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河南省南召县种植车厘子(Prunus avium L.)气候因子适宜性分析 被引量:2
作者 黄杰 王鹏 《河南科学》 2020年第6期891-898,共8页
利用年均温度、降雨量、日照时数、日照百分率和湿热指数等气候因子对河南省南召县种植车厘子的适宜性进行了分析研究.结果表明:南召县2011—2018年期间年平均气温(15.4℃)明显高于车厘子适宜的年均气温(10~12℃);年平均降雨量(743.7 mm... 利用年均温度、降雨量、日照时数、日照百分率和湿热指数等气候因子对河南省南召县种植车厘子的适宜性进行了分析研究.结果表明:南召县2011—2018年期间年平均气温(15.4℃)明显高于车厘子适宜的年均气温(10~12℃);年平均降雨量(743.7 mm)在车厘子生长发育对水分要求的适宜范围之内(600~800 mm);年均日照时数(1693.5 h)明显低于适宜的日照时数(2600~2800 h);1986—2002年的湿热指数与国内外车厘子主产区相比明显偏高.从大的气候范围来看,与国内外车厘子主产区相比,在南召县种植车厘子可能有树木生长旺盛、花芽形成不足、果实品质欠佳的风险.但充分利用东部浅山丘陵区等局部地区的小气候发展车厘子的种植是可行的.建议结合当地的温度、降雨量、日照时数和日照百分率等综合气候因子,选择合适的品种类型进行种植. 展开更多
关键词 车厘子(prunus avium l.) 种植 气候因子 适宜性 甜樱桃
桃(Prunus persica(L.) Batsch.)品种核心种质的构建与评价 被引量:27
作者 李银霞 安丽君 +2 位作者 姜全 赵剑波 李天红 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期22-28,共7页
为构建桃品种核心种质,通过对56份桃(Prunus persica(L.) Batsch.)初级核心种质的形态农艺性状数据(MOR)和SSR等位基因数据的分析,研究了不同聚类取样方法和完全随机取样方法下9种取样比例的遗传多样性指数、保留比例及各频率段... 为构建桃品种核心种质,通过对56份桃(Prunus persica(L.) Batsch.)初级核心种质的形态农艺性状数据(MOR)和SSR等位基因数据的分析,研究了不同聚类取样方法和完全随机取样方法下9种取样比例的遗传多样性指数、保留比例及各频率段等位基因的丢失比例。结果表明:聚类取样的方法优于完全随机取样,并以在80%的取样比例下MOR结合SSR数据聚类取样的效果最好,利用此方案构建的桃品种核心种质共包括45份材料,该核心种质的基因遗传多样性指数最高,保留了初级核心种质100%的形态农艺性状和96.6%的SSR等位基因,在出现频率低于0.05的等位基因中共丢失了2个等位变异,保留了出现频率在0.05-0.10的所有等位基因;利用6个数量性状对所构建的核心种质的代表性检测表明所构建的核心种质很好地代表558份桃原始种质的遗传变异。 展开更多
关键词 桃(prunus persica(l.) Batsch.) 遗传多样性 保留比例 核心种质 构建 评价
防除杏树(Prunus armeniaca L.)冰核细菌药剂筛选及花期防霜效果 被引量:5
作者 孟庆瑞 李彦慧 +4 位作者 李帅英 张倩 陈少坤 温林柱 杨建民 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期4191-4196,共6页
采用vali结冻法和含菌平板培养法,从9种供试药剂中筛选出1号、2号、3号、5号、7号5种对INA细菌触杀及破坏冰蛋白作用的药剂。将5种筛选的药剂于日光温室和田间进行药剂防霜试验研究,结果表明,日光温室霜冻温度为-4℃时,5种药剂中3号... 采用vali结冻法和含菌平板培养法,从9种供试药剂中筛选出1号、2号、3号、5号、7号5种对INA细菌触杀及破坏冰蛋白作用的药剂。将5种筛选的药剂于日光温室和田间进行药剂防霜试验研究,结果表明,日光温室霜冻温度为-4℃时,5种药剂中3号、7号防霜效果显著,分别为47.05%~67.74%和49.44%~69.33%。3号、7号分别提高座果率12.25%~14.83%和4.69%~11.36%,与对照相比差异达显著水平。大田温度为-6.5℃时,5种药剂中3号的防霜效果为21.80%,提高座果率9.17%。与对照相比达显著水平。 展开更多
关键词 杏(prunus ARMENIACA l.) 冰核活性细菌 防霜药剂 防霜效果 座果率
半干旱黄土丘陵区天然次生灌木山桃(Prunus davidiana)与山杏(Prunus sibirica L.)叶片气体交换参数日动态差异 被引量:33
作者 张淑勇 周泽福 +1 位作者 张光灿 夏江宝 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期499-507,共9页
以半干旱黄土丘陵区5年生天然次生灌木山桃(Prunus davidiana)及山杏(Prunus sibirica L.)作为研究材料,系统比较了两树种叶片气体交换参数的日变化特征,分析了其光合作用和蒸腾作用与环境因子的关系。结果表明:山桃叶片气体交换参数日... 以半干旱黄土丘陵区5年生天然次生灌木山桃(Prunus davidiana)及山杏(Prunus sibirica L.)作为研究材料,系统比较了两树种叶片气体交换参数的日变化特征,分析了其光合作用和蒸腾作用与环境因子的关系。结果表明:山桃叶片气体交换参数日变化特征与山桃有所差异,山桃除蒸腾速率(Tr)外其它生理参数呈单峰曲线,山杏的日变化类型均呈双峰曲线。两树种光合速率(Pn)在下午明显下降,其原因主要是受到非气孔限制。山桃Pn的日均值((7.64±3.69)μmo.lm-2.s-1)比山杏((5.29±2.97)μmo.lm-2.s-1)高出46%,Tr的日均值((2.21±1.02)mmo.lm-.2s-1)比山杏((1.58±0.57)mmo.lm-.2s-1)高出40%左右,水分利用效率(WUE)的日均值相差不大,分别为(2.89±1.52)μmo.lmmol-1,(2.54±1.37)μmo.lmmol-1。多元回归及相关分析表明,影响光合作用与蒸腾作用的最重要因子是光合有效辐射强度,其次是大气CO2浓度;光合作用与蒸腾作用参数之间也有明显的相关性。结论:山桃与山杏表现出具有较高光合速率,较低蒸腾速率和较高水分利用效率的生理特征,因而在半干旱黄土丘陵区都有较好引种栽培与开发利用潜力。 展开更多
关键词 黄土丘陵区 山桃 山杏 气体交换 日变化 环境因子
不同来源中国李(Prunus salicina L.)的多样性与近缘种关系 被引量:14
作者 魏潇 章秋平 +6 位作者 刘宁 张玉萍 徐铭 刘硕 张玉君 马小雪 刘威生 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期568-578,共11页
