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禽类呼肠孤病毒(Avian reoviruses)感染
作者 吴异健 刘文兴 吴宝成 《福建畜牧兽医》 2004年第z1期13-15,共3页
  1病原学   1.1病毒特征禽类呼肠孤病毒为无囊膜,呈球形,双层衣壳和二十面对称的dsRNA病毒.粒子直径约60~80 nm,外层衣壳上有92颗中空的颗粒.在CsCl梯度离心中,感染病毒子的密度为1.29~1.30g/ml,无感染性空衣壳为1.29~1.30g/ml...   1病原学   1.1病毒特征禽类呼肠孤病毒为无囊膜,呈球形,双层衣壳和二十面对称的dsRNA病毒.粒子直径约60~80 nm,外层衣壳上有92颗中空的颗粒.在CsCl梯度离心中,感染病毒子的密度为1.29~1.30g/ml,无感染性空衣壳为1.29~1.30g/ml,病毒芯髓为1.44 g/ml.纯化病毒只含有RNA和蛋白质,平均含量分别为18.7%和81.3%.病毒在胞浆内复制,有时呈晶格排列.对热、pH 3和DNA代谢抑制物有抵抗力.MgCl2能增强病毒对热的稳定性,但当浓度太大时反而促其灭活.70%乙醇和0.5%有机碘可灭活病毒.一般无血凝活性.   …… 展开更多
关键词 呼肠孤病毒 致病性 临床症状 火鸡 呼吸道肠道孤儿病毒 RNA病毒 Avian reoviruses 禽类 病毒毒力
High-resolution 3D Structures Reveal the Biological Functions of Reoviruses 被引量:3
作者 Xiaoming Li Qin Fang 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期318-325,共8页
Viruses in the family Reoviridae are non-enveloped particles comprising a segmented double-stranded RNA genome surrounded by a two-layered or multi-layered icosahedral protein capsid.These viruses are classified into ... Viruses in the family Reoviridae are non-enveloped particles comprising a segmented double-stranded RNA genome surrounded by a two-layered or multi-layered icosahedral protein capsid.These viruses are classified into two sub-families based on their particle structural organization.Recent studies have focused on high-resolution three-dimensional structures of reovirus particles by using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to approach the resolutions seen in X-ray crystallographic structures.The results of cryo-EM image reconstructions allow tracing of most of the protein side chains,and thus permit integration of structural and functional information into a coherent mechanism for reovirus assembly and entry. 展开更多
关键词 Non-enveloped virus reoviruses Structural basis ASSEMBLY Cell entry
Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of chicken reoviruses in China
作者 WEN Chu ZHONG Qi +6 位作者 ZHANG Jia-dong LU Jian-shan ZHANG Li-xin YUAN Xi-min GAN Meng-hou CAI Xue-peng ZHANG Guo-zhong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第8期1846-1855,共10页
supported by the China Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center;the China Agriculture Research System Poultry-Related Science and Technology Innovation Team of Peking, China (CARS-PSTP)
关键词 avian reovirus chicken genome S1 homology phylogenetic analysis pathogenicity
呼肠孤病毒在肿瘤治疗研究进展 被引量:2
作者 何志旭 赵星 《中国小儿血液与肿瘤杂志》 CAS 2017年第1期3-6,共4页
在过去的几十年间,溶瘤病毒(oncolytic virus,OV)在肿瘤治疗中已取得了很多突破性进展。野生型或经改造的OV可通过在肿瘤细胞内大量复制增殖来溶破肿瘤细胞,而对正常细胞无破坏作用。野生型呼肠孤病毒(reovirus)可选择性在肿瘤细胞... 在过去的几十年间,溶瘤病毒(oncolytic virus,OV)在肿瘤治疗中已取得了很多突破性进展。野生型或经改造的OV可通过在肿瘤细胞内大量复制增殖来溶破肿瘤细胞,而对正常细胞无破坏作用。野生型呼肠孤病毒(reovirus)可选择性在肿瘤细胞内增殖,已证实其对多种来源的肿瘤细胞均可发挥溶瘤效应。 展开更多
关键词 呼肠孤病毒 治疗应用 溶瘤病毒 REOVIRUS 野生型 临床试验 细胞生长 病毒基因组 破坏作用 应用领域
作者 许丰 马国明 +4 位作者 黄瑜 王丹 施佳健 李焕荣 张大丙 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第11期32-34,39,共4页
番鸭呼肠孤病毒感染是危害番鸭养殖业的一种重要传染病,其病原是番鸭呼肠孤病毒(Muscovy duck reovirus,MDRV)[1]。MDRV感染于1950年在南非首次报道[2],随后在法国[1]、以色列[3]等国亦有发生,1997年后,该病出现于我国,并广泛流行于... 番鸭呼肠孤病毒感染是危害番鸭养殖业的一种重要传染病,其病原是番鸭呼肠孤病毒(Muscovy duck reovirus,MDRV)[1]。MDRV感染于1950年在南非首次报道[2],随后在法国[1]、以色列[3]等国亦有发生,1997年后,该病出现于我国,并广泛流行于福建、广东、浙江、广西、江苏等地[4-11]。该病分为两种"病型"。 展开更多
关键词 呼肠孤病毒 L2 重要传染病 序列分析 正呼肠孤病毒属 病型 基因片段 进化分析 REOVIRUS 分离株
草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)组织蛋白酶L基因克隆及表达特性分析 被引量:1
作者 刘益 刘巧林 +3 位作者 陈开健 乔庆 谭素梅 肖调义 《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期52-59,共8页
为探究组织蛋白酶L(Cathepsin L,CtsL)是否在草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)体内发挥免疫功能,根据已构建的草鱼肌肉转录组数据库中unigene序列,采用RACE技术首次克隆得到全长为1 496 bp的草鱼组织蛋白酶L基因(CiCtsL)cDNA序列。序列分... 为探究组织蛋白酶L(Cathepsin L,CtsL)是否在草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)体内发挥免疫功能,根据已构建的草鱼肌肉转录组数据库中unigene序列,采用RACE技术首次克隆得到全长为1 496 bp的草鱼组织蛋白酶L基因(CiCtsL)cDNA序列。序列分析和同源建模显示该基因编码的蛋白具备组织蛋白酶前体抑制结构域I29和木瓜蛋白酶家族半胱氨酸蛋白酶Pept_C1结构域。系统进化分析表明,CiCtsL与斑马鱼CtsL聚为一支。CiCtsL mRNA在7个组织中均有表达,其中肝脏中的相对表达水平最高。感染GCRV后,CiCtsL在各组织中的表达量显著上调,呈现先上升后下降的趋势。研究表明CiCtsL参与了草鱼抵抗GCRV的免疫应答反应,可在草鱼先天免疫调控中发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 草鱼 组织蛋白酶L 基因克隆 草鱼呼肠孤病毒(Grass CARP reovirus GCRV) 基因表达
新型鸭呼肠孤病毒病研究进展 被引量:18
