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葡萄细胞分裂素响应调节因子VvRR2互作蛋白筛选与鉴定 被引量:3
作者 余义和 李秀珍 +3 位作者 郭大龙 杨英军 李学强 张国海 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1097-1105,共9页
【目的】从葡萄中克隆细胞分裂素响应调节因子VvRR2,获得VvRR2的互作蛋白,为阐明VvRR2在欧洲葡萄抗病反应中的作用机制提供依据。【方法】对葡萄接种白粉病菌,提取总RNA后反转录,利用实时荧光定量PCR检测VvRR2转录本对白粉病菌的响应;... 【目的】从葡萄中克隆细胞分裂素响应调节因子VvRR2,获得VvRR2的互作蛋白,为阐明VvRR2在欧洲葡萄抗病反应中的作用机制提供依据。【方法】对葡萄接种白粉病菌,提取总RNA后反转录,利用实时荧光定量PCR检测VvRR2转录本对白粉病菌的响应;构建瞬时表达载体p BI221-VvRR2-GFP,转化拟南芥原生质体进行亚细胞定位分析;构建酵母表达载体p GBKT7-VvRR2,转化酵母菌株AH109,检测VvRR2的转录激活活性;构建酵母表达c DNA文库,以VvRR2为诱饵,通过Mating法筛选互作蛋白,对获得候选序列进行Blast分析;将候选蛋白VvTGA的全长序列克隆至p GADT7载体形成重组载体p GADT7-VvTGA,与重组诱饵载体p GBKT7-VvRR2共转化酵母,进行双杂交验证VvRR2与VvTGA的相互作用;将VvTGA的全长序列克隆至p SPYNE(R)173载体,形成重组载体p SPYNE-VvTGA,将VvRR2的全长序列克隆至p SPYCE(M)载体,形成重组载体p SPYCE-VvRR2,然后将两个重组载体共转化拟南芥原生质体,利用双分子荧光互补技术验证VvRR2与VvTGA的相互作用。【结果】葡萄接种白粉病菌后,细胞分裂素响应调节因子VvRR2呈现受白粉病菌诱导表达模式。VvRR2定位在拟南芥原生质体的细胞核,转录激活试验结果表明VvRR2在酵母体内具有转录激活活性。在含有60 mmol·L-1的3-AT培养基上可以抑制VvRR2诱饵载体的自激活活性,VvRR2诱饵载体对宿主酵母菌没有毒性。以VvRR2为诱饵,初步筛选到287个单克隆,在高严谨条件下进一步筛选获得23个有效序列,Blast分析显示这些基因参与蛋白质合成与降解、细胞分裂素信号传导、光反应和生物钟节律、生长发育和逆境响应。酵母回复双杂交试验结果显示含有空载体(p GADT7或p GBKT7)酵母在四缺培养基(含3-AT)上不能生长,含有两种重组质粒的酵母在四缺培养基(含3-AT)上能够生长,并在含有X-α-Gal的四缺培养基上能够显色。双分子荧光互补试验结果显示共转化p SPYCE-VvRR2与p SPYNE(R)173、p SPYNE-VvTGA与p SPYCE(M)的原生质体没有黄色荧光,而共转化p SPYCE-VvRR2与p SPYNE-VvTGA的原生质体显示黄色荧光。VvTGA的表达类似于VvRR2,呈现受白粉病菌诱导表达模式。【结论】葡萄细胞分裂素响应调节因子VvRR2是一个受白粉病菌诱导表达的转录因子,能够与VvTGA相互作用,并且VvTGA受白粉病菌诱导表达。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 细胞分裂素响应调节因子 Vvrr2 VvTGA 互作蛋白
《当代化工》 CAS 2016年第5期973-973,共1页
尽管Roundup Ready 2 Xtend^TM(RR2X)转基因大豆能够抗草甘膦和麦草畏,但是美国环保署(EPA)近日表示2016种植季麦草畏将禁止用于RR2X转基因大豆。
关键词 转基因大豆 rr2X 抗草甘膦 制剂产品 季任 大豆种植 美国环保署 孟山都 违反法律
欧盟尚未作出最终监管批准 美国粮食贸易商拒收孟山都新转基因大豆RR2X 被引量:1
《农药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期355-355,共1页
一个由美国嘉吉、阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰、邦基和其他粮食公司组成的贸易团体最近抨击了孟山都,指责其在确保获得欧盟监管批准之前就开始销售转基因大豆种子Roundup Ready 2 Xtend。这些美国粮食公司计划拒绝收购孟山都最新的转基因大豆,... 一个由美国嘉吉、阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰、邦基和其他粮食公司组成的贸易团体最近抨击了孟山都,指责其在确保获得欧盟监管批准之前就开始销售转基因大豆种子Roundup Ready 2 Xtend。这些美国粮食公司计划拒绝收购孟山都最新的转基因大豆,他们担心这些大豆品种没有获得欧盟的监管批准,可能扰乱国际贸易。目前,他们正在向孟山都施压, 展开更多
关键词 孟山都 转基因大豆 rr2X 粮食贸易 大豆种子 公司计划 米德兰 丹尼尔斯 邦基 先正达公司
RR1 and RR2 gene deletion affects the immunogenicity of a live attenuated pseudorabies virus vaccine candidate in natural pig host
作者 Shijun YAN He YAN +7 位作者 Chaolin ZHANG Tongyan WANG Qingyuan YANG Zhe SUN Yan XIAO Feifei TAN Xiangdong LI Kegong TIAN 《Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期81-86,共6页
