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A Study of the Treatment of Disfiguring Diseases in the “Qian Jin Fang”
作者 Yuhan Li Yang Zhao 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第3期200-206,共7页
Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has been passed down for more than 2,000 years.TCM beauty products driven by the principles of identification and treatment with various dosage forms and exhibit mild and safe efficacy... Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has been passed down for more than 2,000 years.TCM beauty products driven by the principles of identification and treatment with various dosage forms and exhibit mild and safe efficacy are bound to become a main component of the beauty industry in the future.Xu once commented that“Qian Jin Fang”is different from the traditional prescription system,which emphasizes the use of medicines.In this paper,we mainly selected the prescriptions for the treatment of disfigurement diseases such as acne,scarring,black dryness,face hyperpigmentation,black mole,and rosacea from the article titled,“Upper Seven Orifices Disease-Facial Medicine IX”in the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang[1].By studying and analyzing the original composition of the formula,understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease,and exploring the characteristics of the formula concerning the efficacy of TCM,their properties,flavors,and meridians,we summarized the characteristics of the Qian Jin Fang.It is based on the external treatment of disfigurement diseases,with a wide variety of drugs,flexibility,and accuracy.This method draws upon analogies while utilizing excipients and harmonizers to focus on the combined healing approach of treatment and nourishment. 展开更多
关键词 qian jin fang External treatment Disfiguring diseases ACNE
作者 冯达 段亚锋 李婷婷 《水土保持研究》 北大核心 2025年第2期255-262,共8页
[目的]研究黔桂地区植被时空变化及其对地理环境的响应,为区域生态恢复工程效益评估和进一步恢复提供科学参考。[方法]基于NDVI数据,结合植被本底值和变化趋势,将区域植被分为9种状态类型;利用均一化面积指数分析不同状态类型植被对岩... [目的]研究黔桂地区植被时空变化及其对地理环境的响应,为区域生态恢复工程效益评估和进一步恢复提供科学参考。[方法]基于NDVI数据,结合植被本底值和变化趋势,将区域植被分为9种状态类型;利用均一化面积指数分析不同状态类型植被对岩性、地貌、土壤和地形位指数等地理特征的响应。[结果](1) 2001—2020年NDVI年均值波动增加,平均趋势率为1.8×10^(-3)/a,恢复趋势、退化趋势和稳定状态的植被面积分别占30.8%,9.1%和60.1%;(2)稳定型植被在低、中、高覆盖植被中面积占比逐渐降低,而退化型和恢复型的面积占比均依次增加;(3)纯碳酸盐岩上高覆盖植被均一化面积指数低于均值、低覆盖植被高于均值,而碎屑岩正好相反;(4)植被对红壤和水稻土的响应与本底覆盖度相关;(5)低覆盖稳定型植被在岩溶峡谷区集中分布,峰丛洼地的高覆盖植被优势明显;(6)低覆盖植被与地形位的响应关系明显,中覆盖植被受地形位影响较小。[结论]黔桂地区植被总体呈改善趋势,不同植被状态类型空间分布不均,赤红壤和岩溶峡谷上的植被相对稳定,黄壤区和峰林平原的高覆盖植被单向退化较为明显,高覆盖和低覆盖植被分别集中分布于地形位中值和低值区。 展开更多
关键词 黔桂地区 喀斯特 植被状态类型 地理环境 响应
作者 卢晓东 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-16,共16页
自然科学基础学科中的拔尖创新人才何以涌现是当下中国的核心论题,其哲学基础和关键能否得以揭示关系到教育观念变革和教育实践定向。此论题同时关涉“双减”这一教育政策概念尚未被把握的本质。在《科学革命的结构》以及库恩一系列论述... 自然科学基础学科中的拔尖创新人才何以涌现是当下中国的核心论题,其哲学基础和关键能否得以揭示关系到教育观念变革和教育实践定向。此论题同时关涉“双减”这一教育政策概念尚未被把握的本质。在《科学革命的结构》以及库恩一系列论述中,范式与教-学间的联系是常规科学时期科学教育的本质所涉,不适当的教-学会在学生头脑中形成范式陷阱。范式陷阱作为隐喻与海德格尔的“遮蔽”隐喻虽有不同但高度类似,彼此唤醒。教-学中的教科书以“真”的文字和语言形成了作为掩埋的遮蔽而类似“陷阱”,扭曲/失真的遮蔽使反常现象难以被“看见”和发现,改信的困难凸显范式陷阱作为“陷阱”的特征。在海德格尔处,真理的本质揭示自身为自由,即不被旧范式遮蔽的自由或不陷入范式陷阱的自由。Doublelighten作为英译方使“双减”概念中隐藏不露的微光与澄明得以显露。与遮蔽相对的隐喻是澄明,减少本科学习量和“双减”的哲学本质在澄明。澄明和自由是自然科学领域真理发现和创新人才涌现的本质和关键,全民族始终要将学生在(旧)范式中、在不断增长的知识和技术中所保有的澄明和自由视为珍宝。本文是勾连库恩和海德格尔的一次尝试。 展开更多
关键词 双减 拔尖创新人才 科学教育 钱学森之问 科学革命 范式 海德格尔
作者 谢天鹏 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2025年第1期18-23,116,共7页
从屈原《离骚》化用自己《抽思》《涉江》《天问》《远游》《思美人》《惜往日》诸篇,以及宋玉、贾谊、司马迁、东方朔或化用或论及屈作分别达今存七卷中之五卷、六卷、四卷、五卷等情况看,一个共25篇的“屈原集”很可能早已存在,甚至... 从屈原《离骚》化用自己《抽思》《涉江》《天问》《远游》《思美人》《惜往日》诸篇,以及宋玉、贾谊、司马迁、东方朔或化用或论及屈作分别达今存七卷中之五卷、六卷、四卷、五卷等情况看,一个共25篇的“屈原集”很可能早已存在,甚至就是屈原自己所编。再从司马迁《屈原列传》、东方朔《七谏》看,今存《楚辞》中宋玉等人的拟屈之作也已围绕着屈原及其作品形成了一个“关系网”。因此,刘向编《楚辞》应是基于这样一个“屈原集”加“关系网”,合并、落实、调适而成的。就其“调适”而言,他主要受了司马迁影响,一是依循“时间”标准排列篇次,二是依据“悲其志”主旨进行再选拔;此外,他还引入了“代屈原设言”的写作标准。 展开更多
关键词 屈原 《楚辞》 司马迁 刘向
干酪乳杆菌Qian增强京尼平苷对盐酸/乙醇诱导小鼠胃损伤的预防效果(英文) 被引量:2
作者 骞宇 索化夷 +2 位作者 易若琨 李贵节 赵欣 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第21期230-240,共11页
