AIM: To investigate gene variants in a large Italian inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cohort, and to analyze the correlation of sub-phenotypes (including age at diagnosis) and epistatic interaction with other IBD gene...AIM: To investigate gene variants in a large Italian inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cohort, and to analyze the correlation of sub-phenotypes (including age at diagnosis) and epistatic interaction with other IBD genes. METHODS: Total of 763 patients with Crohn's disease (CD, 189 diagnosed at age < 19 years), 843 with ulcerative colitis (UC, 179 diagnosed <19 years), 749 healthy controls, and 546 healthy parents (273 trios) were included in the study. The rs2241880 [autophagy-related 16-like 1 (ATG16L1)], rs11209026 and rs7517847 [interleukin 23 receptor (IL23R)], rs2066844, rs2066845, rs2066847 (CARD15), rs1050152 (OCTN1), and rs2631367 (OCTN2) gene variants were genotyped. RESULTS: The frequency of G allele of ATG16L1 SNP (Ala197Thr) was increased in patients with CD compared with controls (59% vs 54% respectively) (OR = 1.25, CI = 1.08-1.45, P = 0.003), but not in UC (55%). The frequency of A and G (minor) alleles of Arg381Gln, rs11209026 and rs7517847 variants of IL23R were reduced significantly in CD (4%, OR = 0.62, CI = 0.45-0.87, P = 0.005; 28%, OR = 0.64, CI = 0.55-0.75, P < 0.01), compared with controls (6% and 38%, respectively). The A allele (but not G) was also reduced signifi cantly in UC (4%, OR = 0.69, CI = 0.5-0.94, P = 0.019). No association was demonstrated with sub-phenotypes and interaction with CARD15 , and OCTN1/2 genes, although both gene variants were associated with pediatric-onset disease. CONCLUSION: The present study confirms the association of IL23R polymorphisms with IBD, and ATG16L1 with CD, in both adult- and pediatric-onset subsets in our study population.展开更多
非特异性固有免疫是预防病毒感染的第一道防线,Toll样受体(toll-like receptors,TLRs)和维甲酸诱导基因I样受体(RIG-I like receptors,RLRs)是感知病毒RNA的两个主要受体家族。RLRs为存在于胞浆中的RNA解旋酶家族,可识别在病毒感染或复...非特异性固有免疫是预防病毒感染的第一道防线,Toll样受体(toll-like receptors,TLRs)和维甲酸诱导基因I样受体(RIG-I like receptors,RLRs)是感知病毒RNA的两个主要受体家族。RLRs为存在于胞浆中的RNA解旋酶家族,可识别在病毒感染或复制期间进入到胞浆内的单链或双链RNA。目前研究RLRs家族比较多的成员有维甲酸诱导型基因I(retinoic acid-inducible gene I,RIG-I)、黑色素瘤分化相关基因5(melanoma differentiation associated gene-5,MDA-5)及遗传学和生理学实验室蛋白2(laboratory of genetics and physiology 2,LGP2)。本文分别就RLRs家族中RIG-I和MDA-5结构、生物学作用及其信号传导中关键分子的研究进展作一概述。展开更多
机体如何识别以及清除入侵的病毒一直是免疫学研究的重点,然而对于病毒与宿主细胞相互作用的最早期信号事件的了解甚微。近几年的研究工作在先天性免疫系统如何识别早期病毒的入侵方面取得了重大进展。RIG-I样受体(RIG-I Like Receptors...机体如何识别以及清除入侵的病毒一直是免疫学研究的重点,然而对于病毒与宿主细胞相互作用的最早期信号事件的了解甚微。近几年的研究工作在先天性免疫系统如何识别早期病毒的入侵方面取得了重大进展。RIG-I样受体(RIG-I Like Receptors,RLRs)是一类新发现的胞浆内模式识别受体,能够识别细胞质中的病毒核酸,由3个成员组成,分别是RIG-I(Retinoic Acid-inducible Gene I)、MDA5(Melanoma Differentiation-Associated Gene5)和LGP2(Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology 2)。它们可通过自身的CARD结构域与下游信号分子线粒体连接蛋白(Mitochondrial Antiviral Signalling Protein,MAVS)的CARD结构域间的相互作用,激活细胞转录因子IRF和NF-κB,诱导干扰素和促炎症细胞因子的产生,从而启动固有免疫应答和调节随后的获得性免疫应答,增强机体抵抗病毒的能力。因此,RLRs对抗病毒天然免疫的建立起着非常重要的作用。文章将分别就RLRs的组成结构、对病毒核酸等靶分子的识别及其相关信号传导途径方面所取得的主要研究进展做一概述,以期为海洋生物(特别是硬骨鱼类)的抗病毒免疫应答等相关研究提供参考。展开更多
Recent studies have uncovered two signaling pathways that activate the host innate immunity against viral infection. One of the pathways utilizes members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family to detect viruses that...Recent studies have uncovered two signaling pathways that activate the host innate immunity against viral infection. One of the pathways utilizes members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family to detect viruses that enter the endosome through endocytosis. The TLR pathway induces interferon production through several signaling proteins that ultimately lead to the activation of the