As virulence-determining genes, RR1 and RR2 encode the small subunit and large subunit of viral ribonucleotide reductase(RR) in pseudorabies virus which have been extensively studied in mice. However,their role in pig... As virulence-determining genes, RR1 and RR2 encode the small subunit and large subunit of viral ribonucleotide reductase(RR) in pseudorabies virus which have been extensively studied in mice. However,their role in pigs has not been adequately investigated. In this study, we deleted RR1 and RR2 genes based on a TK/g E/g I triple gene-deleted pseudorabies virus and tested its efficacy in pigs as a vaccine candidate. The rescued virus showed similar growth properties and plaque size in vitro as its parent strain. In an animal study, the virus could elicit humoral immune responses shown by generation of g B-specific antibodies and virus neutralizing antibodies.However, vaccination could not provide protection against virulent pseudorabies virus challenge since vaccinated pigs showed clinical pseudorabies-specific syndromes. The deficiency in protection may due to the generation of late and low levels of gB antibodies and virus neutralizing antibodies. 展开更多
关键词 pseudorabies virus RR1 and rr2 ribonucleotide reductase vaccine candidate
作者 李歌 马子然 +2 位作者 闾菲 彭胜攀 佟振伟 《材料导报》 北大核心 2025年第1期156-168,共13页
随着全球能源需求不断增长,化石燃料资源有限和二氧化碳排放对气候变化的影响愈加严重,减少二氧化碳排放已迫在眉睫。基于绿电的电化学还原二氧化碳(CO_(2)RR)方法是缓解化石燃料消耗和温室气体排放的理想途径。传统催化剂的研发模式主... 随着全球能源需求不断增长,化石燃料资源有限和二氧化碳排放对气候变化的影响愈加严重,减少二氧化碳排放已迫在眉睫。基于绿电的电化学还原二氧化碳(CO_(2)RR)方法是缓解化石燃料消耗和温室气体排放的理想途径。传统催化剂的研发模式主要依赖实验试错方法,难以满足对高效催化剂的研发需求。快速发展的机器学习等数据科学技术为催化剂研发带来范式变革的契机。高通量计算结合机器学习已经成为近年来电催化剂配方设计中的重要手段之一。基于此,本文概述了近年来高通量计算结合机器学习指导催化剂开发的研究成果,包括催化剂设计的原理、模拟计算的策略以及机器学习模型的构建。通过将高通量计算和机器学习结合,可以加速催化剂设计过程,为CO_(2)RR催化剂的高效筛选和开发提供了新方法,拓宽人工智能在催化剂筛选设计中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)RR 密度泛函理论计算 机器学习 描述符 催化剂筛选
作者 孙晨琦 魏树权 +1 位作者 徐丹丹 李刚 《哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期49-55,共7页
通过溶剂热法合成三元硫属化合物CTS(Cu_(4)SnS_(4)).利用X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、电化学阻抗(EIS)、电化学活性表面积(ECSA)、塔菲尔斜率(Tafel)等对样品的结构、形貌和电催化还原CO_(2)(CO_(2)RR... 通过溶剂热法合成三元硫属化合物CTS(Cu_(4)SnS_(4)).利用X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、电化学阻抗(EIS)、电化学活性表面积(ECSA)、塔菲尔斜率(Tafel)等对样品的结构、形貌和电催化还原CO_(2)(CO_(2)RR)性能进行了探究.实验结果表明,Cu_(4)SnS_(4)电催化还原CO_(2)的能力比相应的二元金属化合物SnS_(2),Cu_(2)S和Cu_(10)Sn_(3)材料明显提升.其中200℃、24 h制备的纯相Cu_(4)SnS_(4)催化剂性能最好,在-1.0 V(vs.RHE)电位下,电流密度稳定可达到18 mA/cm^(2),甲酸盐的选择性高达75%. 展开更多
关键词 Cu_(4)SnS_(4) CO_(2)RR 法拉第效率 甲酸盐
作者 朱超 张浩杰 +3 位作者 田地 屈治国 邸宏宇 郑楠 《化学工业与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期11-17,共7页
电催化CO_(2)还原反应(Electrocatalytic CO_(2)reduction reaction, CO_(2)RR)在解决全球变暖和能源危机方面有着巨大的应用潜力,但目前催化效率低、催化产物多样等问题限制了CO_(2)RR反应的商业化应用。采用一锅法、碳化法制备了一系... 电催化CO_(2)还原反应(Electrocatalytic CO_(2)reduction reaction, CO_(2)RR)在解决全球变暖和能源危机方面有着巨大的应用潜力,但目前催化效率低、催化产物多样等问题限制了CO_(2)RR反应的商业化应用。采用一锅法、碳化法制备了一系列不同镍含量的镍单原子催化剂,利用XRD、XPS、ICP-OES、HRTEM、HAADF-STEM、XAS等方法对镍单原子催化剂的形貌结构、原子价态、金属含量等方面进行表征,并通过电催化还原产物的法拉第效率(Faraday efficiency, FE)和电流密度(Current density,J)来评价其电催化性能。此外,还研究了电解实验装置的改变对升电催化性能的提升。实验结果表明,随着Ni单原子催化剂的Ni金属负载量增加,产物CO的FECO和JCO均增加。催化剂中Zn1Ni2-CN表现出了优异的CO_(2)RR催化性能,在H型电解池中,在-0.7 V vs. RHE电位下FECO达到89%,在-0.9 V vs. RHE下JCO达到6.99 mA·cm^(-2)。在流动电解池中,大范围电位变化下(-0.4~-1.2 V vs. RHE)FECO均保持在99%以上,且在-1.2 V vs. RHE电位下产物电流密度JCO达到174.5 mA·cm^(-2)。 展开更多
