Objective:A large prostate size(>80 m L)of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)is technically challenging to treat surgically.This study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of super-selective prostatic artery...Objective:A large prostate size(>80 m L)of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)is technically challenging to treat surgically.This study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of super-selective prostatic artery embolization(PAE)for the treatment of urinary retention caused by large BPH.Methods:A total of 21 patients with urinary retention,indwelling urinary catheter,or suprapubic cystostomy as a consequence of giant BPH(prostate volume[PV]>80 mL)who sought treatment between January 2013 and December 2017 were enrolled.A microcatheter(1.9–2.7 Fr)and a"two-step embolization"combining 50-μm and100-μm polyvinyl alcohol embolization particles were used in all patients.International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS),quality of life(QoL),PV,and prostate-specific antigen(PSA)were evaluated at 3,6,and 12 months postPAE.Clinical success was defined as removal of urinary catheter or suprapubic cystostomy and ability to void spontaneously.Results:The clinical success rate was 95.2%(20/21).Compared with pre-procedural values,IPSS,QoL,PV,and PSA showed statistically significant differences at 3,6,and 12 months post-PAE(P<0.05).There were no serious complications after PAE.Conclusions:PAE was safe and effective for the treatment of urinary retention caused by large BPH in patients without surgical treatment options.展开更多
We conducted a cross-sectional study between February 1st, 2012 and September 30, 2012 at Bobo-Dioulasso University Teaching hospital. The target population was all patients seen at the emergency services for acute ur...We conducted a cross-sectional study between February 1st, 2012 and September 30, 2012 at Bobo-Dioulasso University Teaching hospital. The target population was all patients seen at the emergency services for acute urinary retention. Among the 155 patients admitted for urological emergencies, 104 (67.1%) had acute urinary retention. The average age of patients was 65 years, ranging from 23 to 89 years and the majority was more than 60 years old (77.8%) and lived in rural areas (64.4%). Prostate tumor pathology and urethral stricture were the most frequent diagnosis, and the renal function was impaired in 33.7% of cases. Urethrovesical drainage, cystocatheterism, and suprapubic cystostomy were the treatment approach in 56.0%, 28.0% and 15.2% of the cases. Acute urinary retention is the most common urological emergency and many complications are associated with urethrovesical sounding. These complications should therefore be prevented by improving acute urinary care.展开更多
In the present study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of immediate surgical bipolar plasmakinetic transurethral resection of the prostate (PK-TURP) for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with ac...In the present study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of immediate surgical bipolar plasmakinetic transurethral resection of the prostate (PK-TURP) for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with acute urinary retention (AUR). We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical data of BPH patients who received PK-TURP. A total of 1126 BPH patients were divided into AUR (n = 348) and non-AUR groups (n = 778). After the urethral catheters were removed, the urine white blood cell (WBC) count in the AUR group significantly increased compared with the non-AUR group (P〈 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in international prostate symptom score, painful urination, and maximal urinary flow rate. The duration of hospitalization of the AUR group was longer than that of the non-AUR group (P 〈 0.001). A total of 87.1% (303/348) patients in the AUR group and 84.1% (654/778) patients in the non-AUR group completed all of the postoperative follow-up visits. The incidence of urinary tract infection in the AUR group within 3 months after surgery was significantly higher than that in the non-AUR group (P 〈 0.01). The incidence of temporary urinary incontinence in the AUR group did not exhibit significant difference. During 3-12 months after surgery, there were no significant differences in major complications between the two groups. Multivariate regression analyses showed that age, postvoid residual, maximal urinary flow rate, diabetes, and hypertension, but not the presence of AUR, were independent predictors of IPSS post-PK-TURP. In conclusion, immediate PK-TURP surgery on patients accompanied by AUR was safe and effective.展开更多
