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Structural parameterization and functional prediction of antigenic polypeptome sequences with biological activity through quantitative sequence-activity models (QSAM) by molecular electronegativity edge-distance vector (VMED) 被引量:1
作者 LI ZhiLiang1,2, WU ShiRong1,2, CHEN ZeCong1,2, YE Nancy1,2, YANG ShengXi1,2, LIAO ChunYang1,2, ZHANG MengJun1,2,3, YANG Li1,2, MEI Hu1,2,4, YANG Yan1,2, ZHAO Na1,2, ZHOU Yuan1,2, ZHOU Ping1,2, XIONG Qing1,2, XU Hong1,2, LIU ShuShen1,2, LING ZiHua1,2, CHEN Gang1,2,4 & LI GenRong1,2 1 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering/Key Laboratory for Chemobiomedical Science and Engineering under Chongqing Municipality, College of Life Science and Biological Engineering/Key Laboratory for Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering under Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 2 State Key Laboratory for Chemobiosensors and Chemobiometrics under MOST at Hunan University, Changsha 410012, China +1 位作者 3 Department of Medical Analysis/PLA Center of Bioinformatics Immunology, Surgeon Third University, Chongqing 400031, China 4 Technology Centre for Life Sciences, Singapore Polytechnic, 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651, Singapore 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2007年第5期706-716,共11页
Only from the primary structures of peptides, a new set of descriptors called the molecular electro-negativity edge-distance vector (VMED) was proposed and applied to describing and characterizing the molecular struct... Only from the primary structures of peptides, a new set of descriptors called the molecular electro-negativity edge-distance vector (VMED) was proposed and applied to describing and characterizing the molecular structures of oligopeptides and polypeptides, based on the electronegativity of each atom or electronic charge index (ECI) of atomic clusters and the bonding distance between atom-pairs. Here, the molecular structures of antigenic polypeptides were well expressed in order to propose the auto-mated technique for the computerized identification of helper T lymphocyte (Th) epitopes. Furthermore, a modified MED vector was proposed from the primary structures of polypeptides, based on the ECI and the relative bonding distance of the fundamental skeleton groups. The side-chains of each amino acid were here treated as a pseudo-atom. The developed VMED was easy to calculate and able to work. Some quantitative model was established for 28 immunogenic or antigenic polypeptides (AGPP) with 14 (1― 14) Ad and 14 other restricted activities assigned as "1"(+) and "0"(-), respectively. The latter comprised 6 Ab(15-20), 3 Ak(21-23), 2 Ek(24-26), 2 H-2k(27 and 28) restricted sequences. Good results were obtained with 90% correct classification (only 2 wrong ones for 20 training samples) and 100% correct prediction(none wrong for 8 testing samples); while con-trastively 100% correct classification (none wrong for 20 training samples) and 88% correct classification (1 wrong for 8 testing samples). Both stochastic samplings and cross valida-tions were performed to demonstrate good performance. The described method may also be suitable for estimation and prediction of classes I and II for major histocompatibility an-tigen (MHC) epitope of human. It will be useful in immune identification and recognition of pro-teins and genes and in the design and devel-opment of subunit vaccines. Several quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) models were developed for various oligopeptides and polypeptides including 58 dipeptides and 31 pentapeptides with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition by multiple linear regression (MLR) method. In order to explain the ability to characterize molecular structure of polypeptides, a molecular modeling investigation on QSAR was performed for functional prediction of polypeptide sequences with anti-genic activity and heptapeptide sequences with tachykinin activity through quantitative se-quence-activity models (QSAMs) by the molecular electronegativity edge-distance vector (VMED). The results showed that VMED exhibited both excellent structural selectivity and good activity prediction. Moreover, the results showed that VMED behaved quite well for both QSAR and QSAM of poly-and oli-gopeptides, which exhibited both good estimation ability and prediction power, equal to or better than those reported in the previous references. Finally, a preliminary conclusion was drwan: both classical and modified MED vectors were very useful structural descriptors. Some suggestions were proposed for further studies on QSAR/QSAM of proteins in various fields. 展开更多
关键词 MOLECULAR ELECTRONEGATIVITY distance-edge vector (VMED) antigenic polypeptide (AGPP) sequences bioactive OLIGOPEPTIDE (BAOP) chains quantitative sequence-activity modelS (qsam) theoretically computational descriptors (TCD)
氨基酸描述子VHSEH用于多肽定量序效建模研究 被引量:8
作者 杨善彬 夏之宁 +5 位作者 舒茂 梅虎 吕凤林 张梅 吴玉乾 李志良 《高等学校化学学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期2213-2217,共5页