【目的】中国李资源丰富、分布广泛。更好地明晰不同来源中国李栽培品种的多样性、遗传结构差异以及与同域近缘种的关系,将有利于明确中国李驯化扩散历程以及近缘种在栽培驯化过程中的作用,促进中国李地方品种资源的深入挖掘和新品种的... 【目的】中国李资源丰富、分布广泛。更好地明晰不同来源中国李栽培品种的多样性、遗传结构差异以及与同域近缘种的关系,将有利于明确中国李驯化扩散历程以及近缘种在栽培驯化过程中的作用,促进中国李地方品种资源的深入挖掘和新品种的选育。【方法】利用均匀分布于基因组的22对SSR分子标记,采用荧光毛细管电泳检测技术对48份种质进行基因分型,其中包括38份不同来源的中国李种质、10份变异类型或近缘种。通过GenAlEx 6.41软件评估22对SSR引物的多态性,对参试种质按不同来源分析遗传多样性;利用NTSYS-pc 2.1软件构建48份材料的树状聚类分析图;并根据贝叶斯模型的Structure 2.2软件分析不同居群间的遗传结构差异。【结果】基于48份供试材料的数据,22对SSR引物等位变异范围为3—21个,平均每个位点检测到13.54个;总共检测到298个等位变异,其中有51.8%的等位变异属于稀有等位变异。在不同居群间进行比较,根据平均有效等位变异(Ne)、平均Shannon’s多样性指数(I)、观察杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)可以看出,南方品种群的多样性最高,其次为东北品种群;而杏李的多样性最低,且明显低于华北品种群。通过分子方差分析,认为中国李的多样性有69%的遗传变异来源于居群内,仅有31%的遗传变异来源于居群间。基于遗传分化系数和Nei’s遗传距离的数据比较,认为不同居群间存在显著的遗传分化,同时不同地理来源种质间存在适当的基因交流。树状聚类分析暗示国外育成品种与我国南方品种群具有较近的亲缘关系;而华北品种群与杏李关系密切;东北品种群与乌苏里李关系紧密。群体结构分析可以将栽培中国李种质资源划分为南方小果脆肉品种群、南方大果品种群(包括国外育成品种)、华北品种群和东北品种群。【结论】我国南方地区中国李的多样性最为丰富,按东北品种群、国外品种群、华北品种群顺序依次降低。东北品种群为了提高适应性融入了乌苏里李基因;杏李是从华北品种群中高度驯化后的特化类型,且该类型通过无性繁殖保存了其高度杂合性状态。我国南方江浙地区的大果型种质对国外育成品种起着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国李 遗传多样性 群体结构 基因流
Analysis of Genetic Relationships in Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang Using ISSR Markers 被引量:1
作者 孙琪 廖康 +5 位作者 耿文娟 刘娟 曼苏尔.那斯尔 刘欢 贾杨 曹倩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期447-453,503,共8页
[Objective] This paper aimed to explore the genetic relationships among different types of Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang. [Method] The inter-simple se- quence repeat (ISSR) markers were applied to analyze the gene... [Objective] This paper aimed to explore the genetic relationships among different types of Prunus domestica L. in Xinjiang. [Method] The inter-simple se- quence repeat (ISSR) markers were applied to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships among 30 individual plants from 5 types of P. domestica germpiasm resources in Xinjiang. [Result] A total of 317 bands were amplified by 16 selected IS- SR primers. Among the amplified bands, there were 246 polymorphic bands, accounting for 77.60% of the total. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) of individuals was 0.266 6. The average Shannon's information index (I) of individuals was 0.399 1. And most of the genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.555 2 to 0.996 8. It is indicated that the P. domestica germplasm resources have a certain genetic diversity in Xinjiang. The cluster analysis showed that, at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.719, the 30 individuals were divided into 3 major groups, including a group of introduced European plum varieties, a group of Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi and a group of Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum. While at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.949, Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum were divided into two small groups. [Conclusion] There are very close genetic relationships between Jiashi Smoked Plum and Wild European Plum, and among the introduced European plum varieties, Tacheng Smoked Plum and Tacheng Binzi. 展开更多
关键词 XINJIANG prunus domestica l. ISSR Genetic relationship
Effects of Weak Light on the Ultrastructural Variations of Phloem Tissues in Source Leaves of Three-Year-Old Nectarine Trees(Prunus persica L.var. nectarina Ait.) 被引量:6
作者 王秀芹 黄卫东 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期688-697,共10页
Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural charact... Leaves from three_year_old solar greenhouse nectarine trees ( Prunus persica L. var. nectarina Ait. “Zao Hong Yan”) were used as materials in this study. It was the first time that the ultrastructural characteristics of phloem tissues of source leaves were observed and compared in normal and weak light intensities using the transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that the average diameters of companion cells (CC) and sieve elements (SE) of all kinds of veins were bigger in normal than that in weak light intensity, indicating that light could influence the cell development and growth. Dense cytoplasm with abundant mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums, multivesicular bodies, vesicles and plastids were observed in normal light intensity. On the contrary, CC with small vacuolar structures and few mitochondrias, endoplasmic reticulums were shown in weak light. Misalignment of grana thylakoid margins of nectarine leaves also was seen in weak light. The sieve pores of SEs were obstructed in weak light. Chloroplasts with numerous starch grains and few mitochondrias were noticed in the mesophyll cell (MES) surrounding the bundle sheath in weak light. The storage of starch grains appeared to result from an unbalance between photosynthate production and export of photosynthates. This observation provided a strong support to the point that most leaves export the most of assimilates in the light time. Plasmodesmal densities between SE/CC, CC/PP (phloem parenchyma cell), PP/PP and PP/BSC (bundle_sheath cell) decreased in weak light. Plasmodesmata were observed between CC/SE (NS) (nacreous_walled sieve element), PP/BSC in branch veins in normal light intensity, but not in weak light. Thus apoplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in weak light, however symplasmic pathway may be the main mode of transport of assimilates in normal light intensity. These results demonstrated that the solar greenhouse nectarine trees could be adapted to the weak light via the ultrastructure variation of phloem tissues of the source leaves. 展开更多
关键词 nectarine (prunus persica l.var. nectarina Ait.) phloem tissue ultrastructure weak light SE/CC complex phloem loading
The Flowering Biology of Plum(Prunus domestica L.) in Aksu Region, Xinjiang
作者 冯贝贝 李雯雯 +5 位作者 魏雅君 徐业勇 王明 杨红丽 牛莹莹 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1371-1375,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus do... [Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French', Prunus domestica L. cv. "Victoria' and Prunus domestica L. cv. "Stanley' were the research subjects. The phenophases of blooming, and the morphological and developmental characteristics of floral organs were observed. The amount and viability of pollen and the stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] Three varieties of plum all blossomed in early April, and the florescence had lasted for 9-10 d. The average number of anthers was 28.48%. The average number of pollen grains in each flower was 28 700.0. The pollen germination rate was 27.4%. 