transcription factors NF-kB, IRF3 and IRFT. The other antiviral pathway uses the RNA helicase RIG-Ⅰ as the receptor for intracellular viral double-stranded RNA. RIG-Ⅰ activates NF-kB and IRFs through the recently identified adaptor protein MAVS, a CARD domain containing protein that resides in the mitochondrial membrane. MAVS is essential for antiviral innate immunity, but it also serves as a target of Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which employs a viral protease to cleave MAVS off the mitochondria, thereby allowing HCV to escape the host immune system.展开更多
Bacterial pathogens have evolved various mechanisms to modulate host immune responses for successful infection. In this study, RNA- sequencing technology was used to analyze the responses of human monocytes THP1 to Ye...Bacterial pathogens have evolved various mechanisms to modulate host immune responses for successful infection. In this study, RNA- sequencing technology was used to analyze the responses of human monocytes THP1 to Yersinia pestis infection. Over 6000 genes were differentially expressed over the 12 h infection. Kinetic responses of pathogen recognition receptor signaling pathways, apoptosis, antigen processing, and presentation pathway and coagulation system were analyzed in detail. Among them, RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) signaling pathway, which was established for antiviral defense, was significantly affected. Mice lacking MAVS, the adaptor of the RLR signaling pathway, were less sensitive to infection and exhibited lower IFN-13 production, higher Thl-type cytokines IFN-γ and IL-12 production, and lower Th2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 production in the serum compared with wild-type mice. Moreover, infection of pathogenic bacteria other than E pestis also altered the expression of the RLR pathway, suggesting that the response of RLR pathway to bacterial infection is a universal mechanism.展开更多
AIM:To investigate the interaction of interleukin-23 receptor(IL23R)(rs1004819 and rs2201841),autophagy-related 16-like 1(ATG16L1)(rs2241880), caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 15 (CARD15)genes,and IBD5 lo...AIM:To investigate the interaction of interleukin-23 receptor(IL23R)(rs1004819 and rs2201841),autophagy-related 16-like 1(ATG16L1)(rs2241880), caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 15 (CARD15)genes,and IBD5 locus in Crohn's disease(CD) patients. METHODS:A total of 315 unrelated subjects with CD and 314 healthy controls were genotyped.Interactions and specific genotype combinations of a total of eight variants were tested.The variants of IBD5locus(IGR2198a_1 rs11739135 and IGR2096a_1 rs12521868),CARD15(R702W rs2066845 and L1007fs rs2066847),ATG16L1(rs2241880)and IL23R (rs1004819,rs2201841)genes were genotyped by PCR-RFLP,the G908R(rs2066844)in CARD15 was determined by direct sequencing. RESULTS:The association of ATG16L1 T300A with CD was confirmed[P=0.004,odds ratio(OR)=1.69, 95%CI:1.19-2.41],and both IL23R variants were found to represent significant risk for the disease(P= 0.008,OR=2.05,95%CI:1.20-3.50 for rs1004819 AA;P<0.001,OR=2.97,95%CI:1.65-5.33 for rs2201841 CC).Logistic regression analysis of pairwise interaction of the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)loci indicated that IL23R,ATG16L1,CARD15 and IBD5(IGR2198a_1)contribute independently to disease risk.We also analysed the specific combina- tions by pair of individual ATG16L1,IL23R rs1004819, rs2201841,IGR2198a_1,IGR2096a_1 and CARD15 genotypes for disease risk influence.In almost all cases,the combined risk of susceptibility pairs was higher in patients carrying two different risk-associated gene variants together than individuals with just one polymorphism.The highest OR was found for IL23R rs2201841 homozygous genotype with combination of positive CARD15 status(P<0.001,OR=9.15,95% CI:2.05-40.74). CONCLUSION:The present study suggests a cumulative effect of individual IBD susceptibility loci.展开更多
