As English and Chinese belong to different language families,the left and right branching structures in the two languages are both similar and different.Generally speaking,Chinese has a predominance of left-branching ...As English and Chinese belong to different language families,the left and right branching structures in the two languages are both similar and different.Generally speaking,Chinese has a predominance of left-branching structures and English has a predominance of right-branching structures.That is to say,Chinese is used to using left branches in its expressions,while English is used to using right branches in its expressions.展开更多
基金sponsored by the teaching program“English Grammar” (No.209/1541801009).
文摘As English and Chinese belong to different language families,the left and right branching structures in the two languages are both similar and different.Generally speaking,Chinese has a predominance of left-branching structures and English has a predominance of right-branching structures.That is to say,Chinese is used to using left branches in its expressions,while English is used to using right branches in its expressions.
文摘本试验旨在探寻吉林地方鸡(吉林芦花鸡、吉林矮小芦花鸡和吉林黑鸡)及其杂交群体RB1基因多态性及特定SNP位点与屠宰、肉质性状的相关性。首先通过基因组PCR直接测序方法检测RB1基因多态性,特定SNP位点利用高分辨率溶解曲线法(High Resolution Melting,HRM)对其在不同群体间的遗传多样性进行分析,最后结合屠宰与肉质数据对不同群体内各基因型个体间进行差异显著性分析。PCR产物测序结果发现,RB1基因多态位点较为丰富,共发现6处单碱基突变和一处8碱基插入突变,但上述突变均位于内含子区。以g.28256G>A位点为目标,HRM检测发现3个亲本和6个正反杂交群体除黑鸡与矮小鸡杂交群体外其他群体中GG基因型均为优势基因型;Hardy-Weinberg检验显示除了矮小鸡群体外,其他群体均处于不平衡状态;各群体该位点均处于中度多态信息含量(Polymorphism Information Content,PIC)水平。差异性分析结果发现该位点不同基因型个体屠宰及肉质性状多个指标差异显著,但在不同群体间差异不显著。其中值得关注的是腹脂率指标,除矮小鸡群体外,各群体均表现为显著差异。地方鸡RB1基因多态性的发现及屠宰、肉质性状相关性鉴定为利用该基因进行地方鸡选育奠定了基础。