86.75% of the flowers were medium-styled or long-styled. There was no significant difference in the petal shape, color, anther number, calyx color, and flower ovary among the three varieties of plum. The stigma receptivity was strongest on the first day of flowering, and then dropped gradually. Therefore, the flowers of plum were manual pollinated on the first day of flowering. The duration time of stigma receptivity of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was longer than the other cultivars, the duration time of stigma receptivity was about 5 d. [Conclusion] The pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley' were higher than the other cultivars, which be considered the most suitable pollinizer for plum. In contrast, the complete flower rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was relatively high, but the pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' were lower than Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley', which are not suitable to use as a pollinizer for plum. 展开更多
关键词 prunus domestica l. PHENOPHASE Floral organs Pollen viability Stigma receptivity
Study on SSR Markers Linked to Flesh Color around the Stone of Prunus persica(L.) Batsch
作者 韩继成 刘国俭 +1 位作者 常瑞峰 张新忠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第5期962-964,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to select SSR molecular markers linked to flesh color around the stone of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. [Method] P. persica (L.) Batsch varieties Chongyanghong and Yanhong were used as p... [Objective] This study aimed to select SSR molecular markers linked to flesh color around the stone of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. [Method] P. persica (L.) Batsch varieties Chongyanghong and Yanhong were used as parents to construct F1 orthogonal group. A total of 138 FI individuals were selected as experimental materi- als for construction of color around the stone gene pool (B1) and non-color around the stone gene pool (B2) by using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) method, molec- ular markers linked to the flesh color around the stone of P. persica (L.) Batsch were selected with SSR molecular marker technology. [Result] After selection with 256 pairs of SSR primers, three pairs of molecular markers linked to the gene con- trolling flesh color around the stone of P. persica (L.) Batsch were selected (UDP96- 003, ch04g09 and UDP97-402). In addition, genetic distances between the three molecular markers and the gene controlling flesh color around the stone of P. persi- ca (L.) Batsch were calculated, which were 16.7, 10.1 and 17.0 cM, respectively. [Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for further selection of co-dominant molecular markers with closer genetic distance. 展开更多
关键词 prunus persica l.) Batsch Flesh Color around the stone SSR
Amino acid profiles and protein quality of Siberian apricot(Prunus sibirica L.)kernels from Inner Mongolia 被引量:7
作者 Mingyu Yin Tana Wuyun +1 位作者 Zhongmao Jiang Jie Zeng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1391-1397,共7页
Siberian apricot(Prunus sibirica L.)is a traditional nut tree species in East Asia and Siberia and is a possible contribution to healthy diets.However,it has attracted little research attention and information on the ... Siberian apricot(Prunus sibirica L.)is a traditional nut tree species in East Asia and Siberia and is a possible contribution to healthy diets.However,it has attracted little research attention and information on the nutritional value of its kernel is limited.In this study,the profile,nutritional value