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作者 靳军英 王林 +1 位作者 金铁生 张卫华 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期163-177,共15页
研究重庆市不同地理分区内各量级降雨侵蚀力的时空变化特征,为该地区进行更加精准的区域性水土流失防治工作提供理论依据。选取1981-2020年重庆市31个站点逐日降雨数据,利用旋转经验正交函数(Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function,RE... 研究重庆市不同地理分区内各量级降雨侵蚀力的时空变化特征,为该地区进行更加精准的区域性水土流失防治工作提供理论依据。选取1981-2020年重庆市31个站点逐日降雨数据,利用旋转经验正交函数(Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function,REOF)对降雨侵蚀力进行地理分区,并结合R/S、5年滑动平均、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,分析各分区不同量级降雨侵蚀力时空变化。结果表明:①重庆市降雨侵蚀力可分为6个地理区域(Ⅰ-Ⅵ区);②重庆市多年平均降雨侵蚀力为5784.04 MJ·mm/(hm^(2)·h·a),不同降雨侵蚀力从大到小依次为:大雨、暴雨、中雨、大暴雨;③大雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ-Ⅲ区和Ⅴ-Ⅵ区占主导优势,暴雨侵蚀力在Ⅳ区占主导优势。各分区中,中雨、大雨及暴雨侵蚀力主要集中在5-9月,大暴雨侵蚀力集中在6-8月;④各区不同量级降雨侵蚀力年际变化从小到大依次为:中雨、大雨、暴雨、大暴雨;同一量级降雨侵蚀力的整体变化趋势均不显著;Hurst指数表明,中雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ和Ⅴ区、大雨侵蚀力在Ⅱ和Ⅴ区、大暴雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ和Ⅲ区呈强持续上升趋势;⑤中雨、大雨及大暴雨侵蚀力在渝东南、渝东北占主导优势,暴雨侵蚀力在渝西以及重庆中部占主导优势,且Ⅰ区酉阳和秀山、Ⅱ区开州、Ⅲ区北碚和铜梁、Ⅳ区璧山和永川、Ⅴ区巫溪和云阳及Ⅵ区忠县是不同量级降雨侵蚀力的高峰中心。通过对重庆各分区不同量级降雨侵蚀力的分析,明确了可能引起土壤侵蚀的主要雨型、高发时期和潜在风险较高的地区,可为区域水土流失动态监测和水土保持措施的合理制定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 降雨侵蚀力 时空变化 旋转经验正交分解法 MK非参数趋势检验 r/S分析法
作者 王玉琳 李磊鑫 +9 位作者 杨添淞 刘佳 林春盛 彭婉莹 赵健 包大鹏 武文鹏 孙申田 曹阳 王迪 《中国中医药信息杂志》 2025年第2期39-44,共6页
目的应用R语言数据挖掘技术分析针灸治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛(PHN)的选穴规律。方法检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台(万方数据)、维普中文期刊服务平台(维普网)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)2010年1月1日-2023年7月1... 目的应用R语言数据挖掘技术分析针灸治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛(PHN)的选穴规律。方法检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台(万方数据)、维普中文期刊服务平台(维普网)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)2010年1月1日-2023年7月1日收录的针灸治疗PHN的临床研究文献,利用Excel2016建立数据库,采用R语言对腧穴使用频次、归经、部位、特定穴等进行统计,并进行关联规则分析和聚类分析,得出针灸治疗PHN的选穴特点及规律。结果共纳入198篇文献,包含83个腧穴,总频次为714。高频腧穴为阿是穴、夹脊穴、阳陵泉等,常用经脉为足少阳胆经、足太阴脾经和手阳明大肠经,腧穴多分布于上下肢部,以五输穴、原穴和下合穴居多。核心腧穴为阿是穴、夹脊穴、合谷、曲池,并得到9组关联规则和5个有效聚类。结论针灸治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛的核心腧穴为阿是穴、夹脊穴、合谷、曲池,主要遵循局部取穴与远端取穴相结合的选穴原则。 展开更多
关键词 针灸 带状疱疹后遗神经痛 数据挖掘 选穴规律 r语言
作者 李青 司马义·阿不都热依木 《语言与文化研究》 2025年第1期10-14,共5页
汉语“看”与现代维吾尔语“kør”属于各自语言体系中的常用基本词汇,它们的使用频率高,语法功能多,在各自语言系统中占比较重要的地位。本文将从汉语“看”和现代维吾尔语“kør”的实义动词用法、体助动词用法及二者语法化... 汉语“看”与现代维吾尔语“kør”属于各自语言体系中的常用基本词汇,它们的使用频率高,语法功能多,在各自语言系统中占比较重要的地位。本文将从汉语“看”和现代维吾尔语“kør”的实义动词用法、体助动词用法及二者语法化三方面进行分析,来探析两种语言之间的共性及各自的独特性,旨在加深“看”和“kør”演变规律的进一步认识。 展开更多
关键词 “看” “kør 语法化 对比
作者 王伟 朱岩松 吉毅 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2025年第1期160-165,共6页
永磁同步电机-2R机械臂控制由多个关节和执行器组成,通常情况下其为非线性动力系统,易出现混沌现象。因此,永磁同步电机-2R机械臂控制过程中会出现一定的故障,从而影响了机械臂的稳定性和控制性能,在故障条件下的容错抑振控制能力是该... 永磁同步电机-2R机械臂控制由多个关节和执行器组成,通常情况下其为非线性动力系统,易出现混沌现象。因此,永磁同步电机-2R机械臂控制过程中会出现一定的故障,从而影响了机械臂的稳定性和控制性能,在故障条件下的容错抑振控制能力是该机械臂急需解决的问题。在该背景下,提出永磁同步电机-2R机械臂自适应容错抑振控制。基于拉格朗日方程,通过对永磁同步电机-2R机械臂的动能和势能计算,得到的整体动能表达式。然后,结合动能计算结果确定机械臂的未知项和不确定性故障,设计容错控制器来监测机械臂的状态信息。根据动能计算结果和容错控制器获取的机械臂状态信息,设计容错抑振控制器,实现永磁同步电机-2R机械臂在故障状态下的自适应容错抑振控制。实验结果表明:所提方法的永磁同步电机-2R机械臂控制精度更高、振动抑制效果更好,可以显著减小永磁同步电机-2R机械臂的振动,提高运动平滑性、精度和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 永磁同步电机-2r 机械臂 执行器 抑振控制 动能计算 容错控制 不确定故障
作者 胡海青 原敏倩 薛萌 《科技进步与对策》 北大核心 2025年第1期102-112,共11页
创新是中小企业保持竞争力、适应市场变化和实现可持续发展的关键。基于2016-2022年创业板中小企业相关数据,运用三阶段DEA分析、面板Tobit模型回归、二元Logistic回归等方法,探究供应链金融对中小企业R&D投资效率的影响。结果表明... 创新是中小企业保持竞争力、适应市场变化和实现可持续发展的关键。基于2016-2022年创业板中小企业相关数据,运用三阶段DEA分析、面板Tobit模型回归、二元Logistic回归等方法,探究供应链金融对中小企业R&D投资效率的影响。结果表明,供应链金融能够显著提高中小企业R&D投资效率,融资约束在二者间发挥遮掩效应。进一步分析发现,上述效应对供应链集中度较高的企业更为显著。结论可为发挥供应链金融筹资优势,促进供应链生态系统资源互补、信息共享的协同创新网络形成,进而支持中小企业创新活动提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 供应链金融 r&D投资效率 三阶段DEA 面板Tobit模型 遮掩效应
作者 朱梦婷 刘志航 +5 位作者 李航 林杏华 童晓萍 吴蕾 林琳 陈远彬 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2025年第1期215-220,共6页