<strong>Background:</strong> Benign prostatic hypertrophy is the non-malignant stromal and epithelial proliferation of the prostate gland, with or without associated anatomical enlargement of the gland and...<strong>Background:</strong> Benign prostatic hypertrophy is the non-malignant stromal and epithelial proliferation of the prostate gland, with or without associated anatomical enlargement of the gland and clinical symptoms. Symptomatic Benign prostatic hypertrophy may cause obstructive symptoms, irritative symptoms or both obstructive symptoms include a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, straining to void, urinary hesitancy and weak stream while irritative symptoms include dysuria, nocturia, urinary frequency and urinary urgency. A quantitative measure of the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hypertrophy can be obtained using the International Prostate Symptoms Score. Ultrasonography is useful for helping to determine bladder and prostate size in patients with urinary lower urinary tract symptoms. Uroflowmetry is a non-invasive test that assesses voiding function. It provides valuable data on the voided volume, time is taken to reach maximum flow rate and average flow rate. The goal of this study was to improve the follow up of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy by providing simple, available, affordable and non-invasive that best predict bladder outlet obstruction and the quality of life in these patients. <strong>Method: </strong>This was a cross-sectional analytic study carried out over a period of five months from May 2020 to September 2020 at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital, which is a tertiary hospital in Cameroon. Were included in the study, adult males who presented with lower urinary tract symptoms and prostatic enlargement suggestive of benign prostatic hypertrophy taking into account clinical, uroflowmetry and ultrasound findings. <strong>Results:</strong> A study population of 103 participants was recruited. The mean age of patients was 63.17 ± 10.26 years. Concerning the International Prostate Symptoms Score, the mean total, voiding (obstructive) and storage (irritative) scores were 14.6 ± 6.2, 8.5 ± 4.1 and 6.05 ± 2.7 respectively. The mean maximum flow rate was 13.44 ± 3.88 mL/s. The mean prostate volume was 53.71 ± 16.46 ml. A majority of patients have an enlarged prostate 1.5 to 2 times (46 to 60 mL) the upper limit for normal value. The intravesical prostatic protrusion was present in eighty-three (80.58%) and absent in 20 (19.42%). Above a prostate volume of 60 mL, 91% to 100% of our patients had intravesical prostatic protrusion. There was strong evidence (p < 0.001) that a change from no intravesical prostatic protrusion to intravesical prostatic protrusion grade 1 increased the chances of having a low maximum flow rate with a crude odds ratio of 7.98. The adjusted odds ratio after multivariate analysis was 5.26 and this remained statistically significant (p = 0.03). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> the measure of intravesical prostatic protrusion is superior to the prostate volume in the assessment of maximum flow rate and thus the follow up of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. This measure which is non-invasive, easy to measure, easily accessible, and cost effective may be a useful tool in predicting voiding dysfunction and acute urinary retention.展开更多
It is largely unknown whether lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS)or acute retention of urine(AROU)is linked to shorter life expectancy in men.We conducted a multicenter,retrospective database analysis of patients under...It is largely unknown whether lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS)or acute retention of urine(AROU)is linked to shorter life expectancy in men.We conducted a multicenter,retrospective database analysis of patients undergoing transurethral resection of prostate(TURP)to study their relationships.Multivariate Cox regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier analysis with stratification to age and indication of TURP were performed.We further performed an age-and sex-matched survival analysis with the general population using data from the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(Hong Kong,China).From January 2002 to December 2012,3496 patients undergoing TURP were included in our study,with 1764 patients in the LUTS group and 1732 patients in the AROU group.Old age,ischemic heart disease,cerebrovascular accident,and AROU were risk factors of mortality.Patients aged<70 years(adjusted hazard ratio[HR]:1.52,95%confidence interval[Cl]:1.11-2.09,P=0.010)and 70-80 years(adjusted HR:1.39,95%Cl:1.15-1.70,P-0.001)in the AROU group had worse survival than those in the LUTS group,but such difference was not demonstrated in patients aged>80 years.Compared to the general population,younger patients in the LUTS group appeared to have better survival(<70 years,P=0.091;70-80 years,P=0.011),but younger patients in the AROU group had worse survival(<70 years,P=0.021;70-80 years,P=0.003).For patients aged>80 years,survival was similar with the general population in both the LUTS and AROU groups.In conclusion,AROU at young age was associated with mortality,while early detection and management of LUTS may improve survival.展开更多