关键词 镍单原子 电催化 CO_(2)RR CO
活性染料高温厌氧生物降解研究 被引量:12
作者 高欢 蒋进元 +1 位作者 胡翔 周岳溪 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期102-105,共4页
研究了升流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)在高温条件下处理含盐活性红2(RR2)染料废水的工艺及RR2的降解机理.结果表明:运行温度为(55±1)℃,水力停留时间为12 h,进水ρ(NaCl),ρ(CODCr)和ρ(RR2)分别为50 000,1 000和100 mg/L的条件下,... 研究了升流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)在高温条件下处理含盐活性红2(RR2)染料废水的工艺及RR2的降解机理.结果表明:运行温度为(55±1)℃,水力停留时间为12 h,进水ρ(NaCl),ρ(CODCr)和ρ(RR2)分别为50 000,1 000和100 mg/L的条件下,以驯化好的厌氧颗粒污泥为接种污泥,运行10 d后反应器达到稳定,CODCr和RR2去除率分别为25%和90%以上.利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析厌氧出水发现,RR2的生物降解途径为在厌氧条件下最先被还原的是较易断裂的偶氮键(N N),去除颜色后形成了芳香胺类化合物,一部分芳香胺类化合物通过水解和氧化作用进一步降解为更小分子的代谢物. 展开更多
关键词 含盐染料废水 高温 厌氧 UASB反应器 活性红2(rr2)
核黄素对偶氮染料生物降解的影响 被引量:8
作者 赵婧 蒋进元 +2 位作者 丁林 周岳溪 梁杰 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1193-1197,共5页
采用高温〔(55±1)℃〕升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)-常温三相好氧流化床组合工艺处理含盐偶氮染料活性艳红X-3B(RR2)废水,考察核黄素(VB2)对染料的降解及活性污泥微生物相的影响.结果表明:在水力停留时间(HRT)为18 h,进水ρ... 采用高温〔(55±1)℃〕升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)-常温三相好氧流化床组合工艺处理含盐偶氮染料活性艳红X-3B(RR2)废水,考察核黄素(VB2)对染料的降解及活性污泥微生物相的影响.结果表明:在水力停留时间(HRT)为18 h,进水ρ(RR2)为40-100 mg/L,ρ(CODCr)为800-1 200 mg/L,ρ(NaCl)为30 000-35 000 mg/L,UASB反应器的有机负荷为2-3kg/(m3.d),三相好氧流化床有机负荷为0.3-0.4 kg/(kg.d)的条件下,ρ(VB2)为5 mg/L时可以明显改善工艺的运行效果,RR2和CODCr的去除率均在95%以上;UASB及三相好氧流化床中活性污泥微生物以杆菌为主,核黄素的投加使得系统中菌体体积变小、总量减少. 展开更多
关键词 核黄素 UASB 三相好氧流化床 rr2
In-situ regeneration of Bi^(0) active site to renew surface activation for long-term stable and efficient CO_(2)-to-formate electrosynthesis
作者 Haichuan He Congcheng Yang +6 位作者 Liu Deng Li Luo Yahui Jiang Liqiang Wang Yi Zhang Minghui Yang You-Nian Liu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期703-711,共9页
CO_(2)-to-formate electrosynthesis with high selectivity and stability has been a long-sought objective.Unfortunately,most catalysts undergo structural and valence state changes due to surface oxidation during operati... CO_(2)-to-formate electrosynthesis with high selectivity and stability has been a long-sought objective.Unfortunately,most catalysts undergo structural and valence state changes due to surface oxidation during operation or storage,resulting in decreased catalytic performance.Herein,we report a efficient and stable BiIn@Cu-foam electrode through the in-situ regeneration of Bi^(0) active sites to renew the surface activation.The electronic structure of Bi site can be regulated by introducing In,thereby enhancing the adsorption strength