目的通过系统梳理间质性肺病(肺痹)的中医理论源流,并基于R语言数据挖掘分析中医古籍治疗肺痹的用药规律,为现代中医临床诊疗提供参考。方法通过查阅专业书籍,确定以“肺痹”为检索词,对第5版《中华医典》《中医药古籍数据库》及《广中... 目的通过系统梳理间质性肺病(肺痹)的中医理论源流,并基于R语言数据挖掘分析中医古籍治疗肺痹的用药规律,为现代中医临床诊疗提供参考。方法通过查阅专业书籍,确定以“肺痹”为检索词,对第5版《中华医典》《中医药古籍数据库》及《广中医古籍数据库》中符合纳入标准的条文进行提取,探讨肺痹的理论发展源流,基于R语言平台(V4.2.3)对中药处方进行频次分析、关联规则分析以及聚类分析、Phi相关性分析等。结果肺痹的中医病名及病因病机制论首见于《黄帝内经》,隋唐时期沿袭其理论并继承发展,宋朝《圣济总录》首次单列肺痹章节,并提出治法方药,进一步发展了肺痹理论,明清时期记载的肺痹条文占80%以上,理法方药趋于完善。筛选得到治疗肺痹的方剂45首,中药112味,中药频次居于前五位依次为杏仁、陈皮、瓜蒌、人参和茯苓,关联规则分析得到最为常用的药对:郁金-杏仁,瓜蒌-杏仁,瓜蒌-郁金-杏仁等,聚类分析得到2个核心药物组方:瓜蒌-郁金-杏仁-栀子-贝母-桑叶,陈皮-茯苓-半夏-人参-白术-甘草-紫菀-桔梗。结论古籍论治肺痹的病机关键是“郁、痰、瘀、虚”,形成的核心处方用药符合以行气开痹、化痰祛瘀、补虚通络的治疗原则,可为肺痹分期的临床诊治、后续开展临床研究及新药研发提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 间质性肺病 肺痹 r语言 理论源流 数据挖掘
Software Defect Prediction Method Based on Stable Learning 被引量:1
作者 Xin Fan Jingen Mao +3 位作者 Liangjue Lian Li Yu Wei Zheng Yun Ge 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期65-84,共20页
The purpose of software defect prediction is to identify defect-prone code modules to assist software quality assurance teams with the appropriate allocation of resources and labor.In previous software defect predicti... The purpose of software defect prediction is to identify defect-prone code modules to assist software quality assurance teams with the appropriate allocation of resources and labor.In previous software defect prediction studies,transfer learning was effective in solving the problem of inconsistent project data distribution.However,target projects often lack sufficient data,which affects the performance of the transfer learning model.In addition,the presence of uncorrelated features between projects can decrease the prediction accuracy of the transfer learning model.To address these problems,this article propose a software defect prediction method based on stable learning(SDP-SL)that combines code visualization techniques and residual networks.This method first transforms code files into code images using code visualization techniques and then constructs a defect prediction model based on these code images.During the model training process,target project data are not required as prior knowledge.Following the principles of stable learning,this paper dynamically adjusted the weights of source project samples to eliminate dependencies between features,thereby capturing the“invariance mechanism”within the data.This approach explores the genuine relationship between code defect features and labels,thereby enhancing defect prediction performance.To evaluate the performance of SDP-SL,this article conducted comparative experiments on 10 open-source projects in the PROMISE dataset.The experimental results demonstrated that in terms of the F-measure,the proposed SDP-SL method outperformed other within-project defect prediction methods by 2.11%-44.03%.In cross-project defect prediction,the SDP-SL method provided an improvement of 5.89%-25.46% in prediction performance compared to other cross-project defect prediction methods.Therefore,SDP-SL can effectively enhance within-and cross-project defect predictions. 展开更多
关键词 software defect prediction code visualization stable learning sample reweight residual network
作者 张晨 姜为翰 钱鹏博 《科技情报研究》 2025年第1期118-130,共13页
[目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在... [目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在成瘾过程中产生的认知心理,构建大学生信息成瘾行为理论模型,运用结构方程模型实证分析大学生信息成瘾的触发路径。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,信息过载、间歇性奖励和行为管理会显著正向影响大学生的不确定性回避,进而导致大学生信息成瘾。同时,信息过载也会使大学生产生信息焦虑,信息焦虑显著正向影响大学生信息成瘾行为。面向高等院校、大学生群体和科技企业,提出针对性建议与对策,有助于完善高等院校管理体系,促进学生适应信息化环境,推动高等教育事业更好发展。 展开更多
关键词 信息成瘾 S-O-r理论 结构方程模型 干预策略
作者 夏荣松 杨靖 +3 位作者 王红 彭哲 赵一蓓 杨俊卿 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 北大核心 2025年第1期11-19,共9页
