700)Yunnan Province Improvement Project(2007C0219Z)Special Funds of Biological Industry of Yunnan Financial Development([2011]274)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim was to research property of maca and three plants' powders and process parameters of compound maca direct compression. [Method] Based on analysis data from SAS, bulk density, tap density, angle of repose and swelling of powders were studied as per single factor method and orthogonal exper- imental design. [Result] The test indicated that fillibilities of plant A and B, and maca powders are better and flowability plays an important role in fractional close of compound maca powder; plant A and B powders have a significant effect on bulk density of maca (P=0.0125), an extremely significant effect on swelling volume ratio (P=0.008 9) and little effect on tap density (g/ml); the optimal process condition of compound maca powder is as follows: A at 0.15 share; B at 0.10 share; C at 0.05 share; the optimal swelling volume ratio is at 2.459. [Conclusion] The technology is reasonable in formulation and satisfactory in fillibility, swelling ability, flowability, and it could serve as theoretical basis for the industrial production of maca tablets.
文摘The endocannabinoid system(ECS),particularly its signaling pathways and ligands,has garnered considerable interest in recent years.Along with clinical work investigating the ECS’functions,including its role in the development of neurological and inflammatory conditions,much research has focused on developing analytical protocols enabling the precise monitoring of the levels and metabolism of the most potent ECS ligands:exogenous phytocannabinoids(PCs)and endogenous cannabinoids(endocannabinoids,ECs).Solid-phase microextraction(SPME)is an advanced,non-exhaustive sample-preparation technique that facilitates the precise and efficient isolation of trace amounts of analytes,thus making it appealing for the analysis of PCs and ECs in complex matrices of plant and animal/human origin.In this paper,we review recent forensic medicine and toxicological studies wherein SPME has been applied to monitor levels of PCs and ECs in complex matrices,determine their effects on organism physiology,and assess their role in the development of several diseases.
基金Sponsored by Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project for College Students in 2018(201812622013x)College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project in 2017(CJDC2017045)
文摘Floating flower art belongs to a category of embossing art,which is a kind of garden art that makes plant materials into flower decorations after treatment.In this paper,the whole technological process of making floating flower products was described in detail,and the unique manufacturing process of Japanese embossing brand "Sola Cube" was analyzed,in order to provide some theoretical reference for floating flower lovers and promote its development in China.
文摘Artemisinin is highly effective against drug-resistant malarial parasites, which affects nearly half of the global population and kills 〉500 000 people each year. The primary cost of artemisinin is the very expensive process used to extract and purify the drug from Artemisia annua. Elimination of this apparently unnecessary step will make this potent antimalarial drug affordable to the global population living in endemic regions. Here we reported the oral delivery of a non-protein drug artemisinin biosynthesized (~0.8 mg/g dry weight) at clinically meaningful levels in tobacco by engineering two metabolic pathways targeted to three different cellular compartments (chloroplast, nucleus, and mitochondria). The doubly transgenic lines showed a three-fold enhancement of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, and targeting AACPR, DBR2, and CYP71AV1 to chloroplasts resulted in higher expression and an efficient photo-oxidation of di- hydroartemisinic acid to artemisinin. Partially purified extracts from the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants inhibited in vitro growth progression of Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells. Oral feeding of whole intact plant cells bioencapsulating the artemisinin reduced the parasitemia levels in challenged mice in comparison with commercial drug. Such novel synergistic approaches should facilitate low-cost production and delivery of artemisinin and other drugs through metabolic engineering of edible plants.
基金supported by the National Supporting Plan of Science and Technology(No.2006BAD10B05)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 20907058)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China(No.BK2008499)
文摘The adsorption behaviors of ammonium ions from aqueous solution by a novel bioadsorbent, the Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) leaf powder (BPTL) were investigated. The SEM images and FT-IR spectra were used to characterize BPTL. The mathematical models were used to analyze the adsorption kinetics and isotherms. The optimum pH range for ammonium adsorption by BPTL was found to be 5-10. The adsorption reached equilibrium at 14 b.r, and the kinetic data were well fitted by the Logistic model. The intraparticle diffusion was the main rate-controlling step of the adsorption process. The high temperature was favorable to the ammonium adsorption by BPTL, indicating that the adsorption was endothermic. The adsorption equilibrium fitted well to both the Langmuir model and Freundlich model, and the maximum monolayer adsorption capacities calculated from Langmuir model were 3.37, 5.28 and 6.59 mg N/g at 15, 25 and 35~C, respectively, which were comparable to those by reported minerals. Both the separation factor (RL) from the Langmuir model and Freundiich exponent (n) suggested that the ammonium adsorption by BPTL was favorable. Therefore, the Boston ivy leaf powder could be considered a novel bioadsorbent for ammonium removal from aqueous solution.
基金This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42030715,41877349)Guangdong Foundation for Program of Science and Technology Research(Nos.2017BT01Z134,2019B121205006)National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFC0212000).
文摘Air pollution and climate change are two important threats facing in our planet and are tightly linked to carbonaceous components in the atmosphere.A better understanding of the emission sources and environmental fate/sink of carbonaceous components is critical for improving our knowledge of the global carbon cycle and mitigating the negative environmental impacts of air pollution and climate change on human well-being.Radiocarbon(^(14)C),which is decayed completely in fossil fuel(e.g.coal and petroleum),is an ideal tool for quantifying the carbon flow in various carbon reservoirs.This study reviews the current knowledge of 14C in organic carbon(OC),elemental carbon(EC),individual organic compounds,methane(CH_(4)),carbon dioxide(CO_(2)),annual plants,and tree rings.The impacts of fossil and non-fossil sources on the atmosphere can be quantified by measuring^(14)C.We also report on the influence of nuclear power plants and sea-air gas exchange on the abundance of^(14)C in the atmosphere.The increasing fossil fuel emissions indicated by the depletion of^(14)CO_(2)under IPCC RCP scenarios,support the urgent need to devise ambitious strategies of reducing carbonaceous components to achieve sustainable development on Earth.This review summarizes the challenges and perspectives of 14C studies of the atmosphere.
基金Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit of Istanbul University provided funding for this study,grant no:518145661 and 10207.
文摘Although numerous examples of green roofs can be found in Turkey,limited research has been conducted on plant material and substrate type in this climate.Both plants and substrate are very important components in green roof design,it is essential to determine the proper substrates and plants in green roof systems for domestic green roof design.Two types of growing substrates:a commercial substrate consisting of crushed brick and clay(45%),pumice(45%),and organic matter(10%),and a recycled substrate including 90%coarse pumice(10-20 mm)and municipal compost(10%),were tested in three depths of 4,7 and 10 cm.Tested plant species included Achillea millefolium,Armeria maritima,Sedum acre and Sedum album.Overall,the commercial substrate performed better than the recycled pumice.In addition,deeper substrates promoted greater survival and growth for nearly all species tested.Either A.maritima or A.millefolium survived in the recycled pumice at any depth,whereas they did survive when grown in the commercial substrate in greater than 7 cm and 10 cm,respectively.They both likely would require supplemental irrigation to be acceptable for green roofs in Istanbul or locations with a similar climate.Both Sedum species survived in all substrate types and depths.Information gained can be utilized by green roof professionals in the Istanbul region and in other parts of the world with a similar climate.