The present study aims to evaluate in rats the activity changes associated to treatments with D2-like receptor agonists using a simple behavioral procedure. Rats receiving a single dose of 1 mg/kg quinpirole or vehicl...The present study aims to evaluate in rats the activity changes associated to treatments with D2-like receptor agonists using a simple behavioral procedure. Rats receiving a single dose of 1 mg/kg quinpirole or vehicle were scored for 6 spontaneous behaviors at different post-injection times. In each time point, the animals were placed in testing cages for 12 min and video-recorded during the last 2 min. The number of forelimb steps and the time spent sniffing were significantly increased by 15 min post-injection in the quinpirole group. Forelimb steps remained increased for at least 24 h. Scores of time spent sniffing, as well as time inactive and number of hindlimb steps appeared greatly altered at 90 and 180 min, but not at later time points. By 48 h, no differences between control and quinpirole-treated rats were observed. In conclusion, the simple behavioral procedure here proposed—or adaptations of it—provides a sensitive test to evaluate the time course of the effects of D2-like receptor agonists on rat spontaneous activity. Additionally, this test takes into account context-dependent sensitization. It can be adapted to different treatment conditions. This methodology would be useful for the preclinical screening of D2-like receptor drugs, using reduced numbers of animals to test those doses and treatment schedules producing less side-effects.展开更多
Accumulating evidence suggests that the nucleus accumbens, which is involved in mechanisms of reward and addiction, plays a role in the pathogenesis of depression and in the action of anti-depressants. In the current ...Accumulating evidence suggests that the nucleus accumbens, which is involved in mechanisms of reward and addiction, plays a role in the pathogenesis of depression and in the action of anti-depressants. In the current study, intraperitoneal injection of nomifensine, a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, decreased depression-like behaviors in the Wistar Kyoto rat model of depression in the sucrose-preference and forced swim tests. Nomifensine also reduced membrane excitability in medium spiny neurons in the core of the nucleus accumbens in the childhood Wistar Kyoto rats as evaluated by electrophysiological recording. In addition, the expression of dopamine D2-like receptor mRNA was downregulated in the nucleus accumbens, striatum and hippocampus of nomifensine-treated childhood Wistar Kyoto rats. These experimental ifndings indicate that impaired inhibition of medium spiny neurons, mediated by dopamine D2-like receptors, may be involved in the formation of depression-like behavior in childhood Wistar Kyoto rats, and that nomifensine can alleviate depressive behaviors by reducing medium spiny neuron membrane excitability.展开更多
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and their signaling pathways have essential roles in recognizing various components of pathogens as well as damaged cells and triggering inflammatory responses that eliminate inv...Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and their signaling pathways have essential roles in recognizing various components of pathogens as well as damaged cells and triggering inflammatory responses that eliminate invading microorganisms and damaged cells. The zebrafish relies heavily on these primary defense mechanisms against pathogens. Here, we review the major PRR signaling pathways in the zebrafish innate immune system and compare these signaling pathways in zebrafish and humans to reveal their evolutionary relationship and better understand their innate immune defense mechanisms.展开更多
Pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) play important roles in innate immunity system and trigger the specific pathogen recognition by detecting the pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The main four PRRs components i...Pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) play important roles in innate immunity system and trigger the specific pathogen recognition by detecting the pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The main four PRRs components including Toll-like receptors(TLRs), RIG-I-like receptors(RLRs), NOD-like receptors(NLRs) and C-type lectin receptors(CLRs) were surveyed in the five genomes of non-teleost ray-finned fishes(NTR) including bichir(Polypterus senegalus), American paddlefish(Polyodon spathula), alligator gar(Atractosteus spatula), spotted gar(Lepisosteus oculatus) and bowfin(Amia calva), representing all the four major basal groups of ray-finned fishes. The result indicates that all the four PRRs components have been well established in these NTR fishes. In the RLR-MAVS signal pathway, which detects intracellular RNA ligands to induce production of type I interferons(IFNs), the MAVS was lost in bichir particularly. Also, the essential genes of recognition of Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) commonly in mammals like MD2, LY96 and LBP could not be identified in NTR fishes. It is speculated that TLR4 in NTR fishes may act as a cooperator with other PRRs and has a different pathway of recognizing LPS compared with that in mammals. In addition, we provide a survey of NLR and CLR in NTR fishes. The CLRs results suggest that Group V receptors are absent in fishes and Group II and VI receptors are well established in the early vertebrate evolution. Our comprehensive research of PRRs involving NTR fishes provides a new insight into PRR evolution in primitive vertebrate.展开更多
基金The National Minister of Health grant, No. RC0702GA35
文摘AIM: To investigate gene variants in a large Italian inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cohort, and to analyze the correlation of sub-phenotypes (including age at diagnosis) and epistatic interaction with other IBD genes. METHODS: Total of 763 patients with Crohn's disease (CD, 189 diagnosed at age < 19 years), 843 with ulcerative colitis (UC, 179 diagnosed <19 years), 749 healthy controls, and 546 healthy parents (273 trios) were included in the study. The rs2241880 [autophagy-related 16-like 1 (ATG16L1)], rs11209026 and rs7517847 [interleukin 23 receptor (IL23R)], rs2066844, rs2066845, rs2066847 (CARD15), rs1050152 (OCTN1), and rs2631367 (OCTN2) gene variants were genotyped. RESULTS: The frequency of G allele of ATG16L1 SNP (Ala197Thr) was increased in patients with CD compared with controls (59% vs 54% respectively) (OR = 1.25, CI = 1.08-1.45, P = 0.003), but not in UC (55%). The frequency of A and G (minor) alleles of Arg381Gln, rs11209026 and rs7517847 variants of IL23R were reduced significantly in CD (4%, OR = 0.62, CI = 0.45-0.87, P = 0.005; 28%, OR = 0.64, CI = 0.55-0.75, P < 0.01), compared with controls (6% and 38%, respectively). The A allele (but not G) was also reduced signifi cantly in UC (4%, OR = 0.69, CI = 0.5-0.94, P = 0.019). No association was demonstrated with sub-phenotypes and interaction with CARD15 , and OCTN1/2 genes, although both gene variants were associated with pediatric-onset disease. CONCLUSION: The present study confirms the association of IL23R polymorphisms with IBD, and ATG16L1 with CD, in both adult- and pediatric-onset subsets in our study population.