目的:探讨Nrf1对氧糖剥夺/复糖复氧致神经元损伤的作用以及机制。方法:通过GEO数据库单细胞测序数据,基于GSVA包计算评价细胞Nrf1表达与凋亡通路的相关性。后续实验将PC12细胞和原代神经元分为正常组(Normal)、模型组(OGD/R)、OGD/R+siR... 目的:探讨Nrf1对氧糖剥夺/复糖复氧致神经元损伤的作用以及机制。方法:通过GEO数据库单细胞测序数据,基于GSVA包计算评价细胞Nrf1表达与凋亡通路的相关性。后续实验将PC12细胞和原代神经元分为正常组(Normal)、模型组(OGD/R)、OGD/R+siRNA-NC组及OGD/R+Nrf1-siR‐NA-2组,采用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,MTT法检测细胞活力,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡率,DHE荧光探针检测活氧性(ROS)水平,Westernblot法检测Nrf1、bcl-2、Bax蛋白表达水平,激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察细胞核转位。结果:生信分析结果发现Nrf1主要富集于凋亡通路;与Normal组相比,OGD/R处理使PC12细胞和原代神经元突触断裂、胞体变小、大量细胞聚集,存活率显著降低(P<0.01),ROS水平显著升高(P<0.01),Nrf1、Bax蛋白表达水平显著升高(P<0.05),bcl-2蛋白表达水平显著降低(P<0.05);与OGD/R组相比,siRNA-NC组细胞各项指标均无显著差异;与siRNA-NC组相比,Nrf1-siRNA-2组使PC12细胞和原代神经元突触完全丧失,细胞活力显著降低(P<0.01),ROS水平显著增加(P<0.01),Nrf1、Bax蛋白表达水平进一步上调,而bcl-2蛋白表达水平下调(P<0.05)。结论:Nrf1可通过抑制细胞凋亡减轻OGD/R诱导的神经元损伤。 展开更多
关键词 OGD/r Nrf1 BAX BCL-2 凋亡
Open-Source Software Defined Networking Controllers:State-of-the-Art,Challenges and Solutions for Future Network Providers
作者 Johari Abdul Rahim Rosdiadee Nordin Oluwatosin Ahmed Amodu 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期747-800,共54页
Software Defined Networking(SDN)is programmable by separation of forwarding control through the centralization of the controller.The controller plays the role of the‘brain’that dictates the intelligent part of SDN t... Software Defined Networking(SDN)is programmable by separation of forwarding control through the centralization of the controller.The controller plays the role of the‘brain’that dictates the intelligent part of SDN technology.Various versions of SDN controllers exist as a response to the diverse demands and functions expected of them.There are several SDN controllers available in the open market besides a large number of commercial controllers;some are developed tomeet carrier-grade service levels and one of the recent trends in open-source SDN controllers is the Open Network Operating System(ONOS).This paper presents a comparative study between open source SDN controllers,which are known as Network Controller Platform(NOX),Python-based Network Controller(POX),component-based SDN framework(Ryu),Java-based OpenFlow controller(Floodlight),OpenDayLight(ODL)and ONOS.The discussion is further extended into ONOS architecture,as well as,the evolution of ONOS controllers.This article will review use cases based on ONOS controllers in several application deployments.Moreover,the opportunities and challenges of open source SDN controllers will be discussed,exploring carriergrade ONOS for future real-world deployments,ONOS unique features and identifying the suitable choice of SDN controller for service providers.In addition,we attempt to provide answers to several critical questions relating to the implications of the open-source nature of SDN controllers regarding vendor lock-in,interoperability,and standards compliance,Similarly,real-world use cases of organizations using open-source SDN are highlighted and how the open-source community contributes to the development of SDN controllers.Furthermore,challenges faced by open-source projects,and considerations when choosing an open-source SDN controller are underscored.Then the role of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Machine Learning(ML)in the evolution of open-source SDN controllers in light of recent research is indicated.In addition,the challenges and limitations associated with deploying open-source SDN controllers in production networks,how can they be mitigated,and finally how opensource SDN controllers handle network security and ensure that network configurations and policies are robust and resilient are presented.Potential opportunities and challenges for future Open SDN deployment are outlined to conclude the article. 展开更多
关键词 ONOS open source software SDN software defined networking
Static Analysis Techniques for Fixing Software Defects in MPI-Based Parallel Programs
作者 Norah Abdullah Al-Johany Sanaa Abdullah Sharaf +1 位作者 Fathy Elbouraey Eassa Reem Abdulaziz Alnanih 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期3139-3173,共35页
