The French Lieutenant's Woman, written by John Fowles, is one of the most successful postmodern novels in contemporary English literature. This article is attempted to focus on its special narrative art and make a...The French Lieutenant's Woman, written by John Fowles, is one of the most successful postmodern novels in contemporary English literature. This article is attempted to focus on its special narrative art and make a deeper penetration into its theme. In the novel, the master storyteller uses old writing tricks along with his own new ones originally and effectively. By criticizing and reshaping the conventions of earlier fiction, Fowles creates a new old story and a postmodern Victorian woman, which no Victorian writers can ever bring out.展开更多
文摘The French Lieutenant's Woman, written by John Fowles, is one of the most successful postmodern novels in contemporary English literature. This article is attempted to focus on its special narrative art and make a deeper penetration into its theme. In the novel, the master storyteller uses old writing tricks along with his own new ones originally and effectively. By criticizing and reshaping the conventions of earlier fiction, Fowles creates a new old story and a postmodern Victorian woman, which no Victorian writers can ever bring out.