of*OCHO.The optimized electrode exhibits over 90%FE_(formate)at a wide potential window(-0.9–-2.2 V),and formation rate for 3.15 mM cm^(-1)h^(-1).Especially,the electrode can maintain the high performance at continuously electrolysis for more than 300 h,or for more than 50 cycles,even repeated operation and storage for more than 2 years.This work provides a promising candidate and new insight to construct industrially viable stable Bi-based catalyst for formate electrosynthesis. 展开更多
关键词 In-situ regeneration Stability FORMATE BISMUTH eCO_(2)RR
Porous Indium Nanocrystals on Conductive Carbon Nanotube Networks for High-Performance CO_(2)-to-Formate Electrocatalytic Conversion
作者 Liangping Xiao Rusen Zhou +4 位作者 Tianqi Zhang Xiaoxiang Wang Renwu Zhou Patrick J.Cullen Kostya(Ken)Ostrikov 《Energy & Environmental Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期413-421,共9页
Ever-increasing emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide(CO_(2))cause global environmental and climate challenges.Inspired by biological photosynthesis,developing effective strategies NeuNlto up-cycle CO_(2)into high... Ever-increasing emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide(CO_(2))cause global environmental and climate challenges.Inspired by biological photosynthesis,developing effective strategies NeuNlto up-cycle CO_(2)into high-value organics is crucial.Electrochemical CO_(2)reduction reaction(CO_(2)RR)is highly promising to convert CO_(2)into economically viable carbon-based chemicals or fuels under mild process conditions.Herein,mesoporous indium supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes(mp-In@MWCNTs)is synthesized via a facile wet chemical method.The mp-In@MWCNTs electrocatalysts exhibit high CO_(2)RR performance in reducing CO_(2)into formate.An outstanding activity(current density-78.5 mA cm^(-2)),high conversion efficiency(Faradaic efficiency of formate over 90%),and persistent stability(∼30 h)for selective CO_(2)-to-formate conversion are observed.The outstanding CO_(2)RR process performance is attributed to the unique structures with mesoporous surfaces and a conductive network,which promote the adsorption and desorption of reactants and intermediates while improving electron transfer.These findings provide guiding principles for synthesizing conductive metal-based electrocatalysts for high-performance CO_(2)conversion. 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)RR conductive network ELECTROCATALYSTS FORMATE
Plasma-assisted synthesis of porous bismuth nanosheets for electrocatalytic CO_(2)-to-formate reduction
作者 Liangping Xiao Qizheng Zheng +5 位作者 Rusen Zhou Sifan Liu Yifan Zhao Yadong Zhao Renwu Zhou Kostya Ken Ostrikov 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期19-28,共10页