The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a widely accepted standard for parallel computing on distributed memorysystems.However, MPI implementations can contain defects that impact the reliability and performance of par... The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a widely accepted standard for parallel computing on distributed memorysystems.However, MPI implementations can contain defects that impact the reliability and performance of parallelapplications. Detecting and correcting these defects is crucial, yet there is a lack of published models specificallydesigned for correctingMPI defects. To address this, we propose a model for detecting and correcting MPI defects(DC_MPI), which aims to detect and correct defects in various types of MPI communication, including blockingpoint-to-point (BPTP), nonblocking point-to-point (NBPTP), and collective communication (CC). The defectsaddressed by the DC_MPI model include illegal MPI calls, deadlocks (DL), race conditions (RC), and messagemismatches (MM). To assess the effectiveness of the DC_MPI model, we performed experiments on a datasetconsisting of 40 MPI codes. The results indicate that the model achieved a detection rate of 37 out of 40 codes,resulting in an overall detection accuracy of 92.5%. Additionally, the execution duration of the DC_MPI modelranged from 0.81 to 1.36 s. These findings show that the DC_MPI model is useful in detecting and correctingdefects in MPI implementations, thereby enhancing the reliability and performance of parallel applications. TheDC_MPImodel fills an important research gap and provides a valuable tool for improving the quality ofMPI-basedparallel computing systems. 展开更多
关键词 High-performance computing parallel computing software engineering software defect message passing interface DEADLOCK
Towards Improving the Quality of Requirement and Testing Process in Agile Software Development:An Empirical Study
作者 Irum Ilays Yaser Hafeez +4 位作者 Nabil Almashfi Sadia Ali Mamoona Humayun Muhammad Aqib Ghadah Alwakid 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第9期3761-3784,共24页
Software testing is a critical phase due to misconceptions about ambiguities in the requirements during specification,which affect the testing process.Therefore,it is difficult to identify all faults in software.As re... Software testing is a critical phase due to misconceptions about ambiguities in the requirements during specification,which affect the testing process.Therefore,it is difficult to identify all faults in software.As requirement changes continuously,it increases the irrelevancy and redundancy during testing.Due to these challenges;fault detection capability decreases and there arises a need to improve the testing process,which is based on changes in requirements specification.In this research,we have developed a model to resolve testing challenges through requirement prioritization and prediction in an agile-based environment.The research objective is to identify the most relevant and meaningful requirements through semantic analysis for correct change analysis.Then compute the similarity of requirements through case-based reasoning,which predicted the requirements for reuse and restricted to error-based requirements.Afterward,the apriori algorithm mapped out requirement frequency to select relevant test cases based on frequently reused or not reused test cases to increase the fault detection rate.Furthermore,the proposed model was evaluated by conducting experiments.The results showed that requirement redundancy and irrelevancy improved due to semantic analysis,which correctly predicted the requirements,increasing the fault detection rate and resulting in high user satisfaction.The predicted requirements are mapped into test cases,increasing the fault detection rate after changes to achieve higher user satisfaction.Therefore,the model improves the redundancy and irrelevancy of requirements by more than 90%compared to other clustering methods and the analytical hierarchical process,achieving an 80%fault detection rate at an earlier stage.Hence,it provides guidelines for practitioners and researchers in the modern era.In the future,we will provide the working prototype of this model for proof of concept. 展开更多