作者 谢碧林 林志敏 +2 位作者 林彬彬 翁汉东 王秀祯 《福建畜牧兽医》 2021年第1期23-26,30,共5页
关键词 新型鸭呼肠孤病毒(Novel duck reovirus NDRV) 研究进展
High Level Expression of Grass Carp Reovirus VP7 Protein in Prokaryotic Cells 被引量:14
作者 Lan-lan ZHANG Jin-yu SHEN +2 位作者 Cheng-feng LEI Xiao-ming LI Qin FANG 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期51-56,共6页
Sequences analysis revealed Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) s10 was 909 nucleotides coding a 34 kDa protein denoted as VP7, which was determined to be a viral outer capsid protein (OCP). To obtain expressed OCP in vitro, a... Sequences analysis revealed Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) s10 was 909 nucleotides coding a 34 kDa protein denoted as VP7, which was determined to be a viral outer capsid protein (OCP). To obtain expressed OCP in vitro, a full length VP7 gene was produced by RT-PCR amplification, and the amplified fragment was cloned into T7 promoted prokaryotic expression vector pRSET. The recombinant plasmid,which was named as pR/GCRV-VP7,was then transformed into E.coli BL21 host cells. The data indicated that the expressed recombinant was in frame with the N-terminal fusion peptide. The over-expressed fusion protein was produced by inducing with IPTG, and its molecular weight was about 37kDa, which was consistent with its predicted size. In addition, the fusion protein was produced in the form of the inclusion body with their yield remaining steady at more than 60% of total bacterial protein. Moreover,the expressed protein was able to bind immunologically to anti-his-tag monoclonal antibody (mouse) and anti-GCRV serum (rabbit). This work provides a research basis for further structure and function studies of GCRV during entry into cells. 展开更多
关键词 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) VP7 protein Prokaryotic expression
Expression of Outer Capsid Protein VP5 of Grass Carp Reovirus in E.coli and Analysis of its Immunogenicity 被引量:5
作者 Lan-lan ZHANG Jin-yu SHEN +3 位作者 Cheng-feng LEI Chao FAN Gui-jie HAO Qin FANG 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期545-551,共7页
Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is a tentative member of the Aquareovirus genus in the family Reoviridae. The mature virion comprises 11 dsRNA genomes enclosed by two concentric icosahedral proteins shells that is comprise... Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is a tentative member of the Aquareovirus genus in the family Reoviridae. The mature virion comprises 11 dsRNA genomes enclosed by two concentric icosahedral proteins shells that is comprised of five core proteins and two outer capsid proteins. The genome sequence and 3D structure demonstrate there is a higher level of sequence homology in structural proteins between GCRV and mammalian orthoreoviruses (MRV) compared to other members of the family. To understand the pathogenesis of GCRV infection, the outer capsid protein VP5, a homology of the μ1 protein of MRV, was expressed in E.coli. It was found that the recombinant VP5 was highly expressed, and the expressed His-tag fusion protein was involved in the formation of the inclusion body. Additionally, specific anti-VP5 serum was prepared from purified protein and western blot demonstrated that the expressed protein was able to bind immunologically to rabbit anti GCRV particle serum and the immunogenicity was determined by ELISA assay. Additional experiments in investigating the functional properties of VP5 will further elucidate the role of the GCRV outer capsid protein VP5 during entry into host cells, and its interaction among viral proteins and host cells during the infection process. 展开更多
关键词 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) Outer capsid protein VP5 Expression in E.coli IMMUNOGENICITY
Molecular Characterization of Nonstructural Protein NS38 of Grass Carp Reovirus 被引量:5
作者 Ling SHAO Chao FAN +1 位作者 Ewa Maj Qin FANG 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期123-129,共7页
