To provide "more reasonable, more saving and more efficient" water and fertilizer application proposals, taking ‘Yujiao 5' as the experimental material, the effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen appli...To provide "more reasonable, more saving and more efficient" water and fertilizer application proposals, taking ‘Yujiao 5' as the experimental material, the effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen application treatments on the leaf area index and yield of wheat were studied using three-factor split plot method. The results showed that irrigation times, nitrogen application rate and the ratio of basa to topdressed nitrogen respectively had significant effects on the leaf area index, the yield and component factors of wheat. Under the treatment of W1(irrigation before sowing), the leaf area index showed a positive linear correlation with nitrogen application rate; under the treatments of W2(irrigation before sowing and at jointing stage) and W3(irrigation before sowing, at jointing stage and at grain filling stages),the leaf area index showed a positive linear correlation with nitrogen application rate at the jointing stage, booting stage and heading stage; 20 d after heading, the leaf area index showed a quadric curve relationship with nitrogen application rate at these stages, and the LAI of N3R2 was the highest. Under different irrigation times,the yield, ear number and kernels per ear showed quadric curve relationship with nitrogen application rate, 1 000-seed weight showed the trend of linear decrease with the increase of nitrogen application rate. Under the treatment combination of irrigation before sowing, at jointing stage and at grain filling stage, nitrogen application rate at 240 kg/hm^2 and the ratio of basal to topdressed nitrogen of 5:5, the grain yield(8 609.60 kg/hm^2), ear number(688.2×104/hm^2) and kernel number per ear(37.9 grains) reached the highest value at W3N3R2, and the grain yield of W3N3R2 increased by 144.8% compared to the W1N0. In conclusion, in Eastern Henan where the rainfall is insufficient at the late growth stage of wheat, the irrigation-saving space in wheat production is relatively small, but the nitrogen-saving space is relatively large.展开更多
【目的】土壤微生物量碳氮和水溶性有机碳氮是土壤中最活跃的碳氮组分,是衡量土壤碳氮周转与养分有效性的重要指标。探讨秸秆配施氮肥、氮肥用量及基追比例对稻田土壤微生物量碳氮、水溶性有机碳氮、易氧化有机碳和速效氮的影响,明确秸...【目的】土壤微生物量碳氮和水溶性有机碳氮是土壤中最活跃的碳氮组分,是衡量土壤碳氮周转与养分有效性的重要指标。探讨秸秆配施氮肥、氮肥用量及基追比例对稻田土壤微生物量碳氮、水溶性有机碳氮、易氧化有机碳和速效氮的影响,明确秸秆还田条件下水稻生长季不同氮肥用量与基追比的土壤活性碳氮变化特征,为稻麦轮作区秸秆还田的氮肥管理提供理论依据。【方法】2012—2015年在湖北省荆门市田间试验中设置施氮量、秸秆配施氮肥和施氮时期3个大田试验。施氮量:不施氮(N0),推荐施氮(165 kg·hm^-2,N165),习惯施氮(195 kg·hm^-2,N195);秸秆配施氮肥:秸秆移除(CK),秸秆还田(移栽前将上季小麦秸秆全部还田,S),秸秆还田+习惯施氮量(SN),秸秆还田+推荐施氮量(SF),秸秆还田+推荐施氮量+腐解菌剂(SM);施氮时期:基施﹕拔节期﹕抽穗期氮肥施用比例为7﹕3﹕0(R1),5﹕3﹕2(R2),10﹕0﹕0(R3)。【结果】秸秆还田+习惯施氮量(SN)显著提高了水稻拔节期土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)含量,但是其成熟期水溶性有机碳含量(DOC)显著降低。秸秆还田+推荐施氮量(SF)显著提高了水稻拔节期土壤水溶性有机氮含量(DON)。腐解菌剂的施用显著降低了水稻成熟期DON含量,拔节期易氧化有机碳含量(ROC)也显著降低。秸秆还田下增加氮肥用量显著提高了水稻抽穗期和灌浆期土壤速效氮含量(AN);推荐施氮处理(165 kg N·hm^-2)的DON和AN含量显著升高;农民习惯施氮处理(195 kg N·hm^-2)降低了DON和AN含量;增加追施氮肥比例对土壤SMBC和DOC含量无明显影响,但提高了水稻拔节期SMBN和ROC含量。【结论】施氮量及其基追比是影响秸秆还田下稻田土壤活性碳氮含量的主要因素,合理配施氮肥能提高土壤微生物量碳、速效氮及水溶性有机氮等活性碳氮组分含量,增加追肥比例也能提高水稻生育期内土壤活性碳氮含量。展开更多