关键词 requirement prediction software testing agile software development semantic analysis case-based reasoning
HV Process Model of Software Development
作者 Hemant Kumar Vipin Saxena 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第7期553-570,共18页
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is one of the major ingredients for the development of efficient software systems within a time frame and low-cost involvement. From the literature, it is evident that there are ... Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is one of the major ingredients for the development of efficient software systems within a time frame and low-cost involvement. From the literature, it is evident that there are various kinds of process models that are used by the software industries for the development of small, medium and long-term software projects, but many of them do not cover risk management. It is quite obvious that the improper selection of the software development process model leads to failure of the software products as it is time bound activity. In the present work, a new software development process model is proposed which covers the risks at any stage of the development of the software product. The model is named a Hemant-Vipin (HV) process model and may be helpful for the software industries for development of the efficient software products and timely delivery at the end of the client. The efficiency of the HV process model is observed by considering various kinds of factors like requirement clarity, user feedback, change agility, predictability, risk identification, practical implementation, customer satisfaction, incremental development, use of ready-made components, quick design, resource organization and many more and found through a case study that the presented approach covers many of parameters in comparison of the existing process models. . 展开更多
关键词 software Process Model software Development software Engineering software risk Management and software Quality
How Software Engineering Transforms Organizations: An Open and Qualitative Study on the Organizational Objectives and Motivations in Agile Transformations
作者 Alonso Alvarez Borja Bordel Sánchez 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第11期2935-2966,共32页
Agile Transformations are challenging processes for organizations that look to extend the benefits of Agile philosophy and methods beyond software engineering.Despite the impact of these transformations on orga-nizati... Agile Transformations are challenging processes for organizations that look to extend the benefits of Agile philosophy and methods beyond software engineering.Despite the impact of these transformations on orga-nizations,they have not been extensively studied in academia.We conducted a study grounded in workshops and interviews with 99 participants from 30 organizations,including organizations undergoing transformations(“final organizations”)and companies supporting these processes(“consultants”).The study aims to understand the motivations,objectives,and factors driving and challenging these transformations.Over 700 responses were collected to the question and categorized into 32 objectives.The findings show that organizations primarily aim to achieve customer centricity and adaptability,both with 8%of the mentions.Other primary important objectives,with above 4%of mentions,include alignment of goals,lean delivery,sustainable processes,and a flatter,more team-based organizational structure.We also detect discrepancies in perspectives between the objectives identified by the two kinds of organizations and the existing agile literature and models.This misalignment highlights the need for practitioners to understand with the practical realities the organizations face. 展开更多