文摘非特异性固有免疫是预防病毒感染的第一道防线,Toll样受体(toll-like receptors,TLRs)和维甲酸诱导基因I样受体(RIG-I like receptors,RLRs)是感知病毒RNA的两个主要受体家族。RLRs为存在于胞浆中的RNA解旋酶家族,可识别在病毒感染或复制期间进入到胞浆内的单链或双链RNA。目前研究RLRs家族比较多的成员有维甲酸诱导型基因I(retinoic acid-inducible gene I,RIG-I)、黑色素瘤分化相关基因5(melanoma differentiation associated gene-5,MDA-5)及遗传学和生理学实验室蛋白2(laboratory of genetics and physiology 2,LGP2)。本文分别就RLRs家族中RIG-I和MDA-5结构、生物学作用及其信号传导中关键分子的研究进展作一概述。
文摘Recent studies have uncovered two signaling pathways that activate the host innate immunity against viral infection. One of the pathways utilizes members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family to detect viruses that enter the endosome through endocytosis. The TLR pathway induces interferon production through several signaling proteins that ultimately lead to the activation of the transcription factors NF-kB, IRF3 and IRFT. The other antiviral pathway uses the RNA helicase RIG-Ⅰ as the receptor for intracellular viral double-stranded RNA. RIG-Ⅰ activates NF-kB and IRFs through the recently identified adaptor protein MAVS, a CARD domain containing protein that resides in the mitochondrial membrane. MAVS is essential for antiviral innate immunity, but it also serves as a target of Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which employs a viral protease to cleave MAVS off the mitochondria, thereby allowing HCV to escape the host immune system.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Nos.2012CB518704 and 2013CB910804)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31170122)the Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Department Foundation of QingHai Province(No.2013-Z-748)
文摘Bacterial pathogens have evolved various mechanisms to modulate host immune responses for successful infection. In this study, RNA- sequencing technology was used to analyze the responses of human monocytes THP1 to Yersinia pestis infection. Over 6000 genes were differentially expressed over the 12 h infection. Kinetic responses of pathogen recognition receptor signaling pathways, apoptosis, antigen processing, and presentation pathway and coagulation system were analyzed in detail. Among them, RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) signaling pathway, which was established for antiviral defense, was significantly affected. Mice lacking MAVS, the adaptor of the RLR signaling pathway, were less sensitive to infection and exhibited lower IFN-13 production, higher Thl-type cytokines IFN-γ and IL-12 production, and lower Th2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 production in the serum compared with wild-type mice. Moreover, infection of pathogenic bacteria other than E pestis also altered the expression of the RLR pathway, suggesting that the response of RLR pathway to bacterial infection is a universal mechanism.
基金Supported by Grant of Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation,No.OTKA T 73430
文摘AIM:To investigate the interaction of interleukin-23 receptor(IL23R)(rs1004819 and rs2201841),autophagy-related 16-like 1(ATG16L1)(rs2241880), caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 15 (CARD15)genes,and IBD5 locus in Crohn's disease(CD) patients. METHODS:A total of 315 unrelated subjects with CD and 314 healthy controls were genotyped.Interactions and specific genotype combinations of a total of eight variants were tested.The variants of IBD5locus(IGR2198a_1 rs11739135 and IGR2096a_1 rs12521868),CARD15(R702W rs2066845 and L1007fs rs2066847),ATG16L1(rs2241880)and IL23R (rs1004819,rs2201841)genes were genotyped by PCR-RFLP,the G908R(rs2066844)in CARD15 was determined by direct sequencing. RESULTS:The association of ATG16L1 T300A with CD was confirmed[P=0.004,odds ratio(OR)=1.69, 95%CI:1.19-2.41],and both IL23R variants were found to represent significant risk for the disease(P= 0.008,OR=2.05,95%CI:1.20-3.50 for rs1004819 AA;P<0.001,OR=2.97,95%CI:1.65-5.33 for rs2201841 CC).Logistic regression analysis of pairwise interaction of the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)loci indicated that IL23R,ATG16L1,CARD15 and IBD5(IGR2198a_1)contribute independently to disease risk.We also analysed the specific combina- tions by pair of individual ATG16L1,IL23R rs1004819, rs2201841,IGR2198a_1,IGR2096a_1 and CARD15 genotypes for disease risk influence.In almost all cases,the combined risk of susceptibility pairs was higher in patients carrying two different risk-associated gene variants together than individuals with just one polymorphism.The highest OR was found for IL23R rs2201841 homozygous genotype with combination of positive CARD15 status(P<0.001,OR=9.15,95% CI:2.05-40.74). CONCLUSION:The present study suggests a cumulative effect of individual IBD susceptibility loci.