Background: Bethanechol chloride, a cholinergic agonist, is often prescribed in suspected underactive bladders to improve detrusor contractility, despite its limited clinical efficacy. We investigated the usage patter...Background: Bethanechol chloride, a cholinergic agonist, is often prescribed in suspected underactive bladders to improve detrusor contractility, despite its limited clinical efficacy. We investigated the usage pattern of bethanechol in actual practice with the understanding that it would enable the physicians to make an informed decision on the coherent use of bethanechol. Methods: A nation-wide survey was carried out to obtain the responses of the urologists. Out of the 755 urologists approached, 630 survey responses were considered for analysis. Results: Usage of bethanechol was advocated as very common [318 (50.48%)], common [200 (31.75%)], not so common [107 (16.98%)], and rare [5 (0.79%)] in postoperative urinary retention, where it was preferred either exclusively [255 (40.48%)] or along with alpha blockers [247 (39.21%)]. Predilection to use alpha-blocker [247 (39.21%)], alpha-blocker plus naloxone [4 (0.64%)], naloxone [1 (0.16%)], alpha-blocker plus bethanechol plus naloxone [1 (0.16%)] was also observed. It was also preferred individually in pathologies causing urinary retention such as benign prostatic hyperplasia [125 (19.84%)], diabetic neuropathy [82 (13.02%)], neurological diseases [69 (10.95%)], senile bladder [14 (2.22%)], drugs [13 (2.06%)], and infective/inflammatory conditions [6 (0.95%)]. Other [321 (50.95%)] physicians opted to prescribe bethanechol in two or more of the enumerated indications. Bethanechol was prescribed orally as 25 mg thrice daily [441 (70.00%)], 50 mg thrice daily [86 (13.65%)], 25 mg four times daily [59 (9.37%)], and many “strongly agree” and “agree” that its sustained release formulation may offer better treatment compliance [565 (89.68%)], safety [548 (86.99%)], and efficacy [544 (86.35%)]. Conclusion: Bethanechol was the most prescribed drug for the management of postoperative urinary retention and other pathologies suspected to cause underactive bladder.展开更多
目的:对比研究120 W绿激光前列腺汽化术(PVP)在不同良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者群体中的疗效及安全性。方法:对2013年7月至2014年9月于我科诊断为BPH并行120 W PVP的患者,按前列腺体积(PV)(<80 ml和≥80 ml)、有无服用5-α还原酶抑制剂(...目的:对比研究120 W绿激光前列腺汽化术(PVP)在不同良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者群体中的疗效及安全性。方法:对2013年7月至2014年9月于我科诊断为BPH并行120 W PVP的患者,按前列腺体积(PV)(<80 ml和≥80 ml)、有无服用5-α还原酶抑制剂(5-ARIs)(持续时间>1个月)以及有无既往急性尿潴留史(AUR)进行分组对照研究,观察记录术前及围手术期情况,并于术后1、3个月随访。结果:共174例患者纳入研究,38例患者术中转为经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP),其余136例患者顺利完成手术并随访至术后3个月。患者年龄(69.4±7.7)岁,术前PV(67.9±29.8)ml,手术时间(49.4±16.3)min。术中无输血、电切综合征及前列腺包膜穿孔发生,术后2例患者发生尿道狭窄、2例患者出现膀胱颈口挛缩。各组患者的术后疗效指标均较术前显著提高,且各对照组间(大体积前列腺组与非大体积前列腺组、5-ARIs服用组与5-ARIs未服用组、AUR病史组与无AUR病史组)无统计学差异。结论:120 W PVP治疗BPH安全有效,且疗效不受PV、术前是否规律服用5-ARIs、既往有无AUR史影响,但术前留置导尿管可能增加手术难度及术中中转TURP的风险。展开更多
文摘Objective:A large prostate size(>80 m L)of benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH)is technically challenging to treat surgically.This study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of super-selective prostatic artery embolization(PAE)for the treatment of urinary retention caused by large BPH.Methods:A total of 21 patients with urinary retention,indwelling urinary catheter,or suprapubic cystostomy as a consequence of giant BPH(prostate volume[PV]>80 mL)who sought treatment between January 2013 and December 2017 were enrolled.A microcatheter(1.9–2.7 Fr)and a"two-step embolization"combining 50-μm and100-μm polyvinyl alcohol embolization particles were used in all patients.International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS),quality of life(QoL),PV,and prostate-specific antigen(PSA)were evaluated at 3,6,and 12 months postPAE.Clinical success was defined as removal of urinary catheter or suprapubic cystostomy and ability to void spontaneously.Results:The clinical success rate was 95.2%(20/21).Compared with pre-procedural values,IPSS,QoL,PV,and PSA showed statistically significant differences at 3,6,and 12 months post-PAE(P<0.05).There were no serious complications after PAE.Conclusions:PAE was safe and effective for the treatment of urinary retention caused by large BPH in patients without surgical treatment options.
文摘We conducted a cross-sectional study between February 1st, 2012 and September 30, 2012 at Bobo-Dioulasso University Teaching hospital. The target population was all patients seen at the emergency services for acute urinary retention. Among the 155 patients admitted for urological emergencies, 104 (67.1%) had acute urinary retention. The average age of patients was 65 years, ranging from 23 to 89 years and the majority was more than 60 years old (77.8%) and lived in rural areas (64.4%). Prostate tumor pathology and urethral stricture were the most frequent diagnosis, and the renal function was impaired in 33.7% of cases. Urethrovesical drainage, cystocatheterism, and suprapubic cystostomy were the treatment approach in 56.0%, 28.0% and 15.2% of the cases. Acute urinary retention is the most common urological emergency and many complications are associated with urethrovesical sounding. These complications should therefore be prevented by improving acute urinary care.