关键词 Business agility AGILE agile transformations agile enterprises adaptive organizations ADAPTABILITY agile software development software engineering computer engineering
A Hybrid Model for Improving Software Cost Estimation in Global Software Development
作者 Mehmood Ahmed Noraini B.Ibrahim +4 位作者 Wasif Nisar Adeel Ahmed Muhammad Junaid Emmanuel Soriano Flores Divya Anand 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期1399-1422,共24页
Accurate software cost estimation in Global Software Development(GSD)remains challenging due to reliance on historical data and expert judgments.Traditional models,such as the Constructive Cost Model(COCOMO II),rely h... Accurate software cost estimation in Global Software Development(GSD)remains challenging due to reliance on historical data and expert judgments.Traditional models,such as the Constructive Cost Model(COCOMO II),rely heavily on historical and accurate data.In addition,expert judgment is required to set many input parameters,which can introduce subjectivity and variability in the estimation process.Consequently,there is a need to improve the current GSD models to mitigate reliance on historical data,subjectivity in expert judgment,inadequate consideration of GSD-based cost drivers and limited integration of modern technologies with cost overruns.This study introduces a novel hybrid model that synergizes the COCOMO II with Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)to address these challenges.The proposed hybrid model integrates additional GSD-based cost drivers identified through a systematic literature review and further vetted by industry experts.This article compares the effectiveness of the proposedmodelwith state-of-the-artmachine learning-basedmodels for software cost estimation.Evaluating the NASA 93 dataset by adopting twenty-six GSD-based cost drivers reveals that our hybrid model achieves superior accuracy,outperforming existing state-of-the-artmodels.The findings indicate the potential of combining COCOMO II,ANN,and additional GSD-based cost drivers to transform cost estimation in GSD. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial neural networks COCOMO II cost drivers global software development linear regression software cost estimation
Development and Evaluation of 3D Delivery Animation Software Designed to Improve the Mother’s and Spouse’s Satisfaction with Delivery
作者 Ayako Sasaki Sachi Chikazawa +4 位作者 Nojima Kumiko Tomita Takako Hatakeyama Keiko Imoto Yasufumi Imoto Nobutane 《Health》 2024年第5期439-458,共20页
Purpose: To clarify the effectiveness of 3-D delivery animation software for the mother’s and husband’s satisfaction with delivery. Subjects and Method: We independently developed a software application used to disp... Purpose: To clarify the effectiveness of 3-D delivery animation software for the mother’s and husband’s satisfaction with delivery. Subjects and Method: We independently developed a software application used to display the pelvic region and explain the labor process. The study involved a collaboration with hospital staff who recruited 18 primiparous and 18 multiparous mothers who were hospitalized for delivery at Facility A. The midwife explained the process of delivery using the “Delivery Animation Software”. A self-administered, anonymous questionnaire was distributed and analyzed separately for primiparous and multiparous mothers and their husbands. Results: 1) For both primiparous and multiparous couples, both mothers and their husbands gained a significantly higher level of understanding after delivery than during pregnancy. 