and variation of amino acids were investigated in eight provenances.The kernels contained29×10-2 g/g protein and were rich in glutamic acid(26.5%),aspartic acid(11.3%)and arginine(10.1%).They showed higher essential amino acids(EAA)than similar protein values for almonds.The variation coefficients of amino acids ranged from 3.8 to 43.7%,and the levels of seven amino acids were significantly different among the eight provenances.The proportion of essential amino acids to total amino acids and amino acid score were also quite different.Protein was negatively correlated with some amino acids and protein quality values.In conclusion,there were two superior provenances(Wanjiagou and Horinger County)with high EAA contents and protein quality,and could be used in the large-scale development of this species. 展开更多
关键词 prunus sibirica l. Amino acids Nutritional value DIVERSITY
Effects of nitrogen content on growth and hydraulic characteristics of peach(Prunus persica L.) seedlings under different soil moisture conditions 被引量:1
作者 Zhi-liang Zhang Guo-dong Liu +4 位作者 Fu-cang Zhang Cai-xia Zheng Fu-quan Ni Yin-hong Kang Yun Zeng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期365-375,共11页
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen content [Nl (no fertilizer), N2 (0.15 g.kg-l), and N3 (0.3 g.kg 1)] on the growth and the hydraulic characteristics of peach seedlings under ... A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen content [Nl (no fertilizer), N2 (0.15 g.kg-l), and N3 (0.3 g.kg 1)] on the growth and the hydraulic characteristics of peach seedlings under different soil moisture conditions (Wl, W2 and W3, in which the soil water content was 45% to 55%, 60% to 70%, and 75% to 80% of the field water capacity, respectively) by using a specialized high pressure flow meter with a root chamber and a coupling, which was connected to plant organs. Leaf area and leaf hydraulic conductivity (KL) increased significantly in the seedlings because of increased soil moisture and N content. KL increased with leaf area. A linear correlation was documented between KL and leaf area. KL was higher in the morning and began to decline sharply after 16:00, at which KL declined after an initial increase. Soil moisture and N content enhanced shoot (Ks) and root (Kr) hydraulic conductivities, thereby improving the low soil moisture condition to a large extent. Ks and Kr of the seedlings were reduced by 32% and 27% respectively in N~, and by 14.7% and 9.4%, respectively in N2, and both in Wb compared with the control treatment. N3 had no significant effect on Ks and Kr under similar conditions. Linear negative correlations were observed between Kr and the excised root diameter as well as between Ks and the shoot stem diameter. The shoot-to-root ratio increased with in- crease in N content. The shoot-to-root ratio in N3 was increased by 14.37%, compared with N1 in W1 as well as by 12% and 4.39% in Wz and W3, respectively. Knowledge of the effects of soil moisture and N fertilizer on hydraulic characteristics and growth is important. Our results provide basic guidelines for the implementation of water-saving irrigation and fertilization management of nursery stock. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen Hydraulic conductivity GROWTH WUE prunus persica l.