文摘In the present study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of immediate surgical bipolar plasmakinetic transurethral resection of the prostate (PK-TURP) for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with acute urinary retention (AUR). We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical data of BPH patients who received PK-TURP. A total of 1126 BPH patients were divided into AUR (n = 348) and non-AUR groups (n = 778). After the urethral catheters were removed, the urine white blood cell (WBC) count in the AUR group significantly increased compared with the non-AUR group (P〈 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in international prostate symptom score, painful urination, and maximal urinary flow rate. The duration of hospitalization of the AUR group was longer than that of the non-AUR group (P 〈 0.001). A total of 87.1% (303/348) patients in the AUR group and 84.1% (654/778) patients in the non-AUR group completed all of the postoperative follow-up visits. The incidence of urinary tract infection in the AUR group within 3 months after surgery was significantly higher than that in the non-AUR group (P 〈 0.01). The incidence of temporary urinary incontinence in the AUR group did not exhibit significant difference. During 3-12 months after surgery, there were no significant differences in major complications between the two groups. Multivariate regression analyses showed that age, postvoid residual, maximal urinary flow rate, diabetes, and hypertension, but not the presence of AUR, were independent predictors of IPSS post-PK-TURP. In conclusion, immediate PK-TURP surgery on patients accompanied by AUR was safe and effective.
文摘<strong>Background:</strong> Benign prostatic hypertrophy is the non-malignant stromal and epithelial proliferation of the prostate gland, with or without associated anatomical enlargement of the gland and clinical symptoms. Symptomatic Benign prostatic hypertrophy may cause obstructive symptoms, irritative symptoms or both obstructive symptoms include a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, straining to void, urinary hesitancy and weak stream while irritative symptoms include dysuria, nocturia, urinary frequency and urinary urgency. A quantitative measure of the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hypertrophy can be obtained using the International Prostate Symptoms Score. Ultrasonography is useful for helping to determine bladder and prostate size in patients with urinary lower urinary tract symptoms. Uroflowmetry is a non-invasive test that assesses voiding function. It provides valuable data on the voided volume, time is taken to reach maximum flow rate and average flow rate. The goal of this study was to improve the follow up of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy by providing simple, available, affordable and non-invasive that best predict bladder outlet obstruction and the quality of life in these patients. <strong>Method: </strong>This was a cross-sectional analytic study carried out over a period of five months from May 2020 to September 2020 at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital, which is a tertiary hospital in Cameroon. Were included in the study, adult males who presented with lower urinary tract symptoms and prostatic enlargement suggestive of benign prostatic hypertrophy taking into account clinical, uroflowmetry and ultrasound findings. <strong>Results:</strong> A study population of 103 participants was recruited. The mean age of patients was 63.17 ± 10.26 years. Concerning the International Prostate Symptoms Score, the mean total, voiding (obstructive) and storage (irritative) scores were 14.6 ± 6.2, 8.5 ± 4.1 and 6.05 ± 2.7 respectively. The mean maximum flow rate was 13.44 ± 3.88 mL/s. The mean prostate volume was 53.71 ± 16.46 ml. A majority of patients have an enlarged prostate 1.5 to 2 times (46 to 60 mL) the upper limit for normal value. The intravesical prostatic protrusion was present in eighty-three (80.58%) and absent in 20 (19.42%). Above a prostate volume of 60 mL, 91% to 100% of our patients had intravesical prostatic protrusion. There was strong evidence (p < 0.001) that a change from no intravesical prostatic protrusion to intravesical prostatic protrusion grade 1 increased the chances of having a low maximum flow rate with a crude odds ratio of 7.98. The adjusted odds ratio after multivariate analysis was 5.26 and this remained statistically significant (p = 0.03). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> the measure of intravesical prostatic protrusion is superior to the prostate volume in the assessment of maximum flow rate and thus the follow up of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. This measure which is non-invasive, easy to measure, easily accessible, and cost effective may be a useful tool in predicting voiding dysfunction and acute urinary retention.