The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction(eCO_(2)RR)to formate,driven by clean energy,is a promising approach for producing renewable chemicals and high-value fuels.Despite its potential,further development faces c... The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction(eCO_(2)RR)to formate,driven by clean energy,is a promising approach for producing renewable chemicals and high-value fuels.Despite its potential,further development faces challenges due to limitations in electrocatalytic activity and durability,especially for nonnoble metal-based catalysts.Here,naturally abundant bismuth-based nanosheets that can effectively drive CO_(2)-to-formate electrocatalytic reduction are prepared using the plasma-activated Bi_(2)Se_(3) followed by a reduction process.Thus-obtained plasma-activated Bi nanosheets(P-BiNS)feature ultrathin structures and high surface areas.Such nanostructures ensure the P-BiNS with outstanding eCO_(2)RR catalytic performance,highlighted by the current density of over 80 mA cm^(-2) and a formate Faradic efficiency of>90%.Furthermore,P-BiNS catalysts demonstrate excellent durability and stability without deactivation following over 50h of operation.The selectivity for formate production is also studied by density functional theory(DFT)calculations,validating the importance and efficacy of the stabilization of intermediates(^(*)OCHO)on the P-BiNS surfaces.This study provides a facile plasma-assisted approach for developing high-performance and low-cost electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Plasma-assisted synthesis Plasmaa ctivation Bismuth nanosheet CO_(2)RR FORMATE
Highly dispersed atomic-level Ni active sites confined in defects for efficient electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide
作者 Wenjun Zhang Chen Zhao +6 位作者 Yang Yang Ruotong Chen Yue Wu Jiaqi Dai Yuxing Zhang Huajie Liu Mingyang Liu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期1-10,共10页
Electrocatalytic CO_(2) reduction reaction (eCO_(2)RR) presents a promising approach for harnessing renewable energy and converting greenhouse gas (CO_(2)) into high value-added CO products.N-doped single atom (SA) an... Electrocatalytic CO_(2) reduction reaction (eCO_(2)RR) presents a promising approach for harnessing renewable energy and converting greenhouse gas (CO_(2)) into high value-added CO products.N-doped single atom (SA) and atomic-level metal nanocluster (MN) tandem catalysts with rich defects for eCO_(2)RR are reported,which achieved a maximum CO Faraday efficiency (FE_(CO)) of 97.7%(-0.7 V vs.RHE) in the H-type cell and maintained over 95% FE_(CO)at potentials from -0.18 to -0.73 V vs.RHE in the flow cell.Furthermore,the catalyst in the flow cell demonstrated a remarkably low onset potential of-0.14 V vs.RHE and the current density was approximately three times that of the H-type cell.Interestingly,XPS analysis indicates that carbon substrates containing defects have more pyridine-N content.DFT calculations and in-situ attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared support this finding by showing that the Ni-(N-C_(2))_(3) active sites with defect favors preferentially convert CO_(2)-to-CO. 展开更多