2) The Self-Evaluation Scale for Experience of Delivery results were as follows: “I did my best for the baby even if it was painful” was selected more often for “birth coping skills”;“reliable medical staff” was selected more often for “physiological birth process”;“the birth progressed as I expected” was selected frequently by primiparous mothers;and “the birth progressed smoothly” was selected often by multiparous mothers. 3) In terms of husbands’ satisfaction with the delivery, “I was satisfied with the delivery”, “I was given an easy-to-understand explanation”, and “They explained the process to me” was selected of primiparous and multiparous fathers. 4) All primiparous and multiparous mothers positively evaluated whether the delivery animation was helpful in understanding the process of delivery. Conclusion: The delivery animation was effective in improving the understanding and satisfaction of both the mothers and their husbands. 展开更多
关键词 MOTHEr SPOUSE SATISFACTION 3D Delivery Animation software
A Proposed Approach for Measuring Maturity Level of Software Delivery
作者 Osama Hassan Mansour Atef Raslan Nagy Ramadan 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第5期228-245,共18页
Software delivery is vital for modern organizations, driving innovation and competitiveness. Measuring an organization’s maturity in software delivery is crucial for efficiency and quality. The Capability Maturity Mo... Software delivery is vital for modern organizations, driving innovation and competitiveness. Measuring an organization’s maturity in software delivery is crucial for efficiency and quality. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) framework provides a roadmap for improvement but assessing an organization’s CMM Level is challenging. This paper offers a quantitative approach tailored to the CMM framework, using Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) frame-works for each key process area (KPA). These frameworks include metrics and questions to compute maturity scores effectively. The study also refines practices into questions for a thorough assessment. The result is an Analysis Matrix that calculates weighted scores and an overall maturity score. This approach helps organizations assess and enhance their software delivery processes systematically, aiming for improved practices and growth. 展开更多
关键词 CMM CMMI software Delivery MATUrITY KPAs GQM PrACTICES
A Tutorial on Federated Learning from Theory to Practice:Foundations,Software Frameworks,Exemplary Use Cases,and Selected Trends
作者 M.Victoria Luzón Nuria Rodríguez-Barroso +5 位作者 Alberto Argente-Garrido Daniel Jiménez-López Jose M.Moyano Javier Del Ser Weiping Ding Francisco Herrera 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第4期824-850,共27页
When data privacy is imposed as a necessity,Federated learning(FL)emerges as a relevant artificial intelligence field for developing machine learning(ML)models in a distributed and decentralized environment.FL allows ... When data privacy is imposed as a necessity,Federated learning(FL)emerges as a relevant artificial intelligence field for developing machine learning(ML)models in a distributed and decentralized environment.FL allows ML models to be trained on local devices without any need for centralized data transfer,thereby reducing both the exposure of sensitive data and the possibility of data interception by malicious third parties.This paradigm has gained momentum in the last few years,spurred by the plethora of real-world applications that have leveraged its ability to improve the efficiency of distributed learning and to accommodate numerous participants with their data sources.By virtue of FL,models can be learned from all such distributed data sources while preserving data privacy.The aim of this paper is to provide a practical tutorial on FL,including a short methodology and a systematic analysis of existing software frameworks.Furthermore,our tutorial provides exemplary cases of study from three complementary perspectives:i)Foundations of FL,describing the main components of FL,from key elements