基金Supported by the National Project of Transformation Fund for Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements:Pilot Production and Demonstration of New Wheat Variety and the Propagation of Breeder Seed(2013GB2D000300)The Special Fund of National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System(CARS-03)~~
文摘To provide "more reasonable, more saving and more efficient" water and fertilizer application proposals, taking ‘Yujiao 5' as the experimental material, the effects of different irrigation times and nitrogen application treatments on the leaf area index and yield of wheat were studied using three-factor split plot method. The results showed that irrigation times, nitrogen application rate and the ratio of basa to topdressed nitrogen respectively had significant effects on the leaf area index, the yield and component factors of wheat. Under the treatment of W1(irrigation before sowing), the leaf area index showed a positive linear correlation with nitrogen application rate; under the treatments of W2(irrigation before sowing and at jointing stage) and W3(irrigation before sowing, at jointing stage and at grain filling stages),the leaf area index showed a positive linear correlation with nitrogen application rate at the jointing stage, booting stage and heading stage; 20 d after heading, the leaf area index showed a quadric curve relationship with nitrogen application rate at these stages, and the LAI of N3R2 was the highest. Under different irrigation times,the yield, ear number and kernels per ear showed quadric curve relationship with nitrogen application rate, 1 000-seed weight showed the trend of linear decrease with the increase of nitrogen application rate. Under the treatment combination of irrigation before sowing, at jointing stage and at grain filling stage, nitrogen application rate at 240 kg/hm^2 and the ratio of basal to topdressed nitrogen of 5:5, the grain yield(8 609.60 kg/hm^2), ear number(688.2×104/hm^2) and kernel number per ear(37.9 grains) reached the highest value at W3N3R2, and the grain yield of W3N3R2 increased by 144.8% compared to the W1N0. In conclusion, in Eastern Henan where the rainfall is insufficient at the late growth stage of wheat, the irrigation-saving space in wheat production is relatively small, but the nitrogen-saving space is relatively large.
文摘【目的】土壤微生物量碳氮和水溶性有机碳氮是土壤中最活跃的碳氮组分,是衡量土壤碳氮周转与养分有效性的重要指标。探讨秸秆配施氮肥、氮肥用量及基追比例对稻田土壤微生物量碳氮、水溶性有机碳氮、易氧化有机碳和速效氮的影响,明确秸秆还田条件下水稻生长季不同氮肥用量与基追比的土壤活性碳氮变化特征,为稻麦轮作区秸秆还田的氮肥管理提供理论依据。【方法】2012—2015年在湖北省荆门市田间试验中设置施氮量、秸秆配施氮肥和施氮时期3个大田试验。施氮量:不施氮(N0),推荐施氮(165 kg·hm^-2,N165),习惯施氮(195 kg·hm^-2,N195);秸秆配施氮肥:秸秆移除(CK),秸秆还田(移栽前将上季小麦秸秆全部还田,S),秸秆还田+习惯施氮量(SN),秸秆还田+推荐施氮量(SF),秸秆还田+推荐施氮量+腐解菌剂(SM);施氮时期:基施﹕拔节期﹕抽穗期氮肥施用比例为7﹕3﹕0(R1),5﹕3﹕2(R2),10﹕0﹕0(R3)。【结果】秸秆还田+习惯施氮量(SN)显著提高了水稻拔节期土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)含量,但是其成熟期水溶性有机碳含量(DOC)显著降低。秸秆还田+推荐施氮量(SF)显著提高了水稻拔节期土壤水溶性有机氮含量(DON)。腐解菌剂的施用显著降低了水稻成熟期DON含量,拔节期易氧化有机碳含量(ROC)也显著降低。秸秆还田下增加氮肥用量显著提高了水稻抽穗期和灌浆期土壤速效氮含量(AN);推荐施氮处理(165 kg N·hm^-2)的DON和AN含量显著升高;农民习惯施氮处理(195 kg N·hm^-2)降低了DON和AN含量;增加追施氮肥比例对土壤SMBC和DOC含量无明显影响,但提高了水稻拔节期SMBN和ROC含量。【结论】施氮量及其基追比是影响秸秆还田下稻田土壤活性碳氮含量的主要因素,合理配施氮肥能提高土壤微生物量碳、速效氮及水溶性有机氮等活性碳氮组分含量,增加追肥比例也能提高水稻生育期内土壤活性碳氮含量。