Viral nonstructural proteins in both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses play important roles in viral replication. Protein NS38 of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV), has been deduced to be a non-structural protein, and, con... Viral nonstructural proteins in both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses play important roles in viral replication. Protein NS38 of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV), has been deduced to be a non-structural protein, and, consistent with other reoviruses, is considered to cooperate with the NS80 protein in viral particle assembly. To investigate the molecular basis of the role of NS38, a complete protein was expressed in E.coli for the first time. It was found that there is a better expression of NS38 induced with IPTG at 28 ℃ rather than 37 ℃. In addition, the antiserum of NS38 prepared with purified fusion protein and injected into rabbit could be used for detecting NS38 protein expression in GCRV infected cell lysate, while there is not any reaction crossed with purified virus particle, confirming NS38 is not a component of the viral structural protein. The result reported in this study will provide evidence for further viral protein-protein and protein-RNA interaction in dsRNA viruses replication. 展开更多
关键词 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) Nonstructural protein NS38 Recombinant expression
The VP2 protein of grass carp reovirus(GCRV) expressed in a baculovirus exhibits RNA polymerase activity 被引量:4
作者 Liming Yan Huan Liu +1 位作者 Xiaoming Li Qin Fang 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期86-93,共8页
The double-shelled grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is capable of endogenous RNA transcription and processing.Genome sequence analysis has revealed that the protein VP2,encoded by gene segment 2 (S2),is the putative RNA... The double-shelled grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is capable of endogenous RNA transcription and processing.Genome sequence analysis has revealed that the protein VP2,encoded by gene segment 2 (S2),is the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp).In previous work,we have ex-pressed the functional region of VP2 that is associated with RNA polymerase activity (denoted as rVP2390-900) in E.coil and have prepared a polyclonal antibody against VP2.To characterize the GCRV RNA polymerase,a recombinant full-length VP2 (rVP2) was first constructed and expressed in a baculovirus system,as a fusion protein with an attached His-tag.Immunofluorescence (IF) assays,together with immunoblot (IB) analyses from both expressed cell extracts and purified Histagged rVP2,showed that rVP2 was successfully expressed in Sf9 cells.Further characterization of the replicase activity showed that purified rVP2 and GCRV particles exhibited poly(C)-dependent poly(G) polymerase activity.The RNA enzymatic activity required the divalent cation Mg2+,and was optimal at 28 ℃.The results provide a foundation for further studies on the RNA polymerases of aquareoviruses during viral transcription and replication. 展开更多
关键词 grass carp reovirus (GCRV) VP2 protein baculovirus recombinant RNA polymerase
Clinical development of reovirus for cancer therapy:An oncolytic virus with immune-mediated antitumor activity 被引量:10
作者 Jun Gong Esha Sachdev +1 位作者 Alain C Mita Monica M Mita 《World Journal of Methodology》 2016年第1期25-42,共18页
Reovirus is a double-stranded RNA virus with demonstrated oncolysis or preferential replication in cancer cells. The oncolytic properties of reovirus appear to be dependent, in part, on activated Ras signaling. In add... Reovirus is a double-stranded RNA virus with demonstrated oncolysis or preferential replication in cancer cells. The oncolytic properties of reovirus appear to be dependent, in part, on activated Ras signaling. In addition, Ras-transformation promotes reovirus oncolysis by affecting several steps of the viral life cycle. Reovirusmediated immune responses can present barriers to tumor targeting, serve protective functions against reovirus systemic toxicity, and contribute to therapeutic efficacy through antitumor immune-mediated effects via innate and adaptive responses. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the broad anticancer activity of wild-type, unmodified type 3 Dearing strain reovirus(Reolysin) across a spectrum of malignancies. The development of reovirus as an anticancer agent and available clinical data reported from 22 clinical trials will be reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 REOVIRUS Type 3 Dearing ONCOLYTIC virus Ras EPIDERMAL growth factor receptor Clinical TRIAL PRECLINICAL Immune modulation