关键词 Electrocatalytic CO_(2)RR Atomic-level nanoclusters DEFECTS Catalytic mechanism
Cu-based materials for electrocatalytic CO_(2) to alcohols:Reaction mechanism,catalyst categories,and regulation strategies
作者 Yaru Lei Yaxin Niu +8 位作者 Xiaolong Tang Xiangtao Yu Xiubing Huang Xiaoqiu Lin Honghong Yi Shunzheng Zhao Jiaying Jiang Jiyue Zhang Fengyu Gao 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期593-611,I0013,共20页
Electrocatalytic CO_(2) reduction reaction(CO_(2)RR)technology,which enables carbon capture storage and resource utilization by reducing CO_(2) to valuable chemicals or fuels,has become a global research hotspot in re... Electrocatalytic CO_(2) reduction reaction(CO_(2)RR)technology,which enables carbon capture storage and resource utilization by reducing CO_(2) to valuable chemicals or fuels,has become a global research hotspot in recent decades.Among the many products of CO_(2)RR(carbon monoxide,acids,aldehydes and alcohols,olefins,etc.),alcohols(methanol,ethanol,propanol,etc.)have a higher market value and energy density,but it is also more difficult to produce.Copper is known to be effective in catalyzing CO_(2) to high valueadded alcohols,but with poor selectivity.The progress of Cu-based catalysts for the selective generation of alcohols,including copper oxides,bimetals,single atoms and composites is reviewed.Meanwhile,to improve Cu-based catalyst activity and modulate product selectivity,the modulation strategies are straighten out,including morphological regulation,crystalline surface,oxidation state,as well as elemental doping and defect engineering.Based on the research progress of electrocatalytic CO_(2) reduction for alcohol production on Cu-based materials,the reaction pathways and the key intermediates of the electrocatalytic CO_(2)RR to methanol,ethanol and propanol are summarized.Finally,the problems of traditional electrocatalytic CO_(2)RR are introduced,and the future applications of machine learning and theoretical calculations are prospected.An in-depth discussion and a comprehensive review of the reaction mechanism,catalyst types and regulation strategies were carried out with a view to promoting the development of electrocatalytic CO_(2)RR to alcohols. 展开更多
关键词 Electrocatalytic CO_(2)RR Cu-based catalyst ALCOHOLS Reaction mechanism Regulation strategies
Recent progress on copper catalysts with different surface states for CO_(2)electroreduction