从20种天然氨基酸的171个物化性质出发,按照疏水、立体和电性特征及氢键贡献将其分类后,分别进行主成分分析,得到一个新描述子VHSEH(Principal component score vector of hydrophobic,steric,electronic properties and,hydrogen bonds... 从20种天然氨基酸的171个物化性质出发,按照疏水、立体和电性特征及氢键贡献将其分类后,分别进行主成分分析,得到一个新描述子VHSEH(Principal component score vector of hydrophobic,steric,electronic properties and,hydrogen bonds contributions).对后叶催产素的结构进行了表征,并以偏最小二乘法及D-优化划分样本建立了PLS定量序效关系模型,得到复相关系数R2分别为0.958和0.957,Q2分别为0.903和0.845,约高于VHSE描述子模型值;对抗菌肽进行了结构表征,建立了PLS和OSC-PLS模型,其R2分别为0.84和0.995,Q2分别为0.546和0.926,较SZOTT描述子结果好;对58个血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂进行QSAM研究,得到R2,Q2及RMS分别为0.877,0.838和0.361.研究结果表明,VHSEH描述子信息量大,物化意义明确,结果更易解释. 展开更多
关键词 氨基酸描述子(VHSEH) 定量序效建模(qsam) 偏最小二乘法
氨基酸描述子SZOTT用于多肽定量序效建模研究 被引量:3
作者 梁桂兆 梅虎 +3 位作者 周原 杨善彬 吴世容 李志良 《高等学校化学学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1900-1902,共3页
A new descriptor,namely scores vector of zero dimension,one dimension,two dimension and three dimension(SZOTT),was derived from principle components analysis of a matrix of 1 369 structural variables including 0D,1D,2... A new descriptor,namely scores vector of zero dimension,one dimension,two dimension and three dimension(SZOTT),was derived from principle components analysis of a matrix of 1 369 structural variables including 0D,1D,2D and 3D information for 20 coded amino acids.SZOTT scales were then employed to express structures of 20 thromboplastin inhibitors and 34 bactericidal peptides.The correlation coefficients of both whole calibration(%R%2=%R%2cu)and of cross validation(%Q%2=%R%2cv)for the multiple-variable models by classical partial least squares(PLS)and orthogonal signal correction-partial least squares(OSC-PLS)of 20 thromboplastin inhibitors were 0.989 and 0.748,0.994 and 0.936,respectively.%R%2 and %Q%2 for the models by PLS and OSC-PLS of 34 bactericidal peptides were 0.619 and 0.406,0.910 and 0.503,respectively.Satisfactory results obtained showed that structural information related to biological activity in both data sets could be described by SZOTT which included plentiful information related to biological activity,and which was conveniently operated and easy interpreted.,also predictive capability of models were relative robust.There is a high prospect for SZOTT wide applications on quantitative sequence-activity modeling(QSAM)of peptides. 展开更多
关键词 氨基酸描述子(SZOTF) 定量序效建模(qsam) 偏最小二乘(PLS)
作者 李波 仇亮加 +2 位作者 李劲为 叶楠 李志良 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期63-65,共3页
从核酸分子的一级结构出发 ,基于分子中原子间距离及各原子电负性 ,构建了能描述核酸分子结构的系列参数 :分子电性边数矢量简称分子电边矢量。据此对 38个脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)启动子序列的强度进行定量结构活性相关 (QSAR)及定量序列活... 从核酸分子的一级结构出发 ,基于分子中原子间距离及各原子电负性 ,构建了能描述核酸分子结构的系列参数 :分子电性边数矢量简称分子电边矢量。据此对 38个脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA)启动子序列的强度进行定量结构活性相关 (QSAR)及定量序列活性模型 (QSAM)研究 ,取得良好结果。与其它方法相比 ,分子电边矢量具结构分辨率高、活性相关性好、计算简便等特点 。 展开更多
关键词 定量构效相关模型 定量序效模型 qsam 分子电边矢量 脱氧核糖核酸 启动子序列 DNA链结构 生物大分子
作者 周鹏 周原 +1 位作者 曾晖 李志良 《化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期465-468,共4页
从天然碱基的36种性质参数出发,通过主成分分析(PCA)技术处理得到了1个显著的主成分得分,并将该得分作为单个碱基的信息描述子———VBPV。进而使用VBPV对38个大肠杆菌(E.coli)启动子序列一级结构进行表征,并结合多元统计方法将表征参... 从天然碱基的36种性质参数出发,通过主成分分析(PCA)技术处理得到了1个显著的主成分得分,并将该得分作为单个碱基的信息描述子———VBPV。进而使用VBPV对38个大肠杆菌(E.coli)启动子序列一级结构进行表征,并结合多元统计方法将表征参数与转录启动强度(PS)成功地建立了定量序列活性模型(QSAM),该模型拟合复相关系数Rcum与交叉检验复相关系数Qcum分别为0.97和0.95。 展开更多
关键词 VBPV 定量序列活性模型 大肠杆菌启动子 碱基
A novel vector of topological and structural information for amino acids and its QSAR applications for peptides and analogues 被引量:2
作者 LI ZhiLiang LI GenRong +9 位作者 SHU Mao SUN JiaYing YANG ShanBin MEI Hu ZHANG MengJun ZHOU Ping WU ShiRong CHEN GuoHua LU FengLin LU TingTing 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第10期946-957,1021-1056,共48页
A new descriptor, called vector of topological and structural information for coded and noncoded amino acids (VTSA), was derived by principal component analysis (PCA) from a matrix of 66 topological and structural var... A new descriptor, called vector of topological and structural information for coded and noncoded amino acids (VTSA), was derived by principal component analysis (PCA) from a matrix of 66 topological and structural variables of 134 amino acids. The VTSA vector was then applied into two sets of peptide quantitative structure-activity relationships or quantitative sequence-activity modelings (QSARs/ QSAMs). Molded by genetic partial least squares (GPLS), support vector machine (SVM), and immune neural network (INN), good results were obtained. For the datasets of 58 angiotensin converting en-zyme inhibitors (ACEI) and 89 elastase substrate catalyzed kinetics (ESCK) , the R2, cross-validation R2, and root mean square error of estimation (RMSEE) were as follows: ACEI, R2cu≥0.82, Q2cu≥0.77, Ermse≤0.44 (GPLS+SVM); ESCK, R2cu≥0.84, Q2cu≥0.82, Ermse≤0.20 (GPLS+INN), respectively. 展开更多
关键词 VECTOR of TOPOLOGICAL and STRUCTURAL information for coded and noncoded amino acids (VTSA) peptide quantitative structure ACTIVITY relationship (pQSAR) molecular STRUCTURAL characterizing descriptors (MSCD) quantitative sequence ACTIVITY modelings (qsams) angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) ELASTASE substrate catalyzed kinetics (ESCK)
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