为探讨最近新发现的干酪乳杆菌Qian(Lactobacillus casei Qian,LC-Qian)和京尼平苷组合对胃损伤预防效果的增强作用,比较分析LC-Qian(0.5×10~8 CFU/kg,以体质量计,下同)、京尼平苷(50 mg/kg)以及LC-Qian(0.5×10~8 CFU/kg)+京... 为探讨最近新发现的干酪乳杆菌Qian(Lactobacillus casei Qian,LC-Qian)和京尼平苷组合对胃损伤预防效果的增强作用,比较分析LC-Qian(0.5×10~8 CFU/kg,以体质量计,下同)、京尼平苷(50 mg/kg)以及LC-Qian(0.5×10~8 CFU/kg)+京尼平苷(50 mg/kg)对盐酸/乙醇诱导胃损伤的预防效果。LC-Qian+京尼平苷(组合组)能减少胃损伤面积和胃液量,同时提高胃液pH值,能使这些指标接近正常组并且与模型组显著不同。相对于模型组,组合组能降低细胞因子白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)、IL-12、肿瘤坏死因子α和γ-干扰素的水平,同时降低血清胃动素、P物质、内皮素-1的水平和提高生长激素抑制素、血管活性肠肽的水平。相比模型组,在心脏、肝脏、肾脏和胃组织中组合组表现出更高的NO含量,但是这些含量低于正常组。通过逆转录聚合酶链式反应分析观察到:相对于对照组小鼠,组合组能够上调神经元型一氧化氮合酶、内皮型一氧化氮合酶、核因子κB抑制蛋白α的mRNA表达和下调诱导型一氧化氮合成酶、核因子κB表达,同时以上这些表达强度与正常组较为接近。通过这些结果可以看到LC-Qian和京尼平苷联合使用具有最好的胃损伤预防效果,LC-Qian能够提高京尼平苷的胃损伤预防效果,该组合可作为一种新的参考方法用于预防胃损伤。 展开更多
关键词 干酪乳杆菌qian 乙醇 MRNA表达 小鼠
作者 黄书亭 《边疆经济与文化》 2025年第1期80-85,共6页
丝绸之路青海道位处三江源头区域,建基于玉石之路、彩陶之路、青铜之路及古丝绸之路,张骞出使西域后拓展为东西方物质交流和文明对话的走廊。青海道交融巫文化、玉文化、吐谷浑文化、吐蕃文化、粟特文化、黄河文化,初成于东周,鼎盛于隋... 丝绸之路青海道位处三江源头区域,建基于玉石之路、彩陶之路、青铜之路及古丝绸之路,张骞出使西域后拓展为东西方物质交流和文明对话的走廊。青海道交融巫文化、玉文化、吐谷浑文化、吐蕃文化、粟特文化、黄河文化,初成于东周,鼎盛于隋唐,明清时衰微,如今再度兴旺,嵌入“一带一路”,促进文明交流互鉴,播扬丝路文化,走上中华民族伟大复兴快车道,构成便捷通畅、整体联动的网络系统。青海道人文背景深厚,地理环境独特,对西部交通、西北地区及黄河流域治理,对族群迁徙、商贸流通、技术传播产生积极影响,推动青海流域深度融入丝绸之路经济带,具有实用价值和象征意义。 展开更多
关键词 丝绸之路青海道 张骞 丝路文化
作者 杨德会 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期86-91,共6页
于谦之子于冕所撰《先肃愍公行状》将北京保卫战的胜利归功于于谦一人,这种书写得到后世史家的普遍认同。然而,揆诸亲历其事者李贤、刘定之、叶盛甚至于谦本人所撰写的官私史著,北京保卫战的胜利其实是明景帝君臣群策群力的结果。这主... 于谦之子于冕所撰《先肃愍公行状》将北京保卫战的胜利归功于于谦一人,这种书写得到后世史家的普遍认同。然而,揆诸亲历其事者李贤、刘定之、叶盛甚至于谦本人所撰写的官私史著,北京保卫战的胜利其实是明景帝君臣群策群力的结果。这主要体现在五件史事上:第一,“谏阻南迁”的主导者是宦官金英等人;第二,“朝堂定乱”的主角是景帝本人;第三,景帝全权主持战守事宜,于谦是景帝的重要助手,大将石亨与于谦政治地位平等;第四,明军杀敌战果有限,但是景帝君臣凭借毅力和智慧坚守城池,迫使也先仓促撤军;第五,英宗、景帝兄弟无意间的相互配合促使明军擒获叛阉喜宁。 展开更多
关键词 明代 北京保卫战 于谦 明景帝
Groundwater protection from cadmium contamination by permeable reactive barrier in Qian'an of Jilin,China 被引量:2
作者 Alkali Mohammed 《Global Geology》 2008年第4期197-202,共6页
This research studies the reliability of an activated carbon permeable reactive barrier in removing cadmium from a contaminated shallow aquifer.Laboratory tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium and ... This research studies the reliability of an activated carbon permeable reactive barrier in removing cadmium from a contaminated shallow aquifer.Laboratory tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium and kinetic adsorption properties of the activated carbon in cadmium-containing aqueous solutions.A 2D numerical model has been used to describe pollutant transport within a groundwater and the pollutant adsorption on the permeable reactive barrier(PRB).In particular,it has been considered the case of a PAB used to protect a lake or downstream from Cd(II)contaminated groundwater.Numerical results show that the PAB can achieve a long-term efficiency by preventing lake or downstream pollution for several months. 展开更多
关键词 qian'an County CADMIUM ADSORPTION PRB GROUNDWATER numerical simulation
Seismogenic tectonics of the Qian-Gorlos earthquake in Jilin Province,China 被引量:3
作者 Jun Shen Bo Shao +4 位作者 Xiao-hui Yu Yang Yu Gao Qi Mei Deng Hanwen Zhang 《Earthquake Science》 CSCD 2016年第2期93-103,共11页
The Qian-Gorlos earthquake, which occurred in the Songliao basin in Jilin Province in 1119 AD, was the largest earthquake to occur in NE China before the 1975 Haicheng earthquake. Based on historical records and surfa... The Qian-Gorlos earthquake, which occurred in the Songliao basin in Jilin Province in 1119 AD, was the largest earthquake to occur in NE China before the 1975 Haicheng earthquake. Based on historical records and surface geological investigations, it has been suggested previously that the earthquake epicenter was in the Longkeng area. However, other workers have considered the epicenter to be in the Halamaodu area based on the landslides and faults found in this region. No