Suppression of RNA Interference Pathway in vitro by Grass Carp Reovirus 被引量:3
作者 Shuai Guo Dan Xu +3 位作者 Hong-xu Xu Tu Wang Jia-le Li Li-qun Lu 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期109-119,共11页
The means of survival of genomic dsRNA of reoviruses from dsRNA-triggered and Dicer-initiated RNAi pathway remains to be defined. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) replica... The means of survival of genomic dsRNA of reoviruses from dsRNA-triggered and Dicer-initiated RNAi pathway remains to be defined. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) replication on the RNAi pathway of grass carp kidney cells (CIK). The dsRNA-triggered RNAi pathway was demonstrated unimpaired in CIK cells through RNAi assay. GCRV-specific siRNA was generated in CIK cells transfected with purified GCRV genomic dsRNA in Northern blot analysis; while in GCRV-infected CIK cells, no GCRV-specific siRNA could be detected. Infection and transfection experiments further indicated that replication of GCRV correlated with the increased transcription level of the Dicer gene and functional inhibition of in vitro synthesized egfp-siRNA in silencing the EGFP reporter gene. These data demonstrated that although only the genomic dsRNA of GCRV was sensitive to the cellular RNAi pathway, unidentified RNAi suppressor protein(s) might contribute to the survival of the viral genome and efficient viral replication. 展开更多
关键词 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) RNA interference (RNAi) DICER Northern blot
Circulation of Immunosuppressive Viruses and Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus in Backyard Chicken Flocks 被引量:1
作者 Priscila de Castro Almeida Pricila Ribeiro Silva Borges +6 位作者 Priscilla K.Koerich Roberta Torres de Melo Igor Alves Batista Eliane Pereira Mendonca Rogério Reis Silva Lillian Karla Silva Belchiolina Beatriz Fonseca 《Advances in Microbiology》 2020年第5期203-213,共11页
The objective of this study was to evaluate the circulation of Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV), Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), Avian Reovirus (ARV) and Avian Encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) in properties of backyard... The objective of this study was to evaluate the circulation of Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV), Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV), Avian Reovirus (ARV) and Avian Encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) in properties of backyard chickens and carry out an epidemiological analysis. We evaluated 200 samples of chickens from 19 backyard chicken property. Only one property (P10) did not present serological titers for the diseases evaluated. This property is close to industrial farms as well as the other properties, however, P10 remained a few years without the breeding of chicks and these were the first poultry to be housed on site. This reinforces the importance of the fallow period for poultry production. The prevalence of virus-seroreactive birds was 78% (156/200), 64.5% (129/200), 78% (156/200), 78% (156/200) for CAV, IBDV, ARV and, EA, respectively. All the free-range farms studied are within a radius of 500 meters to 6 Km away from some establishments of industrial poultry. There was a correlation between serological titers for CAV and the frequency of disease in poultry (r = 0.6178). In places where birds are frequently sick, 30.76% reported that the disease occurs in chicks, 30.76% in broilers, 23.07% in broiler chickens and 7.69% in birds of all ages. Birds get sick more often in the summer period. The owners reported that the most common signs of disease were respiratory signs (snoring and nasal discharge) (46.15%), diarrhea (30.76%), and paralysis of wings and/or paws (38.46%). There was a correlation between the presence of untreated water in the property and serological titers for ARV (r = 0.5576). This report draws attention not only to high serological prevalence for the viruses studied but also important epidemiological aspects of backyard chicken diseases that may indirectly influence the industrial production. 展开更多