作者 Wenjun Zhang Yang Yang +1 位作者 Donggang Guo Lu Liu 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期10-27,I0001,共19页
The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction(eCO_(2)RR),which converts CO_(2)into various hydrocarbons or alcohols,has been extensively researched because it promises a sustainable energy economy.However,only... The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction(eCO_(2)RR),which converts CO_(2)into various hydrocarbons or alcohols,has been extensively researched because it promises a sustainable energy economy.However,only copper(Cu)can currently achieve stable and efficient hydrocarbon conversion in the eCO_(2)RR.Therefore,understanding the catalytic mechanisms and summarizing the research progress on synthesis strategies of Cu catalysts are essential for the eCO_(2)RR.This paper reviews Cu catalysts with different surface states of Cu catalysts:oxide-derived Cu,Cu nanoparticles,Cu single atoms,and Cu nanoclusters.It then reviews the development and progress of different Cu-catalyst preparation methods in recent years,focusing on the activity and selectivity of materials.Besides revealing the tendencies of catalytic selection and deep reactive mechanisms of Cu catalysts with four different surface states,this review can guide the subsequent construction of catalysts and provides an understanding of catalytic mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 eCO_(2)RR Oxide-derived Cu Cu nanoparticles Cu single atoms Cu nanoclusters
A general descriptor for guiding the electrolysis of CO_(2)in molten carbonate
作者 Zhengshan Yang Bowen Deng +2 位作者 Kaifa Du Huayi Yin Dihua Wang 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期748-757,共10页
Molten carbonate is an excellent electrolyte for the electrochemical reduction of CO_(2)to carbonaceous materials.However,the electrolyte–electrode-reaction relationship has not been well understood.Herein,we propose... Molten carbonate is an excellent electrolyte for the electrochemical reduction of CO_(2)to carbonaceous materials.However,the electrolyte–electrode-reaction relationship has not been well understood.Herein,we propose a general descriptor,the CO_(2)activity,to reveal the electrolyte–electrode-reaction relationship by thermodynamic calculations and experimental studies.Experimental studies agree well with theoretical predictions that both cations(Li^(+),Ca^(2+),Sr^(2+)and Ba^(2+))and anions(BO_(2)^(-),Ti_(5)O_(14)^(8-),SiO_(3)^(2-))can modulate the CO_(2)activity to control both cathode and anode reactions in a typical molten carbonate electrolyzer in terms of tuning reaction products and overpotentials.In this regard,the reduction of CO_(3)^(2-)can be interpreted as the direct reduction of CO_(2)generated from the dissociated CO_(3)^(2-),and the CO_(2)activity can be used as a general descriptor to predict the electrode reaction in molten carbonate.Overall,the CO_(2)activity descriptor unlocks the electrolyte–electrode-reaction relationship,thereby providing fundamental insights into guiding molten carbonate CO_(2)electrolysis. 展开更多