seismogenic structure has yet been found in either of these two regions.We tried to detect active faults in the urban areas of Songyuan City, where the historical earthquake was probably located. One of the aims of this work was to clarify the seismogenic structure so that the seismic risk in the city could be more accurately evaluated. The area was investigated and analyzed using information from remote sensing and topographic surveys, seismic data from petroleum exploration, shallow seismic profiles, exploratory geological trenches on fault outcrops, and borehole data. The geophysical data did not reveal any evidence of faults cutting through Cretaceous or later strata under the Longkeng scarp, which has been suggested to be structural evidence of the Qian-Gorlos earthquake. The continuous fault surfaces on the back edge of terraces in theHalamaodu area stretch for [3.5 km and were probably formed by tectonic activity. However, results from shallow seismic profiles showed that the faults did not extend downward, with the corresponding deep structure being identified as a gentle kink band. A new reverse fault was found to the west of the two suggested epicenters, which presented as a curvilinear fault extending to the west, and was formed by two groups of NE- and NW-trending faults intersecting the Gudian fault. Three-dimensional seismic and shallow seismic data from petroleum exploration revealed its distinct spatial distribution and showed that the fault may cut through Late Quaternary strata. Exploration boreholes and later geomorphological studies provided further proof of this. Based on these results and analysis,the Gudian fault was confirmed as having been an active fault since the Late Quaternary, with the possibility of earthquakes of magnitude [7 in the future. The QianGorlos earthquake was most probably the result of breakage on one or two sections of this 66-km-long fault. 展开更多
关键词 qian-Gorlos earthquake Historical earthquake Seismogenic structure
Treatment of Nonspecific Chronic Prostatitis with Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository in 104 Cases 被引量:1
作者 贾玉森 李曰庆 +1 位作者 李军 孙明杰 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期90-92,共3页
Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository (前列腺炎栓) was rectally applied to treat 104 patients with nonspecific chronic prostatitis ( damp-heat syndrome with blood stasis) in contrast to 30 patients treated with traditional Ch... Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository (前列腺炎栓) was rectally applied to treat 104 patients with nonspecific chronic prostatitis ( damp-heat syndrome with blood stasis) in contrast to 30 patients treated with traditional Chinese drug Ye Ju Hua Shuan (野菊花栓Suppository of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici). The results show that chronic prostatitis is markedly improved by using Qian Lie Xian Yan suppository, with a short-term cure rate of 23.1% and a total effective rate of 84.6%, superior to that of the control group. The animal experiment indicates that Qian Lie Xian Yan suppository has better anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, with an action of promoting blood circulation. 展开更多
关键词 野菊花栓 Treatment of Nonspecific Chronic Prostatitis with qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository in 104 Cases
Professor Qihu Qian
《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE 2012年第1期I0002-I0002,共1页
PhD, Professor, PLA University of Science and Technology, ChinaPresident, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME)Tel: +86-10-66828096E-mail: gcyqqh@163.com Qihu Qian, professor in the PLA Unive... PhD, Professor, PLA University of Science and Technology, ChinaPresident, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME)Tel: +86-10-66828096E-mail: gcyqqh@163.com Qihu Qian, professor in the PLA University ofScience and Technology, 展开更多