关键词 Chicken Anemia Virus Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Avian Reovirus EPIDEMIOLOGY
Pteropine Orthoreovirus(PRV7S)does not Establish Persistent Infection in NP460 Cells but with Inflammatory Response Triggered
作者 LOH Mun Khin Alson SIEW Zhen Yun +4 位作者 LEONG Pooi Pooi KOH Rhun Yian CHYE Soi Moi WONG Siew Tung VOON Kenny 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第9期886-891,共6页
Pteropine orthoreovirus(PRV)is a nonenveloped double-stranded RNA(dsRNA)virus of the genus Orthoreovirus under the family Reoviridae.The PRV genome is composed of 10 dsRNA segments,including three large(L)segments,thr... Pteropine orthoreovirus(PRV)is a nonenveloped double-stranded RNA(dsRNA)virus of the genus Orthoreovirus under the family Reoviridae.The PRV genome is composed of 10 dsRNA segments,including three large(L)segments,three medium(M)segments,and four small(S)segments surrounded by an icosahedral capsid[1]. 展开更多
Establishment of Universal RT-PCR Detection Method for Duck Reovirus
作者 Yongjuan WANG Weiyong ZUO +4 位作者 Shanyuan ZHU Anping WANG Shuang WU Weiming HONG Hui LU 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2016年第6期28-30,共3页
This study was conducted to rapidly detect clinical infection condition of duck reovirus. A pair of specific primers was designed according to gene se- quence of σC protein of duck reovirus, and a specific RT-PCR det... This study was conducted to rapidly detect clinical infection condition of duck reovirus. A pair of specific primers was designed according to gene se- quence of σC protein of duck reovirus, and a specific RT-PCR detection method of duck reovirus was established with genome of duck reovirus as template. Differ- ent samples were collected from ducks infected by suspected reovirus in Jiangsu Province and subjected to PCR detection. The results showed that the established RT-PCR method could specifically amplify the 438 bp sequence of the conservative region of σC gene, and detec the DNA of duck rcovirus as low as 1gf, with a detection rate of 100%. The RT-PCR method could be used for rapid clinical diagnosis of duck reovirus. 展开更多
Effect of Maternal Antibodies on the Pathogenesis of Avian Reovirus Infections in Broiler Chickens Using Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
作者 Kejun Guo Teresa Dormitorio +1 位作者 Shan-Chi Ou Joseph Giambrone 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1058-1063,共6页
The effect of maternal antibodies on the pathogenesis of avian reovirus (ARV) was studied in commercial and specific pathogen free broilers (SPF) using a real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain rea... The effect of maternal antibodies on the pathogenesis of avian reovirus (ARV) was studied in commercial and specific pathogen free broilers (SPF) using a real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, along with the incidence and severity of morbidity, mortality, and gross lesions. ARV RNA was detected in cloacal swabs in both bird groups from the first day throughout the 21 days experiment. Commercial broiler chickens, which had high maternal antibodies against ARV, showed minimum clinical signs, gross lesions, and lower numbers of birds with viral RNA excretion, whereas specific pathogen free (SPF) broiler chickens, which did not have antibody against ARVs, had 30% mortality, more severe signs, and higher numbers of birds excreting viral RNA. The highest peak of SPF birds excreting viral RNA occurred during the time of maximum mortality. The protective effect of maternal antibody on ARV pathogenesis in broiler chickens correlated with the detection of ARV RNA using the real-time RT-PCR. 展开更多
关键词 PATHOGENESIS ANTIBODY avian reovirus real-time RT-PCR.