to FL categories;ii)Implementation guidelines and exemplary cases of study,by systematically examining the functionalities provided by existing software frameworks for FL deployment,devising a methodology to design a FL scenario,and providing exemplary cases of study with source code for different ML approaches;and iii)Trends,shortly reviewing a non-exhaustive list of research directions that are under active investigation in the current FL landscape.The ultimate purpose of this work is to establish itself as a referential work for researchers,developers,and data scientists willing to explore the capabilities of FL in practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Data privacy distributed machine learning federated learning software frameworks
Software Vulnerability Mining and Analysis Based on Deep Learning
作者 Shibin Zhao Junhu Zhu Jianshan Peng 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期3263-3287,共25页
In recent years,the rapid development of computer software has led to numerous security problems,particularly software vulnerabilities.These flaws can cause significant harm to users’privacy and property.Current secu... In recent years,the rapid development of computer software has led to numerous security problems,particularly software vulnerabilities.These flaws can cause significant harm to users’privacy and property.Current security defect detection technology relies on manual or professional reasoning,leading to missed detection and high false detection rates.Artificial intelligence technology has led to the development of neural network models based on machine learning or deep learning to intelligently mine holes,reducing missed alarms and false alarms.So,this project aims to study Java source code defect detection methods for defects like null pointer reference exception,XSS(Transform),and Structured Query Language(SQL)injection.Also,the project uses open-source Javalang to translate the Java source code,conducts a deep search on the AST to obtain the empty syntax feature library,and converts the Java source code into a dependency graph.The feature vector is then used as the learning target for the neural network.Four types of Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN),Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM),Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory(BiLSTM),and Attention Mechanism+Bidirectional LSTM,are used to investigate various code defects,including blank pointer reference exception,XSS,and SQL injection defects.Experimental results show that the attention mechanism in two-dimensional BLSTM is the most effective for object recognition,verifying the correctness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 Vulnerability mining software security deep learning static analysis
作者 高蕊 周官恩 +1 位作者 洪雁 颜艳 《天津医药》 2025年第1期9-13,共5页
目的探索蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶受体R型(PTPRR)对胶质瘤细胞恶性生物学行为的影响。方法应用UALCAN网站对癌症基因组图谱(TCGA)数据库中胶质瘤样本PTPRR的表达情况进行分析。取20例胶质瘤患者术中切除的新鲜脑胶质瘤组织及20例创伤性脑出血... 目的探索蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶受体R型(PTPRR)对胶质瘤细胞恶性生物学行为的影响。方法应用UALCAN网站对癌症基因组图谱(TCGA)数据库中胶质瘤样本PTPRR的表达情况进行分析。取20例胶质瘤患者术中切除的新鲜脑胶质瘤组织及20例创伤性脑出血患者的正常脑组织,培养人胶质瘤细胞株及人星形胶质细胞系,取U87细胞分别转染PTPRR的过表达质粒pcDNA3.1/PTPRR(pcDNA3.1/PTPRR组)和空白对照质粒pcDNA3.1(pcDNA3.1组)。实时定量聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)检测胶质瘤细胞系及胶质瘤组织的PTPRR mRNA表达;CCK-8实验检测细胞活性;集落形成实验检测细胞增殖能力;Transwell实验检测细胞迁移及侵袭能力;并进行细胞凋亡实验。结果UALCAN网站分析显示胶质瘤中PTPRR mRNA表达水平低于正常脑组织,且高级别胶质瘤低于低级别胶质瘤;PTPRR低/中表达者的生存期较高表达者更短。qRT-PCR结果显示,PTPRR mRNA在胶质瘤细胞系及胶质瘤组织中均呈低表达;CCK-8实验结果显示,过表达PTPRR后24 h、48 h的胶质瘤细胞活性较pcDNA3.1组均降低。集落形成实验、Transwell迁移及侵袭实验结果显示,过表达PTPRR后胶质瘤细胞集落形成个数、迁移及侵袭能力较pcDNA3.1组均降低。细胞凋亡实验结果显示,过表达PTPRR后胶质瘤细胞凋亡率升高。结论PTPRR在胶质瘤中呈低表达,且作为抑癌基因抑制胶质瘤细胞的活性、增殖、迁移及侵袭能力,促进胶质瘤细胞凋亡。 展开更多
关键词 神经胶质瘤 细胞增殖 细胞运动 肿瘤浸润 蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶受体r
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