关键词 PLA Professor Qihu qian
“Eastern”Xi Yang Qian(Rubia tirctorum L.)and“Western”Zhong Guo Qian(Rubia cordifolia L.):Across the Regions
作者 Min Shao 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2022年第2期131-135,共5页
Qian Cao(Radix et Rhizoma Rubiae)is a perennial grass with red and yellow pigments in its roots.It has been used since ancient times for fabric dyeing and painting,and it’s the oldest red dye in both Europe and China... Qian Cao(Radix et Rhizoma Rubiae)is a perennial grass with red and yellow pigments in its roots.It has been used since ancient times for fabric dyeing and painting,and it’s the oldest red dye in both Europe and China.Xi Yang Qian(Rubia tirctorum L.)spread from the East to the West,while Zhong Guo Qian(Rubia cordifolia L.)spread from the West to the East.Both were integral in the development of Chinese and Western color cultures.Nowadays,although it is no longer commonly used in dyes and paints,Qian Cao is still used in clinical medicine as a medicinal herb. 展开更多
关键词 Xi Yang qian(Rubia tirctorum L.) Turkey red Zhong Guo qian(Rubia cordifolia L.) qian Cao(Radix et Rhizoma Ru‐biae)
Congratulation to Professor Renynyuan Qian on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday——Biographic Sketch of Professor Renyuan Qian
《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第4期3-4,共2页
Renyuan Qian was born on September 19, 1917 in Changshu, Jiangsu province.He graduated from the Chemistry Department of Zhejiang University in 1939. Inthe year of 1943, he went to the United States to take postgraduat... Renyuan Qian was born on September 19, 1917 in Changshu, Jiangsu province.He graduated from the Chemistry Department of Zhejiang University in 1939. Inthe year of 1943, he went to the United States to take postgraduate studies mainlyin the University of Wisconsin. In 1948, he returned to China and associated with Xiamen University and Zhe- 展开更多
关键词 Biographic Sketch of Professor Renyuan qian Congratulation to Professor Renynyuan qian on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday
BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR CHINA-INDONESIA COOPERATION Exclusive interview with Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian
作者 Wang Fengjuan Wang Fang 《China Report ASEAN》 2019年第1期16-21,共6页
Trade and cultural exchange between China and Indonesia can be traced back more than 2,000 years.Since the Song Dynasty(960-1279),friendly ties between the two countries have been well-documented across various realms... Trade and cultural exchange between China and Indonesia can be traced back more than 2,000 years.Since the Song Dynasty(960-1279),friendly ties between the two countries have been well-documented across various realms.Through mutual exchange and mutual learning,Chinese and Indonesian civilizations both thrived and made significant contributions to the prosperity of Asian civilization. 展开更多
关键词 XIAO qian Cultural communication Asian CIVILIZATIONS
《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第4期279-280,共2页
Professor Qian Baogong, member of Academia Sinica, associate editor-in-chief of this journal, passed away on March 17,1992 at Wuhan. He was born on March 18, 1916 in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province and graduated from the D... Professor Qian Baogong, member of Academia Sinica, associate editor-in-chief of this journal, passed away on March 17,1992 at Wuhan. He was born on March 18, 1916 in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province and graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University in Luoshan, Sichuan Province in 1940. He took his graduate study in 1947 at the Broo, klyn Polytechnic Institute in New York, and received M .S. degree from there. 展开更多
A Comparative Study on Conceptual Metaphors of “SHEN” and “QIAN”