Molecular Identification and Cultivar Fingerprints of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch Germplasms 被引量:3
作者 SUN Shu-xia LI Jing JIANG Guo-liang CHEN Dong XIE Hong-jiang TU Mei-yan 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期1-5,8,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study the molecular identification and cultivar fingerprints of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch germplasms.[Method] Sixty peach genotypes,representing China common local cultivars and European sa... [Objective] The aim was to study the molecular identification and cultivar fingerprints of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch germplasms.[Method] Sixty peach genotypes,representing China common local cultivars and European samples were screened by microsatellites (simple sequence repeats,SSRs) and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers.[Result] 26 reproducible bands were amplified by Nine SSR primers,and 24 of which were polymorphic; 236 bands were amplified by 30 ISSR primers,and 113 of which were polymorphic.31 genotypes were discriminated with 1-3 distinct polymorphic bands generated from the primers ISSR and SSR.Seven cultivar-specific ISSR fragments and two SSR unique alleles obtained from this study were available to be converted into Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers.The genetic similarity coefficient (GS) estimated from these molecular data averaged were 0.939 (ranged from 0.856 to 0.983) for ISSR and 0.646 (ranged from 0.240 to 1.000) for SSR,respectively.The combined grouping association indicated that most local Chinese peach cultivars and exotic accessions were clustered together.This could be related to the mode of introduction and maintenance of the peach cultivars involving limited foundation germplasm,exchange of cultivars between plantations,and periodic development of new recombinant cultivars following sexual reproduction.[Conclusion] The results obtained in this work would help to improve the conservation,molecular identification and management of peach germplasm in breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic variability ISSR Molecular identification prunus persica l.) Batsch SSR
Novel in silico EST-SSR markers and bioinformatic approaches to detect genetic variation among peach(Prunus persica L.)germplasm 被引量:2
作者 Mehrana Koohi Dehkordi Tayebeh Beigzadeh Karim Sorkheh 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1359-1370,共12页
Because there are thousands of peach cultivars,cultivar classification is a critical step before starting a breeding project.Various molecular markers such as simple sequence repeats(SSRs)can be used.In this study,67 ... Because there are thousands of peach cultivars,cultivar classification is a critical step before starting a breeding project.Various molecular markers such as simple sequence repeats(SSRs)can be used.In this study,67 polymorphic primers produced 302 bands.Higher values for SI index(1.903)suggested higher genetic variability in the genotype under investigation.Mean values for observed alleles(Na),expected heterozygosity(He),effective alleles(Ne),Nei’s information index(h),and polymorphic information content(PIC)were 4.5,0.83,5.45,0.83,and 0.81,respectively.The dendrogram constructed based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficients outlined four distinct clusters in the entire germplasm.In addition,an analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA)showed that70.68%of the total variation was due to within-population variation,while 29.32%was due to variation among populations.According to this research,all primers were successfully used for the peach accessions.The EST-SSR markers should be useful in peach breeding programs and other research. 展开更多
关键词 Expressed sequenced tags(EST) Simple sequence repeats(SSR) prunus persica l. Genetic diversityl
Effects of Different Hormone Proportions on Differentiation and Regeneration of Prtmus avium L. Adventitious Buds
作者 Xuanping HU 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2014年第1期40-42,共3页