关键词 Molten carbonate CO_(2)activity CO_(2)RR Electrolyte engineering CARBON
RR_2函数与RR序的封闭性 被引量:1
作者 曾宪福 宋海燕 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2012年第2期166-168,共3页
讨论了RR2函数和RR序的封闭性.一方面,证明了RR2函数的线性封闭性、乘法封闭性和加法封闭性,并将RR2的概念延伸到随机RR序;另一方面,证明了随机变量在单调变换中保持RR序关系,特别是在线性运算中保持序关系.如果二维随机变量的密度函数... 讨论了RR2函数和RR序的封闭性.一方面,证明了RR2函数的线性封闭性、乘法封闭性和加法封闭性,并将RR2的概念延伸到随机RR序;另一方面,证明了随机变量在单调变换中保持RR序关系,特别是在线性运算中保持序关系.如果二维随机变量的密度函数是RR2的,则其分布函数和生存函数也是RR2的,并且随机变量的RR序关系在分布函数和生存函数也能保持. 展开更多
关键词 rr2函数 RR序 线性封闭性 乘法封闭性 加法封闭性
作者 王文栋 王轶楠 +2 位作者 饶海彬 郭芳松 詹国武 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第5期575-587,共13页
系统性地梳理了石墨相氮化碳(g-C_(3)N_(4))在光/电催化二氧化碳还原反应(CO_(2)RR)的最新研究进展,深入探讨了通过精细调控其局域电子结构、表面化学配位、电荷传输机制及光学特性等关键参数所实现的催化性能提升。具体策略涵盖了结构... 系统性地梳理了石墨相氮化碳(g-C_(3)N_(4))在光/电催化二氧化碳还原反应(CO_(2)RR)的最新研究进展,深入探讨了通过精细调控其局域电子结构、表面化学配位、电荷传输机制及光学特性等关键参数所实现的催化性能提升。具体策略涵盖了结构优化设计、缺陷工程引入、元素/分子掺杂策略以及异质结构构建等前沿技术,这些创新方法为g-C_(3)N_(4)催化剂的定制化设计提供了丰富的工具箱。最后,对面临的挑战和前景进行了简要的总结和展望,以期为进一步合理设计g-C_(3)N_(4)作为选择性高效的CO_(2)RR催化剂。 展开更多
关键词 石墨相氮化碳(g-C_(3)N_(4)) 二氧化碳还原反应(CO_(2)RR) 催化性能 光催化 电催化 纳米结构
含盐染料废水高温厌氧处理工艺特性研究 被引量:10
作者 高欢 周岳溪 +2 位作者 胡翔 蒋进元 陈希 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期9-11,共3页
研究升流武厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)在高温条件下处理含盐染料废水的工艺特性及颗粒污泥性能。结果表明,在以常温厌氧絮状污泥为接种污泥,运行温度为(55±1)℃,水力停留时间为12h,含盐量为50000mg/L,CODCr为900—1000mg/... 研究升流武厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)在高温条件下处理含盐染料废水的工艺特性及颗粒污泥性能。结果表明,在以常温厌氧絮状污泥为接种污泥,运行温度为(55±1)℃,水力停留时间为12h,含盐量为50000mg/L,CODCr为900—1000mg/L,染料活性红2(RR2)浓度为100mg/L条件下,78d达到运行稳定,CODCr和RR2去除率分别为44%和85%以上。反应器中高温耐盐厌氧颗粒污泥粒径为1.0~2.0mm,其生物相组成以短杆菌、球菌、丝状菌为主。 展开更多
关键词 含盐染料废水 高温 厌氧 UASB反应器 活性红2 颗粒污泥
心力衰竭患者T波峰末间期的变化及其临床意义 被引量:6
作者 关敬树 徐涛 廖德宁 《疑难病杂志》 CAS 2011年第6期441-442,共2页
目的观测心力衰竭时T波峰末间期(Tp-Te间期)的变化,探讨心力衰竭时心室肌跨壁复极高散度的影响。方法选取Ⅲ~Ⅳ级心力衰竭患者100例(其中NYHAⅢ级79例,Ⅳ级21例)和健康对照100例作为研究对象。记录所有受试者静息状态下同步12导联心电... 目的观测心力衰竭时T波峰末间期(Tp-Te间期)的变化,探讨心力衰竭时心室肌跨壁复极高散度的影响。方法选取Ⅲ~Ⅳ级心力衰竭患者100例(其中NYHAⅢ级79例,Ⅳ级21例)和健康对照100例作为研究对象。记录所有受试者静息状态下同步12导联心电图。测量V_2导联的Tp-Te间期、RR间期,并计算出Tp-Te/(RR)^(1/2)间期作为心率校正后的Tp-Te间期。结果心力衰竭患者Tp-Te间期和Tp-Te/(RR)^(1/2)间期均较健康对照组显著延长[(99±22)ms vs(84±22)ms,P<0.01]和(3.6±0.9)ms vs(2.6±0.7)ms,P<0.01]。NYHA心功能Ⅳ级心力衰竭患者Tp-Te间期、Tp-Te/(RR)^(1/2)间期较NYHA心功能Ⅲ级心力衰竭患者延长更加明显[(109±18)ms vs(97±19)ms,P<0.01]和[(4.1±0.7)ms vs(3.5±0.7)ms,P<0.01]。结论心力衰竭时,Tp-Te间期、Tp-Te/(RR)^(1/2)间期明显延长并与心力衰竭程度相关,提示心力衰竭对心室跨壁复极离散度具有显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 心力衰竭 TP-TE间期 Tp-Te/(RR)^(1/2)间期 跨壁复极离散度
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