Development of Oncolytic Reovirus for Cancer Therapy
作者 Ergin Sahin Michael E. Egger +1 位作者 Kelly M. McMasters Heshan Sam Zhou 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2013年第6期1100-1115,共16页
Reovirus, a double-stranded RNA virus, can infect many types of cancer cells and cause oncolysis. Mammalian reovirus has exhibited promising anticancer activity in clinical trials and holds great advantages and promis... Reovirus, a double-stranded RNA virus, can infect many types of cancer cells and cause oncolysis. Mammalian reovirus has exhibited promising anticancer activity in clinical trials and holds great advantages and promise as an anticancer agent. Reovirus is not associated with any serious human diseases, naturally targets and destroys tumors, and lacks the DNA synthesis stage, thus avoiding potential DNA insertion mutations. This review discusses the properties of reovirus related to oncolysis and the mechanisms of oncolytic selection, and summarizes the preclinical and clinical studies that have led to the current Phase III trial. In addition, three major challenges in the development of reovirus-mediated oncolytic therapy are discussed. These are: the mechanisms of reovirus oncolysis remain to be fully characterized;the host immune responses should be manipulated to enhance viral anti-tumor effects;and the efficacy of reovirus oncolysis may be further improved by developing new vectors and studying other double-stranded RNA viruses. 展开更多
Construction of Short Hairpin RNA Vector with σNS & σC Genes of Avian Reovirus and Determination of Interference Effect
作者 XIONG Wen-jie XIE Zhi-xun +4 位作者 LIU Jia-bo PANG Yao-shan XIE Zhi-qin DENG Xian-wen XIE Li-ji 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2012年第3期133-137,共5页
[ Objective] The aim was to explore novel method for treatment of Avian Reovirus. [ Method] According to the design principle of siRNA target sequences, siRNA templates were designed and synthesized and then cloned in... [ Objective] The aim was to explore novel method for treatment of Avian Reovirus. [ Method] According to the design principle of siRNA target sequences, siRNA templates were designed and synthesized and then cloned into the shRNA expression vector, namely, pSilencer-CMV 4.1 neo. Short hairpin RNA vector C1, C2, C3, which contain σC gene, and shRNA vector NS1, NS2, NS3, which contain aNS gene, were constructed separately. The constructed shRNA vectors and negative control were co-transfected into DF-1 cells with the eukaryotic expression vector pEG- FP-σC and pEGFP-σNS, respectively. [ Result] Observation through fluorescence microscope indicated that the constructed 6 shRNA could inhibit the expression of fusion protein to different degrees. In addition, results of Real-time PCR suggested that C3 and NS1 have the best interference effect to the viral duplication in vitro. [ Conclusionl Construction and selection of specific shRNA expression vectors inhibiting Avian Reovirus are significant for researching effects of σC and oNS proteins in infection and duplication of ARV, providing new idea for ARV antiviral therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Avian Reovirus Short Hairpin RNA INTERFERENCE
Virus genomes and virus-host interactions in aquaculture animals 被引量:31
作者 ZHANG QiYa GUI Jian-Fang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期156-169,共14页
Over the last 30 years,aquaculture has become the fastest growing form of agriculture production in the world,but its development has been hampered by a diverse range of pathogenic viruses.During the last decade,a lar... Over the last 30 years,aquaculture has become the fastest growing form of agriculture production in the world,but its development has been hampered by a diverse range of pathogenic viruses.During the last decade,a large number of viruses from aquatic animals have been identified,and more than 100 viral genomes have been sequenced and genetically characterized.These advances are leading to better understanding about antiviral mechanisms and the types of interaction occurring between aquatic viruses and their hosts.Here,based on our research experience of more than 20 years,we review the wealth of genetic and genomic information from studies on a diverse range of aquatic viruses,including iridoviruses,herpesviruses,reoviruses,and rhabdoviruses,and outline some major advances in our understanding of virus–host interactions in animals used in aquaculture. 展开更多
关键词 AQUACULTURE viral genome antiviral defense iridoviruses reoviruses rhabdoviruses HERPESVIRUSES host-virusinteractions
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