In order to screen the appropriate culture condition for the differentiation and regeneration of Prtmus avium L. adventitious buds, in this study, the effect of different hormone proportions on differentiation and reg... In order to screen the appropriate culture condition for the differentiation and regeneration of Prtmus avium L. adventitious buds, in this study, the effect of different hormone proportions on differentiation and regeneration of shoot tip explants were investigated using Gisela No. 5 and Gisela No. 6 as experimental materi- als. The results showed that, different hormone proportions had extremely significant effects ( P 〈0.01 ) on the differentiation rate of P. avium adventitious buds; the appropriate hormone proportions for Gisela No. 5 and Gisela No. 6 to induce dedifferentiation of adventitious buds were 6-BA 3.0 mg/L + IBA 0.5 mg/L + KT O. 1 mg/L and 6-BA 1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.5 mg/L + KT 0.2 rag/L, respectively. In addition, different hormone proportions had extremely significant effects (P 〈 0.01 ) on the regeneration coefficient and regeneration rate of P. avium adventitious buds; with the hormone proportion of 6-BA 1.0 mg/L + IBA 1.0 mg/L + KT 0.3mg/L, the number of regenerated adventitious buds reached the maximum for both varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Prtrmus avium l. Hormone proportions Adventitious buds DIFFERENTIATION
Chemical composition,nutritional values,elemental analysis and biological properties of Prunus mahaleb L.:From waste to new potential sources for food,cosmetic and drug industry
作者 Zühal Bayrakçeken Güven Osama Alshehri +5 位作者 Neslihan Yüce Ebubekir Bakan Betül Demirci Mustafa Abdullah Yilmaz Abdulselam Ertas A.Ahmet Basaran 《Food Bioscience》 SCIE 2023年第3期3189-3196,共8页
Prunus mahaleb L.seeds are widely used in the baking industry as spice for flavouring.While achieving the mahaleb powder for commercial use in local companies,the seeds are sometimes mixed unintentionally with their k... Prunus mahaleb L.seeds are widely used in the baking industry as spice for flavouring.While achieving the mahaleb powder for commercial use in local companies,the seeds are sometimes mixed unintentionally with their kernels(stony shell)during sieving procedure.As the chemical and biological properties of the kernel of seeds are not well known,the kernel,seeds and the market sample obtained from a local supplier are decided to investigate individually.The antioxidant capacity and the trace element analyses of the seeds and kernels were performed by TEAC and CUPRAC assays and ICP-MS.The market sample was analysed for nutrient and oil composition.Fatty acid composition of the oil was determined with GC-FID and GC-MS methods.The chemical composition of the methanol extract of the seeds and kernels was studied by LC-MS/MS.Trace elements Mn,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn and Se were determined in the methanol extracts,ethyl acetate and water fractions.Mushroom tyrosinase enzyme inhibitions of 33 different extracts and fractions of various waste parts of the plant(kernel,fruit,twigs,flos,leaves)were investigated.The nutritional values showed that the market sample had high nutritious properties.The fatty acid content of the oil was found to be valuable in remedying dysfunctions of the body.Kernel ethylacetate fraction showed the highest tyrosinase enzyme inhibition.The role of copper element on enzyme activity was determined.The kernels are accepted as a waste material may also be evaluated as a good promising choice for food,cosmetic and drug industry. 展开更多
关键词 prunus mahaleb l.seeds KERNElS TYROSINASE Trace elements Nutritional value Fatty acid content
Evaluation of seed quality and oil parameters in native Iranian almond(Prunus L.spp.) species
作者 Soghra Kiani Shakiba Rajabpoor +1 位作者 Karim Sorkheh Sezai Ercisli 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期115-122,共8页
We assessed chemical composition and variation in oil content and seed weight of 40 wild-growing almonds(Prunus L. spp.) accessions collected from different parts of Iran. There were significant differences in kerne... We assessed chemical composition and variation in oil content and seed weight of 40 wild-growing almonds(Prunus L. spp.) accessions collected from different parts of Iran. There were significant differences in kernel weight and oil parameters. Accessions ranged from0.20 to 1.5 g in kernel weight, 0.2–3.0 mm in shell thickness, and 16–55 % in oil content. The predominant vegetable oil components of kernels were 4.6–9.5 % palmitic acid, 0.4–0.8 % palmitoleic acid, 1.0–3.4 % stearic acid,48.8–88.4 % oleic acid and 11.3–33.2 % linoleic acid.Linolenic acid was detected in 15 accessions. High heritability was recorded for all studied traits and was maximum for shell thickness(98.5 %) and minimum for oil content(97.1 %). Maximum and minimum ‘Euclidean'pair wise dissimilarities were 17.9 and 0.5, respectively.All 40 accessions were grouped into two major clusters. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic diversity Kernel quality Oil parameters Wild almond(prunus l.spp.)