文摘It is largely unknown whether lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS)or acute retention of urine(AROU)is linked to shorter life expectancy in men.We conducted a multicenter,retrospective database analysis of patients undergoing transurethral resection of prostate(TURP)to study their relationships.Multivariate Cox regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier analysis with stratification to age and indication of TURP were performed.We further performed an age-and sex-matched survival analysis with the general population using data from the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(Hong Kong,China).From January 2002 to December 2012,3496 patients undergoing TURP were included in our study,with 1764 patients in the LUTS group and 1732 patients in the AROU group.Old age,ischemic heart disease,cerebrovascular accident,and AROU were risk factors of mortality.Patients aged<70 years(adjusted hazard ratio[HR]:1.52,95%confidence interval[Cl]:1.11-2.09,P=0.010)and 70-80 years(adjusted HR:1.39,95%Cl:1.15-1.70,P-0.001)in the AROU group had worse survival than those in the LUTS group,but such difference was not demonstrated in patients aged>80 years.Compared to the general population,younger patients in the LUTS group appeared to have better survival(<70 years,P=0.091;70-80 years,P=0.011),but younger patients in the AROU group had worse survival(<70 years,P=0.021;70-80 years,P=0.003).For patients aged>80 years,survival was similar with the general population in both the LUTS and AROU groups.In conclusion,AROU at young age was associated with mortality,while early detection and management of LUTS may improve survival.
文摘Background: Bethanechol chloride, a cholinergic agonist, is often prescribed in suspected underactive bladders to improve detrusor contractility, despite its limited clinical efficacy. We investigated the usage pattern of bethanechol in actual practice with the understanding that it would enable the physicians to make an informed decision on the coherent use of bethanechol. Methods: A nation-wide survey was carried out to obtain the responses of the urologists. Out of the 755 urologists approached, 630 survey responses were considered for analysis. Results: Usage of bethanechol was advocated as very common [318 (50.48%)], common [200 (31.75%)], not so common [107 (16.98%)], and rare [5 (0.79%)] in postoperative urinary retention, where it was preferred either exclusively [255 (40.48%)] or along with alpha blockers [247 (39.21%)]. Predilection to use alpha-blocker [247 (39.21%)], alpha-blocker plus naloxone [4 (0.64%)], naloxone [1 (0.16%)], alpha-blocker plus bethanechol plus naloxone [1 (0.16%)] was also observed. It was also preferred individually in pathologies causing urinary retention such as benign prostatic hyperplasia [125 (19.84%)], diabetic neuropathy [82 (13.02%)], neurological diseases [69 (10.95%)], senile bladder [14 (2.22%)], drugs [13 (2.06%)], and infective/inflammatory conditions [6 (0.95%)]. Other [321 (50.95%)] physicians opted to prescribe bethanechol in two or more of the enumerated indications. Bethanechol was prescribed orally as 25 mg thrice daily [441 (70.00%)], 50 mg thrice daily [86 (13.65%)], 25 mg four times daily [59 (9.37%)], and many “strongly agree” and “agree” that its sustained release formulation may offer better treatment compliance [565 (89.68%)], safety [548 (86.99%)], and efficacy [544 (86.35%)]. Conclusion: Bethanechol was the most prescribed drug for the management of postoperative urinary retention and other pathologies suspected to cause underactive bladder.
文摘目的:对比研究120 W绿激光前列腺汽化术(PVP)在不同良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者群体中的疗效及安全性。方法:对2013年7月至2014年9月于我科诊断为BPH并行120 W PVP的患者,按前列腺体积(PV)(<80 ml和≥80 ml)、有无服用5-α还原酶抑制剂(5-ARIs)(持续时间>1个月)以及有无既往急性尿潴留史(AUR)进行分组对照研究,观察记录术前及围手术期情况,并于术后1、3个月随访。结果:共174例患者纳入研究,38例患者术中转为经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP),其余136例患者顺利完成手术并随访至术后3个月。患者年龄(69.4±7.7)岁,术前PV(67.9±29.8)ml,手术时间(49.4±16.3)min。术中无输血、电切综合征及前列腺包膜穿孔发生,术后2例患者发生尿道狭窄、2例患者出现膀胱颈口挛缩。各组患者的术后疗效指标均较术前显著提高,且各对照组间(大体积前列腺组与非大体积前列腺组、5-ARIs服用组与5-ARIs未服用组、AUR病史组与无AUR病史组)无统计学差异。结论:120 W PVP治疗BPH安全有效,且疗效不受PV、术前是否规律服用5-ARIs、既往有无AUR史影响,但术前留置导尿管可能增加手术难度及术中中转TURP的风险。