文摘The present study aims to evaluate in rats the activity changes associated to treatments with D2-like receptor agonists using a simple behavioral procedure. Rats receiving a single dose of 1 mg/kg quinpirole or vehicle were scored for 6 spontaneous behaviors at different post-injection times. In each time point, the animals were placed in testing cages for 12 min and video-recorded during the last 2 min. The number of forelimb steps and the time spent sniffing were significantly increased by 15 min post-injection in the quinpirole group. Forelimb steps remained increased for at least 24 h. Scores of time spent sniffing, as well as time inactive and number of hindlimb steps appeared greatly altered at 90 and 180 min, but not at later time points. By 48 h, no differences between control and quinpirole-treated rats were observed. In conclusion, the simple behavioral procedure here proposed—or adaptations of it—provides a sensitive test to evaluate the time course of the effects of D2-like receptor agonists on rat spontaneous activity. Additionally, this test takes into account context-dependent sensitization. It can be adapted to different treatment conditions. This methodology would be useful for the preclinical screening of D2-like receptor drugs, using reduced numbers of animals to test those doses and treatment schedules producing less side-effects.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.31271198 and 81121001grants from the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology,No.11ZR1415900the State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology,Fudan University,No.10-12
文摘Accumulating evidence suggests that the nucleus accumbens, which is involved in mechanisms of reward and addiction, plays a role in the pathogenesis of depression and in the action of anti-depressants. In the current study, intraperitoneal injection of nomifensine, a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, decreased depression-like behaviors in the Wistar Kyoto rat model of depression in the sucrose-preference and forced swim tests. Nomifensine also reduced membrane excitability in medium spiny neurons in the core of the nucleus accumbens in the childhood Wistar Kyoto rats as evaluated by electrophysiological recording. In addition, the expression of dopamine D2-like receptor mRNA was downregulated in the nucleus accumbens, striatum and hippocampus of nomifensine-treated childhood Wistar Kyoto rats. These experimental ifndings indicate that impaired inhibition of medium spiny neurons, mediated by dopamine D2-like receptors, may be involved in the formation of depression-like behavior in childhood Wistar Kyoto rats, and that nomifensine can alleviate depressive behaviors by reducing medium spiny neuron membrane excitability.
基金ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TJ is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the 100 Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. YIL is supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. We express our appreciation to Tsan Sam Xiao at Case Western Reserve University and Bin Lin at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, USA for proofreading and suggestions.
文摘Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and their signaling pathways have essential roles in recognizing various components of pathogens as well as damaged cells and triggering inflammatory responses that eliminate invading microorganisms and damaged cells. The zebrafish relies heavily on these primary defense mechanisms against pathogens. Here, we review the major PRR signaling pathways in the zebrafish innate immune system and compare these signaling pathways in zebrafish and humans to reveal their evolutionary relationship and better understand their innate immune defense mechanisms.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31372190)
文摘Pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) play important roles in innate immunity system and trigger the specific pathogen recognition by detecting the pathogen-associated molecular patterns. The main four PRRs components including Toll-like receptors(TLRs), RIG-I-like receptors(RLRs), NOD-like receptors(NLRs) and C-type lectin receptors(CLRs) were surveyed in the five genomes of non-teleost ray-finned fishes(NTR) including bichir(Polypterus senegalus), American paddlefish(Polyodon spathula), alligator gar(Atractosteus spatula), spotted gar(Lepisosteus oculatus) and bowfin(Amia calva), representing all the four major basal groups of ray-finned fishes. The result indicates that all the four PRRs components have been well established in these NTR fishes. In the RLR-MAVS signal pathway, which detects intracellular RNA ligands to induce production of type I interferons(IFNs), the MAVS was lost in bichir particularly. Also, the essential genes of recognition of Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) commonly in mammals like MD2, LY96 and LBP could not be identified in NTR fishes. It is speculated that TLR4 in NTR fishes may act as a cooperator with other PRRs and has a different pathway of recognizing LPS compared with that in mammals. In addition, we provide a survey of NLR and CLR in NTR fishes. The CLRs results suggest that Group V receptors are absent in fishes and Group II and VI receptors are well established in the early vertebrate evolution. Our comprehensive research of PRRs involving NTR fishes provides a new insight into PRR evolution in primitive vertebrate.