普通杏(Prunus armeniaca)初级核心种质资源的构建及评价 被引量:27
作者 章秋平 刘威生 +4 位作者 刘宁 张玉萍 郁香荷 孙猛 徐铭 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期819-825,共7页
核心种质的构建不仅能够提高种质圃资源的保存效率、方便资源的管理,而且有利于种质资源的深入研究和种质创新。以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的447份普通杏为材料,利用40个农艺性状的鉴定数据,对核心种质构建的几种聚类取样方案进行... 核心种质的构建不仅能够提高种质圃资源的保存效率、方便资源的管理,而且有利于种质资源的深入研究和种质创新。以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的447份普通杏为材料,利用40个农艺性状的鉴定数据,对核心种质构建的几种聚类取样方案进行比较,明确了杏初级核心种质构建的最佳取样方案。在按品种类群分组的基础上,采用S策略经过多次聚类抽样,获得由111份种质材料组成的初级核心样本集,占总体样本比例25%。对该初级核心种质遗传多样性进行检测和评价,结果表明本研究所构建的初级核心种质能够很好地保留普通杏种质资源的遗传多样性。 展开更多
关键词 普通杏(prunus ARMENIACA l.) 初级核心种质 聚类 遗传多样性
甜樱桃果实LOX、PPO和POD活性变化特性及采后处理效应 被引量:6
作者 魏建梅 朱向秋 +1 位作者 刘长江 袁军伟 《河北农业科学》 2010年第1期25-28,60,共5页
以红灯和萨米托果实为试材,研究了冷藏条件下2种甜樱桃果实的LOX、PPO和POD活性变化特性,以及气调、1-MCP和自发气调处理对这3种酶活性变化的影响效应。结果表明:不同品种间的甜樱桃果实LOX、PPO和POD活性变化存在显著差异,3种酶在萨米... 以红灯和萨米托果实为试材,研究了冷藏条件下2种甜樱桃果实的LOX、PPO和POD活性变化特性,以及气调、1-MCP和自发气调处理对这3种酶活性变化的影响效应。结果表明:不同品种间的甜樱桃果实LOX、PPO和POD活性变化存在显著差异,3种酶在萨米托果实中的活性均显著高于红灯,但活性增加速率和变化趋势有所不同,即红灯果实的LOX活性在贮藏初期增加幅度高于萨米托,两品种的PPO活性变化趋势一致,而POD活性的差异主要表现在贮藏前期,说明LOX、PPO和POD的活性变化与品种特性及果实衰老存在密切关系。采后气调、1-MCP和自发气调处理的影响效果因品种不同而异,进一步表明这3种酶在甜樱桃果实采后衰老过程中起着重要作用,但确切机理尚需进一步探讨。 展开更多
关键词 甜樱桃 酶活性 脂氧合酶 多酚氧化酶 过氧化物酶 采后处理
HPLC法测定不同产地桃仁中苦杏仁苷的含量 被引量:25
作者 叶晶晶 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2011年第1期206-207,共2页
目的:建立不同产地桃仁中苦杏仁苷含量的高效液相测定方法,测定不同产地桃仁药材中苦杏仁苷的含量。方法:色谱柱HypersilBDS C18(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-水(17∶83)。结果:苦杏仁苷在4.94~80μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,r=... 目的:建立不同产地桃仁中苦杏仁苷含量的高效液相测定方法,测定不同产地桃仁药材中苦杏仁苷的含量。方法:色谱柱HypersilBDS C18(250mm×4.6mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-水(17∶83)。结果:苦杏仁苷在4.94~80μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,r=0.9996,平均回收率为99.87%,RSD=1.01%。含量测定结果表明,不同产地桃仁药材中苦杏仁苷含量存在差异。结论:该方法简便快捷,准确灵敏,重复性好,可用于桃仁药材的质量控制。 展开更多
关键词 桃仁 苦杏仁苷 HPlC法 含量测定
Relationships Between the Distribution of Relative Canopy Light Intensity and the Peach Yield and Quality 被引量:4
作者 HE Feng-li WANG Fei +2 位作者 WEI Qin-ping WANG Xiao-wei ZHANG Qiang 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期297-302,共6页
The aim of the present experiment was to study the relationship between the distribution of relative light intensity in canopy and yield and quality of Wanmi peach. The optimum relative canopy light intensity was judg... The aim of the present experiment was to study the relationship between the distribution of relative light intensity in canopy and yield and quality of Wanmi peach. The optimum relative canopy light intensity was judged to be 36.3% for high quality peaches, when canopy volumes of Wanmi peach trees with a relative light intensity 〈 30% accounted for 7.7 and 47.9% of the total canopy volume in June and September, respectively. The canopy volume with a relative light intensity 〉 80% was 27.7 and 3.1% of the total canopy volume in June and September, respectively. Peach canopies were divided into 0.5 m × 0.5 m × 0.5 m cubes, with the relative light intensity being measured at different positions of the canopy during the growing season. Yield and fruit quality were also measured at these positions at harvest. The results showed that the relative light intensity decreased gradually from outside to inside and from top to bottom of the tree canopy. Fruit were mainly distributed in the upper and middle portions of the canopy, 1.5-3.0 m above ground. Regression results showed that single fruit weight and soluble solid content were positively related to relative light intensity. 展开更多
关键词 peach prunus persica l.) open-centered shape relative light intensity quality CANOPY
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