作者 Xu Xiaojia Yang Yuanyuan +1 位作者 Peng Lujiao Wang Anxin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第6期14-16,共3页
This thesis is a comparative discussion of conceptual metaphors of “SHEN” and “QIAN”, carried out within the framework of conceptual metaphor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Both qualitative and qua... This thesis is a comparative discussion of conceptual metaphors of “SHEN” and “QIAN”, carried out within the framework of conceptual metaphor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are adopted in this research. The metaphorical extensions of Chinese “SHEN”/“QIAN” and DEEP/SHALLOW concepts in English have been compared quantitatively. The statistic results show in each projected domain, which further indicates the similarities of peoples’ modes of thinking in different cultures. 展开更多
Interpreting Qian Zhongshu' s Translation:Sublimation in Translation
作者 李芝 《商情》 2013年第21期275-275,共1页
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 阅读知识 阅读材料
A Salute to the "QIAN Xuesen School"of Systems Engineering
作者 XUE Huifeng 《Aerospace China》 2018年第3期23-27,共5页
QIAN Xuesen published the article Technology of Organization and Management: Systems Engineering on September 27, 1978, pointing out that systems engineering is the technology of organization and management system tha... QIAN Xuesen published the article Technology of Organization and Management: Systems Engineering on September 27, 1978, pointing out that systems engineering is the technology of organization and management system that can be applied in all systems. The origin, formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life. The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects. 展开更多
Research on social medical insurance of migrant workers --A case of Suqian city in Jiangsu province
作者 Pang Yeli 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期95-97,共3页
City migrant workers, as one part of the city's development, economic development and other aspects of urban to make a great contribution, but the delay with the local residents do not enjoy the same level of medical... City migrant workers, as one part of the city's development, economic development and other aspects of urban to make a great contribution, but the delay with the local residents do not enjoy the same level of medical care treatment is always blocked in outside the city's health care system, have less relevant departments, there is no practical system introduced regulations and policies, these things tell us to pay attention to the people, and the introduction of appropriate medical insurance of migrant workers possibly things, and timely medical security system of such groups and the local people medical protection for long support. Make medical insurance system can cities try it's best to help foreign workers Medicare, Medicare for the development of China has made a modest contribution. 展开更多
关键词 Urban migrant workers Social medical care Su qian
Spatial Cognition of Chinese“Qian/Hou”and English“Front/Back”
作者 LIU Jingfei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2022年第9期301-306,共6页
“Front/back”orientation is a basic understanding of the spatial relationship between people and objects and represents a dimensional spatial relationship in the relative horizontal direction.The“front/back”orienta... “Front/back”orientation is a basic understanding of the spatial relationship between people and objects and represents a dimensional spatial relationship in the relative horizontal direction.The“front/back”orientation is judged based on human body experience both in Chinese“qian/hou”and English“front/back”.The spatial cognition of Chinese“qian/hou”and English“front/back”orientation can be analyzed from two aspects:topological space and reference space. 展开更多
关键词 spatial cognition Chinese“qian/hou” English“front/back”
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